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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 10, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> this is f france 24. i am j jeannie godzilllla. -- i am genie godula. thenjamin netetyahu may havave edge forming a governi coalition and leading for a historic fifth term. the eu looks set to give theresa may a second delay on brexexit. eu leaders couldld demandd a lor
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extension withth conditions.s. pressure buildsn omar al-bashir. thousands of protesters demand he step down after 30 years in power. business,p in opposition lawmakers are taking extraordinary measures to try to opop the privatization o of a a profitable statate owned air operator. as brexit drags on, we look at one of t the most divisivee iss, ththe backstop, the subject of today.
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ththe finanal results from the election in israel l are yet toe released. counted, thes party of benjamin netanyahu looks to finish with a similar amount of seats in parliament as bennnny gantz.. netanyahu should be able to form a rulining c coalition in parliament. benjamin netanyahu is heading forr reelection. thehe -- a looks likee he i lookiking at reelection. he will become thehe longest serving prime minister.
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they show a dead heat between the two biggest parties. have 35 seats apiece. is coalitions t that matttter. thatat is where benjamin netanyh haththe adntagage. he has managed to sesecure the supppport of orthodoxx jewish parties and those on the far right. he has gotten support from m a centrist party thaha backed netanyahu during the last parliamement. benny gantztz was hoping he woud be able to flip them. that appears not to be happening. we heard from benny gantz, ying the s situati looks blblea to whata stark contrast i saw y yesrday at ththe headquarters of f benny gantz. it was j jubilant when the exixt
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polls were announced. he t told supporters therere are winnnners and there are losers d we are the winners. he has had to roroll back on tht today y as the difficulties of forming a coalitioion become clr for him. , sixre is a suggestion months ago, he was not thehe politician at all. he only formed an alllliance two montnths ago. the palestinian peace process,s, there is question o f what effect this e election will have on ththat. beenthe peaeace process has struruggling for a long g time the reelection of benjnjam netanyahahu will not make things better. netetanyahu final push, told a station here he would as itisraeli settlements remains illegal under internatationa law. that would make e it hdd for
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palelestinians to form a viaiabe statate of their own. serious for b be more palestinians and for the peace process because of thehe alliaie it seems netanyahu is tryingng o build. both parties go fufurther t than netanyahu u and talk about annexing t the whole. the situation for them is looking pretetty bleak. lowerer be why we saw a voterr turnoutut in israel yesterday. arab parties heree losing out three seats. what we don't knknow at this ste is whether or not this was s a campaiaign rhetoric on behehf of smaller partrties or wther t thy will follow w rough on trying to force benjnjamin netanyahu to annex the e whole of the west bank. politics is moving right and that iss not gooood for palestiniaians or ththe peace
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prococess. genie: thanknk you. next, the brbritish prime minister, theresa mamay, spent e day in germany and france ahead of the eu emergenc summit, trying to get the european union to approve a a second delay on brexitit. other member statates seem to be okayeded with that, but queuests remainin on how w long the delay should be.e. alasta campbelell was on ththe set, an advisor to tony blair.. he gave us his take on the latest request for a brexit extension.n. >> she will l go through the motions fofor askininfor a short extensn and they will makeke it clclr shehe cannot have that. all shshe will use ththat for is trying to o manage the warringng factions. therere will be e a long extxte. it is a good think. it opens the door to a greater period of reflection and will le to a refeferendum and give
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people a chance to say based on everything we know about brexit, do you want t to carryry on? heardrd t tony blair posco formrmer advisor talking about a second referendum. is that t a viablele option? >> the p problem with the principle of f a second refendum is effectively it says remain has to win once for the e decisn to be final whehereas leaeaveaso to bebefor thee d decision final. leave e will sayay that is unfa. they will campaiaign for a third n a aendum if remain wo second referenm.m. ev if f there were aaay forwawad on the second referendum, howow mamany questions should be p puo the people i in the sesecond referendum?
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what abobout the scenarios the house of comommons h has voted . whatat about norway or cocommon market 2.0? who wouldd campaign for t those optitions and who would expxplao voters who arere not professionl political analysts of the e eu what each ofof those options means.s. rememberer the u.k. electionon cocommission assesses the referendudumtyy of commissions. it is importrtant voteters can k their ballot papers eaeasily. britatain costding future relationship with the future e eu is anythingg b but e can say decididing britain' future relationship w with the future eu is anythining but eae. gegenie: is i it enough to heale massive division thatt is ripping the u.u.k. apart? >> we have heard about pressure
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fromom conservative grassroots. abobout thehappy chcheckers plan.n. they are more unhahappy bebecaue ththeresa may y is talking to labourur. a custotoms do not wantnt union asas labour is propososin. -- that isis a anything a futurere tory prprime ministes to deaeal with, whether it iss theresa may or someone else. labobour is splitt a as well. party members wantnt labour leadershship tback a seconond referendum intnto campaign on remain. the leadership of boboth parties isis in a bind. neither can move m much without making interernal divisions wor. doesis the dynamic a and it not change, regardldless how log the extension is g going to be. genie: thank you.. to get more reaction from
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brussels, let's to dave. what are you hearing about thiss flex tension?? tell us s out thahat. >> what i hear from brussssels s this is thee preferred option from brusselels. it would be a long time extension n that could be ended anytytime the u.k. is able to , thatt would be possibly too the end of thee y , mamay be a full calendndar yearm now.w. longer than w what thereresa may requeuested. she requested a delalay until je 30. a lot of people are not excited about t that. ththey donon't want to cocome bk to get the eusels
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past the short term extension.. too donald tusk wrotee leads,s, he d not seem enenthusiastic. he said it would be e unlikekely theresesa may would obtain n a l and th i is why hehe thinks flextension w would bee t the oe bebecause the u.u.k. would h hae flexibility to leave b before tt period.. sebastian kurtz z thinks a short extension n would keep thee prpressure o on the u.k. parliat to approve thehe deal as soon as popossib. wanantske everyonee elsee brbrexit to be o over as soon as possible. genie: is thehere a risk at all that the eu summmmit collapses.
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>> they are angry the situauatin hass d drawn on so long and thee tememper that somebody's ''s flares up and thehey say fot itit, i am v vetoing the whole thing. this remains unlikelyecause itt could lead to a an economic catastrophphe. it is s always w within the reaf possssibility. s saying thecron was u.k. has not met redlines for extending pasast the 12th of april. ththeresa mamay i is going to ce here today. she isis going to tell l leaderi have opepened up talks with thee
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poposition.. that is enouough of a change to rant this exextension. a lolot will depend onon her opg statement to leaders. three weekss ago, there were planans in place for how to proceed and theresa may cameme toe a and flubbed her addressss eu leaders. they fouounder evasiveve, unsns, and d after shshe left, eu u les lost a all cononfidence in her abability to lead the u.k. or gt a deal done.e. suddenly they said we had to get harsher with them and d that is how we e ended up with this shot exextension until april 12. itit is p psible if t theresa my blows it, eu leadersrs say we he lost all confidedence, we have o riofoff the bandnd-aid now. again, thahat is unlikelely givn the fact t the eu d does not wao be seen asas the one to c cse ao deal chaototic brexit.
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genie: thank you.. less than n one momonth after tr attack's on two mosques in christchurch, new zealand, ththy have voted to change their gun laws. it bans components modifying exexistingng weapons a and autoc and semiautomatic weapons. it n needs the approval l of new zealand's governor general. a white supremacist has been charged with the murder of 50 people after thahat attack.. u.s., u.k., and norway haha thrown their weight bebehind the protests in n sudan. thousands have shown out demanding theresident omamar al-basashir step down. people werey 20
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killed yesterday when security brereak up the e si inin. on tuesday nigight, protesters theirir phone and a call for president omar al-bashir to resign. demonstrations over the rising cost of food prices morphed into a call for a new gornment.. the presint came to power in a mililitary coup i in 1989. the mimitary compopound has opee up to giveve protesters shelter. sosoldiers protected protesters from security forces.
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it seems this is as far as they will go. th say the military has nothing to do wiwith political matters. beenocountry's policece has ordered to no longer intervene. supppport for the movement may e gathering. respond tostatates protesteter demands. this phototo has g gone viral. -- a nububianalalled queen of ancients ududon. measles obreak has pushed new york city officials to declare a public health emergency. people have to get vaccines or risk a $1000 fine.
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nick reports. is orderingcity mandatory measles vaccinations to address a public health emergency in northwe brooklyn. the goal is to tackle an outbre in the ultra-orthodox jewish community. some people are opposed due to religious backgrounds. >> we aree declariring a public health ememergency effective immediately. thisis will mandate vaccines for peopople living in thehe affectd area. the e department o of health wil issue violations and finds two people who remain unvaccinated. been 2 285 cases sincnce october. healalth officials condemn what
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they call misinformatation of opponents. >> it isis mostltly people inine jewish c communityty who do nott to get vaccinated. we need religious leaders and communitity leaders to convince those p people they need to protect their owown children and have a responsibility to t the communy y and sociciety. rules, peop face a finene of $1$1000 if they do not have proofof of immunity. locals are aware there is a crisis. >> they are saying you have e to keep your children a and communy safe, please go and vaccinate yourseself. has beeeen measles ououtbreaks in f four other stao far ththis yeaear. look at the headlines. both sides claimed victory in the israeli elelection. benjamin n netanyahu may have ee
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edge in forming a govoverning cocoalition and leaeading for a historic fifth term. the eu looks set to give theresa may a seconds delay on brexit. she is angling for a few more montnt. leaders s could demand a longer extension n with conditions. pressure builds on omar al-bashir. norway., u.k., and throwing their weight behind the protestersrs demanding he step down after 30 years inin power. it is time forr our business update with briaian. you start t with a warning thatt the global e economy is facing a dedelicatete moment. number of risks including trade tensions. those risks leading the imf to cut its prediction for global economic growth in 2019. the world economy is expected to
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grow at 3.3% this year, down from 3.5% forecast in january. the euroro zone and the united states saw their outlooks scaled back as well. imf warning trade disputeses should be settled in the spirit of cooperatition or risk destabilizing the e economic trajectory. the asian indedex is jitteryry n the forecast. in europe, all eyes are on the latest policy y announcement frm the european central bank. the ecb expected to keep lding rates steady. investors are looking to see whwhat other measures it i is considering to counter the slowdown being felin europe. the ecb announced a mumultiyear cheap loans t to european banks. european indexes are trading higher. the ftse 100 with slight t gain.
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>> o opposition lawmakers are tataking measureres to try totop the privatizatation of the wor's leadingg airpoport operarator. owned,i it is 51%1% state the e macron government t wantso -- to fundd ththey are w watching - -- theye launchching a a refererendum top the sale. >> an unusual scene opopposition lawmakers from m lt and right united. theyey a are trying to s stop te privatization of what they see as one of the g government's crn jewels. they are usising a shared initiative referendum.
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french peoplengg an opportunity to tell the government they do not want this privatization. it is going to cost them a lot of money. >> a adp is the second most valuable c company and runs pa'' airports and more than 20 internrnationally. in 4.5year, it brought billion euros inevenue.. 5 51%.overnment o owns it says itit is time to sell and it will help finance a f fund fr innotionon. critics have called it an economic mistatake. the referendum to stop it, 10% of the electorate e will have to vote against the privatitizatio, but this w will take time. itit must be approved by the constitutional councilil. citizens will have ninine months to sn.n. t to: uber is s getting adady launch the biggest tech ipo of all time.
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brian: they are seeking to raise $10 0 billion in its public stok mark d debut thehe ipo register for on thursday, seeking to value the company between $90 billion and 100 b billion dollars. that is down from $120 billilio. in 11.3 bililon dollars last year. has yet to turn a profit. shares are expxpected to begin trading onon wall street in may. genie: airbnb is in a delicatete situatioion. brbrian: t they haveve reversesa settlements remove homes from the westerer bank.
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lawsuits launched in israel and the u.s. accusing airbnb of discrimination against jews come -- convinced the company. says it will donate any profits from west bank listings toto humanitarian aid organizations. genie: theresasa may is rushshig off t to brussels. mamany peoplple, wine lovovers particicularly, are rushing to stock up on wine. brian:n: the n no deal brexit potentiallyy looming, britishsh aficicionados of potent popota's are afraid the tax acrososs spirits mamay be about to dry u. some have rushed to border shops to stock up. >> they have taken t their holiy to france early. might be raining rather than nice and sunny, but it is still mimission accomplplished.
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theyey have ststocked u up on 30 bottles ofof wine. affffected thisnot purchahase, b but it has affect the timiming. we wanted to make suree we wantd to have e wine before we crashed out with no deal. tsmay not be able to do again.n. >> a p possible hard brexit has worried.oving brits almost all of the clientele here is british. >> there has been an upsurge in british pepeople coming g to ca. >> it is not just shopping affected. shipments of wind to the u.k. from france are up by almost a third. distributors increase their stockpiles. the u.k. is the second largest alcohol aftfterch the united states. lastear it imported more than one billion eurosos wororth of e
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and spirits from france. some are worried sales will drop if the value of the pound against the euro sinks as a result of brexit.. i might rush off to calaisis, myself. genie: and you are not e even british.h. [laughter] juice jojockeying, do you know what that means? brian: i do not. revealedd will be coming up in the next half h hor after the e news.
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donald d trump: i'm establilishg new vettining measures to keep radical islamamic terrorists out of the united states of america. we don't want 'em here. larara kiswani:i: there's a stia of ararab people, , muslim peoee in ththis country designed to perprpetuate andnd justify t thr on teterror, and that's what a lot of arabs and muslims are facing today, sort of a really undignified struggle to just live. dr. raramzi salti: it takess courage e to be able to stand dp to racisism, turn itit into a positive moment a momoment of learning g where you u actually use that momement to educate, to let people know about the rich diversity of your culturere. lamees dahbour: we e want our community,y, like, sanan francio


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