tv DW News LINKTV April 10, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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this is dw news. what is prime minister theresa may pleads for another brexit delay. patience is wearing thin. >> we need time to work to ensure that we can get a deal for parliament. >> i am inpatient toto hear what she has to say. as far as i am concerned, -- emmanuel macron playing bad cop to angela merkel good cop in brussels.
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britain will much likely get an extension. a much longer one. one with conditions. out of thihis world, astronomers reveal the first-ever image of a blackhole. one of the most mysterious -- benjamin netanyahu not -- netanyahu is on course. his main challenger has conceded defeat but is promising an opposition the netanyahu will not be able to ignore. to our viewers on pbs in the u.s. and around the world, welcome. theresa may is urging the eu to give her country.
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she is now waiting for their decision. she states she was a short decision. so britain will not be forced to participate in the upcoming european parliamentary sanctions. patients with britain has worn thin. some leaders want to propose a longer extension on britain to ensure the company passes -- country passes a bill for an orderly exit from the eu. here is what we heard today from the main players in the debate. over granting another bricks of extension. >> i have been clear that the u.k. request is for an extension until june 30. i'm trying to make sure we leave the eu but parliament did not pass the withdrawal agreement. we need the extra time to work
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to ensure that we can get a deal for parliament. that is in everybody's interest. i think what matters is that we are able to leave the eu at the point at which we ratify that withdrawal agreement. that would enable less to leave on the 22nd of may. >> the announcement that the u.k. is also preparing for the elections is very important to me. that will guarantee the continued functioning of the european institutions. it is of the utmost importance to us that the u.k. leaves the eu in an orderly manner. >> now it's time for decisions. a lot of times dedicated to that. i am interested to hear what she
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has to say but as far as i'm concernened, nothingng is a giv. >> how much time will theresa may get if any? welcome to my guest. how close are we to finding out if and when theresa may and the u.k. will get the extension? >> we are getting closer, slowly but surely. there is no -- in the big summit room where the 27 are sitting together. drinking coffee and haggling about will it be three months or six months or nine months or 12? they might as well flip a coin.
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however, the french president has been really digging himself in. he also let it be known that he is not contented with the guarantees that have so far been put down to tie britain's hands as long as it is a member of the eu. in order not to disturb business and the other decisions of the eu. he is playing hardball. it is up to angela merkel and the other leaders to get him down out of the tree that he has climbed up on. >> they may be flipping coins in brussels. in london, the brakes and tears might be sharpening their knives. they are angry with the prime minister. >> yes they are. they are furious that she is capitulating to the eu.
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she is putting the uk's life in the hands of france and germany in particular. as to what they decide, the likely possibility is that the u.k. will be taking part in the european parliamentary elections. everything that she has said, no deal is better than a bad deal. she has proven that wrong. we are still sitting here wondering when the u.k. is going to leave. we are also hearing that tomorrow, breaks the tears along with the leader of the dep are going to meet michel cartier to put their views and why they don't want this agreement to him. they feel the choice is not listening. >> we understand there are plans
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to prevent what is being called british mischief if the u.k. reminds -- remains a member of the u.k. for another year. who are they concerned about? >> that is boris johnson. they also call this a boris locke. they are trying to childproof the for exit extension. when britain will be an unwilling member of the eu. they can be so certain decisions. they can talk down whatever and every discussion and every proposal that is coming up. they can try to interfere in the election of the new eu officials. that will be happening this summer. france in particular but others like the netherlands don't want that. they want to tie their hands.
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they want to somehow say you have to promise and we have to make some sort of contract that you will not interfere in our usual business as long as you are in the block. legally, that is almost impossible. politically, they can do it. >> we know all it takes is a tweak. what is going on back in london? besides the worries about mischief? there is talk about the labour party and conservatives. >> theresa may is it brussels but they are due to resume tomorrow. they have not been going particularly well. there have been no breakthroughs and we are hearing that tomorrow night, theresa may will not be bringing back her deal to parliament. there have been no breakthrough in those talks. there was the feeling that she
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would try to put it back to parliament in the hope that she could get this deal through. it won't be tomorrow. the reason why is that they cannot agree on what they want from bricks it. labour party would like the u.k. to remain in the customs union. that is one of theresa may's red lines. she does not want the u.k. to remain in the customs union because it would prevent the u.k. from striking trade deals outside the eu. however, there needs to be some compromise. if these talks are to come to anything. it looks like there is a long way to go before that happens. >> a long way to go in london. what about tonight? what are you betting on if you were a betting woman? how long is this extension want to be? >> at the moment i would tend to say at some point in the fall, like september or october, emmanuel macron really does need
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a compromise and a short extension. i don't put too much money on it. >> short, any way that translates will be just fine. we asked people on the streets of london what they think about britain's plea for an extension. on its withdrawal that from the eu. >> i would like there to be a long extension. i would like the whole extension to be reviewed and for there to be a people's vote. that is what's fair. you can have a deal against remain. >> that is treachery. taking our vote away. its money. >> we have wasted three years
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going nowhere. we have lost opportunity when i just wasting our time, we are wasting european time as well. >> i think leave fast then deal with repercussions afterwards. that is my thought. >> now for a story that takes us beyond the confines of earth. astronomers have revealed what they are calling a groundbreaking development. using a global network of telescopes. they have photographed the edge of a black hole for the first time. black holes are celestial objects with such a strong gravitational fields that even light gets sucked into them. >> this is the image t that has changed astronomy forever. eieight radio tetelescopes inn different lolocations acroross e globe have made the invisible visible.
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at the heart of our swirling milky way is a massive unseen object. a black hole. it is so dense, it sucks up anything that comes close even like itself. the point of no return, the boundary beyond which there is no escape from thehe gravitatiol pull is called the e event horizon.n. world-famous scientist albert einstein predicted the set size of this up 100 years ago. >> in 1915, albert einstein imagined that thisis idedea thaa very big weighght transformemed geometetry andnd when the mamass too heavy, you make a whole. a mysterious whole where nothing can get out of it. >> astronomers cannot see the milky way blackhole. they inferred its existetence fm the orbit of the stars around it.
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they say you need a radio telelescope as large as earth to image the hohot matter swirlingt the event horizon. by using the eight telescopes in various locations, synchronized with atomic clocks, they could gather enough d data to create this i image. >> you may wonder how this image was made in the first place. event horizon telescope data is like an incomplete puzzle set. we only see pieces of the real true image. then we have to fill in this gap of the missing pieces. to construct the physically possible image that is actually matching ourur data. astronomers want to explore how matter can disappear from our world forever.
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and take a deeper look into einstein's theory of relativity and his initial theory on black holes. >> from a distance, black holes seem wondrous but up close, they are the most terrifying things in the universe. >> this is an exciting story especially for those who are 's. we are joined by a fellow . good to have you on the program. why are black holes so dangerous? we heard in the story -- thehe astronomomers said they arere incrcrediblyly dangerous. why? >> i wouldld not call them dadaerous unlnless you g get rey close to thehem. if youou are far a away, it behs like any other star.
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if y you get r really clclose a blackhole, closese to the evenet horizozon, this isis a p pnt ofo return. youou were to movove at the spd of light, you wouould not be abe to escape the grgravitationall pull. you would be pulled to the center where you would be ripped apart. >> black holes have an imaginable mass but at the same time they are very small. a blackhole with a mass of our earth would be only as big as a chererry. how can that be? >> that is correct. a small blackhole the size of our son are formed when stars and their life and ththey collae into something extremelyly smal. if it was the s son, it would be as small a as a city a few
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kilometers across. ththe one we took a pipicture ot has billions of times the mass of the s sun. those when they collapse, they can become really small even though they have billions of times the mass of a star. this one has the size of our entire solar system. >> i was talking about the story. if black holes can suck in and bend light, what can they do to time? >> when something falls into the blackhole and we see it from far away, as far as we are concerned, time stands still. thisis is just an illusion f fo.
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with a person falliling into the blblackhole, as they cross thee horizon,n, they don't see anythg happenen. what is interesting is that for them, what used to be space becomes time in their only path forward is to thehe center of te singularity of the blackhole. >> this forces us to stretch our notions of time and space. i had to ask you, if we have been able to s see a blackhole, does that mean one day possibly we will be able to travel new one andd maybe travel through oe or travel through time? is all of this t time by the reresearch you a are doing? >> i would love to get close to a blackhole. who knows maybe we would be able to do it. but if physics works the way it we think it does, if y you c crs the event horizon you will never be ablble to come out.
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if you cross it, you will never see it again. >> the event horizon telescope project scientist, we appreciate your time today. we appreciate you explain thihis excitingng story to us. >> thank you very much. >> here are some other stories. algerians have kept up their protest against the country's political elite despipite the nw interim leader annnnouncing eltions for t the fourth of july. the country has been rocked by weeks of protests which pushed out the ailing leader. german police have raided it more than 30 premises here in berlin. they are elite to suspected far right extremists. 400 officers took part in the operation that don targeting 20 suspects. they are alleged to have established a network
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establishing the hooligan and other scenes. new zealand's parliament has voted to ban military style weapons in the wake of last month deadly mass shootings. the prime minister made an emotional speech today backing the measure. 50 people were killed in the attack on to mosques. a white supremacist is facing murder charges. authorities in rio say 10 people are dead after severe storms in the city. some residents described the downpours as the worst they have ever seen. a newspaper attacked the government for not doing more to protect against flood disasters. we are now to the middle east. benjamin netanyahu has secured victory in his country's parliamentary elections. his main challenger conceded defeat today despite being that
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connect finish at the polls. netanyahu is in position to form a majority coalition. leaders for the blue party say as the opposition, they will make life for netanyahu very difficult. >> it won't be a sweeping victory, but it will nonetheless be historic. benjamin netanyahu appears to have edged out a win for a record fifth term. the right-wing bloc is expected to hand his party a solid majority. the divisive election drew w mid reactions from israelis. >> i got what i wanted. just because and my opinion, therere is no better alternativ. you cannot just come out of nowhere and become a prime minister. he has all the experience and
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achievements. >> it shows how strong he is. now he can do whatever he wants. >> exit polls has on a deadlock with the center left blue-and-white alliance. he also declared victory but the optimism proved premature. >> he has been in the government for a while. i thought it was time for a change. >> i am devastated. we are surrounded by right-wing radical people who want to annex more territories in this part. we are never going to have peace. >> and the countdown to the election, he vowed for the first time t to and parts o of the occupied west bank. for some, this would end all hope for a two state solution with the palestinians. >> i think we have just witnessed a clear-cut vote by
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the israraelis to maintain the status quo. far as wewe are concerneded. this was a vote to maintntain te status quo. to maintain apartheid. >> the election was overshadowed by netanyahu's legal troubles. the attorney general recommended indicting him on bribery and bridge of trust charges. he denies any wrongdoing and would not be legally required to resign if formally charged. netanyahu appears to have beaten his most serious challenger thus far. the official results of the vote are expected later in the week. >> our jerusalem correspondent sent us her take on the election results. >> it was a tight race but despite looming indictments for corruptition and a strong challenge by the blue-and-white party, netanyahu appears to be on track to form another coalition government with the help of right-wing nationalists and parties.
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his fifth term as another shift to the right in israeli politics. >> a week after quitting his job as president of the german football present -- federation, he has stepped down from his post at international football. he was the president of european football's governing body as well as a member of the people cancel pilloriried -- fee for counsel. he accepted an expensive watch from a ukrainian official and failed to declare 78,000 euros in income. with good news, a german basketball great has announced his retirement. he has been the national basketball association's list of successful import and he was and remains adored by fans and dallas texas. he led the mavericks to their only nba title and was crowned
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the leaks most valuable player in 2007. he did an emotional farewell after 2121 years in dallas. >> as you might expect, this is my last home game. i want to thank my family. a lot of peoeoe for thehe win fm all over the world. it has been an amazing ride. thank you for coming out. >> the german player has come a long way since he first arrived in the united states more than two decades ago. let's look act and his stellar career. >> number 41. >> a down-to-eararth superstar. his greatest success may have been an nba title eight years back but he kept another milestone just wheat -- weeks
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ago. he is now six and nba all-time points. better than y european player. it all began in his hometown. he was a slamdunk talent. his standout plate led him to the nba's dallas mavericks. he became the first european to win the league's m.v.p. tititle. he got similar recognition for his stararng rolegainst thehe miami heat. he pushed the mavericks to their first ever championship. he was achieving his dreams after 13 years in the u.s.. his accomplishments made him a superstar in the u.s. and his recognition was not limited to the sports world. >> it is fair to say that we have very rarely seen a better playoff run than he had last
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year. his stardom hasn't kept him from staying grounded. >> he also helped lift up germany's basksketball scene. he received a hero's welcome after receiving the nba title. >> i am totally speechless. despite plenty of success, one of his biggest honors remains carrying the german flag at the opening ceremony of the olympics. he has been the stone with honors on both sides of the atlantic. the greatest european basketball player in history and a towering personality. >> and a texan. here is a reminder of our top stories. theresa may pleading for an
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thank you very much for being with us. theresa may is taken her request for a break to distention to brussels have personal request is to extend beyond this coming friday the u. packs a day. to and you time june the thirtieth arriving in brussels the under pressure you can promise to said she regrets the break that has not already happened. the u. suggested an extension beyond her requested date donald tusk. the european council president is spoken of the end of the year but no more
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