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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 11, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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without steel tomorrow . the sudanese dictator among all the share has been overthrown and arrested after almost three decades in power. modes of demonstrations intensified when the army took the side of the protest is. bashir is also wanted by the international criminal court for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in da awful will speaking on air on state tv the defense minister alan even over. said that the army would oversee a two year transition period
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ahead of elections. as a defense minister. i declare the fall of the regim. and the placing of its leader in a safe place. following his arrest. i'm not really no i also declared the creation of a transitional. council. actually govern the country forty two yes. that -- i'm. two thousand and fifteen constitution has been suspended. we will put in place a state of emergency for three months. and i care for you one marshall has a the two shots. joining me now is john henry associate director at human rights watch is africa division thank you for being with us some fronts. twenty four in your view is then now more of a chance that -- mama she will face trial for t e atrocieses committtted and awfu- i think it's very unclear right now what will happen --
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certainly at this is a momentous moments to see the ouster of bashir has been in power for unclearr whatt the currentnt les arare going to do -- evavan alss himself actually sang stand by the united states government for crimes and are for as well -- and it is unclear where bashir physically is right now however we have that taken this as an opportunity to urge the the leaders to dedemonstratee to the rld. thatat they will respect the rights of sudanese people to continue to protesters they want to do so -- and also to hand by sheer over to the i cc -- and as well as i've met her rooms also wanted by the i cc so there are a number of steps. as well as reforms deep reforms that are needed so dad that would -- promote human rights and protect human rights -- at this time so we've made those calls -- but i think we're all sortrt of very -- watching very closely and not much just remains v very unclear and
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certainly the protesters have not at their calling for a civilian government to rule -- and thatt i t think there are at of it's very complicated it's it's there a lot of reasonsns to be quite cautious s now. but she has gone i his cell number to his defense minister that says that the army will now oversee a transition period. is this just a cosmetic change is the real power. going to remain. in control of sit on for the next two years at least. well indeed that is the fear that people are expressing now is that this is simply more of the same but repackaged -- so that is precisely why -- right now would be an excellent moment for the leaders to demonstrate their respect for human rights and justice and acknowledge the legacy of the last thirty years. include so much -- crime and i'm suffering -- and for them to take concrete steps at this moment but at its a absolutely m
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clearr -- youou know w what whaw they will how they will move forward. is this some cause for optimism at in that the at cracked down by the regime was noticed brutal as it could have been. well it was pretty brutal -- we're looking at well over seventy people estimated killed in the protests since mid december -- it is true for thos- sudan watchers remembering what happened in twenty thirteen the government at that time killed - close to two hundred people basically on the streets during protests that at thahat time -- over a shorter period of time this this protest this time around t they've lasted a lot longer -- over four months already but there has been excessive force used consistently and not only the shooting deaths but also a tax on medical professionals are excessive use of a tear gas
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rubber bullets and other. and and livive ammunition - -- n hospitals a and in other locatis in residential areas. and thousands of people have been arrested violentntly -- and many are had been held incommunicado without legal charges -- for long periods by the national security agency so i the crackdown was pretty hars. despite -- you know comparisons with twenty thirteen making it look as though it's it on sudan standards less harsh than it could have been. john henry thank you very much indeed [inaudible] thank you. well the sudanese protests began initially because of a hike in rates prices for months laterer alma she was gonee but demonstratioions all wary of f s numberer two i was seeing a transition ivana's guitar to reports. purchases past took to the streets on december nineteenth angry at the government's decision to triple the price of
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bread. they spread to call to him in all the cities a day later. with demonstrators calling for freedom and the full of the regime. clashes break house as police try to disperse the crowd and several were killed. on december twenty fourth off to six days of demonstrations president omar al bashir break his silence and about to introduce reforms. the protests continued into january. alicia announced he was ready to step down but only through elections. i confirm that whoever wants to take over power is welcome. but only through one way. which is the ballot boxes free and fair elections. whoever rules sudan has to be chosen by the sudanese people. but protests continued human rights watch released videos documenting violence by security forces including live fire and beatings accusing authorities of
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a brutal crackdown. on february twenty second i'll be sure the cladd a n nationn wa year long state of emergency. and as all of the federal and provincial governments. t three weeks later a newew cabinets o f his loyal supporters was sworn in. protests there intensified at the beginning of april. on saturday thousands marched in khartoum pulling for the army to join them and back that the mom. things turn violent on tuesday as security agents try to discount the masses in outside ththe army had porches. put off the four months of mass demonstrations protest is finally got what they wanted. the defense minister. i declare the and the closing of it in the day in a safe place. following the rest. after three decades of rule
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under him out the share sit on space will once again be decided by the army. the defense minister announced the creation of a ministry council. that would govern the country for the next two years. well therere are some concerns that the queue into don could jeopardize a shaky peace deal which broke away to o form anan independent state at five years ago. meanwhile the pipe is i was seeing peace talks between south to dawn's rival leaders at the vatican and in a dramatic gesture. emails to kiss the fate of bothh president south of kerr and his rival rick my shop. the edge the two men not to return to a civil war of he still. is due to expire next month in their offices that violence could resume is the pipe speaking at a hopefully with seventy two and purpose of f ths retreat is for us to stand together before god and to discern his will. at shirt is to reflect on our own lives and the common mission the lord has entrusted to us. to
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recognize our enormous had responsibility. for the present and future of the people of south sudan. and to commit ourselves re invigorated andnd reconciled. loading up all of your nation that he's going to get the point across with you on that i will send it to your on the news down for the first time in nearly seven years the wikileaks founder julian sons has set foot outside the ecuadorean embassssy in london. the forty seven yeaear old was arrested by british police for failing to honorr his bail conditions he'e's also wanted in the united states on federal conspiracy charges related to one of the largest everr leaks f governrnment sececrets. he w was arrested after the government of ecuador withdrew its asylum under hela support -- it was at the moment to british police have been waiting. for nearly seven years after going in. judea sandra was forcibly laid out of the ecucuadorean embassyn
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londndon. the man whoho defined arrest for so many years was almost unrecognizable as armed officers led him to a police van. this time there would be no escape for the wikileaks founde. of to ecuador's president withdrew his asylum. today i a announce to the discourteous and aggressive behavior of mister junior signage. 's a situation in which the silencing is unsustainanable unr longer viable in the oven. hihi sonya first took refuge in the embassysy to avoid extraditn to sweden for allllegations of sexual assault. he denies the claims. althoughgh the case against him has since been dropped sweden's public prosesecutors say s she y re open it. police say a sounds was arrested for breaching bail and following an extradition request from the us. a move which could have dangerous consequences according to his lawyer.
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this sets a dangerous precedent for all media organizations and journalists in europe and elsewhere around the world. this president means that any journalist. can be extradited the prosecution in the united states to having published truthful information about the united states. my son has been in the science of washington since two thousand and ten when we kill each released thousands of classified mimilitary documents. the west has already charged him with conspiracy to hack a computer. now hisis a arrest could pave te way for his extradition. according to the us justice department has sounds faces a maximumm penalty of five years imprisonment if he's found guilty. leaders have agreed to grounds and now the brexit delay the new deadline of october thirty first means the u. k. will not be leaving without a deal on frida. may had to route to resume the prime minister had wanted a short set delay and she says the u. k. will still try to leave as soon as possible.
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you came as hold european elections in may or else leave on june first without to dale. back at westminster today may cold on mps to what together to try to find a way forward. i know too that this whole debate is putting members on all sides of the house under immense pressure. and causing uncertainty across the country and we need to resolve this. so let's usese the opportunity f the recess to reflflect on the decisions that will have to be made swiftly on our return off to easter. and it has been resolved to find a way through t this -- house. well for more i'm joined by it festive and like have from henley business school thanks thank you for being witith us in front twenty four now. i've said it before but it's pretty ironic isn't it breaks it was all about taking back control -- yet last night we saw a british prime minister forced to sit outside the room while the leaders of twenty seven other countries. decided the nation's fight it doesn't lookok good does itt. no it does not and theresa may gain looks extremely weak as a
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leader. said it before but twenty four hours in politics is a very long time within six month extension. that's a lifetime so where w wil to resesumes tenure. and her apartment and her premise should be in six months titime. is completely unknown there is huhuge amounts of uncertainty nw more than. either the walls in westminster but t also in the u. k.. because it as expected she's not going to get her deal thrhrough. at the third time of asking and therefore the u. k. will have to entertain. european elections on may twenty third. and the delay doesn't really solve the main problem does it that there is still no consensus at westminster there anything and pays of managed to agree on is that they don't want to leave without a deal. exactly that and it's wororth saying that they're all three conditions placed on the deligh. and a very important the first
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is that the e. will not reopen the withdrawal agreement against the anger of many members of parliament however it can discuss changes to the politica. decoration a second that they will be a real view at the end of june to take stock of progress andnd what the e. you mean by that is they would l lie to see significant progrgress. o ward street amazed the being postoo at leastt some consensus being. found and thirdly and i think this is perhaps the most important the u. k. must continue to be a member of the e. u. with quote since see a corporation. in the process and will remain a full member of the block within the voting rights period so sector what they're saying is. if you're not going to be out by twenty second of may you will need to continue t to play balle would need to have european elections and you will n need. to act in accordance to our structures processes and system. there are reports of the british government has now shall lift -- contingency planning for another deal exit does not mean that it
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is 1100% not happening. they're all huge reports around that today incncluding ininfrastructure -- thihings beg rolled back i think with almost certrtainty we note that a a nol brexit is not going to be happppening i remember andnd pie of a already voted on that a and ththey voted against that so. they sought to legislate against that happening i thinknk the mot likely outcome we would expect now trees may we'll try and fail to getet her deal t through. a fullll you can have to entertn you elections expect at that point if there is a huge consensus within the british people which leave supporters would suggest there is. they will send a definitive message to the european union by voting for not across brexit party so. if there is a huge numbers o of supportt for his party then that will define the outcome if however the numbers are not taking thehe high. ththen i think what you would expect to sesee in the six month
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extension is on either. a second random all. article fifty being revoked altogether so in effect i know brexit well i have this one other option and and that that is that she might be able to come up with some kind of compromise deal with -- jeremy coal bin the opposition leader at she hasn't been able to persuade her own and pays tobacco withdrawal agreement might she be able to come up with something with it with him. i think if that were to be true i. d. would've happened probably within the first day -- too because nowow it looks as though you the talalks have been -- gog with going to enter into the easter recess. and if the has node deadlock been reached yet no creams be reached then i think it's on like that that wouldld happenn again -- so it would set a very interesting precedent for the two sides of the political question here in n the u. k. the concept and the labor partyty to actually. come together in this time of crisis.
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and never happened before particularly so divisive t the y jamie corporate sits on the far left. and a concert to party on the the center right if i was going to happen it would have happeped so i think at this point in tim. to his mates best option is t to waitit for thehe european elects see how strongly the british people. feel towarards a potential hot bricks it and then if the numbers are not significantly high or if the numbers are -- particularly love then seek to revoke article fifty or had a second referendum. and i can't thank you very much indeed always good to talk as he and i can learn henley business school. now voting in the world's largest ever election is underway some nine hundred million people are eligible to cost about it in india and it's an election that is why you being seen as a referendum on the ruling prime minister narendra modi's this vote now in the hopes. and aspirations of the millions of people taking part. over the next six weeks nine
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hundred million voters will decide the fate of narendra modi's. india's prime minister is the clear frontrunner for a second term in office. in a ballot contested by thousands of parties and candidates. well i'm proud to have the right to vote. i want my country to move forward and i won more progress. in our country we need a prime minister like mode. but mode hehe could face a backlash of issues such as unemployment. and rural poverty. send them and w we hope that the next g government will reduce unemplployment and work towards improving security. also road should be made already should be reduced corruption is also a major problem. subject a little the biggest issue for the year if is employment. can be no big issues in this subset of our job go at that. in a country as vast as india it's not unusual for local issues to dominate election campaigning in each of the five hundred and forty three
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different constituencies. voting is split up into seven phases with each region casting ballots on a separate day to ease the burden on security forces. one of the most closely watched areas is cash mia with voters want an end to a conflict that has been simmering for decades. do you guys have been i'm crossing my first fight so we can have a representative who taught for cash mary catch me reason the indian parliament. kashmir problems tried on for seventy years and we want to see if. the non indians will have to wait until may twenty third to know who will get the job of running the world's biggest democracy. south korea has over ten to sixty six year old ban on abortion one of the strictest in the world of the judges ruled the law unconstitutional. currently south korean women are only allowed to terminate the pregnancy in cases of rape incest or danger to the live studio can reports.
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free choice campaign as chair outside the constitutional court of to a landmark ruling. seven out of nine judges voted to overtime a nineteeeen fifty thre ban on abortionn. cooling it's an unconstitutioiol restriction on womemen's rights. i'm honestly very happy. i believe t this ruling frereeze women from the shackles that have been suffocating there wasn't a lot of cool. yeah i have some of the strictest abortion laws in the world. terminating a pregnancy is only permitted in cases of rape incest or if it poses a threat to the woman's life. women risk up to a year in jail or fifteen you're a fine while doctors face up to two years in prison the performing on authorized abortions. as a result many result to costly clandestine procedures. because of the abortion law my friend had to use illegal drugs and had a risky abortion. i got pregnant i would have had
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much of a choice either. the ban on t terminatitions is rarely and f forced thousands of illegal abortions are thought to take place everyry y year b buty abouout a dozen cases make it to court. but the law has divided south koreans. i personally experienced the pain of miscarriage abortion is the deliberate miscarriage of a growing child. that's murder. parliament now has until the end of twenty twenty to revise the little. risk having it repealed. but until then the current lan remains in force. let's get an n update on the das top business days okay media is with us in the studio keita stararting right here in france when -- makes a proved. trying it at the government's latest proposals to boost business and economic growth was i come up with well this is a major plank of the macro administration at the so called hacked law. or action plan for business
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growth and transformation no it's aimed att reducing reded te and kick starting a wave of privatizations. most controversial has been a plan to sell at least some of the government's just over 50% stake in the group that operates the capital's airports. menu michael says the move could raise as much as ten billion euros which would then finance investment in new technologies. opposition lawmakers on both the far left and right believe it that is a strategic hub. airports should remain in state control. if you lost a process that cocod lead to a public referendum on the issue. that's his that's privatize ation will unavoidably be accompanied by a probable college of passing out and a deterioration of working conditions and salaries. it would be harmful to apple's investments in infrastructure security. which will be sacrificed in favor of short term profitability out cook them. no damage the produce electricity are also at stake in this matter the eaves been pushing for more competition from the private sector.
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it's prompted concerns across the board catherine bennett explainsns. hydroelectric power from dams is the third main source of electricity for from another countrtry is full of them there are four r hundred and thirty three state owned stands. three courses of which all operated by the state owned company eds. a factct which is a causee for concern in brussels the european commission has long put pressure on france to break up what it sees as an unfair monopoly. and to open up its downs to competition. edf has been operating this down in khan is in the southwest of france since. nineteen fifty two it's one of the most important power sources in the region. if the e. u. gets its way it could end up being controlled by private or foreign company. a bad idea according to this energy expense.. the bill after seventy years the damm the the funded by french taxpayers have finally being paid off it'ss unthinkablele t t they should just be handed over to private o operators at the vy moment they have become profitable i can bring in money for the state i lit up.
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in m march the european commissn opened infringement proceedings against from along with six other countries opposition lawmakers are worried that the manual malcolm's government will yield to brussels. amid a wave of other privatization projects in the country but french finance minister b bruno lemasass says s out of the question f for fronts to give up its concessions. no we don't we want to pepersuae the comommission that this is nt necessarily the best solution. for privatizing asian process is poorly handled it could have damaging effects on had a tryst to supply. the contracts on fifteen adams have already expired. they could soon be open to cools the tender if france loses its battle against brussels to keep control of it stems. the british pound has droropped since european officials announced a six month extension to the break that process. but the range remains relatively modest there has been less volatility on the currency markets than some analysts had expected in the last month or s. in c. sterling a still s stuck t around one dollar thirty cents or one euro sixteen dropping
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just underer their investors and busisinesses have been hoping to avoid aa no deal brexit. reconnaissance say the prolonged period of uncertainty is not good news either. in the long term it will probably be bad for the economy because businesses will dedeligt further. until we get further clarity orr anany clarity. on the eventual outcome businesses will sit on ththeir hands they wonon't invest. which means that the view cackling we will probably flat line for the next six months the one thing you can say for no deal. is the yes they'll be a short term shock. but then businesses will be able to plan for the longer term at the moment i can't do anything. a second on the day's trading action now the fifty one hundred drop slightly in london above the cat counts and dax rose they were boosted by the travel and tourism industries. easyjet for example switchers jump about 8% as airlines welcome that breaks it delay. wallstreet traded higher earlier in the session us stocks have fallen now though -- they're
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lookoking out foror what's exped to be a disappointing earnings season. and d of course any sign of a breakthrough on the us china trade talks. the world bank and international monetary fund of kicked off their annuall spring meeting amd a a rocky stretch f for the glol economy.. it's the first major event f for davidd malpass since he became president of the world bank group having been nominated by donald trump. he noted the rise in extreme poverty especially in sub saharan africa and calls for action. and technology counterpart christina gal to describe as a delicate moment for the global economy tickle. the guard will be in her short - reforms in the decelerationn has let's see if it has it was seen in both advanced and developing caught economies and it coincided with three other warning signs.. waning structural reforms in major economies. financial stress in some large emerging markets and elevated policy uncertainty globally.
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the big debut for dead not personal be interestining to see what kind of tone he strikes going forward as trump's choice for that position i'm sure you have all of that for us thank you very much and they can't we do that all business it is that we take. usual
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04/11/19 04/11/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is dedemocracy now! "youou can resist.t." ththe are the words of wikileaks foundedejulian assange as hehe s arreststed in london thisis mor. brititish police c carrying himt of the upperer door and embmbasy whwhere he has -- ecuadorn embasswhere he h lived s sce 2012


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