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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 17, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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headlines this hour. eagles across frantz ring the bells been altered -- a whoppppg nine hundred million euros have now been rise to save the monument. after was severely damaged by fire on monday night some expense will the president's plan for reconstruction is too ambitious. us president donald trump uses his veto to block congress from instructing him to end us support for the saudi led war in yemen. five year conflict has pushed millions of people to the brink of famine trump says the bill was a dangerous attempts to curb his palace.
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and so don's over all the *-*- is moved to a prison cell after he wasas ousted in all week twof the of this month i'm just international is pulling. his immediate transfer to the internrnational criminal court. he's wanted on charges of genocide. restaurantnts cathedrals have bn ringing their bells at precisely six fifty pm the time the fire started at notre dom on monday nights nearly a billion euros has now been raised to repair the cathedral. which was severely damaged but does remain standing officials say it was less than an hour from collapse but was saved by the quick and courageous action french firefighters which nine reasons of being gathering. at the sound so peace checks for special mass.
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into the woods there will be even more a trainer. for the outside because because we know that everybody's concerned not only the christians but also other people. who acknowledged and and -- and realize that looks good -- has meaning for them. numbers charges everyone is full of emotion. the archbishop is affected. the church of france the church of paris and those in the area. but i also think it is time for us to assemble. come together in prayer. and that is what we will do tonight steve are specific to swerve. well earlier this evening president micron held talks on mustard on its reconstruction and the lease a palalace his planet to rebuild the cathedral within five years has been criticizized by some experts. as being too ambitious they say it could take more like fifteen years francois invite architects from around the world to redesign the spire that was
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destroyed meanwhile investigators are still unable to enter the cathedral. until the building is declared safe charlie james hasas more. ththe damage is still b being determined but francnce is lookg toward notre don's future. the cathedrdral's roof line was guided by monday's fire and to recreate its most iconic piece the government is calling on designers from around the world. okay cool down if you don't have to take to an international architecture contests to reconstruct the cathedral spire will be organized. look what the lesson out of the competition will allow us to ask the question of whether we should even recreate the spire. or if we should provide notre time with a new spy -- adapted to the techniques and challenges of all times. president emmanuel mackerel has pledged to notre dom will be rebuilt within five years in time for the paris twenty twenty four olympics. and wednesday he chaired an official meeting to discuss how to launch the reconstruction financial help has poured in
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from around the world but some experts say that time line. it's unrealistic for such a a massivive project even the prime minister acknowledged the difficiculty we have also been a victim yes obviously it's an ambitious goal but i think it's healthy for the states on the political authority. and the head of state to set ambitious goals more job is to ensure this objective is achieved what the all of the cathedrals most beloved treasures were spared such as the crown of thorns and the great war again. others such as the rose windows are still at risk. noted on the petty has gone throrough multiple restorations over the past eight hundred years and was already a mix of old and new. the government has vowed that ththis receconstruction willl mt momore beautiful than er.. and it'ss bee revevealed to the cathedral would have burned to the ground had firefighters not moved as quickly as they did to protect woodeden suppoports i ie twinin b belts how iss. it literally came dowown to a matter of minutes sesenta guys
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fit now reports. they were the heroes o of the allied risking life and limb to save the eye clinic noted -- cathedral from total destructio. now paris's firefighters have revealaled how the dramatic rese mission played out. teams arrived at the site less than ten minutes off the first phone call was made letting them to the blalaze. thirty enginenes would point to the monument. the best solution when we left the fire station we realized how big it was. there was so many people outstse everybody was filming. asas soon as we a arrived and ao that we saw it was engulfed in flflames. then we realized how serious it was. it was very hot and we had to keep moving back is spread very quickly able to help you. lost fighting to extinguish the flames the fine and also had to be careful to preserve the building as much as possible. and had to limit to the pressure of the water that was used on paparts of the structure.
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because the real offers attack during the nine hour firirefigh. the water jets that we use itt with thatt to put out the flames in the towers. itit only made sure these jets werere not soo powerful that thy would damage the windows we'll see personal. vitriol city tool. officials say the cathedral was less than thirty minutes away from collapsing the firirefights have been prevented thehe flas from spreading to its two tower. if they had fallen the entire building would have been lost in a domino effect. the work of paris's firefighters is far from over. now supporting the teams of experts surveying the building. helping to shore up the fragile structure claps. to other news now in the us president donald trump has vetoed a bill passed by congress that would end support for the saudi led will in yemen. it's only the second time trump has used his veto he said the resosolution was unnecessasary d dangerous attempt to weweaken hs powers an estimatated eighty thousand civililians have died n the war in yemen. millions of peoeople to the brik
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ofof famine thomas waterhouse reports. for the second time during his monday to the white house donald trump has wielded his power of veto. this time to block a resolution which aimed to and u. s. military assistance to the saudi coalition figighting i iran bacd bels in yeyemen. congressional text wouldld home. s. foreign policy as well as washington's bilateral relationships. this resolution is an unnecessary dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities. endangering the lives of american citizens and brave service members both today and in the future. the joint resolution is passed. by a vote of two hundred and forty seven to one hundred and seventy five the war powers resolution got house approval earlier this month. after the senate's gave its backing to the textxt back in march. those votes were a clear sign that capital hill is growing increasingly anxious about the cozy relationsnship between trup and his saudi allies.
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especially after the mode in october of jim ellis georgie. billions of american dollars with arms and intelligence make their way to saudi led forces in yemen shia. democrats say this support has to stop. the conflict in yemen is a horrific humanitarian crisis the challenges the conscience of the entire world. get the president as cynically chosen to contravene a bipartisan bicameral vote of the congress and a pet to eight america's ching for involvement in this heartbreaking crisis. the concerns of leading democrats have also been echoed by the likes of david miliband the president of the internatioional resescue commite he's describes trumps veto as being morally wrong. but president trump's move has been welcomed with open arms by the uae with the government according it timely. and strategic. also were about that i'm joined by simon they'vend he'e's from lancaster university he's also written a book sauaudi ararabiad iran power and rivalry in the
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middle east thank you for being with us some frost twenty force not good to have you with us. now this is at no great surprise as it iss made by donald trump saudi arabia is awful america's strong a stab at least ally after israel. yeah it's i it's n not p particy surprising given that the type of climate that we're seeing across the middle east that the really strong relationship between president donald trump and and mohammed bin solomon in in saudi arabia so. in spite of the the widespread criticism all of the u. s. invovolvement in the war in yem. the the personal and strategic relationship betweenen the two states means that that was really unlnlikely that trump wouldn't do something to stop this thiss from passing. and of course it wasn't so o log ago he was criticized for not. doing more and it to pressure a saudi arabia over the d death of the gym they stood about so g..
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sure and i think both the yemen case under his jaw g. of fat really you bring into focus this fundamental tension within foreign policy is to the the role of gnomes the rolole of values and human rights and democracy in. hearing to thesese these values and the the most of cold hard rail politique the pragmatic alliance building if you will and i think the u. s. alliance with saudi arabia was one of those. those relationships that fundamentally shows that power often wins out over at the the more important pops normative values of human rights in a tailorining to ininternational . and t this i thinknk is once agn as an example of how that strategic alliance is seen by president trump as being more important than that the broader momoral normative consequences d repercussions right we say it at any time -- european lead -- visits beijing all holds talks
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with the chinese president fails to bring up human rights as well but the united states is not the only couountry supporting the saudis is it's ngos here in france -- threatening say the government to court over arms sales to saudi arabia and they say that weapons are being usedd in the war in yemen against civilians. in -- in conflict with french constitution a violationon of te french conststitution. yeah and thahat's i t think thaa a widespread issueuecross all states that have have these types of bombs sales withth saui arabia we knoww that in the u. . example a and and this is similr across the board. that they're all controls and limitations of regegations and checks that are put inn placeced thatat anyone that is buying ars has to make sure thahat they can it hitit that these checks. they can make sure ththat theyy full fell and d demonstrate that they are operating in in agreement and compliaiance withh these regulations. and and a and that'ss about thee limit that a stata can cououldnt
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really do t that that's the limt regard to the sasale off armss - thatat that and sayining we wilt sell armrms and that's whatat wo with witith germany recently the decision to stop selling particular types of weapons. and so it's it's difficult because oncnce again governments all torn between having to to generate -- financial reserves i'm to make sure that t there we jobs in particular areas and thenen old so making sure that e wall t they are p producing is t being usesed to commmm. atrocities to to commit crimes against humanity or war crimes so it's a really dififficult balance once a again but i'm i'm pleased to hear thahat that they'r're all groups t that a cooling calling these issues ou. the holding govovernments to account iff they are all issues that are at play here. and that. just just briefly i mean the the war in yemen is now in its. fifth year is created the world's worst humanitarian crisis and there is a peace process it has stalled with both
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sides acute accusing the other of v violating a cease f fire wn you see it g going frorom head.. well i hope that the the piece takes a long time to build generally and and the complexity of things s in yemenen with thee two varirious proxy access. ththe saudi -- direct milititary invovolvement be alleged iranian involvement a secessionist movevement various othther islat groups t tribal groups it's goig to takee a long timime to build peace and buiuild trust amongst ththese groups. so we have to be patatient andnd hope that the u. n. is able to actutually cultivatete some senf trust. and if there is not trust them we can absolutelyy hope that tht something positive will come out of it t but it will takeke timed it will require a great deal of patience. and pressure frorom internationl axis and that's why i it's so disappointing that trump has ha- decided to go against t this reresolution simon maven from lancaster university thank you very much. well saddam's former president quite often his knee high this wednesesday a high s security pn
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on the outskskirts off calll tor al bashir was toppled byy thehe army in a coup last week. the protesters who spent weeks callingg for h him to step down remain out on the streets of the capital they say they'll stay there until civilian rule has been established. it's another step dodown in omar al bashir's fall from grace. late on tuesday sudan's former leader was moved from his residence in khartoum to solitary confinement in cobalt prison on the north bank of the blue nile river. it's a jailed al bashir is familiar with. here that thousands of his political opponents were locked up duringis thirty year on rule. of t the seventy five year o ols being held under house arresest sisince he was pushedd from offe last week he might not have gon. in a minute tree transitional council might well be in place. but the word revolution is still being johnson on the capital's streets. on wednesday it was crowds of
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doctors who assembled in protest joining others outside the omi's hatch q.. calling for the military council to hand over power to civilians. this level lane we will remain here even though the army is threatening us. we will continue to protest. and we will keep saying that threats will make us afraid. hello rather give us power. i witnessed many civilians have been killed and we will fight so that that blood would have instilled in vain. icc arrest warrants remain in place for the former presidents who still one today the accusations of crimes against humanity and genocide. candace says it will now mileva offering the shia asylum. the turkish city of istanbul has a new man yeah official candidates ekrem even alone who has been declared the winner following a recount of votes cast in last month's election. it's a stunning blow to president -- anyone who's a. k.
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policy and its predecessor had controlled turkey's biggest city for more than two decades but one himself began his career as a matter of a umble in the nineteen n nineties. yeah o okay policy is still tryg to force a re run of the election -- correspondence just moved to my husband. she was about. president richard tied the one got his own policy to file a petition for a re run of the whole election is stumble. and the supreme electoral council has not ruled on that position but could come tomorrow all and sometime late. we don't know however. even if the supreme electoral council ruled in favor. all time a new election which will probably be held in june. the whole country knows that imam all real why. and that one is pushing for a new election because he knows in
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my moral bar. i'm gonna secondly you know even if there is one you would like some it might not go in other ones hey. it is still open -- to one believes that in a sececond election he could mobilize the people who stayed away on march thth thirty firsrst and they wod come out and vote for him. well that's not necessarily the cacase many of those stay away both. my took being a people who traditionanally voted for the iq policy but felt u uncomfortable with the out party at thehe mom. they didn't like the state of the economy they didn't like. holding the opposition terrorists i'm so rather than votingng againstst him they stad away in n addition to which the opposition candidate the winner cram in mobile as hate during this election controversy which is dragged on seventeen bay. much much better. than the oct parties.
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ththe former prime m minister bn on a young girl. just moves with no p peru's forr presidents hasas died after shooting himself in the head at his home as police werere abouto arrest him. alan garcia is suspected of having accepted bribes from a brazilian construction giants in return for major public works contracts catherine kit that has more. peruvians gathered outside this dilemma hospital at ththe kneesf his former president alan garcia death emerges. undergoing emergency surgery after h he shot himimselfn the heads ass police were about to arrestst him. his lawywyer maintains garcia ad his party are in since. we will do everything in our power to reverse this just [inaudible] revolutionary line. truth comes to light get out of the garcia was president from. nineteen eighty five to nineteen ninety and one another five year term in two thousand and six he suspected of taking bribes from brazilian construction joined --
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depressed for time for large scale p public works contracts - direct has a message paying twenty nine million dollars in bribes peruvian officials over three administrations. some of those payments were allegedly made during garcia's second term in office l lk to oa contractct to buildd thehe limao and november last year garcia sought refuge in the uruguay an embassy. was denied asylum there he's one of four peruvian ex presidents to be tainted by a corruption scandal. one of them eight year old former president petro pablo kaczynski was detained for alleged money laundering last week in connection to the same probe. let's get an update on the business days wait i you can roll it is here with me in the studio and that you can get a start with the decision by the united states over cuba. one that could harm washington's relations with the european union to the small. well that's right laura the e. u. as well this kind of a a warning of reprisals off to the trump administration confounds plans to allow lucy's against ththe foreign firirms operatingn cuba.
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a little pasta nineteen ninety six enables cubans have become us citizens to suit to see companies that use property seized during -- off the fidel castro's nineteen fifty nine revolution. but its application has been systematically delelayed by each u. s. president every six month. now president trump has decided to lift that moratorium as of may the second. opening the door to thousands of potential losses that's half from the secretary of state might compare speaking idea. any person or company doing business in cuba should he this announcement. in addition to being newly vulnerable to lawsuits that could be a betttting. the cuban regege's abuses s of s own people. those doing business in cuba should fully investigate whether they're connected to property. stolen in service of a failed communist experiment. and in a separate sign of trans atlantic tensions the european union has unveiled a wide range of us madade prorocts that couod be hit w with paris as a
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countermeasure to washington subsidies for boeing. the preliminary list covers goods ranging from car parts to handbags to catch up. the eu and the us have been locked in a battle at the world trade organization for fourteen years accusing each other of unfairly subsidizing rival at playmakers. boeing and airbus. the arbitrator wto has yet to set an amount let's take a listen to the commission spokesperson speaking idea. overall the least represents an amount all of the roughly twenty billion. euro us united states dollars of experts from the united states to the european union not when it comes to the a possible. decision on the level of use countermeasures that decision has to be established in light of the final decision of the wt. arbitrator death we expect to come in n the near future..
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well with that letet's takee a quick look at the markets now and the conontinued selloloff ie healthcare sector is laying down on us stocks although the dow has said earlier losses and crawled. back into positive territory as you can see just above the flatt line and that. ididea european markets closed higher with paris's can't get hold up about three fifths of a percentage point. and some more of the business stories they're covering at this hour and thehe uss trade deficit fell to its lowest level in eight months. it dropped by three point 4% in february to forty nine point four billion dollars the narrowing of the gap is in large papart thankss to a 20% drop in imports from china. as a result of donald trump's kinetics tax. germany has cut its growth forecast for the ship by hough to just. 25% the updatate came leless than threeee months off e betting slalashed its forecast % fromom one point 8% back in january. global trade tensions on brexit
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uncertainties have wait on the call on the viewers as largest economy. the government remains cautioususly optimisistic that predicting a one and a half percent growth for twenty twenty and the slightly lower than the previous full cost. petrol stations across the political are starting to run dry as a as a tanker drivers strike over pay and working conditions continues for a second day. the walk out by some eight hundred lorry drivers cools the rush to the pump leaving hundreds of gas stations close. essential supplies to apples and hospitals as well as 30% of average dai s supplies the petrol stations in large cities on me. now hearing franz intonations of pouring in to help rebuild not saddam cathedral for monday's devastating fire. already close to one billion euros have been raised. the government will present a new bill next week to ensure transparency over how the money will be spent it will also allow french citizens to get special
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tax cutsf they makeke it the nation that rush has the detail. cutting taxes to help restore notre dom. on wednesday france proposed new fiscal measures to spur individual contributions. the whole city french people who donate to the reconstruction of notre don will benefit from an increase reduction in their income tax you. under the government's proposal individual donations of up to a thousand euros can have 75% of the amount deducted from their income tax. donations above a thousand euros would receive a 66% tax deduction the standard rate already defined by the law which limits rebates 220% of annual salary. but the proposed individual tax cuts come amid critique of the existing business tax cuts. under frerench law businessesesn deduct up 260% of their donations to nonprofit organizations. as long as the deduction amounts to less than point 5% of the
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company's annual revenue. half a billion euros have been pledged by just three companies lvmh lori l. and caring. energy giant hotel has promised a hundred million euros while tech giant apple has also said it will pitch in. the contributions have spsparked cocontroversrsy with s some accg corporations of f tax avoidance. in r response the phones were oy pino the billionaire ceo of caring said he would forfeit his rebate the first f french compay to do so. reconstruction of notre dom is likely to cost billions of euro. french p presidentnt emmanuel maccolll hopes to cocomplete the restoration withihin f five yea. but some e experts say it may te over a dececade. well mee mall some people appear to be turning to literature to ease that pain. peter this classic the hunchback of notre dam has climbs to the top of the bestseller list on amazon france. first published in nineteen
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eighteen thirty one the love story between a deformed bell ringer and a street dansa is credited with inspiring the nineteenth century restoration of the cathedral after decades of neglect. dammit who see the next offices one can help oneself with these words. in contrtrast to the building tt was s destroyed. existed to fallin your complete with a litittle fuzzy on if it f you don't today i've had customers who arere looking for the hunchback of notre e dombal. but also otherer classics booksy the house acteded as that on ththat'd be. they wanant to rediscovover ther paris. there harris in history because on cleveland's. twelve to perhaps take a copy on my bookshshelf as well in a long te since i read me. say we should try to read in french this time is russia. you get thanks i want to date i had that's it for now do you stay with thi
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04/17/19 04/17/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> we glued ourselvlves so this vehicle could not be moveded to the police last night. we want to secure e this bridges part of the action to extension rebellion. wewe want the government to tate action about the climate crisis, but the eco-collapse we are facing.


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