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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 18, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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bill no to the absentee. county no. thank you very much for being with us. the fullest version yetet of the mullet repeports is been releasd the headline is that it doesn't- it that that doesn't. that us president donald trump committed any crime. but also it doesn't exonerate him parts of this version is the redacted and this would increase the claims that there's something to hide questions remain. with the us president commission structure of justice. we really appreciated very much no collusion no obstruction.
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the number was b by the way andt never will be. and we do have to get to the bottom of these things i will say and this should never happen this should never happen. to anotother president again. this hoax it should never happen to another president again. thank you donald trump that putting as of his own particular spin on the story that's being informal balanced analysis of things. eric listen -- legal man qualified both in the states and here in france eric all legal experts thank you sir for being with us it's always a pleasure to have you on the program -- is this the victory that trumps trying to make out it is. no it really isn't but you are correct that he's absolutely trying to make it out as a huge victory and he has -- disturbingly in an increasingly apparently recruited the full
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throated and willing cooperation of his attorney general william barr and declaring that black is white so to speak -- there has been an obstruction now that the report has finally been released even it's in its redacted version. it does make clear that there were acts of obstruction and all but concludes that leaving the rest for congress the final determination was withheld on sort of a technicality which i can explain -- it but the efforts by the attorney general and the president to say otherwise are not true even on the issue of collusion which the president keeps talking about. the report makes very clear that collusion is not a legal word they're not talking about collusion they're talking about something much more serious and difficult to a proof. in in the context of american federal criminal law which is a conspiracy specifically conspiracy to defraud the united states they concluded there wasn't evidence of an express or
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tacit agreement. to violate the laws of the united states beyond a reasonable doubt so they ruled that out but they didn't say anything about collusion in fact much of the four hundred pages or so of the report. talks about what one would normally consider to be collusion such were the extensive ness of the contacts between the trump campaign and russian officials. so inevitably this will raise more questions than it provides ounces. yes i think that was has been expected for a while now ever since the attorney general released his four page. summary which he later said was not a summary which didn't use very much from the actual report and put his own and the president's own gloss on the report that wasn't. distributed -- at that time what we see now even in as i say it's still a redacted versision so there are still substantial portions missing. show that there's a lot to be
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questioned about now it's just a matter of time before. bob muller himself testifies before congress how much he'll be willing to say. what remains a mystery and whether the government will try to block him from testifying we're not sure the attorney general said today he would not? so hopefully he will be testifying and the next few weekss will provide more clarity on these issues so it's it's that nana redacted version on which this whole story could hang. that's one issue with that but that is is certainly not the only issue and i don't know if it's the most important one or not at this point. there are so many big questions hanging out there the report even as released publicly today read actions at all and all makes clear that -- muller -- act outlined at approximately ten instances of what he basically said were obstructive
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conduct that did obstruct the investigation. he did not reach a conclusion on it because as he explains elsewhere in the report he did feel bound by a policy of the department of justice dating back many years to the nixon administration. that states the president should not be indicted while he is in office and mall or devotes a paragraph orr two a at the beginning of the section on obstruction of justice. explaining that he didn't feel it would be fair to formally accused the president of the crime of obstruction given that there could be no formal charges brought so long as the presiden. was in office so he was not doing so he said he certainly wasn't saying that there wasn't obstruruction -- what he was saying is here's all the evidence from which one could find to that there was obstruction and then in other segments are other language in the report he basically states this is obstruction?
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but he's just not formally stating it in the report so i think that is going to be the number one issue that congress is going to need to take up. some people are already talking about taking it up an impeachment proceedings but in one form or another it will have to be examined and that's to say nothing about the russian interference in the election in. which the report confirms was quite substantial and was designed specifically to elect mr trump and was -- as sophisticated effort. their release them as ever thank you very much indeed. and will that be give more reaction to the apple of reports disa. largest ever version of it published so far still redacted though we must -- point that out that's a very much a point of contention. with many people in the united states we can more reaction says because between them in the pas. next french present among american has hailed as exemplary ththe firefighters who saveded. notre dam in the face of the
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fire somome six hunundred firefighters wororked throughout the night on monday to put out that fire and prevent. even worse disaster in a blaze that destroyed the spire and two thirds of the cathedral roof some sixty five fight is to live not. just in case. days after putting out the fire and no puedan cathedral harris farm in got to much deserved applause. the cathedral on the other side of the seine river is still fragile but the eight hundred and fifty year old building is standing. and only thanks to the yes men. we'll show the same feeling we united's. it's moving we gather to find them. they represent courage their example for all of us one with a simple message i want to think these firemen because i love this cathedral. i can't imagine paris without i. since no one but firefighters
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and engineers c can get inside e cathedral the music from bach was played outside. everyone including the mayor realize the cathedral was for more than a mere tourist site of the capital. reservee i i so v. havave risk you'll own lives. to save a piece of us. the day was really unusual for these two hundred and fifty firefighters. these men rarely s set f foot ie elysee palace in thankfufuy they did not come to put out a fire but to get a special tribute from citizen number one the president. sisingle a as well. we feel greaeat joy. a great honor. the parisis firemen a traditionally humble. poker we worked once again as a team fix the text for me. the picture to remember this moment and the firefighters had outside for another mission o or
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simply to rest. and new york trainee firefighters carry both us and french f flags duringg the final spiririt run before graduating. this is a tribute to the firefighters who battled the blaze at delta dental vision in paris on monday. find a cop new york said the firefighters and carried the french flag as a show of solidarity. and support. for the p. a. the with a slight. at the kind of marriage has been sentenced to thirty years behind bars h he's been found guilty of complicity in the murders carried out by his younger brother in. twenty twelve of the kind of merit had already been convicted of conspiring aiding abetting his younger brother took the bracelet is back in twenty twelve and to lose area he was - appealing against twenty years sentence but he's had an additional. accusation put against him to be convicted on that and his sentence has been increased by an additional ten he is.
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died at t the endnd of f the kig sprereen the a area around to le in which he took the lives of soldiers- fatather was a rabbi and three children. when have met the to lose shootingngs were the first terrorist attacks carried out in france in decades? in march twenty twelve mohammed maral went on a killing spree first murdering three french soldiers. then targeting a jewish school killing a teacher his three a ad five year old children. as well as an eight year old school girl. it was then killed in a shootout with police. in twenty seventeen the killer's brother of that could damage. was put on trial for the first time because he helped his sibling by a scooter used in the attacks and because he met him between the murders. they could tell me i was found guilty of taking part in a terrorist conspiracy. judges hananded d down the m mam sentence of twenty years behind
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bars but he acquitted him of the more serious crime of complicity in the killings saying that there was insufficient evidence to assume the elder brother was aware of muhammad miraz plants. defense lawyers said the prosecution who's too emotional is only suing mariah because his brother the killer is dead. but the prosecution says a bill could bill me ha with his radicalize speech propaganda videos calling for jihad and terrorism. is the mastermind behind the attack the one who transformed his brother into a killer. look back at the case of a happy marriage john the date that his brother adel cat and there has been. given an additional. ten years in jail making a total of thirty years his sentence for aiding. and abetting and conspiring with his younger brother who went on to commit those atrocities. back in twenty twelve in and around to loose. a new report shows journalists
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bebecoming more and more the victims of violence while trying to do that job to us president donald trump was called the media the enemy of the people is one person who's been singled out -- on a whole different level the murder of the saudi dissident journalist. john mile high shoji sent shockwaves across the world another case of the journalists being targeted. or full by reporters without borders highlights the growth of anti media talk on so called populist. more accurately far right parties and movements across europe. it's bad news for journalists accordrding to thee ngogo repors without borders globally joururnalism is becoming a m moe dangererous profession.. in itsts twenty nineteenen world presess freedom indexex o only f a hundred and eighty coununtries andd tererritories of cost is g. meetingg janice c complex s safy seen here inn yellow the ororganization's secretary genel has called for change. holding the cycle of fear and intimidation as a matter of thee utmost urgency for all people of good will value the freedoms a
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quiet in the course of history. the gruesome murder of the saudi economist email has showed g. in istanbul sent shockwaves around the world last octoberer. lawrence vececchia i investigate journalists young koosh yet. and his fiance marching because near over were killed in february. twenty eighteen with the rise of populism many authoritarian regimes of foreign down the rankings. in venezuela as a political situation deteriorates journalists have been the victims of arrests and violence. as india goes to the polls the world's biggest democracy is sliding down the rankings. six reporters will notify last year. well the best performing countries continue to be in scandinavia. with no way finland and sweden taking the top three places. the liline at the cannes film festival has been thatt we feel there is some genuine heavy weights in contention for the twenty nineteen pound dog they include can touch.
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terrence malick the dardenne brothers and pedro almodovar. the world's biggest film festival is back for its seventy second edition. as they unveiled the official selection on thursday organizes gave us an idea of just how colorful the twenty nineteen events will be. therere is a you'll be seeing women d directors. tv films a american zombies genetic engineneering. painted.. the thing is. the police officers virus sites viololent member thugs you're oy honest judges some unemployed people and some migrants. did you just say chardonnay. the curtain raiser on may the fourteenthth will be jim jarmush is the deaead dog to o die a coy horror with all star cost. we'll be back with his latest work the semi autobobiographical pain and glory -- on site
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seventeen other films for the coveted dole. also in the running will be ken loach's sorry we missed you terrence malick's hidden life in the wild goose lake by do you none. lighting up the silver screen in the out of competition can't agree will be text of clutches elton john bio pic rocket man. the new shoes the rebels and the sitting cmo and jessica hausner among the thirteen female directors that feature on the line up. just before we wrap around too long will join the ranks of woody allen and john noble in being awarded an owner re palin door at this year's celebration of the seventh ought. and as you would expect. as it's been for every yeaear wl bebe old across the accomplice filmfestival as it happens with extensive coverage -- throughout that's a fantastic become the french riviera. lucky cochiti.
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no not for the business and hugh ca roy is here for that as you crank is out for a presidential run off the sunday rushes announced you. economic sanctions against its dna a of russia has announced it will ban oil exports and limit coal exports to ukraine from june it will also expand its ban on imports from the country. the move comes just three days before you craning his head to the polls again to choose between incumbent petro poroshenko. a comedian followed him yet the landscape as that next. russian prime minister dmitry medvedev says the new messages. is in response to a recent decision by kia to ban imports of several russian made products take lessons. what it'll come with us she did the bann on importing into russ? areas commodities. this measure will impact ukrainian automomotive productsn this light industry hello metall work. which amounted to almost two hundred fifty million dollars
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lost me a little. with better also imposing a ban on exporting to ukukine. rurussian oilil and oil productn your teen years but it looked. russian prime minister speaking idea at is that state now let's take a look at the markets now and shasta wall street finished the day in positive territory on the e last trading day ahead of the easter weekend. the dow closing u up to fifth oa percentage point the s. and p p. up slightly less than a fifth of a percentage point. on the nasdaq finishing just above the floor. idea this thursday in asia shares of jet airways plunged 31% a day after the indian adeline a grounded all flights indefinitely. saddled with about one point two billion dollars of that the company has been teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and suspended all operations off the fading to secure a stopgap loan from banks. the government has already decided to allocate to take off and landing slots left vacant by the database at two other
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carious. distraught employees held a protest in new delhi pleading with prime minister narendra modi's government to come to the rescue. i want to make sure. us employees i mean his office since the banks. at the need to get. back on its feet. and be vester shortness. of john offered [inaudible] what? not about the company so many. some more of the business stories we're covering at this hour and amazon is partially pulling out of the walls biggest online shopping market. china the company says it will close its market place platform in the country in mid july chinese consumers will no longer
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be able to buy products from third party retailers. china says some new progress has been made in ongoing trade talks with the united states although that's still needs there's still work to be done. meanwhile washington has one another walls trade organization rooting against beijing over its use of quotas for rice wheat and corn. which it argued limited market that says with us grain exports. pakistani p prime minister imran khan named a new finance miminister in a major cabinet reshuffle just hours after the former finance chief steps down. i said in mymy sudden resignatin raised f fresh questioions on pakistan's p plans to ofof thata full on economic cririsis as it seeks a crucial bailout package from the interernationalal money fund. pakistan's currency repeat has lost 30% of its value since the start of twewenty eighteen starring shopping complacent. and finally to businessss as n s of another missile test by north
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korea has raised consent again a month and a half off the talks between its leader on the us president broke down. a major stickcking point was a sanctions relief. pyongyang meanwhile has b been trying to limit the impact of international sanctions. state media has been keen to highlight the growing use of soda energy over the past year as part of king john is dry for self sufficiency. as a way to address the country's chronic electricity shorortages. more more households and businesses i clicked with so the panels that have become cheaper and more widely available although the government does not provide data. on its use of say the power. since local these patterns are very cheap one ron got to to manage the basasics of an electc generator or converter inverter and sensor. but t there are all subject to sanctions. north korean residents are pushing for domestic supply of electricity by themselves to a change in the system probably rather than getting humanitarian
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asassistance. from outside g groups indndy tie role. and that's it for business. thank you very much and a great to see you cry with alall the b. james creamy side of us use a how are you very well my fafax w the notot saddam continues to dominate thehe news online offle everywhere that's right. i'm just starting with kind of a larger elements -- because thehe french of from their sense of humor again as he is appears after after being genuinely. terribly saddened. and there is a bit of derision. and saw her going on on social media. over at this competition that -- adversity the prime minister at announced on twitter at for rerebuilding the spire and an international l architectuture competitition so. you h had i it is it's difficulo tell w what serieses from what't serious at times i i think this is actually kind of a serious proposal on social mia somome peeps peoeople thing let's y you know getet c creative let's gete creatitive juiceces going. ththat's n somethingng t that is more represesentative of the tis
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ththat w we live in. and you'u've got o others and wo are e mockingg sort of reflectca possiblele sayingg --- youou kns this whahat the red r restoratis blood mindfdful of t the pastt e also revealingng. you know itsts potenential to bn mixexed urban mixed use development i i think that's kind of a the p. the sort of nightmare results from the point view of some people. although actctually thingng over ere this player is in talks because that is an old photo. and others and we're kind of i think making subtle reference or not so subtle reference to sponsorship on to the bigger nations t that set that w were comingng in. andd so ththere thehere was a cn muchch not goi o on as well on social m media tododay. sosome maybe it's someone better tastste than others but all all move onn to this because i think this is a kind of that at the the relevance transition piece if you like to the next thing i'm going to talk about. this is an iran imagining of us with the g. lays on the twists because if we remember the
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timing of monday's fire. and many michael was due to deliver big speech -- that was to draw close the ground babase- anand hopopefully find o on some answerss to the demandsds of the jujudicial. at some refeference n not markk. anand it hadd been puputting ths up likike they y like this up on sosocial media sayining. you know you y you you y you'ree the guyy you just e escaped t te math exam because the fire alarm went off and then you don't have to do the exam. i mean the kind of a a jokey jokingng j jocular side with the seseries i thought as well becae anyway it i is understandable. that other things took precedence this week for example four hundred hereroes i thinknke can no onene which tononight announcedd. in orderer to treat term a at ta the manan who saved an option im from being totally burned down the men and women -- i i just i can just answers this is pretty yes that heroes yeah five fights is. every day the week a hero of that sort i mean that's i mean that's just that's just state that needs to be said. and this is great that they get is on about firefighters because i in in as a reporter i've met so many firefighters gfap scenes in our life which have a great. and that always very amenable
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they do so much hard work and they they go in places where. frankly we wouldn't go if they paid you right now they don't pay combat mode. you know so it's a great people they are and it's great to see them getting knocked out not owners is a i think he's a palace. boats you know you do s still he a lot of p people -- confirmed n social media saying it's in regards of all this let's get out in the streets on saturday and saturday is due to be a big day all of of at mobilise us you are. demonstrating that this is a piece in the guardian saying you know on the one hand what happened this week you could argue politically. it was good for many michael in the sense of the the right reflexes in postponing his pants beat she it's a catastrophe that would offer a chance to him for him to become bring the nation together in some respects and he did have a lot of rhetoric. onon tuesdsday that t that was speakingng allll of that. the p paris on its capapacity to unitite and said to all of thout i saw some something that you know it could serve him politically at a time when he was very weakened. but the thing is that speech has been leaked the speech he was
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much liver monday leaked. and it's been vastly and widely criticized by as the sources that the lead of the socialist party by right wing politicians are saying basically that he was and what we're going to try to save hospitals the schools but he's still going to go ahead and call 1-002-000-0 public jobs. some people say well how can you do both you know you called in public health and sybil's exam does seem counterintuitive that's right and so people sing symbolic measures such as doing away with the lease at public affairs school at am out. and he thought was one possible thing that's going to be at that was possibly going to be nuts not speech. but some saying look you know couldn't you reform the entry process as opposed to do away with that show. so is this looks like the school that is kind of my train so generations of french leaders that's right most and pretty much all different presidents and the fifth repubublic at w wt to their part from the concert because he believed. i put in any case at eight he is a likely he basically he it was expected on monday that was going. to get our can a rough time for those cononclusions -- to vision to the ground to base it looks now from the leaked version that
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was accurate that he was going to get so what he's going to what he's going to do now. is unclear it when he's going to deliver that speech. we don't know yes. yeyes yes on saturday is going o be another big day of of of of judicial. m. m. demonstrating so it looks like that that the not on fire it did. give him a reprieve if you like from the political realities but it will be back to those places around he's pretty quickly but those things one is about public opinion in the g. they shown in the in the wake of what's happened and how it's all going the e must. bebe some judaism fifty kickingn for obviously in a priority when james will see on saturday guys ever thank you from julie france cream gold mediawatch great you cover the business thank you. and the things you've watching di
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04/18/19 04/18/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: f from new yorkrk, this iss democracy now! >> the decade of the e een new al, a flurry of the kicked off our social and ecological transformation to save the planetet. it was the kinind of swing f foe fence envision w we needed. fifinally, we wewere entertainin the skill of the crises we face without leading -- leaving anyone behehind. amy: a a messagegerom the future withle


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