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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 29, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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have a few bad we alalready hava we food -- we alreadady started ththis spring food in my cacalle upup which is one o of the very- butt he he area. and andnd small we are startingo fry foodss -- by he cooked a a o these -- evill item which hasas been completelyy destroyed -- by the e cyclone and the situations really concecerning bececause hs
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have beeeen deroroyed and the it hass rained very heavilyly.. so people don't havee shadowsws- in those islands -- and that theyey mig hot - -- install has been damageded by by thehe wate. in the a world food program that ththey'ree beieing givenen speao us from out th places inn mozambiqueue most at risk of the contntinue brarain from cycyclig canopy a above t that of courses we get it. next stands military rulers and an opppposition alliance met ths monday t to discuss the powers f a joioi military sittingng coun. to see thehe country's transnsin after three decadeses o orule by albebert shihia. the two sideses havee been g. to talk about the make up of the proposed body but milititary officecers who t toppled by shin april eleventh. focusesed disiscussions insteadn thee futur councils functionsns and powers. the leader of the islamic state grououp has a appeared for the t time in f five yearss in a video released b by the extremist group's propaganda arm.
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in the video al baghdadi acknowledged to the feet in the battle for boggles. ththe group's last strtrongholdn syriaa and discuss the bombingss inin sri lanka the killed more than twowo hundred and fifty people. thee video released by at all fr khan o on mononday shows. abu bakr al bagagadi a appearing with a bushy gray and red beard wearing a black robe. a beige vest. seated on the floor with what appears to be a machine gun propped up next to him. this is his first new appearance than since he delivered a sermon at the boundary mosque the iraqi city of mosel. in twenty fourteen declariring it's a s self styled c caliphat. drunk as president -- math for paula at t the service center. hahas usedmergency powers to ban face coverings he says there's a need for all peoeople to o be readilily identifiable in n thee ofof the easter sunday terror atattacks. the imagehe moviess being criticizized f for tarargeting t cap wearing muslim womomen welln to terrorists still on the loos. this will no longer be
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auththorized entry langkgkah. in the aftermath of the easter sunday attacks linked to an islamist militant group citizens have been banned from wearing face coverings. this u uer an emergency law passed by the govement accordrding to a presidential statement. this decision was made to strengthen national security. and hop on the buckle when not specifically mentioned. well some like mumuhammad who ia mechanic in cocoleman ninety central line cut a groroup with the decision. he's even ask the women in his family to avoioid covering their faces. i'm almost on the faces covered we confident to fight without persrson is a girl a boy or a a terrorist in ththe current clime there's no n need to hide the f. muhammad's wife howeverr feels thatat paying for the terrororis crimes. these kind of book it is fefectiv the h hall that. nonoonly was name hardesty lyndon b. but the move to ban face coverings of follieies rect cabinet discussions on the issu.
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thee government has said thatt t would d delay a decisision until talks with h islamic clerics cod be held. as it was not the case somee groups centuturylink including e muslimim council of comeme out o crititicize the mission they say it's's a provocativeve step. given that muslims may company 10% of the country's population. and facial coverings of fall frfrom common. watching that stotory and anothr story feeling v very closelyly t ve from m paris c clean and drininkable water carbon dioxide absorbing forests. pollinating insects protein rich fish the wildlife that s suppors huhuman life our goal a at riskf twtwo million s species face extitinctionon m many decades wl diplomomats rananjan thirty nats gathered inn paris this mondayyo validate a gririm you an assessment. on the state of nature and to draw up hopefully a rescue plan. for life on earth well he told monus's pull that vehicle off of the into government. sorry into governmental signs policycy platformm byy the besed
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ecosysystem servivices. that's the best a assessment report by the sea and ecocosysts cool it'ss it't's a big namee.. but itit's one hececof a big ise facingng is not yeah and i i thk you sumummarize that pretttty wl so -- what we're looking at in this globabal assessment that we'll be discussing this weeeek? exactltly that you know what is thee biodiversity crisis i'm gonnnna try t to quantify thattd we are in a biododiversi crisis. and the e second thing you poiod outt is that by diverse c crisis going to have a direct impact on on us t through things like pollinatators - -- i if we don'e pollinatorss we won't have fruis think that's one of the and ilso importrtant things couould be looking at solutions so it's not gonnnna be just it's it's's goio be grim. but it's not just going to be grahamam it's also goioing to be proposing sololutions wayss thae can move forward and try to get out of this by diversity crisis becausee that's the thing how we it wouldld all g go to recycle e to the sort.
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of like trade in our petrol or diesel cars for electric car something but there's always a sensee from the cononsumer suspecte out this is just a dropop in the ocean. so t that's notot true so i'd ge youne example -- changes inn in didi and s specially changeses n diet that would be good for our health eating a a little less mt eating more vetables. well balanced. that kind of things great for health it'ss great for the clclimate b because those thingo make red meatt also m make lotsf greenhououse gases. andd it't's also great for bibiodiversity because i it's at more efficientnt to eatt plantsd it i ishe animals i in terms the amount of land you n need to doo do that. and so that affect is not s smal that affect these huge. atat though at the planetaryy se and there are. things that everyryone can do ty could have a big impact when you scale it up t to the glglobe a d local produce iss is s that. a local produce atat localal pre it i is great for a couplple of
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reasons it's great because one of t the things that you reallly want to o do. is - -- help support that divere city thas locallyly relelated to your culture and that's a really important thihing to do so by diversity isn't jusust about wid specieies bioiodiversity is also about. the crops that you g grow in a variety of thingss that youou e- so t that's important and the second thihing is that foror soe reasons at leasast locally g grn prododuce especiallyy -- i in sn grown proroce is is better than produce that new -- h his out of season and comes fromm far away my neighbor will. be glad to hear that because of the pixies mushrooms in the local force with outside paris becacause the thing is that t te things have to still be that. and some changes havee to make o mamake sure that survive somethg sets. we could t talk all night but sadldly timee is against us s tk you soso verery m much for joins a political deal to this report considered by a very stiff monsoon pararis about the grim nature of a by the s steam thins need to o be done is pulled thee saying. positive things are included in this rept step thahat we can a l
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take. to make things better thanank you very much f for joig us thahank you not live from pas we apprecie e your timsirr.. next chat holdersrs of the aviation giant b boeing. ththe meeting six mononths to te daday since the first of two deadly crasheses involvingng the companyy seven three sev m max allied new questioions being raraised about the aerospapace giants. handngng ofhehe whole cririsis e grounding of the seventy seven max worldwide as cools watch but destruction a and loss of reven. the two crcrashes in march this year on october l last year cost two hundred and forty six lines. standing under the pouring rain bubut determined to be heard. relatitives of the victims of to boeing seven t three seven max plane crashes gathered outside the american airplane manufactururers h. q.. askiking for justice in light of bones mistakes. eing is to drop thihis charade and open n up andnd talk a aboue chaiain of events inside boeing and thee faa. at led to these crashes they
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misrepresentnted their product. and they contributed directly the e deaths of three hundred ad forty six peopople. three hundrd and forty s six deathss w which boeing officlly apologize for ceo dentistry. morris time. onto questions doing buying a newer stakeholder meeting. some quiz the company's president on whyhy the plane had been rushed intoo proroduction. others on a safety alert feature ththat required -- lines to pay extrtra for a mu limburg said te safety of the croftft was boeins primary concern. we don't make safetyty features optionalal. safety has b been and always wil be our top priority. and every one of ouour airplanes inincludes all of the safety features necessary for safe flight. despite reassurances offered by boeing the p public a calling fr federal aviation administratatin investigatation stake holders ae also worried by recent events.. boeing stockck has lost 1 10% os vavalue since march. three hundd
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and forty six people losing their lives in those two classes led to the some of the some being taken out of service and of course s sponsors stitill n d by peoplple. onon all levels of the scacandae kekeep across all depapartments. forty time for the bususiness yu can roy i i'm pleased to o y is here in studio g great to see. abouout stararting withh. boeing and the company's board face t the grilling overr the sn ththree seven max x crisisis but survivived. a no confidence vote twin wowonders how but they've survid explains storyry well markk one third of sharareholders voted to shake up the board but the number fell short of a majority. boeing's boston is my number is also able to keep his dual role as chairmann andnd chief execut. the playmakers stock has lost 10% of its value since the v. i. p. n. adelines csh on t the tenthh of march the second fatal accicident involving the fans bestseing jet in five months. triggered a worldwide grounding and all the cancellations off the plane. last weekk boeing announced at
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that its earnings fell 21% in thfirst quarter because of the crisis. noww followiwing that annunual meeting boeing says droppeded again closing down almost a half a percentage point as you can see at minus north point 46% of the clothes on wall street. a us jazz in general died rose on the fast day of the trading week lisisted by upbeat consumer spending data and lost the positive earnings reports. early in the day the s. and p. hit an all time high for the fast time since last septembmbe. us treasury secretatary s stephn newton says thahat trade s schos with china have entered a decicisive phase t that will determine whether a final deall is possible he will travel to beijing with us trade representative from with night ties that. for another round of negotiations thihis week. meanwhilile sececretary of stste might comrere -- says thahat hes confidence the r reasons decisin not to not t to extend wavave ar
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coununtries thahat contntinue to import iranian oil including china will not affect the trade schools. a key element of those tooools s the so calleded forth transfer f technology china's deputy commerce minister says as part of an assets that truck more foreign investmenent beijing is working to revise its rules and regulations. including a ban on the practctie of forcing foreign tech fans into fourteeeen forming jointnt veventures witith local companas take a lessonn. ship all the way we w will see o it that t the legitimate rigighs and interes o of forward intellectual p property rights holders all well protected. who willll buy an old car weston knowledge you transnsfer until proof the m measures to protect and commercial secrets team without?? moreover we will serve the strengthth in the apppplicationf the foreignn investors complaint mechchanism. throughh the c complaints will e the timely h handles and see tot the general e environmentnts to doingg business will be optptim.
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you on t the inside h hunting. here in europepe credit card git visa andnd mastetercard have agd to reduce that these the payments in the eda with foreign issue because it's the latest concession the card companies haveade in the l lg running anti trust b bassil. with brussels the us bom already committed to reduducing ththe inter regional exchange fs back in january b but thehe latt still makes at the the promised legally binng under youou competition rules. cording to e european commmmission thehe fees chahargd because issssued outside the e. you w will be cut by ann averarf 40%%. scandinavian airlinenes is b brg for a fifth day of pilotots stre this t tuesday. the walkout started on friday off the wage talks broke broke down. grounding about 7 70% of the airline's flights through tuesday. around a hundred and seventy thousand passengers have already been affected. the ceo of sas thihis told negotiators to find a compromise
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quicklyy thatt says that the strike could end. saying that the conflicict is deeply damaging the flag carrier of denmark norway and swede. but f far from finding a deaeale two o sides and not even talking to each other. i canan just say that we really have done everythining to reacha solution. but the demandsds that haveve bn put on the table have bebeen unrealisticc. and ifif seriously jeopardrdizee competitiviveness. when it comes to the payroll we're at the bottom m of your of statistics w we don't dememand e same w wages of the pilots but e do d demand thahat we t talk a e differences in which the nigight thth electronic nonorris of the? representatives of amazon mike is from fifteen countries met in thatat in today to discuss a jot strategy a against the o online giant ememoyment praractices. more than fifty people from countries like egypt brazil and pakistan have joined otherer frm european nations for two day close schchool summit. ththeir aim is to o shar informatation on w working
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conditions in i was also t the distct centers w which could help in t their individual negotiatations a amazon has a at eight hundred distributionon centers around the world. but somome say but his movement- quote tracks down to the second take a lisisten you u need some power when theye when they're j joined togetherr when we w want to influence poly we want when we want to brbring workers --hrough their collective action three strikes andd had fifty strikes in europe actually inn twenty eighteteen e can see heres very importantnt for like a you k know everybody here in n europe. absolutely but it's s so veryy important foror the workersrs ad soututh amemerica because thihis like a an anaheim known terertoy for us amazonn is just. getting into latin america with like a lot of rations. and that's it f for business. you can run thank you very m muh indeed y your to the bususiness. crossing the studidio arrogant given me what's good evening how you market thanks are great to see e if i will thank you now t. you've been loloing at spapain e elections that course no oveverl
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majojority -- the socialists set up the whip hand it seseems but they could to tryy and put togetherer some kind of miministration so what what he t yes so i'v've been following the reaction on social media just wanted to start with this photograph which i think is quite emblematicc of pedro. sanchez z is mindset. we're e still waitining for it o come up b but so there's's no confusion that is not the jusust sentence. that's a joe biden lobby but i would like to tell us about. tell us about it so it's there is so he's standing on stage looking victoria celebrating of cocourse the victory of the spanish socialist party - -- hee you can see kind of evidedence f the red wavee if you will betwen twenty sixteen and t twenty ninineteen l last legisislative electionons in twenty sixteenn fully bluee almost which i is te popularr party the right wing. last fouour to twenty nineteen l of that blue has become for much of thahat blue is a question iff it's been such a change how could have gonee overall majoriy that's the thing that i think. people can get that from i mean that's the questioion of there e
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those the little answer the ad that i can give is that they're really simply just gonna have to work with smaller. parties left wing parties of course to kind of build together a majority i in the governmenttt they're nott too far off from doing set in okay -- so he same similar kind of graph heree -- moving on to the reactctions fr- socialalists in frce you havee any doubt go who iss the mayor f paris and a a member o of thee socialalist party who i is -- obviously e extending her congraradulationons to pedrdro z anand thehe spanish a socialistr their victory in last night's election. similarly you have the spokesperson of the french socialist party also extending congratulations and saying she really hopes that this will be an inspiration and a sign o of hope -- not only for the french socialist party but for e europn left wing parties looking ahead to the european e elections andt ththend of may. so positive reactions coming from french socialist that said there are some experts who have said kind of i guess.
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words of warnining if youou wil- that socialist did well by mobilizing against right wing extremism which has a very specific historical meaning in spain the mainstream conservatives did badly b becaue theyey chase the far r right voo kind of saying that it's important thahat. left w wing parties acrcross eue leararn frorom that if they'ree hopingng to repeat the successss that the spaninish socialist pay sasaw and i in the future -- soe i haveve a few reactctions just wanted to kind of look at how a regular spanish citizens purse thieves -- ththe electitions -- especially in the signinificance for them in terms of far right box having been less successful no box of coururse opposes w wht calls radical femininism an unrestricted migration. so left wing of voterss in in spain are really celebratingng this victory as somethingng thas gogood for fememinists --- for minorities -- for the l. g. b. t. communinity a and so a a lotf them were celebrating -- the deputy prime minister short last night -- yes i'm a feministt -- represting point or that's s it means court rightht too yeah thn you've got t the reference see e
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lord of ththe rings yes so this all star system in spain this low is if this is insane. it all started prior to the elections when the vox party up published this image what was the right wing party right wing by. far right party -- publish this image showing of box and it's kind of perceived enemies so you have katelyn separatists anarchist communist feminist the lgbt communinity -- and then of coururse flash f forward t to ar the electionss when their r vic- was notot ass significant as thy had hohoped you have these same forces k kind of chasing -- the vox warrior if you will out off the pictuture -- similarly -- te symbolic kind of vox man being trampled on by this lord o of te ringss and r rgs warrior -- sisimilar images here so of coue just showing thatt their victory was not as significant as s they had hoped for it to be. okay that's going to be the criticicism social media how wht so outlets of of the elections as ever yeah as always and it whenever -- you into crcriticism that's's for sure -- that you hd
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a lot of people on social media wondering why a b. b. c. news amongst others were giving so much attentionon to vox -- when they came out really as the as the fifth party so the the least with the least amount of the scenene not to criticicize and o mumuch but that they they they often do this moves with breaks into the? good knowledge of faraj got almost likike it as mucuch times he wants on the e tv and otherss that the greens that i t a lo in but i i suppose as a motivation that but w with this one it is ininteresting yeah ani guess i mean there's no way. for the media to to win kind of everyone wants to give attention toto these kind of historicic ws if you will a far rigight parar- getttting more and more votes bt in this cacase it was a lotot ls significant than what t we've s- in other countries in europe france included -- so you know a lot of journalists sasaying that it's impmportant.. to to to mame ththat knownwn and how the far t partiess in thee rest ofof your reacting to vox center they tataking heartrts are theyy thin well except t the grace of god o also for them itself streak it's great that i yeah absolutely ass celebrations. all a across the conontinent rey from marinine le penen heree in france -- all thehe way.
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toto the afcfc party spokespspef the a. f.
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04/29/19 04/29/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new yorkrk, this is democracy now! >> i donon't think of my books s biographies. i'm not interested in writing stories of great men. i'm interested in examining local power through the large, great men, in particular, how political power shapes our lives and shapes to lives both of those who wield power, but also shapes the lives of thosese who are powerless.


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