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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 30, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> hello. you are watching live from paris. up process andk are still ready to talk says s e dodon's group -- says s sudan''s ruling council. e emperor akihito statands down. the ceremonyny took lace at the imperial palalace in tokyo. akihitoto wishing --
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wishining peace e and prosrityt. in cyclone-hit mozambiqique goes up to 30 it. e will have -- goes up to 38. we will have more from our correspondent in the region. we start with news from venezuela. nicolas maduro's government is putting down a smamall coup attempt after juan guaido, w who declared himself interim president said soldiers were e n the site of what he called operation freedom.
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in a video, use see go ido in the capital with members of the leopoldo lowalso undero is meant to o be house arrest. ido hasas -- juan guaido h receivedd international suprtrt. we will keep a closese e on this for you. n, the head of the ruling council is ready to keep negotiatating, butut there shoue no unrest t beyond t tuesday afr on e two sides failed to agree the composition of a military counsel to leaead the military transisition. outside theave been buililding for almost fofour wes nonow. a sudanesee national
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and civil revovolution, ininclug the youth. yoututh w who care abouthe couny ancicivilians. reach a satisfactoryy agagreement with t the people. correspondent our in khartoum. julia steers joining me. what is the e latest? julia: we haveve come from the site of the sitt in n where prprotesters are frustrad with ththe pace a and outcome of the negogotiations. wewe havave heard conflicting reports of negotiations fromom e military. they said the prorotesters agred to clear thehe roads and presters said ththat is not thee case. we heard from m the second in commanan, somebodody consideredo be closeo thee oldld regime andd
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the ex-preresident al bashir. he r ramped up p e rhetoric. he said they would all the sit ins to go on, bubut the transitional council will not tolerate chaos from the protesters and called on them mo unblock key roads andnd bridgesn the capital, as well as to allow trains too comome into the capil again. there is frurustration herere on both sides. >> tell usus about this joint military-civilian counsesel they want to setet up. why arere they having trouble agrereeing on the compmposition? t the sticking poinint is the level of representation on both sisides. the military wants a c council f 10 people with seveven military representatives and three civilian. protesters have been pushing for civilian rule, so thehey are
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ununlikely to accept that ratio. on theivivilian side, , they wat eight civivilian representatives and seven on the mililitary side toto govern n until the election be held. the other point is how long the councicil will be in pcece. the e military says s they needr yearars. theyey think twowo years is sufficicient to o do that wororn the civilian side. the military is puttingg pressue to w wrap up in t the next few . we have e not heard from protesters after this statement a few moments agago. there is pressure e on both siss to come to an agrgreement about the makekeup of this council so. >> thank you for that u update. julia steteers repoporting. the death toll in nonohern momozambique has gonee to 38. pepeople are ievacuationon cents after cyclolone kenneneth made
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lalandfall, , turning roadads io rivevers and d destroying thouos ofof homes.. more torrential rarain is expecd in the c coming days, complicatg aid deliveries further. could supplies coming and not land bececause of thehe rai. this is gogoing to be a challene inhe days ahahead. the forecast is we will contntie to have rain for the coming days. we are looking at how we manage this, all of the options to o gt supplies in. we will keeeep doing g everythin all l fronts to get aid in. beenrorrespondedent has coveriring the stotory for u us. rescue and aiaid workers arare struggling to get into soe areas in the north, we are talking about the province,e,
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where ththey are not able to get into remote areas, authorities are pleading for help. they will not be able to cope wiwith the situation if thehey o not gett assistance from the international community. far,we do know is that so 3838 deathths have been reporte. around 16060,000 people have ben affected. about 30,000 homes have bebeen destroyeyed. the government is appppealing fr more help. they also needed assistance with foodod andnd shelterer, clean dg water and supplies.s. toy are calalling for helelp rebuild ththe damaged infrastructure. this is the firsrst ti in been twthat therereave opical clonenes in one seasoso in mozambique. kenenneth idai and cyclone
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happened j just over five weeksf each other, causing extensive damage and desestruction and dedeath. era i inthe end of f an japan w with emperoror akihito becoming the first japanese monarch to abdicate since 1817. hundreds gathered at t the palae in t capital foror the ceremony. several privive rituals were heheld. a aesire to abdicate in 2016. he cited his declining health. at 30 year reign ends midnight local time. is due to o ascend ththe throne tomrorow, marking e start of the new imperiaial era. beforere his last address as emper, primeme mister shininzo abe announced the abdication.
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>> we renew our deepepest respet and latititude to you.u. -- and gratitude t to you. we wish toto do our utmost to bubuild a b bright future for jn which is peaceful and full off hope. we renew our deepest respect and gratitude to you in the spirit of the steps the emperor has takeken up untntil now. we hope to do our ututmost too bubuild a bright future for jap, whicich is peaceful and full off hopepe. > i spoke to justin mccurry d asked how people in the capital and elsewhere feel about this abdication. justin: becauause it coincidess with what is usually a series of national holidays in japan,
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peop have been giviven 10 dayay holiday.y. a lott of peopople have left, he gonene back toto their home towo spend time withth family, or a record number r of people have nene on holiliday. the weatr is unusuaually cold. it is chilly, dark,, drizzzzlinn totokyo. that has put t the damamper on things. there were lots of p people milling around the impererial palace gardens, , hoping to cath sigh of m members of ththe impel family. ththis iss symbolic. there wilill be no political change a as a result, but onenea has come to o an e end. people may take this opportunity to take a step bacack, to refle, and to o look forwaward to anotr erera, year one, whicich begigis tomorrowow with the succession f
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crown prince and ito -- with the successision of the crcrown pri. a abdication is seen as a festive affair. tell us about the abdicacation cereremony. >> the ceremony was sosolemn. and was rife with tradition sysymbolism.m. controversy. it wenent against the principlef the separatition of state and religion. lasted 10hort it only minutes or so. it was the last t of the seriesf rituals needed for the abdication. a warperial rigali arieltt in -- the emperor wereehe imperial regalia
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brought in. thrhree treasures, a mirror, a gegem,nd a a sacred sword. replicas of two of the items were presesent and the real itemsms are kepept in secrt places in shrines around the country. supposesed to see them. no one is set clolose to see thm -- no one is supposed to see them in realal life. spopokemininister shinzo abe as a representativee of the nation. he thanked the empmperor f for working tirelessly. emperor akihito gave his final word as emperor. he thanked the nation for accepting him as statete symbol.
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a very humble message coming from someone who's father wass considered a living god. ascendswn prince naruhito the ththrone tomomorrow. tell us about the challenges for him. >> he was born after worldld war ii.. his father hasas spent h his to fulfill hihisst rolele as state symbol. seems to be clososer to the people, showing that he cares. although thehe emperor does not have a polititical role, emperor akihito trtried to patch the wounds left by japan's militaryy rulers during wartime invasions
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ofof countrieses such as china. the crown prprince will try to continue on that path, but he may try y to bring a more modern approach than his fafather. his role will not change. he will remainin a figurehehead. , having studied abroad, his wife being a formerr diplomat, they may try to seseek a new roe as ceremonial diplomats.s. one problem remamains. theat is of continuing imimperial lineage. thats set to go backrom 2600 years. ascenend thers may throne. that leaves only three people. younger brother, his son, third is hisis brother who
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is 83. in order t to keep this monarchy running, but government may hahe to rekindle a debate whether to allow wowomen to succeed to the throne. thank you. deputyr newews, the u.s. attorney general h has submitted his resignation. he oversaw the invesestigation interference in the u.s. elections. >> and a resignation letter, he expressed thanks to donald trump. grateful for the
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andrtunity to have served further goals you set in your inaugural address. >> as thehe justice deparartme's number two, he served under trump. he drerew headlines whwhen he toopointed robert mueller overersee the pressure instigatation. this after jeff sessions recused himself. rosensteinin was at odds with te president duringis term. in the end, hehe leaves onon hin terms. >> are you afraid of trump firing him? >> i am not.t. > he said trump had not obstructed the molar invevestigation.
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the importance of the rule of law. faith, we follow the laws and we put america first. hisod rosenstein will leave position behind to j jeffrey rosen. joe biden has accused donald trump of abusing the powers of office. this is at his first rally. his event has anan economic the. biden leads a national poll of democrcraticreference for the parties 202020 primary. john singleton has died d at the
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age of 51. he had been in intensive care after stroroke. he was the first african-american to be nominated for a best director oscar,, s se "boyz 'n the hood." >> put youour hands on the steering wheel. >> m months ter graduatining, jn singleton wrote, directed, and produced a groundbreaking field. hood" highlights racism, and the lack of opportunitity and gang cririme n the city.. criritical and commercrcial success. in 19 91, he became the firsrst afrirican-american nominated foa best direcector oscar. he was the youngngest ever to
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feature on the list. received a nominationor telling the storyy of the black experience. for telling our stories was more than an obsession. it was an omission in life. your love for thee black experiencece was contagious andi would d never be the man i amm without you. paved they, singleton way for black voices in sinema. -- in cinema. brokeke ground,d, they mattered. jackson paid tribute. more recently, singleton turned his attention to the small
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screen. >> it is time forr a looook at e top business newews. >> boeining ceoeo faced down shareholdeders at anan annuall eting. the anti-stallll system software was at faultlt in two crashes.s. aa warning system m to alert pis to malfunctiononing sensosors dd nott w work due to an undisclosd software glilih. thee c company is facingng lawss from investors and vic them --' family
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>> families l lost their relatis on the second plplane. both accidenents have beenen bld on the flighght control system. due to faulty data, it caused the planane to dive. plaintiffs accuse boeing of putting dangerous planenes in te air anand pressing regulatatorsr approval. boeing ceo faced shareholders and the press for the rsrst ti sinince the accident. he denieied boeieing was responsible. is one of the links in the chain was the activation of the
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mcas system. wewe knonow we can break the lin the chain and the software update does that. the faa would -- boeing said they would test theirir software by the end of next week. saudi, virgin,, are reconstruction -- restructuring or reconsideringng their 737 max orders. >> airbus poposted its quarterly results tuesday. profits hitting 40 million euros the first three months of the year. the defenseasons, of licenses to saudi arabia. and, thehe termination of the a0
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superjumbo programam, costing around --. it 4/10 of ah percent. and householdsion consumption rebounded slightly. data n not e enough to k keep rn ststock markets outut of the red tuesday. indexes m mixed following weaker than expected manufacturing data out of china. that cast doubt on the health of the global economy. of atse 100 down to tenths percent. frankford dax clearininthe flatline. ftstse showing i italian economy expanded aer two quarters of f recession.
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the gogovernment of f emmanuel macronon is seeking to lower tas after r months of public debate sparkeked by thehe yellow vestss protest t movementnt. some budgeget c cuts for public sect opeperations. proposals are not jusust a response to the yellow vests. >> the frencnch government is examining how toto apppply the x cuts presidedent emmanuel macron hahas promised helping to focus on people with low income. >> what is ourur goal? to see the 12 million people with the lowest inme group paying a 1 14% tax rate, getet x cut t of aboutut 350 euros.. there is a pololitical mesessag, too. working is more profitable. dividedh taxpayers are
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into five groups. option one, reducing tax rates for the two first categories. the taxwo, reducing rarates for the lowewest earnerf the first categoryry by creatina new group for them. the biggest earners willll keep papaying the same highgh rates. the tax reform m could be applid by january. how will the government ,ompensate 5 billion euro cuts business taxes are expected d to rise and tax d deductions coulde scrapped. restaurants are only paying 10% of vat, an advantage meant to presererve j jobs. the rate could double e to 20%. donald trump doeses not want his personal financial details in the hands of congressional investigators. bank toued deutsche
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stop them from giving records. trump has resisisted releasing s taxx retururns. and complicateded history. courts h have s said thee bankig privacy argument does not workk with c congressional subpoenas. >> thank youou for w watching. i will b be back i in a few min. thank y you for watching france 24.
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man: m my whole sision ilifefe s to live on a a deserted tropical southth pacificic island. watatt whatat you tell the lord. [laug] reporter: america tried to bury its toxic legacy here, on a rememote coral atoll.l. man: they covered it over with an 18-inch-thick dome and left. reporter: now the sea is rising, and the domeme is leaking.g. and the men who tried to clean it up are dying. man: it's a total secret.t. we didn't even know. the guys didn't know. we were lied to. reporter: tonight, we journey to one of the most contamininatd placeces on earth andnd we me te


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