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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 1, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

5:30 am
>> this isis france 24. i am genie godula. franceers gathering as gears up for its labor day protest. the risk of chaos and violence hi this year. wikileaks founder julian assange sentence to 50 weeks in jail for r breaking bail.
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he spent s seven years in the ecuadorian embmbassy to avoioid extraditition over rape charges. guaidoion leader juan cacalling four masked protests n formilitary to -- calalling -- for mass protests. wororldtivists around the are marking mayday by marcrching pressingkers r rights, a concern in asia's developing economy. tournine a private sunset followed by a bit of overnrnight on n the gl the glassg underneath
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pypyramid. protesters are linked to more anger over the a antigovernment yellowow vests movement. the e march isis going to beginn about an hour and a half. we are seeing g many people who tuturn out. > very many people turned ou. we havery peaceful
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loads o of music. maydays like anyy other prprotests. authorities scaled u up securit. police or caught offff guard by the numberf w writers. this year, security was scaled up. no tear gas, , no violence.
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alall we hear is chantining. julian assanange was arrested after send ashsh aftfter -- aftr spending years in n the ecuadorn embabassy. >> julian a assange was taken ot of the ecuadorian embassy.
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this is abouout the fact he jumd bail. he had b been sentenced byby the judge to 50 weeks in prison. fofour weeks shy of f what she d have given him. she said he cost t the british taxpayers dururing the seven yes outside the embmbassy t to prevt m filling -- to preventnt him fleeing the countntry, 60 millin poununds to britishsh taxpayers. you did not givive yourseself up voluntarily.y. you had a chchoice. ino not accept you lived jail condititions. this i is the least of hihis problems..
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morrow, we will rereport outside another court.t. his firstl l be appearanance because othee u.s. extradition request. momentt we b believeve he would d incur a five year sentence. that is for the publication of the diplomatic, highly confidential security cables which he leaked on wikileaks. ththere were many protesters in court, in thehe public gallerer. shameumped up and s shouteded on y you and we are awawaiting a declclaration, a a statement frm julian assange's lawyers. genie: the story is being followed closely. pictures coming g out of the ofadorian embasassy a couple weeks ago, basically being dragged out of the embassy. how havave people e there been
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thinking about this storory? brerexit dominates the news. ththere is no dououbt about tha. there e has been a huge controroversy about the millllis of poundnds spent on the securiy out there a aa time whehen those there is a tightening across the countryry. on one hand, if you have nothing to reproach yourself, why don't ??u
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he fleled swedenen because there were allegations ofimim allegegations womomen he denies, that he says are popolitically motivated.d. he is highlightiting the cororoversial vivideo of shootig from an n american helicopteter where e two civilians got killed and amongst thehe two jojournalists. he continues to cause controveversy. whwhat we will b be looking at w isis what lawyers say aboutt toy 's verdict and we willll be ououtside about the u.s. extradition request tomorrorow. genie: t thank you for keeping s up-to-date with that story. venezuela is gearing up for protests today. at least 70 people were hurt around caracas yesterday. truck targeted
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people in n the streets. juan guauaido has the backingf some 50 n nations around d the d in his quest to t take power awy from t the president. both sides are fightining to get the backing of venezuela's militaryry on board. >> i am calling on the armed forces to continue their march in the r rescue of the dignity f our people, our families. this is the challenge. tomorrow, we willl continue. we w will continue in ththe str, at protest points, and defined across the country.
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there had already been a daday of violent proteststs. -- with the t truth as a sword, a shield, we faceced so many a attacks andnd so manyny . we have emerged victorious at every turn. movell contininue t to forwarard. marco joins us now fm
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new york.. the kekey thingng is the role oe mimilitary. is there any way the army will swing behind juan guaido? >> the situation in venezuela, you have, quite a has the support of popular support. hasas been over a three-month process and he has secured populalar support. he has securur diplomatic support. in terms of the military, that has been thehe sticking point. the military remains fragmented. generational faultlines in the faultltlines according to rank, juan guaido has suppoport amongng the youngr
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militarys, the establishment. you go further up, higher up in the milititary hieierarchy, the level ofof support becomomes uncertain. those e who are directly associateded with the regime, if you are looking at the top military brass, others who have regime andf this spiririt others are psychologically committed to this regime. as you go up the hierarchy, the level of s support, it becom unceaiain. cubans have infiltrated the secucurity mitary estatablishme.
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you u take i into consideratitin these factctors, we have an help -- we have russian n help. despite the support for go i ido -- four juan guaido, you have the q question in the milititary ranks andd thehe future of venezuelela will be determiminey who possess the n number of .allots
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ifif you look atat the level of , you look at the 2018 presidential election, that was conducted on fraudulent basis, he has lost legitimacy. the econonomy has colollapsed or 50%. people cannot have t the basic supplies, whether it is s to, medical supppplies. this i is a cocountry ththat hae lalargest natural reserves of o. to s see it reduced to the s sts it was, it was not dueue to the united statates. it w was due to economic as i havent, and, and thahat the past, the seeds
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were planted by chavez years ago, startinin in 1998, nicolas mamaduro is sewing tododay. it has nothing t to do withh outside soururces. genie: what about u.u.s. involvement? the u.s.s. was one of the firsto sendnd international r relief a. venezuela.ted in why are they so inveed to the point of saying military intervenentionould s still be en the tatable? >> a numumber of years before recognizing t the wide-out government, the u.s. was b buyig venezuelan n oil. mamany have accused thee u u.s.f aiding and abetting the chavez reregime by buying venezuelan o. it has hadad a vesteted interesn impoporting venezuelan oil and exporting that t oil. it was a a mutuall b beneficial
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relationship.. there are over r 3 billion refugees thahat have l left, , h destililizes the region, hence latinjor support of the american countries, includuding colombia and brarazil. thihis spillover of the domestic problems into the rest of the hehemisphere, it becomes a hemispheric problem. hence the support t of many leading europeaean nations. we are not deaealing with a --uation where go o ido is where juan guaido is puppet of the ununited states s or the wen world. -- of is a s self-inflictedd the rerevolution andnd nowow a a spillover has taken place to a poinint where the outside power,
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regional neighbors have to take action, , whether it is apriril maddock action,n, economic sanctions, youou cannot let this go on and d on. unitedb been taken tohe nations and the security council. china and russia are heavily invested ththe madura regime hasas becoma pupuppet of chinesese and russin intererest. the e madura regime todayy is serving thehe intnteres of russa and china, who protect the current regime a and are exploitingng the nural resouours to their advantagege. corrupt andment is has mismanaged t the economymy. your question about whihite obeying a puppppet, i would say madero h has become a puppet of the cubans, the russians, a and ththe chinese. to thehe detririment of ordinary
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venezuelans. ththe realities speak for itsel. there is nothi i can add to that. the siation speaksksor itself. thank you. we will have to leave it there. the direction of the global strategy project in new york. at's come back to france for lighterr note. tourists are here, desespite the protests today. one lucky couple g got the chane of a lifetime when they spent the night in the louvre. that was in partrship with airbnb to celebrate the anniversary of thehe pyramid. it was the first time t the loue hahad sleepover guguests. they gotot to o stay in a bedrom under the pyramid. aey got a pririvate tr, and cozyzy dinner for free. the guests w were p picked via a competitioion where they y had o
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explain why y they would be the perfrfect guest. answewer was a letterer to mona lisa herself. had a lot to o talk aboutut and i would bring her a drinknkr some cririsps if she iss hungrg. smile.d chat t and share a we a are going t to start with n overhaul at facebook. they are trying to movove past e privivacy scanandals. zuckerbererg annouounced a redesigngn. a new w focus on privacy a as facebook looks beyond targeted advertising for revenueses and mounting criticism and a govevernment investigation after data lapses.s.
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like this.ok will look no blue, all wtete, and clean. ththe change is sosocial mediail focus on privavate mesessaging, enencrypt and conversrsations to make users feel sesecure. >> we do not have the strongest reputation on privacy right now, to put it lightly. facebookcebook -- >> has been criticized for not protecting privacy. propaganda was -- down too its platform. they will have to review revenue sources. almost all of its revenue came from targeted ads.s. facebook has left access
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to information about peoplple because they arare communicating in a private environnt, thatat makes it harder to deliver targeted advertising. there are questions ahead. zuckerberg outlined tools, allowing two by directly through facebook and its apps. facebook is being investigated over its data anand privacy prpractices. they expect the trade cononditis it over privacy viololations. >> u.s.. secretatary steveven mn and robert lightzer are on their way back to washington. the subsidy program was at the
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top of the agenda. set f for another round of talksks next week. donald t trump hopes to have another deal next month. genie: what is happepening on te maets? > most stock exchanges are closed. one exception, london. ftse 100 made some gains. u.k.wdown in manufacturing. opendities, exchanges are as tensions in venezuela boiled over. percent.halalf a
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france, the s supermarket giant has announced plans to .losee >> a plan will be put in place, but over 700 positions could the lost. they lost over one billion euros last year. it is confronted with unprecedented changes in the marketplacace and a difficultlt econonomic situation. giants hadh grocery rocky 2018's. therere is a larger nsnsumer trd at work. w we are seeing a proliferation of specialized food retaililers who are not trtrying to satisfy everyonene, rather target specic markets.s. be it organic oror discount sho. of iphones hass fallen..
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>> iphone sasales have falleat their steepest ever rate.. the slide is stabilizing as it cuts prices inin china. apple raised its outlook a as sales of wearableses beat expectations that, confinened -- that combind withth a sharere buyuyback sents up ovever 5% in after-hours trading. today is interernationalal labr day. workers in developoping countris took to the e streets.s. d demand rirights f for workrking peoplele. haveaid g garment workers ststruggled forears to improve their conditions. protesters in indonesia, blanco -- and
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like e getting higher salaries. conditions are better. salararies hardldly make whatt ends meet. >> the prorotesters worked f foe garment duststry. multinationanal companies buy merchandise from localactories becacause labois cheap. long,ing hos are conditions are tough, sasalaries are low. therere are few benefits. workers depend on these jobs for a living. and cambodia, it is the largest induststry. these protesters are denouncing international brands they produce for, like nike, calling a abroad.
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killed, 5 werere shot and during clashes with security forces. some brands say they have tried to work with companies who treat employees fairly, , but workers are still struggling. look at the obamas. they have a new career as tv and fifilm producecers. proctiongher ground announced a slate of projecects tutuesday as part of a content dill -- a contetent deal with netflix. a show for children about food productition. one show stands out, an adaptation of a book, the fisk -- the fifth risk, and examination on the trump
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onininiration's a affect business administration. genie: interesting to seeee how that playsys out. thank you for that look at the busisiness news. a trip to
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nakul mamahendro: itit never mae sense t to me that,t, like, yoyou walk intnto this resestau, everything is s super formal, ad thehen you go and you sit d down and y you'rere, like, oh, i'll e the 10.99 buffet. okokay. 10.99 buffet, you know.. so we werere just like, you kno, let's just scrap everything. let's ststart fresh. like, what do we want our restaurant to look like? ararjun mahendro: we w want to change the perception of indian culture in america. so how do we p push isis neee forward and how do we g grow? nakul: we're going to o serve, likke, the mosost bomb traraditl indian food.


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