tv France 24 LINKTV May 2, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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ge says -- genie: thanks for turning in. julie mesons is facing possible extraditioion to the u.s. to fae hacking charges. the new hearing in london coming one day aftehe was sentenced to nearlrly a year i in jail l r jumpining bail. juan guauaido called foror a thd daday of protests in venezuela.. class broke out wednesday t that
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brought t tens of thousands to e stres. today is the 500th a anniversary of the death of leonardo da vivinci. celebrations are being heleld in france where the geniuius behind the mona lisa didied andnd i is buried. in business, a look at whahat is known n as the oil curse. how venezuela's petroleum reservrves have shaped the couny 's econonomy, andnd not always r the best. a new w medical l breakthrough. the fir organ dononation with the orgrgan delivered by drone. theetails coming up and our top story, live from paris. ♪ genie: we start livive f from ln
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where julie mesons is facing a hearing over and extradition request from the u.s. -- where julian assange is facingng a hearing over an extradition request from the u.s. franance 24's correspondent is following the story. she joins u us outside the courthouse. whwhat can you tell us?? >> it was a delalayed and short hearing. preliminaryry hearing t today,e first in the u.s. extradition request, thehe biggest ever lelk of c classified informationn pupublished by wikileaks i in 2, a much awaited hearingoday, the begeginning of a ng process. we are expecting hisis legal tm to come out. in that legal team is jennifer robibinson, part of f hilegal tm
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from the beginning.. i interviewed her beforore she wentnt into wesesinster magistrates and she confirmed the most -- the bigiggest fear s he be extradited to the united ates. let's hear w what she told me befofore today''s hearing. his concern is about the risk of extradition to the u u.s. we have a warrant and w ware goingg to h have toto fightht these proceedings.s. he is worrieied ouout the prececedents set, particularly e way ththe indictment has enen crafted byby the united statese. itit will set a chilling precedt for all journalists. today, this is partrt of his legal t troubles. yesterday he was sentenced to 50
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weeks in jail. two separatate requests. the first onone that has s to do withth the extradition request made b by the swededes back in 0 for allelegations to do o with sexual assault and rape and assanange saysian are politically motivated d and that he e denies any wrongdoing. he says it was consensual relationships with two women. that is bebecause he went throrh the british judicial system, went to highgh court and lost that. went to the suprpreme court, the highghest court of the land and lost that. he had saiaid he would abide by the decision of ththe british legal system. and incararcerated
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himself, tooook refuge in the emembassy he was e expelled frod arrerested by the b british pole since he w was in breach of his bail conditions.s. the judge said he had chosen to seekek refuguge, he evaded the justice system here. , we think thosees 50 weeks could be reduced to 25 for good behavior.r. moment, as fafar as we understand the indictment, risks five years in n prison in ththe united states. julian assange, who is not viaent today, but aeared video link appearss i in casuaul close today. whichd he would not be,
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is n not a s sprise, hee would t go to the e united states. he did not accept that extradadition bebecause he had important work to o do andnd hes working as a j journalist. we have a preliminary hearing on the 30thth of may. a significicant date i is the 1h of june. arguments will be heard. the legal team will havave timeo look at t today's indictment.. they have not seen the full extent of the indictment today. it will be interesting to see when they come up what their strategy will bebe. theyey are ccerned thihis is prproceeding. we will watch for the e 30th of may and d the 12th of june and beyond that, we expectt q quitea few w monthshs later, a propoper extradition heaearing, which we undersrsnd will last a weweek. those dates yet to come.
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a process julian assange has never wanted to facac that is s why he sasaid it was e cicircumstances that made himime to thehe ecuadororian embassy ee he had diplomatic asylylum. that was aftfter extensisive tas and collababoration between the uniteded states, british authorities, ecuadorian authorities,s, that was revevok. we will l wait to hear today and we willl see, , the next date fr julian assangege will be the 30h of m and then jujune, the all-important t date. genie: thank you. in venezuela, juan guaido is calling for a third day of protests. he and his bacackers wilill notp ununtil nicolas maduro steps do. leftal protests s in caracas one dead and close to 50 hurt.
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♪ [shouting] be thee dayayosed toto nicolas maduro stepped down, at least, that is what supporters of j juan guaido had hoped.d. with the government dived over who they see as the legitimate leleader, it has turned in a political stalemate. nicolas maduro said he hadad no intentition tono resign. they believed i i was ready to give up, thatat i was going to hand myself in, that i wawas rey to leave thehe country. offificials s have come e out sg publicic servants have reaeachen agreement wiwithhem for a couou. u.s. officials havee been fofoo. guaidouesdaday, juan
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issued a call for the mimilitary to abandon majuro and claimed sanctions had alreadydy begun. he was flanked by guguards and a lolong timime opposition figure, leopoldo lopez. signs the little defections quite a -- defectctis juan guaido hohoped for. the opposition leader reiterated calls fofor protests. >> only know and must recognize that yesteterday was notot enou. we must insist the a armed forcs jojoined together. has received the backing of o over 50 c countrie, includg the e united states, whicichas threaten to take military action againinst mader. genie: the crisis inverness whaler is turnining into a proxy
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war. mike pomompeo and sergei lavrov tradaded accusatioions a and a e call wednesday that the other power was makingng the situation worse. >> following his bid to spark an upring, juan guauaido's most powerful intnternaonal backer was full o of praise for himim. >> i have been watching him on the streets and he is doing rallies. he is veryry brave. said he u.s. presidenent was d doing eveverything short f thee ultimate two resolve venezuela's crisis. the ununited states has u uppede pressure on ninilas maduro's regime. pompeoesday, mikeke reiterateded the uninited states woululd take military action if rerequired. trtrp''s admiministration wasnee of the firstst world powers to
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recognize juan guaido as the inteterim president. to maintainin the b best relationonships with the united states. we need to thank the administration for the detetermination to defefend democracy. it has been very impmportant. >> tension isn't mounting between the white house and the krkremlin. an ally of caracas. theyey accuse each her of interfering g in and destabibilg venezuela. i is our hemisphere, n not where the russians ougught to be interfering. it wilill not lead to anan improvement ofof relations. >> the u.s. has an interesest in securingng ties with the countr. moscow clings t to its hold ove the regime.. devastating landslide destroyed homes on a
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decommissioned landfill site. rescueue teams are searching through the rubble e for susurvivals. anan evacuation got most people out in time. that remains after a lanandslide swallowed dodozens of h homes. emergency crews have scoured for survivors. they rescuedome pets, tt several armissssing. >> rescue groups are going into look for threeee people who are missing. help families find belongngings where there is s no ririsk. there is still the ririsk of landslides to rescuers and families. that is why that t part is seald off. >> heavy rain set off a
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oututskirts.e dangegerousic but place to live. landslides arere a common occurrrrence. houseses builtlt on steep p lane vulnerabable. up govevernment has set shelteters foror ridenents who e lost theheir heses. >> everythining was d destroyedn thee landslidede. we did not have titime. children, butth my now, we have nothing. i have lost erything.. >> the landslilide forced d peoe out of their homes.. woman has died after police crackeked down on protests. prprotesters are locked in a standoff with popolice and soldiersrs aftfter violence brbe out follllowing polls held witht an opposition candidate.
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supporters of the former president t took to the streeee. recordl results showed aa turnouout. a team at the university of maryland h has announced t theye transplanted donated kidneyy ininto a patientnt after deliven it by drone.e. it is the fifirst time drones he been used in organ it -- in organ donation. saferld herald faster and organ transport. >> it was a short flight, but one that saved the life of a woman who s spent eight years on dialysis. this dronene is carryiying a kiy to a hospital in baltimomore. team o of experts worked withh
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engineers atat the university of maryland to devevelop an unmannd aircraft system and a machine for maintaining and monitoring and orgrgan - -- monitotoring an organ. >> organ does not appear to be injured d at all. minutes.urney t to 10 the hospital wasas able e to trk it in real time.e. drones arere used commercially y companies like amazon to deliver packages in sosome countries. the medical sector has been slower to exploitthat potential. time is of the essen. after being removed from a donor, they becomee less healthy with every passing second. currentltly they are transpopord by roads or flights, making them and airle to road traffic delays. drone delivery will prorove less
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expensive. organ transport costs around $5,0,0 a at present.t. today is the 500thh anniversary of the death of leonardo da vinci. he spentnt the last years of his life in france, ceronies wewere held today with emmanuel macron and his italian countnterpart. da vininci is famous for his portrait of the mona lisa, who has captivated millions with her smirk.. ununtil da vinci came around,, smiling was t ought to be acceptable in portraiture. it was seen as silly or vulgar. >> s s has captitivated audiencs for centuries.s. there is something about her gaze or her smile ththat makes mona lisa irresisistible and mysterious.
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leonardo dada vinci, you wowould rarely see a grinning subject. smiling wasas associated with lunatics, buffoooons, and prostitutes. >> after years of research, he smiling had the most memeaning. he was a great artist and accomplished s scientist he drew hundreds of sketcheses d dedecks -- and dissected hundres of corpses.
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subtleptured ththe most facial expreresses. > lines and bororders arere . that is whwhat brings life to te painting. aintings feature a variety of smiles, fromm the mt playfufl to the mosost ambiguguous. our business update.. >> venezuelala is under the resource o or oil c curse. it is dependent on petroleum reserveses. the globobal market has made
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things challenging for nicololas maduro. >> venezuela depends entirely on oil, which accounts for 9 90 percenent to o 95% of exports. when prices wereigh, the economy thrived. since 2014, crude prices have slumped. goesroblem with production deeperer. in 2002,003, workersrs went on strike. fired thousandsds of qualified employees, including engineers. some oilecided revenunues should be diverted io social programs i instead of beg reinvested in the company. has dropped, from 200 million barrels per day to
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700,000 barrels per day in march of this year. venezuela exports less for cheaper prices. it is facing u.s. sanctions.s. economic crisis, with inftion hitting 10,000,000% per year. the lack of food, waterer, and medicine is pupushing people t o flee the country. genie: europopean companies have announceced their earningsgs. abobout 7.5gen fell percent. losseses were not as bad as exexpecteded, given the e statee auto indusustry. the reaeason, the need to s set aside one billion eurosos t to l withth risk fromm t the diesel scandal. the total amoununt of diesel
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related special l items for the last few years is getting up to 30 billionon. we conontinue to assess risk. nonobody can be absolutely certain. >> dutch shellas reported better than expected profits. figures were down slightly compared to the same time last year. cheering.i investorsrs the company making upp for that in part, by boosting p proction in the gulf of mexico and shale inin the united ststates. reaeactedin asia hahave positively to o s. china trade talklks. and japances in china are closed due to holidays. the u.s. andst
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chinina may beinding down their trade dispute. europe, things are less positive. the strong results from shell, listed in the u.k., helps put a cap on those losses. investors reacting to the decision from the federal reserve not to lowower interest rarates. fafacebook may be required to create a new privacy oversight committee.e. itit would be part of a settltlt under negogotiation with u.s. regulators. was week, facebook said it expecting g a fine from the federal trade commission. it would be a record penalty against a tech company. ofy a accused facebooook violating a privacy consent decree.
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e europe are seen ass being fafar more aggreressiv 5g telecomttle ofof is heating up. l lobbying has been its allies to blblock huaw sisiding security concerns. u.s. defense secrery gavin waslliamson was the vincece -- dismissed bybyheresa may. >> until recently, the u.k. h hd one of the toughghest polilicies towards huaweii, fearing the company would transfer data to chinina, it kept it out t of 5g devevelopment plans, which is wt the u.s. advised it to do. now, the u.k. . is allowing huai
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in.. >> we have put in a review w of thee 5 5g supply chain to ensure have a s secure and resililient rollout of f 5g and the decisios will be announced in due courur. >> the pririme minister is not saying there is no r risk, but th i it wi build non-core parts of its 5g network, like transmission eipment. it would be e kept away from sensitivee information. many companies are concerned huawei will spy on them. some have band the company. othehers have let it in partial. offers advanced 5g technology s solutions. it is financially competitive compared to rivals from other countries. >> europopean countries haveve t banned huawei, but toughened security standardsds.
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ise chinese company developing its technology across europe. sometimes in partnership with local telecommunication companies, like in france, where authoritieies found out huawei s carrying out research next to the defense mininistry and orded it to move testing o o of pas. pilot strike at scandinavian airlines s is rollg on. norwrway and denenmark are b bat the babargainining table. the airline announced the cancellation of about 280 flights. the strike has affected over 380,000 passengers. pilots want a pay raise and predictable work k schedules. management sayays that iss unrerealistic. it is something wewe will follow as the labor talks progress. genie: there is a lot more too cocome in the next half-hour.
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- [male narrator] coming up on reel south. - coal is life, coal is brotherhood. - [male narrator] in the heart of coal country, a community is divided. - this is the rape of appalachia! (sirens wail) - [news announcer] seven of the miners were killed instantly. - [male narrator] but in the wake of a tragedy two women find common ground. - someone could have prevented it. and that's what made me start talking. we need to stop it. - [male narrator] next in overburden o on reel south. - [female narrator] ] this program is made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by thehe followiwing. (bluesy y guitar rock)
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