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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 9, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> you are watching "france 24." time for 60 minutes live around the world. i am genie godula. these are the headlines. europe rejects iran's ultimatutm to backtra on elements from the nuclear deal unless the e.u. stepped into support it against u.s. sanctions. live coverage from brussels coming up. the u.s. house judiciary committee hold attorney general william barr in contempt of congress, popping up a notch the
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democrats' legal battle with the trump administration over access. realm -- to the mueller report. and opposition leader in venezuela juan guaido has been arrested. agents towed his car away with him still inside. business,g up, in trade tensions ratcheting up as high-level talks are set to begin, with donald trump accusing china of breaking the deal and beijing threatening to retaliate. we will be talking to our correspondent, charles pellegrin, and beijing. a stunning comeback in the football world. won 3-2 over ajax amsterdam. at steps up at all english final against liverpool in madrid juje 1. details coming up. first, our t top story come e ae from paris. story, live from
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paris. let's start with this news, just in from the vatican. pope francis has just passed a measure to oblige those who know about sex abuse in the catholic church to report it to their superiors. that move of course coming after the clerical pedophilia scandal that has rocked several countries now. the new vatican law requires every diocese in the world to have a system for the reporting of abuse but the requirement will not apply to secrets revealed to priests in the confessional. u.s., a country tightening the screws on iran, with new sanctions on its metal industry. donald trump announced the move wednesday on the one-year anniversary of the u.s. pullout of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal. a deal trump has called
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horrible. that came after iran said it would immediately stop implementing some restrictions under the deal. in a move largely aimed at pressing washington and european allies to step up to preserve the agreement. the. trump: i also withdrew united states from the horrible iran nuclear deal. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: and unfortunately, just today, i felt compelled to authorize new sanctions on iran's iron, steel, and copper industries because i hope to be able at some point -- maybe it will not happen, possibly won't -- to sit down and work out a deal. a fair deal. we do not want to hurt anybody, we just don't want them to have nuclear weapons. genie: european powers have but are the ultimatum fighting to save the nuclear deal.
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emmanuel macron appealed for calm, saying iran must be worked with to stick with the deal. >> france has been committed to the nuclear deal that we signed and negotiated. disagreement is not sufficient, and we intend to improve it iran's025 by monitoring ballistic activity and reg attending -- and regulating a regional activity. upheld. to be iran must stay in this agreement. genie: for more reaction from the e.u., let's go live to brussels with dave keating. tell us more about the reaction from other european natations. dave: y yesterday we hahad reacn from t the big three e.u. playes who are signatory to the agreement -- germany, france, and the u.k. today we got a united state and from all 28 e.u. member states, plus the big three, calling what iran did yesterday and ultimatum
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and saying they were not going to surrender too it. what iran wanted yesterday is for the e.u., european countries, to beef up their investment in iran. after all, that was the whole point of the agreement. iran gives up its new we as its nuclear weapons program in exchange for getting investment chiefly from europe and the united states. but after the united states pulled out a year ago, donald trump threatened that any european company doing business with iran would face u.s. sanctions, so the e.u. has tried over the last year to shield european companies from the u.s. retaliation, but in the end it did not work. european companies have pulled out of iran anyway. they are not investing because they are still afraid of that u.s. retaliation. to say, trying here look, we are giving you two months. if you do not find some way to increase investment, we are nixing this deal. europe todayay said that is not
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going to work, we are not going to surrender to an ultimatum. we saw that pretty strongly stated in the statement today. genie: dave, does the e.u. have a lot of options here? will european nations take a stand against the u.s.? dave: at the same time that european leaeaders arere sayinge will not give into an u ultimat, there is a certain amount of sympathy for iran's position, and there is extreme frurustratn with the united states a at the end of the statement issued today. they did not name the united states in name, but they were clearly referencing washington when they called on parties not in the agreement not to try any kind of retaliation, which the u.s. has already done. we have had statements from european leaders -- for instance, today the head of germany plus foreign affairs cocommittee says allll of this n escalating diplomatic crisis
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caused by the ununited s statest by iran. ththis all was sparked off, he said, when donald trump pulled the u.s. out of this agreement. but the reality -- as i talk to people in brussels -- they say they are sympathetic with iran. they would love to find a way to shield investors from m the u.s, but the fact i is, this is a u.s.-driven economy globally, and it is very difficult t to shshield european compapanies fm the u.s. it is too big a player. even if the you that even if e.u. wanted to -- even if the to, they cannot force european company's to invest in iran, and the fact iss the european companies are making a logical calculation by trying to avoid the u.s. retaliation. genie: dave keating reporting from brussels. back in washington, a house of representatives panel has voted to hold attorney general william barr in contempt ofof congress r
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not releasing an unredacted copy of the report on russian elecection meddling. the judiciary committee took ,hat step after tensions rose after donald trump used his executive privilege for the first time to blolock disclosure of the mueller report as it did not conclude that there was a criminal conspiracy between moscow and the trump campaign to influence the 2016 u.s. presidential election. it did, however, detail 10 instances where trump possibly attempted to impede the investigation. here is more from the committee chairman. >> this was a grave and momentous step that we were forced to take today to move aa contempt citation against the attorney general of the united states.. therere can bebe no highgher sts --n thiss attttempt too arrogae to arrogate all powers away from
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congress a and from the american people. we have talkedd f for a long tie about approaching a constitutional crisis. we are now in it. genie: in venezuela, the number two in the opposition-controlled national assembly has been arrested. the government of nicolas maduro has been going after its enemies linked to last week cost failed attempt to stir up the military uprising. the opposition offfficial, edgar leaving, was headquarters when his car was surrounded by a commander unit from venezuela intelligence agency. our correspondent has details. >> the dramatic arrest operation led by a commando unit t of venezuela intelligence agency. inar zambrano was arrested front of his party headquarters in eastern caracas peer the opposition official, the second highest in rank after juan guaido, life tweeted the arrest.
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>> we saw members of the special police trying to break his car window. in, were unable t to break got a tow truck, and took him away. >> zambrano is the first senior opposition official taken into custody by venezuela cost government in retaliation for a failed military uprising last week. the supreme tribunal has charged edgar zambrano and nine other officials of treason and other high crimes. the president of the supreme legalitydefended the of the arrests. >> the supreme court judges reaffirm to the venezuelan people and the whole world their strong attachment to the constitution, the laws, and the service of the proper administration of justice. 0 failed the april attetempt to oust nicolas madur, repression against members of the opposition has intensified.
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the united states, who actively supports and is whale up supporton, have worn -- venezuela's opposition, have warned them. genie: let's take a look at other new stories for you from around the world. south africa's anc party is ahead in early election results there, but that lead with a third of the votes counted is not a big one. this is the first electoral test over whether the president has reinvigorated support for the ruling party. the far left and far right parties have made significant gains as well, as has the opposition, democratic allllian. a federal judge has ordered brazil's former president to return to jail over an ongoing investigation into allegations of corruption. michelle tamir has been charged six times with various corruption -- mikell time here --
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he is being investigated as part of the sprawling carwash corruption probe that ensnared many of brazil's top politicicis and business leaders. leadersnese p protest have threatened to launch a nationwide campaign of c civil disobedience after accusining te country's m mitary rulelers of delaying the transfer of power to its civilian admdministration thousands of people e remain campmped out the -- outstside te mimilitary headquarters nearly four w weeks after armed fceces toppled the autocric presidenent, omar al-bashir, as demanded by months of protests. the sides are now fighting over whether an overall ruling council that would replace the existing army council, made of solely generals, should have a civilian or military majority. a pakikistani christian woman is finally starting a new life in canada after a decade-long nightmare. she was given the death penalty for blasphemy under pakistan post strict laws.
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our france 24 reported went to meet people in her home village where the story first began. >> her or dale began here 10 years ago that her ordeal began in northwest pakistan in this village. >> the women were sitting here when the incident happened. -- waterk a watererfront from the other woman's jug. then she committed blasphemy. i cannot repeat whahat she said. people in the village wanted to kill her, we preferred to follow the law. after learning of the verdict, we regret not taking justice into ourur own hands. > she was first sentenced to death and then acquitted, sparking violent protests in her home village. >> that is the curse of her house. you should leave now. dr. the violence left dozens with legal proceedings.
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many believe blasphemy is nothing more than a cynical stratetegy. to get --become a way religious minorities come here and blaspheme and they use it against them at embassies, which will offer them asylum. >> four kilometers away, a christian community of 8000 strong, where she often came. all these years we have prayed for asia to grantnt her freedom. the women who accused her are sitting quietly at home with her children, while asia did not see hers grow up. get togetherllages to threaten her. sometimes the police support them, are very happy -- we are very happy that justice finally prevailed. asia is free because she was sincere.
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but over 40be free, people are still on death row, victims of pakistan's strict anti-blasphemy laws. nearly a third of them are christian. genie: it was another epic comeback in the world of football last night after tottenham beat ajax amsterdam to go through to the final. that sets up an english team final. the hat trick hero. the brazilian side scored a winner, sending his team to the champion final. football.n the before, i tell you in the last six months, i repeat these sentences. i think they are superheroes now.
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at 2-0 in the firirst halflf, all seemed too be lolos. within 45 minutes, mora completed his hat trick, finishing off a left foot shot from 16 yards deep. tottenhnham's energygy and detetermination w were too h for r ajax. the team a are veryy younung and inexperieienced, ane way they played football is with such high intensisity and is so aggressisive that i just think e combination of those two things, they had to o sit back and the second half and that gave tottenham the chance because they did not have the energy that they did. mora firstold lucas arrived in 2016. after five seasons mostly benched, he ended up leaving paris for tottenham last year. now the hero of one of the greatest comebacks in champions league history, mora is taking
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tottenham to the first champions league final ever, an all-english final against liverpool, who won over barcelona tuesday. genie: as you can imagine, there were a lot of happy tottenham fans out there, but we wanted to show you perhaps one of the happiest. take a look at this guy. you can literally see him leaping for joy at that when. tottenham is in its first champions league final ever, so lots to celebrate there. plus it was ththat last-minute lynn -- that last-minute win that stunned the football world. not just this guy, but many tottenham fans around the world. for the business update, i can see you jumping around like that for some sports. let's talk a bit more seriously about this. let's talk about trade tensions between the u.s. and china. they are continuing to escalate, and both sides are digging in
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their heels. >> president donald trump accused china of breaking the ifl while beijing retaliates the u.s. goes ahead with a tariff hike on friday of $200 billion worth of chinese products. our correspondent takes a look. >> with the clock ticking down on a new wave of u.s. tariffs on chinese goods, donald trump made sure to put the blame on beijing. are. trump: you see we doing? because they broke the deal. they broke the deal! so they are flying in the vice premier tomorrow, good man. but they broke the deal. they cannot do that. >> after months of u.s.s.-china negotiations, the truce set in place seems set to go up in smoke. an elation that did not go down
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well in beijing.g. -- an accusation t that did nont get -- that did not go down well in beijing. >> lots of promises. the chinese side, who value credibility, this has never changed. >> china has indicated it will tariffte if the u.s. hike to 25% goes ahead on friday, affecting billions of dollars of chinese product. including textiles, consumer goods, and food, from frozen meat t to fish. of untaxedion chinese imports could also be in the firing line at 25%. let's cross live to beijing to speak with charles pellegrino. beh the u.s. and china empty ramping up the rhetoric as
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another round of high-level talks is starting today. are they trying to reach a deal? has the beijing government given any more details in the argument that they have not backtracked on their p pledges? they were not trying to reach a deal l until now. i do not know what they were doing because sisince donald trp and xi jinpipi tried to o reacha trucuce in decemember, putting a truce between the trarade war between the two countriesesthere have been over 10 rounds of negotiationsns. they havave drafted an agreemen, a 100 50-page agrgreement that covers seven different chapters. -- a a 150-page agrgreementhat covers seven different cpterers. all trump t treated out - -- twd out his threat to increase tariffs on chinese goods on sundnday. it seememed like there werere at of positivee messages before that, coming out o of these tals between beijingngnd washington. doldld trump accuseded china of babacktrackingng on some of thee
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commitments they made e within e negogotiations, erining wholee passages frorom thehe draft agreement that the two sides agreed on. betterch topipics a as intellectual p property protectionon, a level playing field for amemerican compananien chchina, and e e to the practice withn end to the p practice technology chances. all of these accusations, china has s denied them.m. this c could be e a negotiations tactctic by donald trump ahead f the last push h to getore compromises from the chinese side. on the chinese side, they are flatly denying this s version the facts, andnd they are saying that actually putting in n place these taririffs is not goodod, s not in anyone's interest, not china's and definitely not the united states' index -- interest as well. >> they are not strictly new,
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they were being delayed until now. exports shrank unexpectedly last month. can beijing afford to restart a full-blown trade war now? there has been a a sisignificant economic slow down here in china with the gdp considerably plateauing at a level that is much slower than it has been in the past. it is still l ch higher r than e avererage in the world, but definitetely an economicic slown here in china. the thing is, the chinese levelels -- has more levevers to use to contrtrol an economomic slowdown than the united statess has b because its a more centralized economy then a completely market econonomy. we c can expect china to be able storm b bymore of a injecting morore liquiditity ino
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the chinese economy, but this will have itits o own problems,e increasesed debt. it is also important to o note that 20%f china's gdp comes from exports, a a sizable c chuk that wilill be direcectly impacd by a raise in tariffs.s. but again, t this could d also t the americican economy because f the way tarariffs w work is thee generalllly distributeded down e liline to the consumer. those consumers being americans who are buying chinese products. sound like a win-win situation. thank you for that update. genie: those escalating tensions are contntinuing to rattle the markrket. > stocks are fallingg and auo prices are dropping on worries about the impact of the trade war onon the global economy. finished down more than 3%. the selloff continues in europe.
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more data out today showining china'a's inflation hs picked up. >> the consumer price index increased 2.5% in april from a year earlier. rising inflation could be seen as a positive sign, but analysts say this -- analysts say this demand remains subdued. there was an outbreak of african swine flu in china that led to the killing of more than o one millllion pigs. let's have a look at more business headlines. profitstetes said net dropped more than 17%, at 207th -- at $237 million. believesst airline rising fuel costs, a stronger --
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panasonic is teaming up with another company in the housing business or the new joint venture will offer high-h-tech homes with connected cars, and clean energy. the deal is to be finalized by next january. there is an 81% increase in annual operating profit. the $100 billion vision fund is the world plus largest technology investor curt softbank is the biggest shareholder on uber, and it is make ad to much-anticipated market debut on friday. genie: a tiny spelling mistake, but multiplied millions of times , had less than red faces at australiaa pot centralal bank. -- at australia pot central bank. banknotes haveew
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been printed with the word responsibility spelled wrong, three times. to a magnifying glass to find the typo. it is hidden in microtech's underneath a picture of the building. it was rolled out last october and is said to be the most difficult in the world to cultivate because of the extraordinary level of detail. it is an embarrassing error for the bank, but people do not seem to mind as much about it. let's take a listen. had a few more 50's. you expect that they would check to make sure it is correct before they print it. but, let me go ahead and call them out? no. i go back to the u.k. and say, look what they did in australia appeared what can i do for this? how much can i sell this for? genie: maybe that was part of the e anti-counterfeit p purposr
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that way counterfeiters will never think to misspell on a note. >> i think you are reading too much. genie: you never know. i am trying to give them a break. coming up for you in the next half-hour, meet
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- [male narrator] coming up on reel south. after r local repoporters uncr decades of forced sterilization. - [begos] i thought i've never heard of this, this must be wrong. - i am a victim of the eugenics. i was sterilized at the age of 1414. - [male narrator] ] lawmakers from both s sides of the aisle join the fight for justice. - we're the ones that perpetrated this hideous crime, we ought to be the ones responsible for it. - [malale narrator] next in the state of eugenics on reel south. - [female narrator] this program is made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by the follolowing. (bluesy guitar rock)


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