tv DW News LINKTV May 16, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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berlin. tonight, changing the rules for who may and may not cross the border. u.s. president donald trump unveils an immigration overhaul. the u.s. president was to favor higher skilled m mrants who o cn speak english. he wants less prpriority for the with family ties to america. with a divided congress, is his plan dead on arrival? coming up, sudan's military suspense negotiation with democracy protesters following unrest. we will meet some of the people
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who have been pushing for a transition to civilian rule. the chinese dissident artist i huawei signs off in germany with the biggest show of his work seen in europe. we will take you for a preview. class, the latest female athlete to fall foul of new athletics rules. a kenyan olympic men -- medalist feels her career might be threatened over runners' testosterone levels. i'm brent goff. to our viewers in the pbs in the u.s. and all around the world, welcome. tonight, u.s. president donald trump has announced plans to tighten immigration, making it tougher to gain entry into the country. trump wants immigrants to have better english proficiency and more job skills.
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he says he wants to reduce the number of asylum s seekers. the ininitiative statands little chance of passing through the sharply divided congress. herere's part of a trumpmp said about his plan earlier today. >> we are here on this beautiful spspring day in the rose gardeno unveil ourur plan to create a fair, modern and lawful system of immigration f for the united states. it's about time. if adopted, our plan will transform america's immigration system into the pride of our nanation and the envy of the modern world. brent: that was the u.s. president speaking there. for more on trump immigration reforms, a plan that was put together by his son in law, jared kushner, let's go to our correspondent, good evening to
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you. tell us a bit more about the trump-kushner plan. >> the trump administration, or what trump has said today is that he wants to transform or create a fair, lawful and modern immigration system that is based on merit. that means that trump wants the majority of the people coming into the country to be educated and skilled workers. scientists, doctors, engineers. he wants to limit the number of people who are coming into the u.s. because they have family here, or family members who are citizens. he wants to limit the number of people seeking asylum. he said today that the u.s. asylum system is being abused by frivolous claims. he has not presented any details or evidence for that.
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that is what the trump white house is proposing, a points system that would make it e easr for skilled, well ededucated workers, who can speak english and maybe already have a job offer to come to the u.s.. brent: this plan is similar to canada and australia. those countries do not have the dreamers, young people who came illegally to the u.s. as children. what about them in this plan? alexandra: it's quite striking that the plan does not address the dreamers and their fate. roughly 3.6 million people who were granted work permits and protection from deportation by the obama administration. but -- president trump illuminated this program, now those people are in limbo, pending court decisions.
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the plan is not addressing this issue. that's why it is rather unlikely that democrats will support this plan. brent: the chances of trump getting this plan through are not very good, are they? alexandra: slim to none, i would say. the democrats are not only supporting -- not supporting this plan, the republicans are not happy either. this plan is not designed to become law. that is what senator graham said. he is a republican and trump ally. brent: alexander, thank you. here in germany, a small radical far right party has been staging marches that evoke the countries -- country's nazi past. they are fielding candidates and the european parliamentary election.
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ruth krauss at has been to the town where it they are found followers, despite calls for the party to be found. -- band. -- banned. >> this is the office of the third path. they sell secondhand clothing here for germans only. the party cast itself as being a party of the people, the part -- the german people. they also share information on its program. it wants to see the german borders shift back to where they were before the second world war and cut right through poland. they say german women should have more children and immigration should be stopped. >> my ideal germany is a place where politicians have t the fil say and they should always act in the interest of germans. we support closing the borders and believe for an instant nation cannot continue. -- foreign infiltration cannot continue. >> the third path has marched through this town, most recently at the beginning of may.
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the marches are reminiscent of hitler's third reich, the torches, flags and drums. the neo-nazi party has polarized the people of the town. >> they were allowed to carry torches and wear uniforms. i find it frightening. >> some of their ideas you cannot fault. >> it's horrible that they have set up base year and even worse that people indulge them. >> whether groups are allowed to demonstrate here is up to the local district office. if demonstrators wear uniforms, or if there is the threat of violence, a rally can be banned. so far, authorities have not acted. local auththorities have also bn accused of not using thehe full extent of the law against far right groups. many say they downplay the threat they pose or turn a blind eye. the marches are repeatedly
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allowed. >> it's about rights and the rule of law. i think it's important that the playing field is extended as far as possible. sometimes, i would like to see more courage from local authorities. >> political -- this political scientist says restricting the neo-nazi demonstrations is not enough. he is calling for a complete ban on the party. >> even though they are a small group, they need to be banned. the ideology and orientation is fundamentally the same as national socialism. >> that is still far off. it is difficult to do so under german law. the third path party is running in next week's european elections. brent: let's poland our political correspondent thomas sparrow. this is an issue about history and also free speech.
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all of that coming together. how big of a force is this party? >> not very big. if you look at reports by germany's domestic intelligence agency, they have been monitoring this group closely. they produce reports every now and then about their activities. they describe it as a far right, extremists, small party. if you look at different reports, you will see that about 100-500, you have the number of members of this group. it does not seem to be a big party. it is a party that as you have just seen has created a lot of headlines because of its style and content. that content is the reason why german authorities are monitoring it. brent: is there a serious effort to ban the third path? >> there have been proposals to
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ban it. we saw in our report, banning a party in germany is a difficult and lengthy process. when you talk to authorities in saxony, for example, or other parts of germany, with this group has a presence, -- where this group has a presence, they say they will use all legal possibilities against neo-nazi demonstrations. they will discuss this issue with other authorities as well. banning such a party is extremely difficult and lengthy. authorities have faced a lot of criticism in recent times, for allowing these kinds of demonstrations. it is a controversial issue in germany. it is one i am sure will continue to be debated. to what extent can a party that has these kinds of rallies be allowed or should they be banned? brent: we have heard that
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parties on the left in this country claim there is a relationship between extremist groups and the far right afd party, germany's main opposition party. what do they say to that? thomas: they haven't shown a clear line when it comes not only to this party, but in general to those reported links between the afd and parties described as far right or extremist. we saw that in the r recent protests. the afd h has distanceded itself omom far rht g groups. you do see members of afd marching alongside them though. i was looking at some of the empty demonstrations -- afd demonstrations, they have had some of the third path numbers there. they have tried to distance himself, but on the other hand, there are some links.
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the question is whether the afd benefits or these connections harm the party that is the main opposition party here in germany. brent: the party does benefit in the fact that he gets all this media attention, which we know the parties like. thomas sparrow the story tonight. thank you. here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. austrian lawmakers have approved law banning headscarves in primary schools, adding to existing resestrictions on veil. it mentions the wearing of religiously characterized clothing that covers the head. islamic organizations are threatening legal action. german chancellor angela merkel has quashed speculation that she might seek a job in the european union after stepping down as germany's leader. she gave up the leadership of her center-right party and said she will not seek a fifth term as chancellor.
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flashes have broken out and india controlled kashmir after a gunbattle between security forces and separatists killed five people. residents at the funeral confronted indian troops with stones and barricades. in pakistan, unscrupulous marriage brokers are promising desperate families money and a better life for their daughters. the catch, though. the young women from the christian community must marry and moved to china. hundreds of pakistani girls and women are being married off this way. it's an unexpected consequence of china's one child policy, which tipped the countries gender balance toward men. >> chinese men are in need of brides. this is where they hope to find them. in pakistan's small and vulnerable unity.
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girls like these are blurred with promises of a better life and told they will marry a wealthy christian convert. their parents are promised money to. these are almost always lies. this woman was married to a chinese man at 16. she is back home now, pregnant and trying to forget her last christmas in china. >> my husband beat me when i said i wanted to go to church. he was tired, but i was insisting. he slapped me and stepped on my phone, breaking it. >> this woman had a similar experience. after marrying at 19, she removed to a remote chinese village with her husband. once there, she said she was allowed to leave the house. >> i didn't want to go to china, but it was up to my parents. after the marriage, they said i should go, that i would have a
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good life. nina: a good life. it is a promise that many are falling for an impoverished christian committees in boone job. -- punjab. they recruit local priests for help in targeting the poorest families. both of those women's marriages were said to be arranged with the help of a pastor from this church. >> salim is a christian activist and journalist. they said it every $5,000 for a marriage, and the biggest amount goes into the dealer's pocket. >> the family gets about 300,000 rupees. nina: it is big business and in china, openly advertised. this graffititi promotes matchmaking services.
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>> in my opinion, this is human trafficking and the chinese government is responsible for this if their citizens are doing these things. nina: pakistan recently arrested at least eight chinese nationals suspected of trafficking women. more arrests are expected. china says it has zero tolerance for the practice. but who job' -- punjab's human rights activists say they are violating human rights without asking questions. brent: tonight in sudan, the struggle for democracy has been marred by violence. the ruling military council is refusing to hand over power. last month, the army overthrew president omar al-bashir after protests. those same army generals have broken off negotiations with groups about a transition to civilian rule. the protests continue.
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we have this report from the capital, khartoum. >> for as long as he can remember, this man has been on the front lines of the struggle for democracy. he protested against the government in 2013, now spending months on the streets as part of the latest uprising against former president. he has paid a high price. one night in january, on his way home from a demonstration, was followed by security forces. >> some peoplele came from b bed me andnd started beating me with an electric baton. they did not say anything. i was hit didirectly in my eye. i told the officer that i have had eye surgery and i have lost my cornea. he said, we could kill you. nevermind your eye. >> he might never see with his right eye again. harassment continued when he was taken to a detention center by the security forces.
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there, an officer recognized him as a prominent activist. >> they forcibly stripped me. they ripped my shirt and trousers. they started saying inappropriatate things and threatened to rape me. i felt ashamed. being a front of somebody people and being naked, haviving all of these things s said to you, it s been a huge psychological toll. >> another witness to the cost of thehe revolution is this dr.. she helps run this field clinic at the heart of the sudan in front of the army headquauarter. in the days leading up to the removal of the president, this clinic was at the front lines of the violence. >> there were people coming in with all kinds of gunshot wounds, head wounds, like wounds, all over the body. they were just randomly shooting. it'll had specter wounds. >> doctors themselves were targeted by al bashir's regime.
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this video, taken on new yeyea's eve,e,hows for d doctors being arrested by the military on the street in front of a hospital in khartoum. the e doctor says that it is because doctors have been at the forefront of organizing strikes and protests against the regime. >> no matter how many times doctors were attacked, they stayed in the hospitals. this was very annoying for the al bashir regime. that's why they tried everything they could against us and arrested us. i took part in demonstrations and marches, but i never did say i was a doctor. it was dangerous. >> despite the violence, dr. khedr doesn't believe viololence is the w way ahead. that is thee message that this man has for ththose attacking ad abusing protesters. >> despite you torturing me, i went out to prototest for youtu. -- you, too..
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sometimemes i think about reven. i would rather we haveve accountability, because we protested agagainst illegal practices, so we cannot turn around and do the same thing. > in ththe latest developmena deal was strk to set u up a committee to o investigate the targining of proteststers. he helps his sacrifice and that of others will not be in vain. brent: here are more stories making headlines around the world. the u.s. state of missoururi's publicic and l led senate has pd a bill to ban abortions in eight weeks of pgnancy. the legislation makes exceptions for medical emergencies, but not pregnancies resulting from rape or incessant. apportionment -- incets. abortion proponents are -- opponents are hoping the u.s. will overturn a ruruling that outlawed abortion. brazil's native chief has met
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with emmanuel macron in paris. he wanted to highlight the threat to the amazon rain forest. he helps to raise one million euros to protect the home to many of brazil's tribal peoples. the artist nina: ai weiwei -- the artist ai weiwei has called berlin home for three years. he recently announced he is leaving germany, but he is signing off with the largest european exhibition of his work in a german city of düsseldorf. as ever, the show mixes human rights advdvocacy w with some oe ad - unexpected. >> the artist and activist ai weiwei opens his largest european show ever in düsseldorf. he is in unexpectedly -- and -- and excitedly unpredictable mood. the show comprises a huge range of his work, some not so
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well-known. some now famous in their own right. he has lived and worked from berlin since he fled china in 2015. > this is the most important show. >> he has maintained his style. his most rececent work focuses n ththe plate and experience of migrants and refugees, exhibiting the close left at a great fiji camp before it was cleared by the authorities. >> i know what it is like. you are seen as foreign. you never got the feeling why you are not at home. that is clear. that is absolute. i do feel immigrants, anybody's
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human rights being violated, anyone who is no freedom of speech -- who has no freedom of speech will be grateful if some of the else gave them a voice. >> the exhibition reflects the artists -- artist, uncover buzzing and unapologetic. brent: earlier this month, a south african runner lost her appeal against rules intended to stop you know athletes with high testosterone levels competing in women's races. a kenyan runner has also faced questions about her testosterone levels. she has raised against the south african runner, and now she says her athletics career to be brought to a premature e end. >> to most athletes, it does not get better than winning and
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political. she took bronze in the 800 meters at the 2016 real games. -- rioo games. her success has brought questions about her gender and her identity. >> we are dejected. you can readjust naturally. we're just natural. >> she is affected by the i-aa f intersex rules, which target female runners with high testosterone. the i-aa f governing body says the rules are needed to ensure fair competition for women's track events. they have also left intersex athletes in ththe dark. margaret wambui at 24, is wondering what her future without athletics would look like. >> i am worried. i am worried about my career.
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i just know that since i was at child -- ca child, i'm grew up knowing this was my career. >> the i-a-aa f says intersex athletes must reduce their testosterone if they want to continue competing in the female category. even sports top courts, despite ruling in favor of the i-aa f had concerns about this. it said the side effects of hormonal treatment experienced by individual athletes could come up with further evidence, demonstrate the practical impossibility of compliance. wambui is in no doubt. >> i am not going to take medication. i'm not sick. to tell us to take medication, those are chemicals you are putting in your body, of which you don't know what will become to affect you later.
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->> the intersex debate is complex, mixing sporting questions with those of science, ethics and identity. at the heart of it all, athletes like margaret wambui, who since we want to race. -- simply just want to race. brent: two of the biggest names in tennis and taken to the clay court that the italian open. rafael nadal and roger federer barely broke a sweat against their opponents. > the sun was shining and run again for roger federer's first match of the italian open since 2016. the world number three had no trouble e dealing withth his opponentnt, portugal's joao sosa. the swiss b but his place in the third roround by cruising throuh the second set 6-3.
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defending champion rafael nadal had it even easier time in his opening game. the world's number two stormed through the first set, 6-0. nadal eased through the second set to run at the match 6-1 and moves one step closer to winning his record extending night italian open -- ninth italian open. brent: after a short break, i will be back to take you through the day. tonight, the european parliament election and the forces putting the dis in disinformation. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ to leave a sit
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down protest income. to thank you very much for being with us the president of the united states has said that he hopes. they are not heading towards a war with iran. the us is ordered nonessential personnel of course t to leave neighboring iraq. us aircrcraft carrierss heading towards the persian gulf these moves followed the iranian ultimatum over the nuclear deal to around looking for help from the european. sick the trees all that france britain germany to get round the sanctions the president trump slapped on iran india that's elapsed
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