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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 17, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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congress to approve street day shouldn't trade agreements for not coming up for you in all right business segments all that and plenty more. you're watching from. twenty four we thank you for us the u. k. where britain's that divorce with the e. u. is that once again in disarray this friday office at six weeks of talks between the conservatives on thehe opposition labor party ended. with no agreement when at a later liza jeremy corbyn ready to pririme minister to resume a informing her that the b bxit talkss ass far as h he couould d gogone. as far as they can maintain responding that the inability to find common ground essentially complicated those discussions
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your buddies to reason may and jeremy corbyn spspeaking at a because the areas where we have been able to findnd common groud but other issues have. proved to be more difficult and in particular a we haven't been able to ovovercome the fact that there is a common position and labor -- aboutut whether they wt to deliver brexit school hold aa second refererendum w which coud reverse it. the government has not moved disposition fundamentally the fundamental disagreements we want to have a customs arrangement with the european union it protects jobs in trade we want to have a dynamic relationship. on rights we put those whose very strongly to the government and thehe resort agreemement bel will be brought forward i don't know what the contents that. happens. chemical in that speaking there let let's bring you some more on this several twenty full set benedict's pavia who is that standing by in london for us. that is a good evening to you of how it's no surprise then that jeremy corbyn on to reason may not seeing eye to eye.
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lucas through the if you will some of the main sticking points in those at six weeks of discussions. yes the collapspse of talks -- that have lasteded six weeksks o fafar between the conservrvative government of trees in may and the main opposition party. led by jeremy corbyn is no surprise. it has to be pointed out for us he that receipt isn't being criticized by their own policie. all members i should say of their own parties that all very divided. even holding. the talks and yet s some other people also think that this was justst posturing by both. policies -- as we heard there and those trips. really eacach side blaming the other so the main. objectctions -- both policies where they couldn't find a common ground is certainly on the holding the second referendum something that trees may fines are completely unacceptable she had said sir. repeatedly - -- and alsoo -- whs ththe labor partyty a actually s a customs union andnd certainly this is really raise the hackles
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of m many b brings a tear conservative backbenchers he said this is simply unacceptabl. because this would stop the united kingdom from having making trip trade deals with other countriries around the wod which they see is one of the main advantages all of exit. so where do we go from here well we'll see but certainly some recriminations i think already this evening and that we expect tropical programs. throughout the week. i mean better things you taught from there at theresa may has suddenly -- suffered at some knocks if you will limit this whole rat breck say sat on sassen say. with this latest blow i suppose you know no -- agreement being reached out between corbibin on may outlet is this lisa. this leaves the prime minister. and i'm even more difficult situation although it wawas as i saidid no surprise it's not completely. unexpected. we all less than six days now
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away from europeanlections european elections that were never meant to happen let's remember in n united kingdom why because the twenty ninth of march was supposed to be come whatat may and i'm not doioing a plan worse. but actuallyy the exits w whethr ththere was a deal or no deal there is s a deal the only one that has been negotiated. by reasonn may -- and t the european union it has been rejecteded three times already e prime minister said earlier this week she's bringing it back when she's bring it back in the week of thehe third of june. therefore off -- to these european elections let's remember that -- britith force will vote on thursday. bobox the results throughouout e twenty e eight member statess cannot be announceced before. tn pm london time eleven pm paris time up on sunday ninight. in a sense lucky for treason ass a bank holiday also politics is in recess. so the viable recriminations
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will be needed if we arare to believe ththe polls thehe conservatitive party comes in fourth or fifth place and if indeed. there is a big protest vote. and there's's elelections are wy the brakes pararty. led by a sudden nigel for all. five y years ago was leading you kept the u. k. independence party. and certaininly with the b blood both that happens during the late collections where the tory party lost. one ththousand three hunundred l comes in is. there are some very very angryy conservavative mps so it's very difficult whehen you look at the mouse t to see how. the prime ministerr could win in that week when she brings back the legislation when there is a virtual to two days of debate. if you want to fight that there's a state visit by president trump the factt that it's the seventy fififth anniversary o of the d. day landings withots of commemorations in france britain germany and others. want a full week and could the prime minister lose if she does lose that but for the fourth time of asking. then wee expxpected to annouounr resignation veryy quickly and we would expect possibly an interim
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prime minister on really the leadershipip gone for that leadership contest. too well and truly go o off and of course bos johnson has confirmed hee will e a candidate. he's a busy week to come out and it even independent for us -- in london for now thank you. wellll this friday at countries across the world hobby marking international day against homophobia t transphobia onda by fabio created by cannot two thousand for t the day. puts the spotlight on the discrimination on the violence of the lgbt c community kind experience. may seventeenth and i commemoration well whole health organizations in nineteteen niny decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder get the roof how this report. this couple was assaulted a few months ago in their own backyard by one of their neighbors. the assaults which took place in the dead of night begin with insults. quickly t turned violent. we a also.
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i mean to hands you'll and the stomach for my fingers were caught and i had a one centimeter wide wound just below my belelly buttonn. not just the media market we've been insulted before but this time it was more violence than we've ever seen i appreciate okay got physical. physique. according to the french group so so move will be sold some lesbian gay bisexual and transgender people hit a new record in. twenty eighteen the nonprofit association registered two hundred and thirty one physical attacks last year. the number of assaults jumped 66% from. twenty seventeen the previous annual record of one hundred and eighty eight anti lgbt q. plus assaults dated back. to twenty thirteen the year same sex marriage was passed in france. lead single for the victims of homophobic attacks speak out more than they used to this explains why these numbers are on the rise. unfortunately even if mentalities are changing even if there had been strides in equal rights such as same sex marriage that homophobia is still remains
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president francis to the house has. a series of homophobic attacks in paris at the end of twenty eighteen widely publicized on social media prompted the lgbtq plus community to demand urgent government action. in november equality minister malinche yep i responded with a plan against lgbtq plus violenc. but to this day only two out of ten actions promised by the minister had been effectively put in place. according to s. lesson for me. i was told was more about the international date timime this y be a trans siberian de ee fi be i'm joined to hear this too w. s. ccc liquid a audio preresidef honesty frowns. i will welcome to you. let's start with that not reported two hundred so she want recorded physical assaults against homosexuals in france and eighteen for you is the picture. terribly leak or has that been any improvement tool. he smokes bleak it's more like a mixed picture actually because on the one hand we have improved
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the quality. with the marriage equality of course but also the right to adopt and soon the right to procreate so to find to found a family. so there has been improvement for sure but on the other hand we also have a kind of persisting -- homophobia. which is also expressing a very human way and this is particularly alarming on social media but also in every day life in the streets for example. any gay lesbian or trans person can be -- attacked and insulted and there is a lot of impunity so we still believe with amnesty international that there should be -- more severe punishments and also stronger stands -- within the governments including the present himself to condemn this kind of acts and to show that france will never tolerate this kind of vitamins and discrimination. i i mean i'd like to get your reaction on that today -- sees how one becoming the fast -- you
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know. place in asia essentially to recognize all to legalize same sex marriage is not a new era for the island. well i thesis very encouraging we hoping of course to create a domino effect and we had the same reactioion when for example last september india. finally decided to decriminalize homosexuality as well because when one country does its of course it could be an example for others and what i mean others not only countries but civil societies. on the other hand it is quite a specific situation because time one has more democratic rights in other countries so it is of course a little less difficult for civil society to defend their rights. so this explains this results but is it very encouraging for a miss international two because we have a section in taiwan so on the ground in different countries we can tryry to encourage people andnd support people. who defend these rights and we can do also our own advocacy work on different levels national but also international? he touched on the fact that you knowow taiwan has -- you know me democratic rights in some respects i mean compared to
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other -- some other countries i mean thinking it particularly of president -- patient who you know is a rececently launched an enquiring -- investigation if you will into the torture of gay people in in chechnya for example that was very disappointing i have to say because we have big hopes especially when present on micro was quite vocal about it during the visits of prison putting. and he was -- quite intense on asking for more accountability but it was two years ago in two years later unfortunately we know perfectly well thanks to our different sources including nobody exacta or l. g. b. t. network in russia. that these if there is a new wave of persecutions and also people get killed tortured and killed -- and with the same impunity again cut the rope is t going to do anything about it on the country's going to continue to encourage this kind of persecution if there is still in tennessee. so that's point this morning we
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were in front of the and see the russian embassy first of all to hand out. to hand over our petitions because all around the world we had the same events trying to give. evidence that civil society cares about that but they refus. to to receive us is is very discouraging and also because the president mark macro in spite of the promises has not been so vocal lately about it so wewe're trying to put pressure. on the room sorry she's so that they put pressure on put scene and of course can to rough behind him. okay cecilia could review all of the president hi missy false expend much for your time thank you. let's say in europe where a pollution visa proves that key changes to the country's crimininal code whwhich include increasing prison time f for convicted paedophiles to up to three decades behind balls. well that's a coming off the ground breaking documentary on child sex abuse among pollutants priest sparks and outcry in the country. under the changes the most dangerous paedophiles could also face life in prison full twenty fourth got a crack tells us more
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about not documentary. this film really is a phenomenon in poland it's fair to say everyone in the country is talking about it it has a strong emotional impact because you see these. victimims of abuse decades latar confrontingg their abuses and te guys admits awaits and suggest financial compensation also exexpressed great remorse and tt you u know old man at the titim- when you see them inin the film but you see the angnger and the pain that the victims are still feeling then of course there's all this information in the film about the ways of the chats? covered up and sex abuse by priests and move priest to different i see these i mean all of these things are not completely new information to polls. that have been you stories about in the past that have been scandals about this already but it was really old brought together in this one film and i think it's the film that has finally openened the floodgates invalid. in pakistan hundreds all fat
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people have been infected with thatat the hiv virus all for adults to use dirty needles to treat t them. thee doctor hihimself hiv posite has been detained while officials trying to asascertain whether r or not he knowingly spread the disease. the families lined up in this queue in southern pakistan are anxiously waiting for their children to undergo a test that could forever change their live. their visible distress an indication of just how dire the situation is. hundreds of people in this village mostly children were recently diagnosed with hiv after doctor repeatedly used a contaminated syringe. i'll be the john. jay is getting re. until now 1-300-080-0 members of the general public have been screened. none of them belong to a high risk population. i i do -- but of those screened in the five hundred and ten cases have been tested hiv positive. also dispositivo out of those cases four hundred and ten our
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children and arounund a hundred are adults. or something of it. authorities are still investigating whether the cases are a result of malicious intent or gross negligence. either way the local epidemic is indicative of the poor state of health services in some areas of the e country. experts warn the hiv infection rate is likely to search due to the often on sanitary use of equipment frequent medical malpractice and under trained doctors. as just one example when romina bb's ten year old child came down with a fever. a doctor prescribed him paracetamol and told her not to worry. it wasn't until she sought a secondnd o opinion should realie the problem it was much more serious -- novel got a policy the doctor prescribed to me paracetamol syrup which stopped the fever. but we later went to another doctor who screen the entire family include most of us. however he told me that one child has been infected with hi. so pakistan long had some of the
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lowest infection rates of hiv it is rapidly expanding. with some twentnty thousand new cases diagnosed in. twentytyeventeen t the country w has the second fastest growing hiv rate in asia. nine sixty nine here in paris these all the top stories we've been following for you. no agreements following at six weeks of discussions brexit tools break down between the conservatives on opposition labor policy they say the tools have gone as far as they count the tory saying. no. common ground. countries knocking -- worldwide international day against homophobia and transphobia on bali flavia created in two thousand for the spotlight. on the discrimination and violence experienced the lgbt community. also coming up for you the us president donald trump announces a deal with canada or mexico to scrap major tariffs this is he of this congress to approve the three nations trade agreement.
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more not coming up that long to weigh.. in on business from them. i hate to tell us more i'm joined in the studio by i'm kate you left and getet you know just tell us more about. this plan that by donald trump. we heard it just marischal canadian prime minister justin trudeau saying that the greatest barriers to passing the us mca the u. s. mexico canada agreement which would replace nafta. or the terrorists that washington had levied on imported steel and aluminum last year that's a 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum does heavily affecting its biggest allies in the region canada and mexicico it's too b big neighbors there. now donald trump is saying that canada will be exempt from those terrorists in the next two days a similar deal with mexico is imminent according to donald trump. who would i and i would effectively pave the way for this u. s. m. c. a. to be raratified no it's just it wasnt really quickly to us president donald trump speaking just a
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short while ago? we've just reached an agreement with canada and mexico and will be selling our product into those countries. without the imposition of tariffs or major tariffs so that deal is going to be a fantastic deal for our country. and hopefully congress will approve the us mca quickly. and then the great farmers and manufacturers in steel players will. make our economy even more successful than it already is if that's possible which it is possible. i mean i'm here just outlined force if you will what is trump getting out of all of this. what trump is getting an exchanange from this is what thy said in a joint statement between the us and canada canada is going to help keep dumped metals are metals are being sold under market value? from china -- notably and also from other nations that are coming into the united states. this would be done through a monitoring system i'd that's the term that they're using and the site in the statement that they released. for it stealing
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aluminum trans shipments which would look out for any surges in the metal markets that could indicate the dumping is taking place. canada will also drop retataliatory tariffs that they had imposed on twelve billion dollars worth of us products various products that including. and not limited to our house like toilet paper and home supplies there's some weird ones on that list very long was that was really released a l little while ago we e had a very keysyy i saidid very key i items thatt. huge imports and and a big cash prize. revenue for the united states will hangers voted to say that - these on the me -- taris that donald trump is pulling back on essentially tell us more about the tires that both europe and japan all keen to see the buckles. we are a big day for terrorists are as far as the us is concerned today -- canada do you know. the european union excuse me and japan a lot of countries involved here are not o out of e woods just y y trump d did announce that he was going to delay a decisionn on whether or not to impose tariffs on imported carss.
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and auto parts for up to a hundred and eighty days so that's to allow more time to negotiate a trade deal with europe and japan notably. europe very happy about this move as i can remind you t these terrorists shocked allies because donaldd trump had used the excuse of national security to justify this in europe in particular. had was taken aback by this saying that it's unacceptable to set up auto car auto parts and vehicles imported to the u. s. by its allies. could be a threat to its nationalal security so this move to remove t those tariffs was wewelcomed the e european commin saidid that europe isis ready to come back to the negotiating table. to negotiate a limited to trade deal with the united states moving. for i will answer to talk a little bit about the elephants in the room out how all at china likely to be affected by what is this. of course it is okay china we've been talking about terms a lot lately here on the program in france three four and on other news programs. around the world. china has been the primary focus
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of u. s. terrorists in recent times our hopes are however still bleak for those us china trade talks t there are reports now saying that those. that next round t the twelflf roround of trade talks between these two biggest economimies in the world are now stalling i and this is after the united states dealt a potentially devastating blow to chinese telecommunications giant. wall way earlier this week so that is the latest in this escalation piling on top of the terror for that the countries have been fighting for months. china's foreign minister it saying the beijing wants to see proof of sincerity now from washington they want a quid pro quo. inin this next round of trade talks. these terrorists being. removed from other countries is not likely to help that situtuation very much. ricin a questionable business buffs will want to know how the financial markets taking this. course street fair is still taking their toll over here in europe we thought read across the board to close this is before all of this. terror of development began the
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dax was staying the heaviest losses over h here that's before the auto terrace were frozen on europe. and wall street has been up and down today it's really been a roller coaster on wall street redd in the morning it rebounded in the afternoon now read again. i presumably investors are a bit concerned about what is going on with china and what will happen with those us china trade talks moving forward. next up in other business news amazon the seattle based tech giant is now the biggest investor in delivering this latest round of funding. which saw the british food delivery started rack and five hundred and seventy five million dollars that was deliver on good footing to compete with rivals like uber eats and just eat which is another british start up. it also raiaises questions a abt what impact that could have on employees good in the past protested their status is self employed contractors here brian has more. it's a bumper order for valley hungry customer.
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alison's leading a five hundred and seventy five million dollar investment and delivered. bringing the total to food delivery company has raced to date over one point five billion dollars. ceo will shoe said the fundraising would enable the loss making group to increase its reach tempest you innovations such as delivery only kitchen. i'm is and has been an inspiration to me personanally d to the company and we look forward to workining with such a custom obsessed organization. how large a steak imus in a quiet wasn't disclosed the news has shriveled chanson european rivals just eaten take away dot com? amazon's blistering distribution capabilities could have a big impact on the markets though it previously failed to run its own restaurant delivery service in the u. k.. delivery says it has about sixty thousand people dropping off food in fourteen countries as only like other gig economy firms such as super.
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it's run into controversy over whether it's ryan disiscounters employees and should get what benefits. in december the u. k.'s high court through the delivery right is doesn't have the right to collective bargaining. the company said it was a victory for those who value the flexibility of the job. well s some in the tech sector majorino the borderlesss future frenench farmers a are feeling e squeeze of free trade. they sayay that t they canan't p wiwith the influx of imported fruits and vegetables are often much cheaper than local product. farmers union recently staged a protest at the spanish border calling on the government to give them greater protection no one has s the cat has the story. calling for more regulationsns n fruit and vegetable imports french producers held a rally at the spanish border to o protest agagnst what they sasa is unfair competition from abroad. the way. in matches -- only goods that are more expensive than the base production costs in france
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should be allowed on the french market. michael this also says that i got says. in recent years demand for locally produced food with a low carbon footprint has grown in france. but with purchasing power on the decline many simply can't afford to go local. at this outdoor markets imported frfruits and vegetableles are on much cheaper than their french counterparts and producers are having trouble keeping up. yourur available muddy buddies french tomatoes for example can cost up to four euros a kilo. the same tomatoes can be found in spain for one year -- twenty one euro. forty the main reason for this price gap. the cost of labor which is much higher in france than in exporting countntries like spain and portrtugal. the live feedd also if we sold cherries of five euros aquino we would barely cover our expenses so i don't really see the point we might as well not work so what was it. french farmers and producers are calling on the governments to afford them greater legal protection against foreign competitors.
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but such protectionist laws would go against the european union's free trade rules. and are unlikely to happen anytime soon. well finally for me francis set a new record for tourism last year ninety eight million foreign tourists visited the country despite the low cost by yellow vest protesters in the last two months of the year. that means the friends will maintain its title as top tourist destination in the worl. tourists are also spending more money just over fifty six billion euros that's a jump of 5% from. twenty seventeen the government hopes to keep the momentum going they're targeting a hundred million tourists in. twenty nineteen since -- case to see what people want to visit this fabulous -- city i thank you very much for a round up that i'm can i'm gonna take a very short break for you hail from city for the back on the other side with plenty more headlines we hope you'll statute
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05/17/19 05/17/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> under complete ban on abortion care means they're fearful of facing criminal penalties for providing this is her health care for their patients. amy: doctors in alabama could soon face life in prison for performing abortions after alabama's governor signed a law effectively banning abortion in


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