tv France 24 LINKTV June 5, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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dot com. thank you watching live from paris on france twenty four the headlines this hour. the heroism courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten persons queen elizabeth leads tributes to the tens of thousands of american brbritish and canadian forces. who took part in d. day seventy five years ago? opposition leaders in c. don rejects talks with the army as dozens o of bodies discovered in the river nile they believe to be the victims of monday's crackdown on pro democracy supports is. brininging the death toll. to one hundred and it's today's political leaders slam a warning from brussels eyes ofof roadsdsd mounting debt but in the european commission is
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threatening legal action as thte national debt which is more than twice the emumu limits. hey maybe we'll have. all the details a business. first royalty presidents and prime ministers have been sitting alongside war veterans on thiss the first day of the d. day commemorations. the french president emmanuel micro attended a ceremony in the french city of khon two on that dozens of french resistance prices. you were executed by the *-*- in [inaudible] nineteen forty four yes. allied forces that were able to use your nights to liberate us from terror any from the grips of the germans. all the same forces that builds the structures in contemporary multilateralismm off to the second world war.
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the united nations. they avoided repeating the same error is off to the first world war with the humiliation of those who are defeated. they instead build a balanced order nato which allows for the protection of europe. as well as the europeaean union. which was also born out of that conflict. so i think it's important not to repeat history much remember what was built after the sececod world war. yeah i did this it could be. ofoffers twewenty four small ken was at that serenades seating kv is speaking short while ago. this summary which takes place each year here at the mess on that a prison -- income well in nineteen forty four on d. day those eighty seven french resistance fighters part of what is now known as the normandy resistance. what executed by the *-*- on the orders of the gestapo as soon? as the stopper realize what was happening and sent to the d. day landings they decided to execute
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the ageism fighters who were held here part of the normative resistance what was that role than. in this resistance movement the normative resistance was very key -- in terms of trying to cause chaos and and create diversions and and stop anything that the germans were trying to do in the whole plan as part of the day was to boost the resistance. and give -- i'm added problems the germans who were looking at the allies coming in from the north from the normandy beaches and that would have problems provided by the french resistance fighters -- here in income in particular account of course being the german base at the time. so in honoring the spipices what are we looking out well for the families the descendants of those eighty seven the still the question of closure. because when n these member executed the bodies were buried in the prison when it was apparent. that the allies were about to take home the bodies were exhumed and they were taken somewhere else and then disposed of and even to this very day. families don't know where those bodies. were laid to rest if indeed they were how they dispose of in any
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way shape or form the wounds are still for these people very much open. now though here there's a plaque there's a place so they can focus -- that their feelings -- and that the sense of not having the closer they need and today the french president came to pay his respects he didn't speak. he listened and he sympathized and this is a very much a unique moment in the e commemoration to detect. my current reporting they're not very important day for the families of those. french resistance fighters well earlier in the day that was a huge ceremony over in the british. city of port smith on the english south coast it was from here that i have a one hundred and fifty thousand allied troop. sets off to launch a surprise attack on the german forces in normandy it was a bloody but definitive moment in the fight against fascism. thomas was house as well. the cheery medley of wartime classics warmed up the crowd
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when a gray but very important day in portsmouth. but the stones of d. day commemorations world leaders service men and women and veterans descended on the coastal city. attributes to the countless who assembled on the very same spot seventy five years ago ahead of the normandy landings. it is with humility and pleasur. on behalf of the entire country. indeed the whole free world. thatat i say to you all [inaudible] thank you. our present day successes of alallied leaders were e also in attendance reading p pss well it's extracts from the many letters sent homome from courageous solution. although i would give anything to be back with you. i have not yet had any wish a tool. to back down from the job we have to do. the french president's b began s
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reading with this notes of gratitude. let me first. thank you sincerely. on behalf of my nation. what message was directed at those who took part in operation overlord like ninety nine year old john jenkins? you never forget your comments. because we will order it together. destroy the cog in front of her portion so many. he's been on a seventy five years on we will never forget [inaudible] thank you [inaudible] no. no after all the historical reenactments. the military processionn. and the speeches and words of praise. the ceremony wraps up with the warring sing along with their religions much love tests we'll
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meet again. which was accompanied by a flyover. wonderful performance by sheridan smith in there at the end at seeing dame vera lynn well and stepping back in history the d. day landings were hugely. complex and risky strategy and to this day it remains the largest amphibious minute treatise sold in history one of the most difficult aspects. was the creation of a series of artificial harbours to receive the ship's veteran to camp explains [inaudidible] the in nineteen forty four a all harbors are held by german forces. building artificial ports to deliver soldiers and equipment becomes paramount. more than one hundred and fifty thousand men and twenty thousand
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jeeps are needed by june sixth. the remaining troops and supplies will follow. last ditch effort to defeat *-*- germany m more than four million soldiers stationed in england are expected to cross the english channel. and land on the beaches of normandy -- mine gold beach are the main targets. troops faced heavy resistance at omaha beach but push in land rapidly just twenty kilometers away. operation overlord also known as d. day remains the largest amphibious military a assault in historyy. to build the artificil harbors that would support d. day landings one hundred and forty seven concrete cason was worshipped across the channel and sunk under water. deal roadways link them together to form a floatating pieier. an engineering feat that could supporort the weieight of armord accordrding to witnesses at the.
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time t structutu was a floatiting h highway. it is believed gold beach was the transit poioint for one fouh of all troops and supplies during the war. and we will have more coverage - fat the d. day commemorations they continue to here in france to join us from. eight thirty p paris time. now forty bododies have been recovered from the river nile in saddam's capital khartoum that medics linked to the opposition say that it brings to o one hundred the number of peoplee killed in n this week's crackdk. on p pro democracy protests brightest leaders have now rulud out the posossibility of anyy further negotiations with t the country's minutute rulers aside i'm centenar what's. a violent crackdown continues on the streets of the sudanese capital what the government has
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been using force to silence the peaceful opposition movement. earlier on wednesday for she bodies were pulled from the nile river raising the death toll. that's according to the country's doctors union. also claimed that security forces have been attacking close specials. and stuff. saddam's ruling transitional military council for its part has vowed to launch a probe. into cases of violence. the council is initiated an independent investigation and birchington transparent investigation with rapid result. no one can of a punishment anyone who crossed t lines hasas to be pupunished. this comes as saddam's army rula and a policy you ten said he was open to negotiations. in a conversation with france twenty four however one activist said that also has been rejecte. because the ministry could not be trusted hi judy -- because
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once echoing the position of the country's protest organizes at this point we feel like the onee powewe. to actually hold talks e need a few things happening. are one the needd the rapid respsponse force to be removed from power tool right n now we feel like w we weree beingng.. coloninized. by theheraqi spas forces they're all o or the placace i i can't e the housuse witithout themm stog you checking your phones. beating y you up thehe other thg is we need internet back we live in our we don'n't have internet now we should have. access to spspeak as happy -- ld internet which is very rare. now the future of saddam hangs in the balance in the tug of war between civilian protesters on the minute treat this is been the case. since the removal of president almost basheer. in april. we'll have more on the situation in sit down i'm joined by eric reeves a professor at smith college in northampton
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massachusetts sat in the united states and an expense on saddam thank you very much for joining us on fronts twenty four tonigh. and and first of all with the discovery of these bodies say woods at a pair that monday's crackdown was much more crucial. than initially thought what will it take now to restore stability in the country do yoyou think. firstt thing we need is an end o the viololence the violence in fact continues. i received a almost hourlyly res of beatings women being raped more murders -- excessively humiliating acts. directed at both men and women - rapid supupport forces you we mt understand are not trained soldiers they have no militaryry traiaining. their milititia forces largely dark korean. and they behave witith none o oe restraraint therere. shshould be expxpected of anany military force certainly one that has essentially taken control of the greater cartoon urban area.
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the largrger problem. yes sorry continue yes. the larger problem is that the military council has exhibited supreme cynicism by calling forr renewed talks two days after. the same council sanctionedd is brutal action against civilians in front of army headquarters it can be no trust in the words so. bob arum they shared the military council or for that matter. lieutenant general how messy and of the are a south and deputy head of the council so what is the relationship. between the traditional army under general -- of boron you just mentioned who has. made an offer to resume talks today -- one that the opposition has rejected and the militia that you were talking about can the army rain in these militias do they have. any control over them. that's the big question there's a very short window remaining.
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in which the army might seize control. of the situation this would happen not from. leadership generals but rather the disaffected mid level officers majors colonels and junior officers who despised the rapid support forces see the mess on discipline don training. and not really soldiers at all. but whether or not -- there's enough. courage and determination on the part of these officers to lead. probably but tallien size units against the rapid sport forces is an open questioion we don't know how many are as o our sf trips there are in. khartoum best estimates are 1-000-021-5000 in general i met he is not part of the army's chain of command so he's essentially an army on to himself. no if you go back a few weeks of negotiations were underway it how to pay it -- the both sides were making progress.
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when you look at what has happened this week? do you think that there was any ever any genuine willingness to to let saddam evolvlve into a democratatic state. i havave m my doubts there w waa usefulul compromise the military cocouncil proposed a two year interimm periodd. ththe civilians proroposed a for year in from tearing it they compmpromidd on thrhree yeaearst when i it came to the real issue and that was power within the exececutive body. that was to be called to be formed in this transitional government. dance where and the army insisted that it has predominant contntrol civilians insted on a civilian majority. and thahas when talks broke off and fromhat moment on it seems to me we have been drifting towards the events. began on monday and as i sayay continue. here today and even. in other parts of sudan. i see many reports today violence in other parts of sudan
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again at the hands of the racquet sports courses. at when we look at the reaction from the international community at the united states. and the u. n. human rights chief michelle bachelet -- criticized condemned. at the violence against the protest is at russia and china have since moved to block any office -- to officially condemned the violence at the united nations i mean could we expect anything other than. words condemnation from western powers. i don't think we can yesterday notably human rights watch. unusually for the organization all for targeted sanctions against the transitional military council. that call for targeted sanctions was echoed by no one not by the european union not by the us not by the way and not by the african union no.. one no one seems prepared for any real pressure on the transitional military council even essay he enjoyed enormous
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support. from saudi arabia egypt and the amorites. eric waves us a professor at harvard thahank you very much indeed for joining us [inaudible] thank you. now the green zone in iraq's council backed out is open to the public for the first time in sisixteen yearss it's a bitit tw confidence in the security situation after years of war and terrororism. the four square miles and was once d dominated by saddam huhuein's palace when he was toppled it became a heavily fortified home for the u. s. embassy. and for iraqi government buildings every good kay has the story. there is certainly something to celebrate here in baghdad celebrations square lococated inside t the green zone. the heavily fortified area is now open to the public for the first time in sixteen years. i think. this wasn't an easy decisision o make and it's not just about improving circulation. neither the americans no pride governments were able to make it happen.
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the waiting is because we are optimistic with respect to the security situation in baghdad. the ten square kilometers strip ofof close to the public in two thousand and three when us forces invaded iraq. home to saddam hussein's palaces before the war it was thenn transformed into what locals call it little america. after the american army seized and closed it off with cement barriers. only iraqis with special security badges were permitted to enter. its opening is there for a powerful symbol for baghdad's residents a space long reminder of inequality in foreign occupation now harbinger of a more tranquil future. with less traffic. i think it's a positive step the prime minister once suggested the opening of the green zone was a difficult decision. but doing so is an important sisi of improved security in baghghdad. this will change how rocky see politicians have parliamentarians and even the prime minister. that's what a lot by the thank
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god the openingg of the green zone was hearing aididhat will help to reduce the intensity of traffic and congegestion. it is a very good initiative and with ease transportation and back that. the hamza him anymore. about dot. com and security have gradually returned to baghdad over the past few years which will likely ensure the green zone remaiains permanently open. journalists in australia have condemned the police raid on the offices of the national road costaa the abc yesterday the headquarters of rick that murdoch's news corp was also raided by police. abc says that its journalists to being targeted over reports about alleged misconduct by australian troops in afghanista. both organizations have condemned what they called a heavy handed and highly unusual move. thailand's new parliament has confirmed former army chief private channel chat as prime minister at five years after he seized power from an elected government. five hundred lawmakers voted in favor of his appointment two hundred and
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forty four voted against. it follows elections in march that opposition party say would designs to extend and legitimize medici rule. that's his business he's right i can't really is back with us in the studio right okay hello i'm gonna start with it's sleek coming one step closer to a major clash with the european union yeah this after recommendation from the european commission -- that an excessive deficit procedure should be launched you finance ministers have until july to decide whether to go ahead. no it is worth noting that many other easy countries have been through that so called edp although spain is the only other one still currently under revie. at issue are the real italian. government spending plans. reallyly james explains. the europopean union taking the first step towards disciplining italy over its failure to rein in debt. if followed through rome could be handed a penalty of up to three point five billion euros. in a report published wednesday the european commission said
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italy hasn't complied with the blocks the school rules and we have concluded. that the debt criterion. he's currently not respected. and that's that based. excessive to procedure is warranted. for it. according to that analysis italy's public debt was over one hundred and 32% of its gdp in. twenty eighteen and the commission forecast that number will rise to over one hundred and 35% by. twenty twenty responding to the report italian pririme minister just that they contact you said the e. u.'s rules are outdated. initially the governments of change must absolutely committed to change the rules. the problem is that now current regulations are enforced. see most folks with my will do all i can to avoid an infringements procedure please. italy's populist coalition was in conflict with brussels last year over rome's big spending twenty nineteen budget. commission rejected it in a
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historic first but the two sides reached an agreement to narrowly averts disciplinary action this time around the european commission's warning paves the way for the actual opening of edp proceedings next month. however brussels insists that the process could be blocked if room make sufficient physical commitment. what pending class has weighed on italian banks and pull down stocks in milan? the other major european indices ended just above the flat line accounts up nearly half a percentage point here in paris. wall street's trending higher to us investors are still looking at the federal reserve at thihis time it so called beige bookk oo a susummary y of economic condi. latestst reports saying that manufacturers and retailers in america are feeling the impacact from the trade tensionss. that's raised speculation t that the central bank could cut interest rates or take other moves to support the economy in the coming months. car maker huh no end to the french government are expected to file a lawsuit against fororr boss c carlos ghosn.
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over millions of years worth of expenses coming at like reports. things have just got worse for carlos groaned. pulling in for death by red nose which revealed a levin million euroros of questionable expensi. runner will be serving its former chief executive. and the french government which owns 15% of renault is right behind it. yes you more you should do more six months ago i also that red nose conduct an internal audits. when the accusations aimed at carlos ghosn came out? we now have the conclusions of thought sold it. and the fax a reprehensible. everything that disclose its on covered. will be passed on to this justice system she's. the word it sounds that the expenses were paid out to govern by r. and b. . v. stops if the jury of birth runner and nissan. the missing millionons are spent on private jets and donations to ngos. donations which runner hopes he
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might still be able to recover. gone is also suspected of hiring the entire palace of fast sorry for his wedding in. twenty sixteen in exchange for philanthropy deals with the palace. pressing choice for the now fallen king of the auto industr. going slowly has criticized the revelations saying they did not have accesss to all of the order documents in april speaking of the japanese case. going to fundnd his innocence. this is aboutut a plot this is about conspiracy this is about backstabbing that's what we're talking about. earn is still in japan out on parole pending trial over charges of under reporting his salary during his years at nissan. using company funds for personal expenses. meanwhile read as a board of directors continues its deliberations over whether to green light a proposed merger with fiat chrysler. type would create the world's third largest automaker and see each side millions in manufacturing and development costs. runners alliance partner nissan has expxpressed concerns about e
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possible deal. the government says it will only sign on a french jobs are protected. the first board meeting on tuesday produced interest but no firm decision.. any report shows that european luxury cruise companies or meeting ten times more sulfur dioxide all of europe two hundred and sixty million cars combined. norway spain italy greece in front of the country's most exposed to cruise cruise ship air pollution. i think rush with reports. dream cruise holiday youou arrie at pool which little realizing that you'll vessel is polluting the atmosphere. ththe world's largest cruise lie operator carnival is reported to be missing nearly ten times more so for the outside around european because then all the two hundred and sixty million european cars. the data is from two thousand and seventeen and is outlined in a report by the eururopean think tank transnsports an environmen.
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which says. luxury cruise ships of floatinig cities powerered by some o of te dirtiest fuel possible. cities a rightly banning duty diesel cars but they giving a free pass to cruise companies that spew out toxic fumes. other cruise companies are also at fault the problem is partly due to the fact that while there is no tax on marine fossil fuel. show s site electricity at ports taxed. there's no incecentive for cruie companies to be cleann. the european hololiday destinations most affected by cruise ship pollution of barcelona. parma my yoga and venice. new regulations due to come into force next year will limit the amount of sulfur dioxide emissions from cruise line is. but even once they're in place the boats will still be significantly more polluting than old of europe's passenger vehicles. boring stuff there laura yeah you wouldn't think that about cruise ships but they all right kay thank you very much indeed
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06/05/19 06/05/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! pres. trump: i did see a small protest, very small. so a lot of it is statement is. amy: in fact, thousands took to the streets of london to protest president trump's state visit, which wraps up today on the eve of the 75th anniversary of d-day. we'll go to england for the latest. then, as trump threatens a five% -- 5% tariff on all mexican imports to go up to 25% by october, senate repuan
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