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tv   DW News  LINKTV  June 19, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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from berlin.
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nearly 300 people were killed when the passenger jet was shot down over ukraine five years ago. will the suspects ever stand trial? an independent u.n. report suggests that the saudi crown prince is linked to the killing of jamal khashoggi. he was murdered and 70 consulate in istanbul last year. plus, a staggering new figure from the u.n. refugee agency. the number of people misplaced worldwide has reached 70 million. we ask the high commissioner what is behind the increase in what the community can do to reverse the trend. laila: welcome to our viewers from around the world.
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dutch prosecutors have named for suspects in the downing of flight mh 17 five years ago. the investigation team announced that one ukrainian and three russian men first -- race murder charges for their involvement in shooting down the plane. in july 2014, mh 17 was hit by a missile while flying over ukraine area all 298 people on board were killed. most were from the netherlands. >> burning debris was all that was left of the plane. it was difficult together in's -- evidence. it was in the center of the conflict between a pro-russian militias and the ukrainian army. investigators worked for five years. they were under dutch supervision since the plane took off in the netherlands and most
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victims were dutch. now, a prosecutor has pressed criminal charges. the state prosecutors believe that the planning cooperation and actions of the four suspects led to the shooting down of the flight. even if they did not rest the button themselves. we have the strong suspicion that they were together closely. their goal was clear, they wanted to shoot down a plane. >> the men, three russians and one ukrainian were all associated with the pro-russian militias and ukraine. they will all fly back to their home countries. their exact whereabouts are unclear.
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investigators revealed that the plane was shot down from an upstate of 10 kilometers by a missile. that missile came from a russian army brigade. russia has vehemently denied any responsibility for the deaths of the people aboard the plane. for some victims families, the indictment is welcome. >> it is a bit of a relief. we wanted to know a date and names. i think this is a very good start area. >> proceedings are set to begin in march of 2020 although none of them are expected to show up. their home countries do not extradite their citizens. laila: let's get you more on these findings. our reporter in brussels has been tracking this for five years.
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why did it take so long to identify the suspects? barbara: because these are incredibly and -- difficult investigations. it is hard to find proof at all. no investigators can go to the areas involved. and ask people what did you see or what happened? they had to rely on data from telecom communication from social media. that was received by the ukraine and other secret services. now the question is how reliable are those data? they have to be verified again and again. if we think back of the painstaking process to reconstruct the body of the plane that took lace in 2015 like a big puzzle, every piece was put back together.
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that can be retrieved in order to prove it was a missile that it shut down the plane. it shows the whole complexity of this case and the difficulties the investigators space. laila: a mammoth endeavor indeed. who are the suspects? >> the linchpin seems to be a man called igor girkin he is a sleep -- former russian officer. he was the commander of separate desk separatist forces. in the republic in eastern ukraine. this is the man who connected and communicated with everyone else. he worked together with two other russians and one ukrainian commander. these are like the middle ranking militaries. they were involved in transporting this missile into eastern ukraine and positioning
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it. then after, the plane was shot down quickly and secretly. these are the people who are now accused of murder -- murder. the netherlands says who does something like that can be accused as well as the men who actually pushed the button on the missile. laila: so they are going to charge these men. how likely is it that the four suspects will face a judge and be brought to justice? barbara: the three of them at least will certainly not face a judge. russia will not extradite its citizens. the kremlin has vigorously said we had nothing to do with this and this is all fake and we were not involved. these people will stay in russia and they will watch from afar.
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a trial and absence of the accused is possible. even a verdict as possible. there is an international warrant against these people so they cannot travel internationally anymore. whether that is satisfactory or not, everyone has to decide for themselves. only ukraine says they are trying to arrest their citizen who is involved in this and what they will then do is -- or whether they will have a separate trial is not yet known. laila: a new report by the u.n. on the killing of jamal khashoggi calls for the crown prince to be investigated. the report cites what an expert says is credible evidence linking the crown prince and other officials to the murder at the consulate in istanbul last year. the columnist for the washington post was no for his outspoken criticism of the saudi government. >> the saudi journalist as he
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arrived in istanbul. minutes later, the washington post columnist will be murdered inside the building by saudi agents. now an expert says his enemies at the very top of the government are to blame. >> it was the responsibility of the state of saudi arabia. >> shortly after he entered the embassy, these two men left. one was dressed to look like the journalists complete with a fake beard. this picture shows the two suspects in the background apparently disposing of evidence. members of the hit squad then left the country on this private plane. despite the cover-up, the u.n. believes it knows who the brains behind the operations were. >> what i do add is suggesting that the responsibilities of high-level officials may be
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engaged and therefore is requiring or their investigation. in particular, the crown prince. >> muhammad bulk -- mohammed did someone -- the crown prince is the authority in the region. he is accused of saying you would like to use of the let -- bullet on the journalists. weeks after the journalists of death, prosecutors charged 11 men with his killing. the u.n. report finds that others are still free. it's expert says sanctions should be implemented against those behind the crime including possibly the crown prince. >> it is a logical step for me to be asking for him to be included in the sanctions until and unless there is evidence provided that he was not involved. >> the journalists was 59 years
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old. his widow has welcomed the report and she calls for the world's top hours to take responsibility and ensure that justice is done. laila: let's go to our istanbul correspondent dorian jones who is covering this. the saudi's maintain that this is gone horribly wrong but she is unequivocal in her findings. she says the killing was premeditated. what do you think was used for this report? dorian: this relies heavily on recordings taken inside the saudi consulate. it covers the last 15 minutes of jamal khashoggi's life. it has recorded conversations before he arrived where people
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in the building talk about disposing of the body. a voice is recorded saying we can solve this by dismembering the body. again, great traffic details. the report then also shows the last minutes of his death where he appeared to be given a sedative than as his life drifted away, there was no effort to revive him. this contradicts another version of events who says that it was a fight that got out of hand. they see the recordings they received point to the opposite. they say it was a premeditated murder and they point the finger directly at the crown prince. that was probably linked to other intelligence, possibly the cia who said they believe the crown prince was involved. this is a very damming or. -- report. laila: it is a very damming
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work. -- report. dorian: the saudi foreign minister in a tweet said this was nothing new. it cast out on the impartiality of the writer and said this was an infringement of their process. many people are already on trial accused of the murder. one recommendation was that the trial should be suspended for an international investigation. laila: there has been reaction from ankara because president erdogan has already responded. do think he will take a leadership role in this case? dorian: he certainly will. he said that those sponsor bowl will be held to account.
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another said that this vindicated those accused and this will bring those responsible to justice. the relations between the countries aren't rock autumn and this could possibly lead to further tensions. ankara is also aware that there were be little international backing for their stance. laila: thank you. i want to tell you about the other stories making news around the world area former foreign secretary boris johnson has increased his lead in the race to become the next prime minister. a more moderate rival was eliminated from the contest. the ruling conservative party will elect a new party leader. the winner will take over as prime minister area.
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the court in kenya has found three suspects guilty for their role in a massacre at a university. the men were also found guilty of belonging to an islamist terror group. 150 people were killed in the 2015 tax. -- attacks. the gun likely used by vincent van gogh to kill himself has stretched 130,000 euros at auction area it was sold in paris to an unnamed buyer. that was nearly three times the expected price area he was widely believed to have committed suicide in 1890. new figures show 71 million people around the world are misplaced by war or persecution area.
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where are they all going? turkey tops the list followed by pakistan and uganda which has some of the most generous refugee policies in the world. >> the rebels came and took our property and tortured us and beat us. >> like millions of others, edith and her family found refuge in uganda. refugee aid functions differently here. you are not confined to a can't.
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they are immediately given a work permit and a land which is provided by the communities and their new neighbors. they also receive monthly benefits. >> we have cash. they heavy option to buy and supplement whatever they need. >> ugandans have a strong willingness to give to those in need. they also suffered during their own civil war. they also benefit from international aid which can be used to build hospitals or schools. there are still challenges. >> as a young school, we have enormous challenges. one of which is infrastructure. the classrooms are not enough. we don't have five labs. we don't have a library.
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we have a -- the books nowhere to put them. there are no staff quarters. >> the school is in a district in the north of the country. 400,000 people live here. most of them are refugees. some arrived 50 years ago. many are from south sudan where a war broke out in 2013. it has led to an ongoing conflict between rival factions. the refugee officer in the district is happy that the refugees were able to find a new place to call home. he believes it benefits the locals also. >> the presence means so many people have been employed. they pay attacks.
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when you look at the infrastructure, we have construction axis roads -- access roads. health centers. >> there are also negative aspects. supplies are dwindling. in january, almost 6000 refugees arrived. it wants to keep its borders open. it can only manage the influx the help of aid money. as uganda's policies continue to be put into action, it is hoping that refugees will become self-sufficient like this seamstress. laila: earlier we talk to the high commission for refugees. he says international cooperation is needed to tackle this issue. >> we are not a fig leaf. i have 60,000 colleagues, most
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of whom are in very far away field locations working day in and day out to bring relief and safety to the millions of people who are fleeing. their work continues to be relevant and important. what frustrates me, is this environment, this toxic environment that stigmatizes and criticizes and portrays refugees, migrants, sometimes even foreigners as the enemy. this is like i said easy to spread. many people embrace it because they have apprehensions and fears but it is not a good line. laila: the federal reserve has left the rate unchanged but many
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expect a rate change by the end of the year. a day ago, similar preoccupations prompted the european central bank to signal a could the ready to introduce fresh stimulus numbers to boost the eurozone economy. our financial correspondent is on wall street. the fed holds wall street steady. was that to be expected? >> it was expected and the road seems to be clear for a rate cut already at the end of july. even if monetary policy is not on autopilot yet. there has been an unprecedented pressure from the u.s. administration especially donald trump to cut interest rates and the same is true for the stock market for two and a half weeks. wall street was expecting a rate cut soon. if we do not get it, we might probably see a harsh reaction
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over here. there was a big debate going on about whether a rate cut is necessary. as of now, expectations have increased that maybe by the end of july we might see the first rate cut in many years. laila: thank you. facebook's -- plans to introduce a currency is facing backlash. the g7 have given the plans a thumbs down. french finance minister insists that only governments can issue sovereign currencies. a group will be set up to examine the risks of crypto currencies to the global financial system. facebook unveiled its currency called libra earlier this week and said it will work with other companies. >> could this be the governor of
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the world's next central bank? when libra becomes useful across the facebook, possibly as soon as next year, it could become a rival for traditional currencies. mark zuckerberg is promising money for the modern world. >> i believe it should be as easy to send money to someone as it is to send a photo. we are already testing this in india with about a million people. it has been used a lot and feedback is great. we are already working on rolling this out in other countries later this year. >> the feedback from key financial figures in europe has not been so great. a french financial investment -- minister says it is out of the question. the governor of the bank of england this will have to be subject to the highest standards of regulation. security is on the biggest concerns with facebook's record on collecting data. it is not one of the most
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obvious organizations to trust with your money. >> facebook has to convince us that we not only have to worry about privacy concerns that financial transactions are now safe as well. that is a very tall order. >> this rather humble looking office block in switzerland is the official registered home of libra. facebook has agreed to keep its house in order by pegging libra to real assets and government-backed currencies. they will to convince users and financial leaders that libra is back by more than just luck. laila: kazakhstan has been pushing to westernize recently. authorities want to switch from their alphabet to the latin one by 2025. they say this will not distance them from russia who also uses
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the album -- alphabet. >> it is lucky that learning has read and write is so fun for these first-graders. they are learning cyrillic alphabet. soon, they will have to switch to the latin alphabet. the government plans to phase it in across the country. teachers will receive additional training. >> we teachers will find this hard because we are already used to one alphabet. the children are young. they will learn it quickly. parents will be able to help with the transition because they have not learned it themselves. the children will only be able to learned in school. we are worried that the main weight of this change will be on the teacher's shoulders. >> language is already a
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complicated question and kazakhstan. across the country, there are two official languages. here, children decide which language they want to study in. most pupils are bilingual. now a jump to a new alphabet awaits them as well. in a nearby city, new shop signs are already being written in the latin alphabet. soon, the government will have to swap street signs and translate official documents and textbooks. >> kazakhstan's switch to the latin alphabet is a break with its soviet past and a huge step in a national identity. that's why the government is pouring millions into the move. several neighboring countries switched alphabets soon after the fall of the soviet union. a survey shows most kazakhstan are critical of the move.
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>> kazakhstan is trying to keep up with the west and europe. the only thing is that the move will help -- hit the budget hard. i don't see the point of the change. there are not any advantages. why do we need this may be so we just can say that we did it in the future? >> it is not hard for me to use the new alphabet. we all use it online when we message our friends. >> many adults don't yet know the latin at-bat but back in the village, these children have already taught themselves and are using it on social media. as extensive government says the change will open up a whole new generation of citizens to the world.
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laila: i will be back in a moment with the day. i hope to see you then. ♪
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the from front. rosalind got on the double album descriptive because the longer. the compiled a new film called the longer the film on france twenty four with you everywhere. all the time. yeah the two spoke to live from paris world news and analysis from france twenty four i'm margot in these the headlin


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