tv France 24 LINKTV July 1, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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with front twenty fourteen follow the women's world cup. yeah but it is welcome to live from paris world news and analysis from france twenty ful. on marco in these the headlines. attest to storm the parliament in hong kong frustration over the extradition build boils ove. and the police seem to let it all happened all this on the anniversary of the humpback conduct by the british to the chinese. enormous frustration micron system here shenanigans of it is going to do the top jobs risks make you look simply. some it's been gentle tuesday with no agreement on the horizo. iran has exceeded the agreed limits on stockpiled in which uranium a snap back of sanctions is threatened. thee future of thee twenty fiftn
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fifty looks more and more . thank you very much for being with us we are awaiting. a news conference held by carrie lam the chief executive of hong kong will cross that. immediately this of course a main story hong kong is seeing unprecedented scenes -- they set monday protest is taking over the assembly building the hong kong police seem to be standing by. as angry young people talking time vandalized the premises. during this time the interior of the alleged the chain wasas vandalized looking some using tear gas at the protesters were forced out of the three hours. at one point the processes attach the old colonial flying to the premiseses. this is s the latest. development in ththe ongoioing unrest over proposed extradition bill to make it easy to dispatch criminals and persons of
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interest to china. armed with pepper spray and batons hong kong right police charged the hundreds of protesters gathered outside the legislature building. our goal. to retake parliament from anti government protesters. as the night went on police officers slowly began moving in and clearing the hundreds of demonstrators still inside the building. earlier monday evening they had made their way into the city's legislature after smashing windows and opening metal fence. several demonstrators spray painted slogans and slurs on the chamber's walls. inside the chamber this council member explained his fear of seeing the violence escalates. one two hours of this is.
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in a political way -- that would be -- crackdown. by. the people solution. the chaotic scenes came after a day of demonstrations during which thousands took to the streets calling for greater democratic freedoms. monday march the twenty second ananniversarary off hong kong'ss return to china from britain. we want to express our views the government never this is so our our anger and our we do want to express today because today is - the day went home corn. turn yeah turn to china. hong kong has seen unprecedented protests over the past three weeks sparked by a bill that would have allowed hong kong citizens to be extradited to mainland china. while the legislation is now definititively scrapped the demonstrations have since grown into a wider movement calling for the resignation of beijing
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back leader carrie lam. but despite the growing discontent beijing has so far been unwilling to make any concessions. well we know the tech carrie lam is speaking right now in cantonese talking about the impact this is having on ordrder in -- the quality both former colonies six billion h happy by doing to this and talent. hi this is we can set translationn saturday. she turns. an english version. we are expecting for the moment about correspondent shell alan grant has been observing -- these protests as they've beeeen happening and he's been -- basicalllly sayi that such caroline was expected to face strong questions from beijing over the disturbances and the prototests have a growing amount of support among local people. i i feel like a lot of people i spoke to were actually surprise- that -- people were trying to break into -- the legislative council lot of people -- thank god this isn't exactly -- in
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their playbook it's a very is if it is a fairly non violent to movement. so lot of people were surprised but once they got in it was actually quite surprising to see how a number of people rallied behind the people go behind. who got -- inside thihis really showows -- reallyy the the despr of a number of of of pro democracy -- activists and protesters here in hong kong that -- in the end i had such a such a desperate actor could seem like one that was worth -- supporting and what's worth sustaining it even if it was for three hours people sending in water sending in food -- sending in makeshift barricades and shields -- so. there was a mix the feeling people were both. at first not really keen on this concept of entering the legislative council but then -- a lot of umph rally behind it well after what happened tonight i'm sure that's a the higher ups in beijing will be asking a few questions. how to carry that message why --
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the police the response was -- so slow i i indeed -- the the p- hong kong police said had been quite strong against -- the protesters in the previous protests hi but this time around and they did not. provide the same kind of resistance to the protesters trying to enter -- the legislative council the only acted much later in the evening. shop hologram that -- join this a little earlier from hong konog let's show you the images coming now -- we've just heard from coe carrie lam a speaking cantonese. transaction -- just from him not to charge. yeah. the twowo main are. in t the territory. this is a hastily arranged. news conference a what is something like.
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i have dealt with her. justice committee. four o'clock in the morning home conduct yeah this is this is an early -- one they probably you know they've had to come out of the big force to come out of the shadows the leaders have it's not as s if they've gone into hiding but they haven't been seen much in public -- over the course of of what i is really a sort of seris of protests markets culminated in what we see today by far as sort of the most audacious a protest -- that this city scenes inside hand over twenty two years ago -- and these leaders are are directly in the line of fire why -- because carriee lam as as chief executive is the one who ultimately calls the shots in hong kong but whoho her direct boss b boss ultltimatelye reports to beijing and she repoports cgg g. jing paying -- the you know the demonstrators basically it's not simply a matterer of the extraditionon bl anymore obviously that's what triggered these protests that's what led to the suspending not the withdrawal of the bill notably -- in these projects but they really morphed into something bigger than that and what we see today is all a lot of this pent up anger. a lot of pent up resentment and and just outright fear mark -- apprehension -- at this chinese encroachment at what these
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protesters see as not just creeping encroachment but it's happening rather quickly you know two thousand forty seven which is that expiration date when hong kong fully reverts to chinese control. you know you say that date it sounds like you know a century and a half away. to a lot of these protesters two thousand forty seven is in twenty eight years or whatever it is white it's now it's sort of happening right now. and this is their drawing the line very firmly in the sand and today yeah like i said was what tatius this breakaway group that stormed the p parliament butut n many respects they felt they had no choice -- and in a sense -- carrie lam who's been the woman- like i said in a line of firire the one that they've been calling onn to reresign time and again step down -- she had no choice but to come out and and at least say something after the dramatic events of the state albeit like you said it for the morning indeed and what we could so far from what you said is used to about the impact. of what this is having on hong kong per se as the territory not
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hurt that would resignation yep not heard anything beyond that - we can only guess at what might be coming next but clearly this situationn i think the fed to sy unprecedented on president and i can tell you one thing like i said gee jining ping insult her ultimate boss. she has obviously been given some wiggle room to work things out i would suspect the judging paying you know a man is hardly known. for his love for a democratitic pluralism m multi party democra- freedom of the press and civil liberties being express so loudly vocally on the streets of us of a big cityy of of seven point five million people. i'm sure he's made it clear and the other officials made it clear. gett your act together sort this out because sooner or later -- will have to sort it out doesn't mean they're going to start to use force there is a people's liberation armyy markup italian in hong kong it't's actually noa one knknows it but i'm. i don't know until recently it's it's at the time in which there's actually -- you know people's liberation army chinese mainland soldiers all sort of canteens based -- in this garrison -- on on hong kong island itself they never come out they stay in there as they did today -- it's they're more symbolically to show that yes there is a chinese mainland
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military presence and i'm not saying they're going to be sent out into the streets but thehey are there. and that sooner rather than later you see scenes like this and you the question begs how far will she jing ping go to rein in hong kong d does h he st of hold up its status as this sort of free wheeling democratic you know. model thatt the west loves he can't afford to what d anythingg too foforceful with itt or withs patients run at a certain point and he just figure i have to rein it in somehow -- and perhaps employ you know hong kong police to do his dirty wor. indeed unless the situation continues duck as you say that the more it looks embarrassing the more it seemsms to bebe on e front pages around the world the more countries take action for instance like the u. k. stopping seventy auaugusta hong ko. a few weeks ago -- the issues being discussed the use of the sickest on saying this is wrong what time this is an over reach by china at the more becomes embarrassing exam likely something else has to happen. it's a it't's a question a
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question of what that might be china. china's hong kong's entire value its cachet so to speak mark has been the fact that it's been this sort of glittering gleaming international financial hub which is being the soo called sort of safe place to do business in asia right.. you have all the advantages you could be right up there along side china with that extremely dynamic economy about to overtake the u. s.. in a few years time sosome say t already has -- and new york hong kong which is been this place with rule of law these things don't exist on the mainland right. independent judiciary free press and the thing that businesses and investors value most prpredictability you know if you go there basically you're gonna be able to do your business. without knowing that you're going to be sort of muscled out of four stat or some sort of you know. you'll you know -- whatever -- malpractice is going to force you out that is what hong kong's greatest asset is angie drinking isn't stupid you know he knows that now he also knows how kongs economy isn't what it usused toe anan end china's is fast going d now a lot of the mainland chinese. cities can go toe to toe economically with hong kong but the fact of the matter is twenty
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two after two years after the handover suree thehere you can y there's been a rotation of the basic freedoms but hong kong still remains. ratherer glittering rather gleaming and to many people it remains a ratheher attractive place to do business in asia whether that's jeopardize right now well that's something that's going to play out in the next week it's weeks or days b but that's why i think gee jing paying. has a very tricky calculation of the senses instincts as political instincts -- would tell him that he hates what he's seeing he hates any any semblance of this but his the pragmatic side of him perhaps the realist in him -- is saying we have to sort of let hong kong the hong kong for now. douglas of it for now thank you very much indeed douglas of course will join us of analysis that later on but expect to get- translations of out what's being discussed that in hong kong as soon as we possibly can we go back to that. as soon as there was any development carrie lam still before a bank of microphones and a group of reporteters putting questions to her. regarding the current situation and we are following every step
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of the way for you. next to life in paris the eu summit has been adjourned until tomorrow i made quote. enormous frustration. over the inability to choose the right peopople for t the topop s presesident emmanueuel macron sd he fears this indecision is harming the blocks repeputatioi. chief among the roles to be filled of course is that of presidentt of the european commission. success at asian culture. the political wrangling continues in brussels as in you leaders remain divided over who should gets the e e. u.'s top j. talks are now set to resume on tuesday after eighteen hours of negotiations. what's going to happen now. the phone calls and we're back tomorrow. and if it if sleep i'm going to have a little nap yes. impasses centered on the nominee to succeed outgoing commission president jacques rogge janka. socialist fronts to months is the candidate favored by french president imminent mccall. and spanish prime minister peter
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sanchez. however he faces fierce resistance from eastern european countries. naturally from poland and hungary content amount has accused of violating civil rights. speaking shortly after talks broke down on monday. michael said the current deadlock gave a bad image of europe. could you be how different abilities disease damage because of these never ending the meeting we give an image of europe that is not serious. all the top e. u. posts also up for grabs including speaker of the european parliament. president of the european council and foreign policy chie. the choices have to take account of the results from may's european elections as well as political affiliation geography population size and gender. making decisions all the more difficult. german chancellor angela merkel however i said she was confident a deal would be reached in the next forty eight hours. withth the fun -- we have limitd
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time left [inaudible] it's complicated. but i hope that with a bit of good will. we can all agree. the clock's ticking leaders are hoping to agree on the list of nominees by wednesday. when the e. u. parliament select six president? three and was the watching and balance we hong kong with the yet she presented caroline is holding a news conference. that said go live to that now what cararoline is addressing -- the report is in engnglish -- s- this is something that --- w we shshould seriously on ththem. because nothing is more important than the rule of law in hong kong. so i hope. atat large willl agree with us t ththese files and access we have
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seen. it is right. for us to condemn. and whole society will return to normal as soon as wanted to kno. what kind of? and i'm sorry i don't. have a second. you can definitely your response was. twenty five years old. because if i it's too mumuch thk you -- let let me on surface. hi i totally disree as t to wha- this gentleman has just s says . wewe have offices inside
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electrical the vending latch coal for nearly eight hours. during that period -- we havee been u under a sieiege of the protesters. they keep on using a violent tactics to try to you into a into the let's call. if t this law iss only until nie o'clock at night time -- there was seveveral incident hapappen. that night -- that we have to do a temporarily every treree. first of all -- there was a man the protesters outside -- the lexical i ming entrancece. and they a are starting i using violent tactics -- to a charge - the union -- door of the let's go. secondly -- due to the as local environment -- the that -- we are unable. to use as some of thee force that we can use in open ground. and sadly we found t that there was some protest -- tampering
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with the electricity box and the finder some of the lights have gone out. i i needn't fear all fate total topppped out. that. the protester while charging you in someone turn o off the light. i'm afraid that there will be -- peopople stepping people allll f their way to be -- a wrong move on either side both the police and the protesters. and lastly but not the least. during the charging dave foley in some -- w white smoke. that day as you know in the afternoon there were already a toxic -- how the -- attack on my office -- in the afternoooon so without t knowing whethther this anotother toxoxic -- politics sh we have no other choice but to a temporary retreat from that's called.
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and before we retreat. we have already -- in the afternoon full. we are -- i see -- let's go security. tool -- appeal to all working stop with the intellectual actually leave that extolled d e to the the incident -- the charging by the protesters. and by the time nine o o'clock e are. we have e been told that whole looking south have left. that that means that we are sure ththere is no other civilians within the building so -- all my offices had no choice but t to tempmporary retreat. and to do a r recruiting and try to re deployment i would do some re deployment to take back let's call later on it is notot true o say that the g government has nt responded -- you have not responded to it every few month. artist because of the good
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things. about first of all -- if the coursef the socicial tensions we have seen. is a bill to amend the fugitive offefenders order he's. on the fifteenth of june i have announced the suspension.. and subsequently we have explplained and elaborate checkd by some spending the fellow at this point in time witith no timetable andnd no o plan. to re the debate of the bill in the legislative council. the bill will expire for thehe bill wilill die. in july. twenty twenty when the current electrical term expires. that is a very positive respons. so the few months that we have. as for some of the other three lines let me come back to this very importatant principle of te rule of law. so the mondego was released without any investigation and checking with the more aboutut
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withth -- full fences at the nit that we should release after that. we should not take any follow up action. against some of the violent acts you have seen or even surprised at i missed. to all those involved in the scriptures. all these responses will not be in accordance with the rule of law. the rule of law isis exactly wht i have been talking a two nightt so i hope we e all agree w with. this is something of importance on call i will continue to die the government's reactions and responses to social issues enter the moms and aspirations of our people .
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they c come talk honestly wh. whwhat it can fall below the age and some tononight local time she's been speaking about the crisis that's ongoing talk about the importance of the rule of law -- that these come with his- switch betwewe english and cantonese will dip back in as soon as he goes back -- into english ad with the mist up with several international fast commentator. karen looking very -- com. post -- measured yeah you can imagine it's going to be in a had a behind the scenes the yet they're striking very very composed -- figures there -- at the podium like you s said you know if they're frazzled they
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weren't showing it that much -- it was quite a full on defense ofoth the police actions first as e explained by the the hong kong police commissioner -- essentially -- turning the entire narrative around and saying that the reason that the the police are treated is that they were actually the targets of violent tactics by the protesters. even saying one point that -- there the protesters were fiddling with the fuse box the lights went out is afraid of what might happen in the dark presumably you know they could be violent incidents. so basically the narrative being at the police where you know we're the ones who were acting pragmatically in doing really all they could in the face of the this violent onslaught by. unpredictable protesters -- a billion narrative that the protesters themselves are gonna take issue with but there will be questions obviously about why the police after many hours the one part that is absolutely has been consistent. after many hours standing guard in sight that legislative -- council building -- all of a sudden at a certain point they were nowhere to be seen they
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retreated -- what has the protesters began to swarm in and to storm the building and and its offices in to occupy -- the that that central legislative chamber -- only to return hours later and warned that we will use force if you don't get the premises and ultimately those promises being cleared -- in the absence of a of a of violence and and use of force in the end. having with tear gas initially being use but there w were sevel hours in which and we've been reporting it you know mark throughout the day today in which the police the hong kong police were nowhere to be seen and when they did re emerge they came from. multiple directions but many of them came out of that the closest police headquarters which is in -- wanchai not far away from the admiralty district in hong kong so they had retreated they didn't go that far. indeed it's one of the situations that this way. we've seen. similar scenes in different places and that the multiple deaths -- we don't quite know what's going on this -- on the scene at this precise moment in time we don't know set with what's going on in various
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police stations all of the hong kong but what we haven't seat is his people being shot what we have seen his is. not kind of heavy handed response well what we haven't seen marketed to be clear is we haven't seen a repeat -- feared repeat of the t type of police violence that we saw back on june twelfth.. june twelfth beingng -- some of the some of the biggest -- protests and then they let even larger protests a couple of days later -- and it that and in those protests you remember mark they use not just tear gas and pepper spray in and batons but they were also wielding a rubbe. rubber bullets -- presumably the reason that a lot of those protesters we saw today were al. dining -- helmets those yellow helmets -- presumably to protect themselves against perhaps you know more bullets being used today now you we did see throughout the day -- a lot of the police had you know -- rifle guns and w whatever. i would presume that they were republicans can't be sure but now they're not gonna use live fire and how come the one thing about thehe hong kong pololice m not susure she's spepeaking engh
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right now but the one thing the one thing about the hong kong police is -- anyone you speakak speak speak to spin to hohong kg ii was there in two occasions myself but you speak to people there more recently i was their way back -- they will tell you that they're actually known i mean by the standards of chinese mainland standards forget it they're actually very simple they're very professional. very civil they're actually very courteous and generally they do not use force violent force -- unless there is an absolute compelling reason to do so their standards as described by a lot of people who live there are up to western standards of of policing which you could say well that's not too great given what some of the police forces in the west are up. to but generally speaking -- they're not rogue police forces there professionally trained and they do a bye bye -- rules and the rule of law -- so o it's interesting there so it does raise questions what's happened in these recent weeks and those use of the rubber bullets and the use of violence and the reports of the beating up protesters and journalists in the mid june protest. we didn't see that today by all reports but perhaps in the days
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07/01/19 07/01/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is demomocracy now! pres. trump: i asked him, i said, would you like me to come across the line? he said, i would be honored to do that. i did not know what he was going to say. but it was my honor to do it. we had a very good meeting. amy: president trump made history sunday when he became the first sitting u.s. president to step foot in north korea. trump met north korean leader kim jong-un at the
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