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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 4, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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genie: it is time for 60 minutes liveve around the world. i am genie godula. these are the headlines. vladimir putin on a one-day visit to rome kicking off talk with a p pope -- with ththe pop. our correspondent i is standingy with more. the number of refugees and migrants killed in libya over 53 dead, including six children. the u.n. says libyan guards were shooting at people as they were .rying to flee
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protest leaders and mililitary , didivision still law as to -- flagake controversy over a on nike shoes has escalated to a threat to a factory. the dutch football team beats sweden. the netherlands set to face the u.s. and the final on sunday. more on the way. fifirst, our top story live from pariris.
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vladimir putin is in rome where he is due to sit down with the pope. this is his first trip to italy in four years. for more on his visit, let's go live to our correspondent in rome. he opened the visit where he is pope francis. >> they met andnd 2015. on top of the agenda then was the issue of ukraine. it is interesting this meeting with pope franancis is happenina day ahead of a scheduled meeting in the vatican. to be veryry much on top
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of thehe agenda. the pope i is expected at t the meetining there is some speculatingg that this meeting could be a prelude to a popossie visisit by a roman catholic pope to russia. a landmark meeting was the first time we saw a peaceful message between these two sides after 100000 years of a rift intentio. as a result of that and visits made, we francis has have seen him in bulgaria and romaninia, some expect it coulde an extension of an invitation for pope francis to visit russia.
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genie: what kind of relationship does the pope have with italy's populist population? have lunchpected to and then he has meetings with the prime minister a and prime minister's here, thehe coalition govevernment of the popopulist, matteo salvivini, the leader of .he e league pararty russia should be re-e-included n the g7 g gup in thee industrialization. ththey are rolling out the red carpet, wanting to have a gooood impression on the russian leader considering g important ties the russian leader
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has brought in. lots of discussions ahead. genie: thank you for that. the un security council has failed to agree on a statement condemning a deadly attack on migrants in libya after the u.s. reportedly did not endorse a proposed statement. the number of refugees and migrants killed into airstrikes is over 53 dead, including sixx children. the u.n. says lilibyan guauardse shooting a at people as they y e trying too flee. another 130 people were hurt. i in theere killed airstrikes. others as they tried to o flee. shot d down by their libyan guas . the latest details from the united nations as they look into tuesday night's bombing. the un security council did not
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issue a statement of condemnation afterer the unitedd states refused to sign on. >> the secretary-general calls for an investigation of this incident to ensure perpetrators are brought to justice. the united nations provided exact coordinates of the detention centers to the parties. >> there h has been concernened .bout the fate of the migrants we called for an evacuation afteter a similar airstrike to people inside. accuses allies of
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using migrants as human shields. some 3000 people are being held in government run detention centers in and around tripoli. rights groups describe the conditions as inhuman. most of them tried to cross the mediterranean to europe but were picked up and returnedd by the libyan coast with support from the eu.u. presidential elections without any presents from the state or the army. his term is set to end next week. the country seems nowhere near ending its political crisis. >> months of political crisis and no endnd in sight. the interimay, president called for national dialogue to lay the groundwork for new presidential elections with the out -- without the involvement of the state military.
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and all of its components, including the military, will not be party to this dialogue. they will remain neutral throughout the process. >> algeria's army is the mosost influential l institution. it's leader has been managing like theition and he, interim president is -- of bouteflika. protests have continued, the country's youth seek reforms to a system of corrupt insiders. are coming outt to demand radical and profound change. why do we protest? our demands for change have not
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been met. >> the latest call for dialogue comes days after -- before the end of his interim mandate, set to expire july 9. elections have been postponed as only two candidates through their hats in the ring. demanded talks with been solid -- demanded talks with the interim president. let's start with this announcement. it sounds relativelely positive. >> ruling forces are hoping protesesters wouould buy it. tomorrow, as you have bebeen hearing in this report, july 5
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algeriaational day in and massive protests are once again plan. protesters are calling for an end to the system. they want a new constitution drawn up. on one side, you have the trying president, who is to bring the country to elections. -- that is why these protests are continuing.
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this announcement is good because it is not including the state and not including the military. there has been no announcement of a date for future elections in algeria and no announcement of any changes to the top positions. we have to take it with a pinch of salt. what i perceive as being the situation is the ruling forces are hoping that these announcements today are going to pacify the protesters who are going to be enforced tomorrow. maybe to undermine those protesters and there will be fewer people out on the streets. genie: tell us about the criticism the protesters have. >> bouteflika was completely incapable of holding office. remember the pictures of him
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sitting in a chair having in beingthis stroke perceived as being unable to govern and he was then announced for a fifth term, it took people in the streets to say this has to stop, he is a puppet for a corrupt regime behind the scenes. they have gained some foothold since then with the setting up , the resignation last week or early this week of the head of parliament, who is also seen as being too close to bouteflika and the former regime. protesters no the longer they stay in the street, the longer they are able to hold out, the more chance they have of moving forward. is justown factor here exactly where this is going to go because there is no announcement of presidential
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elections due to take place today and the mandate of the interim presidident due to take place july 9. after that it is unclear. in s sudan, they arere trying to break weeks of deadlock of who shshould be in charge follllowing the e ouster of omar al-bashir purity was pushed from power in april. protesteters and milititary have been clashing over how to move the country towarard civilian role. one of the oppositions key demands. bacack to the negotiating table after weeks of standndoff betetn the rulingng military y and the opposition. set a 72eaders have hour deadline to south s sudan - to solve sudan's political crisis. >> we have to start at a point we did not agree on, the makeup of the traditional counsel and who should leave it.
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both sides have agreed to cicivilian majajority. negotiations collapsed in may over the makeup of the council, which would oversee a transition period. ththe military agreed to r relee over 200 stained members -- 200 african members, a move ununion officials hailed as a sp in the rightht direction.
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the two sides appear ready to have another go at ending the crisis. >> she was 34 years old when she .as shot andd killed .he had spoken about harassment she went to the police to filila complaint, a tragedy t that coud have been n avoided according to her best friend. >> i am not accusing anyone directly, but there hahas been fafailure that she was not protected.
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108 women were killed by their current or former partner, one every three days. domestic70 victims of violencece havbebeen repeported. a majoririty had gone to t the police for help. earlier this week, france's justice minister suggested electronic bracelets to help battle this epidemic. >> we should issue these in action as soon as there is domestic violence. electronicof bracelets in cases of domestic put into place 10
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years ago. domestic violence has dropped 40%. genie: the final for the world cup has taken place with the netherlands set to face the u.s. sunday in lyons. trying.or want of a series of missed chances and .aves from the dutch keeper
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we won. we are in the final. super. incredible. of course, we are going to be usa. piece of cake, no problem. >> the winner will be decided sunday. will face dutch team on sunday. vladimimir putin is kicking off talks with thehe pope. the number of refugees and migrants killed in airstrikes in libya at over 53 dead. libyan guards were shooting at people as they were trying to flflee.
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time for your business update. you are starting with a tax on tetech giants,s, approved by the french pararliament. apple,tax on google, amazon and facebook will place a 3% levy on companies with aa turnover of over 750 million euros a year. france pressed ahead with this after failing to win support for it at an eu level. it will have one more vote next week before it is signed into law. controversy over a flag on a pair of nike shoes. >> they were m meantoo independence day in the ununed statas. they i include thehe first flag.
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link that with slaverery. >> identity politics in the united states are trickling into business, with concrete consequences. after nike went through a -- withdrew a pair of sneakers, a onea's governor pulled million-dollar grant that was supposed t to help the company build a new factory. selling -- instead of celebrating history, they have bowed to the onslaught of political correctness. featuturedted edition a flag designed by betsy ross. painfulrs, it is a
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reminder of the country's legacy of slavery. distribution of the model. despite the decision to withdraw said it willmayor honor the commitment. counciloodyear city approved job creation agreements with nike. to bring moreed than 500 jobs and significant investment to our city. >> the controversy is unlikely to hurt nike. should the factory in arizona not work out, officials have contacted nike.e. turning to hong kong, where the business community is feeling the effects of the recent protests.
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is partly due to the u.s. china trade tensions, but also the large-scale protests taking place in the city. from mainland china. hong kong has seen some of the .iggest protests genie: facebook says it servrvis arar back working nonormal aerea global o outage.e. a spokesperson says a r rtine maintenance operation triggered a bug in their system. ciaia tweeted about it, saying no, they did nonot cause it.. trading steady this lunchtime. a quiet day on the markets as
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share markets will be closed in the u.s. a bitt of optimism about the u.. china trade talks. spillovering a little in trade today, but generally things are calm. division hasce enen created to hunt dowown tax evaders s in france. keep upup helpp them with c comicateded methodsds to dododge tax. they have been g given specicial powers for their work, which hopes to bring in more money to state coffers. >> concealing income, using international networorks to make qwik transactions -- to make quick transactions. french authorities struggling to catch up. the finance ministry's response, force.ation of a police >> tax authorities and police
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have been unable to catch up with the technical expertise of tax cheaters. >> the unit well havee the power to carryout searches and seizures, surveillancnce operations and question and detain suspects. has been made. 129 countries have started exchanging banking information to tackle tax evasion. the french government required more than 11 billion euros last year. ,ver the past 10 years authorities have had t trouble keeping up with complex operatioions. >> tax evasion through bank secrecy is over. other tooools can be used.
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the g20 must keep combating that. >> there are significant barriers to overcome. some countries still r refuse to share tax information. cambridgeversity of talkss aboutut how much it costo run bitcoin. >> it is the same about of energy used through run switzerland. is equipment intensive. there are warehouses of machines dedicated to that tasksk. world'sout 2000 of the energy usage, slightly more than switzerlrland. jeannie: thank you -- genie:
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thank you. coming up, a look at the japanese museum dedicated to poop. stay with us.
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- hey, i'm darius rucker. coming up onreel south. - [henrietta] the southern way of f life was something sacred. close your mind, do not question. - [darius] in 1940, a young woman left sweet home alabama for the porta vida of costa rica. - [henrietta] i would be out there experiencing anybody strarange, anybodody dierent. [darius] i in a tale o of romance and d revolution. one e woman on a quest for adventure finds herself in a trtrue awakening.. - he said marriage t to me would never r be boring. - [dariu she is e "fst lady of the revolution." this time onreel south. - [female narrator] support for this program is provided by south arts, sponsors of the southern circuit tour of independent filmmakers,


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