tv DW News LINKTV July 9, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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tean.. the l lessons lost to povertyty. tonight you wiwill meet a 12-year-old from pakistan, a young fisherman and one of millions of children who go to work instead of school. ♪ brent: i'm brent goff. welcome. today, italy made good on a promise to rein in migration. it closed what was once europe's biggest reception center for migrants. the government's hard-line interior minister was at the center today to watch as the doors were locked one final time. he said the decision to shut down the center was all about saving money. >> a a man who says he kept his promise.
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ththe interior minister doesn't want migrants in italy. after r his far right party came to power, the government t passd legigislation to stotop housing asylum seekers. he pledged to shut down the reception center in sicily. once one of the largest migrant camps in europe. >> i am pleased that we have released the country from this problem. the land and houses were worthless. now it will be a normal part of sicily. >> the centers for hundred pink and orange houses were built as homes for him -- for the u.s. military. it housed 4000 people who crossed the mediterranean in the hope of a better life. protesters sayay they can't help to prepare immigrants for
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crossing into europe. >> we are protesting that because of the closure because of the modalities. they didn't take into account the needs of the most vulnerable. ththey just transferred the most vulnerable people that we were caring for to another place that is similar but it is not suitable for their needs. >> most of the migrants housed here have been moved to smaller and more control dissenters. while they wait for europe to find somewhere for them to live or to be sent back to where they came from. >> our correspondent is in italy. he was outside the gates of the migrant center as it was closed today. we asked him why it wasas being shut d down and why the inrioror minister was doing there. >> on the one hand, it had been underfunded for a a long time. it bececame a place of criminaly
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and there were drug busts and prostitution here. at one point at its height, -- on one hand it was a place of criminality but on the other hand, it could have been an example of how refugee centers could have been run. the houses were built for american troops and it was a plplace for american troopss families until 2010. it had a lot of resources. activists say the interior minister wanted to close it as a simple -- symbol to send to the public that he is taking a hard-line stance against immigration. he has made it very clear that that is his primary goal to stop mike -- immigration into italy and closing ththe ports is the primary way to do that. he gave a decree over three weeks ago saying that ships the go to north africa and cap people who are trying to get to italy, they pick them up and take them to the closest
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european port. he said he wants to stop them and he recently after two votes successfully made it in defying his order, he wants to make it even harder. the fine will be one million eueuros. he is even considering putting warships out there to physically block the votes from coming in. brent: that was our reporter from the closed migrant camp in sicily. here are the other stories making headlines around the world. nigeria's parliament has been on lock down after clashes between police and shiite muslim protesters. shots were fired but police and the demonstrators blamed the shooting on each other. minority groups have regularly protested outside the assembly calling for the release of their leader who has been detained since 2015. china has demanded that the u.s. immediately cancel a proposed sale of more than $2 billion or the arms to taiwan.
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the deal includes tanks and missiles. it would be the first big-ticket u.s. military sale to the island in decades. china coconsiders taiwan to be part of its territory. in northern spain one person is dead after a flood swept overnight. the government is warning people near the flood zone to stay home as heavy rains continue. germany, france, britain, and the eu have called on iran to reverse its move to increase its uranium enrichment. tehran announced yesterday it is refining the nuclear material to a level that is banned by the nuclear deal. the united states unilaterally through from the deal last year and leaders are now's family to try to save the deal. >> iran has been stepping up its
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uranium enrichment and the eu is worried. >> we continue to stick measures not to undermine the deal. >> iranians are growing tired. >> we should have pulled out of the deal much sooner. we should not have accepted in the first place. it was obvious that america had no commitment and it was all again. >> the u.s. and iran are in a dangerous game. a suspicious oil tanker fire in the gulf, here a drone was shut down. how do we get here? last year, trump will be u.s. out of the iran nuclear deal even note to run was meeting its commitmentnts. new sanctions swswiftly followe. jojohn bolton has long wanted regime change in iran. israel alslso wants to rein in
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iriran's influence t the middle eaeast. >> iran n recently h has been threatening israel's distractioion. it should remember that these can reach anywhere in the middle east including iran. >> the eu hopes to salvage the deal but iran's position looks increasingly precarious. brent: for more on this i am joined by teri schultz. we know that president macron sent an envoy to tehran today. what is he hoping to achieve? alexalex: the goal is not in dispute. the issue is how you restrain tehran and the europeans feel like the nuclear deal which they have stuck to which the u.s. has withdrawn frorom is the best way to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon.
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that's what emmanuel macron is trying to do. he's trying to talk to iran and to stopping its new initiative. we are still told they are at a reversible level and that europeans like to have to run halted this level to deescalate attention and to stop iran from moving further into enriched uranium. 20% would be the level at which they would be pursuing a nuclear weapon. there is time of europeans say but it is getting tight. brent: what will happen if we continue to see iran violating the deal? i want you to hear what foreign minister had to say. >> we were the ones who were advocating for the nuclear deal. we got the deal than the u.s. wiwithdrew from it. it w was a very difficult situatation.
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ifif we get iran to behave, wee have to help them to make the trade and not be in a full isolation. now the latest news is concerning that they are again starting to produce the nuclear materials above the limits. we have to be very strict on this. brent: he says we have to be strict on this. what does that mean? we imposing sanctions? teri: the europeans are definitely not at that point yet. i have just spoken with an eu diplomat who says they are not going down that road at this point. a foreign minister is speaking as the eu president. you heard him mention that the europeans need to fulfill their obligations as well as a wrong. he acknowledges that the eu has not lived up to its side of the deal in providing iran economic
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and if it's from the deal. that is the reason why to run is so frustrated. going back to the goal of not letting iran get a nuclear weapon, i believe the foreign minister also means that we cannot stand by if iran continues its current path of uranium enrichment. brent: the french president has an envoy in tehran. today he picked up the telephone to talk to donald trump about this standoff. what came out of that phone call? teri: he also spoke with the iranian president over the weekend. emmanuel macron is taking a leading role here. in speaking with the u.s., what the eu would like is that the u.s. lay off its pressure on european companies trying to help iran improve its economy
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after the u.s. withdrew from the deal, they also wanted to make all the other parties don't the deal. nobody can pretend that the deal is not fragile and struggling. i would imagine that president macron urged president trump to stop the pressure on europe and to let diplomacy take some time to work. there is a meeting tomorrow at the and aea. we will have to see what they say there. brent: thank you. protesters and hong kong have vowed to take the streets again. despite the territories leader declaring that controversial extradition bill dead. protesters fear the legislation which would allow extraditions to mainland china would erode hong kong's judicial independence. hong kong's chief executive has offered some concessions but
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protesters wanted to be withdrawn completely and for good. >> a further step in the climbdown by hong kong's chief executive. until june, she had about to press ahead with the legislation. then she delayed indefinitely. now this. >> there are still lingering doubts about the government's sincerity. worries about whether the government will restart the process in a legislative council. i reiterate here there is no such plan. the bill is dead. >> that a bill to allow the extradition of subjects in criminal cases to based execution in mainland china triggered a series of massive protests that began in march with hundreds of thousands taking to the streets and serious clashes with police. this rally was on sunday. for the protesters, this announcement is not enough.
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they don't leave her statement ththat the bill is dead. >> that is ridiculous especially now that the bill exixist in the program. ththe bill will still continue until next year. the threat will continue in the next 12 months. >> for the protesters, more is at stake than this bill. they say the provisioning government -- a pro-democracy movement has formed that sees very different groups in hong kong come together. students, lawyers and bankers united at least for now. in 2015, the u.n. adopted its sustainable development goals. meant to improve the lives of ilya the people by 2030. we are one third the way into that and a review has found that
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the world failed to meet its commitmements on education. under the goals, all children should be in school by 2030 but at present rates, 14% will still not be in education by then area when it comes to literacy, all young people should be able to read and write by 2030 but it is feared that 20% will still be illiterate. projections are worse for low income countries. pakistan has one of the worst levels of out of school primary aged children in the world. we visited a school there to see what is being done to get kids into the classroom and to keep them there. >> it is a :00 in the morning. this sergeant should be getting ready for school. the-year-old stopped going a few years ago in order to work and support his family.
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i come hehere earlyly in the moining and stayay until late which is very tiring. when i get home, i have a bath and go to the mosque. we don't have money which is why i can no longer study. >> his situation is the norm for millions of children across pakistan. a new report estimates some 5.3 million children are out of school at the primary level. girls lose out the most. 21% are married as children and afterward, stopped going to school. pakistan's continuing education crisis is mainly d due to decass ofof u uerinvestmement and mismanagement t the entire syststem. many people are taking matters into their own hands.. this school was established by volunteers offering free lessons
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to the nearby fishing community. the classes offer an escape for pupils and hope for a better future. >> we were forced totopen the school as there are n no for -- functioning govevernment ones in the area. many of our children are getting into trouble especially with drugs. we try to get support from the government but we heard nothing back. this is why we set it up ourselves. >> we play games and enjoy ourselves. they t teach as well so we like coming here. > i want to study. and become a pilot when i grow up. >> they teach us in english and ururdu. i want to learn and become a teacher r myself. >> the prime minister has vowed to prioritize and invest in education but the government
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continues to spend less s than s rerecommended by international standards. >> education should be the priority of government. i personally feel that where we fail is in implementining it. if things aree moving -- i don't think will be able to achieve the target. >> he says he woululd love to bebecome a policice man. the only real hope e he and millions have is if pakistan seriously reforms its education system and also lists of families out of poverty to send their children to school. the government has its work cut out. according to the latest u.n. forecast, one in four children will not completed their education by 2030. >> the former new zealand prime minister is now an education
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advisor to unesco. earlier she talalked about the chalallenges of getting more children andnd young peoplple educatated. >> what is going wrongng iss underinvestment in education. it is estimated that we are $39 billion short on what would need to bee spepent to reach h the g. the truth is if we e carry on ns we are, complacencycy we are workrking toward d an enormous failure by 203030. his s wake-up time.. otherwise by 2030, we will still be seeing a quarter of a billion children, adolescents, and used out of school. >> that was the former new zealand prime minister. from our children to our environment, france has announced beginning next year it will introduce a green tax on flights departing the country. the tax could add up to 18 euros
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on the press of a plane ticket. they say that money will be spent on funding more eco-friendly travel and including railways. >> one euro 50. that is how much passengers will be paying on top of regular airfare for most flights leaving from france. it is this class passengers will be taxed nine euros. >> frarance has commmmitted to a ropepean i initiative e to tax r trtravel. there is increasing awareness. rings are beginning to move but this is urgent. like other countries, we have decided to impose a tax on all flights departing from france. >> france is interesested in moe than an eco-tax. it is pushing the eu to end -- something g germany has also
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crcriticized. other eu members are also interested in levying and eco-tax on flights. france says it willl use the money to boost sustainable transportation like the rail network. emmanuel macron was forced to shelve -- shelve a tax after protests by the yellow vests movement. brent: a massive law enforcement must has targeted trafficking steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. the bust to the seizure of what euro poll says was millions of doping substances. >> it was one of the biggest global crackdowns on performance-enhancing and other illicit medicine. the poll led operation was led by the anti-doping agency and
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the figures were eye-opening. agencies in 33 countries seized 24 tons of raw powder amid 3.8 million substances. >> the numbers are impressive and reflect a large market. >> euro poll said there were 234 arrests in europe as well as nine underground drug labs where the substances had been made for being sold illegally in shops. they were also sold online. they carried out doping tests at sporting events. indicating the professionals could also be among the customer base. brent: wimbledon tennis now. the women's semi final lineup is complete.
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serena williams overcame allison risk. the number seven made short work of her opponent. knowing football, the paris team will all other forward to leave if they get a suitable offer for him. he failed to turn up for preseason training on monday. he joined two years ago but has been agitating for a return to spain. the monsoon season has started in the northeast of india. that means a new season of danger for one horned rhinos
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living in a national park. once common across the region, their numbers have dwindled. 2400 live on this reserve. even here, they are sitting ducks once the waters start to rise. >> a rare spot on earth where the one horned rhino roams. today they mingle with other majesticeaeasts feastiting on th grasass. ununaware of the dangers drawing nearar with monsoon season. flooding forces animals to higher grounun along the park's edge and closer to humans. >> we have many otherr activities.
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thesese markers shshow just howh the waters can rise. some years, it is total submersion. there is another danger these rangers guard against as they patrol the reserve. an area nearly the same size as hong kong. >> the animals try to escape the flood and they come out of the jungle areas. at that time, they y are prime tatargets for poachers. >> during monsoon season, the grass can grow head high. perfect cover for poachers seeking the ultimate prize. rhino horns that much up to 30,000 euros each on the market. such aindfall often pushes the poor into the poor into june. five years ago, poachers called
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two dozen rhinos. that number fell to six last year. this y yr, a new specicial rhino protectionon force is bebeing deployed.. recruited from nearby communities. their mission is to stand watch over one of india's most vulnerable national treasures. brent: from rhinos to talk to's, -- snowball is making scientific history. researchers say videos of the bird dancing show for the first time that another species can spontaneously dance to cycyndi lauper.
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. yeah b but you see what you like for paris in france twenty four i'm marco in these the headline. head to head in a tv debate jeremy hunt pushes boris johnson the stated field. resigned the content or breaks it johnson says no deal will be. vanishingly inexpensive. as you know now six from london correspondent coming up. paris declares a state of emergency on the climate the french capital has pull at quality. restricts card usage on hot days the city recently criticized the judgment on breathing problems caused by pollution. it to these far right deputy prime minister live streams his closure of a migrant camp. take a selfie
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