tv France 24 LINKTV July 16, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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live under lay in it narrowly elected president european commission the parliament installs mu approving the center right former german defense minister. by at nine vote margin. france's environment minister resigns afterer yet more revelations about parliamentary expenses. for national said the speaker falso delusion none the less intent. on returning to his old job of m. p.. for the white zulu johohy clegg was nineteen eighty seven hit i see monongah. paying tribute to nelson mandela passing away of cancer he was..
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sixty six welcome back hi you're watctching falls and got tom fas or be gaffe. a close call and a surprise firsthe close c call 300- and eighty three in favor o of ursua von der leyen has you commission president her confirmation. by the european parliament now she needed three hundred and seventy four votes. that's the closest ever many euro mps bitter over the discarding of the lead candidate principle. under which the party with the most seats in the european parliament. has its leader go to brussels the surprise vdl replaced ass german defense minister on glimmer of a norwegian successosors e eventual chancel. on the great grandparent. favovored o over h health mininr jens spahn an arch conservative. tape for that post more from criminals.
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an anxious wait forty five forty forty three chantel done thought that it. sign of relief as a sort of on the land was narrowly confirmed as president of the european commission. at sixteen years old she becomes the first woman to ever hold the post. the trust you p placed in n me. is confidence you placed in europe. your confidence in the united on the strong your froroeast to west. from south to northh. your confidencnce in n a europet is readydy to fight for the fut. rather than fighting against each other students are there from from the land was confirmed by a margin of three hundred and eighty three votes to three hundred and twenty seven it is three hundred and seventy four amy piece to back her. house of seven hundred and forty seven lawmakers in total. the conservative politician was nominated by e. u. leaders earlier this month.
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but for approval was far from guaranteed. as many lawmakers were angry none of that leads candidates have been picked for the job. the last minutes backing of social democrats appears t to he been crucial to have victory. as was the speech she gave in the european parliament earlier on tuesday. promising a wave of sweeping reforms in the block. i will put forward the g green deal for you all. in my first one hundred days in office. i will put forward the first ever european c climate lawaw. whichh will set the two thousand fifty targets in not from creat. a close ally of anglo medical us to live on the land has served as germany's defense minister since. twenty thirteen she will replace commission president trump a junker on the first of november. yeah the changes continue i in anticipation of casino gallons moved to the european central bank. the frenchman forormally tenderd heher resignation as director
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general of the international monetary fund. if like gals nominations of crucial take over the ecb at the end of october the name h her successor. expected to be a major talking point onene g. seven finance ministers meet in the morning in solti north of pariss. france's preresident has now to look for his third environment minister inside of three years a steady drip of revelations about falso division he's lavish lifestyle when he was national assembly speaker. catching up with the minister. the latest that he allegedly paid party dues when he was still with the greens using and peas expenses. georgie quits but says he's gonna sue and according to his surrogate at the national assembly. he's planning to take up his old seat is empty. for nororris tret reported earlier for us. afteter nearly a week of continuous allegations on
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political pressure for surgery she finally resigigned. it has to be said that that the precise timiming off his resignation came as somewhat of a surprise here at the french national assembly he just appointed a new chief of staff this monday morning and he was due to be on soaring. some tough questions hannah in the frencnch parliamenent sessin this monday afternoon but shortly before that he put out a written statetement saying t the thought he was no longer able to fulfill his role as environment minister. made what he calleled media attacks onn lynching. and then it came fresh revelalations from the investigativive and news w webse media part two planes whatever she had spent in the past nine thousand you will race of public money. paying his private p party membership feeees this on totopa stringng of a allegations claimg that he hosted lavish dinners when he was the speaker of parliament summing up lobster. and champagne at the taxpayers
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expense that he'd spent sixty three thousand you raise on renovating his ministerial residence. and that he and his formerr chif of staff have benefited f from social h housing. now foror for the ricich he dens that he has broroken any rulesed he saidd he'll be susuing the investigative website media par. there is no doubt that this latest series of political scandals will further damage the image of french politicians among the public. this is france's president's been trying to mediate -- with a wrong over the keeping of tehrhn in the nuclear deal. authorities any wrong confirming the arrest of a french iranian academic -- no reasonn given she's being held in a p prison - the preresident menu m my colons dedemanded a a clarification on sosorry by i'd though because situation. and seeking consulalar access
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without delay. three but i'm della calls arrest was confirmed by iran's judiciary spokesman on tuesday without giving any details of her case the front cover radian was arrested in a wrong in early june says the french foreign ministry. president manual might call express cononrn for h h welll five saying that france had so far receiveved no meaniningful explanation for her r arrest. ne to a access the quincy to stopop this image is you look as yoyou want. to the i i have expressed my didisagreement a and asked prest rouhanani f for clara donation . i'i'm waiting for a a response a clarification on this matter. franance. sales national. officials of the succccess of te song. a promominent on for paula jess and paris's procedures seals pool university for free but of the locals best known book is about changes in a wrong since the nineteen seventy nine islamic revolution. on the r revolutions fortieth anniversary in february she
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spoke to from twenty four about some of her research. in a statement single spool says her arrest was unacceptable and shocking. we will do our utmost to ensusue our colleague ferry but is under ththe best c conditions.nd news of i'm theocals arrest comes amid heightened tensions between sharon and the us and its western allies over ron's nuclear program. to run on doesn't recognize to citizens on the academic is the latest iranian nationanal also holdinga western possible to be arrested walls in the country. in mumbaii ten killed at least ten others feared trappeded undr rubble after a building collaps. itit happened d during heavy mon rains w which havave batterededh asia. more than a hundred killed particularly hard hit has been bangladesh. salvaging what they can from the debris. these villages have lost almost eveverything.
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we saved only ouour lives. the flash flood. wrecked my land. our live stock has also o been washed away. millions of people havave been affected across south asia has torrential monsoon rains swept away homes and triggered landslides. the brahmaputra river which flflows thrhree india bangladesd china post its banks last week submbmerging thousands of villas and forcing four million people fromom their homes. the northern indian states of assam and be ha have been among the worst hits with dozens dead and dozens reported mimissing. locall authorities say more bad weweather is expected in coming days i'll be on the look out right now the roof is already one meter r about that safeeeve. it keeps rising by two or three centimeters every hour andnd there's a a possibility it will continue t to rise even more. in this village in bangladesh ememergency workers urged residents to stay back as their
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livelihood so swept away. experts have warned an outbreak of waterborne diseases is at risk as eight s struggles to reh remote areas. we'vee had floods f from more tn four days n now. we haven't hadad any assistance. we've been drinking water from the river. we need help from the governmnmt what it all meant to him when i vital to farmers the annual rains are both a blessing anan a cucurse for the sub consonanant. twelve hundred people were killed in monsoon floodss and landndslides across soututh asid last year. he was much more than a white south african lent his voice to the fight against apartheid hit singer and songwriter johnny clegg. s died at sixty s six grammy nominee off billboard music awad winner. known for his fluid zulu which she makes it into his mouth but conga music more with the garag. johnny clegg was nicknamed the
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white zulu he defined the upon times racist roles like playing music with black south africans and singing in local languages. he was arrested several times johnny clegg became famous abroad especially in france before becoming a star in his own country. his most celebrated song i seen one on guy was dedicated to nelson mandela.. was the firstst song written wih men did his name -- and released in south africa. because you couldn't see you another allowed to use his name. here he is seen singing a simple non violence like nelson mandela in. two thousand four honda spent twenty seven years in jail for his struggle against the racist apartheid system. johnny clegg was born in britain to a british father and is involved when mother. he came to south africa when he was. seven when he was a teenager he was secretly go listen to black musicians.
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he said that initially he didn't do this f for political reasons bubutimply becauausee loves t to dodo music. johnny clegg sold more than five million albums. he died of cancer at his home in johannesburg on tuesday age. sixty six with buzz aldrin unable to attend michahael colls the sole surviviving apollo elen astrononaut in attendancee at a ceremony at cape canaveral. in florida marking the moment at nine thirty twtwo am local timie fifty yearsgo today. when the creww that also includd the leads n neil armrmstrong bld ofoff to the moon fraser jackson has the story? it's been fifty is n nl armsmstrong those iconic words s
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he became the first man to step fronts on the surface of the moon. ms armstrong and buzz aldrin weren't the only two men on the apollo eleven mission. elevevenn tuesdayy a c. h.. rololled michl collinins return to kennedy spae center's launch complex. thirty nine eight to relive the countdown to lift off of f the historicic flights. we grew fefelt the weight of the woworld on our s shoulders -- we knew that e everyone would be looking at uss friend or foe. and we wanted and to do the best wewe possibly couldld put our bt foot forward and that required a great deal of work on our part. although history may not remember him as well as the others colin street a crucial role in the running of apollllo. eleleven on july t twentieth nineteen sixty nine as armstrong and aldrin p prepared to moon w. collins r remains in the you k w all of us and tendeded t to cola the mother ship of the mission.
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but despite being on his own colin says he didn't get lonely. i had a hot coffee i had music if i wanted. to columbia and every facility that i needed and it w was pleny big and i really enjoyed my tim. also present t to the reunion wl over one hundred controllers off the apollo eleven mission. collins tool kicks off a weeeekf celebrations as nasa marks each day of apollo eleven's eight day voyage culminating in a real time replay of the moon landing and moonwalk on saturdaday. and wewe have more nenews of hen and eararth on our website frane twenty four dot com stay with us you're watching friends. twenty four some s say it's the most beautififul language in the world and yet it is notoriously difficult to learn french the so called language of more yeah the language of love was once upon a time the international languagee
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of diplomacy.. it's still a very important language today but just what does the future hold for frenchh join us for this episode of frenchch connectioions plus whee explore long fall says . linguists say that friendship is one of the most influential languages in the world just after english is spoken on all five continents and if the native language of nearly three hundred million people. it's also an official language in nearly thirty eight nations france of course but also canada belgium and many countries in afriri andnd remember friendship is a liviving language which mes it's evolveded a lot over time let's takeke a look at somee highlightsts. ththe storyy of ththe french lae begins in the ancient region called. hire local celtic languages were
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rereplaced with h vulgar latini. but frenchchs different fromm other romanance languages spanih portuguese italilian and romanin because it was also influenced by the invasion of france. the germanic invasion sparked a language divide in the south people spoke with doc well in the north they spoke longer. which grew into. fifteen thirty nine king post weapon you made ththis the only official languae in france with time it evolved into modern french. influenced unfurled across the world during the seventeenth century as french replaced laden as the main link with frank up international diplomacy. ten used to be o one of the official languages of ththe unitedd natis the european union and the international olympic. meanwhile following france's colonial expansion in the nineteenth century french spread across the world. today two hundred and seventy four million people speak french mostly in africa. and experts s say it's a languae of the future. the number off frenchh speakers
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continues to grow every year in fact they say that french is the second most learned second languagege just after english which can be paradoxical because french is so hard to learn i spent years at dinner parties nodding and saying say but i really i had. no idea what people are talking you're absolutely right jeannie when it comes to friends everything is complicated whether it's the grammar whether it's a spelling it now french kids learn this at a very young age because in school they're given s somethingng called lead. fee which is a spelling test and it's a special kind of hell i'm not gonna give you addicted because it's just cruel and also you guys would just changee the channel and run away. but i do want to quiz you on one particular day of the french language and that is accents unlike other romance languages like spanish or italian spelling is not transparent and french so what you see is not necessarily what you say and that's where the accenents come in. their visual clue to tell you how to prononounce the words so how many accidents are we talking about in all here. well there are four accidents that appear on vowels you have the axle.
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you have the excellent have you have the and you have the axle sipping flex and then there's the city which appears under a see it looooks a little bit lika tail. and that tells you to pronounce the see not cook but still like it s. the space in the okay that makes sense with the c. like in stock but how do you pronounce as other accents. well the when two owls are next to each other and it tells you that you should pronounce both vowels for instance the word. cool all singles you can see there's a claim up over the i and it means that you pronounce both the and the right cool i'll see dos instead of quincy dolls. whwhen it comes to the axle thak you it's pronounced it like? see summer as for the x. on behalf of its more pull down your your your mouth a little bit give her. like a strike. as opposed to eight say it -- and then you have the party hat axle s simplee flex know historically t this meant thahat there was a an s. after the vowl for instance for okay. is the french word for forest --
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and so that you pronounce it he. okay so if i understood correctly you have eighty eight good i have and full hey with ththe circucumflex in the middlu get a perfrfectly rightht g. r. righghty w well as you can image though even with these visual clueues french is still pretty difficult to figure out and people. do still get tripped up. i'm m re on thehe pull thisis on the very heaeart of parisis to explore just how difficult the french languages. you guys pronounce these words. which means him yeah and how do you pronounce the first two while the fifirst one of them [inanaudible] frenench [inaudible] use. this one is very tricky or your
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or or or just as what is that. one one eight yeah and i this is the hello to all you -- in ord. have you ever tasted. french people take their language very seriously jeannie there's even a special guard dog of the french language called the academy for says that created in sixteen thirty five the ticket in the process or french academy is the official authority on the grammar and vocabulary of the french language. these days there main role is to
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defend french from english are the famous english invasion but some english speakers might be surprised to find out there speaking french without even knowing it. i'm here at t the bank which isa boat lococated neaear the acadey fall says so justt a stone's throw from the guard dog of the french language a and i'm joined by also did the crerew that was written a book about the engnglh language it's calledd the incredible history of french. words in english or how anglophones speak french w witht knowing it now we tend to say that english is a hybybrid nguage withh roots in g german and in latin a but you disagree wiwith that you say that. half of english words actually come from french you're talalkig ababout twenty five t thousand s this happened what's the histoto behind this s the l linguistic invasision thahat say is taughto inintense sixty six when william duke of normandndy invadaded t e
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enengland -- at that timime -- people in the e fees and howow d the e king thehe aristococracy - spokoke for englishsh a and old englisish was a germanic languae andd entirely and william --- ad spspoke - -- norman but a at the norman was basasically french wh a a strong accent. and s so french became the official language of of england among the very first words that were brought in by the normansns if you once you finind -- words like off collagen old crime because in a prisoson -- age gogomet food -- everyday words yeah every d day were tablee evy daday where it's you mentioned e this example car which is thehe the english word for a vehicle which comes up from the frenench word. shop but there's's something abt the pronunciation yeah right exactly we we just mention that- the norman so spoke french witih a ststrong accent and onene of e characacteristics of the saxaxo. s that the french letters jeep
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c. h. show pronounce sure in in pariss.. where pronocece cara in normandy so just to give an idea -- duduring the middle ages ten thousand french words were incorporated into old english. and then during the renaissance wewe have --ven more than that - twelve thousand and one author who contributed --- m massivelyo the importsts o of five frfrency merry was williamhakespearere -- so he introduced words like pendant obscene monumental bandndage or f frugal youou kno. and most peoplee thougught they were in vengeance but they were not inventions they were clearly french people and you have a a some everyday examples -- as well in fact you have a facebook page where you -- you put snapshots of everyday examples this is actually -- a sign it's written in english base a lot of these words actually -- from friends so notice rest passing postal employees only do nonot enter absolutely trespassing postal emploloyees e enter all frfrench. if i see a post that on for you
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all of that and only know and only and do. our our job any get origin so yeah it's a good example so many words in english come from french yes is that mean but english the more sophisticated language yeah we have some some could argue that. and indeed there are more more words in english then in french. and one of the reasons for that being that you have a great distance into the english language between the words of germanic origin. and the f. french words. for instance against you can say shot you do o ed you can say -- be again -- demand so monumenta- into it a and so it's thanks to these great distance you have a richness of a careerer in englih that is uniquee so i guess the english speakers should. thank french speakers for a for their language foror them absolutely well thank you very much at ease in the lake with a message -- and just to o remind you this is his book the incredible history o of french words in english b but all the need like with thank you so much thank you. the french language is beautiful
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and also beautifully complex as many of you told us thank you so much for all your grereat questions and comments conrad had a reaeally interesting c cot about non verbal language and how. in french you can say soo mucuch without using any words and it's true jeannie there are so many facial expressions and noises that you can make to communicate and i wanna quiz you on some of my favorite body language for instance what does this mean. that means mano a or my site which means i don't believe you and then n there's a very important sound that you hear everywhere. as in you forgot the baguette again. in this -- one that means let's get out here you also said this in many questions about the difference between t two and roe angel wanted to know if too and is similar to spanish and i must admit i don't speak spanish b bt it's's very important to talk about. to influence additionally to is the familiar form it's the form that you use with your friends and with your family and with people who are younger than you while v. -- is the polite
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form it's the form that you use with people you don't know figures of authority people you respect and people who are older than that don't worry if you don't understand the difference between two and especially if you're just learning french most people here accent. and we'll give you a break anyway they'll probably even think it's charming and there was one last question about the most common mistakes that french learners make i'd say that after pronunciation it's mixing up. masculine and feminine now this is definitely a tricky thing in french because remember pronouns nouns and adjectives all refer to the gender of an object -- but why is something masculine why is something feminine. there's no real logic behind it it's just something that you have to learn in fact sometimes it can be quite confusing for instance the word bicycle it't's easy click so feminine and also. video it doesn't really seem likeke there's much l logic thee unfortunately that's all we have time for but thank you so much and plplease keep sending us yor questions at flow them in -- on twitter or just send us a message on facebook and we'll see you very soon for the next
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07/16/19 07/16/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! > mr.r. president, does it concern you that manany people w ththat tweetet as racist and tht white nationalist groups are findnding common cause with youn that point? pres. trump: it does not concern me because many people agree with me. all i'm saying, if they want to leave, they can leave. amy: president trump doubles down on his racist attacks against congressmembers ayanna pressley, alexandria ocasio-cortez,
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