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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 18, 2019 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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tensions raised again in the strait of her moods the us says its military shot d down an iranian drone there. is after iran announceded it seseized a foreign oil tanker te same body of water. united states kicks turkey out of the f. thirty five fighthter jet prorogram the move a rebuke over onkar as purchase of a russian missile defense system. and spans acting prime mininistr says he won't accept a far left party leader in his government.. without their support pedro sanchez is unlikely to ay in office.
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hello and welcome t to our views here in france and around the woworld i'm charlrlie janes ourp ststory us presidentonald trump hass announced his mililitary st down a any ronninie and droronee strait of hormuz w who's.. speaking fromm thehe white house trumump saidd the dronene thread in american navy vessel. i want to a price everyone. of an incident. in the strait of hormuz today. involving uss boxerer andnd navy amphibious assault ship. the boxer t took defenensive acn against an iranian drone. which had closed into a very very near justin's approximately one thousand yards. ignoring multiple calls to stand down. and wasas threatening the safet. of the shihip. and the ship's crew. the dronee wasas immediatelyly
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destroyed. however iran's foreigngn ministr javad zarififesponded to trump's saying h he has quote no information about losing a drone todayy. now earlier thursday iran announced it sees day for an oil tanker in the strait of hormuz which it accused of smuggling oil. the vessel is believed to be a united arab emirates space ship which entered iranian territorial waters on sunday. the us has demanded the tanker be released these incidents mark a new escalation of tensions between the country's less than one month after you run down to an american drought. for the latest let's cross to washington dc that's where white house correspondent philip crowther joins the program. philip if this iranian drone threaten the u. s. navy ship tehran must have known the u. s. would respond this way. is this -- way that the twowo countries are testing each other eveven communicating. it would seem a little bit likee at's bececause it t has happened
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before and remember that there is no direct communication between the united states and iran something that brian took the special representative for iran. at the state department told me earlier today there is no direct communication meaning that everything that iran and the united states say to each other is done publicly for example by the president here in the east room of the white house. just a short while ago all by divides at joe what's a reef the iranian foreign minister when he also speaks publicly or speaks to the press so this is a way of provoking each other in a way because the last incident was less than a month ago after all. that was on the twentieth of june that's when at eightht u. . drone -- was shot down by iranian forces b because they sy it floww it flew in iranian *-*- space now at that moment less than a month ago the two countries got awfully close to a military confrontation because us president donald trump was ready to take military action. against iran at that time it was
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only because of a change of heart a decision by the president not to intervene militarily that this. possible war as to what's the reef the iranian foreign minister would call it didn't happen inn thehe end these kindf provocations are covered this much and i'll discuss this much because they can lead. to military moves from both countries to direct military confrontation and that of course is the fear again right now especially of course because the two to the two countries. don't have established diplomatic channels they do not speak to each other. what's what should the oil tanker that iran announced it sees does this also in addition to the drones has been a seriess of recent aggressions that iran has taken or allegedly taken involving ships. in the strait of hormuz is this their way of trying to push your up to relieve sanctions. what would actually -- it's another difficult area this one
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for r the united states for iran and otheher couountries as wellf course which have their ships goining throughgh the straits ol movies as well. the president here at the white house agagain said thahat he now wantss other couountries to firt of all condemn iran because of that drone coming too close to a us warship but also wants other coununtries to make sure. they protect themselves now this oil tanker that was seized by the iranians it's me rossi according to the united states ththat's at leasast what i'v'ven told --- by t the s state depart earlier t today that is t the assusumption -- by the trump administration right nowow the fear of course is that there will be an escalation again there as well an escalation of tensions both when it comes to oil tank as being sees. almost sees and then of course a drone being shot down -- by -- by the unitedd states -- just a short while a according to the trp admdministratation according to the state department this was another act of maritime aggression the fact that a number off the ship was seieize. by the iranians add to that what
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the us president said early out of a whole style and provocative act by the iranians and once again you have sometething that we've discussed many times before thatt ratcheting up. of tensions and of language betwtween the united states and iran the hope of coue is thahat it will simply remain just that the day wilill be verball sparrg again rather than any kind of military confrontation. but that possibility is always awfully close. white house correspondent philip crowther t thank you s so much. now we e want to give you a lite more conontext to the story the strait o of hormuz shows is the world's most important oil artery and has been at the heart of recent tensionss between washington and tehran. at its narrowest point ships waters but thehe us says these e international waters. it's one of the most important oil shipping routes in the worl. the strait of hormuz.
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the narrow waterway of just fifty five kilometers between iran and mine is a crucial trade artery for middle east oil producers. more than seventeen million barrels of crude passed through the strait perer day in. twenty seventeen accounting for nearly 20% of globalal oil consumptionn according to oil ananalytics fifirm for tax at te maritime cororridor lies in the territorial waters of both you ron and mon. but iran's revolutionary guard considers itself the gate keepe. deploys ships to patrol the wawater way and r regularly cons naval l exercises there. ththe straits economicc importae has made it aa hot spot for gegeopolitical tensionons. notably between saudi arabia and the united arab emirates majority suny countries and their arch rival iran majority shiite. this because nearlyy all of the crude exports from persian gulf countries pass through the street. making it vital for their oil
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dependent economies. in the nineteen eighties during the iran iraq war there were frequent attacks on oil tankers in the region. and what's come to be known as the tankerer war. much of the f friction o over te street has been between iran and the us. due to washington's larger military presence there. us navy fifth fleet has b been based in bahrainin sincece the nineteteen nineteties followinge gulf war. tens of thousas of americ troops are stationed elsewhere in the gulf in kuwaiait qatatard the united arab emirates. tehran has criticized washington's military buildup in the region and at moments of high tension has threatened to close the strait of hormuz -- the analysts say that closing such a key shipping route would be near impossible under international law. united states s says itt i is removing its nato ally turkeyy fromom the f.. thirty five fighr jet program. washington has lonong threatened
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to this move ever sincee akharaa ordered in advance russianan missile defense system. the rio explalains why the u. s. made turkey choose sides. deliveries of the russian ass fourur hundred air defenense sym continued this thuhursday at ankara's's more ted air base. a day after the us remove turkey from the f. thirty five fighter jet program the stealth fighter jet developed d by nato. the us and other f. thirty five partners are aligned in n this decisision to suspend turkeyy fm the prprogram and initiate the process to formally remove turkey from the program. the us decision came after the first parts of the system would deliver to ankara on friday. effectively sealing the deal between turkey and russisia. the deal washington has been months trying to prevent. the f. thirty five stealth fighter jet is being developed and used by nato and other us
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allies including turkey which makes morore than nine e hundred components for the p plane. for washington the deployment of the s. fouour hundred wiwith the f. thirty five would allow russia to gain too much inside information about the aircrcrafs still syststem. asked about possible further sasanctions against turkey us president donald trump remains at a we're looking at a very very -- difficult situation for a lot of reasons. things could have been done better in the press in n the previous admdministration. ththe previous adminisistratione some very big mistakes with regard to tuturkey. and it was too bad so we're looking at it we'll see what we dodo we haven't announced that . turkey is now calling on the us to reverse their decision having invested some one point four billion dollars on an order of more than one hundred f. thirty five jets. the pentagon has alreadydy announcedd it will be spending five to six x hundred million dollarars to shship the s suppln frfrom ankara. and will be sending turkish
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technicians a and pililots curry training for the program in the u. s. back to turkey. by the end of f july. thousands of sudanese demonstrators converged on a prominent square in khartoum thursday to honor protesters killed during the months long democracy movement. the rallies came a day after protests leaders and military rulers signed a power sharing deal. the young crowd rolled out a banner in remembrance of fallen protesters a symbolic gesture in the square where ousted president omar al bashir held a large rally during h his final months in power. will spain's acting prime minister pedro sanchez be able to keep his post the next week will be key to answering that question. and it isn'n't s starting off so smoothlyly leadersrs off the man partieies in spain are at odds with each other in a country with an increasingly fragmented political landscape.
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if they don't vote to confirm sanchez a repeat election is likely. spain could be heading towards a new german election it falls in as many years. caretaker prime minister pitcher sanchez is been trying to strike a deal between his socialist party and finally foror the most to form a governmnment. onon monday he announcnced t the coalitition talks that collapsed on thursday in an interview on spanish tv he said he would not accept the dimond of point they mostly death. please yes to be part t of his cabinet. the government which includes iglesias would not work it would be paralyzed oncnce onlnly if is that we include qualified people from today mouse. it is not possible t that mistea glaze yes be part of the government. so the idea is that sanchez came to power in june twenty y eightn after a no confidence motion against the then conservative prime minister repertory. in a pro sonjay cindy socialists won the general election but
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failed to gain an absolute parliamentary majority. for the momost was expected to play the same supporting role as it had before the elections. but this time they demananded cabinet roles in return. the pmm knows if he concedes tht other parties who suppoport he needs would have refused to back the government. next tuesday songes faces a confidence vote in parliament if you can't get enough foods and either he know the opposition can put together a majority within sixty days. then spain goes back to the post game i in the autumn.. on thursdaday ministersrs from . seven top economies reached a consensus on taxing tack giants such as google and facebook. fifinance ministers and central bank governors agreed that the lalarge companies can be taxed n the coununies in w which they me moneyy. even if they don't have a physical presence there. this is an issue that has divided the us and its allies britain and france french finance minister bonilla may i hosted the two day meeting and shanty outside paris.
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are journalists taxi marcel can caught up with him there. we've just learned the if come to an agreement in principle at least to a minimum global corporate tax also a tech giant tax -- crucially what exactly did you agree on we year first of all the greed on the principles of those to taxation the first one is to medium taxation. and the second one is a digital taxation. the minimal taxation for the corporate tax is ththe key issue for us is the best way all for fighghting againinst taxax. tack evasion f from t the biggea *-*- actional sir companies of the world. and the digital dictation is also a key issue because you know that is a new business model. based on the set of that call which is nott taxed at the same level as otherctivitiess s so there is clelearly a need. totoe a fair taxation of digital activities and we found an agreement on the to issue a
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minimal taxation for the corporate tax. and did you tour taxation for those new economy new. activities and this new bubusins model. stay tununed to o france tryingr more news coming up next. france's national education system the system s school there is a source of fascination around the world some say the quality of learning is exceptional and indeed studies show thahat france is over t twe mimillion students are smart and well educated so some say the system should be copied by other countries. but others say the system is rigid strict old fashioned it only encourages people to be the sameme instead of promoting individuality so what is it like to rlly go thrhrough the french scschool system and just how sm. or french gets grab your book bags and join us for this french connections plus.
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france is the education system is higighly centralized a and organize just like in other countries it's divided into three stages so y you have often you more pre med primary education also anymore circle that. secondaryducation and also y you willll s see better yeahigher education a whole otherer kettle of fish will explore anotherer show that primary and secondary education that we're focusing on today are regulatated by the all powerful ministry. of national education and the ministries sheep objective is to set the national curriculum s so that goes for public schools of course but alslso the vast majority of private schools in france. at the primary and secondary levels the core curriculum is the same for all students at any given great the idea is for people to get an equal chance at life by starting out with h the
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sasame educacation.. former g government mininistersu fifty is widelyy credited as creating the modern french school nickel. in the eighteen eighties he passed laws making education free public and s second place. cooling today is obligatory for children between the ages of three and sixteen if you're familiar with the saxon system the names of french grades might seemem confusing. primaryy educatition is divided into two sections the card but the lead with great. six one six and it goes in a move that. soso you do see mc inin. secondary education is divided into two other section kadesh middle school the g goes from cesium was yen and lee c. high schoolol thrhree years. ago yeah and the final years. in france students or mostly graded out of twenty the system is notorioususly harsh. teachehers in public primary and secocondary schools are civil service neaearly a million membs
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of staff t the ministrtry of nationonal education is f francs largest employer. and education the government't's biggest budget the driving philosophy behind french education is a get a date everyone should have the same education and that goes as far as everyonee having thehe same d right it's funny june because this is something that forereigners tend to pick up on french peoeople. don't really seem to nonotice te fact that they have the same handwriting at least when they're little. whenen you grow up you kind of grow into your own hand writing but when you're learning how to write there's a special kind o f hand writing that you learn and it's a special kind of hand writing thee teachers use as we? and moreover everyone h here learns to write in ink not even in. its right in france if you use a fountatain pen and all your homework is hand written it's not written on the computer and then printed that goes for essays in high school as well. in fact is a special kind of paper that you use in france that has -- squares essentially and lines that you basically have to fit your hand writing -- to and this is one of many school supplies the french will
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take very seriously. i'm here with a live and savavannah two sisters so live yoyou're goioing in to see. out the equivalent of second grade and savannah you're going into c. m. do the equivalent of fifth grade -- a and you're e ga shshow us what's in your backpak you mind if i take a look. i actually have your list of school supplplies f for this yer an i think it's the it's quite and quite detailed i i nine tenths of cases. the first one is for fans t to writite with and the second ones for colored pencils [inaudible] one two three for notebooks and engine does write downn your homework the bush s.. paper holders. the folders on your list never ending.
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very cool cool. as big a pack of paper in the view you right on this kind of paper. to the album was. bored there's's one thing missig though in your bag [inaudible] books. so on top of on top of all this you'll have books as well. seems like you've got -- quite a heavy load for when you get. to school so good luck. thank yoyou. at the end of high school french students take the state exam called the baccalaureate or thte back for short now this is a monument of french educacation that's been araround for moree n two hundred yearars. and french people love to brag about the baccalaureate and just how difficult it is because it implies that french childrenn ae very smart now they're thrhree kinds of baccalaureate so thatat you can pass there's the professional baccalaureate that. prepares you for about eighty widede rananging professions frm cooking a and carpepentry and ao dentistry so many professions you also havave the technologicl baccalaureate the focuseses on
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sciences and compuputers and thn you have the general baccalaureate as well. the back has a few core subjects that everyone has to take things like philosophy or even sports but for those students who take that last back the back jenna hotter they have to choose one of three tracks and these are called. yeah in french at you can see the three of them here you have the s. which focuses on sciences and math -- s. which focuses on economics and other social sciences and then you have at it which focuses on literature and the humanities and arts and what's interesting is that here in france there's an unsaid hierarchy between. these three cds s. is considered to be the most prestigious followed by the us which is which is v very good a for the smart students but perhaps not the nerds in the class and then you havave l.... whichh is considered to be the back foror slackers which is really unfair and a a complete exagaggeration but what i is trs that you have to be very careful when you choosose which we daiay takeke because inn france you pt on an academic and then. a capri much a career track and
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it's r really hard t to jump t s afteterwards so youu prettyy muh have to decide what you wanant o bebe whenn you are just. sixteen years old. the back of course has its critics some people even say it's lost its value overr time s almost everyone who takes it now seems to pass willl think a look at the statistics i in the nineneteen sixties. 60% of peope taking the baccalaureate past where is these days it's closer 290% so a lot of people say what the world is the value of the baccalaureate if f everyone sees to pass. changing the national education system thougugh is a hot buttonn issue successive governments have tried to reform what's been called not ma'am. but just how hard is it inside a french classroom flow yoyou want to find out more [inaudible] please. so i'm going with -- peter gumbel here were at the they cut a school in the heart of paris and peter you'vee writttten sevl books about the frerench -- education system they shoot up school kids don't they for
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instance elite academy french school a withoutut tears what would you say characterizes the french style of teachining. onee one hand free schools all very demanding they havave a very hih standards if you comee out of te french school with -- the bottle have extra sick k at schooool leleaving examm. you're very good at lots of things eveven if also feeeed ats you have a good general education. on the other hands -- you also have a veryy high failure ratesa lot of kids was one i in -- four really struggle at schooll. and whehen y y look intoo why tt is you discocover quite quickly that they're important differences between the culture of french schools. and culture in many other countries particularly in the angle of phone world -- and those e differences are primariy the role of the peoplple and the rerelationship. with the t teacher.. for exampl. the classic thing that encouraging and motivating of helplping kids progresess and sg
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you know you can get thahat w wh you u find in englisish and amen schools. is r really quitete red h hat ye mumuch more thihis idea thahat u have to fit into a mold. in france you play a a much more passive role in the classroom as a chihild you're there to seepen information from a from the teacher what consequences does this have on french studedents. there's a lot of stress in the system there's some -- test by the thehe every city the pizza tess we show the frencnch kids e more stress than anybody elsee n the wororld aboutut french and k especially i in math -- and overruled you can see that our kids come e out of french schoos less w willing to paparticipate. less sure about their abilities. and this. plays a role this this takes a toll on on pepeople's egos and psyches that equality is a driving force in french education and yet there iss massivee inenequalities within e system whahat do you thinknk ths due. to well this is one of the great paradoxes of the system is not the words. eighty two eighty
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qualities actualllly written. on the front of many many schools around the country - -- and yet it's when you look at the statitistics. the number o of kidsho fail -- itits partitilar kids w who arem disadvantagedd bacackgrounds who too o badly -- and there is a st of a situatition in the system n the school system. off the cost structure so that you u come from -- readydy well finallyy you'ree gonna do relatively welll in in school if you don'tt thenn you w weren't n fact if y you look again at thet the nbc t. statistics ininternational statistics. you'll see that thehe french scschool system i is one of thet ununequal i in the world do you think it's possible to change the french educationon system. what we've seen is that o over e lalast twenty y years? there's been a r realization tht the system isn't working you know e education everywherere is inincredibly difficult to change parents and teachers have high expectationsns. they have e memories of their ededucation so chahanging anythg is always complicated. but what's important is thahat e
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french themselelves onn the stad the system doesn't work the failure r rate is too high its s embabarrassing and mole it's its seriouously damaging to societe. to have an education system where a quararter of the kids a failing. and seven p people allll sayinie need to change and finally we need to get on with -- will have to leave it at that peter thank you so much for being on n our show frencnch collectionplplus. many of you sent t in questions about the french education system starting with robert skelton he says even though france is a secularar state can parents opt to send their children to religigious schools will robobert releligious schooo exist in france and they are of course. private the majority of them are catholic but you alsoave prototestant jewish and muslim schools now up public schools meanwhile are of course secular which means there aren't religious classes but students learn about religion world religions. in a kind of trance disciplinary way through history civics and philososophy another question nw from a web m. she says can parents chohoose to home schchol
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theieir kids in france homeschooling does exist in france it's very rare and it's highly. regulated in fact families that homeschool subject to inspections from the state they have to prove that they're giving their children a proper education and if ththey can'n't prove that well they can be subjectcted to a fine and in some extrereme cases. they can actually spend some time in jail well i guess it just shows you how seriously people take education here in france that wraps it up for today show thanks so much for watching the sure to tune in next time when. will graduate up to a special on higher education and in the meantime please keep sending uss your q questions you can tweet e at clover men -- or you can check out our facebook page and we'l'll see you see you for the next friends connections plus
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07/18/19 07/18/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: fm new york, thiss democry y now! >> these days and weeks, two inings he bebeenemonststted. first, ricardo rossello doesn't have the ability to vern. amy: thousands opuerto ricans ke to the streets lling fo the resignioion ofovererno ricardo rosslolo after


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