tv Democracy Now LINKTV July 29, 2019 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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/29/19 07/219 aptioning made psible by democracnow!] amy: from neyork, this is democry now! >> donald trhas tweetemo th 43,3,0 times. he h insted thousands of pele, many dferentes of people. but whene twbo festation, it is about blk d brpele. resident trump is fang readondeatioafr scribing baltimore as a "dising, rat rt infestedess." trp'racistemarcamean attackn ngressman elijah cummingsone heost prinent afamerican
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las in washington. we will go to baimore for response. then to sshe leang opsiti figure s been hospital after posbly being poisoned in jail. arrested nearly 1400 oosition protesters in the larges crackdown in a dece. came beuswant tion cdates were bei ked fromaking rt in th tion to be allowedo o. it is aig pem becse there e ve few werth face it prenour intests. i am h he forreedf eech d choi am and wwill look at a historic protest icolombia held to ndemn the sue thalttacks oindigenous enronmenl leaders in rent years. >> stop with systematic rd of men and womenof indigenous pe, of ro
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colombians, farms, a sten. ht- whoen the are defending theiright to li oe teitors, for biodiversity to bepected. amy: all that anmore, cong up. wee toemoccy now!, democracynrg, the war an ace port i'm amy goodn. bae redents arto thing the cityfter president from descbed ltimore as a isgustingg rat and rodt infest mess as he engad a itter tackgainst house onf the mostromines, african-erican lawmars in washington. trump tweethatummings' distct is "consirethe wot in the usa" and human being uld want to live there trump's tacks came after fox ws ran story aut btimo afr cummings criticized e condnsimmigratio jails e mexican border. editorial in e baltimore n saturd was titled "better he a w ratshan to be
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e." on surday, cnn ahoct kwell choked u a w discussingrump's cots ababt his hometown. the presidentays abo congssman mmin district amy:lackwellhokes up. want tono human would vehere kn w didmrprt? i did. from theay i wasughtome from the hostal to the day i left f collegeand a lot of ople iarabou sll d the archngesno doubt but are proudf thei community. amy: victor acell nod that trumfrntlysed the dehumazing word nfested" enencrininf color. we' have mo on this sry inorern california,unme ll three pple d wounded lea othat thennual
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gi garlifest the sunday. as alsll at the e on hunr second ty suspect. one the victimsf sunday' meanil in neyork city, a ast one person dieand another ere juafa shootingt a pur bloc rty in brownsvil, klyn, saturday. the ananal summer event draws ople to the neighborho from ouout of sta for musical perfores a andther s. police s thearlooking for two suspects. a-5 rul the supme friday allowed truo moheith the e of $2.5 biio mitary y nds buils wan the u.-mico er after he declared a nioemerncin feuary. last mth, a federajudge haed theove, saying trump es not have auority to circumnt cons appropate the fundreired for cotruction. a stent, the a respded by say-- "bordecounities, t enroent, o nstitutio'separation of powers will beermantly ed shod ump get away with pillagi military fus r a xephob bordell congress dend.
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meanwhe,n surprprise move, e trmininisttion a the guateman governmensi whathe whiouse sis a sa thi countgreement fray, despite widespread condemnation othe an by human rights exp and injunctions a guateman court at halted the agreemt t at halted agemt om going aad whout approval frocore. thagemt wod require askers who jrney thuned ste aly foroute to at the u.smexi border.of it woumarifft e signgng of the deal took trump last week to impos taris and otr paltiesn atemala. legal chalnges are expected in both the u.s. anguatemala. on saturday, hundreds of guatalans gather outsi the presididtial palprotesting reent and demandine regnation ofside jimmy morales. presidenp annnced tt suay dan coats, e ctor ofional intellce, has resigned. coats antrve clashed overuell's instigation and trump'equentttacksn
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tellcegencie earlier is mon, cos appoted elby pierson as a elon surity cz. trumsa he wonomi texas ngressman and staunch al john ratce totoeplace coats. trump was reportlyleased by ratclif's quing during laste's hoe judiy hearg wiwi robert muelle i which ratcliffe tells the former specl sel, "nowhere does it s that you were to conclusily determine donald trump's ininnocence ort th special counl repo sul terminwhher not t onerathi 's farit ident jair bsoro teane le greenwait poiblemprient sard lling rent reporti by greenwald's news websihe inrcepimimicg jujuice minist sgimoro in aa ssiblot sar and convict formerli president inacio lu d lva. eaking ta rt lsonid gwaldld not be depbecause w married to bzian but that mht bimprte. journalists anpresfreedom acvists asd boonaro's threats d eeald respded via twitter onto wt the id
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sa, he is t yet a dictat. he dsn't he p to der ople to op. to dn one, you need to prest idce to court showthat crimeas committe that ededee esot est." see our ierview with th puer p winning glenn al the intcept's exse osergio morand th perationash"ndalgo in more news om bral, governata shs that ment data ow that new dramiclynced sin lsono took k fi, sing morerehan 13 sque milesf rest c, a 39inease over the se ri lt . e astic ans due to lsona's llg back o gulatid puni asur on ilgal logging. in ma group fme brazilian environment minists warned"we're fg the risk unaw dtation in e amazon rm minister id that
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braz w becomg an rminator of e tu. in moscow, pole spondeto anositiootests surday arres nearly 1400 people and atg ck demstrars with bats. the otest was ganized to nounhe recent barrin opposition candidates from rug an upcomingleion for scowowity council d owed simar prost a week earlier which brought out eimed 20,000 people. meanwhile, one of russia's mo prominent opsition figur, alei navalny, haen hospitalizedfter reportedl suffering an acute allllgic acon ijail. he was aested wednesday and sentenced to 30 days in jail. naval'door sai have been expotoe xic agen w'lle more on e otests in rsia later the broadc and hong kong, police deployed tear gas and rubber bullets against democry protesters a mmonstration that oo theemi-autonomous territory for thei raight week. poce say they arsted 49 protesrs sunda ottstaed to demand the
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withdraw of extradion bill that would have sent peop from hono malandhina to face char beman kly grew f resignation ofofong n'leer care lam, ainveign to violce agast donrators and pro-inndence reforms. afghanistan, east 20 people we killed and 5others unded sunday a scide bombs rgeted t offices of leading ce presideia candatin t cital kabul. e blts pceded an to evacuate a four-story off budi. group has claimed responli forhe attack, whictaet amrlah saleh, ann's rmer inigencehi a runni ma tpridashraf gha, who's seeking anotr term i elons heler september 28. in libya, the yuan cked governf national accords an attack by negadeeneral sardled five medic s and wound seothe at f hos outside ipi, the latest dead sault lib's capility by forces l to fmelibyan
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gelho alreadyontrols much the easte libya. in bahin, a 22-yeaold acti died sunday aer king part in protes agnst thexion of two menespite cas from rights ps and e itedio to lt their killgs. thg m'cae of deaea is unknown though acacvists sa e were cla witpolice the re clashes witpolice duri sury's prts. cal authors have said he died onal caes. the tw m were convicted aass triaon teor crgesas b man righxper s confessions rened thugh rte. speakio jazeera, bani activt link the timing othe exec te cent annof t u.s. government that it was reating thfedeh pelty. maryam alkhawaja said "gulf stes alws elhey need green lig to comm t vienhey commit. if the.s. is going to start deral executions agathe hraigovernmenteelst has greelight tothe sa." anwhile, in itain, a acvist whoho staged a otes against ththe executions fday nit he rf ofhe bahraini embassy ilondndon,
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rtedadbe resed by brispolicefter he was bahrain instite forights and mocracy, orgized the action, sathat eas affers to throw e nstrator off the roof and th he ulbeeard scrng afr beinapprehended. brh authoritiey ey are t able to verifyfy tt accoun back in thunitedtate the jue demed the mergriy of-mobiland sprint in a mohat crit y would crseelone billcoumers by desing competition. lypproved the deal afterey t-mobile and sinagre sell some of tir assets to netwtoreate newireless 13 attorneys g and the strict ocolumbiare suing to blo the $26illi merge senatoand 2020andate elizabetwarren tweed -- "ter will st tusands of jobs, re was, and rther reduce ction ia sector thabadly nes it. weeed antitrt retors with toura to std up t monopolies."
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hoe diciary chairmer dler sai will petion former speci counsel robs to mueller'secret grand jury ence as his ite friday conders wtherhey ll uerta impeachnt oceengs agt pres ump. dl also saidt akers must he ceo all the -- nler also said he would sue foer white house couon mcgahns rly as thiweekto 10hoe democrats ve s theyould back an ieachnt inquy. tha's just 11 ort of a majority on e demoat d inolombi drators a to thets to protest rge of lethal tas on indius and eirmental leader nce the histic peaccord was gn i 2co or 40 human rightsctivist heaven killhe work combating illegalinin dg stitutiouses this is an ais -- >> stothhe secve and syematic murder of actist, d n,f w, of iigenou
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people, offro colbis, who a atudents defeine ritoivon their territori, for the righ ofdiversy to be rpect, the peace agreement to respected. amy: we wille moreatern e broadcas 22old man has become the fit colombn to win tr force hes the youngest clist to -- to de ce he iyoungest cyclisto wi the ce in10 yea rir, b for an entireone untrgan bernanasaid. those are of the headlis. this is deacy now!, democracow.orgthe war and peace report prident trp is fing widead outgefter descring btimoa "dstg,at and rodent ump ma the rarin tet taincongsssman elijah ings, of t tos prinent afafrin-ameran laakerin washingto
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trump eeted baltimo is "cred the t the a" andnouman being would want to ve." cugswho chairsheouse committee on oveht a reform, has represented rylan'seventh stri which cludes parts of baimore since . ump's inl tw cam baltimore r cummintory about migratiojails along the mexin bo. ofcials across baltimore a marynd dennced the president's marks. the ltimorsusponded publishingn editial titled mexicacarder. toone." ferats than on saturda c vicr blacliscussed trump's commen aut his homow balte. nvted. at is usyesvefor referenceso rents and ins, bu'ee president iok itati critize laakers before. ou see pattern he?
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donaldrumpweore 43,0 t he hnsulted ousands of . y differtys of people. t whene twee ination, it is about blackand o. instedhe says must othe prident ys aut cgrsman mmingsistr- amy: blackwell then ched u human would wt live there. you know who did psident i did. fromay ias broht home ft forolle, ana lot of peop ce aut sti do. erare chleng doubt, t pepe areroud of thei communy. n't nt to so -rigusbut people get up and go tok the,hey care for the familie ty love theirhiwho pledge allegiance to thlajust like people w live in districts of
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congreho suppo you, ey are americatoo. amy:hat wacn anchor blackwell airfr saturday. ump reonded to the congress memr of elisha mmin of being in a eet ony. is all comes two wee a a trumunleashed a rast attack on five congsswomeofolor, telling infest places om which ty me tweeere aime congremes ayan pressle rashida tlai and ilhan omar. l four a u.s. tizens, an the theour re born in united stas. we go w toalre whe we ined by two ests sociatprofesofn unicn and afcan and afafn erictudies at loyolaversitan hostf locao sh in dae dectoof publy foleads we welco youot tmocr now! , t'start wit
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you. ur rpoto thiattack on ltime. "no human would to ve there," presidenump p id. portant ting trum'ss ihinks eetsn persiv we in socty basedn's from sple step thehings p ys in hi lyd belie in e american cleive consciousnes notions of bla ierrity th stand this trom li fos beintrue medals, having to b iior, ierently pathological. in the way that shows our societis thr reesentis of black people patlogil. i thininit is important in twts, it is pot to note thatt he is exprsings a societalelie, that he not exional in tse thahe believ it. iy be exceptional he he d in su an en fashiy that
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ink ar dstrative of a i ciet belief thattes the institutiof vil sociyy that really ce a ciumce are pcularly blacfolkin thety's italkin aboxperiee thfeing ofy both way of li and rhetoric that do' deem thean beings. soisapatinto a be thelievethose this re overtly than the cut of subciousie tt i thk permeates l amerin civil society. amy: kaye wise,r sponse, as talks about in n e statn victo blackwell, smovily poi t inis commentary onis show ocnn, y goack tsee when huses theord "infested" with people colorlike jn lewis htaed and talke abou iestation. taing aut thead, the
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cossmen of col sayg they should go back to r cre insted cntries - cose, they are fmnid states, ree of t four of them a then talking about baimore t w he didith "we woulther have fe rs than be on >> what is ieresting is donald trump is har back a menla people were carized as being shu 't nt, thg that iy deicle, somethin that wao rid of, anusg that particula lguage whener he lks abt blac anbrown peoplethg ths now. itoes back t time of slavy. how blacpeople havavg cagorized ithis country. i t root and t of whiteupmacy and whi naonal further.a back a little th jew were edn a busgerma atio rwand tre w a ne
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of itati thterm you use wheneveralking a people at a the minory t populationpopuon not wa, not coered to in anyay equal to oruperioro the dominant t jority. dold trumpt givi us w ngge. its t surpng. s re fstting than anythinglseecausehes unleashed , what hee is s lowed to he haenwhat hiven thek to is this notioyon say t deep-oted rt th you he this yo prably souhen table, can say tou loud p--canow call bla you can welbrn people you don'belo he. what he isemindi uof his thince that itmen,ome whitnute parcur, belve ica on belongs to ppl who look lihem. th ishat we are ghti ait. th i wt eeale is ait. the arsoul of what thi untry isoi to loike
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donald trumpan be red from ce, but wh h unleashed will rain leght until e end ni aisor jed kus son-in-la pass this mpany ome 9000 rentaunitanen called a sluord in mylan many mice iested. e mpanisis in se00 code violations. can you tlittlebout th? >> this noon wititja ner anewnersh, 90 unitut i think waseay 17 ioon then ha back to a ti t ppl peuatinghereote of thjared kushn hasone e work to n up ta. trp hasalleanrb o olicy come baltimo to not just t baltimore
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into pntour finger up. baime th lau at. someg ttack. a ng up with a platop americ cies inhich baltor onef manan that uluse a policy and p r ur ren andor going fod. wh donald trp is doi and at jar kushnerases ly aed to e oblem. it has mbaltore theente and taour fos wt th re is,ch is what congressman elijahumngs ll oncein donald tmps ing akina ch to directs awayrom what we should be focu -- whichhis peacm offfice, figing out exac at he ng wch is e king about rusa. stea a defending rss d cpaigns to remind torldhawe are rt oerd atere important and that we tter. agai iis juspoli t tt h c ce y e defend, ha a step back, have us be heard --ur have as
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crime. amy: wan go tote hse acnghi of aff ck mulv speakg nday on s's face tatio ho mgabrennan eson mulvan about donald trp's comments >> no hun being uldananto live the. when donaldld attac people- raci.s beingerceived as doou undstany? i understanwhy but doe't mean it is ract. amy: dayn lo, if you coul respond? and atheameimhe i tweeting up ugh today, e esent wants toovahead wi pouriillis and llio and billi of dlarsrs intoto a wall on the sererer rder s --athethan the inastrture ountry. >> scouple of th. onarticularly th po mag would want to the" thaspea to is the ct tt in th socty,
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agaialalng buthe stem o racism, we'alkiut the t noons of humanit ha o b rerveor thatte fole been able to constct uverse hich theillective ier is unersal anral. so thehea atn beg would want to ve the a pt ofsnee grow-phobic aspectf yherell o the tivestertypes e ojecdo black le but anys, e folks i i thmmie expernce o gen ny of thio that we crinalize. wthink about thine thisotn a drug dr, gh d a f soetal images ack n. whenouhinkbout a of the wh menhat arllindrugs olle campuses arndhe it states, ty arno demonize the se way e, ain, throllective interest a understood a normtive.
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furthermore,tilay in rm of all the investm it relato so-caedormad securi, i thinit importt to undstand tha thatrets o t nifeation,he extsi the sysm ofhite suprema, th of beg secure fm th criminalizedrants that me into the unist. brod right fr- ene that first majorm in theon, naon t w fme t whe house that represend a blackface, a bla m as a brute. on othe cestylin th hs rapi. so 'alngbouthe conservatiusaboutt t we frothe playbook of e suemathaizes nherentlys
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crinal, d herey ers,nherently pathologic. wao hight the ct whiaid that ink is importa.this inot new. this inosomethinghat is er o of nowhere. this rheriand this dcourse is pand elf a society s run suca at allowshner tbe ato ve propeentrbl s tev of coempt use thaust the very nature of the societthat we lin, swe he att e syem of iteupremacy e evotns of black ierioty tt anime itutns in such a wayhat peop, but ase areeeing with the crisis or the migration isis oth border texas picies asell. amy:rofess whitehe, i asme this ma a lite difficict call that lon elected officialalwho you criti to
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work on your city, not to men her citiund the untr >>hat is iti, amy, is at omyadio show da -- w t abo ts everyday. tk about our politicians, wrong th city. wek to push to ld o politicians accoble. wh we dealwith the r csdeg with the heatin situa in s, lkinabout the stof violencendri iour igorhood, we want to h our piti'eet the . his moment, we can't do that allthis mont we caot out our liticianbecae what the eshado ipu all in thiefensee whe we have talabhowew' all baltore. myopis as weovpahis momentnds heur h lds ewhere e-- becaue know donald tru'playbo i cus on sometng, useacas tr to atckt, wld gets intuivehi
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we' defending tommy is laughing ence to his n targ. th is how w perates. myope is wese thisomto talk about whawe can do -- a i meall coliv all ofs inaltimoreomomall e peop who s they love ltime, allf e ticianwe wking for baltime -use thiss a mont tcomep wi a sttegyn how we can me e knowayvovove andders of a beautifuluggle, we' gazation right hinhis city thed woris that want to continu t dth survive.baltimoreill we are resient. weaneal withthhe ls omom move forwa and betr. tell amy: iant tnk yoth for beth dayvon ve --kaye universitynd se-whiteheloyola iverty and dayvolof a
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amy: this is demra now!, i'amgon. weurn n now tousa, whe force top an opposition ott onury. near400 people were rounded up iatas been described rgest ss arrest in ruia in a decade whil onei'most prinent position figes, ei naval, s en hohoitalized afterfen utalleiceaction in j have bn exd ome xice agen wednesday ead sury's in jail.and sentenced todays s's prott was orgazed denounce e ntarring of oppositiond from runng inn upconglection fomoscow city counci eltis authorities.inst the
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sohat the deent candidates f whom wo aed to particate in the eleion. th should take par i-- the citizen shouldote. let people decide r themselves who rsent tm. thats it. am we' joined now by samu greenedictor of the russ ite king'lleg london. his bo, -authored with grme rertss ju o tled "ti the peoe: the rius pitics of dived russia." he is alsohe author of "moscow inovement: power & opposition inuti's ssia." sael green welcomeo democracy now! >>real hnot en anythiuite on this scale before. thinin the lt yearr so we hav seea tendency toward aincrease in confroatio viously,he oppitio frustred ty're not ae to
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gen the balt. th're n able to get t nstituonal rights that are arteedn rmssf purchase spending in ele. in fache righthtsymb peacefly in protest, whichs al guantd t tution the governme has band mo morerostbut w've ao seen at osrotestt they veeemo freenyy brging out the rt police. a fewonth ae ed to e a pe .ed op bng carte away now we're seeinuch eate numbs and we aeeg a lo more vlence. we saw broken bos. we saw blo. we saw thingbeinthro yoee the video y' justt ther clear a faiy vicious sponse. i thit is wonotinghe sponse is noprovoked. e prosters to an extentre breaking the in thathe
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prott were not section by th governme, buthey were d nothg mo than occying a puic sce. we didot seeti or disrti of property y rockrowingr that sort thin amy:alk k abouat i happening withleksei nal, who wa irid owednes th sd he wasalling for the ot on ay andow it isot clear what hasappened to him >>t isot at l clear. he is purept dragged off -- piodically ged off. heas ge for ople to paicipatin an unsationed pres faly familiar r his dril is a l ooppositioniges dussie thdays , durir just afterhe protest,ragg o -- sorry, withfo hospital alle rction.a sere e reportas the was
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swling around his face and neck. his doors caut tthe hospital, his peonal doctors cameo thepil cck m. erd access ink th we able to se m oinrvw him throug closed-doo but not me an to b allergic reactn.m theifeeling is ere y y be some kind of toxic cmil that has somow ented his system. ofrse, people -- joh amy: dtotors inr his ee andvery thing around hi be test. he was relsedm th hospital andacinoke. for ople who d't owho eksei navay if you could explaid at h relationship with putin. it is n a relationshi he haseen probab t mos ominent opsition leade russia sce theast majove ptest agast put
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mersn011, 2 s lawyer and aeia coececon a an eight a rrection camr who ha built a twof ats ound the cntry, both to run into pubofcials, inc to cte eleions forfficeem,nd throughouthe pol system, songom thingli tyouncil as have co up the mosw citcocil election in septr,ig up t presidey. na was barred running in the presidential elec in 2018,hichonnnal amy: in a rece tweetu wr-- can you exai >>ure. olin russian
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litica ste at least i derstand it, i to ma em wk fofotheple at thtoofhe ste soherere l of weul inre in the ecomand buaucracy d secuty rvices theelveare legitimate with the ere ssian citizen w s theas sort of ling oealth the country te when ma ruians a nng very ll, when there's owin inequality, anso on. e is anagthat system b iortantly to make to mage the relationshipiph the ssia op, righ refs popular th the of the rusan ete are n. what we haveeen seeinin rece m mths t enomy has stagnated for the stix o
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years or so, we've seen deining re incomes for ornarysian res's pull reondeay the count iity o headed ithong dirtion. th causes someerusness amon elis inmsf ether or not put is going to be able onnue to r the syem in theinterests and so he have wanted to send anal to thoseli ce ifis gngo have you wi, thcoage the sy'convictions, that he ll put the f of the state atheervicef thr interes and nobe reticent se violen if need be inanagin threonship we sition a perhaps with the blicorbroadl y: c y also talkbouthe murd oa very pminent ltq
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ltus dozenof bt aivists we arsted duri a band protest in sin burke sticng up for se mirities whatappened to her? w wdon't rely know. its ttleemcent of we jusving with your guess arndmore and the clite re inin the uted states. run se of his pa his legitacy ound the use ofssues that are familiar i thinkwo of arica -- filiai tnko ameran voters. there's en a lot o punitiv legiatiobuthere has also be just a t of rheto tith impunity.feel th c
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een inea levels ivistsncmong lgb d ers of the ultra beq -- blbg community in gal because the stigma associed t g tonvestiga withole are any seris. so 're not lely,y, haedn th case.veto know wh amy: y menti the compariso th btimo. wh eec does president havs ference to o pun onutin russis in geral? i mean, yethese ss arrts thapap largest in a , st 1400 ople reed. uck does t agains ltore saying no human would wanto live t. i am note the kmlin is
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lookinfoapoval or disapprova frowashgt. it really capae of doing the sorts of things wn obama was ffice and u.s. ste partme and thehite house criticis of russ.tir but what i think does maer is mry difficult, if you for e western community in gener -so t europe, anad and other plac --- to come up wi som kind of concertepo onse to russia th wldeally supporor providmoralrt to those who would li to s dientuture fo the cotry. demorango the russiat is optindo oswho are fighng f the c constitl ghts in the untry. amy: pfeorreenocal
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election e are rests around pple caing representnn the moscow city coun this so snican ruia today? >>he aouof reasons. first of ascow doeve the rgesconcentration of opsition supers in th countr so if there is anyart of ruia whe they're lely some heaay inleio, its probabl going t be moscow. they had representn on moow city uncibe of eeen a lot poon'efrt conctrated in mosc aa sult. w toget mont of d to get some
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symbolicictoribut also as mabe more brolyhat they have aim. i thk k problefor the positi in sss t so mu that most russians think thcounys well governed. theyerstand e level corruption ahe level o uniout mt russians would t evthat iyo re telsomedy els that ewuch uld change in our lis or t t coury i run. the task for tppions a smallle, to bo level, moe to people that elecs actuallyteand ing some change fothe . ginhat, t krein hasot been abl to enable mea to engine an improvement i ia livoods othe last fivor six yea or so i thineyre ccern aut e ability tppition to xample.hat kd of
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in t absce oa potive th'reeally nning on tint la oviable alternave, so thatou lk k anhg terniv fro emeg, even if it is onlsyolic a at the local level. amy: samuegreene, thank you r being with ure of , the ss institeking's lle. hibook iju out cal ut v. the peop: th perius politics of aivided only ce ck, col. more tha400 have been rdered in recent years. stst with us. ♪sibrea
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and towns acss ca as ll a.sto prote s ofetl tackonigous and vironmental leers in ce yrs. lidarity marches aund the world. in01he combian govement and farc rebels ed historiaccord toove forwa aer a ha cen o oarme. busisi tn,r ma 500 ts aivists -- many fromhe afro-combian mmun-- havbeen kd target for their wor es.iing, and eirnt all during friday's mass mobiliti, protesters cried gns ading, "ouleaders ern be no ac " mo bshed." iss acst gloria cutas. sp snd systat mder of activis of mofomen, of iigens ople, afro colombis, farmers, a students.
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who e dendg e rit to livetheirritorithe right bdiversity to be reected, the agreement be resctedamy: friday's protesm a arreakg videwent viral showing a ung y ing inolably momts wn his mot a gunn oot chi's mother was t renowned commumuty aist, pir hurtado, w vocatefor the rights of lale peasants. e s lledn the rtrn provin of cordobla mth. en sming in ieneis mother's corpse four- for rewe go to shingtond.c., erwe' joined by luis gberto ri he served electederr of the inany afro-coman depament o was the minr envinmsustnable pmenola om 16-2018. he is rrently a search fellow at the center for latin eric
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protting o o combianis amad to ute hogt, d. luisilrtmurillo, wco democraow! ca youxpla why you' out in t seets frianso ma were out iyo countf coia pstinthe dehs ofan 4 activistsn yearmbiar th two >> good morng, aanthank obviousl a colomans nt the str, a majori of heren washitowhere ung thadershiphe coloman human righ commiee here in --n we went to express cause of the trady of e llgs ocialn ia this is s thing th ndso move thent iernational counit
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st oe leaders th he been kild are ders, lead -- leaders ghting f ghts. ovd whappene t maria couny. wellent totr to thes leade, ininidar wi sococads,nd against assainatio and also calling forhe conscus of colby socie andhe internatna immunit -- colomanoctynd ternl commuty affectihe community'r an long time d d m's at want tbe incare community fhting r mmity'icuse e are frohe states
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ucation, hlth, justi, t access to decent jobve th i why manmunities afro colombians and dinous demding t rnmentnt implement the becau thi e because this is the portrty for these community'to be ingratn the deep did of ll me societ am who is kng the acti the social aders, th envonmealists the righng presidentf the try claims mders drop 're talkingbout me than the p aord s signedrs sinc >>eople e being killed becathey areandi tir bac righ. in partilar, the righthave access t land and to bee in
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thr territorie benlnle nuery, combia partiy in termsn inolbia, 1% of big landne like 50% of the la. iloia bongs% of rur prodti uni belgs to inuality is very hh. ths ly o exampleit tse lea dandi ce to nd, foxale d those o wanto matain the us quo in e ral theand tovoid lombiaia to ve aso lan d babaervices i said. thing thathappeninis the politillimate iin ted colombecause of
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t w are conneed to tottsocialeaders and t to avd plementation othe this is what were fl implememtaon of the aion tohat, too e e killings osocial lrs it is noto de e nuers klings bse eachliferyif u he also, theo llings is so fl plementationf t peace ess. the peacocess has me provto proctial leleers. foexple,here's national cosion to gee the protecon of social i thcoun nved regullyy theb bn cuent vernnt. amy: can y youalk aboue ro ofhetedtatesn s sufothe lon
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vernme? oes a wayot j unrmp. role of f s. als u.s. corporaon you have been partarly coer aboutuque defng usef monntoerbide to deroy ca crops. >> well,t is vt to say t u. goveme has been pporting tlentation of th peaceeement. this started with thobam hoveh'lot of essureer trump ministrationo gok emphas o ooca eradition witht pang attentio t provion the pce emen examplheres -- th currenengornnt to go bacac fumigiowith rnd to
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eradicate coca in many aas. th figioislready nned by cotitutional cou's. in a recental court ruli ty had o weeks ag ate saying approach at hato be banned from colombia caus on health, envien a we'realng ars of thezozobasii 'reki ahe sprin affecting community's inhose areas, roolombi digeommunities, rural communits, it is not effeive. in 2006 an20 w t fumigaonidespread, colombia fumated of th
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size of rhod isldthste rhodeslann thunited es. xis.tivati alsoerice one eaf ca, youeed to fumigate ar 25 hectors ofoca. theirnk in that regard fumigion withatto sup t rodup is wrong. moantoreing massiup d lawsui in uninid states around peoe getting sicusing dudy hbicide's. n yotalk fro colombia ja bnaro' bral ase threats to and what effe isaspele ocolombia wl,shinprotectis foe aman, hisortso curt- his to fight
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illega -- to fight again gal loggin etc.? i shouly he curtailed to fight iegal loggggg. verysis like the amazonon i countrie le colombia who are part othe amazonian baut so imptantor tnte rld. it iseyo fit clime ange andditha 're tremendous divsi, the mos verse ar in the rld. efestaon is ge chaenge. ecause of e meure weakinbrothegovernment t decrease deforestati in 10 however, bl, the polic is very erent. bolso is deni of climate
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chge, a meer of his cabinet, polyh're promoting a policy toncree the extation, increahe lng in the az basin, anthat is at oioly a cte for incrsiramacay in thiis very iesponsib r thenre reg and so in aition to tha whe we see i obvioly weakeng thplementationf distrirote thehts of hn minories, of digenous mmunities,ro ding communityies ptect t vitalecystem ofhe entire wod. ter ofhe uted stes, we areing t uni and oth cntri to the framewo, to rlly prott the amaziabasin cae o --
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think the unid statenes protecon f fesin entirein parrn the amazon basin. amn thth las me, have todmit it a little hard to gein touch with yosterday afternn, n't knowf it was becausof whawas happening in par, t -year-old eg bnal s beco first colbian t win tour dfrce. s e youngestider to n the race i110 years. iswhat he said. it is incrediblele. i don't what to s real, yes, wheour i ildon'believ it. itunlievle. i ink k ne c coue ofofay r to sele in. amy:y: adingo ththbbc, "bl's ctory has resonated peallyith lombia fm dest backgrodsma o of whom are e om the same depred, lalargelindigenousreas of colom's dein the ce of h win? e very h
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celebrated the entire day we are ryap cebrad thenre day beuse s credible, as he is a m for t enre community in mbia, particullyor omittee indigenous descennts r,ural communities the peben toy anlso s the roleel to show tt the on limithe have -thill obstacs, it isbl he me th possibl e entire coloia cebrated colomb andor theint ofde f eric regio were verppy and celebring. amy: luis giertoillo,thank yor u twgovern and former er and a vnt stainable dev i
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