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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  July 30, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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[captitioning de p possible e b emocracy now!] amy: from neyoyork ts isis demomoacy w... >> what are talng about here is beginning the process of colonizati for puerto rico the de t that has been imposed on the puerto rican opople t pa for years on end. these are mechanisms of colonizati o over ertoto ro. so wneneed t address those direct and move on t creating a more just system all over
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puerto rico. then in the united states as well. amy: proststs ar conontiing in puerto ricdadays after mass demonstratio f force the govern t to st dowown. thisririday. this comes afefear i growing in ererto ro that the political turmoil cod d leado the un-e-elected fancial oversight and management board seizing more power we'lgo to sajuan forhe late. th to braz, wherhe deforestion of t aman raforest i rapidlyscalatin unr theresident the equivalt of thr s soccer fields are being destroyed every minute. >> at this time the main actor in the environmental problems in brazil is sitting in the chair of the president of the republic. in charge of the country. all deforestation must be avoided. it is not welcomed. it is no longer tolerated. we can grow the country without deforestation. amy: and we look at the privately owned detention center in georgia where at least four immigrants have died over the
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past two years, including one last week. all that and more, coming up. ♪ amy: welcome to democracy now,, the war and peace report. i'm m amy goodman.n. in california, police have identified the shooter that killed three people - including two children in mass shooting sunday in the gilroy garlic festival.. sunday as 19 year old santino william legan. he was fatally shot by police at the scene. authorities say they are still determining a motive for the attack but the gunman's social media activity shows him promoting a manifesto on white supremacy just moments before the rampage. he also wrote in a post t sunday "why overcrcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and silicon valley white twats?" authorities say the gunman used an assault rifle that was purchased legally in nevada. the ak-47-style weapon could not have been legally purchased in his home state of california because of s stricter gunn regulations.s.
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california governor newsome called the semiautomatic gun a weapon of wemmed. 6-year-old steven romero was the youngest victim of the shooting. another child, 13-year-old kay la sallea czar, and a student also lost their lives in the massacre. last week the f.b.i. director, christopher wray, testified before the senate saying that domestic terrorism by white supremacists is on the rise. president trump doubled down on his attacks against congress member and house oversight chair elijah cummings sunday saying he was to blame for baltimore's crime rates and lashing out over his questioning at the committee hearing over the dire conditions for migrants. this comes after trump described baltimore as a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess no human being would want to o liv inin trump also extended his attacks to civil rights leader to reverend sharpton as he headed to baltimore calling him a con
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man who hates whites and cops. he responded to trump frfrom baltimorore when he arriveded. >> he can sayay what he wants. i make trouble for big gots, i made trouble f for him with central park. i made troublele for him with birtherism. as far as me being a con man he if he thought i was a con man he would be nominating me for his cabinet. amy: maryland's rubble governor, larry hogan, called trumpps attacks on baltimore outrageous and inappropriate. house republicans are set to take their annual policy retreat in baltimore in september. the e senate failed to override presidential vetoes on legislation that would have blocked arm sales to saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. he used an emergency declaration in may to push through the arms deal without congressional approval. critics say the weapons could be used on civilians in yemen. six republicans voted in favor
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of overriding the vetoes which he issued last week. in yemen, air raids on a market killed at least 1 1people including childrerein the northern provivince m monday acaccording to l local repeport the e attacks were cacarried ou u.s. backed d udi led forcece thee u.n.'s s children in n arm confnflict report fofound that saudi-led coalition was responsible forilling o o wounding 729 yemeneni childldre 202018. the opposition hououonny forces it killed orounded 398 children last year according to the u.n. report.
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you can also see our interview about activist matters in columbia at in new zealand, thousands of indigenous people are protesting plans for a new housing developer and on sacred land. the largest developer plans to build nearly 500 homes. land offenders have been protesting them move for years, and the group have been camping out on the proposed site for a week. this is hone harawira, a maori activist and former member of the parliament who has been taking part in the mass protest. >> stop ignoring the people here. time -- prime minister jacinda ardern on friday said no construction would take place for now and promised talks with the indigenous communities. the record-breaking heat wave that gripped europe last week is now heading northwards. scientists warned it could cause
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an unprecedented melt of ice sheet. if the ice sheet melt entirely, it would raise global sea levels by almost 23 3 feet. the second democratic c primary debates kick o off tonight i in candidatesth 20 facing off over two nights. msnbc both announced last weeeek they would hold town halls centered on the climate crisis. democratic national committee chair tom perez has denenied suh demands, although the dnc is scheduled to vote on a resolution supporting the call next month. activist supported the announcement but say a climate
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debabate, not just town n hallse needed. participants must meet the same foricipatory thresholds polling by august 20. releasedamala harris her health care proposal which will allow the system to slowly expand the system over 10 yeyea. her plan would keep private insurance in the marketplace but require that those plans adhere to standards and costs set by medicare. bernie sanders' campaign quickly slammed harris' plan, saying it is quote, "centered around privatizing medicare, enriching insurance executives and introducing more corporate greed and profiteering into the medicare system." sanders is calling for a single health care system, run by the government, that would essentially do away with privave insurers, medicarere for all. in more 2020 news, former hohousing anand urban n developt secretary anansan n antonio mamr julian castro has introduced a plan to increase the political power and ensure the rights of indigenous communities. castro's proposal calls for
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improvements to housing, health care, economic status, education, and voting rights for native groups. castro evod d the ruggggleat standingocock anmaununa a on itter r he announced his plan and vowetoto quo, "s"strgthenn trib s sovergntyty, nor trtrty commitments, ensurjujusticforr indigegeus womenand advae tribal-fereral ptnershipforr prprogss." philadelia'universi hoital relsed its last patient st weeknd is expect to fullshutter witn thcoming wks, layi off over 20 unio staff and leaving a vacuum for low income residents in the area. equity executive joel friedman, whose firm bought the hospital last year, seeking to use bankruptcy proceedings to sell the property for development for luxury housing. senator bernie sanders, who rallied with residents last
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allh, said his medicare for would include a fund that would help hospitals. capital one says a hacker expose the personal data of its customers, including about 140,000 social security numbers and tens of thousands of bank account numbers. tens of millions of credit card applications were also stolen. the fbi arrested seattle software engineer paige thompson over the breach and charged her with computer fraud and abuse. thompson's online activity led investigators to her, as she reportedly boasted about the hacking on social networking sites. last week, credit bureau equifax settled for at least $650 million over a 2017 data breach that affected the personal information of more that 147 million consumers, the largest such settlement for a data breach. the president signed a bill monday to permanently find the september 11 victim compensation fund, which provides health care
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for first responders to the terror attacks. this is trump speaking at the signing. i i was down there also, but am not considering myself a first responder. but i was down there, spent a lot of time with you. amy: according to a retired deputy chief, he said he was a private citizen at the time. i do not know what possible role he could have played. after ththe 9/11 attack, trump boasted his building had become the largest building in downtown manhattan after the collapse of the world trade center. the claim was untrue. volulunteers inn e eiopia plantd millions off trees as part of a global campaign to tackle the global climate crisis. ethiopia suffers from soil erosion, deforestation, and harsh drought conditions.
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less than 4% of ethiopia's land is forested, down from 30% at the end of the 19th century. a study released earlier this year found planting 1.2 trillion trees could cancel out 10 years of carbon dioxide emissions. this is s a scientist s speaking about the initiatative monday. >> the issue of the enviroronmet is a major concern, even at the global level, but momore so for this country. in thisf the proroblems country cocould be linked to the lack of protection for our environment. amy: those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. juan: i'm juan gonzalez. welcome to all of our listeners. continue in puerto rico protests.
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the governor's lasast day of office is this friday. secretary wanda vazquez is nexen line but said that she has no interest in taking over the post. however, monday, her spokeswoman did not rule out her becoming vevernor moay, protesters gathered ououtsid of vasquez's ofcece, callllinfor heheto the -- resigned as justice secreta.. tate is a teacher at cal iversity. >> i think that really what we are taining abt i is the process of decolonization for putoto co.. some of the fiscal ctrtrol, the steps imposed on the putoto rican people to pay it for years onndnd, the are all mechasms ofolonization over puerto rico. we need to address tse directly and move on to creating
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momore just system all over puerto ro.o. and the united stas s as wl. is aof what we sehehere grt t inspatioion for the rest of t country, to see that, if we mobilize in large numbe,, we do not he e to wt fofor impepehment or elections in 2020. wewe canoveerump out of the presiden as wells all of thesotheher corruptoliticians whare taki a advange o of theieir politica positio to enenrich themselves. and does not benefit the peoee thehe utedd states. sofia griga-lopez of california state univsisity. coconcn is g gwing that the policacal tuoill could lead to e e finaial l ovsight t d mamanagent board is using more power. the unelected boarruruns mh of what undergoeses affai, apovoving y major expenditures
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anand budget conditions. it has also overseen a devastating austerity program. we go to san juan, where we are natal, a member of the growing rest roots organizatition victoria ciudada. that is citizens victory. welcome to democracy nonow!. it is great to have you with us. aftereek, mask protests the governor. he says he will leave friday. at he has yet to name replacement since the secretary of state resigned in the same tech scandal if you weeks before what is gogoing to happen frida? >> we e are currently at the brk of a constitutional crisis here in puerto rico. hisist four d days, effective, n will be
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and the people still do not know. a party that the government responders -- the angst -- to do not seem to know that we are looking to end corruption here in puerto rico, not just asking for rossello's resignation. the candidate has to come out of the consensus with the people of puerto rico. can you talk about the justice minister and about why many other protesters are unhappy, even about the possibility of her being the successor? her record in terms of not even investigating or prosecuting a potential corruption and relationship in terms of the aid sent t to paducah after heherkir you? >> they are cut from the same cloth. when it comes to wanda vazqueze,
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she e has failed her constitutional duties as sesecretary of the department of justice. a lot of the c corruption has bn called out in the now famous telegram chat. i've been poininting it out for the last two andnd a half years. looking to the departmentnt of justice since at in december. millions of dollalars of contras with elation trip to thehe govevernor. -- so many exaxamples ofof thins that had been pointed out. the evidence has been provided toto wanda vazazquez and the department o of justice and she continued to be e silent and was complicit to all others corruption. she obviously cannot become
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governor, and that creates a void that unfortunately the state party has not -- been unwilling to show its leadership here in puerto rico. juan: why has it been so difficult for the governor to name a successor or eveven for e party leaders to agree on an interim caretaker or governor? isn't it part of the problblem ththat a lot of them are jockeyg to run for governor next november? that is correct. we have two situations unfolding. one is a lot of the possible subsbstitutes toto the governore also involved in the same corruption scandals that led to the governor having to resign. the other situation is that there are a couple of indidividuals who are looking to put themselves in t the best situation for 2020 and rununning for governor themselves,s, particularly the president of
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and the resident commissioner of puerto rico in washington, d.c. during that battle, the people of frederick i have become hostagage, because since they ae not able to come together to win a solutition for the short term, so puerto rico can finish this term in peace until the next general elections, thehe peoplef puerto rico have become hostage of these backroom negotiatnsns tangng pla witithi the party, and h have en p putn a lel of uncertatyty that, like i mentionened beforewe are four days away from the govern'' resignation becoming effecte,e, d wewe d not know who isexext in line. and there are so many bills being signed into law, people beg put in strategic vions during ts s trantionon process that we do n not know about, and the governor is no showing
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faith the people of prtrto ricoco. he i idoing all of his governing behind doors, not engiging iany y so of convsasationwithth t pressss so right now, we are in a very dark decision -- position. juan: what about the control board? throughout all of this, the reality is the control board is constantly putting deadlines for by thery decisions government, and there is no one there to make those decisions at this point on air. what do you see as the role of the control board? temporarilye has suspended action on any of the legal proceedings, but meanwhile, the promesa b board continues to f function. > that is o one of the most concerning points. while we are concentrating on removing on ricardo rossello, and we have come together in a
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historic cause to take out corruptition out of puerto rico, the fiscal control board has gained more and more power. before this situation to place, their conversations in washington were headed in the direction of limiting the powers of the fiscal control board. since this situation unfolded, the conversations in washington, d.c. have gone in a different direction, giving momore power o a fiscal control board which does not represent the best interests of the people of puerto rico but rather those of corporate america, particularly wall streeeet. we are talking funds that are making sure,e, through the fiscl control boboard, that they getet paid, regardless of what that means s in sacrifices, in blood, in tars, to the people of puerto rico. so i would be e very careful wih swainriod that jujudge established,d, where he has basically paralyzed all of the procesess in terms of the bankruptcy at the federal level,
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because what they arere actually doing is buying timeme to push forward the adjustment plalan tt they want for the people of puerto rico, and t that meansnse sacrifice for our pensions, for our workers,ore sacrifices for thee university of pueuerto ric, and the people of puerto rico have already given enough. the austerity policies that have been implemented, not only by the fiscal control board but by the current rossello administration, that previous administration, have put the people of puerto rico in a position of vulnerability, social inequality has increased to levels we have never seen here in puerto rico, so we have to be careful that while we fight the good fightht in termsf reremoving r ricardo rossello fm office and making sure his successor represents the best interests of the people upright arrigo, we cannot leave the fiscal control board -- the best interest of the people of puerto
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rico, we cannot leave their fiscal control board out of our sites. amy: when you have the chairman of the financial management board over puerto rico recently becoming a leader of latinos for trump. but i want to go to the popular movement, the people who ousted the governor, that half a million people who marched in the streets not only in san juan but all over the island, the mass protests after thihis check scandal exposed by independent media, the center for independent journalism in puerto rico and the power of the people. people from across the clinical spectrum outraged by the text -- across the political spectrum the text how are they organizing now? is there some kind of umbrella party that will l not leave thts toto the goverernor to decide wt happens next before he leaves? > we are talking about ricaro
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rossello's resignation is a necessary first step up but it is not the end of the road. the people of puerto rico know that getting ricardo rossello out of office does not mean we will get our country back on track. that noto make sure only do we replace all the people in government who have failed us, but we need to make sure that we have a political movement that represents the best interests of the people of puerto rico. a lot of us are that not only do we betting on a collective process, not looking for individuals that come to save us. we are talking about how we can organize from the ground up. have victoria ciudadana, a coalition of people who have been fighting for justice for puerto rico, a quality for puerto rico. we are talking about people coming from the workers party, from unions, from environmental
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groups, from student leaders at university. some of us have come from the main parties in puerto rico. others ran as independents. but we have come together under the idea that we can only face the situation as a collective. if we are united, we are able to beat the corruption of the two-party system here in puerto rico. we have close to one million people walking the streets of san juan, protesting for ricardo rossello's resignation. to call --eard of, brink of at the political revolution here in
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puerto rico. we have to make sure that all of this excitement, all of this action taking place, is geared towards corrective change and make sure that, towards the next election, we have the right people in place to take over government and give it back to the people of puerto rico. juan: i wanted to ask you, in terms of victoria ciudadana, you yourself had split away from the commonwealth party there, which has always been associated with commonwealth, since its founding in 1952. promesa,is that the wasinstitution of promesa, signaling the common death of the come with model. in 2016, in the general elelection, politics in puerto ririco change cocompletely.
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close to 20% who voted f for the governoror's positionon voted outside e of the two-p-party sy. that number is unheard of. an independent candidate got close to 2000 votes. -- close to 2% of ththe vote. anotherr independent editor got almost 6% of the vote. obviously, that accelerated after the promesa camame into effect, and particularly given the situation after h hurricane maria. the people of pupuerto rico, regardless of party affiliation, belilieve thatt the united stats has faileded puerto rico. the response was not what we deserved, wawanot what thee people of portico expected, and there arare still people living under tarps, living under
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precarious conditions today. that has created an environment in which people are looking for different options. i think the two-party system, not ononly the c commonwealth py here in puerto rico but stated party has lost a lot of traction within the last couple of years, vote forr that usually these e parties and people in te last couple of electionsns will not voted are looking for different options. ththat is where vivictoria ciuda comes in, as a movemement that s born out of f the need for a political l volution in puerto ricoco, out of a need for a vehicle that really represents the people of puerto rico and not financial interests, not the interests of the prep people who have been ruling the island. amy: thank you so much manuel , natal. a member of a growing grassroots organization victoria ciudadana.
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coming up, we go to brazil, where the deforestation of the amazon is rapidly escalating, with the equivalent of three soccer fields are being destroyed every minute. ♪ ♪ [music break]
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amy: that's "bread without butter." this is i am amy goodman with juan gonzalez. juan: we turn now to brazil, hase deforestation dramatically increased after jair bolsonaro became president in january. brazil has lost more than 1300 square miles of forest cover this year, and the pace of deforestation is increasing. one claim says the equivalent of three soccer fields are being destroyed every minute in the amazon. increasedeforestation 88%.
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the drastic spike is due to both bolsonaro's rolling back of regulations and of illegal logging and burning. ministers warned quote, "we're , facing the risk of runaway deforestation in the amazon." one former minister said that brazil was becoming an "exterminator of the future." amy: climate scientists say the protection of the amazon rain forests is crucial to fighting climate change. bolsonaro has denied the claims criticized an organization that sure data. and residents said at least 10 heavily armed gold miners in military uniforms rated their commununity last week, stabbinga village leader to death. joining us as the executive secretary of the climate observatory, a network of brazilian civil zaidi organizations. welcome to democracy now!.
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can you lay out t the crisis and the far right president, jair bolsonaro, promising to "open up the amazon to development" and what this has meant? good morning. it is a pleasure to be with you. what has happened is that president jair bolsonaro was elected promising and environmental campaign. unfortunately, he is delivering. he reduced the environmental governance. -- ministry of environment was shut down. the number of operations has been reduced since january, reduced 70% in the number of operations here compared to the same period last year. what has happened is he has a
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delivers message, that express tolerance for environmental crimes. he fosters mining within indigenous lands. you see their crime against one one of theirers of communities -- this was exactcty the result of an agenda moving on. the information from the first station in june, more than 80% lost as recorded by the national space agency, but in july, only until the 24th of july, the deforestation n rate amounts is 212% versus the first station the national space
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agency. unfortunately, violence against indigenous peoples comes with the deforestation of the forest and the policies in place, the lack of proper governance and the lack of law enforcement, news does not give us good for the future. we could see escalation of the crimes. and you mentioned the global witness reported couple minutes ago beforere we started speakin. among the top countries where environmental defenders are murdered every year. unfortunately, deforestation might rise very fast in the coming months. together with that, the violence against indigenous peopople and local communities are rising also. juan: and could you talk about the person in charge of all of
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this for president bolsonaro, the environment minister? what is his background and record? >> he was a former secretary of environment for the state of sao paulo a couple years ago. , heng the time he was there permits forg economic activities to be run and not following the legislation, state-level legislatioion, and so he was su. it is an important record. many employees of the state
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level at thehe time, from different i institutes, were blaming him, saying he was a bad manager. right now, together with president bolsonaro, what he is doing is to dismantle the environmental legislation, environmental governance of the nowtry, and also, he is the size and the level of production, 334 protected areas of the federal level, and it could be reduced in the is speaking with land grabbers, with illegal loggers, rather than with scientists and former environmental ministers and the leaders of the environmental agents at the federal level. and he is delivering not there to protect the environment.
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he is there to o open the forest for activities to run without any control. amy: in northern brazil, residents of a remote indigenous village say at least 10 heavily armed gold miners in military informs rated their -- raided their community, stabbing their leader emyra wajapi, to death. united nations high commissioner for human rights as it is a disturbing symptom of the growing proboblem of encroachmet indigenous land, especially forests, by miners, loggers, and farmers in brazil." evendent jair bolsonaro denies that he was murdered. but if you can explain what happened and then go deeper into what the deforestation of the
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amazon means for the world, called the lungs of the world, but start with the wajapi. >> the problem these indigenous thats, they are in areas illegal loggers, miners, have interests. they are interested in invading gold lands and taking the and timber from these areas. but this is illegal. we have very strict rules for activities to be carried out within indigenous lands. that presidentns ,olsonaro delivers in public they incentivize the invasion. we have, right now, 20,000
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miners in the -- northern amazon. that theyjust feel have a partner in the cabinet in brasilia. before, and the v very first day, the very same day when the wajapi leader was murdered, the president said he would open indigenous lands for mining. , what they expect activitity point, the will be e legalized, some sort f formalized, so they will be able to stay there and remain there, doing the activities, and unfortrtunately harming the environment in the indigenous people. in terms of the impact, of
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course, the amazon is the home of the highest percentage of forests, and chopping down trees and forests at the speed we are this masss in extension of biodiversity worldwide. inthe speed of destruction the amazon helps that, unfortunately. but we do not lose only the biodiversity. the forest is very important for local people, not only indigenous people. we have local communities that depend on the forest for their livelihoods. they extract their natural products from the forest, they good so they have a environment for keeping up the quality of their livelihoods. amazon plays a
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very important role for climate thence at the local level, regional level, and the global level. deforestation is that main source of greenhouse gases in brazil. the diststraction of t the amazs ouain souource ---- about 50% of greenhouse missions comes greenhouse missions comes from the shore and forests in the amazon. so if we lose forests at the speed we are doing, this might put us in not meeting that paris climate agreement goals in the long term, in keeping global warming well below two degrees and possibly keeping the rising temperature at 1.5 celsius degrees to ththe end of f the century. so it is a problem for brazil and the world.
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if we keep destroying forests at the speed we are facing right now. juan: could you describe the turnaround in brazilian p policy on the amazon specifically from the period of the workers party rule to now, what bolsonaro'ss doing? how big a turnaround business or how this has represented for the environmental movement? >> well, actually, it seems the impeachment process of -- since the impeachment process of the former president, the balance of power has shifted a lot. the former vice president, temer, became president. the national with congress. thatxample the votes
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prevented him being investigated by federal prosecutorsrs. what he gave to those members of parliament in the national congress was to approve laws to grabbing,llegal land to withdraw huge fines against illegal loggers and farmers. reduce predictitive areas. but at that time, even under the former vice president, temer, we had a minister of environment who were dialoguing with civil societies, with scientists, so they were not allowing everything to happen withohout y contntrol.
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eveven the ministeter during the vice president temer, he was attempting to enforce the combat against illegal forestation. manandate president was an 2004, there national plan to combat deforestation in the amazon. this was extremely important, because by implementing this plan, we were able to see the level of amazon destruction coming down from 50% between 2004 and 2012. the level of destruction has been fluctuating since then, but something between 5000 square kilometers every year to 7000 square kilometers every year,
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which is still very high, but much lower than the rates we were observing into thousand four, for example. it was almost a 30,000 square kilometer forest destroyed every year. but right now, we have a president who is incrementing an entire environmental agenda and a minister of environment who is not there to protect the environment. and the caucus has appointed this minister and the minister of agriculture. together w with that, we seeee attempts from the president to withdraw the demarcation of indigenous lands and put this under the control of the minister of agriculture. so what we have is a very different conditition, at leastt the federal government levevel. we h have an agenda being carrid on which is against indigenous
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peoples rights, against the environment, and the consequence inreported by you, the rise deforestation and violence. amy: thank you. again, the president of brazil declined amazon's hours and calling deforestation data lies andnamed eight former -- eight former environmental mr. -- ministers writing that they are facing extinction of the amazon. coming up, we look at the privately owned stewart detention center in georgia, where at least four immigrants have died over the last few years, including one last week. ♪ [music break]
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amy: that was a song for brazils
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rain forests. this is democracy now!. i am amy goodman with juan gonzalez. juan: we turn now to georgia, where a 44-year-old immigrant from mexico died last wednesday at stewart detention center, one of the largest immigration jails in the united states and one that has been plagued by allegations of neglect and abuse for years. pedro arriago-santoya was the fourth person to die at stewart in just two years and the seventh person to die while in the custody of immigration and customs enforcement since october. an immigration george -- judge had ordered arriago-santoya be deported in june. instead, he was transferred to 1 10 whilen july awaiaiting proceedings. twtwo weeks later, he wass pronounced d dead at a georgia hospital.. he had complained of stomach pain and later went into c cardc arrest. amy: last year, federal records obobtained by the atlantnta pubc radio station wabe and reveal
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from the center for investigative reporting unveiled serious issues at stewart, including chronic shortages of medical and other staff, drug smuggling, and long-term u use f solitary confinement. in the documents, the facility's conditions were described by some staff as, quote, "a ticking time bomb." between may 2017 and july 2018, three immigrants died while detained at stewart, a private immigration jail owned by the mega corporation corecivic. for more, we go to atlanta, georgia, where we are joined by azadeh shahshahani, legal and advocacy director at project south and the former president of the national lawyerers guild. project south is currently involved in two class action lawsuits against stewart. thank you. start off by telling us what happened to arriaga-santoya. >> so there is not a lot of information available at this point about the death of mr.
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arriaga-santoya. all we have is the press statement that i.c.e. put o out, which a lolot of thehe media platforms are relying on, which is in fort jeanette -- unfortunate, because i.c.e. lies at detentioneaths and immigration centers. we know he complained of pain and medical issues, and, at some point, he was transferred to a hospital about what led to the medical issues he experienced something we still do not know. we hope and demand an independent investigation into the circumstances of this death as well as the three other thehs that have happened at stewart detention center, two of them by suicide, where men with mental h health issues were plad in solitary confinement for long
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periods. 27-year-old, jean jimenez-joseph, was left in solitary for 19 days before he hung himself. very similar circumstances, efrain de la rosa. he was held in solitary confinement 21 days. he also hollered -- he also had mental health issues and hung himself. juan: can you talk about the record of stewart? 2014 which report in detailed the testimonies of people who had been detained there. what is s that record? >> it is a horrible record. you have issues ranging from lack of adequate access to medical care solitary confinement, people just complaining about their conditions of detainment, placed
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in solitary -- sometimes just for talking back to the guards -- to the issue of forced labor at this immigration detention center, which, as you mentioned, is operated by one of the richest and biggest prison cocorporations in the country. in the past, its revenues have been in n the range of $178 million. and yet, this prison corporation relies on the forced labor of detained immigrants and pays 4 a a day.en $1 to $ itit is very much forced labor, even thougugh the government and corporation claimant is voluntary. we know for a fact that immigrants, including our c class actionhe lawsuit ththat we have pending against corecivic, actually complained about not having been paid for a few days. their meager pay that they were
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supposed to pay him, which was four dollars a day -- they had not paid him for several days, and he said ok, they will not be work tomorrow. for that, he was placed in solitary confinement for 10 days , where basically he only had an ,our to shower every other day and he was held in a cell for 23 hours a day. been deported two been deported two red ash and -- to bangladesh and still expenses trarauma. amy: can you talk about what you are calling for now and how is -- has this situation changed under president trump? >> we have called fort stewart to be shut down for -- called forstewart to be shut down 10 years now.
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calls repeatedly when ignored. death, aanother 39-yeaear-old immigrant, who did of a traceable heart infection. in two thousand nine. still, the government did nothing. started talking to the media, reports installed, and then people started dialing. we have had this s really atrocious record of deaths just in the past two years. atmosphereaks to the of impunity under this administration, where i.c.e., whichcorecivic employees, run the facility, other entities that might be involved, feel a sense of impunity, t that they e not going to be held accountable
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regardless of how you treat detained immigrants at this isolated facility. amy: they are putting them in solitary confinement, even those who, the two you mentioned, stafford -- suffered from schedule for nu? >> exaxactly. placing people in solitary for any more than two le andamounts to degradeab inhumane punishment. when. has strict rules for people can be placed in solitary. when a person already suffers to health issues, definitely, they should not be placed in solitary confinement, and y yet they continue to do that. when people complain about mental health issues instead of providing them with the care they need. what do local officials and leaders in the state do about this or have a tentative?
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>> speaking out. of 2018, thember mayor of atlanta finally decided to basically hold true to the rhetoric about atlanta being a welcoming city and stopped detainining immigrants at the atlanta cityty detention center. now it looks like the jail is not going t to be no more. it may be turned into a community center, which is a positive development. that example is hopeful. we hope officials at the state level, congressional representatives, whom we have called on repeatedly -- project south was joined by 70 local and national organizations after our report came out, in a letter to the georgia congressional delegation asking them to initiate an investigation, and we continue to ask them to do so. amy: we wantnt to thank you so much for being with us.
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azadeh shahshahani, legal and advocacy director at project south, currently involved in a class-action lawsuit against corecivic, which runs the stewart defense and -- stewart
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welcome to "nhk newsline" it's 9:00 a.m. on wednesday in tokyo. i'm keiko tashiro. we begin with breaking story from the korean peninsula. north korea launched multiple projectiles wednesday morning second time in less than a week. accoing to south korea' joint chfs oftaff. they say the projeilesere launched near the


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