tv France 24 LINKTV August 2, 2019 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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the united states pulled out of a landmark nuclear missile packed with russia washington claims moscow was in violation of the accord something the kremlin has consistently denied. civil servants in hong kong defy government directive into their waited behind anti government protesters mas demonstrations are expected to grip the city. over the weekend. and pressure mounts on the french government after the body of a twenty four year old who had been missing since a police raid at the end of june. was found. thank you very much for joining us on france twenty four first the united states has formally pulled out of a landmark n nuclr missile packeded. with russia washington claims a moscow was in violation of the court's something the kremlin
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has repeatedly denied. the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty or i. n. f. was negotiated at the end of the cold war. and introduce both countries ability to launch a nuclear strike at short notice sound okay reports. it may be the end of an era one where the r risk of a costly ars race or even nuclear warfare between the united states and russia was relatively low. on friday nato chief jens stoltenberg eckel washington and blaming the kremlin for the official demise of the intermediate nuclear forces treaty. today t they arend trereated him ceases to exist. because r russia has deployed to thee s. s.. c. eight missile system. the new russian me sars all our nuclear capable. more buying. on hard to the texts. they can reach european sit this would only mean it's all warning time. stoltenberg added that nato
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would respond in a quote responsible and measured way to the kremlin's actions. russia's deputy foreign minister has already urged the us to place a moratorium on deploying intermediate range missiles i request the nato chief said it was not credible. the developments give credence to suggestions that a new arms race m may alreadydy be in thehe making. clearly when it comes to mid range cruise missiles today the united states has a handicap compared to order greatness repairs in the world -- so the united s stes has actually released money already about one huhundred million dollar to invt in the develelopment of susuch w types of m missiles. but american officials say the us is still months away from testing a new intermediate range missiles. and any deployment would be years away. which gives the two super powers at least some time to negotiate an alternative. donald trump says he has no problem with the recent missile tests from north korea. earlier today the north find another round of projectiles into the sea off the coast of
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japan its third test in just over a week. policy experts have raised concerns of the lack of criticism from the us president will only embolden clubman told in route that pyongyang. like all of the weapons tested recently by north korea the projectiles launched early friday we're short range. that means they don't break the promise kim jong hoon made to donald trump last year that he would stop testing long range missiles capable of reaching the u. s.. these missile tests on also violation a bustling singapore agreement nor was there a discussion of short range missiles when we shook hands. the short range missiles are a sign that kim hasn't given up on talks but is trying to keep up pressure on the us and south korea. friday's weapons test with his third in eight days. last week the north korean leader observed another short range ballistic missile launcnch and on wednesday he oversaw the firingng of what state media
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described as a new what multiple rocket launch system. north has said that the recent tests are warning to washington and seoul to cancel joint military exercises planned for later this month. talks between the us and north korea have been deadlocked since february summit in vietnam ended without an agreement. after their impromptu june meeting at the korean demilitarized zone at the leaders said they would resume talks but the two sides haven't met yet. still speaking friday u. s. secretary of state mike pompeii- said that they arare in communication. thousands of civil servants in hong kong to to the streets directly defyiying the g governt directive to remain politically neutral. they were out in support of anti government protests of which have rocked the special administrative region for two months. yes of a ruckus in the service. sector took to the streets and hong kong is bracing for a major demonstrations over the weekend i listen sergeant works.
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defying orders thousands of government employees joined protesters in the heart of hong kong business district. rallying for the first time against the territories leadership. ahead of the demonstration the government ordered civil servants to remain a politically neutral. but those who came out friday say showing their dissent is both the right and a duty. i have a responsibility -- to sent to the home depot to strike for the freedom to strike for large meetings with that yeah right. the chief executive catalan actually hasn't done much and even tries to suppress the civil seven today and i think this is. according to the basic law all. the freedom of speech. hong kong civil servants wrote a letter to chief executive carrie lam with a list of five demands complete withdrawal of the now suspended extradition bill to stop referring to the protests as rioting. to waive charges
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against those arrested a and hod an independent inquiry into police tactics and to resume a political reform. despite the cririticism of their use of force the hong kong police say thehey won't back do. these -- we all 1100% determined to continue maintaining hong kong's older and protecting its residents. hello what's your meanwhile on wednesday the hong kong garrison of china's people's liberation army released a weot could be to calm if they're called on to intervene. more protests are planned for this weekend culminating in a mass strike on monday which organizers hope will bring the territory to a standstill. spoke to rod why associate fellow -- with the asia pacific program at chatham house an auaustin how significant today's protest war in hong kong. it is pretty extraordidinary whn
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you see i have people from so many different circles and although i'm not just a simple sentence but also. financiall circleses as your ret thatat indicated on i'm. widespread support in the population -- for some kind of a political movement -- from the hong kong government which is just not forth coming up. now yesterday we had the chinese army that release a slick a propaganda video they didn't really say why they release it but one can only assume that it signals a possible military intervention do you think. it could come to that. under present circumsmstances ni mean it would have to be a real total breakdown -- in order in hong kong before before that happened and i think that the chinese would be very reluctant. to undertake what must be a hugely -- risky politico -- minuta in that case because they would have to take the risk of using force and violence agains.
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the people of hong kong and perhaps even killing people and the as consequences of that would be so unpredictable and so didifficult to handlele. but i think they would be very reluctant to do it so you you're saying that the chinese army would only intervene -- should - if things get really out of control in hong kong. i am i mean at the moment we are seeing that the hong k kong authororities are treating old s as a pololicing back to as a matter for law enforcement.. add to that keepp that come calling as safe. and but they protesters are treating it essentially it's a political matter. and the fact iss that night t te is no meetining pointt. and so o we are just s seeing ts getting more and more water. and the release of this video by the garrison baillet garrison in hong kong -- it certatainly contaiains a veiled threatsts tt ththis is somethihing that could
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happen but i d don't think it is that -- indicatingng at the momt that t this is sometething t thl happenen. at the longer this goes on and if it continues to escalate and who knows. south korea has vowed to retaliate after japan announced the country would n no longer gt preferential trade status japan's trade minister insists the decision was taken on national security grounds. but seoul says the move was taken to harm its economy south korea even now saying it may end and intelligence sharing pact with tokok you career reports -- holding signs saying no to ave south koreans protest outside the japanese embassy in seoul. angry at take his latest host i'll leave. just hours before the j japanese cabinet approved a p plan too remove south korea from its list of preferred straight partners that e enj foxtrot x. food status. is that men jane strongly
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condemns the maze. and decided to retaliate in kin. it will do mortal chikara. return these moves by the japanese government carry the clear intention. talking and hurting our economy. by impeding our future economic growth. we won't be defeated by japan a games under question. relations between the two neighbours have deteriorated since south korea's supreme court's last year ordered a handful of japanese companies to pay compensation to victims of full time full flavor. and seize their assets. take a insists that all wartime reparations issues were settled on there in nineteen sixty five treaty which normalized diplomatic ties between the two countries. the decision to remove south korea from its trade white list comes a month off the japan restricted the export of materials used to semi conductors. impacting south korea's vital tech sector. the government insists the medicine not the response to the south korean cultural thing that's a based on national
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security grounds. japan's necessary and the legitimate review all of its export control eighties f fully compatible ways of free trade regime. japan colonize the korean peninsula from nineteen ten until its defeat in world war two and its conduct during this period including forced labor and sex slavery. has been a source of tension ever since. a powerful earthquake struck the indonesian islands of sumumatra and java this friday the trick is to our tsunami warning no major damage or casualties of war reported. but the tremors were felt in the capital and loss to jakarta rather last year thousands of were killed off to a tsunami struck the city of palo on sulawesi island. sam about his reports. an earthquake at sea the people of indonesia where rightly scat. it was so and close hangs over okay it felt strong. enough.
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i was s so scared i ran down the death. the quake hit about one hundred and fifty kilometers from lobby one southwest of the capital jakarta. being swayed across much of the southern island of java w with workers and tourists forced to evacuate. indonesia was blighted by earthquakes because of its position in the pacific ring of fire. a full reaching geological saying what tectonic plates collide. last summer an island the next to bali was struck by an earthquake killiling five hundrd people. in dececember another four hundd were killed when a volcano triggered a tsunami in between the islands of java and sumatra. for many the tsunami of two thousand and four which cost one hundred and seventy thousand lives in indonesia remains within living memory. rapper asap rocky and two other us suspects have been freed and are on their way home to the united states the verdict in their assault case against them in sweden. is due on the fourteenth of all this prosecutors had announced
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that the thirty year old rapper whose real name is rocky myers get a six month sentence. the case caused a stir in u. s. swedish diplomatic relations after the us presidentnt donalad trump weigight into the affair. a several key hand his two friends were detained off the streets brel. at the end of june. now police in the western french city of nanterre imposing exceptional security measures amid growing public anger over the death of a twenty four year old. seve cononesus body was identifd on tueuesdce intervened at a fel to disperse crowds. by using tear gas on the banks of the water river some bread p. susupports. where is steve the question asked by many following the death of steve county so it was on set at the end of july when his body was found in that one i read tt? e young tech my found dwned following clashes with police at a party in non western fronts during feta music a national
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celebration of music held every year. authorities have banned planned protests in north city centre on saturday amid growing public anger over alleged rough tactics by police from his interior minister has called for calm. a memorial service and violence do not go together it doesn'tt existt. if people want to show violence in nantes or elsewhere it's because they want to take over this event and that is unacceptable. earlier in the week the prime minister said there was no link between the police operation and can he says death but critics disagree arguing t that the excessive use of force and take us. cool several people to fall in the river. can you please just that the police officers are exonerated is obviously serioious because something happened here this was he say for at least eighty nine peopople have filed complaints against the authorities following the fat dylan music intervention. with police brutality already hot topic in fronts following the now fledglings delays -- movement the scandal over
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iconic monuments the mazda three hundred fiftieth anniversasary e pharmacist. created i in sixteen s sty niney the sun king louis the fourteenth. all rights to all steel. the finally got me. togegether they make for some dd the number crunching take a custom says that at least one hundred people are needed to raise the curtain at the iconic cultural landmark. the paris opera has an annual budget at two hundred and twenty million euros. the biggest in europe far more than the royal opera house in london. and the scala in milan. each year more than eight hundred thousand people attend some thirty performances operas or ballets. the two opera houses bostian down you have more than forty six hundred seats combined compared to thirty eight hundred at the met in new york and seventeen hundred at the bolshoi in moscow. in terms of staff there eighteen
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hundred employees working in fifty different trade. among them one hundred and seventy musicians. one hundred singers and one hundred and fifty four dancers including sixteen prima ballerinas. these dancers can change their pointe shoes four times during one performance totaling ten thousand pairs each season the paris opera academy passes down sentries of expertise to new generations. each year it trains forty young artists in various artistic mediums from singing to music. visit. was. the state in the eight maritime would like so many used in the wings as it should tell him as a once employed to move the heavy stage that's what i find out more. about the history of the paris opera. yes no yes. should name doctors architect child got me hi this is famed
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opera is one of the most expensive buildings constructed during the second empire. to the patchwork of gilded styles from the rope to renaissance with a nod to the site. was and is a more contemporary touch in nineteen sixty four with the majestic ceiling painted by should dial. an ode to color and music. the gong show for his role in. this simple yellow expanse became the background for shingles take on giselle and swan lake. sh i gather. he included multiple references to his favorite compmposes swis. but ththe oprah's r regal credentials predates the gun a palace. it safely inside this tissue paper is a gold embroidered valley cost you worn by king louis the fourteenth. he thought to have you to the first opera given in paris at the tender age of seven and went on to create the royal academy of music in. sixteen sixty nine a fire destroyed the economy almostt centntury later. in thehe paris operara also bece the scene of an assassinination
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plot against napoleon the third. the ship the emperor's hot was hit by a bullet. a an answer record indicates the performance was not interrupted. not because it the other way. the show must go on already in the nineteenth century -- deserves. the incident having by y naming salted napoleon's l love of f te opera the m. for commission the building we know today. a monument showcase twenty unobstructed perspective of the oprah avenue the replaced what had been a country to maze of little streets. todaday the gun a palaces reputation is forgeged by miss s much as music. this box is reserved for return it for the oprah's famous phantom. and a dent on the grand staircase is thirteen step. also comes with a haunting stor. service and also living in i said to have been dancing on the skylight about the grand staircase and when the glass broke bringing down the ballerina her head hit the
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thirteen step -- the diagnoses must have been a master because he'll praise also home to one of the owners he a lake of sorts that lies within its depths. in eighteen sixty two at the start of ganis enterprise workers had to water table flooding the site. to contain the stream the architect build a concrete water tank the two men she played a key role in the edifices structure and acoustic. i listing gun increases abolished sank in the central building as you want to balance the ship at the stabilizingng te two parts of the edifice. the tank is now used regularly by firefighters who train here for rescue operations. in a red bubble of operatic science. well to give us the behind the scenes tool i'm joined clinton so could include z. who's written a book on this venerable edifice. and we need to in the aptly
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named grand staircase. thank you verery much for showig us around this is the first thing youou see w when you walko the opera and he says h he packa punch. it in a little to dispel the guy was charles garnett intention to create a monument within the monument because at the time of prison high society would come here to be seen. also the architect imagine his little balconies that women could really show themselves to be advantage. assists he told there's been a pulley in the third style after the man who comommissioned it. which isn't really specific stylyle it's moree of a combinan of influences sourced from of opera houses on the house the night before. and on the night of the inauguratition obviously the architects of again you was here but there's a surprising anecdote about my we'll. just like you over two thousand e hundred fifty six spspectators what nhtht down he wasas asked o pay for his seat t the reason ws political. his patron andnd pululling the d died before the monument opened. it and i s sd m my commanders acactually present mallets and open all the way to the building it's a moving down into a
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cocoortable p position o of beig associated with ththe previous regime.. nick also has made to pay quite literally. having said thahat of the interl get me was awarded the legion of honor i was given a standing ovation he deserved i did get some thanks let's continue. we now come out behind the scenes behind the stage in fact tell us about this hidden room. the possibility for you let those two hundred we're here to dance for you an area that's off limits to the public consent spectators only get a glimpse of it once a year. during the company possession. yesterday should hear the paris opera the entire company including every single bally student turns out on ststage. and the coaches race all the way back to his room rest the time don just coming to warm up before going on stage. i will concede and is a very specific hierarchy in the ballet
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starting with the pitching hot a little r rats tell us about the terminology. with its will not turn a little rat is used to describe any student of opera ballet school boy or girl the name was coined a time of the dance school still of annual pro walls. it is it's been transferred to not have. to be inspired by the sound of little dancer slippers on the wooden floor boards. on the rehearsal rooms above like little miss chief of rodents. physical say on competition. we now in one of the boxes and initially the show was as much here in the audience as it wasas on the stage w we all f federal don't wanna yes that's right. for a long time the house lights werere left on throughout the performance because a real show was happening here bob about on stage. people are coming to be seen to
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host our friends during the interval the men would leave a box to call lononger favorite ballerina. one woman meanwnwhile were expected to stay put and entertain. sl yeah by checking out the entire house of flflashing red velvet beforore johnny insured r they would look for best available t. indigenous mystic that please. and there's one guest to not only had access to one of these boxes but also hadd his own list to build that right.. we all settled enonough along yh in the nineteen twentieseshe prprince i i can the thihird waa homage offer l lover. the health issues make it difficult for him to walk up and down the stairs to access is by accident how does own private hydraulic lift built. after about a town stafaff to te ledge belges repair was recently refurbished it is now used for wheelchair users. the staff was all your despite its rich history and even richer decal the paris opera continues to work on drawing and spectators. and remaining relevant in an increasingly virtual age i think
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a look now at the challenges it faces today. at this performance of tosca at the bass the opera in paris seniors make up most of the audience. in mind the number of those under twenty five can be counted on to hands. yep some gentle enough young people here but that simply because tickets aree very expensive. screening i know a few young people who like your price -- minorities in union square him. the average age of audience members here is. forty six although this number has dropped over the years it's still seen as too old by some of the institution which is looking to boost the tendons. of neil do not see the future of the paris opera depends on attracting new audience members all content of the i. we see how the met in new york is struggling to fill seats asking. hi bob this is because the audience has stayed the same. and it's disappearing as it gets older. despite. to draw a younger crowd the paris opera has lower t tict
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pricices for those under. twenty eigight offers discounts for those under forty but only for certain performances. normally full price tickets cost between a hundred and two hundred euro. price that the institution doesn't want to raise. hoping to achieve this goal our growing donations and sponsorships. but the institution state budget has been cut. to balance its books the paris opera is considering reforms including layoffs. the opera alslso wants to revamp its programming hoping more diverse performances will draw more diverse audience hello bob this is evident by ludia -- let me just see oprah doesn't communicate well with the fall do because that would diminish its elite status they didn't buy that. at point. and your present density is really tied to this idea of elitism. is the name of a stiff is sometimes a good opportunities. as part of its identity makeover the paris opera is building a new stage of the bass d. location. the add on will showcase the academy's younger artists. the op has also started filming it's performances and sending
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[captioning made possible by democracy now!] ♪ from new york, this is democracy now. todayerestingly enough, is the anniversary of medicare. 54 years ago under lyndon johnson and a democratic congress, they brought a new program in. please don't tell me that in a four year period we cannot go from 55 to 45 to 35. this is not
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