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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 5, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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♪ >> warns territory is being pushed to the verge of a very dangerous situation. police have been firing tear gas as they confront the protests. also, the government plans to revoke the part of the constitution that gives --
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special privilege. vigils held in the u.s. for the 29 people e killed in twtwo mass shootings. donanald trump says s hatred hao place in the country as he is condemned by many who say his rhetoric has embmboldened extremists. hello and welcome back. we begin in hong kong where a general strike has paralyzed parts of the territory affecting public partition -- transportation. are civil servants who ordered to be politically neutral have agreed to participate. in the meantime, further clashes as police fired tear gas at demonstrators. this, following a weekend of violent protests. thate lam saying demonstrations were pushing the city to the verge of a very dangerous situation. our correspondent reports from the admiralty district in hong
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kong where clashes have occurred. station, this is the latest area of the city to be experience in clashes with police. the popoce have been throwing teargas rounds for the last t 18 minutes pretty consistently. there is still a large crowd, most of them were protected year and it looks like this will be another site of clashes into this evening. hard tong to be very clear this area quickly. this station is also packed with protesters trying to bring them water and it looks like hong kong is in for another long night. eaearlier today, they announced they had used over 1000 rounds so far of teargas since the protests kicked off. joining me now from washington is sophie, the director of human rights.
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seems to ben becoming increasingly volatile. last year, warning forces will do whatever it takes to protect threats against china's sovereignty. the verge of a very dangerous situation. what do you thinink will be beijining's next move? politicalalong-g-term stability in hong kong is going to be e a function of lettin pepeople votote and expreress tr grievances peacefully and having authorities to respond to those. the not going to be functionon of thousands of runsf teargas and fairly direct threats from beijing that protests won't be tolerated. are far from diminishing.
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we are now seeing civil servants take part. that is not going to go over well witith chinese authorititi. >> of course not. but in a way, the more important point is that two months ago or even a couple of years ago, the kinds of people who could go out in public and publicly protest was somewhat limited and there and clearly not true idea that the peoeople of hong kong didn''t care a about their rights. what we've seen in t the last ne weeks is a farar broaderer crososs-section n of people colonized to go out and say actually we really do care about this. whether the concerns are economic or about the exextradition laws, whether it s that u universal sufuffrage. ofhthink the capitatalization people in hong kong is not going to go away anytime soon.
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>> so, what has changed in the last few years? >> i think you've seen a particularly young generation of who authorities calculated would with what beijing and vision. i think the authoritities badly miscalculated about whether protests would garner support longer-term. very limitited channels of voti. they certainly didn't expect that a runner -- a rather r brod cross-section of people would protest and assumemed it would e a narrow group of people. they were clearly wrong about that. they didn't quite know what to do in these circumstances because the reflexes are to simply crush or co-opt dissent and the hong kong people are making it pretty clear that those are not acceptable options. >> given what you've been saying, how lolong can one couny
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, two systems actually last? >> i think there are some decisions about just how much actual cost they are willing to bear. but also, how much it could still gain and simply respecting the agreement upon paper. it's extraordinary how many people have made clear that they don't t necessarily object to te one country, does go system as long as it is actually respected in practice. onhink if beijing backed off things like legislation that andurages on rights frankly, if hong k kong authorities actually stepped up to represent hong kong people's interest, even those that don't have much to do with beijing, this would play out very differenently. >> thank you. in other news, in an move, the indian
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decades, thereter has been an insurgency against the authorities. tens of thousands of people have been killed. the announcement, prompting an uproar in the indian parliament. disputedthe area between india and pakistan who claim they can only control parts of it. joining me now is an international affairs commentator. fashionable for decades. why has india chosen this specific moment to revoke the special status? >> it is the perfect question because it is something we have not been talking about. it has been one of the world's most volatile flashpoints ever since the british indian protectorate was ended. between india and
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pakistan, basically left unresolved. you are right to mention in the past, three decades, and especially violent separatist insurgency. you can see the map. there is a control line which is in effect and you basically have a third of the territory effectively administered by pat and, and two thirds of the territory administered by india with the very fragile line running through it literally tens and hundreds of thousands of troops facing off across that line. but if you want to know why now, two things. since february, you had a suicide attack basically by someone seen as a protest in the indian controlled territory and military tensions. with a hinducided
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nationalist really weaponizing this as part of his political agenda. he promised basically while he was campaigning to revoke this special status and he campaigned as a hindu nationalists against this territory which is predominantly muslim. it's not say that all the blame lies on him, but he has played a very big role in demonizing and vilifying this enclave and the predominant muslim population. in the same way to make a comparison, as donald trump has done in the united dates with muslim immigrants. it's not t that much of a far-fetched comparison. >> pakistan has been accused of harboring many militant groups that have carried out attacks against india. what is pakistan''s prime minister saying about all this? >> he is in a very delicate position. pakistan nuclear arms, perhaps not as powerful militarily as india.
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also, he's been losing the support of a majajor benefactor, the trump administration has been definitely shifting attention away from pakistan, aligning its india. india seen as a buffer to the rising influence of china in the region. he can apply all of his cars militarily. what is either side going to do? nuclear arms powers facing off against one another is obviously not an option. the use of military force by india is not as much of an option as you might think. afterled for dialogue that suicide attack back in february with india. he's been trying to reach out but at the same time, he is playing the tough guy. show that he can be just as tough, so he has been playing that game. they are both looking, who is going to blink first. >> thank you. 19 people were killed after a multiple car crash straight in front of egypt's main hall.
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an explosion triggered a fire outside the building. more than 30 were injured. officials are saying that a vehicle driving against traffic collided with up to three others. two mass shootings over the weekend in the u.s. have left at least 29 people dead and injured dozensns of others. trump placed president under a storm of outrage over racism. trump said there was no place for hate in the country. in the meantime, residenents of texas and ohio have paid tribute to the victims o of the shootin. >> two american cities united by grief. texasnts in ohio and givan to pay tribute to the victims of two mass shootings this weekend. shootings that orphaned
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children, killed students and parents. many in ththe community said thy felt helpless. yesterday was just horrific and you watch the news from the beginning until late last night, it hurt. it hurt to not be able to do anything. it just for everybody apart. >> residents of dayton and el paso also demanded change. stricter gun laws and more efforts to target racism and intolerance. police believe these were motives behind the shooting. a former congressman from texas and current p presidential candidates that mumuch of the responsibility lies with trump. >> anybody who begin their campaign to presidency by calling mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, anyone who as president describes asylum-seekers at the border as an infestation or invasion or
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animals, those are the kind of kind of reaction that we saw in el paso yesterday. he also pointed to a mental illness problem. look at both of these cases, this is mental illness. these are really people who are very, very seriously mentally ill. >> president has ordered flags on all government buildings to be flown at half mast until august 8. this european summer sees thousands of holiday goers loving the blue waters and beaches. but in recent years, the beloved vacation hotspot has become a hotbed for plastic pollutionon. a group of volunteers are attending to fix the problem. >> off the coast in the french riviera lies a man-made underwater forests. mesh, threatening
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the delicate marine ecosystem around them. they have made it a mission to all them away. it takes about 30 minutes for divers to locate one net. >> the net is completely tangled on to the rock's. 10 volunteer divers cut the after 45pieces and minutes, a cleanup operation is declared a success. net soave to remove the it becomes a low oxygen area. it creates micro plastic at the nylon breaks down. ofthe mediterranean is one the most polluted bodies of water on the planet. that 570 tons of plastic entered the sea every
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year. 1/5 of this comes from m maritie trade and industririal fishing. theyey don't jujust endanger wildlife, they also disturb local fishermen who are often the first to report them. is a sound that you often hear on the weekends, especially during summer. the noise of lawnmowers. of lawnmowerhe art has been taken to an absolutely new level. a 1.5 kilometers circuit in a grueling race that goes on for some 12 hours. it is really an endurance race with the winning team managing to complete 384 laps. everybody taking it very seriously as they scramble for top honors. i think my late father would
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have probably joined in. it for this edition. do stay with us on france 24. >> appearances can be misleading. they may have military crew cuts, but this is actually a group of female rangers in training. one of them plays the role of the poacher who is captured by fellow trainees. >> that's good, very good.
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>> don't be fooled by the playful atmosphere. the exercise is a serious matter. over the past year, these women have participated in an intensive training program. they take orders from a former sniper in the australian military. >> we have a potentially deadly situation. there has been 8000 elephants killed in this ecosystem in the last 16 years. there are teams of armed men moving through this area. >> he trains and command this regime, the first of its kind, dubbed the brave ones. the first female rangers. they patrol daily, able to protect -- detect the slightest unusual movement. this is particularly dangerous. at least for now, nothing out of the ordinary. so they continue to control.
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but protecting wildlife makes them a constant target. wasterred by the risks, she one of the first women to join the brigade. >> we carry a gun each and every time to protect ourselves so that the next generation will to see the real elephant. >> since 2001, nearly half of the elephants have disappeared. hunting has caused much of the wildlife to migrate elsewhere. but ever since the brigade arrival, thehe animals have gradually y starteted to return. patrols, the women must keep track of the threatened spepecies and learn o recognize their tracks. important to
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if we are able to be careful. >> the result of an ongoing learning process. now we are getting use to it. >> and less than a year, the brave ones have arrested 91, much more than other units. >> as you can see, we been quite busy. >> most are men recruited from all over the country, but damien put his bets on the women's
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birthday, drafted by neighboring villages. >> 3% of crimes that are solved are soft by catching people in the act. the other 97% are through intelligence let operations. the way they interact with the communities they are from and the way the deescalate tension means we get a lot more information which means we can act on information. this is the result here. -- grew up a few kilometers away. she has observed the work of forest rangers since she was a child so she is critical of their approach. important --
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addition, 31 other women are enrolled in the brigade. camp,ive in this prprimarily funded by the international anti-poaching foundation. they must have beeeen accustomed to new rules, even in the kitchen. it is kind of hypocritical for the rangers to go and protect the animals in the wild and then come back and even meet. -- and eat meat. >> in one year, these women have gotten used to communal living. so much so that they are often able to the military aspect on hold.
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>> i'm winning. >> there are no ranger training sessions this afternoon. the focus is on a laid-back match of volleyball. > having fun and laughing. they do a tough job. >> they are between 19 and 31 years old. but they all share similarly difficult past. orphans, widows, single mothers. often unemployed. the program was only open to the most vulnerable women. -- got married young. after she left her abusive
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husband, the brigade brought her the chance for a new start. >> i was 19. my husband used to beat me, he used to exploit me. he didn't want me to have a job or to do something. others, thisy to is my touching point to geget my better. >> she hopes to one day study ecology at university. defending animal rights. month, the women take turns returning to their villages to visit their families.
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today is her turn. >> like most, she was once unemployed. she would appear -- she lived here with her mother and two daughters. >> she didn't ever, ever imagine. come toaying it didn't her mind that one day she would be a ranger. she is hoping that nothing will
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happen. before i become a ranger, my life was so difficult. but now, i can earn my own salary. daughter, they are now going to better schools. i'm proud of myself. >> the brave ones make around $400 per month. more than four times the average's salary. she supports not only her children, but her mother as well as her brother's family and she has been unable to find work. with communities ripe unemployment and poverty, pushing is often the only possible source of revenue and giving women work to dissuade
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the happens from hunting. in just one month, the brave ones are able to bring home the equivalent to what they would have made it one year of coaching -- poaching. >> from where they come from to where they are, it is perfect. it symbolizes their pasasts and what they are doing now. alone, they were unbreakable. together they are unstoppable. >> remember, it's a race. >> now, , the women havave their eyes set on expanding the brigade. a second camp for new recruits is in the works. eventually, they would like to build a force of 2000 women, united to fight t two separate t ofoften intertwined d battles. one against poaching and the other against poverty. >>.
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is that appeared to be newews spread on the internet or using other media. at france 24, our job is to provide you with information that has been verified. we check sources, we check
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man: it's been described by the un as a textbook ethnic cleansing. woman: bangladesh has called on myanmar to allow the return of hundreds of thousands of rohingya muslims. they can't cope with the scale of the humanitarian crisis. rape and torture at the hands of the myanmar army. i'm alex crawford, and this is "hotspots." tonight, we're gonna take you behind the scenes of some of the world's hardest-hitting stories. we're in northern iraq, where stuart ramsay has an amazingly lucky escape. ramsay: the chance of surviving that, a flip of a coin, i suspect. crawford: our cameras are rolling when things get out of hand in spain. [gunfire]


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