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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  August 13, 2019 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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083/19 08/13/ [ctiing ma possible by democrw!] rognizentis that the racial gro all of thcial gups, a equal, so at is not just saying blk people b they are equal to white people, that is sayi the blackoor arequal e as whylack poor have sss becboth racis and cis picies that a
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impacting em. chnging alof the policie atre leango inequities een racial gros. amy: te airact. at is the me of a bo by scharbram x. i,he founding dirtor of the antiracist researcnd polic nter. we will speak to him ou anticism, e sef whe suacist violcero charlotteslleo paso, president's rast etoricd more. 20 19, beinantirast at litaleing antiracisdea is l promoting lif b b racist is pmoting deh. thk we areeginng to seth. many america are finly begiing hat throh umps lal picies and mass shootershoothave assault rifl and tsslt rifs o racist i ias or t ibram xi
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ur. all of that and re, coming up. lce to democracy now democracow.o, the r and perepo. i'm amgoodn. the trump niration announced a w le monthat wod ma it haer for docume, low-come grtso ay in the cotry. so-cd publ crge le would penalizemmnts seekinbenefitsncludi dicafoodta and fials toengreecasg and visa applions tose indivials. aitn, immigigrants who ve loweincomeor less foal uciocoulbe dend permenstus if deemedore likely to ne public assistce inure. pes say the w rule could -- would severy iact famiesrom laamerica an ri and goodly toore portatiof immigwith mpory provion imgrio stus that arare rey lein the.s. but
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not meethe new requirements. criticalso s immra could disenroll fm esse programs that ptect cldren and families acting dector of citizenship and immigratioservices, the lethwhe use.annoced or the public charule, president trump's ministtion is rnfng ideals of responsi.ncy aernal ensuring thaimgrants are able to suppt themselvesnd beme succeful heren amera. le generallyrevents iensho areenally likely to be a blic charge fr coming te uted stes o remaining here and getti a green ca. amystevchoi, exute rectorf the new yo immigon coalition spond theouncemen sayi- "this rulessential says that for anneho is't white, isn't thy, that you must fore food, you must fore shelter and basic cal care." immrati ceer, as well as attorneys
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general in californiand other sthave annou ty ll challengthrule, ich r now is s to go io effectn october. the trump adnistraon finalized changerollin the endaered speciesct nday. relators wl now be allowed facr in economi considerations when granting "eand"d"tatus, spees see their prottions weakened anscntists will imited inettinglimate-change d otecon criticsathchangegewere made to clr e way for mining, , ilng, d lopment projec iareas ted protect speci. ininrita did bernhardt forr lobbyi for the e l and business induststes. he icurrtly unr investfor ssle ethicsioti the -yr-olrk endangered species a has sav over 99%f clasfied animals, plants, and insec scets inceptn. it'credited wecting
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e grizy ar, e back whal andhe baleagle from extition, among many others. vironmental oups, decric lawmakers, and attorne gen ha vow to fight the chan thsierraed theov "the trump extinplan." e internional nd for animal welre said in statemt -- "thet corehens assessntf biodivsity er completed wareleased earer this yeaand shs that mor th apeesre at of titi. linko our n wellng,rably lilihos, econo, fo securi, and overall suiv. gutting key prottions of the endaeredpecies act is precisy thwronacti for e u. to be takin" ong kong, authities suspended flights r a second continue to occupy t t by international airport. one tusstn thwoworld. llinolclashes over
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the weeken which siot poli firintear gas iide a subwaytation andndeating protters with bato, the u.n. is warning law enforcement must proct the righto pely demonstrate and urgi dlogu china, meanwle, haen rampin its rtoagt the pro-mocracy movement, keni theros to orm monday. legal exrts t uld be laying theroundwortoepy repressi ai-teor law against vernme cti iniasse oodsnd landslides have ki an estimate20pele and mores days orrtial monsoon downpos t l southern and wte state inal a mslidkied a leas50 people ay th ia kerala ridenwho reued. >> it habeent least fe da s day everody istun the
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floodevillag. anims and othear stuck lost of re fing lot ofroblem water has comel rectio. entered the hou y:eanwhile, in burma, at lelet 60 people have bkill and over 100,0 disaced due to monsoon floodin mes we buried byud a30 inches of rainelon cal districtver two ys. nmentalist dust-drin forestion s compounded the effects of mass flooding,s we as the drgh expiencedurg other parts ofhe year. dical essionals y th ebola is no nger an rabl diseafr o experint drugs beus ttreat infeatientin the mocratat rublic of the con ha shown a 90% surval te. the eatmentsre most effeivif adminisred shortlafr ebololis ntracted. sincthtest outbreak ben a year ago, thworld heth organizatiays at lst700 pele have been inftetewith
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ebola, with han 00 deaths lotletpog e direct of a migrant shelter in evlaredo, xi, was kiapped whi dending asylumeers at his shter. members of aornid im group repoed iend to kiki cuban mignt change for ransom when the shelter direcr n mendnd was takeafter ying to protthe miants in his care. little informa iknown abt mende's wheauts sie e kidnappi iid to have dowit bowaed week ag la mth thae border city nuevo laredwas not safe for migrants wti for possisie asylum in the s. in a statent critil of tru's "remin mexic licywhich sendum seers cko xico while their cases make the throh u.s. immigtion courts, e nopritaid -- his pocy iputtg vulnerable pple aas controlled by iminal ganizationon whiee mian as commodity ana source oincome
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mattw we an arizona borderer trol agent,leed guiy tontentionally running ovea guatatan migrant with a pickup ucin 2017. he now faces up to aear in 0000on and a posble fi of he will so resign from t border patrol. e maheititanlin lando lopez-aguir, survid. cofilings show bowen sent slew ofacist messages his phone rerring t migrts as man" and "bea,"mongth insts. a friend o of e ytytio, nmhohoilled ne peoplple, ining his siing,n a oo rpa outsi a wkend told fel instigs he bought and it'unwhher the nd,ed i ethaie, was awarof guan cnotts'lan to
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comm mass muer. ko w chargedondawith lying about s ug u on a firear form annrat puhase. thexive edit of "the washon pt" iaccusing vermonsenatobernie sde upa conspira theoryfter the 20 hopeful mpgn speech "thes shgtonost" writes negati storabouhibecausof his criticmsf amaz. ameobes owowns newspape >> anyboe know huch amazonaid in t lastt y y i talk about it all the time and en i wonder y "the washingtont" which is ned by jeff zo who owns azon, e't ite a good article abt . i d't knhy. "shinon post"ditor rty baron told cnn- enanrsmember of a large clubf liticians -- of every ideologho mpla aboheiroverag ntrary tthconspiracy theo the senator see to favo jeff bezos allows our newsomere full
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inpendence, as our rrs and editors can atst four-star general in charge of has oer a revof t cultu operationits whin the u. mita. itomes after seval recent seinlving members of sea eirse pas cl acts. rely sent ho faq aftefaciccusations of sexual aault aoh consumption. last yr an internal veigation found members of anothe seaam aseine anher il drugs in in a se that received nid atten fr.s. navyeals special operionshief edwd gallagher was acquitd of gallagher was accusedf war cmes, inclu ootiwo iraqiivilnsnd fay stabbing a captive teenager in thneck. nera were rk le has ordered e etcseview be coleted by vember. tehe city'unfilterecent
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ter showhaits still unsafe to drink some eight months aft offials distributi watilterso residents to cut levels lead in t water. thennmental protection agency told newark offials the filters not sficitly effective antheyhould instead hand bottled water residts aon as ib. uds showewk mef the highest leve olead contaminatn in the coury. the onal reah defee unsel is suing york for olatg safe wer laws. estate ofay polanco, a tranender woman who was foun adn a jail cell at rikers land iju, is suing the ty of new yorkver r death. e ty'dical exin ruled st month that 27-year-olafro-latdied of colicas epi polao's mother says that conditn t ilt her indil sory connent wit prop supersi. e it alles thiviol the 14 amendme awell as
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the amans with dabilits act. lan poncrest in april on misan crg and was unabable tpost $500 bail a ouof w foods employeeof the latest to protesamazon's lvemen with immigonutrities and softwa and data compmpy pant whole foods is ownedy amazon. group of crent andormer een asole published monday -- "undocumpeop must be welcom wmpassion and treateke the pitical a ecomicsyluthey are. many musbe added, are fleeinfrom cditions created by desve u.s. pics, king ithe reonsibityf the. to wme them. it also muid that nt, in 2011,as involve in alan to spy o olar unns and tist" thisomes fwing aajoray of aion agait azon. onday, ove peoe re arrested iw yorkity jewishrotestertook ovean amazon bookstore to mand they
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op colratingitice. >> theepar deportatio -- none of this good happen without whaamaz pres ice in the rv palant. it reliesn suchs am among those atedere yo city cime br lder and artistolly crpl baltimorocked the entrance howard un detention undato demd city ward county execu's officps sa follong the action ey ill erly review and evuateurtrac wit." and ose arsome of the adli this imoacnow!, mocracynow.o, than ace rert. i'm amy odman. anand i'juan gonza
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welctoll oour liliens countranoundhe w. the thisk marks o years si descendeon chatesv,d neo-nis rgin. theig of aust 11, 2017, hunddsf white men bearing hemarched on the unertyf virginia cs chan, "jews will nepce usand ives mat" t folng day, a neo-nazi ove his car into a crowd of an-rist protesters kling heatathe a 32-yeye ac. days later, pridenump cld there we "veryine sinccharlottesvill white supremacists he coitd as73 murde accng to the an-defamation ag. justasweek, a enedire in a crowdedrt killin22 peopl mostly lanos. est attack trgae tinoin modn ameran am the el so gunman wre a
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manifesto ctained lang simar te racist rhetor of pridt trump d prominenght-ng figes incling rush limbaugan tuckerarls. thises atrumis facin incrsingriticism f his stemar. la mth, the demoatic-contrled e voted c trum's raci at on foshmen congresswomen ofolor - congressmembers ay pressley, alandria ocasio-coez, rashida tlai andmar. trump had ld theto "goack anhelphe totally bken and cre festedlas from whth cam" ree he four congresswome were born in theted states. but trump has dismissed any claims thas istoki eses trumpheact rson there is aere in the wld -- hado al with them, unfoaty in nork, but i got along with tm, out sharpt. a racist amel we're joined now r ur by ibram x. kdi,
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the founding director the racist research pocy centert american univeit his nebook ioutoday, "ho ntact." its his followp tostamped from the begning: the finitivery of racist ideain ameri," which w w the 2016atnal book ardor nonficti. kendi wajust 34 yeard at the ti. the youngest winner of the tion boowa for nonficti. his te pie for the atntic iline " "a nch mob ofne." ibrax. ken, welcome to decracy now! coratulations on t release ofoubook and happy bthday. >> thank. happienote, which is what took place in epa, what is nsidered o of largest cotry i histos inhis
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you havett ivery inresting fhe antic progm a lyh mob of e." explai ty were caln 19,acriots, 0 ars ago,uring what own ashe r summer because there was a series of race otothe wor potentially ppn o. the st dayat race riot hicaas augt 3. a ceury lateve what happened in el paso. thwhich mobs a cenry ago ornanumbs ofeople orr to essenlyughter lae numbofple of color. toy, the lynch mob onl nenean assault rifle. d weaw tt i eso, te so at needs to don
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about it? i thinke ne tan foremost recnize how saulul one gun one the ar471 -15, coulderally ad to ma peopl dying with ids.ombionracist is shooter iel paso had both. headhe aault rif a a asult rifle with ra ideas. we need to figure a to contro if not ede them an: d that shooter, his manifesto had aregoes of ny the words of present trump thesdays about an insi curring of t utestat. you st heard that cl we pled presidentmpaying he's e ast racist pson anywhere in the worl yoeaction wn u hear not onlyhat, buthe nber of ople who support h a hivis and peives in e country? s prlyould saye thleasantiticiso anywren the world. and s denial of his ris is
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en t epaso soter, at the his n raciesto, enie n you imagine writ nifesto,emonizg linx peopler and over again tellin t nation that they werenvading d youreprotecting tn saying athe end,ell, th're juoing to calle racist en though i lly not. at heart.f is in ctras an antiraci is seeking to knknowdge an admit, w wchs ceaiy soing ump is neverone. amy: we're going to go t break witop when wmeack, we' going ttalk about the fferetween aon-ract and aancist, and that ally funment to your new "how to beay an antiracis" ram x. kendi, unded reor
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he antist sech policy centeatmecan universi. sth us. ♪musieak]
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my: uy back e ock" by moon this idemocracy now!, moynrg, thr and peacpo i'm amgomawith jn goalez. our esr the hos ibm x.endi othe day of the rele h new book "how to be a antiracist." heas won nnal book to win the natnal book awardr forr nonctior hi preous book. f news tversonality tucker carlson is undefire for insistinathite supremacy is aoax anothere probl in aca. carlson ma t remarks on his ogm last wee >> the whong is a lie. list,e tossble a howard kunik concerns, probl this country faceswherwod white supremacy be othst? obly thereith russia, it inolein ame.
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ju: we' continuing our scusram kdi. yo rean to tucr carlson? >> these some the same typeofple that say the locaust s a ax, this ci is a hoaxy that ckery wasoo f pele. thiss the idlogy becse when they n't deny the obvus evevence that ows domestic white srecist terrosms on rise, that it is the prcie form of dostic terror that isffecting amican livesthey just dy its iseompletely. atcertaiy wh he is ing. bks yin yo previs lo at the story o racist ideas the united ates. one of t isss thatou fod was the develop intelligencets in the historof intelligenc testsn terms of beingacy motited from the ve n the.and so manyoungeople
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afrieric andino commoditieareically opprd d cssifd and st aside as a re of their perfornce vario lligence tts crely in most inteigence tes, latinos d blk peopleeceive lower the ques is, what is the proble there a problem with the test takers or the tes? made the case that blacpeople d latino peop are n achieving intlectually much other ppl as mu as white peop. i woul arg, no, the problem is not wthe test takers, it is wh e tests themsve the werereat -- when you at thperson who cated the sat teshen you look a thpeonirstized the test, ithe u.s., these re genes.
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y: gintohat mo ful this is aounding histor yowritabout. >> t mho wrote centu ago is boo cled inch he ught toromo t ts w test that head broug or from europe, ithatook he talked about thesetsill prove tt black people are inllecally inferr. hee hyth forwarin aook that proted thorinal iq test century ago. estaishe theat test aially cadeater inhe 1920' was genicist from princeton they created these tests not just to prohainos and black pelee inferior t e people, but soo prove en were genetically intellectualerioto m, thr people wer genetiy inteectually and rrieto why ppland utrns --'m in, eryon,
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noanglglo-sans were intelltually inferioto anglo-xons. these tests bece e evence they he been lki for prove that peoe of color and poor peopl and wener intetual inferior. amy: so ein wt the college ard has recentlynnounc, at they are adding i enronml context dashboa r alstentsaking the sat's. wh ds th mean? >> 'm try fe that o one thing i think ma col board- me of e stitions that haveee unr firy noonly antiracist, but even parents who don'tt thchil being these hig testi environments. i thinth're figurinout new wa t eentially maintain the exisistee ofhese.
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certaiy,his is aay t resptose who a fundamentallyointinto t envinmas the problnd not neceily the test ting. attemp to eliminate th standardiz tts becau the number of afriamericans and latinos adtted into the high spiazed highool has be opping them incre-- but he is met enoou resistance at the ste vel d nobeenen able to geget th tgh. yo sensethis battl has been going on t onlyn w york city, but across e countrcome over tests? >> whai specilly ve been following arospares o come to townallsnd argue f thintenae of tests. maf ese res haha sai thgs le,y ds a sco on t test because they work rd thosotheblack andatx ds are notkingard. at they're not talking abo,
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ou is thtest prere compies, the test ptutors, eest pr industry is concentrated in new rkity in white anasianghborhoods, so it makes see that those who get e bestt ep and he ththmost accs resrces to pay for the test epre gng too e ste tes. am interestingly, the new yk schools,ublischools are the stregatein t couny in new york. 're not tal about the soh. 're talking aut new york. >> tt in inibly lk about antis mostn w people tnk of who nds to be an antac the think of utherner people who o d for trp. th don't think people advoting f the maintenance these tessm whi are denying access to some of t best schoo in new york city to black aatino kids amy:his brings us to the esidenal rac is mingnder f
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after he recently conas "poor ki" with "white kidsat an event hosd byheowa iaand latino coalition >>e ha thi notion that somew you a poor, you cannot do it. poids are jt asright and sts talented as white kids. thy kids. acds. asian ki. amy: ben later said he misspoke whieliverinhis remark >> if he misspok ther's a reason why he mipo to ben with. i thinthisdea, concting poor kids to black ks, is quite widesead. st like ere is an idea coects rh kids witwhite -- a- whh no only rst,ndoty sort of recognizeshaacally the rityf black ople in this country arnot poor, butn the se of connectinriid with whi ks, youre
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ho a classifdy white ite racists as white trash. that is a ciized terthat imagineshat the's some wrong wh or whitee and ey have less because they are less. juan: i want to ask you abou your newook, you tal about the whe issu of cla and race and the relationship of capitasm io race. in one son you write, anti-capitism nnotnate class racismitntacism. case in t, youenti t persisnche racism afro-cuba's received aer the lution in 59. how us a tter sense of you see ts whole interrationshibetween the fight agnst ra a also against capitali >> i thinkt iserrelad.
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i classifyacism and capitalism heseonjoined twi, from thame body but different peonities, difre faces. the ason idethat -- i track, pticulayn my ok, thigins of racism ca be sepatefr the origins of citalism. the oginf capilismannot be separed from the origin of rasm. the ofacism cannot be separated from the life capitasm and vice versa. whenou think about tlave trade whicwasritical inhe cumuti of alth i set of racist polies.entally wh you think ofoloniali or even slaverythese are fundentalla relaonsh twee racism d capitalism, which was esntiaial to its nc i think ooruly be raci, u ve to y be an-capitist. tru be antiapalist, yeto be tiracist because their
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ated. amy:alk more abouthiand the founding of thisnt th iue ofvery, ther of predents whhad sles and the presenhatheost slavesfll, jeffers, ingike ves. lay th all out. >> whe y look at theounding of thihihiou, u' reay lking abo t pow -- amican power, largely being lders.n the sf slave you're talki about slaveholders whoarly shaped economic picy that the ensuredi not elinate or rmacial policy, which was ketoof coue, 're slehding. u're ao tag ou a group of ppllavehoers, who by 1860, became the rit and sles a the crops theyd.
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we produngn th land there were pcing thoseps amicssentially the wealth of wh you tk about h arica beme rich, y can' separate ameri'sichest from sler an w america was able to become r tou avery,hichasn econic sy, was because oraci. at is why yoan'really sete t. i kn many peoplet to, but to starh inhe ein,ontinuing for the first time ihink in a presidal re, the issue o repations h been addrsed everal of the democratic candidateswhereas priously hadgely bn an iue amongctistsn the can american a lcommunity. i'm wondering perspve ow ts isinallyurfacici and e restance against it? >> i tt is obvusly servicinin bause ofhe vois and th activis
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americans who opposeepations , ypically duld ask uld ke t stament ttly, first rrentl the white median wethn is country is 10 s gher than k median weth. estimamahat0, blacka median weah wille as zero doars. and ey'reastinghat cades lar, that latino dian wlth will basero doars. what we're seeing now is owal wealth gap hodo you- how do wtop this gng rial wealthap, rn it around, enlose it, withouparations? becathe reasons for that raraal wealth gap is becsef past antis pic so repations is notnla way
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to challenge and eliminateho polies, t al t esntially pair the eff ofhose policies -- which is the raal weah ga o 2020tur decratic presidential candidate senar cory booke his week." speaking on abc's >> ts evidentimplicity of who is and who is der st isot the question.if we e ve ray and elve in sticeh anywhere is a reato justic evywhere, atreou doing abouthat in juic iot eno to say i'm not a racistn n erica. you need to be antirt. let's go to isss, t re of yourk,bram x. kendi, " "w b antiraci." to be a non-racisand anntiracist e very diert. when we ackedge the term "n racist," we're reay
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thking about aime that from the largentence "i am notacist." n wenkf who anhen our people areaying 'm not rathertwdes saying that w'reeing charged with bng racis people first and mos ominsly would say they're not weret work eugenicts, ts. crow seggation o sexo mattewh i ess, they arnot racist th cay thatatxeopl e invadings untry,t is like neighb isish neighborho is iti an amecan y, 'm the l lst rast pson in the wld. and what that means toe is the te not ract, tt w sa "i'm not racist," that that is funmentally a terof
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deni. that is all it rely h ever en. it has ner reay had any for want to deny being ract when charg wbeing rast. contrast, beintirist, there is a cleasensof whatt i i if a aist says th certain racial gros e serior or inrior or betterr worsthan rs, and antiracis says the's nothing wrong orve writeh any racial groups. were equal a ract tsies naion the actio a senar booker sd,hen they aeing a racisbeus ey arelling fothe repruction of racial iney. if seone i isupporting liciith thr actions that te racial equi,n tre being anntiracist. : delve in your new book he howow racism ha ated afca amerin and latino counitie the issue of skin color, letr
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d dark, i wonder if you can abo that as welas your own personalourney through that maelsom of to understand how racis works in e country? >>howo an antiraci" s ict for me tit because i haveome person storie one of t persona stories- and n'to say this bui have to y it becae it thbook of people arengo read it- wh i was in college, ihoug that e were tooark. so i decid to gecod cots. theyereheoney contacts. my friendsould joke me th i orange eyes. but i thghwiththese hone coacts, i was morbeautifu that i w more attractive. anthisas aeprentation what i s oaddress inhe booknown cor is idea at the liger again, the betr. hee ghter the eyes,
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beer. the stightheair, t better. d winities of colo ere radiatis of in color, cha texture anso whai did -- juan and ioften chanfr generation to genetion. >> pcisely. at in tchapter called "cor," we talk ab what call lht peoe and rk peoe. this is rticularithin couny's of cor. have en led belve in people that s white people are closer to , therwere supeor to ose dark peoe inter tho eas. there's also s of poci thctuafavor lig people over dark peopl i lk aboutllf e diaries betwee wte people and da ppl and i racist, they do tiew lighpeler darker people as better or worse than each otr. amy:hi i ithperft ti writers of the 20th century,
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toniorrison, who we just lost last w last week onemoc n! w did tw hoursononhe show seraleff wh guests, playing the clips o morrin. weant to gback to one of the momen, as youcribe, wantg lig eyes. let's go to 201 a conveatio beeeto morrison and aa library. the new youblic >> w wn i wrote the rst book wre, "the st eye," i nted tknhy thagirl felt so bad, the real light gl oaid she wand eyes. we were talkinguthether god isd. he did.rse, was padhat and she warsuad that he did notp her oof was that she had pyed for eyes fo two years o years.
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ond d not get em ous e,e was not up there. buwh looked her and gh aut how a she wod look -- [laughte if she them, then i tho -- t sond thingas come l e wast that budid t kw whethe she was beautifuor not unt i ought abhat ht k. the's thd tng, of se, es she that? what makeser think tt n oven rhen you don'tlloathing ha support, ma me think o bo.ass real bjt a reallyorks., amy: tt on morrin.
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ere is so ch tfollow up on he, from wn did you finally take off the contacts tohe effeive ni mrison you >> iook them iieve around the ld here wn es a jr in colle reg "the bttyefor theter rst time. many ways, i could notea about the l witho thkingut mysel witho inking authat first time i puon these heyontact th ihoug it was an improvemen tt i thought was hanome and lo it to me reale th i was asked a more handmeithout the ora friendsould jokok , likesl toni mri any sort oack writer has livi, hagegean's im on let alone my literarife, and i think one of the ways which
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she hadn fluence on men writg this bk,ven wr colorism ter, her cotantnstrons black its to n wrih the cric on oushoulds, to no righwith the whiteays o nd because one ofhe things the haveeen iis difficulfor uso write abou isnterlize racis her goiote hav ppenwhatac aoing take that and say, se we've been tling you you' the probm alllong and now you're finally admittg it. walike, let et the white critff my shoulder and right. is a ality t peoe o cocor, parcuy blk peop, areing in a wanted topeak t amy: we're going to go to ea d comeack to o discussion with ibram. nd,, pressor of hry and inttial relatis anfongirtor of the antiracist research and policy centerican ersity.
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he is e nation boo award-nninthor of "stamped fr teginnithe definitive htory of racist eas in arica." and just bore we gto bre, you were a we-known ofesrr, an assis profsor t unirsy of ora. youescribe thmoment t nation bk award --hi one the like dis where nonewsho getit until you ar actually- unl your me is ll. diu ve yr eech prepar? oh, no. rememb my wind i h a hol room ne the venue. we were abou walalout andd people wlike, ha you writn yr? ee? where is your spch unkei'm nogoing win. wh is e ose of wting speech. shinsiedhat dow those tes. i jott dowme n a wh i heay me cle as e video shshows the house comptely shocked. i s complete shocked.
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literallhad toather myself evenefore i spoke. y: ibram xkend ungest winr ofhe niol book award for nonction. today his neook is o, "how to be an antiracis we ctinuth h ia nt ♪ [music brea
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amy: ben harper p pformg, "i'll rise" from thpoem "still se" late maya angelou. this imocracy no,, the war and pee report. i'm y odman wi juan goalez. our guest for theour, ibr x. kendrofessor of history and inteational lations and founding director the antist research and policy nationooaward-winning thorf "smped from e beginning: the definitive history y acist eas am his outoday on hi b day, "how to an antici." n to ited to go ole issue of your jrney. rerter?t to be a sports anyone ttemple univey.
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ta aboutt. yosay you ledn a neighborhood i know well, ve in the same neighborhood. a ayabo tt jrney fr sports writing ana histor >> iw up playing baetba. i wantjoin t nba.k's fan. tely, i rzed i prprably wasotooooough to make the no decidedo rsue siting. i we t in tlahassee. i waa freman 2000. a know whatapne i 2000 wh the election. i was told cotantly -- d i tabout ts constaly in book- ter elect 2000nd 70eoe -d so manylack people's vos w
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suppress a thrown out, i hearsome of u posters r samps toe reallyort providedy fit mn on racis i witnessmore lesson theore a re i wa t become a rter, sharing thosleles with i decided to goo te to pursy masters then aga, pardon of me was hinking about pursng my orat become a professor beuse oso level, i reized prossors hadore autonomymore freedomo really wre an rrch. but iot tre, once arrived at temple universy ce i saw the le pressor through the fef m my way ination adv, the whicth we enged in worldwide intellecal suge against whi suprecy, agt racism, i was f hooked. i wanted to beikem ande
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a professor. a: you of question, what e treated rasmn theay we t cancer? >>hile i was writings oki had stage fr: cancer. ancecears before had myife and ther hadcer. a deca ago my father d inay i livedith ca for qume time. more i, ie seen canc itrd, howrs treat cancer. whe se peopleike who ve mtatic cancer. ishefirst -- they do a lot ent in wch they go in and surgically remove the tumors. which is essentially like us go surgicay remov rasticins cotry. thin a don't st there. ey also flohe body wit chemotpyo eure tt theres me cls
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ft, tonsurehe cance me back or try to makeure or try help thcancerrom coming back,hi is equilent amerwith antiracisy of licies. but ey don'st there. once ty y roved the tumors, once they flooded the bodyh ancist picies, th they hethe body very closy ake sthat thing mes ck. anthen if somethdoesom back, whato they d gressi and quickreat very wantedeak that d how -inw toe an anticist." y: slay it outor u wh would tokike? >> first and f femost, us ving america. and i thie can'ju talk ousm an original sin. weave t about racism as
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the orin ccer, as this killg america.t s been it almt end americans from com togetr and formg a unionits foundin it almosilled ericin t t sorof airact picies is i polic for instance, medicare for all, higquy thare for al that reduci inequitie liciikeegizing majuana. poes that essive go after clatchange, whic is ecifically harming commu ofolor at pics e have currentlth literallye a chance tradicay reduce ra iquie those e types of polie we sd ood the american bodyeit. an:uroo y have talked your' o-- chapts
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queer cici a gr racism. you explai >> wwe think of racism d we think of racial inequity, ev wn thinkf e, weuld coize tha a molith, st like latinoot op are not aonolith.ith, white black people areollection of - raciiz groups eh of the groups, they'vetance. been targed and denigrated th racist ids. a bck male,ad to comeo grs with the ct thai had nsed and ierze antiracist ideas aut black wome ts ying some of the same it ght and others wereaying aboutblack. sof thsame ideas t heteseals were yi about
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e blackueer community. becae blk we'res -- bla dtincfrom blk hetesexus. it is a st ide amy: just theeginning of th show, i i wasreing headlines, one of them was the tate of len polanco, transgender woman who was found de i in jail cell atikers is h sued the cityf new york or her dea. thdiexiner sing e convocatns of epilepsy -- died frocomptionof epilepsy. it viotethe 14th amendmentasells with disity a.
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sheas jailed r twmo after she was unab to post $500 bai a picture at every vel of ran america and que rism, etc she was the cenoft. u talk about mass inrceratio andne the wayshat if y'reoi to deith antiacism inhis >> black queer communities are reikely to ber and black hesexuals -- than black hetesexuals. some of themre subject to this te ofioncrom thth state. mt oioly, blac trsgde wom are litally exenng aenocide. i don't ow of any way toalk theire fact thaha avere li expecy he 30'y is i
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this i20nd we ve group ofmericans whose life expectans inhe mid 30' and part of the reas why i beuse people of color, bl ople, whop,merica ot valueheir lives. viewhe a w in which -- ande vthemhe way tru and we do't iciz oselves l theseeopl their lives matt a wedo rnize i in wch they are g ecas a result of thr nd, a result ofir sexual orienta, as a rult of tnsnder sta, isntseing to lead the genocide. amy: ibrim, yet a c? >> yes. "faith"which mr nam
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in swahili. she is three years o amy: how do you raise h as an antiracist human bng ithis countr >> fst and foremost, ihink wh we k raising ildren, wehould t raising cldreot be someing. caote cist we shod singhildren to be something, to be anticist what we'reking tdo is get her to see difference and apte it. toppreate differen no maer that fferences ltural, racial, gender -- see difference and appreciate it were also getting g r to ask why. 'sw is aing too manyhy about hi, but tt central esti. we tryintoorofexis arying for her w
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inequitiesxi. so then she can alize that ties dnot exis bause some r group, there's sothinwronwith se raal grou they exist because oese larger policieand pers. ando thats wt were seing too. think it is a tremendous job a pent u literally ve the oprtuny traisa cist or tiracist. 're ctted to raising an antiracist. you, u wanted ask gr up as a child ithe sa neighborhood, rohly come the same number ashe preside of e united ss, queen new york, but obviously, differe bringingnd diffent perspect. you meioned atn your book. i grew up in jaica i was fortunthat m paren sort ocamef agege ie black porovent. heologytla
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momentspecifically this vement t tt said jesus is black, reflection of image, gi of liration post e .. jesus was a revionary. to be a revoluony. in many wa, ner lef thth type of beration theol behind a r me to imagine self a someone w is seially trying to elimine racism a rea cate equ portitfor all. amy:nd what message yoer prt trump? >> he probably should read m book. [lter] more portt, wth obviously wod urgeisoteread my book wi so they can real ally that his policies are harm themnd t only reon why
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they'reneo him is becaus thet ids h manites themith. amy: ibram x. kendi, author of the new bookw to be an anracist." ispeaking
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(singing and clapping) (drumming)


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