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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 19, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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the best thing you can take to any day. french president emmanuel macron has urged his russian counterpart to respect democracy consisisting that emit pollutants at full break also top of the agenda progress on peace for ukrainine. over a hundred migrants is still stuck c. h h. we won't allow them to disembark north other vessels to enter its world is to help. the charger rescued myy coconsistency during highgh. at craft to get around it since hardline stance. the iranian tanker sees the gibraltar is now set sail againin. iran is oe of die consequences if the
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united states should try to stop the best. thank you for joining us peace for ukraine this is top of the agenda for a manual micron as a host russia's vladimir putin the two men have already been talking. a micron summer retrereat foror break also oppppose reported too those putting to respect democracy. comforting ukraine began in twenty fourteen the russian backed separatists fighting against ukrainian forces in the east and donbass region that's here from the two leaders. the that was one of wiwith any store we are of. course going to talk about generational conflicts. in the southeast of ukraine. and we're going to talk about the dumbass. well informed president matt cronin about my most recent discussions with the new ukrainian president. there is a lolot to talk about and many reasons for optimism for the questt of nasasty meann only nie twelve it depends i have discussed my designs reopened a four way summit between us president sentenced in
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chancellor merkel which i'd like to see happen in the weeks to come since the man. it strikes the analysis on association christina joins us lecturing geopolitics the seals phone spepecialist on european and russian relations thank you so much for being with us so we heard vitamins that talk about optimism do we have any reason to believe that my american. will make the purpose he wants to make towards peace in ukraine. many on micron is it using this opportunity capitalizing on the recent change of leadership in ukraine and on the signal us the positive signals he has received. from bloody merry so lance cade the new. president who made the piece of it in a crane at the top of his put the peace of making a crane on the top of his agenda. now the question or will be then how will and how far you cranium are ready to go in compromising and fulfilling the conditions of the minsk accords which govern the peace in ukraine. and their there are several points on which for any
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ukrainian president fulfilling that would be deadly and which russia insists on fulfilling. now if booted place this smart which so far h has been doing ad that recent exchange of prisoners between ukraine and russia at. at cistus default to this. at he can than. a line behind himself western leaders who gonna press to crane to fulfill those conditions even at the call of the political there have a political cost. and that is precisely that can be one of the- best outcomes for putting. so far seeing the discourse of amanda makran during the press conference. this looks like a major and diplomatic victory at least two of the battle for russia. we are e seeing a frenchh preresidt employing a very open and positive language toward russia. implying corporation in the in it in the spirit of trust and security and the moment when russia's military
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conflict with ukraine. and is placing russia this name in precious part of europe but also most importantly bringing up as part of that corporations the context for future cooperation. the two points on which russia has insisted for very long time it has failed to receive positive responses from western leaders. first is the new. architecture for security in europe and second is. corporation in cyberspace which is very controversial especially seen russian actions in cyberspace recently so many things on so many levels here now the money right chronicles bringing boots into for breakfast on his summer residence. almost an act of being sort of one of the best expression can give europe a europe spokesperson in many ways. but i'm i hear what you're saying is that putin himself as such you seeking two or six cd and manipulated situation to get the most out of it for himself. indeed have putin has scored a lot of points and especially thanks to what you're mentioning in his
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discourse micron roof is referring again and again to russia corporation not only with france but more importantly with your- and of course he is not appointed in this position. by twenty eight member states a lot of whom have very divergent positions on russia and lot of whom must be very surprised to hear themselves included in this discourse. very open and very friendly discourse and clearly for france there is also a stakes it's going to important stake in regular lies in relations with russia because and the what's what my new account said when he said. francis was russia is a great power to date remains a great power even within humor up and the do you work has a role to play. out in the always fruit in the view of everything that's happening the view of the growing role of china for example in the view of the china us and but a lateral struggles. and they are both are seeking a role to play both are seeking that place and in this way they both need each other putin needs for crown as
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the powerful leader a way of the western world. who all of europe who would then invite extend this very rare today from flooding putting invitation. to a long only a dialogue in the last official atmosphere but it also allows. and many. of the crone it can then capitalize on the. relationship to score his own diplomatic victories in the two serious conflicts today which is in ukraine and in syria i should mention himself. look before we started dialogue with russia where were we on syria precisely. craned hasn't even been on the on the on one of the french french priorities diplomatically before alone and today akon can capitalize on that and for that he needs to do. and he needs a dialogue because that's the only way that he can you results and placed himself as a diplomatic leader of your- we could talk for a lot longer that s set the time against the center. of thte
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state yet shop was king of seals spoke. zero russian relations specialist as we heard that thank you for being a she will t te on thisis a meeting between. my account of that if it's an ata for bring also and explaining first just some. of thehe things it's taken sosome of the issues that we wil seek to. elaborates on as we go through argues output hit from twenty four. and steffi thanks again for joining thank you. next charity says it will charter flight to help migrants stuck at sea. the charity open arms is condemning the policy the fleas far right interior minister matteo salvini. otherer rescue vessels have been forbidden entry to its holy waters to help. of a hundred migrants have been stranded for two weeks now on a ship in the mediterranean. still a tanker off the coast of lampedusa the open arms with schools of migrants left on board. of the twenty seven minus finally transferred to shore and headed for mainland attorney for humanitarian reasons. the nation's bellicose interior minister though is sticking to his guns demanding the rest go elsewhere. spain has an open
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porch with a spanish ship that's been at sea for eighteen days. why don't they go to spain you know in eighteen days they could have come and gone from a pizza and foreman terra at least thrhree times this is a political b battle foror the ticket.. f for the openn arms charity stuffff though it's anythingng pot o one of the ratg day s sck on board since that rescue they say keeping. the migrants any longer would be prolonging the suffering. those were happy that spain is opened its points but you have to remember that this is a forty five year old boats which in itself was never meant to be the kind of vessel that transports passengers. are suckers. spain previously suggested at the port of our famous before proposing the body erica islands which would be closer. however that's still a thousand kilometers west of lampedusa. leaving springs defense minister criticising matteo salvini is hard l liners to cheat. but take a okay a lid. i think he represents the complete opposite to the european union's values. he
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showing that with the open arms of the past few days. the e. u. has a position at included but he prefers to o blow his own horn. that state. spain portugal germany romania from sound like some bug will offer to take in the open n arms passengers. however even should the situation be resolved but there's another such i issue waiting in the wings. the ocean viking charity ship which is also seeking safe harbor. with over three hundred and fifty more migrants on board. an iranian tanker the sense of the angry cononfrontation betweween iran a wasashington is n nice tt self agrees. with us was freed from detention of the british territory of gibraltar and tehran is mouourning the a any s move to seize the vessel again would have heavy consequences. the irananian tanker whose name has been changed from the grarae onone to the adrian daria one. set sail from gibraltar on sunday night. shipping data from monday shows the vessel heading east in the mediterranean towards its next
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reported destination in greece. a last minute seizure warrant issued by the u. s. was rejected by gibraltar authorities who ordereded it's released last week. we are happy that this would be has ended and i hope that this would. be this is station. as it is in the united states continues to make more. escalation by. constantly. the fact that the shooting political court decision. us president donald trump has warned iran against *-*- for tat retaliation. they h haven't taken our ships are taken ships but they havaven't taken our ships and they better notot but around wouould like to talk they just don't k know quite how to get there. the standoffff betwen the us and iran intensified last week when washington f fild a warrrrant to seize the tanker. this on the grounds that it had links to iran's islslamic revolutionary guard corps o or .
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r. g. c. which the trump administration has designated as a terrorist organization. but your broker rejected the u. s. request saying the e i. r. g. c. is not viewed as a terrorist organization by the e. u. so was detained by gibraltar last month. on suspicion it was taking oil to syria in violation of the e. u. sanctions. the impounding sparked a diplomatic row that escalated two weeks later. when iran seized a british flag oil tanker in the strait of core moos. that tanker the senate and pero is still detained. now since the twist to the e crisis in hong kong the social network twitter says nearly a thousand accounts originating from china would deliberately and specifically attempting to so political discord in hong kong as part of a coordinated state backed operation. for the weekend a protest of the two million people took to o the streets whole congress a protesting against what they feel is china interfering in the freedom of the territory
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and in another development beijing is threatening taiwan over its offer of political asylum to members of homecomings pro democracy movement. more protests are planned. the united states has extended its grace period for the chinese tech company hallway. american companies will be alllled to o continue doing businesess with well wait until mid november when a widespread ban. is expected to kick in this added to kate movies he was more on this case. mark well this we had a ninety day. reprieve that was granted back in may and this deadline which was actually today was under the radar it has to be said not a lot of people have been thinking about it. now we've heard that they will at least temporarary reprieve will be extended for further in ninety days it's actually gives hallway and american suppliers more time to find altlternate arrangements. now this clash between wall in washington kicked into high gear back in may when donald trump issued a national security order which essentially banned far away from doing any business with american entities. a few days
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later the administration announced that three month grace period which is now been renewed allowing companies that have contracts with paul way. to convert to fill them at least for now mondays extension also included an expansion adding forty six wally affiliates to its blacklist. it means over a hundred companies overall will now be subject to these restrictions. no way buys a lot of components like chips for its smartphones and telecoms operations. from american companies for example it partners with google to provide its android operating system on its phones. many smaller companies also have ties and not to the trump administration says it wants to protect by allowing the moree time to get special licenseses r find new business. take. a listen to the commerce actor jerry speaking to fox business on monday morning. there was another ninety days for the us telecom companies the some of the world companies. are
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dependent on while was sued giving them a little more time. to wean themselves off but there are no specific licenses. are being granted for anything is worth. it on sunday donald trump said that broadly speaking he didn't want america to do any business with hallway for national security reasons not always also been playing an important role in the broader trade war between the- world's two largest economies. yeah absolutely the us president has at times actually directly linked. qualities futuree to the outcome of those stalled talks. at washington's allegations gets well we brought the suggest that its ties to the chinese government could allow authorities to spy on users around the world. and that ties it to one of the trickiest issues in those trade negotiations. the protection of technologicall know how intellectual property and forced tech transfers. as far asas we know very litittle progs was made on that despite months of on and off again talks. well we could now still be front and center. in that escalating dispute as we know of course mark a lot of questions about where that is going to go we'll check back beijing and washington escalate or- come to
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a some sort of a ceasefire. and tate i know you'll be watching every development clolosely forests bring yes hold the balance as they happepen k. moody. how business and it's a great to see thank you once again very much indeed. that's it for the schools instead with more to come here you're watching from twenty four . when i put on trade is a vision for now w it was too reunified animation after the french rerevolution. two fishermen n in asia. welcome to this week's
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bronson focus on nadia massey. french a football team to shout the goal hugely diverse group of people to be nominated for frogs as most for state just a war about the lease on the ira now the decisions about who's done enough to join in the celebration right to be sure that i made. in this building just behind me is normally close the public but we gave. our access today so let's go ahead and take a look. itit all began with napoleon inn eighteen oh two establish the needle donna to celebrate military and civilian conontributions to france. two years later inn eighghteen oh four the lesions n that was formally given a home line r rooms of the greattdel chancery on the leleft bank of the river seine. napoleon's imposing portrayed still looks down on those who come through here to collect thahat metals. preciselyy d dyou g g t to lease on donna and how does the process really work he's a closer look for you. only
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ninety two thousand people decorated with the legion of honor in france half of them from the military the other half civilian and amongst those the awards are divided equally between the sexes. there are five orderss of increasing distinctioion from night to grgd crosss peoplee move up the ranks on the basis o of merit with intetervals of several years betwtween three and eighght dependining on thehe level. you don't have to be french to be rereceived intnto the legionon t you must have served the french nation. the order iss for those who excel in their t trade be it the mimilitary agriculture induststry resesearch parts for sport but they y need to have practiced it for at least twenty years.. peoeople can also be recognized for exceptional services such as acts of bravery. finally summer a awardd on a diplomatic basis as part of french foreign policy.
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appointments or promotions are suggested by government ministers based on the advice of elected officials public sector workers businesses and charities. citizens may also put forward were the recipients with the support of fifty signatures. the orders council dan gives its opinions on the minister's proposals and then it's up to the president to make the final decision. members of the legion are able to register their daughters and granddaughters and great granddaughters in the legion of honor is prestigious state schools. but contrary to rumor the award is in financial that is a part fromm a symbolic annunual some granted exclusivey to the military from just over six euros for the rank of knight. to around thirty six for a grand cross. over the centuries as francis change the lesion on donna has changed too
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now focuses on civilian contributions more than minutes three ones and shows there are as many women nominated every year. as men now is around this table the decisions about who gets in these old o o that all madede and in the past few years have been some big and some controversial decisions. one group of people it's a special mention missy is a list of recipients of the legion of honor. the french national football team. the wins the world cup they've been distinguished for their exceptional service. whichch alo happened the last time fans when it's in nineteen ninety eight two. one zero one two three zero. this isis fed reward for victory undertaken with patients discretion intelligence. and resilience by a major fafactor in his stall. the measure key it is i got it was driven by twenty two exceptional players want to do. the exception this year alongside the athletes they're
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honest for artists such as the vita michelle well back and the actress natalie bye a quarter of the four hundred and two recipients come from the business world awarded for renovations strategy creation of jobs the b bravery of vocalee offices f five finances. on a regular citizens has been awarded to. having social is now a knight of the legion of honor for having defended a couple who were kissing in public in november two thoususd sisixteen. back in two thousand fifteen phones one own decorated three american someone brits for sure. for having intercepted an armed assailants on a train. but the phone citizens have received the honor for defending human rights and french values dr dani mcquay gaze worn awarded in two thousand and thirteen for his work with female victims of sexual violence i in the democratic republic of congo. phone it's of states no no the common recipients in a given for diplomatic reasons address to the nation not an individual senate pollution of
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the dog it's not the head of state who is honored detail but the state itself with the yeah the in ecuador there were four heads of state old old alternating every six months was see more. the girl told them you will receive one legion of honor well the initial though is to shift the head of state in place at the time responded wait you must award for their four of us i cacannot accept it what about te others that they're going to get the news the gaustadad firm. it would be one or nothing. but you do. giving the award to heads of states is at times being controversial. mussolini and franco were both on it. the modern times vichada side was given the distinction magic show back. in two thousand one. the french president hope to encourage is sitting counterpart to take a different path. to that of his father hafez al assad. known for his oppressive regime. when the day because he be i could have a cacat this sale. you see that they're feeling a legion of honor to a political opponent can be a useful tool it's not
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the colonial invitational the- leases them. you can establish a point. of contact w. a contact. we shot a size own option since is forced france to look into stripping him of the owner. this case is still being examined in paris. the damascus is pre empted its findings by already returning the cross. up till now no on has been withdrawn from a foreign head of state. doing so posthumously it's not possible. lance armstrong was stripped of his award for doping fashion designer john galliano for anti semitism. after multiple allegations of sexual assault film producer harvey weinstein is in the process of having is taken away. movies but for an official for france's vichy regime during world war two was stripped of his own in nineteen ninety eight. after his trial and conviction on charges of crimes against humanitity. thouh it did not stop his family burying him with his metal. finally there were those who refuse the distinction. every
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year at least fivive owners originated from thank thank god. well i do not understand this on. my costume today marked. the french states and its institutions. the site. refusal not they remain on the on this list even if they do not show up. to the seven. to find out some e more unusual stories of the lesions on that let's head next door to the museum and told to debt securities at home to tie. every president of fronts becomes was known as a ground most at the lesionsns on that ad they get to wewear some of these very ornate chains tell us. a bit about them w went to the president what. is the current president like every president received it drinks the investiture sermon since i've had a regis cap disistant. signl is not what. it is just received if this is a very
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important symbol of the republic because this is the last we couldld say. symbol of the aid of states during the market on prior you add what vehicles and regalia you know it's a sept you adds a club. as a frfront of course today. there is nothing of that's vets you've got this one that is a single onusumba that. she is the ononly one of the president. here is some of the metals that you have is there anybody that was but did so well and i feel that they were at a basic right to the topop to the highestt rak festival yes actually a very symbolic and important. press one an example is the symphony hi yes great feminist of french icon yes some invade and became directly. rich officer in two thousand nights even though technically since the beginning in the time of napoleon women could get. visions ana was
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quite rap for them to do so. when the platoon treated is a legend of honor it was. what was very very modern it was a universal auto so there was nothing that was doctors say it. no woman injured. t that's e have to wait to second empire. eighteen fifty one twelve the first woman on jake hello. that's received the first it was the first womanan that was made night of the jennifer. does tell us finally than there are perhaps there's so manyy people thousands of people that have been given a visual down at the civilians. and the military reasons tell us w who's was mosost deserving of thishink award. i couldn't give you one example because i do not have a favorite recipient thank i can tell you that what is very interesting is when used to be. a decoration used to be a man or woman and is most of the time is history is very. interesting i can t tell you about a painter of dadad that's was m made night ends and of his servant today well is insane
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and the m museum which is a very strong symbol for us. but we also have for example marshall flush. insignia of. debt you worlrld rings about though and t was you will catch hurting i'm wearing that during a bottle because it's very important for me. and that is very interesting to see that even for them it was a simplee it was very important. to get some. absolutely thank you very much indeed
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[captioning made possible by democracy now!] >> from tucson, arizona this is democracy now. how does it feel coming out here to be part of this for the first time for your child in more than a year? >> it is good to be back out here in the desert and to have a presence.+ >>


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