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tv   DW News  LINKTV  August 20, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>> this is "dw news" live from berlin. italy's prime minister resigns after his coalition government was apart peerages of the content -- giuseppe conti says the blame lies with matteo salvini who was trying to trigger an election to become the country's next minister. britain's prime minister issues a fresh challenge to the european union over exit. boris johnson calls the eu a bit negative and says the bloc must
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describe its plan to call for a hard border in ireland. religious organizations come together in the face of terrorism with houses of worship coming together -- of worship coming under attack across the globe. plus, germany's far right party counting on cold to deliver big gains. we look at how the asd is fighting to keep the coal industry a life -- alive despite government plans to shut it down. thank you for joining us. we start with a deepening political crisis in italy. just a little while ago, giuseppe conti officially tendered his resignation as prime minister and accepted a caretaker role until the country conforming to government. his resignation cap's a dramatic day in which he lashed out at
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right wing interior minister matteo salvini o for toppling hs ruling coalition. salvini pulled his support for the coalition in a bid to force fresh elections. an opinion survey says a snap vote could see something become italy's next prime minister. >> cheers and jeers for the italian prime minister as he arrived for a crucial debate on the government's future. in a dramatic move, he resigned from his post, bringing italy's populace government to a swift in -- swift end. conti accused matteo salvini of being the sole architect of the seemingly in less -- seemingly endless crisis. >> these are the reasons that lead me to call the decision to
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call the decision to spark the government crisis extremely irresponsible. i must say that the interior minister has shown he is acting out of arsenal and party interest. >> conti lasted salvini for breaking up the right-wing coalition with the intent of going it alone. >> we don't need men with absolute power, but people with a strong sense of responsibility. >> however, the leader of italy's right-wingg parties said he triggered the right-wing crisis because he's not afraid of an early vote. would do everything that i did all over again. everything was the great ststngth of being a freeee man.
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it means i am not afraid of being judged by the italians. >> his supporters were also out in force, chanting "elections now, elections now." salvini has made clear his bid for power, and his popularity ys steadily on the rise because of his anti-migrant policy.y. this almost machiavellian plot has plunged italy even deeper into one of its worst political crises in recent years. sumi: staying in italy now where a prosecutor has ordered that a rescue ship stranded off the country's coaoast pcscs and thae mimigrants on boarard be immiaiy evevacuated. the humanitarian vessel open arms had been blocked from landing on italy's lampedusa island for 19 days. deteriorating condition --
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deteriorating conditions on board left 15 people to attempt to swim ashore before the prosecutors' intervention. prosecutors are considering bringing kidnapping charges against interior minister salvini, who had refused to let the migrants disembark. british prime minister boris johnson is demanding that the european union ditch its plan to avoid a hard border in ireland after britain believes the eu. the so-called irish backstop has been a sticking point to the brexit debate and a key reason that his predecessor theresa may fails to get her brexit plan through parliament. johnson sent a letter to the european council leader, donald tusk, complaining about the backstop, but tusk hit back, saying the eu plan is the only one on the table. >> "dear donald," begins for his johnson's letter to donald tusk. johnson describes how the so-called backstop solution for the irish border is undemocratic
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and infringes on britain's sovereignty and must therefore be removed from the withdrawal agreement. >> the prime minister has made it clear that the withdrawal because of the backstop has been rejected three times. something has got to change. the alternative arrangements for the irish border are already being investigated, and the prime minister has made it clear if the e eu is willing to be flexible on that one point, we've got a really good chance of getting a deal through the house of commons. >> the backstop is a last resort solution to keep the border between british northern ireland and eu member ireland open even after brexit. many fear civil conflict could flare up again if new border controls are implemented. johnson is calling for alternatives to the backstop without offering any concrete proposals. this has drawn a cool response from the european commission. >> he began his negotiations with a commitment to avoid a hard border with ireland, and
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the backstop is the only means identified so far by both parties to honor this commitment. >> prime minister johnson will be in berlin wednesday for talks with chancellor angela merkel. >> let's get around it now of other stories making news around the world. turkish police have used batons and water cannons to disperse protests after the ousting of three opposition party mayors. turkey replaced the mayors with state officials in three major southeastern cities, accusing them of crimes including spreading terrorist propaganda. syrian opposition forceses have wiwithdrawn omom the satategic totown in the country''s last rl held province. syrian government troops are set to move north toward a town which has been hit by intense airstrikes over the pastst few days. pakistan s says it will l take a to the international court of justice over kashmir. it comes after india revoked the
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special autonomous status of the region. #officials say thousands of people have been arrested in a crackdown on protests -- kashmir officials say thousands of people have been arrested. india is preparing to become e e fourth country to ban on the moon after the u.s., russia, and china. places of worship across the globe seem to have become particular targets of terrorist attacks, and the wororld's s bit interfaith assembly is meeting. at the assembly for peace, representatives of many religions are debating their responsibilities to society and politics. there is a special emphasis in the role of women in bringing about peace. the german president delivered a keynote address. one of the topics delegates are discussing is how to protect places of worship at a time when attacks on such sites appear to be on the rise.
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>> disbelief in christchurch, new zealand. it's march, 20 19, and a a white supremacist has just shot dead 51 people in consecutive attacks at a mosque at an islamic center in the city. what is especially horrific -- many of the victims were killed or injured while praying. the mosque, a place of peace, turned into a site of slaughter. soon after, the united nations secretary-general makes this plea. >> i am making a mobile call to reaffirm the sanctity of all places of worship in the sanctity of worshipers who visit reference sites in a spirit of compassion. people everywhere must be allowed to observe and practice their faith in peace. >> just several weeks later on easter sunday, terrorists carry
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out attacks in sri lanka. among the targets are christian churches. nearly 260 people are killed. churches or other places of worship are not immune from violence. on the contrary, attacks on religious sites are commonplace all over the world. in october 2018, a gunman killed 11 people during prayers at a synagogue in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. killing people at the place of worship also sends another message -- that religious communities are at risk, even when they are in what is supposed to be a place of sanctuary. sumi: for more on this story, we speak to the united nations high representative for the alliance of civilizations. he is participating in the interfaith gathering in and out -- lindau. thank you for joining us.
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religious intolerance contributes, as we saw in our report, to a great deal of violence in the world. how can religione used to brining people togogether inste >> after this conversation is extremely important, very timely. you presented to this program we are living in a very unstable situation with unacceptable behavior. you mentioned the christchurch attack. you mentioned sri lanka. today here, we have sent a very strong call to the international community. it can be done. wewe are not only 900 religious leaders, but leaders and religious people for peace. we want to live in harmony and
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cooperation. we are going to establish a new positive agenda. it is nonot only to coexist, to tolerate because we have noo other way to live together, but now we hahave to go a step furtr anancreate a world they have to respect to understand each other and liveve together. i think the e message that has bebeen heard not only by my frieiend, the president of the republic of germany, , but to al the participants arare very cle, the religioious and cultural elements have to be taken into account if we want to live the 21st century in peace and harmony. sumi:'s tolerance for other faiths something that religious leaders are focusing on enough? >> i think w we have -- it's not enough. i just presented to the secretary-general the action
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plplan. one of the proposals included in ththe action plan is that we hae really to go together, notably religious leaders, not only political leadership, we have to work together, not just a question for religious leaders but the whole of society. civil society, women, media -- media and social media -- and call for action to be implemented. >> thank you for speaking to us from lindau. in less than two weeks, voters in the german states of saxony and brandenburg go to the polls in sheet of closely watched elections. the far-right afd is polling strongly and could challenge the established parties -- in two closely watched elections. the afd has picked up support by making coal a big topic.
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it's the last major industry in the south of the state. the afd wants to keep coal-fired power plants in operation while the cdu and sbd have decided that they need to be phased out. with thousands of people employed in the coal industry, the afd's position is popular in the region. >> it's half past 3:00 and stephanie could the ski is under pressure. he needs to order a crane. >> it's me again. what kind of crane do we need? what kind of one was it again? a what? >> he works in a coal-fired power plant in the eastern german region of loose asia. lately, he has been managining s election campapaign. he wants to represent the far-right alternative for germany party or afd.
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>> 10 years ago, i never would have thought i would get into politics so to speak and be this involved. i could have gone to issuing, taken my dog for a walk. i could have had it a lot easier. it's tough to be in the afd. people are hostile to you. >> but the afd is popular here. germany's phaseout of coal-fired power plants has many people here worried, and the afd backs coal power, which is practically the region's only source of income. the party thrives on frustration with germany's mainstream parties. >> what have they done for the last 30 years? they make most people sick. people don't believe in all the promises being made just before the election. >> after the collapse of communist east germany, many people moved to the west. since then, the central left social democrats have governed the state of brandenburg. but since the emergence of the afd, many voters deny climate
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change and use fear mongering to stir up xenophobia. this party that has been tied to the neo-nazis could become the most powerful force in the former east, only a few people here are willing to comment on the afd's rise in popularity. >> it depends on where they want to go. they won't fail until they're in power. by then it may be e too late. >> this afd candidate who could laura spd voters to his camp dismisses concerns his far right party is to extremist. >> if something in the afd became unacceptable, i would be out fast, but i don't think that is an issue. >> you mean a far-right trend? >> yes, there's a -- that's always the assumption, but there isn't one. >> and yet, some of his own
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friends and family criticized him when he joined the afd. >> my family was divided. some other relatives, too, were really surprised. some were horrified. they said, "man, you're a decent guy. how can you join the afd?" >> eveven so, other parties have been losing ground to the afd, but not the environmentalist greens. they have won supporters on the issue of the climate crisis and say they don't know why eastern germans vote for the far-right. >> people are doing well and that's why they are really -- willing to do ridiculous experiments. we have 3% unemployment, and our district is at the top compared with others, but when it comes to the afd, they act crazy and take risks.
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the afd has nothing to offer. they don't contribute to solving any problems at all. instead, they just make vulgar complaints about their discontent. >> this evening, another drawnout complaint. afd party leader alexander gauland made an announcement. he thrives on polarizing communities. stefan trubisky also knows how to score points with this crowd. >> the funniest question was what do i think of climate activists granted to the berg. i was taken aback, so i answered i drive a v-8 with 388 horsepower. do i still have to answer this question? >> at the party chief gets even more applause. >> ladies and gentlemen, if the afd governs brandenburg, we will patrol our borders again.
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dear friends, even if that means things get ugly. >> many voters say his unvarnished frankness complements kubisky's style. >> he talks like ordinary people. others use parliamentary linkage, but he talks like workers in the power plants, and people really like it. >> the afd can do what it wants in eastern germany at least. it is set to become the party of the people. sumi: let's bring in our political correspondent for more on the story. the afd, we have to say, has only been around six years. tell us how the party has managed to gain such a foothold in such a short amount of time, especially in this region of former east germany.
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>> let's remember its humble beginning as a rather esoteric eurosceptic party. not a lot of people were behind it. it was a party of academics and a party for conservatives who are skeptical of the european union and greater unity and openness in borders, and then, of course, 2015 happened. more than one million migrants from outside the european union came into the european union and that is when the afd really saw the chance to make a move and started pushing on an anti-migrant platform, closing borders, harder security, more putting germany first and germans first, which a lot of voters responded to who felt they had been left out or left behind in the last three decades since german reunification. sumi: we saw in the report the talk about patrolling borders and the afd has made security migration one of the biggest issues, but is that really one of the biggest issues for voters? >> at the national level, it is
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certainly true the afd pushes hard on borders, on security, on keeping migrants out of germany, but that kind of sense of security is expressed really is a local level and state level. it is expressed in the way polls show what voters find important -- infrastructure, education, good employment opportunities, care or older people. these are some of the issues ranking at the top of polls among voters, and the afd is responding to that. they are also using a lot of coded language. this is what voters are seeing today on placards all around the state of brandenburg, which goes around berlin. these are all words, terms strongly associated with fall of communist east germany, reunification of west and east germany that the afd has been strongly criticized for co-opting this language for their own political purposes. sumi: thank you so much.
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it is no secret that city dwellers often flock to parks or green spaces to boost their mood, but how happy does being outdoors actually make us? researchers in the u.s. are hoping the power of social media can provide an answer. >> life can be hard in the concrete jungle and increasingly, research is revealing that greenery and open spaces can have a big impact on how urban dwellers feel, but how to show that spending time on a park bench you have here? researchers from the university of vermont turned to a popular social media platform, twitter, and an online tool which has been used to analyze billions of tweets. the tool ranks common words typed into short electronic messages on a scale from one to nine and assigns them a score. words like happy and flowers score high while words like crash and jail score low.
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the researchers focused on almost 5000 twitter users in san francisco who publicly identified their location. the scientists geo-tagged and analyzed tweets from when and where the users spend time. he denominated then spat out a score in the scientists analyzed sentiment from before, during, and after the user's spent time in green spaces. the results show happiness scores boost dramatically for users in parks, equivalent to scores average across the platform on only one day a year -- christmas. as vast numbers of people moved to urban centers and the number of city dwellers who suffer from mental health disorders rose sharply, g group -- proof thatt green spaceces can make y you fl likeke it is chrisistmas can hae major applications for both city planning and public health. sumi: sports now.
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philippe continue has taken to the training pitch at his new club, bayern munich, for the first time. he's being touted as the next big thing, but he's only on loan from barcelona, the team that spent a staggering 160 million euros to get him. >> fans of all sizes withstood the rainy weather to get a glimpse of byron -- bayern's new number 10. the announcement on the club's instagram page was their first post to gain over one million likes. >> i thihink the loan was a good decision because he is a strong player and i think he will do good. >> still, as with players like robert lewandowski, some fans which ththe club would be -- wih the club would be more ambitious in this transfer window.
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>> i had wished for r a bit more phoria from theransfers,, b but what has happened in the last week has won me over, and i'm looking forward to the next season. >> another new signing not on loan is france under 20 internationall midfielder, signd until 2024. >> manchester united is calling on social media companies to take more responsibility after their midfielder was targeted with racial abuse online. the french world cup winner missed a penalty during united's 1-1 draw and then received abuse on social media. in a statement, united said they would take the strongest course of action against those involved and added, "we also encourage social media companies to take action in these cases." it's no price to see the shortlist for goal of the year, but this year, you should also
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at the name billy simpson who plays for the clintonville ladies in the womenen's leagueed knocked in this goal from her own past last summer. she is one of three women on the 10-player short list. the winner will be announced at the fee for football awards next month -- at the fifa football awardsds next month h or looks e a piece of video art from a museum or gallery, but this right here is actually a real scene from the u.s. statate of colorado. strong gust of wind created what people are calling the great mattress migration of 2019. the air beds had reportedly been laid out for an open air movie night, but the wind had other ideas. the mattresses eventually migrated across a park to a public swimming pool. all rights, a reminder now of our top story here on dw. giuseppe conte he has officially
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resigned as italy's prime minister. a short while ago, he tendered his resignation to the country's president and accepted a caretaker role until the country forms a new government. conti has blamed interior minister matteo salvini for toppling the country's ruling coalition. we will be back for more news in just a few minutes. don't forget to go to our website for the latest news and information around the clock. thank you for watching. ♪
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. all fronts twenty four i'm from twenty four .com. its lease prime minister is to resign she said because this decision is set to plunge the country into another constitutional crisis obseservers via the far right to takeke a firm hold on power. its the oldest the seizure of the open armrms rescuee s shift ande disembarkatition of what's left of the ninety migrants on board. after least nineteen people jumped overboard in life jackets to escape the deteriorating situation on the vessel at sea for over two weeks. states the c cashiers to be heard before the international court of justice india revoked


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