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tv   DW News  LINKTV  August 28, 2019 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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berlin and europe, i tailored to governments in crisis. in italy, a last-minute deal, the antiestablishment five-star unit and centerleft democratic party have agreed to form a coalition government. will it mean more stability for europe's thirird-largest econom? ? the u.k. prime minister boris johnson gets approval to suspend parliament next month. lawmakers are outraged, accusing johnson of trying to gag marcus lee in order -- democracy in
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order to push through brexit. a 16-year-old climate activist spent the last 15 days crossing the atlantic in a zero carbon yacht. she will speak next week at the u.n. climate change conference. the world's oldest film festival kicks off in venice. plenty of hollywood stars and top filmmakers in a celebration of international cinema, including french acting lessons -- legends. lack of female directors in the running for the top prizes drawing some fire. ♪ brent: i'm brent goff. it's good to have you with us.
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we started with politics new and old. there has been a breakthrough in india -- in italy to form a new government. the antiestablishment five-star movement and the centerleft of a credit party have agreed on a deal to form a demo -- coalition government. that includes giuseppe conte as prime minister. it sidelines matteo salvini, the heart rate leader who dominated italy's politics for more than a year. will it prove any more stable or harmonious than the one it replaces? >> after talks with the italian president this evening, both the five-star movement and social democrats made clear announcements. one wants to stay in power. the others want to be involved. >> today, we inform the president of the republic that the five-star movement and democratic party have reached a political agreement. giuseppe conte will remain prime
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minister and form a lasting government. >> it's time to form a government that will move in any direction. no more business as usual. it should be the beginning of a new political and social era in italy. there is no lack of similarity between a five-star movement with social democrats when it comes to social, economic and financial policy. the a ability to work together s been scuppered because of reluctant t key players.s. in italy's volatile political scene, the world around personalities, even after thee collapse o of the previous governmentnt. since the partisan prime minister conte is close to the five-star movement, he will remain in office. brent: we are joined by journalist at parliament. gogood evening to you.u. the agreement has been reached. who made this posossible? >> let's ststart with the news.
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we narrowed ththat mr. condedé d like to go tomororrow to meetete young president who receiveved e mandate to form m a new governmement. the two p parties were fighting cacats a and d dogs in the past5 years. eveven in the past, there was tension betweeeen these two parties. they decided to getet together o form a new government. we have e to see whether they managed to start a n m majorit the involvement of condé does not mean they managed to deliver a cabinet. we have to wait for that for a few days. brent: do you think there is a realistic possibility that
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content would not be able to put togegether a new government? >> there is lots of tensions. just to give you a new idea, the ministers, there are clashes between the two forces. he doesn''t want a politician in miniererial posts. he wants technococrats. of course, the d democratic par, which is a political pararty wih good rules can issssue this ultitimatum. we will have to see. there will be o one week of negotiation between condé, who will be in charge and the two parties, so o in the end, they n find in agreement which they
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think will be final. brbrent: we knowow all eyes have beenen on the far right leader, matteo salvini. how does he look tonight in the eyes of italian voters? is see the big loser here? is he now getting the arava babargain? -- air of f a bargain? >> you're right. in the eyes of everyone, he is a loser. they showed up in front of the press. he hasas really lost the plot by opening this crisis. he's opening that we will go straight to the e polls. in the end, the systemm which stopops the racee to the early elelections.
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they find the new majority to establish a new government which leaves something out. brent: joining us tonight on the latest of that political situation. thank you. after 14 days, greta thunberg has crossed the atlantic in a zero emissions sailboat. she docked in lower manhattan in just the last hour. when he came out to greet her arrival. she will attend several climate summits in the city next week. she refused to take a plane to reach new york due to the emissions caused by flying. she sailed for plymouth, through germany and across the atlantic. she was delayed due to rough weather conditions. let's go now to our correspondent.
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he is standing by in new york city. good afternoon to you. she has arrived on dry land. what sort of reception has she been getting? has she been treated like a rock star? >> the rain is coming down. that did not dampen the spirits of anyone here. she was greeted with cheers, applause and people were singing songs. she literally just stepped onto dry land just a few moments ago. with the rest of her crew, she is heading up now to a press conference that she is scheduled to give. there were loads of screams of joy and people have been chanting her name. it seems like everybody here, inincluding the huge n number of people that t came from the international press and were here to welcome her to new york city. brenent:>> there are some of the
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cheers. she has just sat down or she is heading toward a press conference. tell us about these 15 days crossing the atlantic. she will be attending the climate summit. the climate summit starting next month. one in chile in december. she will also go to a protest here in new york city for the friday's for future movement. she is also going to take tonight off f and tomorrow and t used to being back on dry land. brent: we know she is a household name in europe. she has had a large impact in europe. what about the united states? she is a new face there. >> you're absolutely right.
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what is surprising to me is how, in europe, the name is well known. in the u.s., just talking to people in battery park in new york city, a lot of people asked me why there were summary people down here recording or filming. i said, explaining what it was. young people did know who she was. they are clued in on what's going on. many people have been following her trip online. you could follow her across the atlantic. people were very expectant because she had to go through immigration here. it hasn't had the coverage in the u.s. media as it has had any other parts of the world. >> we are watching these live
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pictures. she is on the stage there. she has gone up to speed -- speak. we are waiting for that. her activism does have its critics. what two people say who are negative about her. -- what do people say about her? >> criticism has been based on the fact that she has traveled across the atlantic, but how is she going to get home? she is going to the climate summit in chile. she has trips planned to canada and mexico. there has been criticism on how the boat is going to get back to europe. many are flying back to europe. there has been a lot of criticism. what she has said and others who
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are part of fridays for future said to me was, what they need to do was focus on the fact that she has highlighted the climate crisis. instead of attacking her, she has embarked on this incredible journey, they should focus on what she wants to achieve, as opposed to the fact that her crewmate tribal back on an aircraft. she seems unfazed by the criticism. brent: talk to me about the crowd. it looks like a crowd of mainly young people waiting to hear her speak. i think we are going to just listening and see. it looks like it. talk to me about the young people there. it is primarily young people who are there to see it.
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>> you're right. a lot of teenagers and adults are here. they really make their voices heard. they came down with banners. i spoke to them tonight about the fridays for future movement. that's where children go on strike on friday to climate -- highlight the climate crisis. it has been growing here in the united states. it's very well-known known now in europe. a lot of these activists are assessed astounded -- astounded by it. 16 or 17 years old. 14 years old, organizing big events. getting schools to take part across their countries. many of them are here and they get together and discuss things. if you're living in another country, the use social media. they use online skype and these kind of things. they are unfazed by it. it's really quite remarkable.
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they have managed to mobilize so many people. they're the ones who feel they will be affected the most. brent: it's a good point. everyone was talking about the fires in the amazon. that was something talked about of the g7 summit last weekend. the environment of climate change, it is everywhere now. she has hit on the zeitgeist. she is mobilizing the energy behind that. winning one more second. a lot of introduction studio. i will ask my producer if we know how long we can stay. we will stay on this a bit longer. let's listen in and here.
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>> we started on august 14. we had six low-pressure systems and to tropical depressions the car -- along the north atlantic route. we encountered a wing -- wind speed of 30 knots. we had boat speeds of over 30 knots. we passed the azores on august 5. we arrived this morning at ambrose lighthouse at 845 utc. brent: we lost the sound of that. pablo, you will be staying there to cover that. can you give me a gauge of family people you think are there right now? it seems sizable. can you venture a guess? pablo: probably a couple hundred
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people. a lot of young people here. a huge number of international media have been gathering. i got here at 7:00 a.m. and there were already tons here. as the morning gathered in the word got out and more people were coming down, a lot of families have come down here as well. it's a spectacular and beautiful location down here on manhattan island. it is raining, but that has not stopped people. they have set up the news conference under some trees. we are considering the rain we are having. the young people want to make sure this gets maximum coverage. they really support her journey across the atlantic.
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brent: now greta has the microphone. >> all of this is very overwhelming. the ground is still shaking for me. i want to thank everyone so much , everyone who is here. everyone who was involved in this climate fight. this is a f fight across bobords and contntinents. as you said, it's insane that a 16-year-old will have to cross the atlantic ocean to make a stand. this is not something i want everyone to do. the trip was surprisingly good.
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i did not feel seasick once. [applause] >> i am very grateful for the team and everyone else who has been making this trip possible. for everyone else, every activist, you fight daily to save the world and keep fossil fuels in the ground and create, sorry, my brain is not working correctly. [applause] >> the climate and ecological
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quietness -- crisis is a global crisis in the biggest one we have ever faced. if we don't manage to work together and cooperate advertisement -- together despite our differences, we will fail. we need to stand together and support each other and to take action. otherwise, it will be too late. let's not wait any longer. stuart now. [applause] brent: that was greta thunberg there in new york city. she has just arrived after 15 days. she seems to haven't not got her
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bearings yet. she is a little awestruck by the impact this trip has already had. pablo: absolutely. a couple weeks crossing the atlantic, over 4000 kilometers, then you are greeted by hundreds of people who support you. she was aware of it because she has been active on her social media accounts. profound words she said there. a sense of humor there. saying she wasn't seasick. i wouldn't be able to say the same thing. thank you, pablo.
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in other news, britain's queen gave her approval today to a request by prime minister boris johnson to suspend parliament. westminster will be closed for five weeks in september and october before the u.k. is scheduled to leave the european union. johnson says the suspension is overdue and totally legal. opponents called the move undemocratic. they say they give lawmakers less time to try to stop a new deal brexit. >> it dropped like a bombshell. in a letter to mp's, boris johnson explained he wanted to suspend parliament until two weeks before the u.k. is set to leave the eu. that severely limits the time opponents are trying to stop exit. >> there will be amplple time on both sides of that crucial october the 17th in parliament for mps to debate.
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>> it's a mockery to the ears of the opposition parties. only yesterday, they had agreed to put a bill before pararliamet to h hinder noble e exit. the spspeaker of t the hououse f commons s stabbed the lengthy suenension of parliament "a constitutional outrage."." jeremy corbyn also condemned the move. >> sususpending parliament isist acceptable. it's not on.n. what the prime mininister is dog is a smash and grab on our democracy, t ting to forcece throughh a new deal exixit frome european union. whatat is he so afraid of that e needs to suspend parliament? >> g good got criticism froro scotland two. >> thihis is not dememocracy. it's dictatorship. if mps do not find a way to get together to stop boris johnson, they will go down n in history s the day u.k. democracy died.
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>> the queen's approved his request to suspend it. they being dragged into the dispute. brent: the venice film festival kicked off on wednesday. the celebration got off to a shaky start with criticism with women directors running for its top prize. it starts with a film featuring french actresses. the truth is about a f failed -- french film star whose decision to publish her memoirs causes a mother-daughter reunion. it won the top prize at the con film festival last year. i am joined by our culture correspondent. scott is in venice. good evening to you. talk to me about this opening
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fail, "the truth," what can we expect? >> i know his films well. last year, he won the palm dior and can -- palm -- d'or in canne. this is his first move -- movie outside of japan. he made a french movie. it's a love letter to french cinema. i was comparing this movie to french food. worth checking out if you love french cinema and the lead actress in this. this is one for her fans.
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maybe not the weightiest film i'm going to see this year. brent: there were 20 other films in the competition. what are you looking forward to? >> there are interesting movies here. venice is the starting gun for the oscar season. looking at a lot of films that have a chance to get academy awards in a few months time area joker is an interesting movie. it's a superhero movie. it's supposed to be a dark take on the superhero genre. it has joaquin phoenix as the infamous villain. t's a film from his perspective. it's being compared to films like taxi driver. i'm excited to see it. that's top of my list. brent: there are many other things we experience.
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what can you tell us about it? >> a lot of interesting films. there is some controversy here. so few women in competition. less than 10%. one of the men they invited was roman pilanski. and oscar-winning director. well-known and respected. is also a convicted rapist. he is on the lamb and has been for decades from u.s. justice for a sexual assault he committed dedecades ago. he will be celebrated in venice. his newfound will have its premiere here. a lot of people are debating whether this film and a man should be celebrated this way and one of the most prestigious
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film festivals in the world. it will be a major talking point here. here's a reminder of the top story we are following. italy's political party has reached a deal to form a new government. the coalition between the five-star unit -- movement and left central democratic party. your watching dw news. after a short break, i will be back to take you through a day. [captioning performed by the nationalal captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and acaccuracy. visisit ncicap.orgrg]
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eight held by south yemen separatist . thank you very much for being with us. a t tidal w e of controversy has us want the uk this wednesday began with the amamounts of the bars johnsn prime minister wants to suspend reporting parliament. in the middle of next month even members of his own conservative party outraged by the move calling it constitutional out raging profoundly undemocratic johnson onscreen elizabeth and majesty granted approval. it


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