tv France 24 LINKTV August 30, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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where it's eight pm in the french capital i'm saddam chante and these are our main headlines at this hour. to pray democracy leaders are arrested and later releasesed on bail the opposition movement continues in hong kong. protesters say they will still try not to a rally and has beeeen found by police on saturday. from the internationanal day of the disappeared we'll be speaking to a representative from amnesty international thrice rivas publisished a report on te individuduals. he's gonene missg since the start of the syrian borderalso coming up thisis
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hohour on france twenty four brazil's tribal chief slams presesident jablso not a- the flies inn the amazon do stay tutuned for frcece. twenty four in tv with cassie keep. calling me . a very warm welcome to the a to call can use with software that several pro democracy leaders who've been swept up in hong kong this week first. in a series of detentions ahead of what will be the thirteenth consecutive weekend. of mass protests in the asian hub how monday's arrests and later released on bail we have that josh along and i miss channel he been charged with offenses including taking part in. unlawful. gatherings shelly said phone has the details.
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josh well wongan agnes shohow were out. released on bail. the leader of the demo sisto pro dedemocracy movement and one of its prominent activists were arrested in the morning suspected of taking part in an on authorized protest. we shall not surrender and i urge international communities could send a clear message to a presentation sending troops or using emergency ordinance is not the way out we will continue our fight. no matter how to arrest and prosecute. won't show went long were released on bail low pro democracy m. p. chang chong time was reportedly arrested meanwhile andy chunn the head of a small independence party arrested on thursdaday is s stil therotest movement starteded to counterr a lawaw allowing authorities to send suspects for trial in mainland china police are clampining down onn
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protesters. the expanded demonstration expected to draw massive crowds on saturday. our objections is in the interest of public safety and public order. as well as for protections of rights and freedom of others. saturday's protest was meant to be symbolic exactly five years ago hong kong pro democracy activists analyst for democratic collections in chinese authorities rejected the plan that led to the umbrella movement. the organizers of saturday's protest cancelled it due to concerns for participants safety the semi autonomous region will wait to see if other activists defied the plan. from centerville commentator doug herbert joins me this friday to delve into that developiping story dot thas s fr being with us. the latest frank if these arrests actually mean for this movement in hong kong in the mean that beijing's
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basically in a war of attrition it's playing for time hoping that basically these protester going to fizzle out. but it's not it just you know waiting for that to happen it's taking some pretty proactiveve tactical measures and this is let's you know let's not fool anyone this is being orchestrated this has the finger prints the strategy of reaching paying.g. beijing's hard like china's hardline ruler all over it the strategy is really simple you start stepping up the arrests of protesters it's an intimidation tat tactic there have been you know this year we've had some nine since early june when these protest aren't we had. more than nine hundred d arrests byby mosost accounts you step up those arrests and whatever you do you do not concede anything make no concessions to these protesters we know that they've had their list right a f five demands. among them universal suffrage a propane to alleged police brutality obviously withdrawing that very controversial extradition baiail amamong other things but they're five main demands and you know
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there have been reports earlier this summer the hong kong chief executive carrie lam. had actually submitted a report to her superiors in beijing to the chinese authorities in which he suggested that let's look at this list of demands from the protesters she sings to our bosses. maybe it wouldn't be so unwise to perhaps maybe withdraw that extradition bill it might help to sort of calm things down she was apparently very very vehemently slams bacak that was rejected and sh and the chinese up higher ups also said and we're also not giving in on any of those other dedends. so a very harardline tactics that the pressure tactics by by a chinese central authority that wants to label these these hardline these protesters at least at the fringe of them as radical and wants to turn public opinion against them as being violent and continues to call them hi it's debbie just mention these. press to intimidation. tactics
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by continuing of also rans. some other routes from in place the protesters pledging. to come out on something force yeah well the one of the main groups really that have been organizing these protests as a civil human rights front and they they- they are saying now that they're going to show you the turn out despite the ban and they lost an appeal. to try to overturn this police band. it was a dual band on both holding a static rally which means literally standing in place not going anywhere. and having a march which does go in several directions and they presented various. possibilities they were trying to be in their own words conciliatory with the police and show that they're willing to sort of. you know consider various options thehey were dedeed t that whether or not they'll show up now we've had organizers from the civil human rights front the protest groups. basically saying that paramount foremost in their minds right now is to hold its their principles to hold. physically and legally safe protests and both of those go hand in hand physically they don't want to. draw their their followers to the streets in call hundreds of thousandsds of people on to the street. if they foresee the possibility and we're seeing more and more of this. of the police using more and more allegedly brutal
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tactics but not just to let it let you leave their recent reported incidents of. in one case a police firing a warning shot using a live venue and ammunition at least by reports. and trying to really show that they are capable of fighting back so it's becoming. at least the potential there of these becoming much more violent of there being. many more clashes and those clashes than being instrumentalist weaponized by the central authorities to portray these protesters is what they've been saying all along they're saying they're rioters. and their violent and this is sometething that t maind chinese pubublic opinion really really believes because it's all their fat and lose the coverage of the protests there has been very very slanted. disinformation so yeah they want to be safe they don't do anything too but they wanted their own followers safe but yes they still may turn out save more violence expect. only a heightened crackdown that habit thank you very much for. taking a look it up for kerry straight through for. us
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totally now and new coalition government may or. ready to be on the stretch the country's five star movement on the democratic party. he will once bitter rivals have not been able to agree on a string of policies meanwhile. emerging as a technocratic mediator. italy's prime minister decepticon day. now the previous coalition made up of five style and the league party collapse and the i in august on the far right smack there was something you please choose from the alliance helping to try to get. an early election let's t take a listeten to louis due to my the. leader of this lease faisal movements looking at. all g. presidente del concede to day the president of the council of ministers might give birth to another cabinet. to seconond kansei administratition. also claim using the conditional here. because as leader of the five star movement i've been very clear. i do we a agree on doing what is on our political agenda. all we will not go forward. and also program hold on see bob on the- now this
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friday marks the international day of the disappeared and heree in france anti for would like to draw attention to. hundreds of thousands who conontinue to e missing across the globe some. belong to the minority as he community some have disappeared as the unrest in kashmir has been steadilily growing. others are referred to o as costs of those missing and the list goes on. and i like to welcome to the program ginny vis a gaggle stance honesty's americans director here in france thank you so much for being with us. genevieve why do we need. to stress the importance of this day. does that we have to understand the other half of the subpoena. he's a a it. is a nice as the crime against humanity it. what kind because-- in fact. is it is not the only the victim is the person who has disappeared but also is the family is the community because they don't know nothing about.
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the person that i'm looking for. yeah i. he sees test becaususe they are looking for the best. and that. this could complete kit community and the family and it's very very difficult but if i mean. if you think the case yeah yeah all those women that that i'm looking for a husband they found that the blood that and the they don't know what. they do and they will actually stop when the person was this up to you. thank you just focus area that's one of the main cases that honesty has published a report on on this day well the nice asians like use genevieve. doing to support the relatives of the missing. the main the main issue for us it is easy to. stand to be like the international community about the life of. the spencer. and
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the. also to call them to have that. to obtain from there so you can go then monday and also. i think it's very very well done. and why do you think i'm in the international community needs to get more involved and how can they help. today you know in any conflict we can see that thousand of people or so i'm thinking of thehe first time for the summer yeahah not only n in boston. but because we have alsoso the case of mexico thahas not to. it is not that neat. we don'n't have anyny what t that t that we can see that you know the state i'll denying the tooll they they don't want to take a nice the people that is that they have this up. and thenn so we needd t to have the otherer e
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that d did the natioional comomy the u. n. to put pressurure on them just to look for the people who had disappeared. and to let no the tool and we cannot continue just to let people to be. victim off and for this appearance. chevy van again as of amnesty international thank you so much. for speaking to us on this very important topic today. now in the u. s. uncertainty continues as to when hurricane dorian. will make allow full with a mass of the ninth to date dating back to eighteen fifty one now focuses on a estimating that the so my hand. the eastern coast of florida late on monday. on the any allies if tuesday not to the impact also remains uncertain in the meantime preparations ninety downed away with local residents placing sandbags outside the houses. and stocking up with necessities. leaving now onto the front
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twenty four interview conducted in the hotel and it today. reporter fine needle tara she speaks to brazil's indigenouss chief that's cassysy q qui how y calls for president desirable scenario to step down while criticizing heavily his handling of the amazon flies. at set take a listen to that fully into the unit. well hello and welcome to the intervrview n twenty four ouour guest todaday. roni saiai tear h he is leadadig the fight to protect indigenous peoples o of the amazon he loves the disease the guest of the climax organization in bordeaux. hello hello the chief roni. i feel this time as annika over twenty thousand hectares have burned in the amazon are you afraid of losing the entire forest. hello my direct route. welcome to you might. wellll the first is burning a lot and the agricultural productions are being expanding on our land i
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know from what i see. this forest only inside our land ththis is where we still finind some wild animimals which is on ththe case elsewhere. we don't sesee animals elsewewhere than n our landnd which is s a pity frm nature. male mireille montanana yeah. i looked at kotel does not come into the dollars used from maine check but is fighting illegal deforestation seems to be a lost cause in these regions they're very poor. andnd i get the impression that sometimes these people just need to use the land. to live. . one mile m morrow and m. make a d day. my nasco hi i agre with what you say this is why the producers should use the land which iss already ready for agriculture you don't have to. all the trees so that you have to make use of the land which already exist without. taking away moultrie. was a sin not to
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look i see k. y. yep the assassination of though why a p. chief in the north of brazil's give r rise to a wave f international outrage. . threats on indndigenous peoples evenn worse than they were in the past. amamerica had been made. y id arlrlene thirty att. god d gd god many on an exam. my asking general. no i'm y yeah they soud cool well maybe or w whatever i didn't usesed to listen to this kind of threats. wiwith the previous authorities. with the former presidents. we had a better relationshihip laughs we always. policies to protect the engines my proroblem the movie could. our motive was a also narrow. even before he became the president he was talking about putting an ad to the
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protection areas hold and they said. actions had to go into our land people listen to the words of boston narrow things they can do what ever they want with the indians mara i think and joyful impunity. graham moran marion. manager role gourmet hi remember the assassination of the chief of the way piece. loading to me it's the ideas of wilson era who led to his deaeath. i wantno say also thahat in the fullness centuries. it is true that the white man would have been the engines where. and we shoulul't mamake this error is that of the past. your available i don't think i'm'm all wheel driveve nw grow up quite a mess yeah i'i'm gonna go over and fight. in god
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do we don't more you learn i won't go there. . lil me. early yeah yeah and then may i plelea. we'll send you all the control you met with the french president emmanuel not crown. at the g. seven summit in beer it's did you get any concrete support from him my manager will or will you admit mainlander william clark i'm coming in. late there will you can't tell you what i've been yeah and i got. yeah hi metals president makran during my first trip to europe. home what discounts are stress help. good reading delineates our land so that the wise m men could see precisely the limits of the land of our landd so they wouldn't enter into our land of kobe do me yeah i know phone are you in. that a well i don't think i do feel this time. during my second meeting with president micron he told me that the financial support to youth promising was already
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galantino mile. in well i don't know why he e also. told me e tt he will send helelp. for all the fires in order to protect civilians forest. american male my aunt review may have one local monday. at the mail but is dan she's available because it ends are both the nararrow after much prevarication finally accepted the twenty million dollars in aid the u. n. is setting up an aid plan. against deforestation and will that be enough to save the amazon forest muddy grground noi didn't get mad. i agree that the whole world. is not aware about the importance of the preservation of ththe. it would be very good i in other nations would create a working group to protect them as a man by. we have to do our best to prevent
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the our cultural production to gain ground mad on our land. this is my opinion. and it's really lucky t that the whole world is becoming aware of the importance of amazonia gardening y yeah no my momom m y alalignment. mizelll sesession o feel but do yoyou t think that l be enough to save the amazon second arms on be safe good yeah thathen y you may i would neneed the s supportf everybodoy the funds will somedayay be extinct. financial aid should be consistent there is no way all the way from his cell. amazon is. ththe only solution o guarantee the a. werere breathi. elaine shorter you actually askiking president bush scenanao toto do under n no green. also narrow shouldn't be president anymore of brazil because his brain. is not made for this position. he says things that even crazy people on site. ground on and he doesn't even recognize might legitimacy as indigegenous. this is why i do
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not want him to be president of brazil mom meyer won in a minute that area. l lucic a thig you are eighty nine years old he spent youour entire life fighting to protect the amazon forest kinings who will take the battle after you in the next generation. i think that then ththe new generaration. the all peopople who would like to invie go on with my struggle. manany people many young people would like to take care of our land. i support them. they have to go onon with the struggle the way i did it so that some day. they'l'll be able to go on livig in the future no well my main man. okay was focusing jesus by the fuzz t there won't. concrete lee what canan indigenous peopls in the t tribes in the forest what can they do. to fight against t these invasioions. how can they protect the forest.
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rendered i do yeah me mahdi. man the young generation is not valuing our. everyday i see some changes in their way of life they don't pay any respect throughout traditions l lane may for instance what arare you most of them cucut their hair and change their mind set. it scares me. they take the uses of the white people anand they don't see whahat kind of dedente it can be thorougugh rabb mode. on y your own. mayy he soon com yeah they'll end up by giving away whatever they have to the white people. they'll end up with nothing yeah the name mad media al momoko my- comining to mind. yeyeah man m me medicare n they should really respect our values to say what is ours what
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belongs to us. save our land you're a modem with the mighty a local o okay well but yeahh. e model and then on a no fault cunningham. as in does not mention like i said you don't you think it will be difficult to find an air. in the next generations to continue your fight. by democrat milton. yeah i've seen no young man. with the sasame opinionss that t i he in the struggle to save our land our peoeople. many of the young ones home i'm not concerned byy that one going we gogot some of them are into alcohol yeah yeah yeah i think this is also keep buying all the time i'd like the young ones to be interested in what i'm doing so i i'll be able to transfer to them all my experirience whatever i have learned. to defend our life and our forest. so i don't know yet who's going to step in all our
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name and then. close it is how do you see the future of your lands. how do you see the future of the amazon generally speaking. the flotation of a missile in the way it's done today is our dentures because amazon my disappear some day.y. we have t tunite to prevent the worst. any support is welcome karen t this way amazon can didisappear. this why we shohoud carry on thehe struggle. thank you very mucuch to you from the- massive wooden as ever thank you for watching and please stay with us conference twenty four. i've been watching of course the front twenty four into the on the sidelines of a climate summit here. in france waves that cassie t. how any. it's time now for some sports news and we kick off with the usa from. thirteen seed gael monfils defeated modest hotel in straight sets of the u. s. open twenty sixteen semi finals at twenty three winners of the night the remaining away back saving five of six break points. movies is twenty first hard court win level with roger federer only danielle amendment evans one more this year the
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french show man faces. comedian dennis a simple goals in the third round. twenty fourteen u. s. open champion marin cilic came from behind to beat centric muscle stamina to reach the third round after years of injuries world two hundred fifty six that. claimed a hundred ninety nine places after a first atp final just that. that was a month ago and the german had to it so the roots going a set up. twenty second seed to it struck back only to trail for one of the third but the crew at one twelve x. sixteen to win in four. two x. next faces home hope john isner. the american everyone three of their last five matches. three time us open champion rafa nadal had a walkover after is really that tennessee call could make us. *-*- injured. the second seed will face showing up. after he stone nadal's compatriot fernando for nasco the south korean coming from two sets down. but a fortune for all the materials as he smashed twenty four aces on his way to ice inferences and won lying in three sets. twenty eight seed
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faces unseeded russian. andrey rublev progress after jill simone retired. naomi osaka's us open title defense continued to instill or fasten with victory over inform about debt limit the top seed spread through the first set before overturning a love three deficit in the second. the japanese struck at twelve winners to be limits in a major for the second time this year. was second in the third round and where she faces a blockbuster against fifty year old wild card google golf the american who wild wimbledon last. month it's in the about bubbles in three sets. american qualifier taylor turns and clean the biggest win of her career ties with the job and simona halep in the second round of the us open. there was no hint of a soul went out when the first set six two. two two in the decider tides and had nba legend kobe bryant. on his feet. as he brutally for the first time. reset third right into the side for the first time since the twenty forty french open when how netted back times all match points. to
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join us open finalist caroline wozniacki rallied from a set down to defeat american and danielle call ins the data faces fifteen see bianca and the risk next. thirteen seed belinda bencic progress of the expense of france's alleys gourmet. checks six seed petra kvitova is added after losing in straight sets to world eighty eight andrea activists. seven c. d. birch's came from a break down impose sets to defeat anastasia pile of. chicken coop and reach the third round for the second year running. madeline malone guys world champion under seventy eight kilograms at the junior world championships in tokyo. french athletes it. quite soon. the reigning world champion beats it by a magnificent upon the fifth medal for the french team. one second surprised everyone by winning the gold medal in the under one hundred kilogram category the portuguese defeated with a final. russians and solves the
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08/30/19 08/30/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this i is democracy now!w! things, the trump administration is continuing to separate families of the border. now they want to indefinitely detained families and they're trying to have an asylum ban at the southern border, which would mean no one can apply for asylum if they transited through any other country. we have blocked that ban and we're going to continue fighting the administration is now taking
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