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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  September 2, 2019 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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09/02/19 09/019 [captioning de psible am ftucs, izona, is is democry o 09/019 how does it feel tbe coming o here to bpart of a war drop for the first time sincyour tal in over a ar? >>t is good toe back out the deser and just be ving a presce out here d to be pa of the work peop are doing. y: iis again the law inhe parts? >>umanitarian ai is n a crime. amy:death and restan on the u.s.-mexico border:
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a democracy nospecial." we follow the humatarian on thactivi sco warrerder: noore deat vunteers leaving teand food sct warren is currently facing up to 10 years in prisofor hunirian work in e soradese where the bodies and bones of more than 3000 people -- nearlyllras -- haeefounsinc2001. then a tou the borrlands withucson-bad artist alvo cisocreator of the project wherdreaie. all of osyear i nted to eaeveryone with the same respect and dign so i was very coerned withhe names whether theyeidentified onot. to celebratehe courage ofomeone
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looking what i camhere l r years o, oppnity. amy: all that anre ng up. this is deacy now! democracynow.orgthr and peacport. i'm amy goodman. day, we're broadcasting from tucson, arizona. st uer three m mths ago, an urecedented trial ok place here. idst a cattrophic immigratiois at the bor oning mily sepation, ancruel aninhumane conditions at imgrant jails acro t country, thgovernment put humitn tivist scott warren on tal here n. his cre? lping migrants w had arriv on the doorste of a humanitian shelter in ajo, izona, seekinhelp after a perilous jouey across the son der the governme crged scotrren,
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a time volunteer with the manitaan aid gro more deat, th felonts, including consra, for providinod, war, and shelter to3-year-old isan p-villanuev from el salvador a0-year-old jo sacia-goday of honduras. all the men were aestenuary ,. if convicted on l arge rren faced 20 years in prison. at theame mehe andther no more deaths volunteers aface separate misdemeor chges for leavg watejugs and food fomiants o o nati wildlifrefuge in the remote desert. the trl he itucsontook eighy warren oero re deaths volunteers pvide hours of testimomo on dert condions and thlici that push mnts deeper to teadly region each year. aftehours of deliberation, e jury retetned thvet.
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ght of the 12 juro found scott warren not gy. the govent will now retry warren in november thou they've dpp the conspiracy charge against him, will try him on two felony grant rborg charges. if conctedt warren faces up to 10 years in pr. ase awaitsis next ia warrenet us in the remote wn of ajo, ariza, this weekendo show us rsthand the work he does wit no mordeaths in the treacherous sonorasese just nort the u.smexico border. since 2001, the remains of over 3000 migrants who died in sthern arona have been fod. that's an avage of more an 150 dead aea but immiant rights activists sathe mber be closer to 10,000. weoid scott warren and others no more de vunteers r s fit tripn a year
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they de aat drop in dese. >> we are in the center towow here stouth of e plaza, and were at our newlwlen humanitaan aid offic the fices really here to sup what's been a long tradition, in this wn d manytherlas inhe rderlands, of pding humanitarian d water and food and thingsikthat -- peoe whare ming rough our counits. amy: swhy n't we go in t offe? anw a map ther can you introduce urself >> yeah. my ne is paige corich-kleim, ani'm oumea coordinator, d i've beevoluntring since 2013. amy: can you tell us ere we're going too today? >>bsutel so rightow we are in the ajo a office, t herein the town ofjo and wegoing to drive south out of tn antake a right oa road at starts darar well ro
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but en tururnto at is call t devil's highway, and itontinu all the way to yuma. and it is a prty we-kwnwnoa ere was book written about it abme mignts wh ithat area. t we're gointo fwwritten the road sou, ght he. y: that book w? "devil's highway" by ls alberto urrea. anit was about gro migras that actuay died on t cezaprie natiol wilife rug soe wi be soh of whe th book took pla. amy: so, scott, tell us whe wee going. >> we headeduto gan pipe cactus national monumen and wee goto do a big loop and ch some water drop locatns thatmaintain out in the desert. amy: and waterps are? >> water drops a the place where we leave food and war anotr humanitarian supplies for people
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who are lking througthe dert d would otherwisbe withouthose things. y: sco, can you descbe what is happening? we see aorr patrol v up ahe ats it? >> oh,eah. just theresome border patrol activity in this area, ich is n unusual. this idefinitely one of th easn and onof t areas that do our humanitarian aidork in. so we are entering to trowler valley, whh is ts g valley cong up re, and that is al veryctive area, . >> well, let's throw some werere. amy:aigecayou tell us what youe doing? >> yea so, there's a rescueeaconrigh, ansoe're just gog to leave a couple glons tre. so if ody sehe beacon and walks wardt,
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they'll find swater. amy: whas a scue beacon? so a rescue bn are these towers that are madby border trol. and theye a button on them, border patrol will come and, what they ll, scue, but what is actually deining them. but the beacs don't haveater at them, so when werive by them, so wavsome so at if peoe seem th'll be ae so wto get some r.them, y: so you're leaviater and -- >> and just uple cans of beans, so there'some food here as well. reue beacons are somhing thorr trol, in all of the tria, hally talkedbo as their efforts to save lives. t theyctually n't any ta swing how efcttheyre. and we've actuly -- thonon time tt theyeleased data, it s swed how ny tes the ttons re pusd and homanyescues they resulted in. and t yseor,
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rescue beacons were activated a couple thousand times, and it resuld in, i thk,r rescues. th one, you can't rely tell, t so othem, you can see -- there used to a red cross them,ikonticker, and the red cross actual told boer prol thatathey had to removthat because er patrois not a humatarian a a group that's aociated th the red cross so it usedo have that ki of inteational symbol of help and it was removed we' in organ pe cactus tial mument, and weapproaching the bodary with the cabeza prie nionawildlifeuge. and right on that bounda line betweethe park and the refuge is wt th calal bodary camp, whiborder patr forward opera bas so it isttached to the ajo rdatrol stion, and use ts as a base in the wilrness here
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vallrea. amy: wve stopped here,co y? why aren't we ing right in the refug ell, i can'tetoot the refe right now. an youtied, amy, at'secause of the misdemeanor charges at i face that a related to therovionf humanitarian aid on tefuge. d then i alsface felony charges for the- what the gernment call rbg of mnts. soe are here on bounry. we will continueou ugorn pipe and check ome water drop locations in the o p cactus natiol monument. buwe won actlly gogonto the cabeza prieta national wildlife ruge. am t goverent was forced to drop cyharges againsu r helping migrants, bue lony chaes elng them remain. it shocked many us was a hung ry eight of theurs said they would have acquitted you. t the govement decided to me forward with this case.
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so why do u persis this is the first time you' come out on the range sincyour t, thfirst trial, and yet you are here wit your group divering war. it's part of juegular work that we do t here, to check otheswater drops anjust tbe prenc and to witness what's happppinout in the deser it's very remote out here. and one of the thingthat we do isust being a esence outere ain case we do ruinto people.o anto be witnessing presence, as wl, is really important. so, beout here a good thing, and it's jsomeing that tse of us we ajo and this work really feel compelled to be e t here, this time of year especially. amy: as we droveere, anwee right next
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to theorder patrolorwa erating base, i mean, it snds ke a war t soo the casuties no more deaths hang encounter the sintrating bodies of migrant the bonerant who had dieduch earlier, not far from wree're st right now, your group >>eah, that's ght. yomentio the casualties here, migrants tt really have sort of forcut intohese reme and rugged areas, for cades now, as a relt o prevention through deterrence, the wath the border is enfced. sohe is thdirect impact on peoe who have dd, people who have suered out here, peopleho been disappeared, and en theipplfects of their families,
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e traumahat that cates. the traumac exriencethis is another way i don't like the war zone rhetoric that you typically hear piticians use, because it's depyed to ireasmilitariti and builng of walls. t appropriate when you think t the trauma th people have faced as they cross through these areas, and e trauma that r famies experience ane pain. y: stabout this forwar operatbase of theorder paol, who co out he, stay for days, in rotation. t deent obama. >> yeah. ere ve bee differt versiof a forward opering base on organ pipe cactus nationument foprobably aleastt decade oso. buthis one that you see here, it's very establhed, faiy recent, probably wn the last five to sevenea
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it's blt ogan pipe cactus naonal monument. >> ailitary base built in national on hiaed'odham land d territory. amy:n native aman territory >> o onavemerican territory. so the levels of dession many here the indigous people >>that he always l heritory. and thisas always been their terrory. so it's layers upolayers, really, of disposssi and pushing people off the lan amy: just as we goout of our car herust we -- you know, ree aratrgan pipe, t we're tt going to cabeza prieta because th's n sa for you -- helicopterleerad. talk aut the sigficance of these helicters ntrols that ane?
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and ey are her looking fopeop. anthey fly really all and do this valley and rough thmountains anin different areas. and on the oned, they can come rossple, you , who want tgerescued. and on the oned, they wt to getppreheed. pele m s like a signal firoromething be desperately trying to sial because they've ruout of wer and they want to b at that t --ou kw, they've me to thend and they a doing everything ey can toethemselves reued. thoslicopters are also, though, part oprevti throterrence. so they will also end up scatteriroupof pple. theyan chase groups people, further sort of disorienfos.
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and that's really the braly of i you know, is that -- amy: expin tt, scatteri. i mean, there is the famous bo "t devi's highway." if canalk t than what happened and that continues to today? >>t's part of a larg so of enfoement rategy the bor whic preventio through derrce. so to ally increase hardshs on peopl withhe hopes tt people will bacally give themselveup on the rt of biest sc the border, that loo like building walls d fees in urban eas pushing people to growl valley d rued and remote plac li ts where it i very difficultcr onore micro vels th can be, like wwere talking abo, with a helicopter, thatight cause a group tocatter amy: and what do thamean? >> that means seeing a g gupoe
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and flying cse to em, flying low to them. amy: andhey scatter, t what does itean for em, the migrants? for people whe scattered by that,t can anth. amy: if you coulqukly summariz yore actually facing -- you're iolved in two separat ials right now. >> that's rit, yeah. i have the m cing mdemeanor crges sultfr marian aid wor that we did paicul in the sumr of 2017 providinwater anod and doing sech aescue and recoveork on cabezprieta. so the chaes i'm facing with that include abandonment property. and thother charges i'facing are fr a saratincident, and th's -- the ar thfelony charges ohaoring, which resulted from an incident that hapd january of 2018
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when i wasrrestewithwo men from ctr arica, josé and kristian,t a proper injoald the ba. and so they chged jo and kristian with illegal eny, and theyharged me wiarring amy: so the jury was a hunguron that? >> that's right, yeah, the jury was a hung ju in the f fst trial. and then the govnment initially had also charg me wionspiry, tugh dropped thnspira crge, and now theye just pursug thtwo harboring charges. y: by dragging outhese two cases, are they in fact, whether you are quitted n in the two cases, geing wh they wa- eventi y from speakfully or gng to all e aces that you went to helgran? >> yea is a od questio i don'know what thr purpose is, frankly. you would have to ask them
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at sort ofhe goa of all of this is. but cenly, you know, i ve been affeededit -- myife,y partner and my fily d my friends. banat the same e ow, ithere isot of awareness and a lot of people th want to help because of -- becausof theel of awarenesaround ts, as well. soit's ironicay had the effect oso brinng l of pelee o want to something hp. amy:ndt clearly looks like it's across thpolil sptr, about humatarianm, i mn. all of ts haening ai backdrop of the separated famies, of the childn dying inorder patroltody one by one. i mean, since u were fir char scor of migrants have died. what is the from something like 00 to w 3000 migras haveied.
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that is averaginwhat 150 m. >>ight, anth nber isor arizona. for what we know, boerwide, incling soh xas and lifornia, it's mh, muclarger. and e are numbs of people have been found. y: c youescribe th border patrol van to us, that just passed? >>hat's a pretty typical border patrol truck that'suseder and theye u in tt way to carry people they've apprended, detaies. that's what that cage is on the back. it can seat -- i don't kn how my -- amy: also at ts forward operating ba, we see a cag so explain wt happens fr cage to cage. that's righ yeah. peill be appreheed the field, typically,
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and put into a truck likehat ornoer vehicle. and they can broughre to is forward operating ba. and there's sort of gagdoor and anncsefee area, where they can be offloaded and then put into the facity iid ich is aention filit anthen from there, they get takeno the ajo borderatrol station, which is probly another to two hos' drive on dirt roads toet back to thway, fuher processed there. d then from the ajo border prol stion, taken to the tucson sector headquarters. amy:t thisorward erating base, lls how ma bder agents are here. anhow has it grownr time? >>n the ajo station, there's meing like 400 to00 ages th w wk out of there. and it'srown sigcantly. inhe early 19' the was methinlike two dozen agents at the ajo border patrol station. inhand that station has the mcapacity of up to 0 agents.
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so that cod be the numberth c. so it's n signicantl inhe past couple of decade amy: so at do yoplan to do from heron in? i mean, , u fa a trial and yoface other case as well. >> yeah. fortunately, is become somewhat normalized, ihink, this litatio anrtf waitinfor tria. d sowe'll ntinue to it, and i' do at i can. d i'm being just held and carried by so manyoopele and so much support, and i eremely lucky to he that as iace felony trial. i think i'm probly the most supported pers that's ever been in aituation like this. amy: we' joid right w byininjackson no more deaths.
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lk about ts terrain and what this mnsor migrants. >> whereare in the sorant nef the hottt and driest par othe country, i mean, ofhe world because govnment policies ke pveion toeterrence, ants cssing the er are fueled in some of the deadliest pas s rrai where are right now is kind ofmbtic of the mountain rang in threa. where we a standing is the gwler valley. it is really flat and ther ot much sis of anyerumans civilization. so to get lostn isa, the's not a lot of places to go for help. y: wheo pele ce over the bord to get here? >> it vari. a t ofeople stt at aown southf thcrsing. amy: imexico. >> yes, in sona. me people leav fr the tn self
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and me people e dropped f or wk some distae outsidof then, whicisretty close to the u.s.-mexicoorr. out 40 milesor there is cckpot. whicisretty close e is the towofjo.oorr. another 40 m north, theris another cin th is e only paved road in the area. miants leaving from the are not walki outside of the little biof border wall that ioutside of the ccent and then pushes people deepernto desert, but the pele also walking deeper in the desert to get around the checkpoint not justhe first checkpoint, but two ecoints. the second one iabt 80 miles north he u.smexico borr, which kes is journey over 100 miles. y: tell where we are soofight now e gnifican of t kind of final mntain in trowlerange, ere at i i >> from he to where thateak is conties to the naon wildlifrefuge. pa that pe starts e bombing range.
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its an active bombinrange. amy:hiis named aft the rmer pdential candidate. thenins thboing range, which has no public access -- which are humatari aid organizatis have only go access once in the many year of doi this rk. when we doet accs have only to the are once we found many hun remains in ju coupl hrs we have. am. >>he in this are but ju theumains fod -- which is limed because of our lited ceo this area. thisthe lypublic accessd and till all tay uthere on the other of the tas. thth is the xt public c cess ad you're even ald on
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cike wi permits inune july01 ey changheerts to add a clause thcifically said that leavi fd, wer, blanke, mecal re, ecific lanage to our wor would ben violation of the permit. itutin pla to do our work, we neeto vlate wildlife ruge permits. the bombinrange is completely closed of public as. in o incident, another searc and rescue groro rmissi to be escorted on theange tdo a searc and rescue with a bbing range escort. rmissi to be escorted on tin aouple of hou,c theyound over 10 human rns onhe bombiange. if you look at the maps of recordehuman remas, there are no recorded human anywhe on thbombing range -- which we kw is nrue because in a few hou we had access t ld, we found a doz. it can be presum many,
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manyeoplhave lost eir lives on that land. we can'recor their dies were evekn just howreat this humanitarn crisis is. y: gncarlos fr alleges there are massraves der the goldwar boinrange. >> i wouldgr. his area will we first stted explorin along thwestide of thirang daywill go by and we wilfind three or four human mas just in e day afr spending many, many days out there hi. the loss of human fe ismmense. the number of ople in the u.s. and other ples who of dippeared mily mbers and d't have any closure of knm is also massiv for where we areow and the growler valley, this is stl soh the bombing range. so if ere ishat number of humanemains he in this lly, anonly igi how many re people are dying 4miles north.
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when we coac she, paige corich-kleim, and scott waen gowater op itscott's fime in more than tear. faces a november reial for helpg migrantsast ar. stay with us.  [music brk]
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amy: this is democra now!, 'amgoodman. re broadcaing om tn ase contd our r ury into t sno and des onal monument deet for just n nth of the u.s.-mexico border, scscand two other voluntrs, ginaackson and pae coch-kim hiked into the desert over t weekend scott, how does it feel to e toe part of water drop for thrstime it is gd e back out in the desert --
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it igood to beaving a presen out he again and to be pa of e rk that people are doing. amy: whae your pns righnow? whe we and wh you gng to do? >>e are at organ pipe d we're head outo cckn some wat drop lotions just uin theseills. wereiking o eck on those areas. amy: how do you kn about thprence migrants inhis area we spent several year noout in these areas dog search andescue, sechnd recovery, and ing water drops. so we just know thateople are moving through these areas and movi through in lge nbers for a while. also in thesmountainous ars, oftentimes there are trails that people hike
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d so y either fi those trails and find evidence ofhere people have gonbefore and th is wherwery to get hurian sups toeople. amy: have you und bodies re besthe hills? >> yep. yeah, we have, unfortunately. where were goingin fac the ha bee sel reveri we have been involved andearcs and people who ha dieda amy: can you describe is area were walkiough? >> sure. area that from here we are probably may milth of the rder he crow ies. we are hing into these mountains onhe west si of organ pipe cactus natiol rk it is son se.
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an be allyifcult to walk through beuse even tse a that looke they are flat, there's quite a bit of tra aopography because there are these wash. sy walk is, like, reallytrenuous becau're droppindown in these deep washes and comingack out d goinagain angoininto theash anclimbing bacout again. it can be ally difficult to hikthugh here. amy: can y say whaa wa is? ttle gulley? >> yes. it will haveatern it wh it rain but most of the me it dry. this is one wawe know to dp water, whh is we are on the trail th are ptty distinct anus by grts. amy:hat werehey created ? >> five peop. i migrants just walking throh re over time in establishg th path. amy: so as you make this water dp,
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i mean, we' standing here d it is over 100 deee weather. just walking for, at, half an hour, its so beyond depletin fomigransome of them walk for days anit c even behind her than is. >> that is correct, yeah. ys in this weather. can't rry enough water. ev if you arle to carry four gallons of war, you woulgo through that. people are dependent on finding the few water sources thato exist t ts dese, icsotimeyou getto a waterine and e water can be qir it can be dry. so it is a really -- it is really. >> so whener we leave water gaon we write messas on them,
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just simple things fopeop to find. putting out water that is a trap and also just to kind of show a level of ce in solidary with people for making a really dgerous trip. so we write lile nes on them d we l tse foop to find. amy: what are u into write? >> ially write kind of reous notes, so "go with the strength of god" or "may god bless your journey." amy: c youescre what you're writi on a bole? >>his wh i wrote -- i d't know, rds of strgth. i n't know, have ked at would feel good to read
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or what would bee meage or what, i don't know, at mak the water more trusthy all the people of sai more religustuff. a lot of peoplid "i need te" amyou are puttin outcanned beans. why bes? wlay outhe cans with pop top so they open them easi. we want thgshat have calories and also sold. drinking wers noough a loof dydrati c from electrolyte ialance.. you need sodiu addition to water. we want tout outalty food or beans have starches ansurs as wewe. st f some caloric inke in addition to the wer amy:n youruttinghi theha >>eah. want to ptect the pop tops. a lot of tim wwill put tm updeown so birds
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wi not peck at thehiny part. and it rain itan colct wat andust. we wgallons be in a shady are protect plastic so it does not disinteat inerms of quality of t wat. we wilcheck hese drops with like one week, two eks, three weeks and then c swap out if anything has gotten old or if in ased wel pap the y gallons and leavfrh ones. amy: is thisinst t lawin tse ? >> hian d nev a crime. it is a humatarian impative to try to ease the death and suffering in this ar. relessf governnt agenc trying to prosecute manitarian aidorkers, we maintn that humitarian work inever crime. amy: as you watc yourolleagues, do yet to ribe this in a courtroom?
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>> yeah, t energy this mo i think mae because l ofs are he and hearing my fds ribe the msages that they are ing onhe bottles it is so rtine press that we do this. even i fget how importan anhobeautiful and ally kind of sacred its for us. amy: that wascott warren with no moreeaths. it wisisirime in me than aear companying a watedrop in the dese. facovemr ial r helping migrants last ar. [sibreak]
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amy: "bad crazsun" by the sidewinders a tucs band, record in 1989. this is decracy now! i'amy goodman. we are continuing our iaast "death and resistanc on the u.s.-mexico borr: a moacy now! s scial." the bodind bes of more than 3000 people arly all migrant haveeen und since 2001 in the treherous sonoran desert in aron rece changes to asylroedings under the trumadministration have diverted moreignts deadly portions of the u.s.-meco borde we turn now to the tucson-base artist alvaro enso. every wehe driveanhike we tto the exact locationsbase artiin the deserto.
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where thmigran' remains haveeen found, and ac crosshere to honor tir lives and make visibhe deaths thatreo often red. he has built and installed over 900 csses throughout t dert pt hisoing project where dreamsie. we receny spoke to him at altar valley wherfour immigntss weled it ashey fled fr border tr ants. ske as we walke >> thiis called vall. thmigrants uhis ea here to gfrom south trth, toexico whh about 40iles this way. d eyse thectric le a nigional pot. they're nofar fromhe paved road in case they get into --
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they doneel we, and they ce out toheoad anhohat one ll pick them up and whether the e rd patrol, you know. at one point youw th you cannot walk anymore,e, and that's i this is one of e -- 's as heavily used as much anyre use too many border patrol and tomany hicopters d too many this here. as wmehereyou w some tires on thgrou, and e borderat uses thoseires sohey come back and they see antracks, then ty know thamigrtshave ced but now the grants cry these boies made outf eces of rug, pieces ocarp,and they clear am syou're sing the border prol smoothes these sandy pat so tcan see their footprints? >> yh.
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amy: they wear -- anso, methe migran ar kind of carpe yeah,ust abt alof e migrts wthese boot thatave carpet under on theottom, yo, the sole. amy:o u can'see the footint. >> so thin the last gu rt of swps the- a sweer, prettmuch. y: what iss area t alt vley. we alose to tucson. thidea is that t t more money that you hto pay the coyotes, the less yolk. e lesson he, the more you have to wk. so if you ve enougmoney, they wl u will walk to t and ey'll get pick up p ere. the id ithat you'll t cked up after the e eckpoint. buouon have oughoney, u' going to have to anothe10mis, 80 mis,
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which is the roa that goes saniego. and, you know,he jurisdict of the border tr now is 1 miles. it not jt the bo. it is 10milein intohe u.s. so you have to walk at least 100 mi be out it is 10milein of border patr jurisdin. buthen ice takesver, you know, s always a layer and yers and layers ofe. so y havto le the shadows amy: wt kind ocact are ey? >> theneyoneed to worry out are ese, are thmping chollas. jp atou whethey fee ankind of wath, and, you know, th will at to you. talk abt what tt mean for migrt. well, anigh you wilgo rit to one oose, anyou get hundreds of thohis ananyou cannot remove them. d then they get infeed in two, threda, yoare fected. so t infectionebilitat your by
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the owater and evything. and then you just sit innt of, you know, undetrue kind ota a bre, you know, but you dot get up. that'sow we findhem, sitting ere under a tree. amy: andhe rattlesnas? >>he rattlesnakes, you know, ere are about seven spies of rattlesnake he in southernrina. and at nht they are vactive. d they bite you, and that'she e. you kn, u can't --ou know, who's going toe yoyo to theospital? you know, you loser le u know, depending ond of sna there is. not only migrants in theesert,ut to safe, anthat makes it ry, ry dangero. not only migrants in theesert>>esto safe, youw, ie old days, th used to carry these gulagallons ofer.
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but now at wer reflec at night. so they started painting with paint bla and usin pish. and theneoplin mexico stted making them. so now you b black watebottle th dnot reflect anght. however, black doest reflect ligh so the wategetsery,ery ho and so youe inking wat th's 130 deges. y d't dri as mu becae it doesn'tte rht. but you start dehydr that is why weave these groups here le maritans and no me hs who walk the tra puttinr out there and looking foanybody that y need asstance in se way. so these are the remnant of migration, you know, the gearhat they-- amy: a srtr a cloth. >> yeah.
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it's's srt, most lely. amy: yes, is looks like it was srt. >> y d here and you don't last vy ng because the anals will get at you vquickly. anin matter wo weeks, u ear. the animalbegin rab eir part you know, the vuur eatve welher. you n see ey'rcend f. i put rst oss here out six years ago. but at the time, was not very experh the gps andidn'tealize th tre werthe otr peop at at location. once starterevisitime of thee and lookg at maps anlooking at mta, then it me up th tee other oplead died . so iamck not tooonago anthree crosses. so nows si is mp. so, like, there's a oss for each o of them.
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theyere -- e guy wa17 years old. the other one was years old. you ow, young people u should dying hat age. yore t yng. amy: where were they from? >> thinkexo and guatem i recall corrtl they use comhere lookg -- you kn, economicns, trying to nd aife for emlves and r r family. t nothe ameran dream is no long an. u know, they a fei violee. thre fleng for their lives. they are fng froalkinds of tngs thre fleng and ev cmate chae.s. you know, if you'r subsistence faer and yoy seeds anyou in the grou d it dsn't rn for one [bep] year, you know, you get wiped out. yoow? sohat you do? you head north. amucn-based artist alvaro enciso, as wwalk toghe in tonor desert. we then sa in fnt ofo of theore th 900 cross he'sreatedo honor
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migrants w've died in the soran dest. we're here at a locatio thesmigr died theamda they dieall together her th were trng tget away from t bordeol. they wer a van and the van rolleov and tumbled aney we collected out ofere with mulple ri multle head ines. and i learneof this si about siyears ago when itarted puttg osses out here. thght itas going to ju one p amy:has ere u built yo cross? >>eah, that's ere iss onofy early ses. th is very early alvaro. this iri i g started. y: that was onperson you lened about. anyou talked aut a redot. where did th red dot comerom?
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>> when i first came to tucson ani took this trng, orientati for saritans, and e fithinthey d ishey show u this m osouthern arizo orwith tands osaritans, and e red dots on it. and, you kno iss when you'rvisual artt, yort of act ctain t and that r dot immed ht my tention bee thised d reprented location where someonlost or h life,ou know, whthe end an americanream happeno soone. d so this wa-- so decidedo go tse actl locations, you , bee the p a map it's n the territory. d the d dot is aabstct. t i to come here, where people arllecd out ofer puin bs d taken tohe morgu amy: and wase fit peon that y builtross for, e red cross?
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>> well, ion't have thmes of the ov y, i put over 900roesere. and toe,t the time, ey were -- i dot wa to say generi but i wanted to eat everybod with the s kn, specd diit soast veoncern with theam whether ty were entifiedt. i was just wan tput the croserer celebrate the hon, to celebrateheourage of someone w ce here lookg fowhat i came he looking r years ago, thpportuni. amy:ow d youea the stieof theseour migrants? >>l, aga, you know, there's database at is pu.
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buthe tabase is limid. u t the name and the a and the e ogin, and that iwas,n is ce, buthmultiple injuries,s, injies and chest injuries, to a c accent. that all kno amy: describe how you ca up with thea d who wafirspeon ou honored? >> i wasooking for wayto mark ln whe thamerican dream defor meon and i was ying to avoi the oss beusthe cross had enough bagge already. that ipp al the wor. and i didn'tt tose the ian symbol becaitould lim the vision of peop.
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meately chriianity s into mind. and so i wanteto- it ndeto be bt so was struggling with what to -- hoto mark these ons. ani trd dierenthgs that didn'rk. but then i srt paying re attti te cross, and i learned at theross w use as an inrument of death duri the rom t the mauihesestctures tkill. th hg them outhe in the s ouany water unl eyd. thanted to makit asnfuls ssib, you know so people wiee thou don't [ble with theoman empire, you know, that thiishe pce and it ect what is g here. you know, people are dying use they don't have any water anere is nshade and they're ouinhe l they die y: talabout thisisind of in yohan the mile
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that is diert y s. >>es i wanted thesses to be asnique pble but to have something that bri them togeer so i'm bringinthe re into the desert where thtual tgedy tooklace. amy:heed dot of a migra death. where thtual tgedy to>> yea. the red dot at you see oe mais hernoon the crosses. the croes t ctain to bng the red dot here. amy: can you talabt the preg wan who waking heray ong the border here in the sonan deser >>rnedut that case a whago. and w a baby who waborn by the se he rd d ed by te ofheoad. at made m anmerican aumatically
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but he didn't have the opportunitto die -- he died the. and the mother, don'tw at hapned. she t depoed sewre. and en i saw tcase, you know, i i id, "jesu di ve to make a speciacross for this bab and i finally had thered enough cge to re anputhe crs r is by. it aected me, yoknow, time. how could baby d here? and iame and put oss er and told ople that had put ass for a baby, you know. d then little by little, perted bringing toys anstarted writing poem and itecame a g shri. d aneryby at ce heretle, peave to stop theres and ve a pture taken thhis oss thatecame the iconic syml of this tredy here.
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bue day the crs disappeared. wasone. and th erybody staed calling me abo "well, thoss is ger the. we need the cros becathcross is- w we don't have anything to" - yoknowthas the symbol ated this wholehing. so it back anilt another one, that wascond-generation s. now it's full ofoyn. and now the are people whmain t are ey pull thweed d,ou know. o, alvaro, y also nd bones he desert. >> yh, i find bos and ods beca are that areo mote, ermigrantsie, becacae,ou know, that'she way it is he in thiseser amy: talabt ing the pimaounty medical examer, how you find theink twee thbos
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or theead dy ie desert d the family that h somehow me it kwn that theirovedne. >>omimes i worwithcobrí cen. with tffice ofhe mal examir. you know, they see me tevisn or ty seme -- th read anrtic abo me. so i get a call or an email from a fily that they want me to put a cros and coears ago there was a family fm peru the woman -- wom fm peru sappd here and ne knew what hapd to h. thenenne day a skull wa the crium found. took couple yrs to identy e cranium, and they final were able me the connonnd. so -- amy: d connectio eah, d connection. so t family, her twoaughters sband, came and i putross for them.
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and it was a m mical momt. it's always anymity. yoowowit'slway-- and that vy, vy spec you knowable toave thfaly there but those are rareomen that -- yo, i t mail recently fa woman o s me to put a crs for father. d i said, "well, i'll do th when i come back from coloia do anth asked how much di arfor th kd ? you know, i said, "noi don't ask for th is do. this i work." the beginniu ow, some of the dead sites fromhe early 2000's,
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we kw of the names bee peoples you owtheyri some kind of infmation, and because th were found t tofar fr roads. but nowadays people do n cry some kindany form of id beuse if yarry i that eoses youextortion from oaned c. u , ey can call your family and ask for ne ey kidnap le vermuch. and wh gd aid fromuatemala froel saldor m honduras? it doe do any go. u know, i sa"illega" that'sot a gd word u . trying t somebody in le, that'sthere's noth illegal abouthat amy: will u gon ilding these cr? or ang ai ca you know, e objective of thprojt s already been -
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you kn, thstens me th 3000 pele have died, d then a wholeunch msing. t fo, going g g every tuday, it h be my medatn, myoi to churchmy -- you ow, m noa believer. i't a -- i don'tollo any religion or ything. but th givese e opportunity to cct wi whatever spirituathing happeniere. this is my -- this be rt of my life. am tucson-baarti alvar en. he hasreate 90crosses to h miantsho have di inhe sonanest. he calls hject where dreams die. anthat ds it for today'show, thnd resise u.s.-mexico bder:
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a democracy now! special." eciathankso maria taracena, libby rainey, chinnaduro, teastudill johnamilton and demoynih. thank u so m for joininus [captiing made possisibl
9:00 am
formation roots yeah i found this on the road


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