tv DW News LINKTV September 10, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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brent: this is a dw news live from berlin. tonight, a shocking shakeup inside the white house. president trump's hawkish and controversial nestled -- national security advisor john bolton is out. he said he resigned. trump said he was fired. the president disagreed with bolton's position on major pouring -- foreign policy issues colluding talks with the taliban and the u.s. stance on iran. will bolton's departure of an more than a personnel change for the u.s.? also coming up, a campaign promise designed to provoke
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israel's prime minister, he says he will annex large parts of the west bank if he is reelected in a general election next week. europe's incoming commission president said climate protection is a top priority for her new cabinet. we will take a look at ursula von der leyen's lineup and her ambitious european plans. plus, can skateboarding culture translate to competition at the olympics? next summer's olympics welcomes skateboarding to its glamorous but tightly regulated world. can the boys and girls and the men and women of the sport keep pace? do they even want to? ♪ brent: i'm brent goff. to our viewers on pbs and the united states and around the
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world, welcome. we begin an washington, d.c. donald trump says he has dismissed his national security advisor john bolton. announcing this latest white house sacking on twitter, the president said he disagreed strongly with bolton on many issues. bolton is regarded as a foreign policy hot, advocating regime change, countries like syria and iran. hehe served as u.s. ambassador o the united nationsns in 2005 and 2006. trump says he will name a new security advisor next week. dw correspondent tadlo soley elias is on that story for us in the u.s. capitol. i spoke to him a short while ago and asked what prompted the u.s. president to fire his closest national security advisor? tadlo: you are right. it appears there was a report in the media saying there was a
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heated discucussion between thee former national security advisor, john bolton, and president trump over president trump's more conciliar terry torn -- tone toward the taliban. he believed a diplomatic effort was at the best way to put an end d to the u.s.'s longest warn afghanistan. it was one of his campaign promises to bring the troops hohome, or at least bring back e majority of the troops. it is believed john bolton was very much against it. he said essentially inviting a terrorist organization to camp david was pretty much setting a dangerous precedent and he was very much against it. this is, as you have mentioned already, one of many disagreements that it appears john bolton had with president trump. brent: we know trump and bolton clashed over iran as well.
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we have the iranian president advisor saying the departure of bolton shows that the u.s.'s policy of maximum pressure against iran has failed. are we anticipating massive changes now in the white house's iran policy? pablo: well, it was definitely what most of the questions were being geared towards, mike pompeo the secretary of state and a press conference he gave in washington earlier asking whether they would change the direction. it does appear president trump is taking a little more of a conciliar terry -- conciliatory tone. we know president trump has said he is open to potentially meeting the iranian president. we know john bolton had definitely a more aggressive approach towards iran which it
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appears went against what perhaps president trump is trying -- what direction he is trying to take the united states in. mike pompeo did not give us much information on that but he did indicate that perhaps the fact that john bolton is not there anymore, it might be a little easier for these discussions to take place between president trump and haas on her rouhani in the future. like i said, it is one of many differences of opinion that existed between president trump and john bolton. let's not forget the third national security advisor under the trump administration. brent: that's right. like a revolving door inside the white house. our correspondent pablo foley elias in washington on the story. thank you. now to the campaign trail in israel. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is promising to annex the jordan valley in the occupied west bank if he wins next week's election.
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the jordan valley accounts for a large swathe of the occupied west bank and is a strategic strip of land along the border with jordan. israelisis will vote in parliamentary elections on september 17, the second to be held this year. thee ballot t could win n nanyaa fifth term or i it could end his decade-long dominance ofof israi politics. >> today, i'm not - -- announcig my intention to apply with the formation of the next government, israeli sovereignty on the jordan valley and northern dead sea. brent: for more on this, i'm joined by our correspondent, tania kramer. good evening to you. help us understand what netanyahu's doing here and he says he intends to annex parts of the west bank. is he talking about an illegal land grab? tania: you h have to see the statementt in ththe context of e elections. you said it, a a week before the elections. he said he wants to annexx the settlement in the jordan valley
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and north of the dead sea. and also in light of the possssible revelation n of the p stand afteter the elelections ad that he needs the mamandate from his voters, the israeli p public to do o so immediately aftfterhe elelections. it's not really a new plan. israel has always said they want to keep this jordan valley, especially as a security barrier, as a a possible eastern border. ofourse, it is a big if, if he is reelected, that w would be a dramatic developopment. because it would put towns like jejericho, israel occupupied the west bank in 1967. anand of course, they made the occupation permanent.. and also, the notion for r the palestinians over possible palestinian sosoreign state and the two state s solution for the people who stitill believe in aa two state solution wouldld
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actually go o away. of course, it is against international law,, and against the notion of a negotiated deal. that we would see a sovereieign palestininian state. brent: what about t the timing f ththis? is netanyahu making t this prome to appease thosese ultraorthodox parties that he needs to win ahead of the election? tania: well, he certainly -- i think all of the media here tonight put it as a statetementn an eleleion campaign. he cerertainly appeaeals to the voter, h h right-wining base. but he wants them to go -- he does not want them to be dependent onon those extxtreme y toto ring -- right wing pararts. if h he would really push forort and if h he make -- it also depends what kind of coalition he wouould be ab to o pu togegether that would be a dramatic move also from the point of view from the palestinians.
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brent: our correspondent, tania kramer, and jerusalem. thank you. here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. officials in iraq say more than 30 people have died and around 100 have been injured in the city of carmel after a stampede during a celebration. that is when many muslims commemorate the death of the prophet mohammed's grandson, hussein. some celebrations include self-flagellation rituals. italy's new left-leaning coalition has cleared the final hurdle to form a government winning a confidence vote in the country's upper house, the senate. the new coalition of the antiestablishment five-star movement and the central democratic already is led by the former prime minister, giuseppe conte. it shuts far right leader out of power. she is serious about climate protection. today, the european union's incoming commission president
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said a fighting climate change is one of her top goals of her proposed cabinet. ursula von der leyen unveiled her choices for eu commissioners in brussels today. the 27th strong commission is the most of gender balanced since its inception. it has to be approved by the european parliament before it takes office. >> tackling challengers on the climate, that is set to top ursula von der leyen's agenda as eu commission president under her newly nanamed team. the german conservative got elected vowing to make europe greener. and demanded to -- and the m man to oversee t the task is the duh socialist, executive vicice president for the so-called european green deal. >> i want the european green deal to become europe's hallmark. at the heart of it, is our commitment to becoming the world's first climate neutral continent. it is also long-term economic
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imperative because those who act first and fast will be the ones who grasp of the opportunities frfrom the ecologigical transit. reporter: s she p pledged t to t a e european green deal with in her first t 100 daysys in offic. she w wants a a legally bindidig target for the eu to become climate neutral by 2050. and she wants more ambitious goals on reducing the blocks carbon emissions by 2030. two at least 50%. another goal for her, achievingg gender balanance in her commission. 13 out of 27 nominees are women. the highghest female representation ever. the top ranking woman under her is set to be denmark's margrethe vestager, tasasked with shaping the eu's digigital futurure. she will remain in charge of competition policy where she has built a reputation for taking on tech giants and demanding teva
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regulation. another was nominated to look after the third key portfolio on economic and financial affairs. he is a conservative like volunteer lien and is known for pushing for discipline. now, she has to get her team approved by ththe european parliament, and that's not a given. brent: one of the leaders of hong kong's pro-democracy movement, joshua wong, is on a global tour to make his calls known. and that is drawing fire from china. long is here in germany at the moment. today, he met foreign minister -- the foreign minister. a meeting that led to a diplomatic complaint from ththe chinese foreign ministry. following the meeting, disparate -- calling the meeting, disrespectful. he says the movement will continue d despite the governmet dropping a controversial extradition bill that started the protest.
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what is joshua wong's endgame in hong kong? i will ask that question and more in my interview with the joshua wong, coming up later on "the day." the german finance minister he is prepared to spend billions of euros if a future economic crisis hits. but to minister olaf scholz also says he will stick to germany strict no new debt policy even if there is a recession. german parliamentarians are debating a budget for the year 2020. scholz says he can maintain a balanced budget despite an economy that is showing signs of flagging recession. his proposal built -- proposal puts an emphasis on labor and social issues as well as relief for low income families. here is part of what olaf scholz said today during the budget debate in the bundestag. >> in my view, it is essential that with a solid basis that we
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now have, we can react with many, many billions of euros if there is a recession in germany or europe, and we will do it then. brent: for more on this, i'm joined by our political correspondent, leonie. here at the table is a chris coder. let me to start with you. olaf scholz says germany can spend its way out of a possible economic crisis. may be in a recession. why not use that money now to prevent the crisis? leonie: well, that is a lot to do with their famous or infamous zero policy. what that is is a self-imposed goal of keeping the federal budget balanced. it has been basically the pillar of german fiscal policy under angela merkel and her finance ministers. the chancellor has repeatedly argued that it is important not
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to burden future generations with more debt, especially in light of germany's aging population. it is safe to say angela merkel and olaf scholz are committed to that black zero policy. but they are facing really harsh criticism, not only by politicians from the opposition who are demanding more investment and investment boost and infrastructure, and climate protection measures, but also because now as he said, germany is facing an economic slowdown. olaf scholz has repeatedly stressed and argued today that the government will only act if the slowdown is turning into an actual economic crisis. brent: that could be the case. chris, this commitment to a balanced budget is a sacred cow in german politics. we have an economist assaying the sacred cow could turn into a. economics and chris: right. we have run economist saying this no new debt policy is a
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fetish for the government. one that might not be very smart in these days. the major reason here being if we look at the bond market, the yields for german bonds are somewhere around zero. some bonds -- yields even a negative territory. meaning if the german government borrowed 100 euros from an investor, it would have to pay back only nine and nine euros. investors still see an investment in german government bonds as a very safe investment. so they are willing to pay money for it. the other reason is, it is a very good time to borrow money because the interest rates are not going to stay low forever. here's another reason economists are saying why it would be good to borrow money. it is high need for investment. leonie just said it. we need to invest in education, mobile internet coverage. if we don't do it now, these
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economists are saying, the future economic growth is certainly in danger. brent: what would happen if germany did decide to start borrowing? how would the markets react? with a be in shock? chris: i don't think so. there is a demand for safe investment. if germany were to hold a big bond auction, i think it would be heavily oversubscribed. brent: there is also talk about a shadow budget that would allocate billions to climate protection measures. what do we know about that? leonie: wee do know that climate protection measures are really high up on the agenda of policymakers in berlin at the moment. the economy minister suggested a plan. he wants to create a climate foundation which would basically combine private funds and state funds to then be able to actually invest money in
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measures to reduce carrot -- carbon emissions in germany, like cheaper or train tickets, supporting families in the transition to more energy neutral lives. so he wants not fund to accumulate up to 50 billion euros. that would be a solution to keep the balanced budget. at the same time, invest in climate protection measures that the opposition is demanding, that people in germany are demanding germany does something about the carbon emissions. brent: leonie don hammerstein on the story for us in berlin and chris koder here at the big table. to both of you, thank you. a female iranian football fan who set herself on fire after her arrest for attending a game dressed as a man has died. she was known as the blue girl in social media circles after the colors of her favorite men's team.
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the iranian rights activist and football world governing on d -- are mourning her death and the treatment by female -- of female fans by iran's polititical leadership. reporter: the tragic death has heightened the debate around the barring of women from attending football games and iran and sparked outcry across the world. known as the blue girl because of how she disguised herself at matches has died a week after self emulating in protest. she let herself on fire outside of a tehran courthouse after hearing she could be jailed for six months for attending a men's football match. women have been banned from men's game since the 1979 islamic revolution, and often resort to disguising themselves and sneaking into stadiums, which can draw harsh penalties. supporters of her favorite club condemned her treatment and the politics making her support illegal. while activists have called for
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a boycott from male fans and players and for reform from fifa. fifa have offered condolences to family and friends and president -- the president h has spoken about lifting the ban on female fans. fifa are hopeful this wiwill happen before iran's october 10 a qualifier against cambodia. iranian women are not barred from attending men's matches abroad, and the 2018 world cup was an inspiring moment for those who made it to russia. >> it was so cool. it was just so cool. i really enjoyed the game. i wish everyone would be able to go to the stadium and iran. reporter: increased pressure, both domestic and international following her death could make
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that fans wish a reality. brent: skateboarding makes its debut at next year's olympic games in tokyo and it will be a historic moment for the sport providing it with greater recognition. there are fears among this kaepernick community that this mainstream exposure will endanger the sport's individuality. reporter: his skateboarding turns heads. tyler hetmyer is a rare breed in europe, the 18-year-old from the south of germany quit school to focus on skateboarding. >> the olympics has been a dream of mine since i wawas a kid. it is the coolest t thing. itit's whahat i look fororward . now that skateboarding is part of the olympics, it's really cool. reporter: but not everyone is so optimistic. some skaters are unsure if a sport fits in the olympics. >> skating has nothing to do
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with the olympics. skating is like freedom. you can do what you want to do. there are no rules. you can wear what you want, do the tricks you want. reporter: skateboarding has always been more party them sport. even at the german championships in dsseldorf, everyone is young and the olympic committee wants to use that to its advantage. it skateboarding now has to play by t the olympic rules. >> itt became an olympic sport and everyone who wants to participate has to be part of the club. the club has to be part of the national association. control officers test young skaters, they take year and samples. -- year and samples. >> it is best to develop talent at a young age, like lilly stoephasius. she is only 12 years old and already a two-time german champion. she will be 13 by then.
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>> the first 20 in the world's ranking qualify at the moment. i'm number 25. the list will be adjusted because only three from every country are allowed to take part. so i would be 17 or 16. that is why my chances are good. i think i can do it. reporter: she represents a new generation of skateboarders. for them, skateboarding is a competitive sport and not just a lifestyle. it is the same for tyler and lilly, both hope to showcase their talent on the biggest stage of all. brent: for more on this news, i'm joined at the big table by shiran habekost, the deputy chair of germany's skateboard commission. if you did not know anything about a skateboard, it is good to have you on the show. you are serious about the sport. what do you say? is keyboarding something that should be in the olympics? shiran: for some of us,
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definitely asked. for the most of the ski borders for mott -- skateboarders for my age, it is curious to see skateboarding entering into the olympics since when i was born, the limits was more like fans on all of these traditional sports. we see -- why not? we have seen snowboarding entering with great success. it is a huge possibility for those who are interested in that. brent: you say for your age, you are in your 40's. a lot of people look at skateboarders and think of them as being teenagers or people in their 20's. are you too old for this sport? shiran: i'm not too old, you just never quit skateboarding paired otherwise you have never been a skateboarder. it is one of our biggest idols said. i have to say it's true.
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i'm there outside, skating more or less each day. brent: the fact that the sport does have skateboarders like yourself, the fact that it is going into the olympics, does that prove that this is a sport that is maturing and it's time has come? shiran: i would say both have come -- both have matured, the lepic's and we. galen exchanged, we changed, we took the chance to see what has happened. we want to say good skateboarding there. from my side, i will push skateboarding as far as i can to go and have a big nice contest there at the olympics. if it works out, there will be a big interest for that. but then there is on the other hand a big scene that is not interested in that one. brent: there is this perception of skateboarding being a peter pan sport. people who skateboard are usually young people who don't want to grow up.
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is there any truth behind that? shiran: peter pan is a big idol for us anyhow because it is a good thing to stay young, stay rebellious, ask questions. to be there out in the streets and have some context with other persons and don't grow old in your mindset. brent: mainstreaming the sport by going to the olympics, it will not do that? shiran: i don't think so. it is too rebellious, too vital. there are a lot of things happening in ski boarding that will never touch the olympics at all. brent: tyler hetmyer, deputy chairman of germany's skateboard commission, we appreciate you coming in and bringing your board with you. shiran: thank you. you're welcome. brent: down to the indian ocean island for the kite surfing world cup. 14-year-old has triumphed with a stunning display in the freestyle competition. she tops the world ranking, thanks to amazing jobs like this. she's good.
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she has also hosted the men's competition. a male player one that -- won that after some serious jumps, defying gravity in the process. wow. here's a reminder. the top story we are following, u.s. national security adviser john bolton has been sacked from his job. president donald trump dismissing him citing what he called strong disagreements on many issues. after a short break, i will be back to take you through the day. my interview with hong kong pro-democracy activist, joshua wong.
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. the best thing you can take to any day. thank you and you live from paris some frustrated for the headlines this hour. us president donald trump files his third national security adviser according to a presidential tweets iran hope john fulton was let go because trump disagreed strongly wiwith many of his proposals. a week before elections in israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to annex part of the west bank palestinian leaders say it will destroy any future hopes for peace. and islands gets trade spain gets foreign policy and the netherlands gets the fight against climate change you commission president festive underlined names had changed.
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