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tv   DW News  LINKTV  September 18, 2019 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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you know, they were telling me that, "ok, come to this country. they will respect you as a human being." that's why i wanted to go to australia. even when i was living in papua new w guinea, one of the custom officer told me that, "don't ever come back." but when i came to thisis country, one e of the custom officer told me, "welcome to america." thank you. that's what i wanted to hear. [laughter] [rain falling] eric: but imran is haunted by the memory of 600 men who are not so welcome here. neither prisoners nor really free, they remain trapped on a distant pacific island. imran: i am here, i am free, but...i still have nightmares. sometimes, i just can't sleepep. i am wide awake and just wander around in my apartment. i call my friends' name.
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they're not h here, they're on manus. "hey, jamal" or "hey, faizel, where are you?" eric: i started covering manus island more than 3 years ago, and when i first met these men, i wondered how their stories would end. i nevever thought itt would be here, on the other side of the world, in the suburbs of north america. some peoplple mit think this is a prpretty good outcome to what was a diabolical political and social p problem. and now they're here, australia might forget these guys, but they won'tt fget what australia did to them, and they might not forgive, either.
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amir: it can be lonely sometimes. super lonely. it's just i feel like i'm still there and i hear this d daily stuff. it's not ending, , it just kekes happening. it's getting worse and worse. something that i will always remember it. i will never be able to forget it. stuff that happened, my friends that they were killed in front of me. this shouldn't have happened ever. and i am sure there's gonna be a day that in the future that australia will feel sorry about what they've done. be
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from berlin. saudi arabia joins the united states, accusing iran of sponsoring airstrikes on saudi oil fields. >> this attack was not against
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kingdom of saudi aramco or saudi arabia. it was an assault on the international community. brent: saudi arabia is calling for an international response as a question remains unanswered, where did the missiles come from? also tonight, deadlock in israel after an inconclusive election. netanyahu is determined to stay in power. >> in the coming days, we will convene the cushy nations -- negotiations for a strong brent: zionist government. brent:will he be forced to give way to his main rival? plus, the backlash against vaping is growing. india introduces a total ban on their sale, while new york comes the first u.s. state to outlaw flavored vapes.
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i'm brent goff. our viewers on pbs in the united states and around the world, welcome. in an international act of show and tell, saudi arabia displayed evidence that it says proves the attacks on its oil facilities were undeniably sponsored by iran. backing up its claims with satellite images and weapons debris, saudi arabia said the attacks show a growth of iranian aggression. this comes as the u.s. secretary of state arrives following washington's early announcement that it plans to impose substantial sanctions on iran. >> remnants of drones and a missile, the saudi defense ministry claims they were among the weapons used in the strikes on oil facilities. maps drawn up to show that the
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attack most likely came from a northerly direction. saudi military spokesman said the assault was sponsored by iran and not originate in yemen, the home of the rebels who claimed responsibility. the colonel did not explicitly accuse tehran of launching the attack and admitted they did not know where the weapons were fired from. >> we are working to know exactly the launch point. however, we -- whoever launched the missile will take accountability for the saudi destruction. >> iran has renewed its denial of involvement in the attack. >> the issue is completely clear that these claims and accusations are completely and decisively rejected.
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>> saudi arabia's ally, washington, is saying off the record it is convinced of iran's involvement, but president trump is avoiding direct accusations and being cautious when it comes to questions of u.s. military involvement. >> we have not learned much, but there is a certain guarantee factor. we are at a point where we know what happened. there is plenty of time to do some dastardly things. it is very easy to start. we will see what happens. >> the u.s. secretary of state has arrived in saudi arabia. he has called the strikes on the oil infrastructure an act of war. meeting with the crown prince, he said washington wants to build a coalition of european and arab partners to confront threats. brent: trying to make sense out of the show and tell and the
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threats being issued, i am joined by an international consultant for the yemen sector, yemen's first and only independent research center. what do you make of what we saw today, particularly coming from saudi arabia? >> it is definitely an impressive show that the saudi is organized. it is difficult to evaluate exactly what this evidence means, given the current context , where all parties to this conflict are interested to portray this attack in their favor. brent: the rebels have claimed responsibility. we know that they are backed by iran. when they claim responsibility for an attack like this, does that imply that iran is partly responsible? >> i would say that if any of
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the proxies of iran is responsible for such an attack, then iran also holds certain responsibility, as they are the ones providing the technology, and they are probably also involved in providing intelligence. i doubt that especially the with these -- houthis would have this detailed know-how to perform such an attack. brent: just because the rebels claim responsibility does not mean they are responsible. >> of course. in this moment, they are interested in portraying themselves to be able to do such an attack. it would not be the first time that they have claimed an attack
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that was then doubted by other actors. brent: it is a pr stunt, it could be. >> it certainly could be. brent: what about the u.n. led international investigation that we are talking about right now? how likely is it that that is going to happen? >> i think it is necessary for such an independent investigation to happen. saudi arabia is obviously involved in the conflict and has for years been trying to present evidence to the international community of iran's involvement in such attacks. i think it is unlikely for saudi arabia and iran to guarantee that such an investigation is independent. brent: that is a very good point. today, the rebels issued new threats saying there were other
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saudi arabia insights on the radar for possible attacks. also, oil companies in the united arab emirates. do you think that the rebels will follow through? >> we will have to see. certainly, they are interested in showing that they are capable of doing such threats. they are at the moment consolidating control of northern yemen and showing they are there to stay and threatening the key actors in the conflict in yemen is part of this consolidation of power. i don't think that they will pull through attacks on the uae. i believe they are trying to de-escalate the situation toward iran and given the influence iran has, i doubt iran woululd
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push them in that direction. brent: it is a complicated calculus when you are talking about the power dynamics in this region. we appreciate you coming in and helping us understand. thank you. here are some of the othther stories making headlines around the e world. a fire at a school in liberia has claimed the lives of at least 26 children and two teachers. the blaze at the boarding school broke out at night while the children were asleep. a police spokesman says only four people, including the school's imam escaped. people have been wounded in an attack in afghanistan. attackers to and needed explosives before gunmen entered the building in the capital. afghanistan is on high alert as the presidential election approaches. there has been no claim of responsibility so far. south korean politicians have
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shaped their head to protest the new justice minister. the minister is facing allegations that his daughter received unfair favorable treatment at a university. the speaker of the parliament joined opposition deputies in the protest. benjamin netanyahu's future as israeli prime minister is hanging in the balance, with almost all votes counted. his right wing party is net and with the blue white alliance of centrists. netanyahu has been unable to form a coalition since the last inconclusive election. >> if he was disappointed on election night, he was certainly not showing it. far from conceding defeat, he vowed to remain at the helm. >> in the coming days, we will convene negotiations to assemble a strong zionist government and
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prevent a dangerous anti-zionist government. >>'s plans may be thwarted by the opposition leader. he stopped short of declaring victory but his tone was one of victory for his party. >> according to the initial results, netanyahu did not succeed in his mission. we on the other hand approved that our idea, a project we established over six months ago, is a huge success and here to stay. >> this man cast himself as kingmaker. his right wing party will be vital in any coalition. >> we have one option. a broad, liberal, unity government, formed of israel and
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blue and white. >> netanyahu is not keen. >> there are only two options. either a government that i run or a dangerous government based on arab parties. and during these times, more than ever, especially in front of the major political and security challenges that we face, there must not be a government based on arab parties. >> voters defied predictions of fatigue and turned out in larger numbers than the last will. many say it is time for netanyahu to go. >> netanyahu has probably run his course. his time has passed. >> netanyahu is like a phoenix. when we think he is finished, he
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rises up againin, but i really hope the government will change. >> i think he was a good leader, but i think it is time to end the chapter. >> netanyahu's political survival is on a knife edge. this election may turn out to be the one that breaks the spell. brent: where does this result lead? tania kramer inn jerususalem gae us this assessmement. tania: he seems to be in a weak position after this election. he failed last time to put a coalition together and he failed to put a coalition to his liking, which would have been a right wing coalition with the orthodox parties. this in light of his legal trououbles, he f faces possiblee indictment over corruption charges and hearings are in october. it is not quite sure what
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scenario we are going to be looking at. if you ask supporters,, they are not just prepared to give up on mr. netanyahu yet. there is also the sense that nobody wantsts to see a third election. the president has made clear he wants to proceed quickly with a consultation, to task the leader with who has the most chances of putting a coalition together. brent: tania kramer reporting from jerusalem. here in europe, spanish voters will head to the polls this coming november. the prime minister announced new elections after no party was able to form a government. the socialists won the most seats in april, but fell short of an absolute majority. >> the final act of a doomed attempt to form a government. the socialist party leader has said new elections are the only
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way forward. >> has been impossible to complete the mandate given to us. there is no majority in congress that guarantees the formation of a government. we must repeat the election. >> the prospect of the third election in four years has left many spaniards unimpressed. >> it is a complete waste of time. the current spanish political classes are not thinking about the peoeople. they are thinking about what they want for themselves and as a spanish citizen, i am not sure i'm going to vote. >> i feel a lot of anger, a lot of your rotation, because i feel that politicians should work to reaching an agreemenent and they do not. i think they should sit down, talk, and come to an agreement. proposing new elections is a mistake. >> i don't like what is
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happening, because what is going to be spent on another election should be used for hospitals and schools instead of wasting money for nothing. >> sanchez look for backing for two smaller parties on the left and center right. those talks failed. accusations are flying in the fractured political landscape. >> you missed a historic opportunity. yesterday, you said that you tried to form a government by any means. literally. if you are telling the truth, you are incompetent. if you are lying, you are negligent and irresponsible. >> sanchez is hopiping that november's elections will give him the mandate to form a stable government. brent: the federal reserve has lowered its benchmark rate for the second time this year. a quarter percentage cut is hoped to cushion the u.s.
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economy against a global slowdown which has been made worse by the trade war. the move could help strengthen business investment and exports, which the fed says have weekend. the keybank has faced intense pressure from president donald trump to cut rates. for more on this, we want to go to josé who is standing by for us. good afternoon to you. what does this movie tell us about the state of the u.s. economy? jose: for now, it seems that the u.s. economy is still pretty resilient. if we take a look at projections from the federal reserve, gdp numbers for this year say the economy will grow 2.2%. the unemployment rate will be around 3.7% and it seems that there are not big inflationary
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pressures, as core inflation is going to be around 1.8%. it seems that the fed is still doing some kind of midcycle adjustments. they are not looking forward for a decision or a big slowdown in the near future. chairman jerome powell said it is ready to be aggressive if necessary, but it seems that right now, there is no fear of a slowdown anytime soon. brent: when you compare and contrast that to the european central bank, the u.s. fed is not doing a lot. we know that president trump is not happy with that policy. jose: absolutely not. he already tweeted about this decision, but we have to have in mind that the fed is independent and monetary policy decisions are not made by one person.
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there is a total of 17 members that participate in that meeting and from those members, 10 have voting powers. there is a lot of division in the federal reserve, which tells you that those decisions are still independent. brent: jose luis de haro in new york for us with the latest on this second rate cut by the u.s. fed. thank you. tonight, the backlash against vaping is growing and is now global. today, india announced a ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes, citing health concerns. new york state has outlawed flavored e-cigarettes. new york's governor calling for emergency action in response to concerns about a nationwide outbreak of deadly lung conditions. his decision has angered some business owners. >> they promised to help tobacco addicts quit. instead, millions of american high schoolers are hooked on
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e-cigarettes and no one is sure how harmful they are. doctors call the craze a ticking time bomb. now, new york state has moved to defuse it, planning -- banning flavored versions. >> flavors like bubblegum, cotton candy, cap'n crunch, which was my favorite. these are obviously targeted to young people. >> the people selling e-cigarettes are fumuming. they have two weeks to offload vast quantities of their stock before the ban comes in. >> when i heard about it, it was really troublesome. it is going to affect a lot of business, and secondly, all of my regular customers who are coming every day are really disappointed with the news. >> the race isis on to crack don on vaping, triggerered by deaths
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and illnesses, especially affecting young people. one in four high school students uses e-cigarettes, and that number is rising. donald trump has said d a nationwiwide coalition is forthcoming. >> we have a problem in our country. it is a problem nobody thoughght about too much a few years ago. vaping, especially as it pertains to children read they are coming home and saying, i want to vaped. >> one leading health affectional says a action is bay needed. >> right now, we have an open fifid where ananything goes. people are playing russian rouletteith their bodies every time thehey purchase. >> t those profiting f from the practices say these moves will only push people back toward more harmful tobacco cigarettes. brent: it is quite a statement.
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russian roulette with your health. anthony howard is with us. how did we get here? anthony: we got here because someone invented a new, cool way to deliver nicotine, the old public enemy of health. the delivery device became wildly popular in a short amount of time. we also got 20 years of legislation and litigation against tobacco could not be applied to a problem we didn't know we had. let me show you some ad campaigns for one of the most popular companies. what you are seeing are some familiar tropes, attaching nicotine with a cool looking device, young, beautiful people. that campaign was in 2016, before regulations. brent: targetiting young peoplp. >> exactly right. a demographic that we have tried hard to make off limits to big tobacco. the conversation between the
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food and drug administration and vaping companies is getting more regular. two weeks ago, they sent a letter saying let's not say this is more safe than smoking. brent: what caused what we have seen -- two american states to suddenly legislate and the u.s. president has gotten involved. >> a trickle of data is becoming a flow. the centers for disease control and prevention are reporting a spike in lung related luminary problems. just as regulators have struggled to control the actual device, health scientists struggle to string together any meaningful data about the side effects. there are no studies a decade-long into problems that are five years old. this can all be summarized as what we don't know. what has really moved the needle in the last years is they have started to take notice of the
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sheer numbers of people who are vaping and one particular group, teenagers. let me show you a graph in the new england medical journal. on the top left is 20 years of legislation against big tobacco. in the hands of teenagers, 12 students in the u.s. from 37%, down to 7%. you want to say the battle is one, but they are down and vaping is coming in from 2015. that enormous spike, two decades of hard work is almost obliterated in three or four years of beeping. brent: it is amazing. i have heard from elementary school teachers saying it is a true epidemic, sometimes half the class is already vaping. anthony howard, we will have to wrap it up there. thank you. brent: now to a sport played by millions of people in southern asia. players usually stay cleaner
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than what you see behind me. it is a game that has now found a place in the professional arena in india. in a country crazy about cricket, it has defied the odds and proved nearly popular. take a look. >> this guy is in trouble. he is what is called a reader, trying to touch as many opponents as he can before retreating to that line and he does not get back. that is the essence of this sport in india ththat has gonee pro. top leagues rake in tens of millions of dollars of tv revenue and top p players rakekn tens of thousands of dollars. not bad for a kid's game. none of the players ever looked at it as a career, but ever since the pro game has started, every player is taking it
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seriously. it requires serious footwork and agility. it also requires the rater to chant the name of the sport while he or she is in the midst. you have to be eight super fan to hear it. >> we used to watch interviews of cricket players with all, and now we feel the same special way. it makes me happy. >> the professional league has mascots, chanting fans, and most importantly, market savvvvy team owners. > 1 10 years from now, who k. ththey will be big stars, becaue
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the reach thihis sport has. >> goingng beyond cricket in ina may be a stretch but if the sport continues on its current trajectory, the road ahead could be paved with rubies for those with the skill to play the ancient game. brent: here is a reminder of the top stories for you. saudi arabia is joining the u.s. and accusing iran of sponsoring airstrikes on saudi oil plants over the weekend. saudi arabia displayed missiles and drones it says were launched from the north as the u.s. secretary of state arrives in riyadh for talks with saudi leadership. after a short break, i will be back to take you through the day. stick around for that. [captionining performed d by the nationonal captionining institu, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]


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