tv DW News LINKTV September 20, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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>> this is dw news live from berlin. the largest climate protest the world has ever seen -- so say organizers as millions mobilize to protect the environment. marchers in more than 150 countries call on world leaders to do more. also on the program, the teenage swedish activist who started the friday's for future movement tells politicians to accept their responsibilities. the german government seems to be listening.
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the governing coalition makes a breakthrough on a 50 billion euro climate protection package, but will it be accepted by activists and industry? i'm phil gayle. welcome to the program. worldwide protests to demand climate change action continue with activists taking to the streets along with every country on earth. a movement that started with students skipping school on fridays has become a global movement. the first place to wake up to this global climate strike was australia. >> around the world in just 24 hours, the largest climate protest the world has ever seen -- that's what organizers have been calling today's wave off strikes for the planet.
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student demonstrators have been turning out in their millions. some of the first rallies kicked off in australia. >> it is a big worry. we are on the front lines of climate change. it's already happening. it is not waiting for it to happen or a matter of time. it is already here. >> this is the first time adults have joined the strikes on such a significance trail -- significant scale, like e here n hong kong where parents havee also been takiking part. in thailand,d, hundreds ofof protesters stormed the environment ministry in bangkok before d dropping to thehe grouo play dead. >> i will die of climate change! >> with africa among the climates most vulnerable to global warming, climate change protests in kenya have an especially significant since of urgency.
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>> climate change is real for us. it does not matter who you are, if you are rich or poor. it does not isolate. >> young activists in india joined millions of children the world over in the hope adults in power hear their calls. >> this is a fight which will impact every length the rest of my life. this is a fight i'm fighting so the world in heherod will not be boiling over with toxins and stuff, you know? i'm fighting for a world in which i will be able to breathe. >> over to the ukrainian capital, kiev, were demonstrators call for action not today, not tomorrow, but now . make love, not plastic. thousands tread the streets of
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warsaw. history in the making for generations to come. in the irish capital dublin, students skipped school to join the global cry for change, marching across the city in a unified call for action. and in stockholm, the same, and it's all down to swedish teen activists greta thunberg. her rallying cry to take to the streets in protest has seen a day of positive -- positive change against climate change. phil: after that skip around the world, let's plan for moma in new york. welcome. what is going on there. -- what is going on there?
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>> it is like being at a concert. streets are packed. we had to move a few steps further away because no phones are working because there are so many people that have come together here to p protest, andt is a very colorful and a very cheerful protest. many students brought signs and pictures with them showing birds, animals, the earth. one sign read, oceans are rising, so are we. i talked to two high school students from new jersey. they told me that they wanted to be here because it is their future that is at stake. and because they want to be part of this global movement. they also told me that they hope they can convince u.s. president donald trump that climate change is a fact and that they demand a radical change of politics.
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phil: changing president trump's mind is a tall order. stay with us as we look at who started this whole movement. greta thunberg. let's look at howow she galvanid youngsters around the world. >> what do we want? >> climate justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> some have tried for years to make the climate a matter of urgency and failed. teenager greta thunberg has done it. she is bringing her message to the americanan president, , a sr claim climate skeptic, in person. the media followed the trip closely. >> the climatic meteorological crisis is a g global crisis, the biggest crisis humanitarian --
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humanity has ever faced and if we do not managage to cooperarae and work together despite our differences, w wwill fail. we need to stand together and support each other and to take action. >> it all started about a year agago. every friday, greta thunberg protested in front o of the swedish parliament and in so doing, sparked the friday's for future government. a few days later, the schoolgirl mobilized millions for the climate. suddenly, young people all over the world took to the streets like here in india. in mexico. or in australia. or in europe. after her arrival in new york at the end of august, she made it clear at a meeting with the united nations general assembly president that she hoped the upcoming climate gathering would lead to concrete action.
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>> it needs to be some kind o of breaking point, tipping point where people start to realize what is actually going on, s soe have high expectations for youou and all members states to deliver. ->> now she's countnting on the support of her fellow campaigners all over the world. >> we all continue to take climate action until they hear us. phil: has greta thunberg's presence increased numbers? >> we are not sure about that. it looks likely because we have to say that she was widely unknown here in the u.s., but after her arrival here, she has become sort of a prominent figure here in new york, but i talked to students hear about her, and they told me that they know her, they admire her, they
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think her activism is very important for this movement, but they also told me that they would be here anyway with or without her. another thing that is important to mention in this context is that the education department in new york city has allowed students to skip classes today and to participate in this protest without any penalties, and that could be a factor as well so that many students have said they want to do it and still participate in this protest. phil: we will let you enjoy the rest of the day. thank you. as these mass protests swept across berlin and other major cities around the world, german chancellor angela merkel announced a 50 billion euro climate protection plan. the missions are aimed at reducing carbon emissions and speeding up the move to renewable energy.
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the breakthrough followed marathon overnight talks, , but not everyone is happy. >> it's all about the future. germany's government presented its climate package in berlin's brand-new museum of questions about the future. it's message -- it has heard and understood. the package is touted as a major step. at the start, chancellor merkel admitted germany will not meet its climate goals in 2020 but said it will by 2030. >> it is very important to me that the document we are presenting today communicates that first of all, we believe we can reach the targets and that we really have set the foundation for doingng so. ththe goal is t to reduce grgree gas emissions by 55% as compared to 1990 levels. germany is still far off that target. this is how the government plans to catch up 2030. climate changing carbon dioxide
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will be priced. petrol and heating oil will cost more. but commuters will get tax relief. flying will become more expensive through a carbon tax. train travel will be cheaper and the development of green electricity is to be ququickene. >> we have resolved not only to set things in motion but to keep an eye on it all, which we understand to be in the framework of the climate protection law so we can see how we are progressing. >> angela merkel seems to be on the defensive and was quick to criticism in the bud -- to nip criticism in the bud. >> this is where politics and science disagree an inpatient young people, too. politics is about that which is possible. >> the german government plans to invest 54 billion euros to slow climate warming over the next four years without stacking
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up any new debt. >> not far from where those decisions were being made, young protesters were out on the streets demanding action from the german government, inspired by the fridays for future demonstrations. also joining, their parents this time and also there grandparents. many of those descending on brandenburg gate told dw they want those in charge to do much more to tackle climate change. let's take a look at this with one of the people who is on one of the marches today. a protest organizer for fridays for future. welcome to dw. what was the day like? >> it was amazing. the first part, it was huge, and i was at the front, at the banner, and when i got back, we got the news how many people we were -- we work 270,000 people just in berlin.
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i was crying out of joy. it was amazing. phil: how did you organize that many people in one place? >> we have no idea how that worked. calls for so many people to come and make -- to tell about us and to tell about the climate crisis , and they were all there. phil: why is this important to you? we all get that the scientists say this is going to happen, but those of us with jobs and incomes to earn, this is terrible, someone should do something, but you have actually decided to go out on the street. why? >> because i'm terrified. phil: are you really? of what? >> of having the future that scientists are predicting right now. if we keep going like this, it is going to happen like that, and i really don't want to live in a world like that. phil: what is it about the future that terrifies you?
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>> well, climate change. heat and naturee and hurricanes and war at some point because we don't have enough resources. it's not going to be fun. phil: we've been talking about the package of measures that the german government has agreed. it is still to be passed by parliament. something like just under 60 billion euros worth. is that a good thing? >> no, it's not. it's good that they want to do something, but the things they have done are by far not enough, and it feels like a slap in the face for all of us. we just feel terrible about it. phil: i get the impression that nothing that any responsible government is ever going to do is ever going to be enough. their aim is to cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50% over the next 10 or 15 years, increase fuel taxes, increase
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flight prices, reduce train tickets, boost wind and solar power production. what is not to like? >> for example, they did not say anything about coal. they are still a 2038, and that is way too late. we demand 2030. phil: this is in terms of extraction of it. >> exactly. there are certain demands we have, and when they are fulfilled, then we will be satisfied. >> it was on that point the chancellor talked about the notion of politics being the art of the possible. for instance, with coal, you talk about how you want coal extraction to be reduced, but there are whole communities whose incomes, whose livelihoods depend, are based around that industry. what do you say to them out there in these rural coal mining communities? when you have closed all their minds, this is the balance, i'm
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presuming. >> sure, sure, i got that. we see them and we hear them, and we know that is not nice, but also, like, what's the alternative? just i think we should stop always comparing or having a fight between social justice and climate justice because they have to go together, and it is also about social justice for the next generations. phil: this is the thing -- i'm sorry to press you on this. it's good having you here, but when you talk about social justice, it's hard for you -- it's hard for anyone to go to a community, right? see this pit, this mine, this coal mine that has provided an income for you and your father and your father's father. "we are going to close it because we think that some time in the next 50 to 100 years, there's going to be a problem." how does your social justice now tell them they are all going to be unemployed, but it's a good thing? >> first of all, we don't think
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it is going to happen. we have proof by thousands of scientists who are all behind us or actually, we are behind them. second of all, sure, it's not nice, but what is going to happen to the later generations is way worse. we will have extreme wars because of resources and people will die because of climate change. people are already dying because of climate change and fleeing because of climate change. it's the social just -- so what's the social justice there? phil: thank you for joining us. now we take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. at least 1 11 people have died n severe flooding in cambodia. more than 10,000 families had to be moved to safety. days of heavy rain caused them become river to overflow. ofofficials say 11 areas remaint risk of flooding is heavy rainfall is forecast until next week. afghanistan's president has
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pledged secucurity reforms to prevent civianan casualties following a taliban truck bomb attack on a hospital and a misdirected u.s. drone strike that killed civilian workers in a field rather than the intended islamic state hideout. at least 65 people were killed in the incident. british brexit minister says talks with the european union have gained momentum. the eu has demanded written proposals from britain on how would attend -- intends to avoid cost -- costly time-consuming checks on the irish border. the court in moscow has ordered the release of an actor found guilty of injuring a police officer at an opposition protest. he's one of seven people jailed over a series of political protests, but his arrest sparked public outcry in russia. hundreds of people wrote open
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letters calling for his release. now to bangladesh where the sexual abuse of children is islamic schools or madrasa's is a crime that often goes unreported, but the killing of a 19-year-old student this year has highlighted the issue. she was burned alive at her school for reporting her teacher for sexual harassment. now other victims are speaking out. >> she knows only too well what happens hind close doors append the --'s madrasa's. the university student studied at three of them during his high school years in the capital. assault and abuse there are widespread, he says, and a anyoe who studied in them knows about it. >> young students are being touched inapproropriately. the teachers and s seniors oftfn force the kids ttouch h their venus.s. ---- touch their penis. these students regularly face such inappropriate practices.
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>> but the topic of sex is taboo in much of the conservrvive country and victims are often too scared to come forward. now he and some other former madrasa students have taken to posting about their experience on social media, hoping their honesty will help victims break their silence. >> often, children cannot tell their parents because they feel ashamed. our patriarchal society labels men who complain about such violence as feminine, so to refrain from being labeled feminine, the boys never talk about it. >> on top of the shame, speaking out can be dangerous. in april, t this man's 18-year-d daughter was set on fire on the roof of her madrasa after she filed a case against her school principal. she died from her injuries after days of agony. the case shopped the nation, sparking an outcry for justice.
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who wants to keep up momentum on the issue. >> if consensual sex between men and womom is a sin is up to allah, but whoever practices forced and inappropriate sex must ask for forgiveness from the victim. it's not only breaching religion but also human rights. >> but his may be a lonely voice in a country where shame and religion keep many from bringing abuse into the open. phil: a saudi arabia and blogger has gone on hunger strike in prison according to his wife. speaking exclusively to dw, she said the dissident activist who was jailed for 10 years wass sentntenced to 100 lashes is striking in response to his poor treatmentt in prison. despite his poor health, he has been granted only limited access to medicines and has had his radio confiscated despite having had it for four years.
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she said her husband had called her from prison via payphone. seven years in prison is enough, she said. he's not a criminal. he was a free man who defended his human rights. he has three children who have not seen himim for seven years. when you think of european tech or startup hopes, the first place that springs to mind is london or berlin. now paris once to get in on the action. a 5 billion euro fund was announced for tech companies. hopefully the cash will help turn the country into a magnet for innovators. >> 5 billion euros -- that's the some french investors this week pledged to pump into startups as part of a push to foster growth in the country's tech scene. the french president, himself a former investment banker, was quick to show his appreciation.
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>> we reached this milestone because of these institutional investors' commitment. i really want to thank them for their action and willingness to take risks by committing 5 billion euros in the next three years to french funds specialized in technology. i think we can applaud you. [applause] the french government is hoping the investment will enable the country to catch up with some of its international competitors. "we will slowly increase investment in the sector and hope to be on comparable levels with the british in the future. today we are at 5 billion. the british are at 8 billion or 9 billion.n. i think this is t the goal w we should aimim for." the government also wants to reduce red tape, making it easier for companies to hire foreign workers.
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phil: bavaria's biggest party starting soon. cologne are planning to head for a few beers after the game, and some are not pleased. >> it would not be oktoberfest without bayern munich's obligatory photo shoot. byron's proud oktoberfest record , previously unbeaten since 2010, was shattered last season withth two defefeats. the cocoach iss hoping to rectiy that.. >> when oktoberfest starts, everyone g gs in the m mood. yoyocannot proromise everyththin lifefe, but we will try to impre on last season. it should not be too difficult to do better than a draw or two
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losses. >> although it is called oktoberfest, the legendary festival starts in september. this year, colon are in town, the kind club no stranger to parties themselves. their coach says they will be joining in the oktoberfest festivities win, lose, or draw. >> people e ask -- can you do somethingg like that, play byron and afterwards go to oktoberfest? i say yes because it is a team evevent which i is good for bon. it can only be positive. i will take the responsibility if it backfires in the end. >> that hahas raised eyebrows among colon fans, that their team can crash the party with an away win and surely, it would be deserving, with all their love. phil: the rugby world cup has
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begun. the game was preceded by a spectacular opening ceremony. in russia threatened to upset the party. japan hit back, though, to be -- to record a 30-10 victory. tomorrow new zealand meat heavyweights south africa. finally, this story about a very rare a animal spotted in the wi. it''s a zebra but not the ususu kind.. this week old spotted zebra foal was spotted by a tourr guide on kenya's natural reserve. his extremely rare pattern is likely a result of a genetic mutation. he has been christened cura and caused quite the stir at the papark. now here's a reminder of our top stories. strikes for climate action taking place around the world ahead of a key you in summit next week.
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demonstrators in 150 countries are demanding that world leaders to do more to combat climate change. and as thousands demonstrated here in berlin, chancellor merkel's coalition government released a 50 billion euro climate change package. up next, a review of the biggest stories of the week in "the day."
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twenty four news programs. one of the two hundred four twenty four correspondence from around the world. and i'm looking to change into you at france twtwenty four lilive from parisn myself like this will be only the top stories for you this hour. a global climate strike millions around the world come out courting said more action from governments to tackle the dangers of climate change. he john is that y you see o on your screen a as they're inspireded . the sixteen year old swedish shots of espresso to invite. in algeria pro democracy protesters take to the streets for the thirty first consecutive week this despite increased security presence. and what is by the country's army chief to put roadblocks in place. so we bring you the latest from the rugby world c
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