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tv   France 24  LINKTV  September 27, 2019 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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french capital you're watching live from paris f from thirty four i'm tom but gisele's and these are the top stories. fresh protests erupt in egypt wiwith those taking part voicing their opposition to president ob that fatah and cc they quickly dispersed by the authorities. for the three hundred former officials from the us security a and foreign policy agencies formally endorse the congressional impeachment. of president donald trump. can be part of the solution not the pollution that is the child of hundreds of thousands of young people across the globe. calling for action on climate change .
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welcome back we begin in egypypt's w where there have ben fresh protest this friday organized by opponents of the country's president abdel fattah a cc. well those taking part were heading about heeding the call of the exiled egyptian businessman muhammad ali who has posted videos accusing cc on the ministry of corruption. well today's protesters were quickly dispersed and supporters of the president gathered in cairo and they held their own rally well for his part president cc brushed off the criticism and accusations leveled at him. he is what he said. this is a an image being painted as has been done in the past comprised of lies and defamation and some media working to present an image that isn't true. we're really strong the country is really strong thanks to the people why thanks to god and thanks to the
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people so don't worry about anything. well for moree analysis we can speak now to leslie pick malibu is an advocacy director at the cairo institute for human rights studies. who joins us now from brussels thank you so o much for speaking to us. what is your understanding festival as to why these protests are taking place. well t these p protests e a conontinuation. of the way the demonstrations that occurred last weekend. in response to your own many egyptians citizens anger frustration exasperation and sense of the justice. at the economic conditions and social conditions they're experiencing which are were already really. haharsh but have. been deteteriorating furthther on sie twenty fifteen and in that context the news of credible
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allegations of massive corruption on the part of president on the track the head since he and- his clothes military. advisors the top of the military hierarchy was basically the spark that. that triggered to the expression of this anger and people began to demonstrate last weekend. in several waves and in severer cities across the country. and then a massive wave of cracked down throughout the week response and that and it's today. they came out again and tapped to protest and several locations that were in that again with very very strong winds repression. yeah i mean the street demonstrations of almost been completely silent seven they ever since president cc. took office so that means that people taking part. in
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these purchase so riskining a huge amount on day. theyey are indeed it ranges from fororced disappearance andnd torture very long arbitrary detention you can also face gunfire friends security forces rubber bullets live rounds you can lose your life in a protest you can also effectively there's you're- in the rest of your your livelihood if you are. detained and prosecuted on a political basis for having exercise your right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly they're often terrorism related charges brought against people detained for peacefully protesting. and they canan spend yeaea and. yeas and years in jail in in terrible conditions. yeah i mean there's been a very serious clampdown hasn't that own people who who purchased
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you mention that i'm somome two ththousand people have bebeen arrested. since the protests began to meme what we know about the whereabouts of four of those people who've been detained a mall sort ofof conditions they've had to injure. information is inside me patchy as we know. and what we do know is that over two thousand people have been. detained in the past six days. even rights lawyers on the ground have been strtruggling to document all of these cases so that. over two thousand figure only represents the cases we have knowledge of. several hundred have also been forcibly disappeared. the persons detained. appeared little by little before the state security prosecution again with these terrorism related charges. and many o of the peope detained actually since last friday the twentieth. and are still in the system meaning we don't know exactly where they
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are. but it is known that several hundred. were sent to you illegal places of detention. in particular the barracks of the central security forces that gyptian right police which are not. and should not be used. to legally speaking i had to hold prisoners. okay we're gonna have to leave itit that i'm so sorry to cut you off leslie at peak model advocacy director the carbon steve human rights studies. thank you very much indeed for sharing that with us. moving on now more than three hundred former officials from the us security and foreign policy agencies have today endorsed the congresessional impeachmenent inqnquiry of president donald trump. the joint statement they've signed accuses president trump of inviting foreign interference in the u. s. democratic process. this with reference to a telephone conversation in which the us president asked his that ukrainian opposite number to dig up does on his possible.. twenty twenty presidential rival joe biden. meanwhwhile the house speaker
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nancy pelosi is warning against attempts by the trump administration. to retaliate against that whistle blower whose complaint broughtht this imimpeachment prprobe about. wel the lady i spoke to our international affffairs commimie to phililip tell he e brought ts the latest. president trump has been tweeting a again today as e does normalllly every d day this time about the whistle blolower. trying t to bring discredit on the person who was behind the publication of this report into the phone call that he held with the canadian president told me that salen ski. but at the sameme time w while he's discreditingng the whiststle blr there aree officicials in the white house itself. who have admitted that the. transcript of the phone conversation between the two p presidents trump and the lead ski wall softwoods placed on a highly secure server which is not
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usually used for this kind of phone call so the admission from the stall. in the white house itself of that it's happened is sort of saying a at the same time that what president trump is saying basically this i is nothing and the whistlele blower receiptss crcredited because he or she didn't d directly witnessed that phone conversation. iss saying that the president is lying now that's the first development and we have this leaked video footage of president trump which was leaked to bloomberg where he is seen addressing what i think is a is a reading of ambassadors. being quite gung ho about it really being very critical about joe biden and saying that basically we are at war these people off sick talking about the democrats who are trying to launch this impeachment prices against him. so that is what happening on the trump side and in thehe white house in the meantime on the democratic side
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you have nancy pelosi the speaker of the house. which is controlled by the democrats she said that she wants she's not putting in the time limit on these this process all of the impeachment of donald trump the all the element today is that the h house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff who is. going to be in charge of these impeachment proceedings i is going to o call witnesses up to give information about what they knewew and he said that he is willing to use subpoenas if people will not submit the infoformation they want whahat e still don't know who to important things whatat we still dodon't know he's a the i ident. of the whistle b blower what we do is information that was a a given byby t the new york times which says that the whistle blower worked as a c. i. a. agent and within the white house. and we don't know the identity which is what the order from ready wants to know all of the person in. the white
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house who leaked the information to the whistle blower. he to talks in any case the iranian president has not actually accepted that offer anyway saying officer was too toxic. to make such a decision. is a clip of what he said about this song about his eyebrows i'm a all the more on no force fuzzy. in you germany's chancellor. britain's prime minister. on france's presidents with that. they all insisted on having a meeting. they said the united states was saying it would lift sanctions. it was a for the base which ones will be lifted. they have clearly stated that they would lift all sanctions.. would done more quality time. irananian president t speakiking thatt a hundred people queued up at the
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presidential palace set in paris today to pay their respects to the former president jacques chirac who died on thursday morning wish i. q. served as president from nineteen ninety five to two thousand and seven was eighty six years old what is what is serving as president twice a check shock also served as prime minister and the mayor of paris that's a position he held for some eighteen years. but it was during his time e at city hall within the v. s. it's n nie at the many feel he really made his mark. possible sitting the sykes is that with. the full taking france's highest office jack jack was the matter of paris for eighteen years. he was actually the first man to be elected by prisons in nineteen seventy seven. so it seems only fitting that should be is also being paid here today. to the french president and former mayor of paris. there are photos a slideshow photos behind me being paid for out the day. photos shack during his time in office particularly many photosos of hm interacting with the public. a trait that he was so fondly remembered for. so many of the
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process by that are taking the time to look at these photos today also reflecting on his time as a matter of paris. for ceos supposed to me it was during his time as mayor of paris that check she had started to become unknown figure yeah video. he's he put fronts on the map by promoting paris. these people in front and francais love paris and he left the city as well so i think it helped him. be a good candidate for the presidency she got. really and to me he left a real mind during his time as men. also i think that while working in paris. to create a true capital call great capital of bacon and everything that comes with it. condemning the only dynamic city over the next couple days. let's let me. as well as at the inn is a place that also books of condolences which persons all signing hey outside the said the vehicle. possible
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selena sykes reporting from well to defeat in central powers. police in the northern nigerian city of could do not have a rescue to more than three hundred male students from an islamic school why many what victims of torture and sexual abuse. police say thehey found out a hundred studedents some of them as young as nine years old kept in chains we own all of that school and six staff have been arrested. it's the end of a nightmare for hundreds of young men and boyoys in northern nigeria. some of them jumped from a window to escape the school where they were torture. between the ages of nine and twenty the victims were still in chains having been beaten burned and raped. this place is not i hadad a hobble on islamic school because you can see if we are safe. more tuned in some of them but for now i never in countries but can off also might leave. cannot get as- on the children got that he awful autobody kontopoulos all over the country do i hear. some of the white at ten. bill i use do
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you mind ice. because he doesesn't. nigerian police arrested the o owner of thee hool and six teachers in what's being described as a house of horrors police found a torture room where they say students were chained and be. aaron's s have b been unable toe or talk to their sons for three months and had no idea what was gogoing on behind the walls of the scschool. t t school was n t registered with the proper authorities but had been operating for abobout t ten yea. it represented itself as an islamic school and detox cenenr for youngg drugg addicts inn an area off the world which has been ravaged by drug overdoses. caused by cheap pain killers. these kinds of schools or reformatories are commomon in nigeria.a. for yeaears many have beenen suspectcted off abuse the nigerian president muhammadu buhari has considered banning. it's tight secururity p people acacross afghanistanan again hed to the polls on saturday to choose a new leader.r. this vote wiwill be the fourth p presidenl election since the fall of the
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taliban well that same militant group isis warning afghans not o take part in the electionon and their fears that t they could talk at polling stations. possibles james for cena has more. it's an election sets to be doused in uncertainty. as afghans prepare to head to the polls on saturday. many is still unsure whether to ststay t home. we'llll wristbandnd life o cast their b ballots. the talibn who would so pulleled from power back in two thousand and one but now controlled around half of the country have threatened to targets polling stations having already killed dozens of civilians in the past weeks. includining during an attack ona rally held by current president ashraf ghani that killed twenty six people should just finished the violence and we should go through. election in order to just select our new president for our for five years and to this very important for me to
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just participate in the election. an upsurge in violence the men's little campaigning inn the build up to the election which was dominated by talks betwtween the us government's on the taliban. but failed to lead to an agreement. . e f for many the elections which will seee ghani face offff against c chief executive o of due to do a-- a t to be crippled would frauds. it's the first time that i've wanted to cast my vote but in this situation so i have no hope in the government i don't believe they'y'll rebuild the country. i don't want my vote to be meaningless. little stutuf outt but a statete id. i am ands able. to vote in this election but i didn't want to cost my ballots. since there was so much corruption in the e last election. i'm m not a debate. authorities h have designated a hundred thousand observers to overlook the voting on the day but many already sites with onoe of the running candidates. thousands of pro democracy activists took to the streets of hong kong with friday
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evening for the latest protests in most be nearly four months of unrest in the former british colony. it's expxpected that those taking part will step up their campaign as beijing gives up the celebrations on tuesday to mark the seventieth anniversary of the foundation of the people's republic of china. four days of protests are expected in the run up to the ministry. hundreds of thousands of young people took to the s streets acrososs the ge today demanding much more from that l leaders in times of tackling. climate change this says scientists warn that time is running out t to curb glolobl warming. what is the second major worldwide protests in the space of a week in those taking part following the lead. of the swedish teenagerr greta thunberg. faucet was katherine viets tells us more. marching to save the planet. new zealand tens of thousands of people join demonstrations demand urgent action on climate change.
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many of those taking part teenagers inspired by swedish teen activist credit tune burke and her fiery address at the u. n. on monday clandestine world leaders for failing to act. for generations really s shouldn't have to be out here missing school we should be in school and i feel so really it's just a really important to me and a front here that would like to stand up against. all the generations that have really screwed over a planet. wellington crowds gathered at parliament to pressure their leaders to do more. similar protests have been held across asia around five hundred students in seoul south korea skip school to march on the presidential blue house and he and the government and add on climate action. i believe government action will change only if the voices of young people ahead because we're the ones are going to be the greatest victims. of the climate crisis. in europe
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activists have b been staging dedemonstrations from the finnih parliament to rome and paris. with the famed loop museum was targeted. objective of our collective is to o convince the new museum to break its partnership with tata because they receive sponsorship i we don't believe that a cultural institution national international institution should be receiving money from a multinational company the continues. to o endanger the climate to pollulute the climat. the day of protest wraps up in montreal regretted tune berg is highlighting the issue of air travel in russia. harvest on offefer check a l little busines news stories on n google joins e and i could get a thought with reports that chinese companies could be the next to a casualty of the us china trade war. ththat's right tom some multiple rereports now saying that the trump administration i is considering the possibility of delisting chinese companies from u. s. stock exchanges preventing investors in the u. s. from investing in those
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companies. bloomberg reports that the actual mechanisms for doing this are still being discussed but if it does happen it would be a radical escalation of trade tensions between the two countries which already been escalating for months talks are of course set to resume next month. after weeks of *-*- for tat terrace between what are the twowo biggest econonomies in the world many analysts suggest that this cocould be j just a negotiating tacticic from wawashington. now we'll hahave to see. now however markets are still responding very strongly to o that news. in the u. s. stock markets taking a major head especially chinese stocksks that are listed. like alibaba which was down nearly six percent. tech stocks are performing the worstst in afternoonn trading d dgging on the nasdaq it was down one point 6% a shohort while ago. te dow jones also shedding a hundred and fifty points heading for a second straightt weekly loss. our earlier at close here in your up markets were higher across the board with one foot the leading as the pound it took a a hit due to
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brag that uncertainty. paris is get government about a t third f a percenup a at the clclose. whn i saw a commercial court h here in frarance has ordered the liquidation of the airline hey guys your by friday at midnight. the company filed for bankruptcy protection earlier in the month canceling all flights and strandingng thoususs of passesengers. judgeges said t nono long term solution had been presented by the contending buyers of the company. the liquidation will cost one thousand one hundred and fifty jobs e eight hundred in n france and three hundred and fifty and algeria. and could spell trouble for other struggling low cost carriers. i think when he has the story. french airline igloos rules more than eleven hundred employees are now out off a jobob the c commee tribunal near paris ruled on friday that none of the candidates who were ready to take over the airline. had been deemed convincing enough. the good apples i feel very angry. it turns out that this was all over weeks ago with so much death crude and so little time.
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the unions were under way. and nobody told us anything the wall issue. we were fooled it should never have gotten to this. what with all the lines we operated in the way we work. i feel betrayed and abandoned. thee low cost airline grounded its entire fleet three weeks ago before declaring itself bankrurupt. igloos y you was a major player in french air travel last year the airline carried one point nine million passengers with half of its operations to and from algeria. the airline earned three hundred million euros in twenty eighteen. it's bad news for the low cost airline industry as another frencnch airline attemps to find someone to bail it out. excel airways collapsed shortly after regular zoo and has been scrambling to find a buyer. there france was a potential candidate until ceo ben smith shot down the idea on friday. what it would do. to try to incorporate an airline hi like exile into alphonse it's not
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something we're willing to do because of the- tension and perhaps the art the destruction of the stability that t we've createted on t the social frontd alfofonse. nineteen h has been a difficult year for air travel so far major companies like jet airways thomas cook wow where anand fly bmi have all ceaseded operations. let's takeke a lookk next to some other business news from around the world that we're following for you. general motors will continue to pay for health insurance for its forty eight thousand striking workers. the automaker decided to reverse its initial decision to push those costs on the united auto workers union after widespread outcry at that decision. the strike is in its twelfth day it's the longest in thirty years analysts say it's costing the us company a hundred million dollars every day. plagued by scandals wells fargo made goodod on its promise to appoint an outsider a ceo. charles scharf currently ceo of bank of new york mellon. well had the third largest us bank starting october twenty first
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his top priority dealing with the fallout from several regulatory messes. namely persuading the federal reserve to lift the cap on the bank's balance sheet growth. and the french state rail operator sncf wants to create europe's leadining railway company. by merging eurostar which operates the london paris roots with dallas which travels from paris to brussels amsterdam. theo de on fifty said the merger project which is been dubbed green speed would respond to growing demand for rail travel is environmentally conscious passengers move away from airplanes. it still neeeeds the approval of otother shareholders before can move forwardd. saying in france ten billion euros woworth of tax cuts that't's an amambitiouss promise from the french governmenent in s twenty twtwenty bududget draft. unveild todayy thehe budget is seen as a response to some o of the demans from friends is yellow vest protesters but f financial watchdog says that whwhile that may be well and good. itt could be friends will breakak you guidelines to tackle its
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deficit surely said bonus plans. do you greatly influenced france's next budget. yellow vest protesters demanded among other things lower taxes. the french government granted them that request. income taxes and local taxes will be reduced in twenty twenty by more than nine billion euros corporate taxes will be cut to buy one billilion euros. this means france will no longer aim for a 2% budget deficit but for two point 2% deficit. when countries like germany sweden the netherlands and portugal glad to have no deficit at all. france's national debt will remain one of the heaviest in europe after italy with almost 1100% of its gdp. on the bright side france has one of the highest growth rates among its neighbors with one point 3% when germany is
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expected to stagnate at zero point five percent. overall growth in the e. u. remains low taking a hit from international trade wars including the one between the us and china and concerns link to brags it. france's government has found a reason to rejoice though this week it's revealed it raised an unexpected extra two billion euros of income taxes and twenty nineteen due to itits new automatitic tacocollecting s sy. finally let's and some good news for spider man fans entertainment giant sony disney have finally reached an agrereement that would allow the team here to remain in the marvel cinematic universe. the two companies said that marvel studios but continue to produce the spider man homecoming series starring tom holland a as spider man. they announced a third film for july twenty twenty one seven n news comes as a relief to many fans after media reports last month said the marvels bosseses in n a financial dispute with sony
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which owns the rights to spider man now. they were on the streets protesting tom and now it's been confirmed spider man will b be back it's very good to have thank you very much indeed ankara. w with spipider man a ae rest of ththe day's
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09/27/19 09/27/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy nonow! whateverer other explanatition e might become an excellent nation is also that it is the cover-up. the president has been engaged in a cover-up all along. amy: a white house cover-up. a cia whistleblower has accused the trump administration of attempting to "lock down" information about president trump's request for the president of ukraine to


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