tv France 24 LINKTV October 3, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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rampant corruption. the test is a defining the curfew that. other arab states will need a citizens not to travel to back down for the time being by. rain even though it's citizens to get out now. thank you very much for being with us. france is tonight reeling from another deadly attack full people killed in the heart of the frenchch capital. a man said about his colleagues at the police headquarters he was shot dead by a police officer he was reported to have been a forty five year old who worked at the site near the famous notre dame cathedral. paris police spokesperson said the attackers motives still unclear please she member said interpersonal
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conflict was likely to blame. for the search of the man's home is being carried out neighbors spoke of a man who was quiet and reserved and who had recently converted. to islam perhaps over the past eighteen months. trago o is in central paris near to the scene with a knife attacack took place he joins us now live. the greens you what's the latest you can tell us where you are. well it's as we know that the police headquarters in paris i s right in the middle of town the geographic center of paris it's- you can find a lot of tourist sites around here of course not down just a little starnes throw. just behind me and of course the police headquarters and numerous other administrative buildings and functions here in the city sends us are of course round about one pm when that attack against take place. police were extremely quick to access something down the local area looking things down closing the nearest metro station and writes in the air and evacuating. the area now it was
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around about one pm this man and it specialist began to attack his colleagues. he of course go for them three police offices and other administrative work as it was shortly after that that he was called upon so you're a drop his weapon a knife by police. whereupon they show they shot him dead in the court yard in the police headquarters just behind me. now that wasn't long before the matter of paris i need i'll go out the interior minister. and president emmanuel. macro right they would have to show you that supports. so luke an investigation ongoing stepped up security around the area and this of course one of the most visited parts. of paris the utility tale she wasas saying very near to notre dame cathedral. i suppose it's too soon to say that things might be getting back to normal. well the area around the police headquarters they progressively
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re open to you to the public police of course how and why keeping the square out the front of the building closed. to the public and pedestrians. of course investigations are ongoing they've been very castle learned not to draw any conclusions just yet the man's house was idea such death with the end of the often in his wife. taken into police custody and was questions. now little is nine meeting for what police of course keeping all lines of. inquiry i pen far as the investigation continues. trigger in central paris thank you very much indeed will bring you more. on this story as a go between now and midnight paris time. and of course to the old violence as they happen to bring them to you but tonight for that. income and then on top of that the actual assailant. and the have place in central. paris is lucas same very much in lockdown right now. next us president donald trump is called on another foreign powers to investigate his.
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political rival joe biden he called on china this time. to look into the lives of biden anti some. us president offered no evidence to back up his request this is likely to make the situation even more serious. jumps already subject to an impeachment inquiry of the making sam request ukraine. and on bats the former ukraine prosecutor general says that is actually nothing to investigate. under increased pressure over his call with ukraine's president which is triggered an impeachment inquiry. donald trump called for another foreign country to investigate one of his top political rivals. china just started investigation into the by. because what happened in china is just about as bad as what happened with. love with you great. so i would say that president so that's great. if it were me i would recommend that they start an investigation at the device.
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the remarks came as a key witness arrived in congress to testify kurt volcker former special envoy to ukraine. accused by whistleblower of trying to quote contain the damage of the now infamous phone call. in which trump asked you kriens bulletin here's a lenski to investigate his democratic political opponent joe biden. after trump tweeted that he wanted to find out aboutut the whistleblower whwhose identity is protected by law. house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff warned the president not to intimidate witnesses. on thursday he responded to trump's call for china to investigate fight and- i find. once again the p president invited another countntry to interfere. elections with confidence in a. in the middle is of offices in danger for the security of our elections. house investigators are preparing a subpoena demanding all documents related to trump's dealings with ukraine.
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the united states has announced a 25% tariff on a wide range of p. u. imports which include all its cheese and wine. they've been given thehe green light by the worlrld trade organization that found that europe's abbbbas had unfairly receive subsidies that hurt the us rival boeing. it's the double teo's largest at a case when it's been running for some fifteen years. the story is far from over the organization set to rule on a similar case next year this time for abbas against boeing. coach with steve french wine spanish olives all italian palm is that. just some of the products that are set to become 25% more expensive the united states to import. as the european planess theacing you 10% levy. the move comes a year after the world trade organization ruled that european states had illegally helped aviation giant abbas with subsidies. to us rival boeing's disadvantage. the case is fifteen years old us. president donald trump was going to take creditit. the wto
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has been much better to us since i've been president because they understand. they can't get away with what they've been getting away with for so many years which is ripping off the united states. the international body ruled the us can impose tariffs of up 21100% on seven point five billion dollars worth of goods. the now the trump administration says it'll target a wide range of products starting october eighteenth at nine am levied overr twenty five percent. none e the less you commisission president jim crow jim kia threatened an immediate response. and we- played triples easy to start. but this escalated quickly. and was in the and that today. if someone is imposing tariffs. on allah have use insect we do exactly the side. next year the wta will rule on how much they can impose tariffs on us products on a case involving boeing it's
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already found that the us plane maker all six received on fat ststate subsidy. lelet's get the ananalysis jungles of watson joins us an associate researcher at set p. which is the french sent the economicc study and researcrch. trurump ao thank you for being with us is it fair to say that that can be no real winners in such a situation is this. no definitely not. and you can said today that ambrus he's not a winner that they are going to. duties imposed a 210% boeing is definitely not a winner you we should remember that boeing asked about two months ago that address be struck by a 100% carries which would. mean the end of their breasts and the american market i don't think that many people at boeing at quarters today i
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please. and obviously it's unfortunate that they a are all thesese correct your order victims. people are a little older sectors in particular i go get your sector see europe. we don't have anything to do with. that w. w. to o dispute. this is the thing that one one thing is said about one specificic iueue eight fanss out pans out and takes i in so many others and that's what's really unfair by the old isn't it. but does have a point abbas perhaps has had too much an advantage of a boeing. well i see that at the beginning of each lilife everest been if you took from brown shade. the thing to rememember is that the slouch ad is actually reimbursed by airbusus. the more successful in their plans are. the more money they get give back to the treasury is all the c countries.
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that a are responsiblele for thr long shade. and to be does any fair. we should not. forgetet that boeoeing benefefits. a lot. from the research h and dedevelopmentt. off the pentagon baby seats are locked from the orders of the pentagon. and t to give a v very intermediate example. five years ago abbas walden major contracact for shooting reshooting aircrafts. that finally w went to buying it either a prettyy unfair fashion so. you know. the. from there but if you live in a glass house. you should not throw stones boeing has been throwing a lot of stones. a vevery
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interesting way to put it and from whahat you saying jump w ws what it'ss n not as straightht forwrward as donald trump wououd like to tetell it and would like it to be. final question so what you think this trade war will endnd. well let's hope that deep. and so much faster. i need a much better way that no trade war that the u. s.s. our region to day was. china the president said at the beginningg that t trade wars are easy to win. does that seem to be the case. and we got hold that to common sense we e do comee back. and d then in six or nine months fromom now. the wto adger just the caca in favorr of abbas. everybody would we be ready to. sit at the tabable to find commn ground. shop also bottom of the s. p. the french center the economic study and research. illuminating talking to you sir thank you very much indeed for
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joining us and thank you. for a major thank you so very much and date. next more than thirty people. have been reported killed in iraq is on breast to that spreads across the country. there was spontaneous protest b breaking out of unemployment and cororruption te authorits a are tryingg to control t the situation. by plan b. down on internet and social media access but the protests continue. curfews have been imposed on the just city's early this this thing. a rocockt wawas fired into the green z zoe in baghdad. fleeing the sound of gunfire iraqi protesters take cover in baghdad deserted streets. police have fired live rounds and tear gas against protesters this thursday hours after curfew was announced in the iraqi capital. undeterred by the escalation of violence hundreds came out to protest many decrying the excessive use of force. the people are being robbed the people are now taking on the streets we can't find jobs. you come here to protest and the fire at you live gunfire i don't know how that is despite the curfew we are going out to protest to protect our rights. we want to change the regime. they have
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arrested our people. have done things to our people they do not even due to isis. protesters have taken to the streets for a third consecutive day in iraq denouncing widespread unemployment and corruption the gatherings has been mostly spontaneous led by the country's disenchanted youth organizing themselves on social media. so far no political party has joined the movement. this movie doesn't have a leader look at how many we are look at all these young people there all of them. well should they do steal kill. initially concentrated in the capital the movement has now spread south despite intense clashes with security forces the southern cities of colluding nasriyah have seen the worst violencnce with severl protesters killed nationwide dozens have lost their lives in a hundred have been wounded in what many say are the largest protest since prime minister.
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abdullah abdu ninety took office a year ago. we have moved from morocco throughout this program can line old developments that for you next israel swore in its newly elected parliament. this thursday but it it could be a very short time after the country's second conclusive election of the electric no you've got on the horizon the normally festive event also takes place in parallel. to prime minister benjamin netanyahu's high profile pre indictment hearing on corruption charges. now threatens to end his political career observers say it's contributing to the current paralysis. of israel's political system. the business please denounce caitlyn's he could even catch. european governments preparing to respond to washington's latest round of tariffs tells me well officials say that they're still open to negotiations and they do still think that they can reach common ground. but it's not they are prepared to hit back. the american charts are the latest twist in a long running trans atlantic trade dispute. the world trade organization had ruled that
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each side gave illegal subsidies to playmakers airbus and boeing respectively. on wednesday the wto set a ceiling of seven and a half a billion dollllars worthth of u. goododsh could be tatargeted b by us tariffs. the trump adadministration losost little e in doing just that but brussels has its own case pending before the wto. and says it will retaliate in kind if necessary. this is a move that will first and foremost us consumers and companies. and will make efforts towards a negotiated settlement more complicated. in a parallel boring case the you will in some months you can only be granted rights to impose countermeasures against united states. as a result. of its continued failure to comply with wto rules. european at planes and select food and drink have been targeted producers say they're already bracing for impact. from alice to muscles cheese endpoint older among european products to be had with washington's latest terrorists in two weeks
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time greenlit at the world trade organization after it said the us could impose them on seven point five billion dollars worth of f goods from te continent. 10% will be slapped on e. u. ashcroft while 25% goes on everything else giving prproducerss and exporters of te ming headache for news it up with my suit it for us it's a real blow to thee head we produce a around four hundred thousand bottles andnd a good 2% of that goes to nortrth america and in particular the united states. else west coach whiskey and clothing from the u. k. to loans and coffee from germany and cheese from across the easy way out to the head. the 25% is still far below the 100% tariffs the us warned it might implement in april what's more satin sectors have been spared such as chocolate luxury goods like whiskey from ireland or french cognac and champagne. and even italian favorites like tomatoes wine and olive oil leaving other countries to battle grounds in the middle as well as happened i'm only spain's olive oil exports have been hit with tariffs and other
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in the u united states have bebn spspared me whenen i'm not ther. olive oil producing countries suchch as i italy. greece and portugal are not taxed. many were not on sale but on the gold face looking i mean that. many analysts see the specific nature of the terrorists as a means to bring europe to the negotiating table. however europe two is waiting for news from the wto case between at boston bombing widely expected to go in its favor in the months ahead. and that means it's not just european produces that'll pay the price in the meantime. but us importers and that customers as well. glglobal stocks are been attempting to recover f from wednesday's a sharp selloff met wall street managed a positive close. despite the ongoing concerns about trade tensions and weak manufacturing in the u. s. the nasdaq surging over 1% of the closing bell. a similar picturee in europe where the cat counts. managed very slight gains at
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the close at london's footsie one hundred still down about two thirds of one percentage point. the firm for tax was closed today. as p protests continue in hong kong the local tourism board has canceled two major events that had hoped to draw a hundrdred and fifty thousasand visitors. on kong officials say visits are down 40% compared to the same period last year. you know lee has more. i drastic slump in tourism to hong kong. visited numbers dropped 240% in august combat to last year and it down by a third in september. months of sustaineded anti government protests attending tourist the way. i'm on my way hm. we can see that there are fewer tourists coming g to and frorome airport. people ordering cars a lot less and by districts and in tourist areas. it's obvious that business going down so i use it all. frequent visitors will say say they can immediately see the difference.
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the young woman to do that. before here on the avenue of stars we couldn't take proper pictures because to be so many people. and now look. there's no one it's such a pity hong kong is such a. nice place. what a pity. the retail sector two has been heads august t sals of the western rachahael. on commodore teens say they have a plan to bring back tourists to we feel the economy. but it would depend on the end of the protest movements. when the time comes back where. things settle more peacefully we offer of course will re launch hong kong and in overseas. as the crisis between pre democracy activists and beijing deepens mainland chinese tourists are turning to alternative destinations. four fifths of hong kong tourists the from the mainland now thousands of them are flying to singapore instead. the island state so a 46% bumping. chinese visitors
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between june and july. the impact of those ongoing protests wide ranging and likely to be long lasting. okay thank you very much and he came with the with all the business. it's time now for me to watch and the james on the other side of us to do good evening to you. i started to look at the tragic events here in paris. the fatal knife attack that's left four police officers dead. yes paris once again relaying the autumn off of another tragic events have full police officers killed. at the city's at police headquarters earlier today this headline from having a paste. comic at police headquarters of four people dead one of them at female three men one engine is on the attack it was sensual dash. the thing about this attack as it was actually done by one of that and somebody who what within the perfect you. and he was he targeted his own colleagues before being shot at. by another police of scenes not shown a break on the street outside. when he went on his
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his rampapage might call it. i'm not this protect you is on the utility day. very much t the absolute hall of paris. it is on the same positive of. learned in the middle of the room the sand. out where the. let's not kid on cathedral stands dot part of paris was closed down from lunch time today. well police sealed off the area so that people couldn't get to take a look at things. i'm one of those expressing her condolences on hidalgo the prison masang paris is mourning its own. office supporting attack in my name and the house of peruvians my first thoughts go to the families of the victims and that brought us as- many others there actually one more ounces about who it was who carried out this attack. and why and a lot of people jumping to a lot of conclusions and it does seem like every claim that we see is then denied by somebody else. up but one of the spokespeople
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for the police union this job would limit to how that. said that this man had what. this place for twenty years and i've never been any sign any red flags. any indication there was any kind of problem to and he wasn't it specialist an administrative assistant. at forty five years old now the motive very much remains unclear right now. and but what we do know. is that at the team investigating it they are investigating it as a model but they are also keeping an open mind as to whether or not they could be any links. in times of terrorism at but it does appear that the most likely line of inquiry at the moment is the- is a possible internal conflict within. at the police headquarters kristoff copper who is the spokesperson for a group police yet on kolesnikov homes and full. and angry police that translates as and he said he knew the mind and that he had problems with the superior. and that it was high that he targeted fast in this attack. but as i say a lot of
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the information about getting being contradicted everywhere i say. a lot of fake news and false information out that on social media to many people jumping to the conclusion. that this is a terror attack was a terror attack this gentleman. accusing the media of hiding the mymy. now i'm marine le pen the far right leader of the national rally policy on surprisingly has spoken. about the fact that she wants the room was quashed because she wants to know the truth from the government and that they basically it to the french people. i to be transparent about exactly what has played out here. but i think transparency is difficult when we don't yet know. at the interior minister crystal castaneda has tweeted his
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support and- best wishes to you saying the tragedy touches a school my thoughts with the families and relatives. but also with all of our security forces he's feeling from cyprus i share. the ministry of the interior is in mourning he says. and it's interesting that this comes at the day off to police actually staged a walkout went on strike for the first time in twenty years. yesterday talking about the fact that. there is a lack of respect a lack of funding but also protesting the fact that there has been such a huge rise in suicides fifty one so far this year. i wanted to view in this piece after the new york times forensics offices at. every day i give service to society but society doesn't return it to me and i think today really does highlight the risks thought at the police force. takes hey in for. and the investigation continues in the light to fight that attack. at the police headquarters in paris. now let's move on donald trump. continues to lash out at
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those involved in the impeachment investigation against him. and so what i'm wondering is this affecting support for the us president. well it's affecting it in two ways really those who are in the corner of donald trump of rallying around him and supporting all the more. i have but others are taking a few steps back and politicos reporting on this one. as saying that fundamentally he's a damaging his congressional file will this impeachment investigation as- i because it's pushing away those voters who are most critical to him winning in twenty twenty. in particular white women who helped him win in twenty sixteen at the support among them is set to be tumbling now. and it's believed that that basically rallying behind nancy pelosi's a decision to go with this impeachment acquire that's according to a number of polls. have come out in the last ten days will say. usa today has come out with a new poll which shows that support for the impeachment is growing. at which is interesting to note 45% of americans now she
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supports the idea. over at move the impeachment process against donald. i'm 44% support the senate actually convicting him and removing him. but some of the most interesting figures of the fact that i am the majority of americans fifty two percent. believe he abused his power by asking you crane to investigate joe biden and his son. and even among republicans that she percent of them are backing vox ideas said there is. a real ground swell of movementsts perhaps showing that donald trump could be in trouble with this investigation. thank you very much indeed a movie to watch cable business thank you. and thank you for watching to stay with us were coming alive from paris
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[captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from san francisco, california, this is democracy now!. presidenent trump: we call it tent city. it's terrible. in fact, we just sent a violation to the city of san francisco, unsafe water, unsafe conditions, environmental e.p.a., our e.p.a. doing a great job is sending nancy pelosi with all the talk about e.p.a. there's needles and drugs all over the street. there's tents. there's people that are
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