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tv   France 24  LINKTV  October 8, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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and it is working to live in pariris will use and analylysis from france twenty four. i'm margot in bc the main world news headlines. on balance is he's invited turkey's president to the white house next month this past criticism is. this over trump's decision to withdraw us troops in northeast syria and leave. the local kurdish fighters. us allies. to the mercy of present photo once military. allegations the trump administration stop the us ambassadador to the east you frm giving evidence to the house committees. in the impeachment inquiry it's clean the cool sunderland as important.
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evidence of the trump the crane from coal. break the deal looks more remote than ever after recorded conversation between the uk prime minister haris johnson. and german chancellor angela merkel. also doubts about the veracity of miracles. words but that is no doubt donald stance. president of the european council accuses johnson. of playing a stupid game of a break that . thank you very much for being with us. the day after president donald trump threatened to ruin the economy of turkey if it goes too far with the planned invasion of northern syria he announced this choose that he's invited t turkey's president
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recep tayyip erdogan to the white house next month. will be serious harm to the kurdish that forces that have been america's ally in fighting the islamic state for nearly four years erdogan however sees these codes as terrorists. and a threat along turkey's southern border thirty one seemingly intent on launching an incursion into that swathe of north syria trump on monday move between fifty and a hundred us forces. out of the area to other locations in the country. impeachment inquiry. turkish soldiers lost to the syrian border as ankara says it has finalized preparations for a minute sheepish into north east syria they sent to us president donald trump told remaining us forces out of the region a move which leaves kurdish led forces vulnerable to turkish attack. across northern syria several protests took place against both washington's move and techies threats. and can easily winded
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us bank fighters demonstrated ououtside you and offices b but eveven we thehe people of northn syria coal on the international community humanititarian organizationss on the united nations to intervene to stop this aggression had a lot to that us president trump took to twtwitterr on tuesday to insist the us wasn't turning its back on the kurds threatening any such. incursion from turkey with a blow to its economy. we may be in the process of leaving syria but in no way have we abandoned the kurds who are special people and wonderful finances and the forestall unnecessary fighting like turkey. will be devastating to their economy and to the very fragile cucurrency we are helping the kids financially armed withh weapons. kurdish fighters and citizens say the us pullout is akin to a stab in the back. alongside us soldiers they led the fight against the islamic state group. but turkey has long wanted to push out the
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kurdish fighters who it sees as terrorists. ankara has already lost two major incursions into northern syria in recent years. comprised largely of kurdish fighters the syrian democratic forces control the area. and god some ten thousand islamic state fighters. they've said they're ready and waiting for a turkish attack. then we'll havae analalysis of the f former a dod trump foreign policy adviser in the next half hour here my from power stay with us for that.. next controversy over the impeachment inquiry homing in on donald trump deepened this tuesday it's been revealed a key witness has been blocked from giving testimony by the trump administration. the current us ambassador to the u. golden songkhla distal to have important evidence over the trump ukraine phone call sludge trump went on the you can present ukraine president to dig dirt on a political rival joe biden. and on biden's son over his work kia. of the trump used a congressionally approved a package. of some two hundred
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million dollars as leverage. battle lines are being drawn in washington between the white house and congress as the impeachment process heats up. just hours before gordon son lamb was due to testify the trump administration blocked his appearance. the us ambassador to the european union is one of several officials in a text message chain that appear to show the administration pressuring ukraine. to investigate transport of arrival killed by and his son. the decision has outraged democrats.. the failure to produce this witness. the failure to produce these documents we cononsider. yet additional strong evidence of obstruction of the constitutional functions of congress. trump maintains he did nothing wrong and has called the investigation of scam. i would love to send
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ambassador assignment a really good non and great american to testify but unfortunately he will be testifying before i totally compromised kangaroo court when republicans rights have been taken away and tree thanks i'm not allowed out for the public. so far most republicans are sticking by the president we fully understand why the administration made the decision they did it's based on the unfair and hardison process that mr shipp has been running. meanwhile the white house has until october eighteenth to respond to a subpoena requesting documents relating to trump's contacts with ukraine. catherine the accent without reports not certain phone the distance tonight which in the u. k. and the e. u. of the brakes it. appears to have been picked up a source in ten downing street said to break the deal is essentially no longer possible. after a call between boris johnson uk prime minister and the german chancellor angela merkel local elections said a deal was quote
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overwhelmingly unlikely. no p. you inside is a casting doubt on the authenticity of this remark saying it's very. unlike most tools used the dotted line which- and the impatience at senior level in brussels is now well and truly out in the open president of the european council no less. donald to stick himself. wrote to boris johnson via twitter. that he johnson was playing a stupid game. let's bring in a london correspondent vanity papias followed every step of the story for us we are grateful to have you that penetrated old times great to see about it that this conversation between johnson a miracle come the start date sounds like. two well to me anyway the end of the end of the line situation is not the case. well thehe officialal ten d downing street spokesmann has j just said that this was a frank conversation. but denied that negotiations on breaks it up what over non
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usualllly in diplomatic speak when you say a frank conversation that means it went badly. are there were bad tempers involved. the problem of really with the source and number ten is it's not the official one. i i'm so we to hae a transcrcript of the phone conversation it happened at eight am this morning i think it be worth its weight in gold between. the british prime minister boris johnson and i'm gonna merkell the german chancellor problem is we don't have that what we h have is a source who early this morning.. said to briefed heavily to the british media. t that it had not gone well on that a d deal wasan lightly about his what'ss up. the characterization that was given of i'm gonna buckle saying that to boris johohnson are on thahat. unlesess shehe hd apparently said nonor the non state in the customs u union. so
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we don't have a transcrcript soa loss was the reaction that has suddenly come offff the opposition is very critical. we'vee got to try to b break tht secretar said cast a almost saying quit this is yet another cynical attemempt by number ten to sabotage the negototiations e adds. it is now more important than ever the pararliament. unites to prevent this reckless he says g government a a governt fromom crashing out at the end f the month well parliament was suspended a few minutes ago until next monday so less scrutinyny this scrutiny. of between might s set me on the parliamentary level untntil next monday. when a- new session will be. he of the walls yeses e are twentnty three days away y m the thirirty first of ococtober. and given what happened t tay wewe can also all rights that
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negotiations almost over are all the- isissues i irreconcilae on was today really are a veryy important day and c clearly the blblame game is s very much. are present i'm being will suck the attempted are i would say exercised. donald to stir mark benedict president of the european council at basically putting the finger bars johnsonn anand accusing him of the city f vices of playing well to support what a stupipid game its really pointed the finger at johnson his team is advises that the whole breaks it's- cohort. yeyes so this is a twees that don't to ski in you council president senent this afteternoon but he addressess directly to boris johnson but of course is a a pubublic tweetd it's very stronglgly w worded of course the two men have history. what was it there is a special place in hell. for ththose who camamup with briggs that's howow i rememember yes. r
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the message. thank youou for tht confirmation the direct messagee t is verery public foror the world to see. address to the british prime ministers. or is johnson what's at stake is s not winning some stupid blameme game that's's not. a expreression at stake is the future of europe. and the u. k. as s well as the security in the interests of our people. you donon't want to deal you don't want an extension youou don't want to revoke because that is where where are you going. to lessen quotation for boris johnson who courses and- studied the classics so. a very. angry donald tourist who is trying to point out in a very public way. on seeminglyly very frurustrated ababout well we ought twenty three days before the thirty first of october. days away from this crucial you summit which was never supposed to be a negotitiating s some thatt are realally if at any timee they're supposed to be some sort of agreement. that's rich remember
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that the prime minister marshals and put food some proposals last week. it was supposed to be by now and the deal is there is a you know all the ban act. that if the prime ministster art d does not reacha dedeal with thehe t tnty seven f thee eu countries. it is then approveded by parliament he has also been extension. by it so it is that hasn't happepened by the ninineteenth of october. and then e extension which takes off the ththirty first of january. boris johnson says he will obey the law but says. the united kingdom will leave with or without a deal transcripts uncle indeed and as you say benedict this week. parliament is suspended no debate of the present issue told. about i hope you and i'll be talking because it's always a pleasure but it. thank you very much indeed for the lack clarification the situation regarding briggs it johnson to ask. and the whole story as it unfolds tentative will keep across all developments thank you once again benedict. next the french interior minister
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crystal castaneda is under increasing pressure. over the fatal knife attack at a paris police headquarters cast now spoken. of a malfunctioning that allow particulars radicalization to slip on the please write out this is s shani fronts. as the forty five year old will totally set quarters almost twenty years. meanwhile this tuesday french president among about com let the ceremony to pay tribute to the victims. for please staff were murdered.. otherers wounded durg the thirty minute rampage that ended with the knife and- gunned down outside the police building. will present micron. said rather pay tribute to his victims. if you can you buy me room. i have come a long. to assure you that all online will be shed all questions raised responsibililities idedentifyin. justice willl p prevail as it mt i have come before you up the longest so that we cann look at the implacacable tree on the
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troll goal the lessosons. it until l you want to play the so. central paris so disruption for a second day has climbed a protest is continue to make their presence felt. group extension rebellion stage a sit down protest at the plaster shuttling a central point for both persons and tourists. mon in london please update nearly five hundred arrests of climate change protests is labeled ads. rusty's by the uk or skills continue to weeks of peaceful civil disobedience. the imf says tapping climate crisis will require a national tax system change that includes big round. up in n levies on carbon emissions. it's a mind to the main world news headlines here live from paris. donald trump announces he's invited turkeys pressed into the white house next month this as criticism is famous over trump's decision to withdraw. us troops from
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northeast syria and leave local kurdish fighters us allies. to the mercy of present at around the tree. allegations of shop ministrations stop the us ambabassador from the use of forty. giving evidence to the house committees in the impeachment enquiring screen the golden sunland asking evidence of the trump trained from coal. break the deal looks more remote than ever after reported conversation between the uk prime minister boris johnson and germany's chancellor angela merkel but there's also a doubt over the ferocity. of miracles four two worlds no doubt that the donatist stance the presence of the european council is.. accusing johnson of playing a stupid game. some of the latest new business and i'm joined by stephen carroll good evening to you so i'm are now starting with the new boss of the international monetary fund and the start warning for the global economy stephen that's right christina georgie avis
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says that america's trade war with china has knocked a switzerland sizeded hole in the global economy. in her first speech as imf chief she said that by the end of next year the damage from trade conflicts will add up to seven hundred million dollars the same size. as the swiss economy these disputes georgiev s. as of thrown the global economy into a synchronized slow down. she was speaking ahead of the announcement. of the fund's latest growth forecast due next week. we have spoken in the past. about the dangers of trade disputes. now we see that they are actually taking a toll. global. trade grow because come to almost stand still. in part because of trade pencils worldwide manufacturing fifty the any investment. we can substantially. meanwhile the head of america's central banks as the outlook for the world's
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biggest economy remains favorable fed chairman jeromome powell hinting that more interest rate cuts could bee possible though saying that the fed would move ass appropriate to sustain economic growth he pointed to recent revisions the jobs data showing moderate growth rather than a booming labor markets. that's already cut rates twice so far this year. now in general the markets do like rate cuts and they don't like trade wars has been quite if confusing d days trading f for many p people thes and china continuing to increase tensions ahead of their next round of trade talks starting base terry's date. that was the dominantt issue on european markets earlier along with brags that worries paris's cac around facing the day dan over 1% the frankfort taxed too. well on wall street market spent the day i in the rads no the losses did ease somewhat apology rome powell was speaking but there was another sound off towards the close. on walls. music visa restrictions on chinese officials in the us
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state department sending shares tumbling a little bit further. the irish government is setting aside an extra one point two billion euros to try to cope with the effects of a no deal praxis economists believe that ireland is the most exposed himm to contitinuing you member stats to the u. k. leavingng. the contingency plan has been broadly welcomed by business groups young lady has thee details. a war chest of one point two billion year right. ireland's government is preparing for no deal brexit and the potential consequences on thehe economy. a central economic scenario. is for a no deal praxis. this means we must increase againin the level and range of supports to o ensure that our economy is protected. in the event of a no deal brexit island is putting aside six hundred fifty million year it's the agriculture business and tourirism three hundred and sixty five million for social protection such as benefits for
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those transitioning to a new job. and two hundred twenty million an emergency cash flow. the funds to whether a brexit dome that set to his island hard according to the oecd aside from the u. k. irereland will be t the ecoconomy l last affectcted by brexit. this because of i its close trarading relationship with its neigighbo. ireland's economic social and research institute says no deal could cost eighty five thousand jobs and plunge economy into recession. but this emergency fund would mean at dublin borrowing mall in a country still recovering from the two thousand and eight financial crisis. with the national debt is the highest per capita in europe. ninissan h has picked aw chief executive will be facing an u up hill battle to rerevivee troubleded carmaker makoto cheetah was the head of the company's chinese operations he'd'd worked extensively with its french partner rando. about scene isis good news for imimproving the alliance between the two firms that relationship has been on the rocks after
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last year's shock arrest of its architect carlos ghosn on allegations of financial misconduct which he denies. boss mr teeter will be dealing with the slumping profits at nissan i'm chatting more than twelve thousand jobs as an answer earlier this year. finally for me can you rent control law help solve california's highs in crisis. governor god gavin newsom is signing a bill which will cap rent increases at 5% plus the rate of inflation per year and make it harder for landlords to victor tenants. california is facing a major highs in shortage with the largest number of homeless people of any state in the us. this measure follows similar moves being passed in oregon and in new york earlier this year housing advocates say that rent control went south the problem. of a shortage of humps. stephen thank you very much stephen carroll that with all the business great to see. this call studio james creeping with me what's getting to you sir i'm i'm lookiking at rex i is online to china's pressure on foreign organizations
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organizations such as- t the n. b. a.'s the basketball is. that enough to speak up in favor or in support of hong kong's protest that's right the started last friday but it's it there have been various other examples since so you could talk of a trend really. for the houston rockets at their general manager this is possible nba darryl moderate he expressed support for the hong kong protestors. the trees in which he expressed thoughts what was quickly deleted. he drew the ire of chinese businesses of the chinese consulate in houston there was this huge pressure. on that for him to circle back on his words and a he ended up in the last twentyty four hohours apologizig essentially i did not intend to my tweet to cause any offense. to rockets fans and friends of mine in china. you can be pretty sure that that was motivated by pressure. from i suppose the business aspects of the nba and the fact that there could be consequences are than. at a because of his support for the hong kong protestors a lot of people commenting on his apology saying. i'm from
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mainland china and i'm not thought much brainwashed i wantt to thank you for your support to free speech in hong kong citizens. as you want rockets are the best other saying don't apologize for speaking out about what is right so that's one incidents that. got a lot of attention i and actually put me back fired on. chinese interests in some respects are in terms of public diplomacy and their image if they're trying to kind of. manage the message it didn't work out so well you you could you could you could argue. then you would south park. at which most south park that's a jericho show in kilkenny. indeed okay misli shock toneded. and irreverent they mocked china got censored and then they mock china s some more and even picked up on. at what happened with him yet like the nba we welcome. chinese conservator homes and into our hearts we to love money more than frereom and democracy. probably not so since you're there so i had a layer irony that's it so i think between nba on south park and you know it it was already looking pretty at. not so good in terms of managing the message this is
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ryan. hotel patrick who writes for the la times on what's happening in hong kong. china has really overstepped this time thanks to their stunning pettiness. with the nba inside parks. episode regarding china the issue of exported chinese censorship is impossible to the national conversation. in the u. s. and- beyond i think it's fair to say. mark so tell me even joked about whether or not. at that the chinese football association. props are hoping fifa will insult to china. i like the nba so that they can righteously to care that they refused to open the world cup. context china's not simple teams himself. i thought was a he this is a have ryan concentric translating it. a quick. on on. from eight in chinese. the local not far i think star efforts to. manage the message i once hosted a debate program here for fun city full about china. organizing the two thousand eight olympics. and the whether they should do it and- whether it was right he should be they could be human rights and the ambassador in paris for china. run from twenty four order that i'd be psyched. while they get so that i see is that my
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employees to bonnie two. of the sea in the name of journalistic integrity but china has previous on actually trying to different get people dismissed all force things because of things that they don't like serbia. well maybe a couple fair of china realllly attemptig to manage the message on and encouraging censorship of one kind or another if you like. here it's a form of self censorship this is it and other example. lizards mark no i didn't know much about them on soul at today but it's- activision blizzard it's a professional gaming. i first they ha and a card game that you can play online you can win a lot of money with it as well if you want. and one particular player his his username is a blitz. sean and here he is a he he basically. hide it because he spoke i was on taiwanese media. i'm about having won some leg of this competition on on the gaming website. in each he used his position if you like. as a star of over and activision blizzard's hearthstone. i had to draw attentioion to his s support t r
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the hong konong protests. i if e did. and a blizzard. and for a year and a suspended all his earnings from the gaming at that particular game for one year so. they they they claims that he was going against to the terms and of use all of that. and the off the of the of the of the game but basically contravening the rules in speaking about things would offend others. boats at you could argue that sam it's a form of self self centered self censorship i in this case because i don't do button is others were necessary at reaching out just yet. in any case and a a doctor w who also n awful to chriss criticism people supupporting him first of all for having taken not statan. thank you applets john for recovering reiterating liberation calm in front of taiwanese gamers i and others saying that there is nothing wrong to susupport the fight for democracy. respect its charms brave act not one final example mark this image of the aftermath of. the tiananmen square massacre was taken off reddish by moderators at. in
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the last twelve hours or so now it got created such a powerful and it that's a people saying well it does not able to experience reports for writers the foform. and some comments going up saying well i can't wait to read to next month's transparency report when you can explain why picture the chinese of chinese moultrie. vehicles with was removed. all of this in the context of the conversation about something uncommon. chinese all. authoritarian rule and what not. didn't restoring dot tenements where image. after accusations of. censorship see can exceed you can see the extent to which- pressure. jiang directly or indirectly is creating situations of. censorship of our- peoplee you know as not speaking their genuine faults are indeed cases of self censorship. so certainly the reach of beijing in terms of try to manage that message. is quite advanced but perhaps not firing in some respects in terms of the nt brass going back to the original the nba standing by the houston rockets
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a general manager of the statement as s
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10/08/19 10/08/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amamy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> due to the government inaction, due to the irresponsibility of the people who support the governor, we are here on our feet. we will not give up. we will not shut up. we are extinction rebellion. amy: "this is not a drill." that's the message of thousands of climate activists with extinction rebellion who are taking to the streets of major cities across the globe as part


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