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tv   France 24  LINKTV  October 10, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

5:30 am
>> a warm welcome back to france 24. 1:00 p.m. in the french capital. here are the headlines. turkey launches airstrikes. the incursion comes, days after donald trump announced u.s. troops would pull back from the area. macron -- which looks fightht its target to
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globobal epidemicscs. france has made a pledge to increase it contributions. a first for iran in decades. thousands of women have been permitted to buy tickets to a world cup match on the capital. the country has a long way to go until the b banas fully lififte. thank you for watching. story,t with our top turkish forces began moving into syria. this in a series of bombardments
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followed by a ground push sending thousands of civilians fleeing their homes. dozens of kurdish fighters and fled.residents have the move comes following the u.s. president's decision to withdraw troops from nortrthern syria. let's cross to our correspondent, jasper mortimer, who was following developments for us. we have just heard erdogan said if --l send refugees continues s to pour in frorom europe.. >> he e should be taken serious. already thihis year, the nunumbf thefugees crossing the gncnc to
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greek islands has inincreased subsbstantially -- the number of aegean seaossing the to the greek islands has increased substantially.y. ,he eu said d in a statement criticizing the incursion into syria. the e eu said it wouould not hep turkey by contributing to the --- refugugees in northeheastern syria. it is thehe kurdishsh heaeartlaf syria, while most of f the refugees are e ethnically arab.. hundredsds of thousandss of sers refugegees into northeasterern a wowould change the demographics.
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in a statatement cririticizing e inincursion la n night, ththe eu said explicitly y any a attemptt demographic change would not be acceptable. >> sticking on that front, on turkishe landed towns. it is not just the towns in syria being impacted. ellis more about that. >> t the syryrian kurds aree rockets and -- the ourtals six wounded, for chchildren.
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it was a announcnced the schooos would bebe closed yesterday. the children that were wounded todaday will presumablbly playin e street.. syrian kururds f firing indiscscriminatetely intnto turh totowns. popolitically,y, it does help. he can turn to his people anand justify y this incursionon by saying, we are fighting terrorists, who are attacking civilians. >> thank you for being with us. >> one of the jails has been hit. according to some overnight reports, the kurds did not leave their positions gardening --
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guarding the prisoners. >> this footage was filmed in march. members of the syrian credit a grouptop and search of suspected fighters of the islamic state group. a kurdishe sent to prison. it is used to contain islamic state members and their families. the sites are located in the area that turkey is seeking to occupy. as ankara launches an offensive, the monitoring of these camps has become secondary.
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some 70,000 locals are under kurdish control in the camps as well as 10,000 foreign men and women and children. the shift on the ground has prompted them to repatriate their citizens. responsibility. the status quo i is not an opti. if you look at all the it istion inn thihis camp, probably the easiest one to solve. caliphate called on his followers to -- his fofollowersn the camps.
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and attack left two people dead. a synagogue and a turkish restaurant were the targets in an anti-semitic onslaught. seven-year-old0 german who acted alone, livecast his rampage on a streaming platform. merkel mournss o outside the cacapitol synagogues, the attack that hit a synagogue in hourseastern city of halle earlier. is to do everything possible to ensure you can live in safety. this shows us this is not enough, that what -- that we must do even more. carried out onas
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yom kippur. according to the local community, no police patrorols outside e the synagogue. wewe have said several times our synagogue have police protection. we were always told everything is fine,e, everything is ok, everything is quiet. to accessler tried the synagogue using several weapons, including homemade bombs and a m molotov cocktail. the solidity of the building's doors saved the worshipers inside. after failing to enter, he shot and killed a woman on the street and then he killed a man at point blank range at a nearbyy kebab shop.. was atacker said he
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holocaust denier. he live-streamed the attack for citing5 minutes, feminism and mass migration. him after aned exchange of fire. >> charges are a politically motivated attempt to quell a popular motivated candidate. remove theed to united arab emirates and switzerland from the countries listed as tax havens. while switzerland was believed
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to have inadequate tax rules, it has expressed commitments to reform them. they were given the all clear after rushing through reforms. remaining blacklists of countries face limited sanctions . a pledge to save lives to end the aids epidemic. the aim is to raise at least 12.7 billion euros at the event. it may hit that target. donations will be used to finance health programs in more across theuntries globe.
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julia is standing by. we have heard from emmanuel macron. what is the latest? french president is about to speak. he has been holding bilateral talks with the heads of states of several countries. gates passed by a minute ago to speak to the french president. we don't know if they were able to reach $14 billion. spoke to the head of the who and he seems to be positive about what is happening upstairs with the president. let's take a listen. incncrease byby increrease
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many partners. i am hopeful we will have the 14 billion. i am impressed. his commitment is incredible. i am proud of him. >> 14 billion is the minimum needed to be able to run correctly. been asking for 16 to $18 billion. are still a plethora of issues that need to be addressed to tackle aids, tuberculosis, and malaria. of the main challenges on the ground is access to essential health services.
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it has a direct consequence on poverty. aremillion people descending into poverty because of that. is the lack ofge collaboration between the public, the private sector, and the g government on the ground. there are new types of diseases antibiotics.o in that case, only 60% of patients survive. >> we will go back to her after we hear from the french president. -- the nobel peace prize in literature has been awarded.
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olga is back i in the 202019 wir is peter hanker. to a landmark moment for iran. to enter the able football stadium. last year, they handpicked several hundred women to enter. this time around, women were free to buy tickets to the match. it comes after fisa threatened to suspend the islamic public over its mail only -- it's male only policy. a woman set herself on fire in front of the court.
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she was aened when little girl. she became obsessed with football. her bedroom is a testament. >> this is the real madrid flag. this is my favorite team. >> the closestst she has gottens on tv. or her simulation videogame. >> i never thougught it could happen. anand has always been a drdream. >> i cannot believe i have the tickets. it is great. it is something i wanted all my life. >> her parents have dreamed for this.
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mom is goingng on with her. > she wanted someone to go wh her. we will be cheering and having a last together as mother and daughter. after ames one month woman set herself on fire after being denied entry into a a football match. authorities let women in. >> i will be e thinking o of he. this is an incident that caused fifa to take on the issue and tell authorities it needed to be taken on quickly. >> nothing is stopping ida and her fellow female football fans from celebrating a day they have waited for.
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c chinaer round of u.s. trade talks set to begin in washington. >> in the days before the high-level meeting, beijing hadd downplayayed hopes of majorr progress, pointing to the blacklisting of companies. a series of positive reports have cut the tensions ahead of these meetings. the you -- the new york times reporting washington will -- to allow nonsensitive goods and bloomberg reporting the u.s. is looking at rolling ouout a currency packed with beieijing. let's hear f from wilbur ross. deal.want t to make a a we belieieve the chinese would likeke to make a deal. we hope ththeir needs and our needs can accommodate each other.
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>> apple hasas removed a smart one app from m its online stotoe that allowed honong kong prprotesters to report police movement. in a statement, apple saididt d d been used to target andd amambush police. ee app's developer d denies tha. >> this is the map that angered china. after criticism from chinese state media, apple removed the app from its store. developers claim apple sent them a statement accccusing ththem of encouraging criminal activity. >> an app has been used in ways that endanger law enforcement. it has been used to threaten
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public safety. >> we once believed it was a bureaucratic mess up. it is clclearly a politicall decisision. it is s disappointining to see . corporations such as apple act against freedom. many apps.s deleted they believe thehe move is in retaliation to its coverage of the protest. they also removed the flag emojis from m the keyboard in hg kong. the chinese government insists taiwan belongs to china.
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>> concernss the protests s in g kong would hurt high-enend bran. there is a report over half a billion euro more profit than expected in the last quarter. with pushed 17% higher ,trong performances in europe the united states, and the rest of asia. the relief in the l luxury markt is o one of the bright spots. also --xury groups have making -- the best-performing index today. it was a nearly half a percent. concerns over u.s. china trade are still lingering. these numbers are from a little while ago.
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just a bitax is above. hong kongrlier, markets closed up. it is the only index in the red, down a third of f 1%. t than oneia, more million people were left in the they cut the power. sparkede power lines fires. the powerer shut off has been a burden for business owners. >> we have a backup generator. open foro be customers. escortingam members
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customers to make sure they are able to geget what thehey ed. >> it isis still just a guess at this point. they estimated a two day shutdown could cost $65 million to 2.5 billion dollars. that is depending on whether it affects reregular customers oror - -- and industrial l conductt customers as welell. the total l cost of -- is 12.4 billion euros. the site uses the next-generation n generation nuclear techchnology called europepean pressssurized reacto. delilivery on the new technology has been far from smooth. >> it is another setback for nuclear energy.
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european pressurized reactor technology. they are inaccessible. ththey hope send in robots toto t the repaiairs. as technical issues pile up, so have the costs. the build is expected to be delivered 10 years late. frenchubles show engineering has lost its way. france, we are no longer in the glory years. ground, probably in other industries as well.. we no longer have the expertise to execute these projects.
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>> the plants in europe hahave problems. share of the project in finland is a decade behininschedule.. itit also faceses dels s and multiple technical issues. thisth that, we wrap up business update. >> thank you for watching. stay tuned. more news coming up.
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- hey, i'm darius rucker. coming up onreel south. - ♪ jump up outcha chair, holla ba ♪ - - [darius] in bessemerer, alabama, it's the blues t that put this small town on the map. [harmonica] but when t this iconicic juke joint faces troubled waters is music enough to bridge the divide? - you cannotot decide ththat we're going to obey me l laws and nonot other laws. - ththis iyour hou, , hishohou, and everybody come here. - [darius] the blues play on at "gip's place" on reel south. - [female narrator] support for this program is provided by south arts, sponsors of the southern circuit tour of independent filmmakers, with funding from the national endowment fofor the arts.


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