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tv   DW News  LINKTV  October 14, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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brent: this is "dw news" live from berlin. tonight from syria, how close is a showdown between turks and syrians. turkish-backed forces have advanced deeper into syria in their advance against kurds. the kurds have turned to president assad for help meaning a face-to-facace between the tus anand the syrian army may be possible. also coming up tonight, angry cat lans protesting after -- calal -- catalans, after spain
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finds that those who pushed for independence are guilty of sedition and disobedience. and what works and what doesn't in the fight to reduce global poverty. the nobel prize for economy goes to a trio of u.s.-based researchers who broke new ground to lift the world's poor out of poverty. i'm brent goff. our ruveers -- to our viewers on pbs and around the world, welcome. tonight, long-standing alliances in the middle east are crumble, only a week after the pullback of u.s. forces from northern syria. today syrian government troops moved into towns in the northeast of the country at the invitation of the kurds setting up a potential showdown with invading turkish forces.
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it's all happening in areas control by syrian kurds and the focus right now is the strategic town on manbij. now syrian troops have been allowed to defend it. a local official in the town condition firms that syrian troops have entered and deployed on the front lines. >> syrian troops heading toward the turkish border. eight years assad lost control over northern syria, his army is moving back in unopposed. the kurds who control the region saw no alternative but to relinquish their hard-won autonomy. the kurdish enclave sunday attack by turkey after u.s. president donald trump announced the pullout of u.u.s. troops fr northern syria. air strikes and artillery continue to rain down on the borderer town of ras al-ain for sixth straight day.
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turkish-backed rebel groups have already expelled the kurds from tal al-abayat. but troops arrived to halt the turkish advance. >> we came to ensure the safety of families from random turkish shelliling. >> the development risks a direct confrontation between the syrian and turkish military. syrian government media claimed that troops had entered the town of manbij even ass turkish backd rebels say they're advancing on the city alongngside turkish units. u.s. troroops are continuing thr withdrawal from northern sir yasm president trump said on monday that turkey will face sanctions for its offensive against the kurds. the european union has also condemned the operation. the block agreed to limit sales
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of weapons to turkey but fell short of announcing sanctions. >> formerly it was not possible to have an embargo but all companies are committed to no longer delivering arms to turkey. now, don't ask me right now what is happening with the ongoing contracts. it's up to each country to see what they do. it's nevertheless a very strong decision. >> the turkish president vowed to press on. >> despite pressures we are determined to continue the operation until the end. i am stating clearly we will absolutely finish the job we started. >> as cur tee -- as turkey continues its advance it's civil quans left to pay the price. brent: let's get the latest from
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our correspondent dorian jones stand big in istanbul. what are you hearing from manbij? droip like you said the sir -- dorian: like you said, the syrian state media says forces have entered manbij. this is an agreement that these towns with kurds that their towns would be opened up to syrian forces. we have spied syrian rebels backed by the turkish forces. earlier today president erdogan said that manbij would be the next target of the turkish forces in this ongoing operation. why manbij? it's one of the most important cities in the area located on a key highway that connects syria to iraq and iran, a very important supply route. beyond that it is the gateway to
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aleppo, syria's s second city. so all people involveved in the sysyrian civil war have been battling for control of this, that's what makes it the most likely flash point between turkish-backed forces and syrian regime forces. brent: how likely is it we'll see some collision here, a face-to-face between syrian and turkish croops? dorian: ever since this statart, there's beenn a f fear that atte poinint down the road syrian regime force and turkish forces would face off with one another. now we have turkish forces on the ground engaging in cities and towns that also are being contested by the syrian regime. as we speak there's a race across this area for syrian regime forces to go to towns that are under the conontrol of syrian kurdish forces. these are also stated targeted of president erdogan.
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the man at thent of this is the russian president, vladimir putin. here's the -- he's the backer of this, he will be working out a way to avoid his two allies getting involved in a full-scale conflict. brent: there's a european component of all this as well nesm european union opposes turkey's moves on syria, president erdogan has threatened to scrap the agreement between his country and the european union, designed to control the flow of my grants who are trying to get to europe. how serious is his threat? dorian: we have to realize in the last couple of months, there's been an upsurge inn refugees crossing the aegean sea, this has s stretched the resoururces of the greeks in t e islandnds, this is seen as a a big turkey that it canpen the gates again. in 2015, nearly a million people from turkey went too greece and
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on into europe. this is the biggest fear of the european leaders that turkey once again can use this as a way of applying leverage on the rest of europe that is the biggest card they have and they made it clear they are ready to use it. brent: all right, dorian jones on the store rr -- story for us tonight, thank you. in britain, a 30-year-old man jail forward minimum 15 years for attempted murder. in august, salid khata drove his car into pedestrians, cyclists and officers in london to imitate previous terrorist attacks, seven people were injured. people have been injured in guinea's capital as thehe try t block potential changeses to th cocountry's constitution which could allow the president to run far third term in office. a new political star has emerged
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in budapest following sunday's may i don't recall election. center left opposition party leaderer gergey karachna won. it's the first electoral setback for the nationalist prime minister since he came to power tpwhack 2010. in spain, a judge has issue an international arrest warrant for the former kevalan president who fled to belgium after the failed 2017 independence bid for catalonia. the warn comes after spain's supreme court convicted a host of other catalan separatist leaders, nine of whom received lengthy prison sentences. massive protests continue at this hour across the catalan region, including the one you're looking at here in barcelona.
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separatists are now without most of theheir pop leadeders with a gegeneral election n in spain scheduled for next month. the politicians who were sent to prison were kicked -- quicked on charges of sedition and disobedience. we want to get more now from bars low nafment stefan, the initial reactions on the streets seem to contradict the prime minister's hopes, is that t tru >> well, i think the prime minister seems to think t that this i is, you k know, a moment where, i don't know, where everybody is going to s st of ststart thinking about somethin new. but where a certain reaction is -- has quite understandably been of horror that people have been condemned to such long sentences for what were relatively minor offenses. i mean the constitution --
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they're putional -- they're constitutional offense bus nobody was hurt. the reaction has been i think across the board one of dismay and anger. brent: let me ask you, the pictures we see there, these are large protests. what's the probability or the likelihood that this could go from peaceful to not peaceful? stephen: well, it's already not peaceful i think. there was a move this afternoon to go and occupy the airport and stop flights, you like, in a sort of imitation of what's going on in hong kong. and very, very large number of people have assembled and right now are at the airport and the police have responded in their usual heavy handed manner. on the other hand they're trying
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to keep the airport open. we're already seeing quite a high level of violence. so let's forget about peaceful -- there's peaceful demonstration going on right now in bars low nafment but what's happening at the airport is violent and we'll have to see how that developed. brent: what does all this mean for the separatist movement there in cat loana? we're talk -- in catalonia? almost all the leader will be put in prison. stephen: obviously on one hand it means a political generation of catalan politicians are no longer going to be in action, no longer going to be calling the shots, but the issue doesn't go away. and the issue has not been dealt with. i think the problem for catalan
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nationalists is how to keep up the moment up they managed to keep up basically since 2010. it's been waning recently and it is possible that today's sentences will give them precisely the impetus that they've been missing. in which case it'll be yet another, you know, misstep, basically, disaster on the part of the spanish government who seem to be incapable of addressing this issue in an intelligent adult and political manner. brent: ok. journalist stephen burgen giving us the latest from barcelona tonight. stephen, thank you very much. it's a clear win for populists in poland. the country's conservative law and justice party garnered 46.3% of the vote, an increase over
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the last election and it is enough for the party to govern alone. in the last term they implemented judicial and media reform which is drew criticism from the european union, the e.u. accusing the polish government of eroding democratic principles. reporter: another term in power for the law and justice party. >> we have four years of hard work ahead of us. because poland must continue to evolve and improve. we must maintain our credibility, we must ensure no one in poland has any doubt that what we are doing is good, genuine and responsible. reporter: social welfare
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programs, anti-immigrant policies and social conservatism are popular with many polish people but the biggest opposition block says they're divisive. >> people want cooperation. they want us to show that we are able to overcome the splits that are in our country. peep don't want poland to be divided into parts. people don't want their hearts broken because poles are not able to understand each other. we are the ones who are promoting cooperation. reporter: smaller parties also made gains. the left wing coalition is back in parliament and the far right exceeded poland's national voting threshold i and will also get seats. but the big winners are the law an justice party. in the campaign they promised to raise the minimum wage and not grant rights to gay people. it's this and judicial reform that was drawn e.u. criticism. it says the party is weakening the rule of law and undermining poland's democracy.
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brent: the people of mozambique go to the polls on tuesday to elect a new parliament. the ruling party there has never lost a national vote since it overthrew portuguese colonial rule 44 years ago but this won't be an easy win. adrian creche reports. reporter: a song usually giving thanks to god but in this campaign version it's singing the praise of the incumbent president and his party. the president as messiah. >> we're voting for the president and the party for the sake of continuity. he kept his promise. he said every district should have a bank and hospital an that's exactly what he delivered. he makes everything better.
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>> in the future we can see many projects in mozambique. i think the president i is the man, we can choose, he's our future. >> the president is presenting himself as a peacemaker. in august he signened a histori peace agreement with the former rebel group but that was already the third peace agreementnt and once again it is a very fragile one. >> our j journey takes us to central mozambique. this a area was devastated by 1 years of civil war which pitted the ruling socialist party against the oppositionn nationa resistance party. young people here especially hope that the old conflict over ideologies is coming to an end. >> if we have peace i will have a better chance to graduate. tpwhifes conflict i could not study. the economy is down, there is no money.
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>> the situation appears to be calm and peaceful right here, there's still some tensions because not far from here up in the hills this is where some members of the armed opposition are hiding. s that resesistance stronghold. some resistance fighters are refusing to accept the election results. it was clear in the election campaign that the internal conflict could cost them v vote bus he's optimistic the party will unite and outrun the ruling party. >> if we win the elelections w will c change manany things. socially, economically, in all of the areas that affect the mozambique people so they can finally live freely and happily.
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>> inequalality is a huge probl herere. half of all people in mozambique live in poverty. the country is slowly recovering from an economic crisis and the president's governmenent h has plagueued by several corruption scandals. the election will be close an for the first time in years, an uphill struggle for the ruling party. brent: doing away with global poverty seems as easy as saying, stop climate change. but three economists have taken this on in a new way, breaking it down into pieces. their work has been awarded -- rewarded with the nobel prize in economics. >> this year'ss nobel prizeze f economics goes to three economists specialized in povercy and how best to combat it. a french born economist, her indian born husband and an american have helped millions of
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children by favoring practical steps to tackle problems over theory. all three lecture at u.s. universities. >> they take a broad question such as why are kids not learning in school an they break that down into many more details questions and then they combine this evidence to be able to say something about underlying causes of poverty and policies to combat poverty. >> the royal swedish academy of sciences lauded the treee for what it called ground breaking researar into what works and whatat doesn't in n the fight t reduce global poverty. it showed how poverty can be addressed by breaking it down into smaller and more prerecise issues in areas such as education and health care. the new solutions were then tested on location. she is only the second woman to be awarded the nobel prize for economics and ams the youngest
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at 46. >> it was incredibly humbling, to tell you the truth. i didn't think it was possible to win the nobel prize in economics before. >> she and her husband have been studying the problems surrounding poverty for decades. they're also the first m marrie couple to be given the accolade. india's prime min congratulated the tririo on twitter and a strm of well wisishers and journalis were quick to visit her mother in india. the trio did most of their field testing in regions around the world. brip monsters and vampires don't really exist, though maybe you've met one or two. the script writers who dreamed them up are often inspired by real scientific skfries.
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that's the subject of an exhibit at the natural history museum in los angeles, entitled "the natural history of horror qufments the most horrible monster of all was created by a mad scientist called franken sign. -- frankenstein. >> "the mummy" shocked audiences and won awards. boris car love played the mummy. the inspirationers in movie were the archaeology expeditions that plunderedd egyptian tombs. >> these are inspired by the natural and physical world and the imagination people had to create stories based on real
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things. >> drack la, the vampire is another invented character. but this exhibition demonstrates that epidemics such as cholera inspired bram stoker to come up with his story in which anyone bit bane vampire becomes one. and the classic store roioif th mad scientist is frankenstein. also turned into a universal studios blockbuster. dr. victor frankenstein sews together parts of cadavers an brings the resulting creature to life with the help of electricity, that's not so far off from experiments being carried out by sign t tices -- scientists at the time. >> we have a frog that shows the experiments at the time trying to re-enjer -- energize animals and bring them back to life. >> and then there's "the
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creature from the black lagoon," the first 3-d monster movie. it tells of the terrors unleashed when scientists go digging around where they probably shouldn't, a topic with added relevance in light of current scientific advances. >> it made people stop and think a little bit about what science can do d.n.a.. and still a conversation that's happening today about creating life. >> classic horror films seen from an unusual new perspective with scientific expertise. brent: they waddled out a barn door, the farm animals the star of rush hour, videos that chris franklin in southwestern england posted online with tens of thousands of followers. the videos of cane hill farms morning ritual have become an internet sensation. >> greetings and good morning,
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sometimes good night. >> good morning, are we ready? >> rush hour is what farmer chris franklin calls the moment when he opens the barn door in the morning and every pour into the farm-yard. >> give me a hand. >> chris greets them all by name and with some friendly words. >> my goodness. you going to come through here? >> he always has a smart phone at his side. he records his exchanges with animals and posts the videos online. they're now a social media sensation. cane hill farm has fans around the world. every day, chris receives comments from people sayingg ho happy they feel when they watch thee animals goioing about thei daily business. >> i don't really believe it when someone said i had gone viral, i thought i had to go and see the doctor. >> cane hill farm is not a traditional farm the focus is on
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education. chris and his team want to bring countryside learning to children, young people and communs. the animals are often named by young visitors. among them are cuthbert the goose. and lucy the goat. trigger, the pot bellied pig, is very popular. and there's cocoa the donkey, the go-to weather expert. chris asks him what theout look is. >> what's the outlook today? it's going to be sunny, just look at the sky. >> cocoa is a big carrot fan and that microphone looks mighty tasty. >> i've always talked to the animals, they've alwayss talked back. it's caught the imagination of people. busy bees this morning. >> chris also likes talking to flowers. >> good morning sunflowers. how are we? we're good, we're good. enjoying this early morning sunshine are you? yes, we're loving iting it's
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wonderful. you're doing well? yes. how are things going? not so bad. brent: here's a rememder of the top stories we're following for you. turkish backed forces have moved further into syria, pulling down kurdish flags. but the kurds reach and agreement with bashar al assad, syrian forces have arrived in the area. after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day. stick around for that, we'll be right back.
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. yeah b but it is welcome to live from paris world news and analysis from france twenty four i'm margot and these are the main world news headlines. turkish troops aree r reported to be plannnnina move on the s syrian because the city of mumbai age. this is a long rises amongng turkey's tom supplies to check so the latest to hold thahat trait. turkey's president says he won't back down on the operation no matter what anyone says. an internatational arrest warrant s issued for catalonia's controversial president collor's push them all. this comes as twelve leaders of the twenty seventeen dependence move have been condemned to long jail terms by madrid. in britain the state opening of
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