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tv   France 24  LINKTV  October 17, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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welcome back we begin with the latest on the talks held in ankara between the turkish president recep tayyip erdogan and a high level delegation from washington which consisted of the us vice president mike pence. and sector state mike pompeii a well the us president donald trump announced on twitter just a short while ago. the delegations efforts to persuade turkey to hold its offensive against the kurds in northern syria had succeeded. trump called and i quote great news and he thanked president
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i'd want since said that millions of lives will notot be savedd but until now the turkish president. and ignored international pressure to hold the offensive which monitors say already claimed the lives of dozens of civilians in which a displaced more than three hundred thousand people. over that part turkish officials say they had my quote. got exactly what they wanted out of the meeting. well speaking a short while ago president trump call thisis a great day for turkey ad a great day for the cuts. this is an amazing outcome this is an outcome. regardless of how the press would like to. dampen downwn this was something that they've been trying to get for ten years. you were lost millions and millions of lives they couldn't get it without a little rough love is i call that i just put out they needed a little bit of that. at the beginning. us preresident donald trumpp is speaking of that offer more a analysis i'm joined by it not a must see for my international affairs does kind of an idea. without an hour or
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so to digest this news what you'll sort of initial thoughts. about that deal there is a lot to unpack a hit at thomas this is out as you said i'm supposed to be a hundred twenty hours that is a five day at sea so i know according to mike pence when he made. that announcement today and he said it had been agreed that the kurdish forces facilitated by the united states would pull back at that twenty miles out says he to columbus as safe so that the tux i want implement and according. at depends not only have the cuts agree to that but part of that pull back facilitated by american troops is already. underway now the first thing to say here is this is a major win. for tacky they pit in the short term to be guessing that buffer zone that they've wanted since the but for years now but have been trying to. explicitly seek in the past week through this minute she campaigned in northeast area. south thirty two columbus at a stretch at it deep inside syrian territory so
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they can bring back syrian. refugees who are currently stranded inside tacky bring that into syria and a pitch of managed to get that and- with only a week of fighting and now with very little risk to their own. troops and indeed to that that that that rate civilians on the other side of the border. of course who the real losers here tonight clearly. that cuts they are currently i say apparently because there's lots of questions still tonight. pulling out of territory that they've held now for six or seven years depending precise location in northeast area. this is an area that they've been very determined about wanting to call aboutut a ton of a state fr themselves andnd i think what we really see tonight is the kind of. the cementing of the loss of power the has felt inevitable for coach forces as since the u. s. announced that with drool and then since. we saw that a power agreement with assets forces a few days ago.
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now we see this so this really feels. almost like a surrender by at target cutters goose is up on at the front line that now. in terms of the us military role here there's a few things that i. that we need to know. firstly and according to mike pence those american forces have already started to help move those at cut its troops spot is not precisely clear to me. how that can be the case given that the americans were so hasty in moving that that troops. many of t the trips out up prettyy quickly indeed. and indeed i was just speaking to. a an activist who's in address the laying on the border. i'm one of those border areas this weather's been fist fighting the past couple of days and he told me. f fighting is very much still underway the cuts haven't moved for the moment so i'm not quite sure. how mike pence's reconciling that with some of the some of what his to still be happening on the ground tonight. and you have to ask yourself why you would the ypg. agreed to this agreed to a deal with the americans when they've already a few days ago. made a deal with assets posted a math replace it with russia. could the cuts feel betrayed. by the united states in this whole it in the past couple of weeks. so why would thehey then o out to e
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something that the american to put on the table and take it. the base so i think there are lots of questions tonight we need to hear. from the ypg f frm the. kurdish forces and so far we haven't had an official statement. from them. yeah i'm sorry i mean on the ground itself in that area of northeastern seri i mean how is all of this. going down to think. couple of reactions that i wanted to highlight to you this is. unofficial so far but that was. a kurdish politician speaking on. out idea that some. an arabic at tv station a short while ago and he said we've previously. previously stated that that. at turkish as- as- it. a campaign inside syria that sassy columbus a buffer zone. and that they want. we rejected that before implying that they may be rejected not again suggesting possibly. the desespite w what e pence went to say. hoff an hour or so ago. that perhaps. the cuts on his own bowl but this is mike pence i suggested. some of the reaction i wanted to bring you this just been coming in l lots of celebebrations thoh incomeme usually that's one of the main cities in the kaddish.
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held region of northeast every people that apparently celebrating tonight because they hope that some of the violence and that they've seen in the past couple of days. is coming to an end now what. is really significant that w was nt mentioned in this in this agreemenent that might pence at laid out. no mention of what happens to my sets forces now we don't know whether they will be moving into areas that that that the kurdish forces move ourselves. no mention of russia here remember of course add one in blacksmith who seem to be missing. at next week i think this is going to suck the strength of. the winds hand in thought me saying. and we really need to see the next couple of hours reactions from russia reactions are moscow more reactions. from ankara and suddenly reactions from the kurdish forces because- in multiple what subgroups on in with cut shots was tonight lots of them a very skeptical. of that that leaders have golden bowl but something that to them looks to norma's. about like a the surrender of by a kurdish forces. okay one as you say. we
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expect to hear a detailedd statement from. the kurdish side that's again according to the same position you citeted an interview on alot or via. we expect to have that later on in the course of the evening thank you very much indeed not mse. mind social fest. now the news the british prime minister boris johnson says he's confident of the british parliament will give its backing to the latest brexit deal which was agreed with the european union today. the leaders of the remaining twenty seven countries in the e. u. endorse that deal later in the day and if you get support from british mps. the european parliament will then have to rubber stamp it. after years of negotiations the european council president donald tusk. said that a chaotic no deal scenario appears for now to be avoided. the reality is that today we have a deal. which allows us to avoid chaos and then up mostly of cold feet between that you tend to s seve. and the united kingdom. the full. and go through invited the commission the european
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parliament and the council to ensure that this agreement can enter into falls on the first of november twenty nineteen. now we are all waiting for the votes in both vitamin. dole disk speaking now will the previous deal struck by a struck by boris johnsons previous as a to reason m may well rejejectedhree timeses by british and peas in london and that resulted in the end of her political career but johnson says he predicts that brexit will happen. on churchill. my views be very clear for a long time i just i did think. the delays is to the advantage of the of the uk or indeed of the whole of. of the of europe i think people want to move this thing on it's been going on for a for a long time. and that's a view that seems to be e to be quitite widely shed. british prime minister boris johnson is speaeaking of our for more analysis we can speak now to quentin peel. was an associate
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fellow with the your program at chatham house thank you very much indeed. for speaking to us. i just was thought by also something i haven't put this to anyone else this evening we've had lots of different. in alice's all of. what's happened today but i mean. it do you think there's a sense at least in the boris johnson in a circle of the prime minister has been vindicated. because off to roll at the european said that that deal the loss deal struck with the reason they was not open for renegotiation. and he's proved that it was open for negotiation he's done it. i think that that the line that pushshing out it's very much to. the popular allied united europe said you couldn't open the withdrawal agreement and we re opened it. how being said that if you look hard at what section half clinton's. walking tall is. very similar to what the reason may had except. a little little girl should not to say. we've got a norman
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island only back up. here it's no longer cool the backstop no actually a long. arrangement could northern ireland to be both in the united kingdom customs union and in the european union customs union. so far it's a clever fudge. the question is not and he said it. yeah i mean we're just hearing now according to sources there are fewer than ten labor mps i kind of back. that deal on saturday in parliament i mean. that being the case given the situation with the d. u. p. i mean what what all boris johnsons chances do you think of getting that deal through parliament. well i would say fifty fifty i think they're really quite slim. unless he can get the do you pee on the side because you could do you clean. refuses to vote for it there may be a few of the battery close friends and allies among. the really hard
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line back for those who like back. the other question is there a twenty three conservative mps expelled from the party to blocking no deal. i think most of the really wants a deal of will back it but some of them are really. fact and i think that boris johnsons problem is for owners he bravado and good humor and so on he actually wrote people up the wrong way so he's got passionate supporters. equally passionate to program and i think it's anybody's guess how the vote will go on saturday. yeah and it's very difficult to understand as well what the russian now will be full and peace to vote for this deal when as you say the deal before wasn't really so very different from what's just been signed off on in in brussels i mean what what do you think. yeah that's right because what the deal is done boris johnson has moved towards his hard line
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back. by making it a nolan the deadly backstop he's- doing he's lost the support of the do your pretty. dumb another very important. he moved removed or record. trying to main trade what they call. a level playing field between britain and the european union in the long batteries obey was prepared to do that she said. i'll keep us close to you then we could have the minimum. sort of trade check the regulation checks at our borders well boys come to grapple that in order to win the support. of the hardline breaks because of that. he alienated the opposition parties labor the liberal democrat to stop that. i'm the greedy member of parliament supplied to break they are all
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really worried that he now has this vision of assorted de regulated lemons stabbed the british economy really competitive with the rest of europe. they can see that that is actually going to be that europe will put up quite high trade barriers to make. sure that we have this competition. okay well i'd love to talk to you for longer bible we're out of time i'm so sorry thank you so much a quentin peel associate fellow with the your program at chatham house. thank you very much indeed for speaking to us here have wrestled full. was instigation bebegan the irish backstop has been the most contentious issue of the brexit process from simple simon harding hasas more now on what't's been agreed. its was considered as the elephant in the room when discussing brexit northern ireland and its pivotal role in negotiations both sides have found common ground on what northern ireland would look like in a post brexit future. michelle bonior outlining full key elements for success first northern ireland will remain a line to limited
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sets of the you rule specifically foror goods to remain in the u. case custom territory but still be an entry points into the e. u. single markets. both parties have agreed on vat condition satisfying u. k. concerns and the integrity of the e. u. single markets the fourth point outlines not northern irish representatives will vote every four years on whether to continue applying union rules. prime minister john son and the t. shock. wanted to ensure long term democratic support. for the application by u. k. authorities of relevant union rules in north carolina. four years after the entry into force of the critical the elected representatives of notion arnold we'll be able to decide by simple majority. wizard to continue uprising one of them union rules in nelson i
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don't fall not. on the final points michelle bonior said it was the cornerstone of the agreements because that would effectively be no more backstop and that it was sensible to agree on consents boris johnson is hopeful that the steel will be accepted but so far northern ireland's do you he had set the tone for the unacceptable. and without that supports the u. k. prime minister will struggle. to get the approved. in a world news people across canada are gearing up to head to the polls on monday for an election in which the incumbent prime minister justin trudeau. faces a tough battle against his conservative rival hundred ship what trudeau has been given what appears to be an unprecedented a dole smith from an old friend none other than the former us president barack obama who said and i quote. the world needs his progressive leadership. also the fourth of july a can of a small. the golden boy of canadian politics
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stained by scandal in the midst of his reelection campaign. in september several photos emerged showing a twenty nine year old tree dialectical stream policy wearing dark makeup the so called blackface scandall made international headlines of aching racist stereotypes that were a far cry from the progressive values championed by the liberal party leader i. deeply regret that we that i get that. i should have known better but i didn't. but not the only thing that's disappointed vases many have pointed to his broken campaign promises such as his government's decision to buy and approve the trans mountain pipeline this in spspite of canada's climate action pledges has also found himself in hot water with the country's ethics committee. becoming the only prime minister found to have officially broken ethics rules. recent opinion polls show
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trigger is neck and neck with conservative party leader underr chef. neither policy is predicted to win a majority in parliament's meaning that small that left wing policies like the green policy and the new democratic policy could play a decisive role. the new democratic party led by canada's fast non caucasian federal party leader jack meets saying could be the king maker after enjoying a surgeon supports ahead of monday's popolls. no and use the united nations is facing its worst budget crisis in a decade with official saying the body is more than a billion year is out of pocket. in fact the u. inspector general until you're good chat is warning that i might not even be enough to pay next month salaries was was it was it jessica muscle yeah now explains austerity is the- order of the day. at the un headquarters in new york. the fountain in front of the united nations has not run dry it's been switched off due to. liquidity issues. the un is
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strugglingng to deal with its woworst ever a cash flow crisis. inside some databases being turned off to save m mey. other austerity measures include a hiring freezeze and the e band.. travel we need to make surure that by the end of the month we're able to pay not only our salaries thehe salaries o of the staff but also all the vendors thatatrovide services. to this organizatition throughgh a n nur of cutbacks to be put in place whether i it's heatingng we'e've adjusted the temperature to degrees and cut back on the heating and air conditioning by an hour each day that's a seven thouousand dollars. every day al these coststs we're trying to bring down in order to o save some cash thankfully the lifts all still working b because you install financial official is on the twenty first floorr. why is the u. n. running out of cash some sixty member states have not yet paid the use amongst them the united states the u. n.'s knknowledges
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does almost a billion dollars. hello but i am pretty. confident that at the end of the day member states will eventualally comee on but nobody should underestimate the severity of the crisis that you're facing. so the us we are expecting some payments to come in this week. we also expecting some payments from mexico this week when again until we see the money in the bank. and we have to be careful. and you can count our chickens before they hatch. the control is stitill smiling but still getting neneous a little bit frightening that. that could be maybe this is the situation or or could be even happen. youou know manyy of us being here here almost twenty yeyears or even more and that and this never happened that you know what you did not receive a salary. at a town hall meeting still see reassurances that they'll be paid. they've been told not to refer to this is a budget crisis but rather a financial shortfall. kill time now for a check of top business news
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stories i'm joined by stephen carroll highest even. that news all of a brexit deal one was struck in brussels earlier in the day being watched very closely. by the business community where the market's doing. what if you want to know what the markets think about brags that you have to look at the value of sterling cooper we always see the for extractions to any news in this process on sterling did. spike in value against the dollar ones we how about news from brussels the white smoke that a deal had been reached with the united kingdom. post as many things with and this process as soon as we had some good news we had some bad news that followed us and when the two u. p. said that they wouldn't supporters in the british parliament and we saw that. optimism stopped at the markets almost immediately and when it got news came from the do you pay that they couldn't support this agreement so. the dollar finishing ira the panda should say finishing against the dollar and european trading not far off for it started to be honest it had jumped the highest point since may. but falling back afterwards so at a time trading for just under one dollar and twenty nine cents and one euro and fifteen. at
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point seven cents as well so at the end of the day mark is a combat pretty equal equal on that they're on the events in the bag that process on the stock markets. and we had some gains earlier on on european markets belonged at f forty one hundred the only one of the mamajor main european markets finishing the day off although not very by very much parts in frankfort. in the rads on wall street at markets really have moved on to other matters they were corporate news that was driving shares higher there earlier. and this will continue that's the biggest of the market's going forward as well investoror i'm surure the trades out there dressed in such a way and see what happens in parliaiament's deueutsche bank. making a batch on it today they're saying that's just a 45% time surprised johnson okay not deal passed in westminster. yeah a lot of bending h happenig on the exact same isissue. now what all the business groups saying about today's events at coaches welcome. for they steal
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if we look at the e british combat. the coconfederation of brbritish i industry the cb i wh is britain's's biggest lobby group they say is. the head of that organization card if i want. and she says that the agreement that's been reached is a significant step. and welcome compromise it avoids the damaging no deal and secures the transition period which is. essential for businesses consented out means that if the transition period comes into force nothing will change for. business immediately they'll have another year or so to gas. at as was become aware of what will change for them once the britain. officially leads the european union. and carlos are one also sending the alarmrm ovr e directition o of what the future relationship with the e. u. would be same infraction this trade must not be abandoned so. getting a position or an idea i suppose of what the position will be even if this deal. does got three parliaiament. i've also been looking at what businesses in northern ireland have been saying about it they said manufacturing and i is a group that represents. at over five thousand companies in northern ireland they're the ones that will have to deal with this northern ireland specific. regime for. tariffs on for v. a. t. at. manufacturing and i death t the risk of a't move to catastrophic no deal but says
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there is potential for significant. new fractions with these rules. and a complex and costly regime it's not the first time we've heard this from business groups in northern ireland stay say. small companies in particular which is the most the majority of companies in northern ireland. at will struggle to a deal with the administrative costs of this deal. at particularly when it comes to the actual paperwork they're gonna have to fight because they will be subject to a very particular. i'm complex arrangements. there's also the issue of uncertainty. i with devotion potential vote and storms and changing the arrangements that could mean that this is my only have. four years of rules on and fight. to change the rules again uncertainties and i was bought for business. okay i'm just tellining all right to some othr business news off the german government has slashed its growth forecast for next year. that's right the economic ministry that says that the euroropean union's biggest economy will grow by just 1% in twenty twenty instead of its previous forecast. of one and a half percent. germany's economy has been hit by uncertainty related to break this but also global trade disputes and a
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slowdown. in sales in its key motor industry. meanwhile the carmaker renault has warned of a drop of sales and profits as it faces a slow down and across the industry. company size that sales would fall by 324% this year due to a worse than expected economic environment. on the increased cost of complying with new regulations. run highlhlighting in particular problems it's french turkish an argentiniaian markets and poor performance. nissan at contributing to this dragon its results this news coming just days after the carmaker as did its ceo jeff it but a high. staying here in francnce the government says the consultations are still onn going on its controversiall plans to refoform the pension system. president microns plans to overhaul and simplify the current system have been met with cigna fears backlash and the threat of huge strike option looming. for early december but the new scheme which would see many people workingor longer to receive their fufull pensionons could fe
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delays. as thomas water has now reports. nothing's been decided yet that's the message from the french prime minister's office with a long key question still up in the airir. about this document. will the government's new universal pension system come into effect in twenty twenty five or will it face changes o or delays. this budget is already concerned about those who'd be most affected by postponements the country's youngsters was commissioned what worries me is that they're going to have to work for a very long time. and someone even have the choice. this official document outlines the different options the government is still considering. his first big idea is still on the table that's a reform which comes into effect in twenty twenty five. starting with the generation born in after nineteen sixty three who will have to work longer to get the full pension subtle tentative civil so being presented including an implementation starting with later generations. or with the
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newest additions to the labor markets but i do would ease the recent tensions between the government and transport workers who are currently able to retire in the fifties. to those who perform when looking sniff in this reform we have to consider that some workers are more important than others. because they shout louder something's not quite right. we now simply waiting for things to be made clear. trade unions say the government is simply treading water and is unlikely to make any concessions with more strike action against the reform plan scheduled for december the fifth the government's distressed the door to its negotiating room. is still wide open. finally three mark zuckerberg says that facebook won't to ban political advertisements mints platform despite mounting criticism he was speaking t to students at georgetown univeversity. the correct size the company did once considered banning political odds but decided that it was inappropriate f for a teh company to censor public figures. facebook has been
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under fire over its advertising policies from among others democratic primary kinds it's elizabeth warren and joe biden for lan odds containing full
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10/17/19 10/17/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> if syria wants to fight for their land, that is up to turkey and syria as it has been for hundreds of years they have been fighting and the kurds have been fighting for hundreds of yearsr. it is been going onn for a long time. syria may have some help with russia and that is fine. they have got a lot of sand over there. there's a lot of sand they can play with. amy: as more than 300,000


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