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tv   France 24  LINKTV  October 25, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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nine pm here in the french capital thanks so much for joining us for live from paris. i'm charlie james and these are the headlines. bolivia in turmoil over the disputed presidential election results incumbents abel morales has claimed a a fourth tererm. the opposition is demanding a second round. lebanon's ninee day protest movement rattling the political system the leader of the powerful hezbollah group warning of chaos a and civil war government is overturned. and protests resume across iraq and to send into violence more than
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twenty demonstrators have died most shot with live ammunition by security forces . lydia's a lot morales has been officially declared the winner of the latest presidential election his victory narrowly and controversially cross t the ten point thresholold to avoid a runoff disputed when it was confirmed after days of protests by the opposition. which alleges the boat was tampered with. opposition prprotesters in bolivia take to the streets once again to reject the victory of incumbent evil moralis in sunday's presidential election. not that we don't accept thesese results.
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we don't want these results. the front is evident. we'r're al fighting for democracy and retired. hello my whole the best would be either to cancel the elections or go directly to a run off vote on this. well the any of the rest and they'll not say when the weather. the opposition is calling for a second round. it's accused officicials of vote rigging aftr the ballot count was interrupted for twenty four hours on sunday the day of the poll but after fininal couount n thursday election authorities reaffirmed their initial findings declaring president evo morales the winner. the announcement sparked fresh protests and violent clashes prompting the you went to issuse a warning. calling all actors including political leaders and their followers to exercise restraint in order to reduce tensions and to urgently engage in and genuine and meaningful dialogue to address the decal disagreement. otherwise there is a serious risk the sisituatin
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will spiraral out of control. according to election authororities morales beatt his closest rival carlos mesa by just over ten percentagage poins to lead required to avoid a runoff. but even before the results were announced the incumbent was already criticism over his decision to seek a fourth successive mandate this year. after losing a referendum in twenty sixteen that would have removed the constitution's two term limit morales went to the courts and secured a ruling that allowed him to run again anyway. t the new mandatete meas moralis already latin america's longest serving president will remain in power until twenty twenty five. and joining us now for more on this story is robert i'll bro he's a research associate professor for the center for latin american and latino studies at my alma mater american universrsity in wawashington dc hello there. now are you the us the e. u. and
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several latin american countries are calling for a r rn off vote in order to restore trust in the electoral process in bolivia. but other nations such as mexico and venezuela are recognizing ross's victoryry does the internanational pressue make any difference here. i don't really think the international pressure will matter terribly much. we should understand that-t- bolivia's relationship with united states was already rather poor sh and- amaryllis and the end of march- as that government has been inin powewer now for more than a decade. and doesn't relate it necessarily take. the suggestions of otherer foreign dignitarieies as strong sesense of national sovereignty at issue here a and that's partltly what w what is playing babackground. so outside forces most likely can't force a run off here but knowing what you do about living in politics.
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arare proteststs likely to movoe needle either. well i d d't thinink that the questionn is necessararily whether thehere's going to be aroundd i don't believe that there will be sh the electoral tribunal declared moralis the winner. there's no reason that one would assumum that would chahange. the end the optics aren't good. therere certainlnly i is reason to suspt that there was some. certainly irregularities- around the process partiticularly y when tr vote count w was delayed. acactually t twenty four hours n it appeared that morales might be headed to a run off and then only to find once it's that it's like me that he's not and that indeed is declared the winner sh the concern is not that. there might be a run off the rather that bolivia does fall back into. a state of perprpetual- social protest. and
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st mobilization the country is a very highghly mobilized county there there's a lot of pro active. grarassroots mobilizizan and it has a long h history of that s sh andnd the puree proceeding. able marlys coming to power and indeed largely responsiblble or anan- hour and coming. on to the political status actor was appeared in about five years of continuous- political upheaval social movement activism which forced the resignation of several presidents. so i'm i'm thinking that the most likely situation is not there the opposition forces day again and i even asked the presidency- is undertaken. if it does nonot hae the same. sense of legitimacy and is vulnerable to. a constant us social movement pressure street mobilization of protest which could make it tough to govern certainly. opposition supporters say the that this disputed election fits into a pattern of behavior
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by morales we heard in the report just before you came on about the twenty sixteen referendum to extend term limits he didn't get his way with that but decided to run anyway. but does he really display authoritarian tetendencies. so i thihink t tht thatat word is.s. often usedd prproblematically. i would say that it's- certatainly the case that m morales has benefitted tremendously over the years from. calling referendums and that winning them decisively so when he did not- to his surprise- windd that referendum vote to extend term limits i think she- yeah took another course of action i sort of undermined his own. moral o of story pourtant way and puts him on much more proroblematic footing- going forward- i don't
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think it. makes an illegitimate i do think that forces have been gathering around. this administration that arare increasingly i impatient i kind of the s status quo. that has become typical where there's no evidence successor where some of the- nas administratation's ececonomic pololicies have crea- conflilict in oppoposition or morales himself has done some high profifile thingngs that dot really look like buildining a nw prpresidenti p palace and d this of this s nature. you not at a large expense. and the word authoritarian it has been use certainly not just by his political opposition. so right i memean i thihink that. columns that there's n no way to thinkk aboutt the mas and this
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administration without thinking about it marlys is there's no one else. and that's thahat's obviviously a problemem or a political succession and transfer power. i'll row from the center for latin american and latino studies really appreciate your time. protests driven by economic outrage have in goals to lebanon in recent days demonstrators will bring down the government which they see as run by a corrupt political class. now complicating this power struggle is the role of the powerful lebanese shiite groupup hezbollah its leader hassan nasrallah is considered one of the country's most influential figures and his supporters are angry demonstrators see him as among the elite needs to be ousted. our reporters in the southern lebanese city of nobody went to ask people there how they feel about nasrullah
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they heard praise but also fear and tentative signs of dissent. singing don't sing and demanding the government schools on the surface the message from lebanon's hezbollah heartlands echoes the rest of the country. they should resign. here many died in the two thousand six more with israel. our homes have been destroyed. but they cannot use resistance to israel as a trump card we are fed up we want to live but i had a shot but do it is to not listen. in now the ta history master hezbollah afford a bloody war with israel in two thousand and six and many of its fighters came from the streets now though the perception of the party is changing is three ministers in the current
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government seen as corrupt and inefficient. still few hit. dad to publicly criticize hezbollah. the other man what are your demands from hezbollah and the other she a party a mall. some people do speak up a sign that loyalty to hezbollah may be wavering and- nobody dared to confront the powerful parties here but now we've started to protest. the party has never accepted the idea that we can stand up and say no. the most though hezbollah and lebanon's broken politics as seen as separate issues and the cult of house in the stroller still looms large. he liberated our land and brought our people home. hassan nasrallah is a hero not just in nabatieh put across lebanon listening. with the book here never ta we
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support the islamic resistance and we support hezbollah. they protect us from external enemies but at the same time we have a lot of problems at home we don't have enough mononey. al work so we're against this government as there is a throughout l lebanon hey enougha ta in ththe sououth of ththe coy there are anti government protests but there is a key difference here while throughout the country the protests have been peaceful here and not a t ta there w were clasashes thiss week between a local shiite posse. and the protesters and it is red to his slogans crititical has got lockd in a city that. remains overwhelmingly supportive of the posse. protests also intensify in the rock at least twenty three demonstrators have now died in the days clashes. the renewed rallies across the capital and in the south have seen security forces respond with live rounds. water cannon and volleys of tear gas. these protests are driven by anger over a lack of jobs for public services and government
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corruption. indifference this takes us to the scene of protests in the capital. there was chaos and death on the streets of baghdad friday as protesters clashed with security forces. about a thousand people march from baghdad's to rear square towards the government's fortified green zone when security forces moved in to stop the- with tear gas and physical force. iraq's top shiite clear accused his friday sermon to call for calm lead role. we call upon our beloved demonsnstrators and the deer members of our security forces to strictly abide by peaceful measures. and not to allow the use of force violence riots or vandalism. activists took to the streets to mark one year since prime minister adel abdel mahdi came to power friday also
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marked a deadline set by the country's top shiite authority for mahdi to enact a number of reforms. i'm not about to become a box not about to be monthly knows only on skin for electricity when it only all skin for water. these are legitimate rights which the government should provides we are calling. for the government to resign and for the constitution to be changed. the iraqi government has struggled to address protesters concerns since unrest erupted in baghdad on october first.. over government corruption and high unemployment. in a televised speech friday iraq's prime minister mahdi promised that a reshuffling of government ministers would take place next week. and that lawmakers salaries would be cut in half. and the support of the resignation of the government to date without providing a constitutional alternative. would mean sending the country into chaos. but on the streets of baghdad there were no signs those promises would quell the unrest. baghdad is also where
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france three four simona fulton is covering the story she has been speaking of protesters and sent us this report. we are here on one of the main access routes leading from center city in direction of. liberation square where hundreds of supporters off she had looked at our center have gathered- some of them are waving flags from sort i us a lot which is the armed wing of the wrist movement and it seems that they're essentially waiting for. instructions from the center on whether or not they should be joining the protests and it's very interesting actually because the messaging from the center has been very ambiguous throughout his entire protest. on the one hand he has been very much the government the government let's remember that he helped put in place is party after all was the one who won the biggest share of seats during the two thousand eighteen parliamentary. elections and he was the one who also. and there was a prime
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minister. on the one h hand he's hedging his bets because he is still part. of the establishment in all of this government on the other hand however he's very much a- part of the. very much directed at his own movements so you. want to be part of the opposition for now these protesters are here are waiting. for him to give a message to give instructions on whether they should participate. in the process or not. say that they were actually prevented by members of. saddam's security from interviewing- the phone over. the southern- because. they're very aware t that messaging g right t now she mis. and they don't want to send a very clear message out to the public world right exactly. moving over next to the united states the us justice department has reportedly opened a criminal investigation into its own investigators. the department is examining the origins of robert mahler's probe into russian interference in the twenty sixteen election. previously an administrator of review was under way. the change of classification will
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give investigators more power. and criritics say this iss just president donald trump chasing conspiracy theories. when us attorney general bill barr testified before congress back in april he made a stunning accusation i think spying on a- polilitical campaign is a big deal i think there's a spying did occur. yeses i think spying that occur. at the time bar said he had opened an administrative review of the origins of special counsel robert muller investigation of russia's interference with the twenty sixteen presidential election. now that review has turned into a criminal probe. bar has appointed prosecutor john durham to head the investigation as such he has the power to subpoena witnesses and documents to convene a grand jury answer file criminal charges. it's not clear what those criminal charges could be but barss said therere are indications that the fbi
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unlawfully targeted and surveilled the trump campaign in twenty sixteen. after being tipped off by the australian government the tip was the trump campaign staffer george papadopoulos had been approached and was told about emails had been stolen from hillary clinton's campaign by the russisians. bar even travel to italy to run down a conspiracy theory that an italian professor had tipped off papadopoulos to the stolen emails a conspiracy which the italian strongly deny. robert muller stop short of saying that trump's campaign conspired with the russians but he did say that the campaign welcome to the fororeign help. president trump has long asserted without evidence that the russian investigation with the politically motivated hoax but as denied asking bar to investigate us intelelligence agencies. no i didn't ask. i didn't know it i didn't know it but i think it's a great thing that he did are they want a- look a at how that whole hoax gt started. democrats accuse bar of using the justice department
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to undermine robert muller's work and to go after the president's political enemies. some cia officials have retained lawyers in anticipation of being called as witnesses. and staying in the us there are currently nine active wildfires in northern and southern california. which together have burned up nearly thirtyty thousanand acres. in se areas the battle has already been lost the two biggest fires called the tick fire in the kincaid fire. have spread out of control burning homes and threatening lives. now california's biggest utility company has admititted its electrical e equipment may havee igniteted one of places one spreadading across the state's wine couryry. time now for another look at the dayay's business news and call strangler is back with us again. so a couple weeks ago we heard about this phasene deal bebetween china and the u. s. to
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hash out this trade w war- and they're continuing to talk what happened today that's right now as you said earlier this month they agreed to a truce in this massive trade- are there now. still working committing that phase one agreement into writing on friday senior officials held a phone call which appeared to go well according to the united states trade representative. it said the two sides were close close to finalizing some sections of the agreement. your man's a mystery for now but is expected to cover us farm exports and the topipic of intellectual property. us president donald trump has said he expects to sign a deal w with his chinese counterpart in midid november.rn the sidelines of an economic forum in chile. take a look now at the day's trading action. lawsuit having a nice end to the week boosted by that apparent progress in us china talks. the dow is up over half percent s. and p. up around four tenths of a percent. having just around a record closing high the nasdaq also seeing gains you can see. nearly six tenths of a percent. in stotocks finished friday with some modest gains. account up
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around two thirds of a percent the dax in frankfortt up. p poit 2% nearly slight losses on the other hanand. for the for the london that's amid the latest record drama. you still hasn't granted an extension of the uk's exit date which- is slated for october thirty first. at a pound. meanwhile down just slightly trading at around a dollar and twenty eight cents. holding steady against the euro and all things considered whole holding relatively steady overall. that china may be locked in because the dispute with the u. s. but that's not stopping it from losing trade ties with other countries. on friday presentation ping hosted his brazilian counterparts are both in our out. to countries are already part of the so called bricks the group of major emerging economies. but as one of china's vice premiers noted beijing would like to specifically improve ties with results. take a lesson. china would like to work with brazil to strengthen communication and coordination. to deepen cooperation is part of the bricks and the g. twenty. and
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to actively promote cooperation between china and latin america. china would also like to safeguard a multilateral trading system based on rules and to create good conditionss for companies in both countries. to take better pardon glolobalization and expad the international market. next up argentinians head to the polls this sunday with the country in the mididdle of another economic crisis. presidentt mauricio macri who is expected to lose t the election has struggled to stop runaway inflation and tackle rising levels of poverty. so in a sex takes a closer look at how argentina's economy is faring ahead of the vote. where is your man crew took office four years ago with grounds plans t o kickstarart oceanss hemos continents economy.. but the pro business presidents reformist agenda has failed to stop the country falling back into financial crisis. despite the edging out of recession in september there is a looming phaseout slots in america's folk largest economy will default on its debts like in
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two thousand and one. a major crash in the past so in august fourth argentine it's the late payments on its debts which adds up to more than a hundred billion dollars. more than hough is owed to the international monetary fund which gave the governments of record breaking fifty seven billion dollars in two thousand eighteen. the bailout has done little for argentinians. angry about the continuing economic turmoil. before i had a place to live. when my children could sleep. and i could give them a bar and feed them. now i go from one place to another. this is enough to live. unemployment is that surrounds ten percent's wall more than a third of the populationon live below the povertrty line.e. meanwhile the inflation rate has says be almost 50% making everyday products a luxury for many. this man owns less than three dollars a day. it's hard to iron two hundred pesos a day and everything is really expensive. what can i do with
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that. thanks is a hoping the next government will be able to break argentina's endless cycle of economic crisis a colossal mission for whoever takes up office in a country dog bites hard balloons economic history according to the world bank argentina has spent more time in recession in recent history than any of the country. except the democratic republic of congo. and the french economy got some good news today according to the country's unemployment agency the rate of joblessness continues to decline. unemployment claims in france fell four tentnths of a percent over the third quarter that's a three month period that ended in september. and simpler is evidently not too frightened by the globabal slowdown hiring on the rise in france now that's music to o the ears of president emmanuel mccall who's promised to bring the unemployment rate is 7% by the end of his term in twenty twenty two. it's fallen a bit since he took office in twenty seventeen. the official job was answering france currently stands at eight point five percent. and is projected to
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fall to eight point three percent. by the end of the year. finally for me offshore wind power plays for massive worldwidide growth. according to the international energy agency says the sector could expand fifteen times in size. i tracked around a trillion dollars investment by twenty forty. like the falling cost government subsidies and technological progress. just twenty years the i. a. goes on to say offer when could be the single greatest source of power generation in e europe. i'm'm se this is a very important report because a lot of governments base theirnergy policy and studies offff off what ththe i a says so that was something that a lot of people are looking at and it's also not ann enenvironmentatal group. that's right yeah which means that- maybe the governments would put a little more weight on it that's right it's not just environmental as in green groups that are talking about shifting away from fossil fuels the increasingly a consensus among policy makers and- many in industries well that this this shift towards renewable energies is gonna be. more more importantt right thanks so much
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for that update coal staying alert with the day's busininess newsws. and we're going to takea short break but to stay with us bebecause i'll be back in just a few minutes. more news you need to know
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10/25/19 10/25/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> so you won't take down lives were you will? it is a simple yes or no. >> it is hate speech. it is leading to violence and death threats in my office. i think american people are tired of this hypocrisy. amy: as facebook says it will not fact checked political ads or hold politicians to the usual


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