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tv   France 24  LINKTV  November 15, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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week right here on front streeet the full. welcome back to front twenty four on the lawn a diss and we live from paris the headlines this hour. the white house says donald trump's tweets on marine giovanna which was not intimidation but simply his opinion u. s. president accuse of witness intimidation in reaeal time as the former u. s. ambassador to ukraine testifies. in public. a ceasefire between israeaelnd the islamic jihad thrown into doubt off to the israeli military response to rorocket fire on targets linked to the militant groups in gaza. i'm pro democracy protesters in hong kong take to the streets in defiance of china's president is off to the gym thing said the movement was
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threatening the one country two systems policy currently in place . the impeachment inquiry ininto donald trump has gotten its most high profile testimony to date the former ambassadorr to u ukraine testifying before a panel and millions of americans. marie evanovich detail how she was abruptly recalled and how her removal let us policy in u. crazier disarray. she also said she found it intimidating that the u. s. president was live tweeting during her testimony. able t to underminine u. s s. ae sit here testifyining the president is attacking your twtwitter. and i like to give yu a chance to respond i'll read. art of one of his tweets. everywhere marie of on a bench when turned bad she started off
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in somalia how did that go he goes on to say. later on tweet is a u. s.s. presence absolute right to appoint ambassadors. i don't think i have such powers on not mogadishu smiley smiley and not in other places i actutually t think that- where i served over the years- i and others have. demonstrably made things better you know for the us as well as for the country's on that i've surgeon. for more on that testimony and donald trump's tweets during the proceedingss years from twenty fourth kid about gorgeous sunny reporting from washingngton. it was sort of an astonishment to in at that hearing room because said that to a tweet from the west president pretty much happened. as marie you finalist was explaining how she felt- lake in the u. s. president. was as threatening in his- words would really and it cacame
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as a eight an example at more a smear against her frorom the u . s. at presidents as you said adam should read that to a tweet allowed to back to her. and asked her to- react and she did actually. is explain and- route but to the to a line from the- got argument from the republicans which is that the president- house- every- discretionary power to remove or fire any ambassador at that and h he wants and she said. tht what that is actually a correct she didn't understand why the president would wantt to remove a u. s. ambassador based on. hearsay on accusations that were unfounded and that had not been provenn and reacting to things of from the- ukrainians that were clearly a corrupt and she didn't understand why the he would. go along with their arguments ratather and then at the support to that she was receiving from a plenty of
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officials at back at the state department who actually tried to get the p president. to reconsider his position about- his at u. s s. ambassador in ukraine so she really. express the shock and astonishment at how everything turned out and how the u. s. president so could it really is so easily be swayed against thatt his ambassador. in the vancouver sun you're putting thahat idea from washingngton no rocks top shiitete cleric called on the authorities to quicickly respond to processes dimond's i told ali sistani adding the country would never be the same following weeks off of demonstrations. since october. first protesters s have been taking to the streets frustrated over. rampanant corruption andnd a lack of jobos on twenty four correspondentss james andre jonathan wall shou metet the f family ofof a younung man who died. in the process. the what the what this is haidar is bad and these are his books. he was in his fourth
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year at the university. he was one of the best in this class. he r received his books three days before he was killed. he was gegetting ready to startrt s hehere. the lolosses you the- hussein's younger brother haider was killed during a protest on october the third. since all the members of his devout xii family are in mourning. i have got to and then as if they save him because he lost too much blood. the bullet entered his chest and exited through his fax. they use bullets. the shoes in the legs or not. writes in them why shoot in the c chest. why dd they steal these young protesters lives one. the my done it for h his death i was with the government now i'm against them by the- end of the day. i want nothing but justice i want the one who killed my son to be punished. every day ali in fact my go to a movie square to protest. even when
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the sun had died in vain. is that what i'm about please continue continue protesting my son to get life for you with a social jusustice on the backs of public services in this country. a and nasriyah protests have been extremely violent activists say with forty people have beeeen killed. the second highest death toll in the country of the baghdad. public buildings and the local party headquarters have been torched. general local shy has just been named to the head of the six security forces. has invited the city's tribal leaders to conference he wants to calm things down. all the times with fifty of investigations have been s senators y yacht measusus have been taken my as the head of the police i have ordered the force to stop shooting live bullets in the city well my mom and to work in coordination with the protesterss so we can have security. i can assure you.
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no one else heard gunfire and nausea. in the last two days. despite the death of the other three hundred protesters this movement has carried on. for more than forty days. authorities here in this we have decided to stop the bloodshed. they do not want to run the risk of f fueling the protesters anger with h extra victims. james andre reporting there. now israel's military says it's investigating harm caused to civilians from a deadly astruc in gaza thatt allegedlyy killed eight members of one palestinian family. thirty four palestinians were killed in two days of fighting between israel andnd the islamic jihad militantsts. according to lestiniann officials hafafer were civilians a a ceasefire between israel and the islslamic jihadd h has been thrown intoo doubt. after the israeli militatary responded to o rocket fire on targets linked to the militant group in gaza for more on this story we can go across to. as he is out actually gotten lecture of international relations and politics at the university of f essex good evening thank you very much for joining us on france twenty four this truce. which has been
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brokered by egypt has s not really heleld has it. eaearthly good evening thank you very much f for having me- no.o. unfortunately it has now. and i don't think any other truce-n the future. will holdd for a very lonong t time. the main n n is that there are such strong grievavances. on every side. of whether it's on thisis number do you u have whether. . whether it's in in israel however unfortunatelyy there are opportunists and in t t political elites. in either israel or and gaza who sometimes benefit f from such skirmimishes and exchangnges off rocketets a and violencnce you w it's it it it it is considered a specific kind of bob balance that it's not too much. it is
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causing ouout. the very verery. significant a largege scacale wr at thehe same timime it's enonoo be able to be instrumental i it for their popoliticall agendas d ii think that't's why it's not gonna hold not either the junction a c cease fire or anyy other ceasesefire unfortunately in the future now in the past few days we've seen israel's you know on the shift its fococs to. the i islamic jihad what about hamas here. whwhy the sisilence. well it there and did this is very interesting and i think i must prop prop probably playing this-s- very-y- strategc gameme. is that peperhaps one of the fact thahat the- onene of te ways that they maintaiain their longevity. is s by being silile. at t the same time dispersing or oror or not becomingg very centralized. when they are
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performing the overall objectives b because i it's noty job is a ao being you knoww servrving thehe interests of has and it's actctually serving thee intereststs ofow mass. at the way in the message that they want to so pererhaps h here- how mass is playing almost a very strategically diplomatic game. but whilile being. being very quiet a and not attractcting mo- fire a and a attention or up not tracking any missiles from israel so you're saying hamas stands to benefit by not you know jumping on board the with the islamic jihad here. yes the reason being is that it is it's not a i'm not saying that it's not benefiting i'm saying it is actually very much benefiting because this time office purposes well. the loss of life of civilians and the fact that
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israel has that you lose. its forces once again and has led to the death of innocent civilians leads to the diplomatic efforts or at the speech to the rhetorical efforts that how masses don't doing without time as- doing it. so somebody else fueling the rhetorical fire power that hamas. can use in order to strengthen its position. as these are aghast young thank you very much h for joining us n the e program tonight. in other news authorities in iran abruptly raise the price of fuel in the country by 50% ovovernight teach resultedd inn long lines off cars waiting for hours a petrol station in the capital tehran. iran's economy has been left reeling off of the united states impose stiff sanctions on the country followgg its withdrarawal from the twenty y fifty nuclear agreement. the move from the government has received criticism from the street as allison sergeant now reports. it's tough news for i inian
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driver's starting friday the government is raising gasas prprices by 50% from ten to fifteen thousand rials per liter. that's for the first sixty leaders purchased each month after that the cost to doubles to thirty thohousand rials. new prices the iranian say will make it even harder to get by. . rhonda to intekron and in the run everything is connected to fuel prices. when they go up the next day rent prices go up as well as life other expenses like fruits vegetables cereals everything. passenger why did they do it because they don't have money left we're under sanctions they want to take the money out of the people's pockets. to run the country. the price hike is the latest sign of iran's economic struggle under u. s. sanctions since the u. s. pulled out of the twenty fifteen nuclear deal the real has plummeted against the dollar. the d devaluedd riel has led to increased fuel smuggling
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out of iran where gas prices are some of the lowest in the world due to o heavy state subsidies. low costs that also lead to high consumption which the government cited as the reason for the price hike. i want the kids to four thirty dollars on h how you ask you to bowl in recent years with the increasing consumption of petrol. expert said this a few russian did and reform prices. it would h help control consumption. i guess. the iranian government said that the extrtra revenenue would be d to help some eighteen million needy families. and attempts to sweeten what's otherwise bitter news for middle class iranians. venice was hit by an exceptional high tide today these three days off for the city suffered its worst flooding in fifty years s saint mark's square was closed in venice is mayor issued an international a appeal for funus warning t theou risise to one billion euros missing gonna reports. it's a race
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against time. in the appropriately named aqua eyes the book store volunteerss of resorted to using hair dryerss to try to protect books and prince.. but it was an up hill battle against mother nature. to talk we love the only thing we were able to dos raise the books as much as possible i stopped but unfortunately even that wasn't enouough. as the water came in a and as a coconsequence of thatt about h f of the b bookstore was completey flooded completamente log off that. this morning sirens sounded as another exceptional high tide was forecast to hit the city just three days after it experienced its worst flooding in more than fifty years. as s the waters rose agan the mayor of venice ordered the closing of the iconic saint mark's square. sure it's nine twenty and i'm forced to close the square. i'm giving the order to our local and national policemen we are closing the square for the safety of the population. as the flooding
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entered its fourth day despair turned to frustration and anger analysts say this about a flooding could have been prprevented if the multi billion dollar mostly project had been completed. the construction of the flood defense system which began sixteen years ago has been plagued by cost overrrruns and corruption scandals. i think it could have been avoided if they fix the losses- on time but unfortunately due to a corrupt system that we have is not. as you canan see is nott happening. and it's a shshe because wewe lose b businesess s closeded local business. windows artistic treasures that were never going to get by professionally. although the worst of the flooding is over water levels remain at high or very high until nextxt tuesday t least. a two day cold snap has hit northern spain it's led to the worst snow buildup in over a decade in one of the region's
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main motorways spain's weather agency has decreased the risk gonnaa for snoww thiss friday. t traffic is still restricted in some areas other areas in northern spapain m mnwhile i experiencicing floodods off to e banks of a river rather burst in the region off a studious storms are. expepected to rouse spspain this weeeekend. pro democracy protesters took to the strtreets of hong kong oncee again this friday.y. this and te fonts of worn off a warning by chinese president xi ching paying yesterday he got the city's leader carrie lam inside the movement was threatening the one country two systems policy. protesters for their parts which up their tactics on monday with an intention to cause as much disruption during the week. one of the higher courts from hong kong. today's been relatively c calm- compapad to the last five days the walls thee nilile c culture marieie- h titi protest in the centraral
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business distrtrict fiveve white cocollar workersrs. but aroroune university's's most of t the mot of the students who are barricaded then there have really just beeeen taking it rather e easy there was a nominl situtuation earlier honest politecnica diversity what it seems the trees were about to move on the university. but it's actually a chinese university i was in the northern suburbs where that most of the caches look likely to happen tonight the police in the last half hour had gathered. outside the outside the campus and there seem to bebe- preparing a move on the numbers choo bridge which was this the scene of furious battles between police and protesters on shoes tonight the blasters it to about thirteen or fourteen hours well into the night. there are only a hundred protesters reportedly they're deceiving and that's a much smaller contingent on the walls and choose tonight they are currentlyy debating whether they will. stage of faisal caught
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their losses and gas or where there are ample. escape routes i wish of the university campus which is actually it's built on hilly terrain and it's quite glad so that dole's who are inside. the students. probably have the advantage in this situation. all of a five year putting that time to get your mind off the top stories are not from paris. the white house is down from sweet on marie your benefits was not intimidation but simply his opinion the u. s. preresident accused of witness intimidation in real time. as a former us ambassador to ukraine testifies in. seventy five year old mom and society agrees to be put forward as lebanon's next prime minister this off the protests are pushed aside to o re re out of a job. at the end of october. time for our business update next with uncle- good evening aka hey tawana your starting out where all of a factory left off over in hong kong which has slipped into recession due to
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this ongoing protests. that's right the protest movement is like hitting a peak right now we've been talking a lot about the economic effects on hong kong. and the government is now confirming that the chinese run business hubs economy is strong for a second quarter in a row. now that is the technical definition of a recession it's hong kong's first recession in a decade andnd analysts warning that this recession could easily be more damaging than the financial crisis off two ththousand eight. andnd the sars epidemic in two thousand and three. allen ginsberg has a story. it's a major global financial hub seen by many businesses as a gateway to trade with china. but to recent pro democracy protests have brought home kongs economy to a halt. the root causes of incidents if intensifying violence in the past few months have kept. visitors away. taken a heavy toll on consumption de mon as soon as he was nate dampened invnvestments sentimen.
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the economy shrank by three point 2% in the first financial quarter and is expected to full by one point 3% of rule this year. theheirst annuaual contraction in a a decade. retal and tourism sectors are among the worst hit. many holiday makers have been put off by the unrest. well the shopping district has regularly been overtaken by demonstrations luxury fashion brand burberry reports it's hong kong sales have dropped double digits. this friday thousands of office workers join t the movement it's a first time for weeks of protests have taken place. days. the internet has been the- rifle people too soon- set to go on a strike but. for some of us it might not be possible to maybe. nature other reasons that's's why it's the least we can do to give a- with the gene refusing to compromise the movement shows no sign of letting up. analysts warn the
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protests could cause permanent damage to hong kong's reputation as a place to do business. hong kong's gotten very needed in very important vote of confidence from one of china's biggest business heavy weights ecommerce giant alibaba confirms plans for a public listing on the hong kong stock exchange beginning of november twenty six. it's an enormous thirteen billion dollar ipo chunk on had lobbied for and won over newew york ali baba ceo daniel saying said that during this time of ongoing change we continue to believe that the future of hong kong remains bright. take a broader look noww at how financial markets are trading this friday. in europe we saw a positive close across the board we are investors seem slightly more optimistic a about this latest round of us china trade talks. you can see london's footsie is hanging on point 14% in the green despite slower british consumer spending in october. wall
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street also following that trend in afternoon trading all three indices getting a boost after white house economic adviser larry kudlow said the washington andnd beijing we're getting close to a deal. coursee we have heard that statement before from washington investors seem to think that this time will be the lucky one. amazon is going up against the pentagon challenging a decision from the u. s. defense department's to award a ten billion dollar cloud computing cocontract. to its competitor micrcrosoft. the companyny is arguing that that decision was biased. john tells us more. biased political influence on a promise to fight hard in court that's how amazon responded to losing a pentagon contract with over ten billion dollars. the e. commerce giant filed a notice in federal court while sealed it is not this site political influence from the president of the united states. numerous aspects of the jet i evaluation process contains clear deficiencies errors and
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unmistakable bias its importanance that these matters be examined and rectified. the ten year long cloud computing contract will allow military branches to share information it was awarded to micrcrosoft even though amazon it wasas long bebelieved t the preferred candidate for it holds a 48% market share in cloud computing. well micicrosoft has just a 15% share and doesn't yet have the necessary security clearances but the tides may have turned this summer. donald trump said on television heard of quotete tremendous complaints about the vetting process the president has repeatedly lashed out at the washington post for their coverage of him. and the post is owned by amazon head jeff phase of. executives at amazon believe that trumps interference killed the deal for them the p pentagon said is impartial i am confident that it was conducted freely and fairly without any type of outside influence. if youou dont know feudd b between basin trump
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it is against federal laws for politicians including the president to influence. who receives such contracts. next another airline is morning that it's on the verge of collapse this time it's coming from africa. south africa airlines was forced to cancel all of its front flights from friday throughh monday a as workerers t on strike to demand higher wages and protest against planned job cuts. saa which is not turned a profit since two thousand eleven and currently has no permanent ceo says the strike representing around three fifths of its work force will cost of more thahan three million dollars a day. threatens its survival not your from presented us frfrom the airline and one of the unions calling for that strike. every day where we have a total consololation. lights we are speaking about. the lost revenue. in the amount of. fififty two medidium carrots hey day. if you continue in that
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tragic. the airline faces list of shutting down when we find ourselves it's not the work of. its management of the board's problem s so why must we pay the price and you have no money you put us in that position. finally free internet it's become a flashpoint in the british parliamentary campaignn labor party leader jeremy corbyn says that if his party wins it will nationalize british telecom's b broadband network bringing free internett across the country. the m multi billion dollar plan however would be fininanced by higher taxes on tech giants. and would save each a british person around thirty pounds a month. b. t. shares fell as much as three point 7% the session after that news the conservatives hitit back immediately on the plan illegal under uk law. you'll forking out your monthly bill. will tax the giant corporationss fairly i hope they're lisistening to this we're going to tax you fairly
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flat includes facebook and google. that will help to cover the running. what we wowould be doing is some crackpot scheme that would- involve at many many tens of billionons o of taxpayers money nationalizing a british business. a clever way to get your voters on your side but t will it be i implementable thought i guess we'll have to december twelve feet away. thank you very much for that- konkona there with a look at the day's business you stay with us this morning is coming up this fall twenty four
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11/15/19 11/15/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> i can't see them taking my brothers life for something he did not do any did not give us that avenue to save his life. you are executing an innocent man. and at the end of the day, i don't see how anybody could sleep with that on their conscience, their mind, their heart. amy: is texas about to execute an innocent man? we will get the latest on the case of rodney reed, an
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african-american man who is


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