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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  December 3, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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12/03/19 12/03/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from stockholm, sweden, this is democracy now! anright now we are facing existential crisis. the climate and ecological crisis. it will have massive impact on in lives, especially vulnerable communities. wehink we should wake up and should also try to wake the adults up because they are the ones who -- their r generation s
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the ones who are mostly responsible for this crisis. thunberg has arrived in lisisbon, portugal, today afr a nearly three week journey across the atlantic to attend the u.n. climate summit in madrid. we are broadcasting from the place where her school strike for climamate againin -- stockh, sweden. greta will be honored here on wednesday with the right livelihood award, widely known as the alternative nobobel priz. we'll speak with another swedish high school student who will accept the award on greta's behalf. anand today is the international day of persons with disabilitieses. we'll speak with ethiopian disability rights activist yetnebersh nigussie, who received the right livelihood in 2017. she has been blind since the age of five. >> the reason i wo nit is my
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for childrenproach in the state of specialized services for persons with disabilities in ethiopia. amy: then as the u.n. climate summit begins in madrid, we'll look at the place it was originally supposed to be before even chile. it was brazil. in one of the far-right president jair bolsanaro's first acts in office, he canceled the summit. since then, there has been growing violence against indigenous forest protectors in the e amazon. we'll speak with fiona watson of survival international, whose group won the right livelihood award years ago. all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are on the road in stockholm, sweden. "the washington post" reports
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house democratats are debatiting whether to extend the impeachment inquiry against president trump beyond the central allegation that he withheld military aid from ukraine in order to pressure the ukrainian president to investigate trump's political rivals, the bidens. members of the house judiciary committee are reportedly considering drafting articles of impeachment that would also include obstruction of justice and other high crimes outlined in special counsel robert mueller's report. the lawmakers are also considering inincluding articles of impeaeachment charging trtrup with trying to profit off the office of the presidency. the intelligence committee is scheduled about today to o send its final report on ukraine e to the hohouse judiciciary committ. president trump again lashed out at the impeachment inquiry while speaking to reporters in london during a nato meeting. trump also began the two-day nato meeting by criticizing
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french president emmanuel macron, who had suggesested that european states could d no longr rely on unwavering s support frm the united statates. trump p and macron are slad d to meet later today. california republican congressmember duncan hunter will plead guilty in federal court today in a campaign finance violations case. he's accused of misusing a quarter of a million dollars of campaign money for personal use, including to finance numerous romantic affairs with congressional aides and lobbyists. his wife, margaret hunter, already pleaded guilty to conspiracy to misuse campaign funds in june. hunter has not said whether he'll resign from his congressional seat. hunter was an early supporter of president trump and tried to claim the charges against him were a witch hunt before deciding to plead guilty. do you us -- the u.s. supreme
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court is slated to hear arguments today in a case that pits about 100 montana residents against the oil giant bp -- one of the largest companies in the world. the residents are demanding the atlantic richfield companyny, whicich is ownwned by bp, cleanp decades s of arsenicic pollution from a a massive copper smsmelt. the company is arguing it is only required to clean up the site to superfund standards. the case could have sweeping signgnificance f for other suped sites across the united states. in the philippines, a half a million people were forced to evacuate their homes as the powerful typhoon kammuri swept across the archipelago. the airport in the capitital manila was c closed d for 12 ho, grounding hundreds of flights. at least one person was killed. authorities are now warning of deadly landslides and storm surges from the rainfall. scientists say climate change is intensifying the strength of typhoons.
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meanwhile, in madrid, spain, protesters gathered outside the first day of cop25 -- that's the u.n. climate c change summit --o demand urgent action on climate change. this is blanca lagunas. >> today we are here in madrid because cop25 is starting were leaders and multinationals are going to make decisions aboutut our future. we have joined together for more than 20 countries for this extinction rebellion protest, calling for real solutions. we are giving leaders an ultimatum and asking them to tell the truth and find real solutions. amy: democracy now! will be broadcasting live from the u.n. summit beginning this friday and all next week. in iran, amnesty international says at least 208 people were killed in iran's brutal crackdown on nationwide protests last month but that the true death toll is likely much higher.. the protests erupted after a massive increase in fuel prices. iran sought to suppress
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informrmation about the deadly crackdown by imposing a near complete internet shutdown across iran. in honduras, seven men were sesentenced to up to 54 4 yearsn prisison for the 2016 murderer f indigenous environmental activist berta caceres. caceres was fighting the construction of a major hydroelectric dam on lenca indigenous land when she was shot to death in her home in march of 2016. she was the winner of the prestigious goldman prize for environmental defenders in 2015. a court has ruled that caceres' killing was ordered by executives of the honduran company behind the dam, known as desa, who hired the convicted hit men to carry out the killing. at least two of the men involved in the murder were trained by u.s. military forces. this is berta caceres' daughter bertha zuniga caceres speaking outside the court in tegucigalpa.
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>> the road to justice does not end here for us because impunity will not end with the sentence for the main perpetrators of the crime. we continue to demand justice, including all people involved in this crime to be tried and put away. amy: honduras is one of the most dangerers countrieies in the wod for environmental activists and land protectors, with at least 24 environmental leaders killed since march 2015. in more news from honduras, tv host jose arita was murdered last week in the northern coastal city of puerto cortes. shortly after the broadcast of his nightly political show "the hour of truth," four unidentified individuals in a car shot at arita outside a convenience store, killing him instantly. their motives are unknown. the honduran college of journalists says that over 80 journalists have been killed in honduras since 2001 and at least eight in 2019 alone.
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their murders, many of them, are unsolved. in guatemala, another former top militaryfffficiawillll btriedd for genodede andrimemes ainstt manity committedururing e 36-year u.s.acacked rty y wa which h kill over 20000 people, mostly indigenous mayans. luis enrique mendoza garcia was a military operations chief under now deceased military dictator efrain rios montt. he will l be tried in march forr his involvement in an operative that killed over 1700 maya ixil people and displaced thousands more in the early 1980's. mendoza garcia is the fourth t p military official indicted in less than a week after three others were also charged in a separated genocide case also involving the maya ixil community. the white house has quietly releleased $105 million in military aid to lebanon after months of ununexplained delaysy. top lawmakers have been asking the white house to explain why
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the military aid was not delivered earlier, despite having been approved by congress and supported by t the pentagon. some lawmakers have compared the delay to the withholding of military aid to ukraine, which is at the center of the impeachment inquiry ---- althouh there are no allegations president trump sought favors from lebanon. multiple women are demanding prince andrew testify in u.s. court about the sex trafficking that he witnessed in the home of serial pedophile jeffrey epstein as an american woman who says she was forced to have sex with prince andrew when she was 17 gave an explosive interview on the bbc. this i is virginiaia giuffre. time in my wicked lifefe. it was a really scary time in my life. i had just been abuseded ba member of the royal family. so when you talk about these peoeople these powerful were myy chains.
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i did nonot know what happened momost of -- happenen. i could not comprehend how on the highest levelels of the governmentnt and powerful people were allowowing this to happen - not only allowing it to happen, but participating in it. amy: she said she was first lured into of soon sex trafficking operation while she was working as a locker room attendant president trump's mar-a-lago resort. prince andrew has rejected guiffre's account. he has been forced to step back from all royal duties. "the washington post" reports health care industry lobobbyists helped write or rerevise opinion articles p publishshed by at let ree state e laakers that criticized m medicare-for-r-all. montana democrcratic statete representative khyhy kelker andd state senator r jen grs boboth included language in theirir opinion articles that wass written n by a lobbyisist for a multimillion-dollar industry group funded b by private insurs and drug companies. ohioio republican n statsenatotr
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steve huffman also wro a an article criticizizing medicare-for-all with the help of an industry lobbyist. and in detroit, about 90 foreign students of a fake university created by the homeleland secury departmement have been arrestedn recent months. the students arrived to the united states with a student visa that was later revoked because it was revealed the university of farmington in metro detroit was a fake college. since january, a total of at least 250 students have been arrested by ice, immigration and customs enforcement, on immigration violations as part of an operation by the federal government that lured international students, mostly from india, to attend farmington university -- which marketed graduate programs in computer studies and technology. many of the students arrested have been deported to india while others are appealing their deportation orders. and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report.
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i'm amy goodman. we're on the road in stockholm, sweden, wherere we're covering e 40th annnniversary of the righgt livelihood awardrds, widely knon as the alternative nobel prize. this year's award recipients inclclude 16-year-old swededish climate activist greta t thunbe, whose school strike for climate started right here in stockholm, where she began standing outside the parliament building every school day to demand bold climate action more than a year ago. when she was 15. her act of resisncnce soon became a global movement with millions of youth around the world leaving school and taking to the streets to demand swift action to halt the climate crisis. greta thunberg is not here in stockholm for the award ceremony. in fact, she just made landfall in lisbon, portugal, today after
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a nearly three week-long boat journey across the atlantic ocean to participate in the 2019 united nations climate change conference, cop25, in madrid, spain. she was on her way to santiago, chile, where the climate talks were supposed to be held, when chilean president sebastian pinera canceled the conference amid mass anti-government protests. it was then rescheduled to madrid, causing greta to reverse course and head back to europe. greta and her father svante sailed aboard the 48-foot catamaran la vagabonde, refusing to fly because of the high carbon footprint of air travel. in september, i sat down with greta thunberg in our democracy now! studio. she explained how she launched the school strike for the climate last year. >> the more involved i got with the climate movement, the better i i feel, the happier i feel because i feel like i am doing something important, something
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meaningful. amy: talked about what happened, what you did, just about a year ago now, you work 15 years old. you went from the swedish parliament every single day at the beginning? >> yep. first -- every school day, not saturday and sunday, but every school day for three weeks until the upcoming election. and then that was my plan, to stop after the election. friday, september 7 -- that's when fridays for future started because then i thought, why not continue? why stop now, when we are actually having an impact? so then i and some other school strikers thought that we should go on, and we should call it fridays for future, and it should be on fridays.
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amy: that is 16-year-old swedish climate activist greta thunberg speaking earlier this year in our democracy now! s studio. right now we are in stockholm where she began her actctivism. the righght livelihood award ceremony is taking place here on wednesday. --a statement, greta said "i'm deeply grateful for being one of the recipients of this great honor. but of course, whenever i receive an award, it is not me who is the winner. the right livelihood award is a huge recognition for fridays for future and the climate strike movement." so we are joined right n now in stockholm by ell jarl, a clilime activist who's marched with greta thunberg in stockholm. she's an 18-year-old high school student who began participating in the climate protests last december. along with other youth climate activists, ell will accept the right livelihood award on greta's behalf.
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she is an activivist with fridas for future sweden. it is great to be with you here on this first day of our broadcast in stockholm, for to be our first guest to place us in the place where you and greta have really helped to lead this movement that has gone global. why did you get involved last summer? >> i got involved because i had read a lot -- i cared a lot about the climate crisis. it was such a big problem. i wanted to do something and i wanted to help make a change in the world. then i saw she was striking or my father showed me and i was like, that is something i can do. it seemed to me to make a change of people were talking about it. amy: i should say as we are speaking here, your pal greta is in lisbon. she has just made landfall.
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she is about to actually speak. others are speaking first at the news conference. if she does begin to speak as we are doing this segment, we will go live to her. your father is a scientist? >> yes, he is. i have always grown up with lots of scientific talking around the house. it has made me really curious. amy: what you think about president, president trump and the united states saying climate change is a hoax? to unitedisten science. it is out there. it is their responsibility to read up and educate themselves, alall leaders of the world. amy: that is what you were telling swedish parliamentarians when you joined greta on the steps of the swedish parliament. how did the mps, how did the members of parliament respond to you? how many were you last december? >> when i first joined, there were about 30 people that day. of them don't say
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they ignore us were quite a few of them just walk by the strike. others -- yeah. amy: what has it meant to you this has gone global? that so many young people are going out on fridays, leaving school, and demanding change? >> it is fantastic. i joined just before the movement fully exploded, so i really saw the change and it is spreading to more and more places around the world. it is something that my generation needs. and force say enough action for a fair future. we are doing that now. amy: you have been outside the parliament week after week. but then were you invited inside to address the parliament? >> no, we haven't been. amy: ever? >> no. amy: what is it like for you to see grgreta addressing the
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european union, addressing the united nations? that we really powerful are just teenagers but we manage to speak to all of these people, world leaders, and hopefully, make them listen and make them change. and i hope that cop25 w will manage to do something important. amy: i want to turn right now to the opening of the u.n. climate summit in madrid. will you be going there? >> sadly, i will not be going. amy: this is u.n. secrcretary general antonio guterres . cookoks what is still lacking is political will. political will to put a price on carbon. political will to stop subsidies on fossil fuels. political will to stop building coal power plants from 2020 onwards. political will to ship taxation
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from income to carbon, taxing pollution instead of the people. we simimply have to s sp digging and drillingg and take advdvante of the vast possibilities offered by renewable energy and nature-based solutions. the you and secretary general in madrid, spain, at the beginning of the u.n. climate summit. what message do you have for world leaders? >> listen to what the scientists are saying. reduce to drastically our carbon footprint and take care of our environment. it is your responsibility to do that and outputted on us. we can't wait any longer. -- and not put it on us. we can't wait any longer. amy: what will you be saying at the right livelihood award ceremony tomorrow, on wednesday? >> we are very grateful for this to take action and
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we will keep fighting. that is what we will do. amy: you helped write an article, an op-ed piece? >> yes, together with the right livelihood and fridays for future sweden. aboutte a debate article sweden and the politics we are having. amy: what did you say in it? >> that we are really far away in sweden from the goals for where we need to be to reach the paris agreement. amy: what are you demanding specifically should happen in sweden? >> we need to reduce all of our carbon emissions and we need to create a fair change and help everyone change their jobs to more environmentally-friendly. amy: i want to turn right now in the greta thunberg
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new york studios and when i asked her about t her message fr young people. >> the message to young people of the world is that right now we are facing an existential crisis. i mean, the climate and ecological crisis, and it will have a massive impact on our lives in the future, but also now, especially in vulnerable communities. and i think that we should wake up, and we should also try to wake t the adults upup, becausey are the ones who -- their generation is the ones who are mostly responsible for this crisis, and we need to hold them accountable. we need to hold the people in power accountable for what they have been doing to us and future generations and other living species on earth.
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and we need to get angry and understand what is at stake. and then we need to transform that anger into action and to stand together united and just never give up. amy: that is wedded to merck in our new york studio when she first arrived in new york, when she first took a zero emissions sailboat across the atlantic to new york. i want to turn right now to portugal, lisbon, portugal, where a young climate activist is speaking before greta addresses the crowd -- where she has s also just landnded. here and representation for fridays -- future for fridays in portugal.
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like -- all, we would first of all, we would like to give a warm welcome to grereta d her crew and we hope you enjoy lisbon. wewe are a youthth movement t tt fightsts for climate justice. we fight for climate jusustice because our house is on fire and because our houses is on fire, we have organized and strike for the climate together with thousands of students many times this year. our demands are simple. in portugal, we need to reach carbon neutralitity by 2030. we need d to keep fossil fuels, inclcluding g g, in the g groun. we need to provide clean energy for all and we need to cancel new airport projects.
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because we need a system change, not a climate change. s still f f from winning. we know that change desererves e once in power. they tell us our country's ambitions and climate policies, but we know it is in. they tell us they are doing what they can, but we know they are not. but we alslso know that this iss the struggle of our generationn and we will not give up. we all have raysys like a way to demand climate justice for all.. and we need evereryone to join . if we lose, eveverybody loses. , headedde, like greta to cop25 in mamadrid. we will memeet with thousands of other climate activist from many countrtries, includingng the gll south. we will be protesting once again against a priority given to profit over our lives.
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are rising and so are we. havingthanknk you for inspired and being radical in your speech and thank you for showing politicians and corporations that we will know more except the climate chaos they provoke. greta, don't stop, because together we're going to change the system and make climate justice for all. we are the ones we have been waiting for and we will put out the fire in our house. thank you. nonohave a bririef remark becaue social justice is climate justice, we have a brief remark. >> thank you, everyone. hello, greta. welcome to lisbon. the amazon rain
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forest. basically, i want to say the world needs to know the amazon rain forest is being pillaged by corporatations. i have to say to t the world tht the people from the amazon rain forest are beieing pillaged evey day and d the world n needs to w this. i wawant to say i'i'm thankfuluo greta to be the bigiggest and mt active voice. we need to save the amazon rain forest, please. amy: you have been listening to the news conference that is being held as greta thunberg is made her way to lisbon, portugal. we are going now to return to that news conference, which greta will be addressing. >> i would just like to say few comments about the trip. it is not really recommended to
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--ss the north atlantic >> looking after your child, traveling around america, researching -- however you want to do it, i hope i working together we can do it in a much easier and better way. >> now greta thunberg. >> first of all, thank you everyone so much for coming here and for welcoming us. it feels very good, doesn't it, to be welcomed in such a way? so thank you so much. those of, thank you to
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you for making this possible. i owe you so much. thank you. thank you everyone else who has been helping us, for making this possible. grateful for having done this trip and having this experience. i i am so honored to be here in beautiful lisbon in portugal. thank you so much for having us here. this,so after a trip like for being isolated for three weeks, being in such a limited limited things
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you get very relaxed and away. you're disconnected from everything and everyone, basically. so coming into land, it is so overwhelming. so i think all of us are still a bit overwhelmed, so you will have to bear with us. especially, having all of these people greeting you, it feels amazing but our brains are not used to it yet. [applause] it feels so amazing to be home back in europe. i have been on quite an adventure. we have all been on right an
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adventure. it feels good to be back. of course, i, as well as the will climate activists, we not stop. we will continue to do whatever we can. [applause] continue to travel around and to put pressure on people in power and to make sure that they put their priorities -- that they .rioritize this highest and eventually, we are going to cop25 in madrid. continue to make sure within those walls, the voices of the people are being heard and that the voices of the future generations are being heard and the voices from the
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people -- especially from the global south -- are being heard. [applause] say, don't have much to just that we are facing a global to seize and we need from a holistic point of view and do everything we can and work together to make sure we secure future living conditions -- notankind and that only ourselves, but foror our children and grandchildren and for every single living being on earth. and everyone has to do everything they can in order to make sure they are on the right side of history because in order to change everything, we need
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everyone. i hope everyone of you will get forve and start fighting your future as well. [applause] and once again, thank you to these people, to riley, elaina, nikki, for doing this. this trip has been -- this trip has been great. needed somethink we relaxing time, all of us, especially me. sometimes just sort of think everything through an to relax. and now i feel good. like i want to continue now that i feel energized. [applause]
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amy: that is greta thunberg speaking from lisbon, portugal, where she has just made landfall after a three-week week catamaran journey with her dad and another family aboard the vagabonde. this is live television and we arare broadcasting from stockho, sweden, where greta began her climate strike. we are on television, radio, on the internet at . i welcome you and your friends and family to join us on this journey as we are here in stockholm, sweden, where greta began her climate strike more than a year ago. she will be winning the right livelihood award tomorrow here in stockholm. but insteadad of her being here,
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other r of her sister and fellow students will be receiving thee awaward. we want to thank ell jarl, a school striker, part of fridays for future sweden. she will be receiving that award here in sweden while greta makes her way to madrid for t the u.n. climatee summit. when we come back is international day of persons with disabilities. we will speak with the ethiopian disability rights lawyer yetnebersh nigussie who received the right livelihood award in 2017. she has been blind as the age of five. ♪ [music break]
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amy: "the captain" by the knife. a swedish band. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. frome b broadcaststing stockholm, sweden, before we make it to madrid on friday where we will be broadcasting for the next six days.
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next week, ethiopian prime ministst abiy ahmed will be award ththe 0th nobel peace prize in oslo for his role in brokerg a histor peace dea beeen ethiop and eritrea. while in office, he has lifted the state of emergency in ethiia, releas thousandsf polical dissidts from pron anand appointed d women to a r d half of the cabinet positions. the nonobel peace pririze is the nobel n not awarded here in stocockholm where democracy now! is for this week, f for the anniveversary of thehe right 40thth livelihood d award -- alo known asas the alternative nobel prize. this year's right livelihoodod award winners are swswedish climate activist greta thunberg, as you just heard as she made landfall in lisbon, portugal. also the sahrawi human rights activist aminatou haidar, and you'll hear her later in the week. chinese women's rights lawyer guo jianmei, and indigenous
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leader davi kopenawa and the yanomami hutukara association -- which protect the amazon's biodiversity and indigenous people. former award recipients from around the world have gathered here to honor these incredible activists, including yetnebersh nigussie, a lawyer and disability rights activist from ethiopia. director for advocacy and rights at "light for the world," and is the former chair of the ethiopian association of blind women's wing. she has been blind since the age of five. in 2017, she was awarded the right livelihood award. she is joining us here in our studio in stockholm. usnk you so much for joining . it is an honor to have you with us. talk about your activism. what got you started? >> thank you, amy, it is so amazing to be light on the set of democracy now!
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as you mentioned, i got blind when i was five. ethiopias born in where the fate of the child is to get married early. i was no more considered valuable in the community because i was not fit for marriage. my mom and grandma major i got an education. i got a special education in a special school for the blind. that was very good. girls and 6060 boys come only 120. as i joined the government school after grade six because the special school cannot afford taking is an, i realized i was different. we were 76 in a classroom but i was the only blind girl. i was the only blind student. it was different for the students. they were not happy with me so i had no friends until i got -- i realized i was special. i realized i had to work more
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and excel more to be considered normal. that is the passion. as time went on, i started my activism that i'm just different like you. i want the samame rights as you want and i want you quality. that is where my activism starts and is still going on. unfortunate, disability is a global sentiment. it happens in the u.s. and asia. i'm just coming in from turkey where i was speaking at an event on inclusion of persons with disabilities. it is a global sentiment and it is growing. the quality of life is significantly deteriorating. it is about becoming a voice. -- you not only want to the schools of ethiopia as an undergraduate, but you became a lawyer. that i because i decided am different and if by human rights to be included and people should know more about their
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rights and their duties. so that is where i decided to study law and i'm one of the first three blind female lawyers in the country who decided to study law. amy: can you talk about what rights are enshrined in the u.n. convention on the rights of persons with disabilities? >> it is very interesting because the u.n. convention on the rights of persons with disabilities only came into play in 2010. many people think it contains new rights will stop unfortunately, that is not the case because all the rights in the u.n. convention on the rights of persons with disabilities -- the problem is, nobody took action on them. were the same rights which enshrined and the child rights convention, in the convention on the elimination of discrimination against women. no new rights are in the convention. it is about -- the rights of persons with disabilities once
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is the same like others one. we want our right to education the same like other children. we want our right to access to justice, to be kept free from violence, and everything. or historical development evolution that this convention has brought through is it combines the humuman rights and humanitarian law togogether because of the article 11. it is just human right, as any other human being, but it gives a special emphasis and also guides us to help those righghts can be a reality for persons with disabilities. amy: can you talk about being a woman with disabilities and what? that means >> it is interesting because women are also among the minority where they did not get where they wanted to be because of the s social attitude. so w we have a disability and wn you are a woman, then the stereotype you fight with
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becomes double. moretunately, there are women with disabilities internationally according to the world disability report, but you don't see them quite often. like, you don't see them in leadership and the disability movement, the women's movement. they look to be missing from both very crucial and vibrant civil rights movements. there are more women with disabilities, but they are not yet empowered. they are not as of in it. i would hope, especially next of 20 20, ie class hope there would be a breakthrough to really recognize this section of the community and make it more visible. amy: here we a are in stockholm, in oslo next week, your prime minister ahmed will be receiving the 100th nobel peace prize next week. talk about the significance of
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him receiving this award. then i want to ask about an appointment he recently made of you to chair the reconciliation commission. >> it is very interesting that our prime minister -- at the that is the first ethiopian. the fact that he is 100 is also significant. however, the nobel peace prize committee also announced he is undertaking a work in progress because normally, this kind of prizes do not come simply as an achievement recognition. they also come as a recognition of your efforts. contributed in ethiopia and eritrea and has done a number of positive actions toward realizing peaceful horn of africa as a region and so on and so forth, but also clear he is still confronted with a number of
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trials when it comes to peace in the country and also sustaining democracyents andnd fair in the country. i am so happy he is receiving this. i hope it is also significant that this price is not simply for ethiopia, but i would think this is a price for africa -- in particular, the horn of africa. we have to say this is a price which goes both for the ethiopians as well as the where peace takes to wear his conflicts, you can be one. -- whereas in conflict, you can be one. amy: can ask about the criticism of d dr. ahmed weeks after the announcement of the peace prize that he would be receiving it,
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came under harsh criticism over his silence in the face of protests that police said had resulted in the deaths of 67 people. explain what happened. that evenunfortunate though a number of reforms have been done, they were facing a number of challenges and ethiopia and internally it looked like we had the emerging conflicts amonong people. so that has happened. as you say rightly, the government was being questioned for the silence. things -- there are it doesn't mean he has finished. it doesn't mean ethiopia has been put fully back into peace. that is a message we need to do things differently if we really want to achieve these in the country.y. amy: what does that mean you will be had of the reconciliation commission?
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>> the reconciliation commission as part of a transition of justice, as you know, and it was formed last february, the beginning of february. so the government has appointed 41 of the cochairs. with this concept, we're supposed to serve four main purposes. the first is to investigate what has happened in the past. the second is to recommend and also recognize victims who have from the past. the third is making sure common truth is createded. and making sure those kind of conflicts do not recur again. andcommission is very new the conciliation process - -we are undertakining a number of upions to make sure we open
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for receiving complaints from the citizens. academy? is the >> it is my own private initiative. i went to private school because children were not allowed to go to regular school. now the education policy becoming open, forcing the disabilities to join regular school, private schools are registering to take in children with disabilities because they appreciate disability with poverty. i decided i would become an entrepreneur and i open the first private school, which can welcome children with disabilities because of the understanding i believe i am just different like anybody. amy: finally, talk about the importance of children with and without disabilities or with different abilities, we will put it that wake, continually interacting. most teaching inclusion because children -- we
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are the ones who teach them who is higher, who is lower, who is different, who is more powerful and less powerful. so if children play and grow together, we don't have to do all of the exceptional work of inclusion, convention, and so on and so forth. i believe that is a natural garden to teach inclusion. amy: i want to thank you for being with us. i look forward to our public conversation tomorrow here in elko that will take place -- in stockholm that will take place just before the major right livelihood award event. and at that event, i will be speaking to edward snowden, not live in person -- yes, lifefe, t he is s in political exile and moscow. he was also previous right livelihood laureate. yetnebersh nigussie, thank you for being with us, lawyer and disability rights activist from ethiopia. director of the advocacy and rights at "light for the world." she was awarded the
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right livelihood award. begins in.i summa madrid, we look at the place originally was supposed to become even before chile -- brazil, where there is growing violence against forest protectors under the far right president jair bolsonaro. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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" by "my own memory
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ethiopian position. this i is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodmaman. we are broadcasting from the studios of stockholm's open channel, only independent grassroots noncommercial tv station committed to free speech . the open channel here in sweden carries democracy now! four times a day and it is great to be with our cocolleagues here. the united nations climate summit known as cop25 open in hundred, spain, monday. it was supposed to be held in chile but the chilean government canceled amidst the massive protest. but even before chile, this year's summit was supposed to be .eld in brazil the bolsonaro canceled summit. his foreign ministers describe the climate change as a marxist plot. since then, there's been growing violence against indigenous forest protectors in the amazon.
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last month an indigenous forest protector named paulo paulino guajajara was shot dead in the amazon by illegal loggers. his death came a month after human rights groups warned in an open letter the amazon's last uncontacted indigenous people face genocide amid raging fires and mounting incurursions in thr territories. for more, we're joined in these last few minutes by fiona watson, advocacy and research director for survival international. that is the group that won ththe right livelihood award back in 1989. we welcome you to democracy now! we only have a few minutes right now as we played live greta thunberg making landfall in lisbon, portugal, making her way to the u.n. summit. talk about what the indigenous people of brazil face right now. >> they are literally on the frontline. we have seen with the death of paulo paulino guajajara whose grgroup of people was standing p to the loggers in the invaders,
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they are paying literally with their lives. they're a also paying with their livelihoods anand r resources. their land is being plundered. invasion of indidigenous by 40% since last year, deforestation is up 92%. these are really shocking figures and said to get worse because bolsonaro's agenda, he has made it quite clear from his racist agenda against the indigenous peoples of these are the people -- a winner of this year's right livelihood award says, the indigenous people are not only standing up protecting the amazon forest for themselves but for humanity because of the crucial role it plays in helping to regulate climate change. amy: talk about uncontacted tribes. what does that mean? >> that means people who lived mainly in the amazon region who have no contatact with surroundg society. they may have sporadic contact with neighboring tribes, but very little.
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these are usually people who several hundred years ago escaped things like thehe atrocities and enslavement. it was a means of self preservation a and protectctiono choosese to live as far away as possiblele in isolation.n. and these are the momost vulnerablele people on the plan. under bolsonaro, they're coming under increasing attack. we just heard a few days ago that the indigenous affairs department of brazil have brought out a bill saying employers who are protect indigenous people and monitor the territories of uncontacted will now be going into territories that have not been recognized officially. that means at least 10 uncontacted groups are now severely a at risk of attack. amy: can you talk about the significance of the right livelihood award back when your group survivival international, got it in 1989? i know this year -- in fact,
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just after this broadcast, we're going g immediate lite i intervw davi kopenawa who, together with association -- yanomami hutukara association are receiving the award here in stockholm. >> i think it is a very important word because it recognizes people who are not generally where alone who are working all around the world -- well known, who are working all around the world fighting for a better world, for social justice, cetera. by getting this award, it givess them an international platform and in today's globalized world, that is extremely important. attacks like a big family. culultural mixes within the rigight livelihood family. when survival wanted in 1989, davi accepted this on our behalf and this brought huge attention because they were facing genocide, 20% of their population died in seven years in the late 1980's due to a
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gold-mining invasion and the diseases the mines brought in. this wasas genocide and are that issue to the public and from -- after that their land was recognized. amy: and t the signinificance of bolsonaro canceling the u.n. summit in brazil, now it will take place in spain -- where we''re a are headed in the nextw days? >> i think it says everything. here's this far-right guy who dedenies climate change is happening, has a very racist agenda, calls indigenous peoples lazy, dirty, and the way of so-called progress. in fact, these are the people i think you're crucial to the future of our plplanet. we havee this tremendous knowledge and they're the one standing up and fighting for a better world for all of us. we must s support t them. amy: i wanant to thank you, fioa watson, with survival international. the group on the right level and were in 1989. we will be broadcasting from stock over the next two days and then onto the u.n. summit.
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♪ thank you for joining us on nhk newsline. u.s. president donald trump says he has no deadline for concluding trade negotiations with china, indicating the talks may take longer than expected. >> i have no deadline, no. in some ways i think it's better to wait until aftfter the election, if you want to know the truth. >> trump told reporters on tuesday in london he liked the idea of waiting until after the u.s. presidential race next


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