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tv   France 24  LINKTV  December 5, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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conference twenty four i'm from twenty four .com. what about you into my comparison france twenty four the headlines this hour. brown's grinds to a halt amid mass opposition to president microns pension reforms union say a quarter of a million marched in paris this to this day the government puts the figure is sixty five thousand seventy one people were arrested and there were clashes in several. major cities. survey destruction on public transport nine out of ten trains canceled a fifth of flights in and out of the country scrapped. and most state schools close to unions have voted to extend the strike into next week. and in iraq protest is accused pro iranian
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militia of infiltrating demonstrations to with knives at least fifteen people stopped and backed up starrett square does the government shuts down protest friendly media outlets will have a special report snakes and the part . and we begin with an outpouring of anger here in france over the government's plans to overhaul the pension system and these are the same in paris tonight. unions say that up to a quarter of a million people have been taking part in demonstrations in the capital this thursday the government puts that figure classes to sixty five thousand. unions also say that up to one point five million marched nation why the government says hoffman million on top of that massive industrial action
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transport workers and teachers staged a walkout they were joined by police lawyers hospital and apple workers. and destroy it will run into next week is sam presti supports. angry that's emmanuel microns plans to leave a whole frances pension system. thousands of people havave hit the streets in protest. the goverernment is looking to streamline the forty two existing sector specific pension schemes and ensure that pensions paid a reflective of time worked. for many this is unacceptable. double date on on the public service many others cannot play tennis today but would like to. yeah because this retired people also need to make mon it's more than eight years we have had any race transient. at least six thousand police officers have been deployed in paris went before a must much had even begun nearly thirty people were arrested the strike has already coals must disruption in fronts
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with rail networks down planes grounded. and schools closed across the country. public transport unions announcing that strikes will continue until at least monday this situation could go on for a good while longer. and as you heard them not to strikes and demonstrations going on all across the country this thursday monty francis has more. or say to not leo and knees with almost two hundred and fifty planned protests across france thousands of people filled the streets thursday. to express their outrage at proposed changes to the country's pension system. we're opening the way to capitalism we're going to have a decline in pensions. the reflex for many people will be to get individual plans and only want the collective retirement plan. and let today the gathering is against the breakdown of the pension system but most of the people i'm not here just for that but also for the rise of
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financial and security in general. and that and that was that yeah i. thousands of people march from the old port of marseille as public services grinded to a halt in bordeaux the train station was deserted the few commuters who did show up offered sympathy for the railway workersrs on strike the fun doesn't personally i'm dealing with it andd i accepted becaususe i find that the strike is justified. even if i am not onon the picket line i'm taking part in the strike by proxy. and we all sold trains were replaced by buses a service few took advantage of. a sign that many had anticipated the strike and made alternative plan. . and presen micronn is far from the first french president to face massivive opposition to plananso reform the c costlyy and complex french pension system. yeah the roof has this reports. news i in so manany. doggie goodie god no
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don't be surprised that isn't that one if you don't stop to give me a list of all good yet about easy. times have changed but some situations remain the same. the history of pensions in france is a broken record which h each attempt to reform and national strike. but things used to work fine after the war and the baby boom pension funds were at a historical high i can check on that it's every school quite tackled you thought if i could just a fan on i'll switch. diplomate with it check out on all types. but in the nineteen eighties as growth slows down unemployment rises the population has changed less workers more pensioners. in nineteen ninety prime minister musical cast addresses the issue. but the machi for french demographics have changed we don't have enough active workers for the numbers of pensioners one period vehicle and that's enough to blow up any future governments who tries to tackle the matter to
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make us look. and he wasn't strong in nineteen ninety five prime minister and should be tried to reform public workers' pensioions. r road map i will cy through with this riffle involved. as a result one of the biggest strikes in france's history the country is paralyzed for an entire month. i fully support them. becausee we're sick and tired of being treated like cattle call with fighting for a different system a better system. the government finally backed down and killed the reform and nineteen yearars later and it shoululd be a good knowledge his mistake elected in nineteen ninety five we had to reveal thatt the social security reform was well prepared foror this and t t pensnsions reform wasn't. availalable and twenty years later it still hasn't been possible before. but it's not from lack o of trying every government since has attempted to reform the pension system. in two thousand seven president nicolas sarkozy raising legal minimum and earliest retirement
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age from sixty to sixty two years old. he conscious policiesefore whwhether people like it or not soccer is not the king of the worldthirty one years already and now they- tell me that i have to wait even longer than planned no way. four deckk every attempt to reform pensions in france has led to protests and the twenty twenty reform is no exception. all right were made to the united states now with donald trump iss to become the fourth presesident t to face an impeachment vote in the house of repreresentatives quoting the constitution speaking nancy pelosi said that she had no choice but to instruct the house judiciary committee. to charge trump of his d dealings withth ukraine he's accused off seeking the help of a foreign power to intervenene in domestic politics john image i mean has the story. pushing for the exit of president donald trump. on thursday morning us house speaker nancy pelosi delivered
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this unusual public statement on the status of the impeachment inquiry into the president sadly. that was confidence and humility. was allegiance to our founders and a heart fufull of lolove for america. today i am asking a chairman to proceed with the articles of impeachment. impeachment hearings began in the house early on wednesday with legal experts summoned by both parties to o discuss withh the trumps efforts toward ukraine met the constitutional bar for impeachment. the house now finding the testimony sufficient to proceed the president has engaged and abuse of power undermining our national security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections. his actions are in defiance of the vision of our founders and the oath of office that he takes to preserve protect and defend the constitution of the united states. trump was once again in defiant mood on thursday taking to twitter to them best the democrats caving they had no
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case and we're preventing him from cleaning ththe swamp. shoud the motion posture the house will then be taken to the republican controlled senate where it will face a final vote. only have two thirds of the senatete find the psisident guilty of impeachable offenses. would you then be removed from office. what you have right now are anti government protests continue- a and went o over the last two months moree than four hundred and sixty protested have been killed by security forces will now the roof is. the prior iranian militia are infiltrating the demonstrations and attack people with knives at least fifteen protesters was stabbed in baghdad's terrace square on thursday. meanwhile the authorities are cracking down on media outlets that they believe to be assisting the movement even him sally has decisionon of the iraqi media ad communications commission to close over a dozen media organizations operating in iraq has sparked outrage among the
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coununtry's journalist. charged with inciting the mass protests that a challenging the iraqi government on a number of issues. a spokesman for media outlets insisted that journalism is essential to any democracy. the commitment of all gagging and preventing media organizations from performing their role means that there is an imbalance in the democratic process. that there is an intent to try to obscure facts from society in public opinion. on and wish them all well i'm not right you know i'm told. us it's not only the closure of satellite channels. but the cessation of incidents hopefully at all and they're full of this issue has become an international issue. more than just the internal iraqi. doctor lee it protest began in iraq in october two to one spread on happiness with government corruption high levels of unemployment and poor public services. hundreds of demonstrators have since donated the results of clashes with the security forces and thousands more injured. the international organization
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reporters without borders already considers the country a dangerous place for germans to working. reporters are often attacked by pro government militias and then i deserve journalists often go on investigated. well the jihadism he's concerned with the freedom of the press will trade union status. well looks enough to pave the way for the repression of existing media institutions with the local all foreign media offices and i leave it. media organizations operating in a row looking for ways to ensure they can continue to work a rock from maine correct going on protests and few expect the resolution anytime soon. well to talk more about the protests in iraq and the role of iran in the region i'm joined by michelle to close the former french ambassador to syria who is now at the institute mantegna thank you for being with us fronts twenty four. at first of all we can talk about the latest news what do you makake of the claim the
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pro iranian militia or their supporters are infiltrating the protest in baghdad and actually attacking the demonstrators. good evening i know. asura directing traditions of bondage roger it seems to be extremely across the board to be it sir totally consistent with the pattern that we're sitting in the search- sure. does a girl when there was a shift in dollars internet. and the mass you are correct all. and it's clear that it shows zero the writing and the saints used d is acact you are. asterisms o os a rising pricece of. rotatetes roh gross. was also in connection with whahat wasas happening in q
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three brothers strong signal thatat the iraranian the dc strongly critic willll not turn it. the demonstrations in iran and you got to succeed so do you think this is a direct order from tehran designed to intimidate the protest is. of course it's alwayays exaggggerad to center iraq don't choose but there is certainly a veryy strorong degree of coordination. you remember that. day beginning of cd muster shirts you rack. earned your casterton sort of making a- the trip to baghdad and- g. the- got the monks to be very josh against the mustache. what has iran become so. it's very important for these very soon. yes please go on. search. no i think that
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you know the study group to break. israeli paul does or or one sitting which is. a shot for shot shows and it's our it's a guide the- sixers big sixers is their ways you have been the board to come towards the she our communities. for war lack. of square. do the comp towards arab all news it defends them of course it would serve as a teacher and she are good niches but this s is something whicich is a portable. is a bold. yet being the board to create. because she has a board enterprise yes can you- shows the legitimacy of the regime. dirac. what works what doesn't and then what was zero zero what wasn't in the ten days she communities at against
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iran that because most of the violence of all a lot of the violence we've seen in iraq has been in the shiite dominated south of the country. . yeah yeh it's simply group because there is there is a new generation. the archer the reason the economic situation's a social situation the. the unemployment the correction and in addition to ours out there is a- nationalistic she'd that is to say these people were not always a few more iraqis. gs index zero reason why he's in such a challenge because he is running in the streets as you mentioned tehran is already struggling with an uprising at home will it be able to call back its influence in iraq or is this the beginning of the end of tehran's involvement in iraq. i'm afraid. it't's too
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eaearly to say the beginning of the united- redirector- long time. not sure of the dates as a governrnmental as he is a a sp up for its service. read g. error a simple by killing it may be as you said before the holders of the guidance of greek decker long time trials and- edging contorted in this situation. but in the center and those are the- demonstrations you heard prizing. there is little junior leadership. in a precisely because they're the people rule will take to the streets in order to prprotect themselves zezero four two. two to select leaders so it's very difficult for search your movements earn to get back to court. results
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michelle thank you very much indeed. while britain france and germany have e all accused iran of d developing nuclear capapable ballilistic missilesse you in a basket as for the three countries said in a letter to the un secretary general that iran's actions were inconsistent with the international nuclear agreement. iran's foreign minister javad zarif dismissed the claim as a desperate falsehehoods the j. cpo eight nuclear agreement has been on the verge of collapse this is president trumpmp unilaterally withdrew last year. dozens of people have been killed in floods and landslidedes across east africic clolose to two million people are affected in a vast swawathe of teterritory stretctching f from per rinde to kenya to ethiopia. two monthths of relentless raiains of submerged villages and farms and sent rivers of mud crashing into people's homes and more rain is full cost raising fears of water borne diseases. and ththe destruction of crorops. te
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pacific island nation of samoa is on lock down amid a health emergegency medical teams are gogoing door to door g giving compulsosory vaccinationons. afr measles epidemic claimed the lives of thousands of children change the scene has the support. . samoa is in t the grp a deaeadly measles e epidemic. in the red f flags of ththat to alertt medical teams for thehe person inside needs of boxing. to cope with the crisis old businesses and nonon essentialal governme services h have s shot for thursday and friday. a and onlyly public c health teams are allowed on the roads. and one of the m main. reasons for able to datee. to ensure that we- and the man made as many. the mobile phone. but the problem we certainly have. been handicapped by our drive the
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clothes. we havave so many and tie back she. people before the epidemic only 70% of the island nation's population were vaccinated for measles well below the internationally recommended rate. st meaning simo was wonderful to an outbreak now however deselect queuing up. something that pleases the comp makes some our also works as a nurse but i'm also very grateful that they are open to being vaccinated. a lot of them have the word and i now realizing the- of the. cases of measles are on the rise across the world experts blame the increase on families who shun the boxing because of fears defunct by medical science that the injection can have a negative secondary impact on a child's health..
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this is mrs reena committees with us in the studio advocate frononts of coastal the grips of a major strike that the government's proposal to reform the pension system took a street where the french system compared to other countries. well a recent study- by the melbourne at mercer global pension index ranks friends at number ten in europe with scandinavian countries like the netherlands denmark and sweden near the top. the biggest concern is that the french system is not sustainable at its current levels. it's no secret that francis pension system is crippled with red tape. but how well does it stack up against other european countries. the majority of french workers are entitled to retirement at the age of sixty two. placingng them in the lower tier when compared to the rest of the european union. many countries have already made plans to increase retirement age i in ten years time germans will be working untntil the sixy seven years oldld. the move followed by the spaniards who currently leave when they're sixty five. one controversial proposal in the french reform
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would see pushing the age at which a full pension can b be drawn to sixty four years old. the government also wants to scrap the so called special programs to boil down to forty two pension schemes into one. some parties a larger chunk of funds should be allocated to pensions however france's already kept this amount of fourteen percent. national inputs making it the third biggest spender. some unions have highlhlighted the low risk of poverty among the elderly the country is one of six and he used to be on to the 10% mark with seven point 3% of pensioners at risk of falling into poverty. rate jumps to eighteen point 7% in germany. what's even pension system standing outside the world's best have undergone important changes. the dutch framework tied first on an international index with denmark was recently of a hold up the pressure on funds would see payments reduced. it's now been simplified to adopt job changes and the increasing life expectancy. the same reports is
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placed friends in eighteenth place calling for urgent amendments to the pension plan to remain sustainable. well unions have confirmed that thursday is only the beginning of what could prove to be a long and drawn out strike. public transport in paris will be interrupted throughout the weekend through monday and many are now turning their attention to the probable cost of those protests. some economists have said that it could be between two hundred and four hundred billion euros per day. shops pharmacies and restaurants across france have said they've already seen a sharp drop in traffic on thursday. they're worried about the potential drain on their resources especially if the strike continues through the usually busy holiday season. a sick animal is trading action now mixed close for the major european indices. as investors follow the very mixed reports about progress or lack there of. in the us china trade talks the two one hundred and jax were each down about three quarters of a percentage point at the close. the luxury sector
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outperformed shares of the italian fashion b brand montclar were up nearly seven percent. on reports of the french group caring is considering a takeover. over on wall street stocks are fairly flat this hour a very very close to the trade line after some after the flight line rather after some huge swings in recent days.s. unemployment claims in the e us were lower than expected according to new data this despite didisappointing hiring n the privatate sector. the organization of petroleum exporting countries has kicked off a two day meeting in vienna. members are expected to agree to further scale back their output is they try to boost oil prices and prevent a global oversupply. de facto leader saudi arabia has a particular interest in not- it's we'll giant aramco is in the process of going public. and is widely seen as more attractive when oil prices are higher. shares to begin trading sometime later this month. arm close at a share price for its ipo which could raise twenty five point six billion dollars.
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that would break records and top ali baba's debut back in twenty fourteen. it would value the company about one point seven trillion dollars beyond the likes of apple or microsoft. arm k kosher's will e listed on the riyadh stock exchange and a large majority sold to domestic or regional investors. that stake still represents only one point 5% of the overall company the rest remains in the hands of the saudi state. the chinese tech tried while way has filed a lawsuit against the us federal communications commission. last month the fcc voted to bar american firms from using federal subsidies to buy equipmentt from one way. it's papart of the trump administration the broroader efforts to limit of always expansion. the compapany says te crusade is now harming american consumers coming up like has more. s. one way the chinese telecoms giant is often a u. s. court to overturn a ban on its equipment. off to the federal communications commission forbade carriers in rural areas
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of the west from using federal funds to buy huawei products. citing security concerns concerns that the company says are entirely basis. there is nothing in the universal services p provisions of the federal communications act that authorizes the fcc to make national security judgments or to restrict universal services funds. on the basis of national security judgments. the fcc is a communications agency not a national security agency eight point five billllion federal fud isis used to o bsidize telecommununications serervicesd equipment inn rural parar of the united states. and while a woman but if the band stays in placee then it's rural americans will pay the price. many people and small business. in rural america do not have more by network access. this decision we are harm their interests this is the second lawsuit that
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ththe company has filed against us authorities as it moves to protect global market share and revenue in march the telecoms giant filed lawsuits over a b bn on the u. s. government and contract is using my way a quick minute. and last year while he's chief financial officer mom one joe was arrested in canada where she continues to fight against her extradition to the united states she faces charges o of fraud and conspiracy in relation to us sanctions. that's our of course continuing in canada lots more to come about while way and itsts relationship with the trump administration yes it's been going on quite a while not a store has it all right hang over absolutely thank you for the update or i'm gonna leave it that and take a short break to stay with us when using headlights com
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12/05/19 12/05/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from stockholm, sweden, this is democrcracy now! >> we have gone from the united states governments war on whwhtleblowersrs to now a war on journalism with ththe dictment of juliaian assange, , for whatn the e governmement itself admits work relelated to jouournalism. and d i think th is a dangngero, dangouous thg.


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