tv France 24 LINKTV December 10, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PST
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genie: is time for 60 minutes live around the world. i'm genie godula. morere chaos on the sixth day oa nationwide strike in france. it's getting turned up a notch this afternoon. calls for mass protests today to fight the planned overhaul of the controversial retirement program. that is starting about a half hour from now. nobel peace laureate aung san hague, defending myanmar against accusations of genocide. she is trying to convince the court that the world has been
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deceived by reports of atrorocities against muslims. unveil democrats set to articles of impeachment against donald trump. lawyers calling the president's conduct a clear and present danger to national security and next year's elections. this hour, wey will hear how different french businesses are coping with disruption from the strikes, a d hohow much they say it is costig them. and santos snorting cocaine? gotgly christmas sweater walmart canada in trtrouble. first, your france strike update, live from paris. ♪ ♪
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genie: today is the s sixth dayf the strike, with trains and buses all but completely shut down, causing travel headaches for millions around the country. airport employees, teachers, and other unions have joined in, putting pressure on the government to scrap upcoming changes to the national retirement system. today, they hope to turn things up even more with new mass protests. the one plan for paris go across the left bank this time, kicking off around 1:00 p.m. french time, about a half hour from now. reporter: already at dawn beputers -- commuters will bumper-to-bumper trying to get into paris. public transport was also by teachers.llowed this is the sixth day of a general strike. labor leaders hope to pressure
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the government to give up on plans to reform france's pension system. >> the unhappiness is still there and there is still strong support for this movement from the general public. 'se deputy prime minister announcements on wednesday failed to satisfy those who came out last week and today. it is the prime minister looking for a fight, not as. -- us. reporter: when government is expected to lay out the proposal to scrap many pension systems for a universal, point-based one. already, the general guidelines have proved wildly unpopular. 8000 people came out against them last thursday. they say a system which keeps many french citizens from descending into poverty when they retire is at risk of being otherpart, not to mention benefits. the government says they are trying to create a fairer sysysm that is nonot sectoror specific. about pension system is equality between all citizens.
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for every euro they contribute to the system, they will get back the same benefit once they retire. reporter: the on the retirement movement, hospital interns have called for an indefinite strike to protetest underfunding of the health care system. truckers are also planning to strike next monday against their working conditions. heattitude strikes could pressure on the government to rollback the player, something they say is out of the question. genie: a story out of the czech republic. six people were shot dead there early this morning in the waiting room of a hospital in a northeastern city. policece say the man behind the attack fatally shot himself in the head during a manhunt to find him. worst shooting in the czech republicicsomethingg mantively rare, since a shot eight people before killing himself four years ago. today is world human rights day.
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a former fighter for human rights is testifying at the international courts in the hague. but today, that nobel peace laureate, aung san suu kyi, will be defending those who once held her under house arrest, against charges of genocide. is military in myanmar accused of cracking down on rohingya muslims, with an attempt to wipe them out, violence the u.n. has called ethnic lensing. peter o'brien reports. once an international symbol of her country struggle against military oppression, aung san suu kyi now it sits before the internatitional court of justice in the hahague. myanmar to stop these senseless killings. to stop this genocide. of its own people. peter: myanmar's top political leader will dispute claims that her country tried to wipipe out
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minority rohingya muslims in a military crackdown. her government insists it was responding to terrorist threats. come underu kyi has intense pressure for her alleged indifference to the plight of the rohingya, witith critics calling her anan apologist for ethnic cleansing. since 2017, or than 730,000 people have been forced to flee the buddhist majority country, still c crammed into o refugee s in bangladadesh. >> they killed everybody who could not hide in the hills. many of my relatives and friends were killed. i demand justice. gambia, which filed the lawsuit in november on behalf of 57 muslim countries, is calling on ththe itj to take emergency measures to prevent further atrocities. genie: in algeria, two former prime ministers have been convicted of corruption-related charges in a landmark trial.
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one was sentenced to 15 years in prison and $16,000 in fines. another r s sentenceced to 12 yeyears in prison and $8,00000 n fines. they werere both accused of abusing authority in a car manufacturing embezzlement scandal. both served as prime minister under longtime president abdulaziz would flick up. budaflika, who was pushed out because of anger at corruption. two years ago, a/d radicalization center for former members of the algerian islamist set boko haram opened its doors in neighboring niger. for the first time, 125 former members were released. julian -- mo julian reports. reporter: a ceremony under scrutiny in the rehabilitation center in the southeast of
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niger. the first former boko haram militants t to benefit from a government the radicalization program are about to reenter society. >> i joint boko haram thinking this was the best choice for me, but i quickly realized i was wrong. i was able to escape. when i found out the government had opened the cenenter for us,o give us a sesecond chance, i quickly joined, and trained to be a a mechanic. the religioion boko haramam practitices is not good. they werernot really fighting in the name of religion. reporter: 240 former members of the islamist sect active in neighboring nigeria, i including women and children, have j joind the progogram since 2017. all of t them decicided to leave group and surrender. the center delivers a six-month religious course on moderate islam, as well as a range of professional training programs, including sewing, carpentry, or masonry. what we think is that the
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example we have given, through the humane way in which we have treated those former boko haram , is going to cause others to respond to the call to renounce violence and return to niger. received: 100 25 people departure certificates, as well to theirstart professional activity. a second batch is set to leave in january. genie: in the u.s., democrats are set to unveil charges of impeachment against donald trump today. those charges or articles will then be voted on in the full house of representatives, head of an eventual trial in the u.s. senate. the articles look set to focus on abuse of power and obstruction n of congress. the house came to partisan blows again mononday, as impeacachment proceeeedings continued. republican witness and attorney stephen castor arrived at the
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hearing, carrying his notes and documents in a reusable grocery bag, leaving spectators slightly puzzled. what if's appearance was confusing, his message of support for president trump was indispsputable. more now on mondays dramatic day in the house. we voted for donald trump and they are simply removing him because they don't like him. americans are sick of impeachment, sick of the democrats. reporter: a a dramatic ststart o proceedings. the house already divivided. impeachment hearings in full swing on monday. legal counsel brought in by democrats and republicans took their places, with republican attorney stephen castor's fresh market shopping bag providing a brief distraction from the testimony about to unfold. once underway, party positions became evidently clear. >> impeach a president who 63 mimillion n people voted foror,r eight lines in a call transcript, is baloney. democrats seek to impeach
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president trump not because they have evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors, but because they disagree with his policies. >> president trump's persistent and continuing effort to force a foreign country to help him cheat to win an election is a clear and present danger to our and tod fair elections our national security. reporter: in whistleblower sparkly investigation for allegedly seeking political favors from ukraine. while democrats in the house claim they have enough evidence to proceed with drafting articles of impeachment, republicans remain unconvinced, labeling the process and opposition p.r. move. the committee votes could arrive as soon as the end of this week, asting off a volatile period immigrants march toward a full house vote expected before christmas. genie: in new zealand, at least eight people are still missing following the eruption of the white island volcanono, includig
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a a family of four. six people have been confnfirmed dead, and it is unlikely though still missing are alive. prime minister jacinda ardern said flights have shown no signs of life. police are also launching an investigation into why tour groups were allowed to visit the island after the threat level for the volcano was raised. reporter: the victims' bodies are carried to the nearest airport. a casual day trip to white island, new zealand's most active volcanono, turned into a nightmare. a day after it sudden a rupture in, there is no sign of life on the island. families of those missing or clinging to help. >> maybe he is in the hospital. i'm trying not to fall apart. it is not really an option. we have got to stay strong. prime minister jacinda
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ardern visited the injured a hospital. many are in critical condition. earlier, parliament praised the efforts by rescuers who flew to the island to evacuate survivors in the immediate aftermath. p.m. ardoin -- ardern: those pilots made an incredibly brave decision under extremely dangerous circumstances. police have launched an investigation into the circumstances of the event. the private island has been a popular tourist destination as the world's most accessible marine volcano. caught on47 people the island during the blast were tourists from several different countries. some were walking inside the crater's rim. >> if there is anyone responsible for the deaths and yet,ies, it is early days so we have to work through the evidence, talk to people, and
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conduct the investigation. reporter: authorities say there is a 50% chance of another eruption within the next 24 hours. genie: in the u.k., the election is just two days away, but conservative trimester boris johnson was in the hot seat monday after he refused to look at a photo of a sick child lying on a hospital floor because there were no beds available. the b british to health system. the photo has gone viral. tripter: a fish market that has caused a stink. visiting a fishmonger and fielding interviews, boris johnhnson was asked to look at n image that had made the cover of mondays left-leaning "daily mirror." pneumonia boy sick of lying on the floor because of a lack of a bed. johnson ignored the journalist's request, pocketing his phone.
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johnson: terrible photo. i apologize to the family. reporter: critics say he is out of touch. johnson said he strongly supports the nhs. johnson: i want everybody to have the best possible experience in the nhs, and i have every sympathy with people who don't. reporter: health care has become, along with brexit, a major issue of the campaign. the prime minister has denied claims he plans to sell off parts of the nhs to american corporations, after secret documents were leaked of u.k.-u.s. trtrade talks. dormy corbyn has repeatedly said the conservative government is failing to find the cherished public health care system. it is time to bring the regime to an end. reporter: on tuesday, the daily mirror published another photo
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of a child waiting for hours in a hospital care -- hospital chair. labor has promised to send 20 million pounds a year, 5.5 billion more than the tories. the tories said they will hire 50,000 new nurses. ethiopian prime minister is receiving his nobel peace prize today in oslo. he won the award in october for his peacemaking efforts which ended two decades of hostility with ethiopia's longtime avenue -- enemy, eritrea. as ethnic violence has been rising at home, he has been keeping festivities and meetings with the media. a christmas note for you if you are a christmas lover. chances are you might have an ugly holiday sweater or two in your closet. chances are you don't have one that looks like this. this sweater appears to show
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santa getting ready to snort cocaine. social media did have a field day with that sweater listed onn the walmart canada website, pushing the store to apologize for promoting it. walmart canada said the sweater was sold by a third-party seller and did not represent walmart's family-friendly values. let's look at the headlines on "france 24." there is more travel chaos on the sixth the day of the nationwide strike in france. it is getting turned up a notch, with unions calling for mass protests in the streets to fight the government's planned overhaul of a controversial retirement program. nobel peace laureate aung san suu kyi at the hague today, defending myanmar against accusations of genocide. she is trying to convince the international courts of justice that the world has been deceived by reports of atrocitieses agait rohingya muslimsms. and u.s. democrats set to unveil two articles of impeachment against donald trump.
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lawyers calling the president's conducuct the clear and present danger to next year's s electio. time for your business update with stephen carroll. you have been taking a closer look at how french companies are coping with all the disruption from the strikes here. still e early to pua fifigure on this, but it i s felt across m many sectors of te economy. one major reretail association id s sales werere down byy a thd on the first major demononration day next thurursday all of this coming at a crucial time for retailers in the e roll upup t to the christmas period. numbers are down for r hotels ad restauaurants. there is alalso disruption happening behind the scenes for many b businesses, as catherinee viette now reports. reporter: a train sitting three kilometers short of its destination. it is stuck, unable to make its delivery, as the strike has shut
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down the signaling station. euro cargo rail estimates about 400 of its trains are stranded like this one, and it is hitting company's bottom line. >> the loss of income is probably several hundred million euros. we are worried. reporter: euro cargo railil is t the only company feeling the economic strain. this tool manufacturer is beginning to have supply delays. while employees may be able to make it to work at this parisian restaurant, it is the customers who are not showing up. >> normally, both floors of this place are full. now, as you can see after i turn on the lights, the room is empty. reporter: the owner sayays the rerestaurant has lost half of is business, and the impact is even worse than during last year's yellow vests protests. the strike is also affecting agencies that provide home care
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services. without public transport, workers are finding it almost impossible to make it to clients' homes. on the spreadsheet, dozens and dozens of cancellations. or three't take two weeks, losing half our business. it is just not possible. paris, tourism is taking a hit, as travelelers sta awaway, worried over the ongogog trtransit woeses. stephen: the french markets regulator has find morgan forley 20 million euros allegedly manipulating the price of government bonds back in 2015. traders at the london office callaggressive tactics to what it said was an abnormal and artificial increase in t the pre of french and belgian bonds it held. this is one of the largest fines ever handed out by the imf. morgan stanley plans to appeal. genie: trouble at fashionn band
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-- brand ted baker. stephen: the retailer issued another profit warning. the chairman are stepping down. irmen are stepping down. the expected profits are around the third of what was previously expected. ted baker says worse than expected sales in november, especially black friday, hurt their figures. shares are down 14% in london. genie: humans negotiators are traveling to mexexico today to secure changes to a new trade deal. stephen: that is to win support from lawmakers in washington. the usmc would replace the previous trade deal, nafta, but donald trump needs the support of the house of representatives to ratify it, and democrats have been looking for tweaks, including better protections for workers in mexico. house speaker nancy pelosi appeared optimistic fofoa deal. pelosi: we are not
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finished yet, we are in range. i like to take an ambitious approach to, that we will not only have a trade agreement with mexico and canada, that it would be a prototype, a template for future trade agreements, recognizing that globalization is a fact of life.. it is inevitable. how do we participate in a way is productive? stephen: trade worries sent markets into a slump thiss lunchtime. nervousness over u.s.-china tradade relations, head of the deadline for wasashington to increase tariffsfs on chinese goods this sunday. stronger sterling ahead of the u.k. election also impacting exporting firms in london. frankfurt's dax down by 1.4%. t the g government t trietoto
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crack onon tax dodging whehen it comes to online shopping. stephen: thehe government b bels it is missing out on tax revenunue, bausese foreign sells using platforms like amazon are nonot paying value-added tax tht they o open. the finance ministry once the platform to take some of the responsibility. reporter: at the e-commerce warehouses, tens of thousands of packages are processed daily. many are shipped by foreign sellllers. according to a frerench governrt report, a whopping 98% of them don't pay value added tax, vat. -- v.a.t. it is mainly chinese sellers that are to blame. over the past two years, there are six times as many chinese investors s on sites like amazo. it executes amazon of turning a blind eye. retailers --line
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amazon effectively opened its site to chinese sellerers. it is a deliberate policy to attract these producers and she products, to remain competitive against other e-commerce sites. when questioned, amazon rejected responsibility for the third sellers on its side. -- site. forendors are responsible meeting their own vat obligations, and we support them in their endeavors. reporter: french tax authorities are taking steps to fight this type of fraud. starting in 2021, , e-commerce websites will be liable for vat -- v.a.t. on behalf of their sellers. >> currently, there is no way to register whether they paid, as french companies are retired. reporter: tax experts estimate it between 10 billion euroros ad 15 billion euros of lost revenue for the state each year.
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genie: a major cleanup of space. stephen: this is a company calllled clear space. they have been chosen by the european space agency to had the first mission to clean up the junk floating around in space. are 3000 abandon satellites, and more than 34,000 pieces of debris hanging around from disintegrating spacecraft. clear space beat out more than a dozen bidders for this 100 million euro contract. it will build a spacecraft with robotic arms to pick up part of sa rocket that has been floating around since 2015. the esa say they are moving into the area of cleaning up our things worked in space. it will be interesting to see how this sorts out. genie: coming up in the next half-hour, the winner is -- netflix. at least it seems to be, if the golden globe nominations are any indication. a closer look on the way after
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reporter: in ukraine, the baby business is booming. it's the new w go-to destinatation for commercial surrogagacy. woman: where's your smiles? not yet. too young. reporter: while it brings joy to some... [woman speaking native e langua] [child crying] reporter: there's heartache for others. we uncover an ugly trade. woman: i think these are cockroaches. they're all over the side. reporter: and confront those responsible. how many children that you oversee the birth of, through your company, are bornrn with brain damage?
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