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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  January 16, 2020 8:00am-9:01am PST

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01/16/ [captiing made psible by mocracy no] y: fronew rk, this i democry now! >> the presidentf the unit bstructionf the hoe. amy: t house of representaves has foally delired to theenate arti ofmpeachmentgainst predent
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donaldrump,etting thetage for st the thi senate imachment trl of a predent in.s. histor will get e latest. we will al speak to e reverend wliam barbeabout the poorple's mpaign's protesoutside th week' democraticebate in ia. yrs, tht 40, 50 nation hun from porty. talk aut the mdle class, talk abouthe wealthy don' en hear a wd abouthe poor. amy: we wi also headack to kland, whe a grouof unhousedothers, knas moms housing, we evicted esday from a vact house th had -- tt had been vacanor two yes. >> don't leave he today wit ur headsown like isas not a viory. the tention wa not to ge th house. e intentiowas to spark a vement. e only wayou can leave is
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you don't commito tt moveme. amy: a we will lk at the akeup in rsia as rusa's prime minier and hisntire canet resigns vladimirutin push sweeping nstitution changes. althat and me, coming . lcome to docracy now, e war and peace repo. i'm amgoodman. the hoe of reprentatives h formly deliver articles peachment ainst present donald tru to the nate, seing thetage for jt the third sete impeachnt trial a preside in u.s. htory. the articl were delired by the imachment magers who were ned earliern the day house eaker nancpelosi. >> let mbe very car that is preside will be hd accotable, that no e is abovthe l, and tt no futu psident shod ever enrtain the idea a at article -- excuse me artle 2, says
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he can do whaver he wan. am senate marity leade mitch mcnnell annoced that supremcourt chiejustice jo berts willwear in setors as jurortoday at 20 p.m. eastern,nd thempeament trial willtart next esday. is comes aa key figu i thimpeachmensaga spoke blicly forhe first te about hiefforts toressure ukrainto investite trump's politil rival, j biden. lev rnas, a soet-born bunessman anformer assiate of tru's laer, rudy giulni, said iinterviews withthe new yo times" an msnbc and cnn, that the president s fully awe of his acvities. this is rnas speakg with msc's rael maddow. >> what do y think is e main accuracy othe main ally being toldhat you fe like yocan correc >> that e president did not ow what wagoing on. president trump kw exactly what wasoing on. was awaref all of m movement
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i would nodo anythin without that from rudyiuliani anthe present. amy:his week, use democrs released msages parn exchangewith roberhyde, a publican cgressional candidatfrom conneicut, in which thtwo have teatening exchanges out marie yovanotch, the u. ambassad to ukrne. in the text meagesparnasnd hydeiscuss howovanovitch under sueillance. after headnes, we'll have th latest othe ukrainscandal d the impehment of psident nald trump the pentag says u.s.roops have resum joint opetions with iqi soldier ending a 10-day pse that ca after presidt trump orred the asssination iranian geral qassemoleimani whoas killed at bagad iernational airport a drone strike onanuary 3. this comesess than t weeks afr the iraqparliament orred all u. troops toeave iraq on capitolill, the t vernment wchdog for
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afghanistareconstrucon told lawmakers dnesday th u.s. officials ve routine lied to the americ public thughout the u.s.ed war in ghanistan, now in its9th year. special spector geral john f. sko was tesfying to t hoe foreign fairs commtee. >> the pblem is, t is a disientive, rely come to tellhe truth. at we talkbout mendaci, when wtalk aboutying, it i not just lyingbout a paicul progr, it is lyg by omission,y saying, , i can't tellou about t casuties or, o i can tel you how od the ahans are th weaponsor i cnot tell u this or that. it turns o everythinthat is at news habeenlassified over theast two yes. amylast month"the washin post closepublished cerpts fr a confideial trove documentthat revead how senior.s. officis have repeatly lied abt the war's progresshile hidinevidence the r had beco unwinnabl
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esident trp on wedneay gned a deawith chinahat rtially en the tradear he gan a yearnd-a-half o. under thso-called ase 1 agreemt, c china aeed toto stnger p proteions for u. chnology fms' iellectual operty rigs and trad secret china al agreed toncrease ports of u. goods by200 billion the end othe year this c cess the e s.enate e is pected t to ss the unid statesexico-cana agreement toda-- the repcement for naft the 1994 rth americ free tde agreeme. rsia, pri minister itry meedev auptlresigned dnesday alg with hisntire cabinein a surpre move tha pas the way r presiden vladimirutin to rein in por after hifinal pridential tm ends in 24. putihas propos sweeping nstitutution changnges texpand the por of the plient an the statcouncil whee weakeng the presency. the russn parliame is expect to vote tay to confirputin'pick for n
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prime nister -- khail miustin, a beaucrat whruns russ's taservice. late in the oadcast, wwill haveore on rusa's potical sheup. in syria least 2ople have been lled in idb, the last rebeleld provin after syrian fors backed brussian jets assaued towns aoss the gion. in idlibity alone,5 people were kled when sian andd russiajets structwo main markrket litteringhe streets with b bodieand debrbris the violce came e ju days after ceasefefire reement broker by russiand turkey was pposed to ke effect. a fedel judge inaryld has blockeprident trp's executivorder granng state and locagovernnts e power to reject fugees fro reseling in th jurisdicons. the prelinary injution wl ve more ti to nonprot oups to chlenge tru's order, whi they say olates the 1980 rugee act. the innction oveurns texas republan governogreg abbo's desion, madeast
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week, to uout of theefug settlementrogram. in more migration ws, the american cil liberti union hasued the tmp administtion over s policy of senng asylum ekers at t u.s.-mexo border tguatemala. under deal last mmer betwe presidt trump anguatemala's w-derted presint, jimmy morales,he u.s. gornment ben deportinhonduran a saoran asyluseekers to guatemala,enying thea right pure refue status ithe unittates. ints lawsuitthe aclu wte -- "the trumpdministratn has created a adly game musical chairs thaleaves desrate refugeesithout a se haven, in viotion of u. and internatnal law." vermont, e departme of motor vehies says itill change i policies d provid employees th antidirimination tining as rt of a selement with immigranrights gro, which ys federalmmigration officialssed the dmto crackdn on politicly active
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immigrants documes obined by thaclu and e gro migrant jce reveal iceimmigratioand custs enforcemt, used veont dmv toid its enrcement efrts for years, datingack to thebama admistration, witthe of t official sding immignt informion ties, g with peonal documtsnd incating peoe they belied were undocumend. the d'actionled to the deportion leaders othee group migrt justice. virginiaawmakers ved wednesday become th38th u.s.tate to apove the eql rits amendme, which wod guartee equal gal prections rerdless o gend. the constutional andment was approvedy congressn 1972 and was rafied by 35tates over the xt decade three stas shorof the reqred total neededy a 1982 ddline. present trump's justic dertmentnt hasued that virgia's optionon of e era came t late, andhe fate of
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the amdment appes likely to remainn doubt foyears whil courts te up the iue. e 2010's were theottest cade ever corded, as atmosphec carbon dxide levels sred to recd levels. tha's accoing a neweport bad on data om nasa, na, and her encieswhich foun glob surface tperatures surged bmore than degree celsiu-- or abou1.8 degree fahrenhe -- above pre-indurial level 2019 washe planet's second hottest ar on reco, surpassed ly by 2016. thiss climate ientist om baddour ofhe world meteorolical assoction. heat wave floods at hav -- drougs, that ha impacted people arod the world. internalisplacemenbecause of flds. deatbecause of heat ves such in europend asia.
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wildfires ve been e of the st noticeae in 19. fires, ke -- amy:n london,nglaland, clate actistith extincon bellion he aie-in protest outside e corporatoffis of emens, calng out thagerman company. meanwhile,xtinction bellion activi in scotlanlock themlves togetr in a hum chain tolock the offes of shl oil company, holding sig that rea"tell the tru" and "also eal extinctn." the atof virgia has clared a tporary sta of emerncy head othe gun rits ,allscheduled for mony mart luther ki day. auorities sathey belie "armed mitia group plan to storm the pital." d those arsome of the
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headline this is mocracy no,, e war and peace repo. i'amy goodma nermeen:nd i'nermeen shkh lcome to a of our lieners anviewers fr around th country d around t world. the use of repsentativesas formally divered to e senate articl of impeacent ainst presidendonald tru, settin the stagfor justhehird impeachmt trial of president u.s. histy. preside, iave been rected by e house of representaves to infm the passed ahou has resoluti appnting and authizing managerwith impeacent trial odonald joh trp, preside othe united stes. the messa w will be reived. nermeen:he articlewere livered byhe impchme magers who we named eaier in the d by house eaker nay pelosi
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o today, weill make story when we when the mamagers walkedownwn the hall ross the teshold in story, devevering artles s of imacachment agasthe presidt of the uted states foabuse of per and obstructioof the hou. amy: theouse impeaed trump december r pressuri ukrae to invesgate his political val joe bin. but housspeaker nay pelosi ited untilow to sendhe articl of impeacent to the senate. since e house vod to impea trump, me evidenceas come to light abouthe actionof trump d his assoates. on wednesd, a key fire in the impehment sagapoke publicly f the firstime about his forts to pssure ukine to invtigate joe biden. lev rnas, a soet-born busissman and rmer assocte ofrump'lawyer rudgiuliani, told msn's rael maddow at the prident was lly aware his activies.
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whado you think ithe main accuracy othe maiive beintold that u can corrt? >> thathe preside did not ow what wagoing on. esident trp knew exaly what woing on. he was awa of all ofy movement i would t do anythg whout const of rudyiuliani orhe presidt. amy: wl, for morere joinedy elie mysl, justice corrpondent fothe nation and thor of thmagazine's new nthly colu, "objecti! welcome democracyow! its great toave you wi us. d inw an histor washgton, d.c. can youay out whaexactly ok place? take us thugh the da ow now.sllll goingo ncyelosi formly submitt the impehment artles to the nate. trp is impeaed. t, foreverosi t
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that ion trump's rume for e rest of histo. i hopee sleeps wl tonight. with theaming of t managers, i think we he a sense of pocies and stregy here. if nancy pelosi rely thought this was jt going to be voteto acquit trump, noing was ing to change,nd it was just for sw, i tnk she mig have nam impeachme maners thatere more for sho just amash, reblican turned now get a g, like he might' been thro in there. mayb eriswalwell, ose great onelevision d great a making seches. yomight haveven thrown in preeded to lve to be,et's do this. this.dalaib, let's do she had pele with real cotroom triaexperience jan crow frocolorado. at is a ligator thathe threw there. officerfoement ced on cop tha she sic
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trump. that sugges to mclose he inks or hopeshere will be witnesses, tre will be cross-examation, andhis will somhing more approhing a re trial sittion as opped to kinof a sho rmeen: canou explainhat is throle of th manager and in tt cnton impeament tria therere sen manager the res of the managers a goi to be determinedy the sene's ow rules. e senate is not jt the jury inhis trial. they arehe judge, tentially the executner spped they t the eire tempo d to permit her thing. whathe managerget to do will depe large on what mih mcconnl says thecan do. if the areitnesses, arguabl the managerwould be t o
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cross-aming witnses. althou technical, mitch connell doe't ev have to t them do that ihe doesn't wanto. the nstitutionays the sene will te this up. it doesn't say hoor prode the procs. connell stl has a lot of parts to py. one ofhe ways i ke to thin hing followtion mitch mcconne for quiteome ti n, is that try to thk of what e worst peon in the world woul do dhen see if that helpscconnell. beuse if theorst persoin the wod would do it andt helps publicans,he mcconne will do . onof the this i'm rried abt is looks ke our 51 tes to cl witnessesnd it ses like romne murkowski colli --hey are sqamish enou theyight vote to cl witness. t's sathat happe. mcconneldoes n have to p that on levision.
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the's nothg in the nstitutionhat says hdoes. nermeen:ill the trial b entirelyublic? it doesn't haveo be. the is nothi in the nstitutionvery wires -- yo have t remember,here' nothing the constution that ck ours mcnnell to bany bett than is. he is on of the wst people. y: let's go to nay pelosi and th mcconnellpeaking fr the housmore. nancy losi addreed her rectance to rsue an peachment quiry agait ump to beg with. >> f a long tim i resisted the calls fm across t couny for impehment of t esident foobvious viations ofheonstitutiohe commitd. recognizg the diviveness of impeachmen i held ba. frany, i said comen this presidenisn't rth it. t when he ted the waheid in relatnship to whholding and returkraine for a befit to himhat was
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personal and polital, he crossed e teshold. gave uno choice. amy: now i wt to go toenate marity lder mitch mcconne speakingn wednesda >> psidential peachment y be the gatest procs our cotitution contelates. it undoethe peopl'secision a nationalection, gng about in thibjective, unfair, anrushed ways corrose to our ititutions. it hur nationaunity. thetually guantees futu houses ofither part any fee freto impch future predent becau the don'like him. you don't like h, impeach him. th is the meage comingut of thi amy: mch mcconne. therticles ofeachment he been transferr tthe senate they havbeen deliveredtep toda the chiefustice of e
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unitedohn roberts wilswear and the ju. they a the senats of e united states, takinoff, by e way, tho running f of the mpaign tra because ey will ha to sit rough who knowsow long th tribal b let'talk aboutheitnesses and onof the reans nancy pesi helback the aicles of imachmenthen mitch connell id he was't gointo have witnesses. one ter anotherepublican setor have vced concernow. for exale, you setor mitt mney. >>et's ge it up topeaker pesi first of l. she wiheld the aicles and over the pt month, 've see repuicans finay start to break ranksnd get towd ingingitnees. i think thiis nothingther than ain for nan pelosi. oks like romn, murkowsk alexderperhaps sun collins
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-- san collins,, really pends onhich wayhe wind islowing th day. but lik whatever. it looks like we he a never witnesses. if there a witnesses there are peoplee need to ar from. the g fish is hn bolton, former natnal securi advisor. he seems thave been rough it l, have se it all, seemto want ttestify. i would ke to knowhat he has to say. amy: a ukraine, lling it a drug deal. and lev parnas,ndicted, uer federal indicent, but his now taing erywhere, haid he i key and lev pnas apparentlyome all tt he has st got frothe court comhas been included in the ticles of impeachmt at were ansferred the senate. >> what you at i thinkur peopleith first-nd convertions withonald trump n the hou inquiry, cause -- is is so iortant foreople to rememr. bloedsenquiry, trump
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those fit-hand peoe, like, , so unfai totally uair. he blockedcconnell. blocked mvaney. th hou would haveiked to ve spoken them durintheir instigation, trump did n allow tm to testi. we hadordon sondnd, with ona hill st pple who ught the d not spe direct to it. only sullespoke directl now in t senate trial, should bableo hear fro people w spoke dirtly to the president. that inclus mick mulney. puts a st on the moy. mick mvay is thene who can say i trump had good reason. these are e people iant to he from. the are the ople the american pple deservto hear om. on tlipside, y brought u off herehe ted cz, what he thinks ipoison bilfoster amy: recipcal witness. >> if yoget to call yr guys,
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we get up call hunter den. brinit on. huer biden, come onown. you nt to tradhunter bid revoed emil vey? plea, bng it on. i've nproblem wi hunter biden beg forced ttestify. hunter ben will ju have to ke one forhe team. is not relevt. it is t approprie. it is rt of the repubcans shal game. thatrait everday and ice on suny. amy: lev pnas? >> iould love ear fm lev paas. go ahead call jo bidencall ti bide biden the bins did notng wrong. no amount testimonys going to chae that. e person hdid somethg wrong donald trump canll of th and you take your pohots at huer biden l you wanmostf we
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willet him nice watc will be fe. amy:e will seehat happen and whetr any witnses are l that alltoppedf the call for them igrowing ve loud. i nt to thanou, elie mtal , theation'justice correspondt and auth of the magazi's nemonthly comn, "objection whene come bac the entir cabinet of rusa has resied. stayith us. ♪ [muc break]
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amy: this democracyow!, i'm amy goodn with neren shaikh neeen: we tu now to ruia, wherprimminist dmitry dvedevesigd wednesda al wh his enti cabinet, in a move at surpris many in scow and aoad. the moveame as rusan presidt vladimirutin proped sweepinconstitutial changeto expand e power of the parlment and t state
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counci while weaning the presiden. crits of putinaid the oposals cod help himetain por after hifinal pridential tm ends in 24. y: the low house of paiament vot today to confm putin's pick forew ime minist -- mikhail mishustin, bureaucrawho ru ruia's x service. onrussian newspapedescribed the recentolitical skeup as "theanuary revution." we a joined noby tony wo, author o"russia wiout putin: money,ower and t myths o the necold war." he is a mber of thnew left revi editorialoard. he ialso the ahor of "chechny the case r indepeence." so lout what hpened. whe you shocd the developmt owednesday moscow? certainly tre were a series of rprises. don't thi anyone wa expecting ything a this scale. onhe other hd, i think peoplebserving rsia close we thinking need to s how thislays out. we nee greathis as an ening
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gambit a again thais going to be ayed out t next few mont. i thinwe can't reallyush t say whatxactly theffects o this areoing to be straraightaw. nermee what werehe things thate was proping? whatere the thgs that pun sa yesterd? how do he want tchange the constituti? >> he gaveis annual aress, a ry long speec and tard t end of iwere aeries of dificationto the cotitution. one of whi is the trsfer of power -- mh more pow to the paiament than is cuently the case. the's a quk of the rsian syst that it is hyr presidtial. e parliame has no rht t nominatehe governmt. you cabe the larstarty in election d that doenot meanou could pform the binet. now e por of m mandating the prim minisr and cabit will go tohe parliamt. nominatinthe prime nister ancabinet wi goo t parliame. is takingay power
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from t presidencwhile refirming it it is a ttle blip vas. amy:s it signicant the ople a that medvevas regned, willecome depu head of e security couil, and o the new ime minist is? the new pme minter, i thk we wouldee him as caretakefigure. ere are eleions due in 21. that iwhen we wi see what kind of sysm cstallizes t of thi it is poible putin will wa to behat prime minister and rulendefinitel the nomation is rlly signa at -the play f. amco a the fact was hd of the x service,oes that tter? >> he isust a relile bureaucrat he is guelyompetent. he does't happ existing wer base forxample, ifutin had nominated e of the me prominensecurity mistry figures tohat role, at would've vanes get that person designateduccessor -the fact
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it is somne no one d really ard of unt yesterday, mea this person wi not stay thatole. he ia temporarfigure. rmeen: cayou explai-- i is not obvus why thentire ruian governnt resignejust hourafter puti' anuncement. and also t fact medvev was proge.ens puti's was is a demotion r him? whatxactly didutin inten >>hat is little unear. one the courties that n one can ally tell ether medved has been boot upstairsr downstairbecause e newole he haseen given did not exist bore. its not real clear what ki of power hwill have. the thing at can be id is dvedev wasomewhat of liabilitfor the putin administraon. currtly, he isot very pular. he has beewrapped upn various rruption sndals. it w a way of acting take a for the govnment'recent
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faures witho vibly demong him, i ink. its dignifie exifor medvev. but in aet by the eire cabit t was not require that is a curiosi. amy: dyou see pun doi somethinalong the ne that inese lead xi did tnk one of e reasons ese thingsave happen is since 2018 wheputin was reected, the questioon everyo's mds has been,hat is gng to happ in 2020 fr? is he ing to staforever or leave? whhese chang do is opeup that qstioned us a, hes probab notoing to st as present becaushe ca't do that, but re a serie other ros he couldook int and he wl have some kininof alternive e powerbe. the otr thing itays is whoever bemes presidt after m, will nohave nearlas much pow as puti h had.
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what i cfusing is looks li putin icarvinut it way to slide io parallel re and rein powerl so he i remakinghe system,ut breaki it as welso that no one has much powers he used to have. rmeen: ton your bookrussia witht putin,"akes the gument the has been r too mu focus oputin as an individual fure as agast the brder contextf the stctures i place in rsia. coulyou talk aut this mo of putin, the w it is bei interpred in the ctext of e argumentyou make iur book? >> one of the in things want to d to thbook is dr attentn to the rsian polical stem as a stem and that putin himself -- gularly deribed as a aucrat as ifis persona wins totay dided everying that ppens in rsia. i thinkhat is n the case.
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he is certaiy a cruciafigure in athe centerf this ver rsonalized system. but on thether hand,s also arbiter among a viety of terests wiin the rusan elite. he is --ou see him mornot as b a fulcrum holng it altether. the movese is underking are ing to ake up a l of thin whin the ruian elite and we're going t see difrent figures joeying for power. think thathould encoage us toook beyondutin presely toee who else jockeyingor power. amy:lecting thopposition leaderper promint said the main resulof putin's spch, what idis under quk said in 2024 would lve helso says hbelieves a referendumn the constutional anges woulbe excelnt cp. you ite extensely about him in yr book. he is certain a key gure. on the constutional anges puti is oposing iso
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intruce a requement for anyo who was tbe russian president s been a residenin russia f 25 years. this in thry would rlut novotny cause he h been a sident whehe studied at yale. onically, would alshave roll out put when took por because had been ving in et geany. these w requiremts tt are sowhat desigto target valni a oths, so thesare defitely --put iseeking to protect hi flank i thinit is truif there ia vote othese chans, it is ry liky to deaud but wh is carri is putin did notse the wo "refereum." he used the rd "voting othe were quicto say, no this can btaken caref and paiament. y: tony wo,hank you f coming i author of ussia without tin: moneypower and
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the myths the new cd war." member of e new lefteview itorial bod. also theuthor of "echnya: e case forndependenc" thiss democracnow!, decracynow.o, the war d peace port. i'm amy goman with nmeen shai. rmeen: we rn now to ok at enmic povertin the unid states ashe final docratic dete fore the ia caucuses took ace tuesdanight in d ines, iowamore than 0 protestersarched to e debate nue at dra universitto dend a televed presideial deba on povert leby longtimcivil righ leader rerend dr. lliam rber and rerend dr. z theohas, demonsttors carri a coin to honothe 250,00 pele who dievery year om the pacts of perty. this iregisteredurse mary jane snklin. >>he poor pele's campaign demas that theresidentia ndidates he a publicebate on pover.
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weant it to acknowledd. we demd to hear eir plans how the're goi to - [indiscernle] amy: aording tthpoor people's campai, 140 milln americs --ver 43of the popution -- c't pay sic livingxpenses. in iow 630,000 wkers -- 45 of the ste's rkforce --ake lesshan $15 hr. we, for morewe'reoined now by rend dr wilam barber wa. last nig he and thpoor peopl's campgn hosted ma meeting poverty ides ines. the nit bore, they re right ere at the ptest -- at the debateutside, mahing in e col a the snow. reverd dr. wliam barbe you are lling f a televised tional predential candida debate o poverty. talk about wt you wanto s
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and whatind of resnse are u getting it? o much, am weannot enliven t electorat as long we keep hing dea since on povty. we havhad nearly 30ebate sie016lone, and t one of em has foced onoverty -- an issue, you dece, affectg 140 milln people. there is n a county in this country wre a persocan work minimum wa j and affora basic o bedroom apament. 600 pele are dyivery day om poverty seven ople die fromaping, anwe call it national emergency. n iowa alone morehan 1.1 miion people living in perty. thmajority o them, over 60000, are whin iowa.
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0,000 peop without hlth insunce. these are t hypboles. it is factu. we cant continueo have debate and conveations tha just dea witthe middlelass and e poor. last sumr,ith a congssman pele came togher and -- 00 people candides all saithey would a full dete televid on pover and it sn't ppened yet republans tend tracialized poverty. democrats nd to run om it. must dealith the reali of povey. we cou talk abou everhing elsebut we havto deal wi the realy of ouriew. we n only what debe, we ha put fward a bget -- scarcity omoney. we kw how to fd the mone we know at happensf invest in ling wages d health ce andducation a we know we can challenge e fact thawe spend $. of every scretionar dollar o defense and less tha
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$.15 of eryiscretiona dollar on alth care an educatn and thin that wld of socty, which hy we are on a tour lled t "we must movent and we'reoing to happen june 20, 20, a massoor peopl's assbly a moral mah on washiton. thounds of ople are cing, poor a impacted ople, more leaders,ight afterhe primaries,ust before convenon, becauswe must ange the mal narrativen this cntry and dl with thi issue thats affecti nermee rerend dr. barra, the are remaable figur. 250,00 peoe die fromhe impactof poverty every yea in thited state which is e richescountry inhe world i wouldike to goack to t 2020 doctic presidtial saidwhepete buttieg
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was one othe only --ne of on two candidas who meioned the or people's campai directl >> sometng that ha not com up much night but serves a t of aention, porty. e pooreople'ampaign is marching oiowa right now calling us to talabout this issue. they are driveby their fth. i thk even becausen politics we'reupposed toalk middle cls, they kn there iso scripte that saycome as yo attend t middle usso you ha done untoe. neeen: thats pete butgieg. yo response the way i which verty was scussed or not disssed at esday nig's dete? we thanthe mayo f saying at very clrly. -- tom a disappoind that oth wod do this han't said it we are dappointed at mainli media -- 're tking about 43% of thetation.
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we're not talng about jt a few ople. 're tking about8 million pele66 millionhite peoe, 26 milon afran-america. th is serioubusiness. 30 million peoplwithout heth care. we are talng a peoplwho wor dyg -- we're tking have do anudf
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erica. need a fuonversatio not just o. we areaying we suld have a leasone. were puttingogether an omnibus bl. last aone of the reporte -- the ght beforeast, aedim h long wod it take? doesn't take lon whoet in
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ple and was ey get them aced, theyass polici that hu the workingoor pple? how it we hav not dlt with
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is issue? amy: we artalkingbout this inhe period beten dr. ki's bihday -- heould haveurned 91 yterday - and theederal hoday that is monday, wch eso a secd point, rerend baer, and we just he a minute. wanted to ask out what i happeng in virgia. the gernor has st declad a tempary state ergency ahd of a gunights ral that wasalled for e state cata of richmond for monda martin ther king y. theirginia gornor said authoritiebelievearmed mitia groups plan to stormhe capital" apart of thstate of emergey, they havtemporaril been indiduals frocarrying firear on capitogrounds. can you ta about w is behind this and t significae of thisn virginia theseyou look mitia groupslook at what i happenin acrs the couny, look awhat the nra has de anhow it hasown into t national coniousness ts need
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fo guns and riolence, loo at the vionce aut preside, look ahow when pple were i charlottville and sai there we good peoplple onoth sidewhen we hathe riot- what ware havings an inteification violence. and a lot imes what happening ring of ople that particularenre is many o them e hurting d they havbeen taug to blame erybody el for thei problems that many of them are ornd king. th think somody is taking somethin away fr them. its so sad bause what ould be touch on of the is inead of storming the capal, we ould be jning and blding coitions among pr white an poor bla and storm the ballo box. th is what shou be happing. people havgotten connced in eir mind thathe gun isoing to se them. at they ne is food a healthare and ling wage jobs. in 1965 sd to
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us, every te the is this ssibility fornity amongoor folk, see a risg of vision and violenc that deliberaly sewn in the publ conscioness as a y of diving peoe andeeping them apt. i'm ve concernedbout this nation of olence rig now. i wi tell you, acaretta sct king tolus, violence not just ns. violce is ghetousing, la of healt care, t lack of ving wage jobs. olence ian apathet attitu that refus to adess thesother issu. and ritowwe have a t of violt public polies that is ppening athe sameime we sethese attitudesnd mentalies of violee that is raising inhiss c count and it is vy seris anwe better addrs ias a nation anbring peop together. enke reverd dr. wilam barber, ank you fobeing with us stop cohair of thpoor ople'campaign, rrying t torchrom dr. main luther
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ng. on mday, democcy n! we' bring a ial playinthe speees o dr. king. en we comeack, we contie to talabout pover in the oaknd,messness in califoia, wherenhoused thers wereustvicted froa home ty were occuing that deen vacantoror two years stay witus. ♪music brea
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amy: "'m gon' stand" rformed sweet hon in the ro. this is decracy now! i'm y goodman th nermeen shaikh. neeen: we now to th fight agnst povertin oaklan californi where a oup of unhsed motherwere evictetuesday fr a vacan house ey had beeoccupying for two mohs. facing helessness d skyrng rents, e workin mothers mod inin theouse on 2928 mnolia stre in novemb and ayed despi an evicti noti from realstate veloper weewood propties. their movent, moms 4ousing, ined intertionaltttion and became rallying y ainst rampt income inequali and homelsness in the bay ea and acrs the u.s.
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on tuesy, as on the mothers,ominique wker, join us live odemocracy w! from studio inerkeley, heriff's deputiesarried out pre-dawn mitarized rd aimed at evictinthe moms. just aft 5:00 a.m.uesday moing,ominiqique puld the eaout of her r and theyeft the udio. itas tuesday morni just around 6:0 a.mcalifornia time, doze of armedeputies, cluding tactical am, descended the housen magnia street,roke down e door with battering m, and se a rob into the use -- allegedl to searchor possiblethreats." the puties thearrested t moths who wereiving in t house, awell as twof their suorters. l four werreleased obail esday afteoon. well, r more, weo now to berkel, californ, where we're joinenow by mis cross, a meer of moms housing w was arsted tuesd.
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and he12-year-ol daughr destinjohnson. also with is carrolfife, o was joing us as th batterinramas going io the ho she is t director the oaklanoffice forlliance of california for commuty empoweent. organir educatormother, an , 20-pluyear r residt of oakld. weelcocome youll to demoacy now! misty, if you n talk abo what hapned two rnings ago? tuesdayorning, itas like movie scen had never seeanything le that le in my life. we never had gotn sleep that ght becauswe knew th sheriffsad 24 hourto serve theviction. so while wst uand watcd and wait for them come in, ty came- it was mething like th had knew
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that dominue was notoing to the home,o they waited until theyot good on air a starteto proceedo do the iction.. wh they cameo the door, raing as haras they wer, and l of the ttical gear as wated the window, -15's and these tks and fir partmes a aulances other,t was like a rea terrorist teat, like were ard and we weangerous. as recall,e've aays said at everythg haseen a nonviont civil disobednce act. we have nodisrespectnyone, r havevewe caused rm to anne so it wareally shockg. we we just puzed, reay, on howany arm forces we outside that time.e.
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- go ahead >> once thsheriffs me their y through eoor, they st in a robot thacame in roam arou the home see if the s any elosives we weapons some form. i latefound out theank they d outside w a dection on ithat can sht people an detect weapons osite, just by a metal dector. itould shoottnythinhat had d me forofeapon on it. lik stillm, traumazefrom it. haveeen victim of olent crime is up befe, shot ltiple tim with an a47. so tcome out a see theseen holdintheseuns foromen and was a was really --
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scary mo. toomeack. amy:aking of chiren,our righnext to s siin sty, c you tk abt w yofelt on day morng? , how lt? as my mosaid, it was scary all i waed to know is were gog to be safe anwhat is th next ste i was ki of puzzleecause i w how heavy they came i was woering lik why i was imining if ias there anif i was upsirs and ju seen thecome in anhaving gu drawn andf itasrawed at me and e other ki, we woulbe, like, thamight cse trauma nermeen: carro fife, canan you lkbout how y understan the extradinarily mitarized
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respon? i mean, tanksnd guns d tacticalear? an't derstand i i don't understa it. thatas some indator e sheriffs wld use somtype of force it was auded to ineveral prs statemenhat were me by thelameda couyheriff's -- whi is whatrompted th asnste contiously repeat well atheir attoeys come is is nonolent civi disobedice. at t sheriffs id early o that the motrs would dermine thlevel of fce that th use . so we arehinking the is no reason tosing a lev of forc for nonvient civil disobedien action. t they came a way i've neveeen in re life, let one in a residenti small , for armed cilians. atis the mt obscene e
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xpayer dolrs that i ve seen ia long tim amy: i wt to back to t mother jes peace with wh are the her day inakland whe buyers routinely offerundreds thousandsf doars ov asking pces. nely fouvacant prorties foevery homess person. is not smuch an issuof scarci, but distbution. rol, were the studi as ll when thtwo of you ghtailed iout of the to get ck to the houses the batterg ram wasoving in. can you exainhe owner o this house f fm how it w the houswas vant for twears, anthe signifance of wh is happing in oaknd -and of cose, largerhan tha >>his one ho, particully the statet is in, represts very littleo the owr of this property. i6wood propertie which subsidries all or the u.s., erational 18 statesis a very very wealthy orgization. hundredhome repsents
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of thousds of othehomes that liacant, ablto be useby oaklanresident. if there are fr in dion's for every unshtered pern, the ci could pottially pure those, p them in a ld trust house peoe to get tm off thstreets toght, that s the go. mart -- ae a hoingarket thats highly eculativ and ware sellin homes tohe highe bidder, w have the outmes which e not coincident, which isome of e highest vels of povty and homessness ithe state california. neeen: mis cross, cayou talkbout whatou think t local responsfrom the adership h been, including pecially, yor libby schaa schaaf, thmayor
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ackwledged not ms 4ousing. the rst time s mentionedut of her mou omoms 4 housing a.m., theews,:00 befo her pss conferee at 10:0 a., of her troduction of the sp 50 bill. when that ws aired, swed guns,reak-ins therwas some oration tha was goinon that shwas sting to wre they we going to look for crimils. and in theidst of hehaving anyone she ys that breaking taw will ha to pay a price. and then s showed t clipf
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melessnessnd her concern about that. d it wasentioned how did she fe about mom4 housing d was shin support she ner said she was i support. she said tt she understoothe civi dobedience rt of the vement, bunever sai once that she uerstood. am we just have 20 sonds. where are u now, mis and destiny? ere areou stayingow that u have bee evicted >> ware stayinat a shelt. are stayi at a shelr. we a still tryinto think o our next solion oo our hoing situatn. buall ofhat is movg forwar again, ias nev about tryg to stain that hoe. the meage we were trying to send out w to get people awe of polics and thin that are in pce that araking us no move forrd in lifand having housing as human rig, which
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somethinghat eve human ou haveamy: we ha to break here but will do pt two an posit online misty oss and deiny, tha you for ing with u and carrl fife dector of
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narrator: on this episode of "earth focus," the illegal lumber trade is a multi-million-dollar business spanning the globe. in the northwest united states, scientists are using innovative methods to stop lumber from enentering ththe country, w whin brazil, violent clashes have erupted at the source, where indigenous groups are trying to stop poachers from decimating their forest.


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