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tv   France 24  LINKTV  January 22, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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yeah but it's use welcome to live from paris will be sent analysis france twenty four i marco in these of being world news headlines. president macron's verbal face off with israeli police the french leader on his first official visit is president. took to task of the police when his c. blocked his way into the st and french judge. in jerusalem. the city china where the coronavirus outbreak started has reportedly being close to public transport the rail and bus hubs in bhutan have been shshut down. the seventeen peope have died after catchining the sars like virus. then as well
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the self proclaimed interim presidency europe seeking support one wideo try to impose himself is replacement of the hot leftist. nicolás maduro. it remains in charging caracas. thank you very much for being with us emmanuel macron's first official visit to jerusalem as french president speak come some sub something of an international incident after the french president had a verbal for israeli police walked in front of macro who's trying to enter the french church in jerusalem the building is french territory. the police want to gjendje protocol much to the anger of the french president incident anyways echoes jacque chirac's angry words for israeli police at the same location back in
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nineteen ninety six let's listen. we know. i don't like what you did in front of me go outside. i'm sorry. no no. okay he- was anger thatt of menu my speaking at in english will early american with all the main political leaders in his round spoke about negation of israel at the state as being an active- anti semimitism always use of course one of the s. macklin give us this. it's very interesting that this has been and i really big focus of microbes visit he spoken about the surge of anti semitism the doc said are returning to europe and having to take every step. first to recognize it and
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been to take action against us and one of the interesting things that he said was. that you could even look at and he signed it some not good israel was beyond criticism he said certainly not you could have ever to do school disagreement with this role that's acceptable. but he said that if you stop criticizing israel saying it doesn't have the right to exist. if your i. d. isn't extends that problem that's a molten diversión of it seems. it's shape. and that might be one of its new shapes so all of that was very interesting he's made it plain just by the people he's broke we- there were two issues. they were they were bred by that were really. later these may if you cabinet this hard. ste no injuries school students who are studying anti semitism. it's the largest emigration. and i think it's a it's a sign of help very seriously emmanuel macron takes this issue. there's max our correspondent day in jerusalem that menu backgroundss a visit to o the
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middle east that continue santa. jusust hearingng that ist without my abbas the a presesens the e course of the palestinian authority would be more action on that as we get it. next the world health organization has extended emergency talks of the coronavirus oututbreak in china the city in china withh a coronavirus outbreak began has reportedly been closed to public transport. the rail and bus hubs in wuhan have been shot at least seventeen people now. have died after catching this sars like virus. in almost five hundred reported infected the chinese authorities are asking people not to travel from january the twenty third that is. a fear that the chinese new year and the tradition of traveling home to spend this holiday with family may further spread these. killer virus. pulitzer sounds like infection that infects the receber tia system they can be fatal in the course the meeting's been taking place at
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in- switzerland with the- w. h. o. a space that's good about correspondent john sorry costas who is in geneva. john good evening to you i'm can you give us a- a sense of what has been said at the a w. h. o. regagarding this alert. yes the- into the expert committee of fifteen members chad by a french expert professor did yahoo so. how was splplit fifty fififty whether to coal andnd- a publblic health emergency of international concern or not.. so they're going t to continue-- tomorrow to see whether thehe w trends information coming in shows es sheds in a new light on what is goioing on because it's a fostt m moving situation. but the what to looking for is the levels of severitity and transmissibility of the virus this is where eddie. new but since it was first identified on december thirty y one it's- a going up more than fall so it's
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very fast moving but the experts want to sesee more doctr in see mee a similar coronavirus situations in n the past. like e saw is in two thousand and three or the murders the middle east- virus there the situation was if thatat had been higher levels of the a cappella de. but it remains to bebe seen what they will decide t tomorrow but- there is no knownwn. theherapeuc full thehe virus at the momentt and that's a another wirining ie anand- the aututrities have takn the measures to avoid that crowdathering which is quite a drastic measure. in terms of the death toll so far john you mentioned how quickly this is accelerating seventeen people that already- something like five hundred people infected i'm- some people may be asking the question is the world health organization doing enough. is it taking the situation seriously enough. it is the taking of the situationon
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of mugole that mechanism stuff frfrom the thirtrtfirst on w whh at the- country level regional level headquarters level but it's a decision that they have to. meet the criteria you might recall back into a nine with heights one and one the cycle swine flu they were heavily criticized for declaring- public health emergency of international concern certain criteria has to be met but in the meantime countries are takiking all the precautionanary measures. the screening out travelers at airports and are putting in place all thehe mechanisms so hospitals and stafaff are prepapared the posie is that the virus has been identified and shared well y. stuck anywhere in the world it's easily identified. because this engine thank you very much indeed for joining. the course of watching the old women cell on the sea. of the to coronavirus i in china. so the s. death toll thus far
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seventeen five hundred people infefected and c cse the who's still looking at the situation. at the sea out what happens next waiting for data to come and of couourse we'll bring him on thahat last. we get it. next venezuela's self proclaimed interim president clinton white oak is in europe trying to get sanctions against the man that is trying to oust. nicolás maduro. was here go there quite a start to the move how the quickly gained backing across the world especially from the united states. the might of but that may euros per structure his health. in as well as economy is a free fall people short of places products and food. this is being blamed on the jurors. economic planning though he says he was democratically e elected. misses the both the us and europe with holding down as well and capital. for gang. guadalupe missus majerus claims and he's calling for more support. when we accomplish that and you know when is a is. a con. there was anyone facing addict. it is not
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a problem of the right and left in venezueuela it is a problem f having it. to ship having citizens pointing for that democracy for that dignity. so the important thing in this case is not to see this as an ideological bias. but a very clear to monde for free elections with the- extremists. this it's getting aus a six said john us from the law school of that. a thanks program should be with us i'm quite in in many cases looks like a members in a rock and a hard place. he's begun the campaign to replace that maduro he got all the support that he could wish for. but nonothing hahappened. yeah i think that says century the case- by chance tomorrow is the of the first anniversary of his- declaration. on some. interim president which is quite remarkable really given how much people expected to change and how quickly. butut frankly f you've been follllowing v veneza for as long as i have which is about fifteen years you can kind of start t to expect. thatt
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ththis massiveve change will n t happenen s so quickly. and realy like to use you said in the report. many of the conditions that support mature remain in plplace and untilil those c cha. the there's no particular reason. why some. r relatively good photo opportunities props and davos. will make any difference. in terms of what maduro is saying he's he's he's long said that the us europe many people holding. a venezuelan capital and keep hold of this of for a political purpose. i'm is he right when he says that the jurors up as part of his narrative. it's certainly part of his nurse and there are questions could ask about the sanctions particularly in terms of their affect on the humanitarian situation.n. but at the sasame e it's also very clear that maduro is not really the legitimate president anymore- the last. clear and- listed some lx with the two thousand fifteen parliamentary elections which is how wideo claims the legitimacy to call himself a interim president. and that's what we've seen recently-
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maduro trying to create a new leadership of the national congress. to try and takee away the rational for- quite a disposición. and in terms of what happens next me clearly at something needs to be done to help the people of might as well at the- the suffering that they're living with a day to day basis. it's grinding lee difficult and tough to get through life there's that. a it is i mean the economy has been in f free full for a long time- interestingly h however. recenty it has stabilized somomewhat. mainly because of a kind of infoformal dollarizatition whics happenining in parks in the kind of side logic to it but- because so many people are migratatg andnd then s sending k dollarss t to the country. it'ss kind of f help in turkey- type people over no way and a lot of the ecoconomy is moved away from the balall of our- as a result. and that has kind of slowed some of the worst aspects of ththeconomic crisis.s. s so it'a little bit of a strange
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stagnationut some of thee moment i is actually y ken a littlele bit of an up tick and- the government is actually. liberalizingng in some ways perhaps with an eye towards- next year is. sorry this is parliamentary elections i'm hoping that they could so we just to see from those elections if there is an actual improvovement e economy before.e hold him but stops what's in the year how ironic would be if dollarization actually serves the purpose of nicolás maduro to hold on to power that's- one of the ironies of this situation- folk wideo. where he is now i started by asking is between a rock and a hard place but- it in many ways it's hard to see how his position. is she. going g to prove from m here is that. some of the most it it city quite if to see a clear way de do you. as recent ste swititched to o of x. support ad goes. with a good for. the new high commissioner for- for an offensive de you has been a
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strong supporter of wideo and he supupported to negotiations n the past. but the really see maybe a- bit more units in the opposition as well in terms of. looking for a solution through the negotiating channel over at the same time. unless maduro sees a way out- where he can be safe. once he leaves power and- and so on the some particular reason why he needs to see power at this time so- it. it looks like more stalemate for the time being. is it because of the london's of a- experts on the situation venezuela thank you so very much indeed for joining us. and hope to speak again very soon the a situation that is very much on going on and- bunk wideo at to double seeking a support. and the hope you will sanctions agaiainst nicolas me years to ty to bring about the change at that he launched- it'll be a year ago. tomorrow quite a declared himself self proclaimed. p president of
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venenezuela. that's been his image is now from not beirut lebanon's u. government has led to any cooling of the and on the streets they set the situation in that bay would just moments ago. the at prime minister that says he's trying to tackle the grievances of the protest is regarding the economy as soon as possible. as in the app and now presides over a new cabinets. he says he's going to visit the gulf states the meeting future to drum up business. the bin then demonstrations constantly levinson's mid october called for an end to corruption and- cronyism this of the major. major complaints of the protest is. the political system eleven of course run on sectarian grants. a new car with new se to match. libanonskim not for the size time today. a backdrop of ongoing mass protests i nakon to me on the edge of collapse and i knonow and then i can be a a facing a catastrophe. and we have to alleviate a agedy for the lebananese people
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of many in. this neww governmnmt was formed on tuesday after receiving the sports of iranian backed shiite group hezbollah. and its allies is the first time many of its twenty members on the political stage. for purchases all y you the members on notes independence on the selection process lacks transparency. six also choose nudi appointed prime to has sentía. of being has been as puppets protest his anger has shown n signs of abating the chececker at thisis government s formed without our consentnt and was forced upon us and fourth doesn't. with the people shop. mobile we the fall of the prime. the election of a prime minister belonging to the people. who organize new elections. this new cabinet must what is a the country's high debt gdp ratio. a feat that. warn is a- to which she- in the midst of the you can crisis goal states and washington are reluctant to build lebanon outs because they
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see hezbollah. as a terrorist group. it's tonigight a businessman who back to the joint is the kate we c could evn see you mark the us and france of cold truce. over digital tax plan tells me absolutely this is the plan that sparked those threats of tariffs on champagne sent shockwaves throughout the country- this truce has been in the works since at least sunday when donald trump emmanuel michael spoke on the phone. the real breakthrough though coming this wednesday at the world economic forum as the country's finance ministers formally agreed to hold fire and recommit to negotiations on international framework. prancing for stephen carroll reports from the office. it's a really in agree to just delay to allow time for talks but there's some really crucial elements of face first of all. the digital tax does remain in place in france what the french government is doing is simply delaying the payayments. will be made by those tech firms the first then dimmed would have been due in april of this year that money now will not be at
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taken from those compapanies are will be a ask for frorom those companies but w will still reman pending. i'm will remain pendingg until the end of twenty twenty that w was the time linee given by bruno lemaire. as they're hoping to have ann international deal donee by the end o of the yeaear in return te u.u. *-*- agree to suspend any sanctions against france. those threatened tariffs onn french imports i into the united states while those to add discussions happen and interestingly and i suppose perhaps most significantly from a broader point of view. they have agreed to proceed with negotiations out the oecd the organization for economic cooperation and development they've come up with the global plan to tackle. taxing these digital giants and it's through the oecd that the us and france are going to engage the details about engagement though the base of work as it was described by french finance minister bring all america will be decided at a meeting. tomorrow between bring other matter the french finance minister stephen the nation the us treasury secretary on the head of the oecd on how good react. now they're going to be talking about is i suppose the
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framework for their discussions but bring a mare felt that this was an agreement i framework they had agreed. that it t push this deadline back to the end of twenty twenty on a basis that they will agree attacks not only on digital giants. but also a minimum global race of tax for companies at that's something that's- integral to this deal according to bring all the mare the oecd would see it the same way. add the united states and wanted to make the tak part of this optional add but they now you seem to be interested in coming to the table at least. on discussing the opc de pop dot on a degreed would start. a hundred thirty five. is that of an emplacement air. hung years. at with tip toed really. the way that. talks are on the- and stephen will be host a debate on that. top in davos on thurs. that'll be feature at seven ten paris ta. will be debate including the likes bruno. and until korea the oecdd as- coming back for more from. on thursday. but
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to g get othe days actcts up major european indices closed lower we saw losses between the third and just over half a percentage point. earlier in the session the dadax hit a new record high the survey showeweda rerebound in german consumer sentntiment. a america muted cle on wall street despite earlier fresh records for the nasdaq and s. and p. five hundred. which also ibm shares up three point 4% on the clothes on strong quarterly earnings an upbeat forward guidance. voting shares dropped as much as four percent. cutting those losses in half by ththe club as is the ceo said he hopedd resume production the seven thirty seven max model even before it returns to service. that clearance you know to which it's a lie at the. british prime parliament given the final light to the government brags bill bring the- one step closer to leaving the europy union. january thirty for. retailer across the hope they'll- see some clarity about their future. even the toy industry has fallen victim to the brexit blues james wilson
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has the story. british children mobile three point eight billion euros worth the tonys last year. it's the largest market in the whole of europe. announced a sales drop point six percent. twenty nineteen was the worst year for british retailer since rececords began n nineteen ninety following. sales for one point one point one may w wind. up to twenty twenty twenty five in london many a keen to playing brexixit i'd like to sayy that we will see an increase and i think we all being realistic we- we have a deadline again coming up next week when it comes to brexit. will bring s some and- i'm so that helps us plan is an industry how many toys such as bad as in tolls will be recognizable to people who would chchildren ten twenty even a hundred yeaears ago. others ae decidedly more margin. this company sells mindful toys it says can help children behave
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better. if you can give a child the gift of mindfulness. forward they aree you know beaten down by life and they have. for the rest of their lives you know. it's credible. the total to and six x. have taken in the year's to five showing off some phone thousand new products. the parents chill. and in t this in someme. it's oa mark. okay thanks very much of the que with all the business that. crosses judía james crede wrappeded up ready to go get it sir mar talking with. this. a thoughtful man volume on your mac israeli police in jerusalem. that's right he's a two day visit it's a for the seventy fifth anniversary of the holocaust and he is he was visiting old time jerusalem the via dolorosa which brings you to saint john's church which was french territory and- it's- it's a sort of a sensitive
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point. and so i see was it trying to gain accesess to the church that was a bit of a scuffle and a menu michael as you can see i think in these pictures here gegets a little bt i race. with the israeli. forces we know. i do like what did in of me go out so here he actually tells is really see agency leave. we know the rules just leave you see the of the scene. we had a wonderful. this is the idea of. please. for centuries it was. this is reklamne because the security forces that she entered the church people heeded is that the issue i think that was probably initial protocol initials of maybe respected right being a historically a
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french at church in is from jerusalem in any case many people at reminded of a scene in nineteen ninety six when i president jacques chirac at the time also took issue with israeli security first forces i pretty much the same location was around the same town's church on. and go. to then let themem go and that's it. as you can see. problem this is not the myth of these okay so that is. asia there's defend. papalae people who are being think man by israeli he stood up to the thirty force and in fact seem to one of a kind of a call scene of chirac who o of course past in the last of months it one of the image that sort of up in some senses this. who strength of. and all of that so did moments in history it's twenty four twenty four years apart very different presidents i think you could sale so i bought at very similar- i
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suppose moments in front of a the news cameras and a kind of a facing off with israeli security forces in any case online at lots of comments but this march why not use have anticipateted this say they were talking to french diplomats earlier in the day. in chirac's shadow is as a headline goes herere michael steps into jerusalem's simbolizan this was this morning of the incident even happened french diplomats coaltion that they want to leave little room for mishaps such as those seen in the past from former president chirac how to brush off with israeli security forces so there was an awareness that he contact that events are not sort of coincidence coach wrecked the could be read to clothes again almost a subject in that it. into something president mekë from is seeking to do while some people online maybe they're cynics or maybe the no communication and sometimes work blair's have i sort more to say now. so what by the way the were pretty been often the ready and s she moment mucuch ey heheadline sort of mentition not
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honestst with h the b. b. first. degree or the first level all i have. is you don't with micro hashtag respect rule a- are walking the store of trucks i commend ninety six. you know if there was any. hold you set up a the paper of the results. saudite perhaps. at both. really some. this was ahead in the- today to talk by. at their parents course. menu my accuse of eight chucks axle not. very at a was flattering. so saying some simply how. back to the a rare moments when jacques chirac. at was monster at some. in in any case and handing. de and de. a potential. explosive and others for that michael had prepared for the small. that put in the of effort but at. some were also canica. by the fact that his english didn't seem as good as it actually is because he's- he's essentially. a bilingual with a bit of a french accent. b but not as strong as it appeared in these images. so look there were a lot of people kind of.
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speculation she is. always the right john's unit is track you okay. when that except to you in. it might of. available the it goes from one point temper flare. seen when tempers flare in any case double were logical. of das and the- and going in. others as- that the is. because the french audience immediately quite not the trucks packed more. the french reaction onn twitter or served up but if you look at what people singing in english. go outside this is what he's to one. he felt was the desert. six agent going to be. process my comp. israeli police at present bravo small gestures have mementos con. of people from that that was a- standing up. whatever i out finish with the is somebody putting out a of a car marx. he the remark somewhere the old. world to start facts person just because- twice. he out of the for to try to and this. is far. now i don't think either of was try. or farcical but- i said you con to say that they werere exactly. the same moments in the case. so a lot of
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headlines on the today at markel people equation it without moments in nineteen ninety six something cynical something critical. something it was all planned all they're saying. look history repeats itself and they weren't they weren't exactly the same to start it. place historical place and context so. and the media machine keeps alta. absent james cameras rolling lovely to see it james crede major what's great say thank on today. que with business as- thank you and de thank you f for watching stay with us momotor. n paris.
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01/22/20 01/22/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! theesolution would turn trial process on its head. his resolution requires the house to prove his case without witnesses, without documents, and only after it is done will such questions be entertained with no guarantee that any witnesses or any documents will be allowed even then. that process makes no sense. amy: is the senate approves rules for the impeachment trial
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of pde


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