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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  March 1, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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>> hellolo and welcome to globl 3000. now take a deep breath becauaue today we head toto nairobi, whe air pollutioion is a big probl. kenya is gearing up to switch to electric mobility. viva la a revolucionon? not quite. as cuba tries to modernize, women are still fighting for gender equality. and all that glitters is not gold. sometimes, it's mica. in india, child miners collect a neral wiwidely used in cosmetics. cellphones and electroronic
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devices all contain cobalt, ltan and gold, metals that are e world's poorest regions and conflict zones under hazardous conditions. one million children between the ages of five and 17 are forced to work in these mineral mines, according to t organisation stop child labour. on a average, ey earn less than two dolls a day ming raw materials for a sector that sees revenues totalling 700 billion dollara year. the globalineral industris booming. but the poor and vnenerable are papaying the pririce. >> k komal devi and her fe eartrth in search of m mica. the glittering minineral playsa vital rolele in this regegion's econonomy. for many people, mining the raw material is the only way to survive. children wororking for houourn
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the blistering s sun. in t the indian ststate of jharkhanand, it's nothing out f the ordinaryry. >> my children are so young, but there's no other way of making a living here. there's no farming, nothing. i can't afford to send them to school. they have to help me. they manage two toto two-and-a-half kilos a day. we work untitil 5:00 in thte evening. >> there used to be more than 700 official mica mines in northern india. but in 1980, a new law came into force banning deforestation. that made it almost impossible to access new sources of the mineral. the companies left, but the mines remained. today, some 50,000 adults and children work here illegally. almost all the workers are dalits, who occucupy the lowot rung in the indian caste sysm.m. ma arere memrs of f ingenous tribes who a are sociallyy marginalalized. rubebeuse there's little in the. my y of indtry y in t area,s people a are reliant o on the m. a kilogramam of mica canan brine
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equivalelent of up to o 20 euro cents. but often, thereceive just halff f that middlememen clean the e mineran large filtlter drums. the platelets are then cut int varyg sisizes. midththis is how itit enters te large filmarket..ums. the word 'mica' describes a group of naturally occurring silicate materials that are rigid, yet at t the same timee elastic. it's an exexcellent elecectril conducuctor. manyny industrs s use thminenel in h huge quantitities among t, it'sthe cocosmetics sectctoril a few years ago, anna-maria jäger and her husband kai founded their company, lethal cosmetics. the jägers stress that all the ingredients the firm uses are vegan and etethically sourced. in other words, they guarantee no animal testing was involved in production and no child
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labor. one of the key raw materials lethal cosmetics uses is mica. some of it comes from india. >> here we have three different types of mica. this is for example a very sparkly version, which also has a duo chromatic effect to it. and what is great about this is that it's very sparkly, but it's completely natural and free from plastics. >> the jägers can't imagine making their cosmetics without micacathat's whyhy they decidedo handnd-pick their supplier in india. they chose a distributor who was able to provide assurances that his mica only comes from mines that don't use child labor. although in the sector, it's often difficult to determine where the material originated. >> the key to that is having supply chains that a are as sht as possible. because if y you are buyining fa
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distributor, who is buying from another distributor, then it becomes very transparent where things come from. with our supplier, it's one supplier that is also the manufacturer that also w works directlyly with the mines s tt also does s the audits of the mines and has them independently audited as well. and that is where we gain that confidence. >> mica is used in a wide range of applications. the biggest buyer in 2015 in terms of market value was the electronics industry followed by companies that added the mineral to paints and lacquers. mica also finds widespread use in the construction industry. and of course, it plays an important role in the cosmetics sector. every day, komal devi and her son toilil away to helelp saty the globobal hunger fofor mica. they never h have any probobls selling whatat they've cololled toto one of manyny traders.
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if they receive 150 rupees, a n it's a g good day, she s says. selling whatat they've cololled that's's enough to b buy soe vevegetables and rice. bubut for that, , everyone hao pitch in includi both her daughts,s, age sev and nine. >> i'm always afraid when i'm working that i'll be bitten by insects or snakes, or that i'll fall into a pit. >> i'd really like to go to school, but we need money. we don't even have our own house. so i have to collect mica. >> an unambiguous law has been in place in india since 2016. no child under the age of 14 is allowed to work. but the government itself concedes that around 12 million children and young people are doing just that. aid organizations estimate there are around 44 million child laborers in india. it's thought that around 22,000 children are working in illega mines thehe stas of j jhahand
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and bihar. many of ththem have nevever kna life without work. becae e of their sizize, they'e often made to crawl into fresh dug,nsececuredits anand afts. >> i'm always afraid when i'm looking for mica. not long ago over there, two or ree children of f my age weree buried in one of the shafts, and they died.d. i want to gogo to school.. i don't t want this. ♪ >> for companies that work with mica products, it's a perpetual balancing act between n marketg and morals, bubusiness and conscience. at lethal cosmetics in berlin, the jägers are trying to tackle the issue head-on. wherever possible, they want to know exactly where their raw materials are coming from. they also don't try to conceal
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from their customers that they use mica. >> there's entire regions of india that are financialally dependent on mica. and so if you u replace it wih something, for example something that's synthetic you are basically taking away their livelihoods. and so i think it's absosolutey within our responsibility. of course, it's also within the responsibility of everybody in the chain to make e sure that is prododuced and sourced ethicaly as well. >> the cosmetics industry is very secretive when it comes to mica. 2017 saw the launch of the responsible mica itiative, an allianance of companies taininn mica from india. they allll say they have a cler goal, to end c child labor in e mines by 2022.2. but an interview on the subject to camera? all of our request including those sent to big industry names like merck, the clarins group and groupe rocher were turned down.
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if you ask t the miners ofof jharkhanand how to sololve the problem, they say genuine change again officialally allowed.. because e that's the o only wao fer workers clear safety stdadards ana fafair we. then theirir children wowouldt hahave to work.. sosome politiciaians have beenen demandining the reintrtroductif ficial mining for a lolong time. > child laboror can only bebe abolished d if the goverernment legalizes the e mines and companies asassume responsnsibi. cocompanies coululd then join ns to crereate cooperatatives. for r the childrdren, need d a sufficient n number of pubublic. coschohools, free ededucation, e meals s and basic amamenitieso enab thehem toead a bett lifefe. >> but notothing is chananging. ththe governmentnt tolerates e sysyem, turning a blind eye on a sectctor that kes a lot of m moy from mica and the e children forced to wowork with it.. this young man, a child laborer himself f just a few yeaears ags
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in despair.. >> youou can see thahat all the laborers h here are givingng tr eat and blblood. theyey are breakining their bo. what kind of life ishihis? the gogovernment can't't just k the otother way. don't we deseser better r than this? > moving noh h to nepal, , s week's's global teteam lives ine capital, kathmandu. ♪ > am 17 years old. i live herinin nepalkaththmau. ♪
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>> my fatherer runs a geneneralp there, 10 miminutes walk f from hehere, and my m mother is a housekeepeper. i wentnt to be a denentist. i wawant to generaralize orl healalthcare in ththe rural aref nepapal. i want toto help them.. i love reaeading books, , ad besides, i write.. i sing, i dadance, i have e a lf things to dodo. but ththen, the favovorite this readining books. the e internet telells me that hunger is s the biggest t glol
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problem. and i thinknk it is. d then we wastste food in hehere. thatat does not mamake sense, s it? problem. and i thinknk it is. d then we wastste food in hehere. thatat does not♪mamake sense, s >> i i have a lot t better lifen my grarandparents. they didn'n't have accesess tol ththe facilitieses we ve nowow,e electricity. it was not generalized back they didn'n't have accesess tol ththeththen, but it i is now. ♪e >> change might be underway in nepal, but 14,000 kilometers away in the caribbean, progress in cuba is happening at a slower pace. in many ways, the country is still culturally and socially isolated the legacy of the cuban
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, revolution. when communist revolutionary fidel castro took power in 1959, he nationalized industries and seized u.s. owned property worth $1 billion. in 1960, the us retaliated with a trade embargo that remains in place today. many cubans are unhappy with the low standard of living and restrictions on travel and opt to leave if they can. socialism has given women education, employment, and in theory, equal rights. but they still contend with patriarchal attitudes shaped by the revolution. cuban society remains staunchly sexiest, a place where it's far from easy for a woman to assert her individuality. >> ana lyem is made of stern stuff. she runs a tattoo
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paparlor, one of just a few in cuba, a country that's still deeplply chauvinisticic. >> when i started out, customers would come in and then leave again when they saw i was a woman. >> almost all the equipment she uses was brought in to cuba from overseas by friends due to its lack of availability here. ana's studio is in a legal lilimbo. private businesssses require te approval of the communist authorities. zenit-tattoo doesn't have an official license, but it's tolerated. >> we're defending a way of life. my idea was to create a space where people can meet, exchange ideas, feel good and come back. it's not just about tattoos. >> ana belongs to a a genetion of g get-up-and-go young women o want to see their country change not neccessarily by becoming
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more western in a consumer sense, but by granting people more freedom to explore their individuality and their passions and interests. >> all people need is something to eat and a roof over their head. and then we talk about sociall constraints and taxes and what pepeople can buy. the only thing no one talks about even though it's what shoulde talked a about is love. >> zenit-tattoo is an exciting place and has been profiled in garbos, an online magazine run by women. it specializes in fashion, the arts in popular culture, -- arts and popular culture, making it one of a kind. >> we need to show what young people are up to because they have less scope than previous generations.
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they have less scope to show what they're doing, evenen thoh they're currently writing cuban history. >> to many outsiders, havanna has a ragged but romantic image -- r romantic image, a place f fading glory, where time has stood still. but it also has pockets of progress, where young cubans are striding into the future with confidence and a sense of purpose. and they want the world to know. cuba now has access to the internet and while it may be sluggish and expensive, it's having a huge e impact. >> we know what's happening in the world. it's torn down barriers, created a bridge across the ocean that surrounds us. there is an explosion of creativity. it's like a jolt of electricity. >> yaya guerrero has also been profiled in garbos. she is a
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surfer, another male-dominated domain here in cuba. >> guys told me to surf somewhere else so i wouldn't steal their waves. i see myself as a strong woman. i can be very determined when i set out to do something. i don't stop until i've succeeded. >> there's not much of a surf scene in cuba. yaya has been detained and questioned by police all too often. >> they thought i was going to get on my surfboard and head to the u.s. >> when she is not out mastering the waves, yaya runs surfing classes for children from poor backgrounds and especially enjoys working with girls. start -- the 36-year-old doesn't make any money with her mentoring and has yet to get any state support.
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but for her, that's not the point. >> i do it because i enjoy it. i do it because it's what i love and i want to share it with others. i don't need to be paid. >> meanwhile, ana lyem has got some bad news. the lease on her beloved studio is not going to be renewed. but ana won't let herself be miserable for long. onwards and upwards. >> i will open a new studio, a new baby somewhere else. >> the winds of change are blowing in havana thanks to the many young women challenging the
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patriarchy and living their own individual cuban way. >> this week in our series global ideas, we venture out onto the chaotic streets of nairobi. 60 percent of the global population now lives in cities, and nairobi has 4.5 million inhahabitants, twice as many as0 yearago. trtraffic has badly affeeded te city's's air qualityty, and can emissionons continue t to risem yearar to year. our rertrter thos hahasel t some of the entrepreneurs pioneering a switch to electric mobility. >> it's still early when leroy maina heads into the poverty-stricken distric o of naobi i produce. f fre its pourinwith rai which is unusualal at this time e of . but climatate change is affectg kenya's normal weather patterns.
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leroy gets around on a solar-powered cargo e-bike. >> a f full battery y charge onh a day cacan do you up p to 0 kilomemeters. and on a sunny day, a battery charge can t take you up t to0 kilomemeters. so, , the panels g give you an a range when it is sunny. >> the b bike can reacach a spef 40 kilomometers an houour evenn it's cararrying a heavavy load the lar r paneon thehe rf protects leroy from thrarain. and d the ttery y kes chargiging even in n this kind ofof weat. leroy workrks for a locacal coy foods to strtreet food vendorsd it supplies e-e-prepar stataple neigigourhoods using sustainable soururces of renewewable ener. >> we want to be sustainle. th i is the mberer oneriver,r,
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but alal, we want to be eco that we are e able to prododuce producucts that are e affordablr r customers, who are m mainly the e poor a in n ordeto do o tt , we find it more fificient touy the solalar bikes thatat we use don't papay any fuel f for thed t>> the eleric cargo bike was ck developed d by the startrt-up r e-cycycles. the generaral manager isis conft that afforordable, solarar-powd electric vehicles have a furure afrfrica. >> stainableobility iswonderfubr that afforordable, solarar-powd the envinmnment,speciaiay in kenya anafriricawhere our populati w will ow masasvely over theext t 20o 30 years. the e eironmental case a ry strong case tt t we aays have to make. on the rise in a africanitieie, worsrseninair popollion anddsels have to make. inincreasing cararbon emissio. the ununited nationsns environt
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progogramme unep i is thereforee promoting electromobility in africa and also in asia. it's working on the introduction of e electric two o and thre wheelers >> in kenya,a, the biggestst emissionon, when it cocomes to climatchange, ishe transportsec, en it comes to hlth, is e tranort sect, and within the transport sector, these old dirty motorbikes are one of the biggest polluters. so we want to replace them completely with zero-emission motorcycles like this one. >> in kekenya, some 8080 percef the elecectricity in t the couy derives from renewables such a ideal conditions for e-mobitity. d yeyet, tre arere jt 300 electric m mopeds on thehe busy ststreets of thehe kenyan capi. the mainbstacle tomobility in kenya iinadequate electric infrastructure.he busy and for car drivers, the battery rangnge is too limimited. plus, therarare hard anyny
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charging s stations. >> f for electric cars to be mainstamam, pele sayay, we need chargegers, fast chargers. bubut for fafast chargerto b be >>esblblishe we nene electric mainstamam, pca. sayay, we need there must be tt grgrouof people thaisis wilng to o ke is first risk. >> kenyacompany ights enengy sells imported electric carsrs d alsoso installs sosolar chargg stations.. the battery range of 100 kilometers is enough to get around nairobi. longer journeys in rural areas woululbe anoth matter. there isemanand r electric vecles in coervationreas, foexample, and wildlifee reserves s such as ol papajeta,r hoururs north of n nairobi. is land cruiser used to be gadrdrivenbut itit been retrofititted with an super iet electric e engin a majajor
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is land cruiser used to be advantage here in e sasavaah. >> wt i likebout it the since. wh you areriving cse to the anims, anima don't hr it, so they don't get disturbe we c apppproacthe ananims and we c c stop, observe the animals, y m move wioutt starting unlike the other vehiclcles that use e fuel. yoyou have to tuturn the engin, turnrn off, and that disturbs e analals. >> this safari jeep was coconverted by swewedish compy opibus.. the compmpany has set t up shon kekenya with 40 ememployees andd installsls electric enenginesn cars and motorbikes and soon, buses too. electromobilility has benenefitt only for thehe environmentnt,t so for the economy here in kenya. according to opibus coco-foundr filip lövsvstrom.
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>> going f forward, we w willo momore and more e towards manunufacturing inin deeper andd deer level, icich meanwe c can mamake kenya into o the actual central hub b for electricic vehiclesthesese vehicles..n ane having thehe vehiclemamanufactud here makeses sure we canan havn easieray of accepting g the vehihicles. that means we e have a biggeger spread of these vehicles and thateaeans we can hahave fastea sustainable transport system. >> for the time being at least though, electric vehicles remain something of a niche market in . a a lot of ground will have toe thougcoved before ty goes remain mainstream and the air quality in nairobi improves. >> that's it for this week. thanks f joining u
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got just send an emailed tothe or visit our facebook page, dw women. see you next time.
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- what's your prproblem, what's your solution? this is an intererview series about mamaking thehe world a a better. bill joy is a co-founder of sun microsystems. when berkeley university became one of the first universities in the united states to offer computers to its students, bill joy becacame one of the firstt computer engineers writing the code that laid the foundations for the first software. today, bill joy is focused on making sure that technology helps usus meet the biggest challenge of our times. welcome to kamp solutions. bill, you've studied many technologies that could help


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