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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 4, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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what you from twenty four i might go in these living world use headlights coronaviruses cause the closure of schools in italy over a hundred people that have died after becoming infected sports beeeen sent out to take place in tennessee stadiums and israel is to close its borders to people fromm five european countries affected by the pandemic fronts. twenty eighteen now. the israelis banned list. from zero to hero joe biden super tuesday seizing clear in the lead this wednesday the vice president to. a barack obama now has a more delicate votes and his nearest rival bernie sanders. the committee lead democrat
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race for the presidential nomination. greek authoritieses fired teaear gas and s stun grenades to drive away a crowd of migrants making a push to cross the border from turkey. as pressure on greece continues to lead its previously gonna gateways to europe open. talks with the dealer taking place with no concrete offer mate. thank you very much for being with us. schools and universities i'm perhaps next cinemas allll closing its lintel march the fifteenenth the authorities are taking these drastic steps in a bid to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus italy is the worst afaffected country in eueurope d death tolls risen by twenty eight. over the past twenty four hours it now stands at one
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hundred and seven. okay enough of italy's education minister on the decision to close. places of learning. seven again wass the aututomatic chat i'm nt in the last few hours the government has assessed whether it was necessary. to close the schools. but you go back in on on s. thought on this is it was not a simple decision marked. the doctor on game we waited for the opinion of the health authorities. and we decided to be cautious. considering the speed at which the epidemic is spreading. and to suspend all school activity outside the red zone until march fifteenth that's a lot also fino alla queen issued in march so. you generally need thehe- italilian education minister that will let the situation to monitor very closesely f for spirent correspondence in the gupta who now joins us live from rome semen. good evening to you. is it's the now becoming more aware of the scale of this crisis that is- one till now largely restricted. to the
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north of the country. yeah exactly i mean you. so the school closure in. in the north of the- obviously the lockdown area but old so those eleven also towns up n north but also generally. in the regions of lombardy vented so an immediaiae romagngna we've seen schooll closures for more than a week now cinemas is what is the us is also closed. in a lot of these regioions up north but now the s school closures being extended to o the entire territory from the fifth to the fifteenth of march and so. that means of course- p pents will have to. juggle and learn how to deal witith this the authorities are saying they're looking into the possibility. of allowing for one parent to be allowed to work from home perhaps particularly in the case of. caring for a child that is- under age all under the age of twelve. now sporting events as you mentioned as well mark- the cvr. football games will now also be out behind closed doors so no fans allowed to attend. of course a day will be streamed and will b be able o bebe watched. the prime minister
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addressed- the nation through with video message calling on all the talents to take that extra effort. that to. up present themselves with greater responsibility he said washing hands avoiding- intimate contact- we such as shaking hands and hugggging or kissing. as well. keeping a safe distance between people and avoiding large at three these are all. three talent to take in the interest of the more fragile members all. the country particularly as we've seen the corona virus. out particularly at. up what to leap over the percent five fact up north called for those. over the age of sixty five to sixty at home as a protective measure. okay the prime minister. of reaching out to talk. take the once at. on it. politics can. the spread. of.
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nine over a hundred people. have died because of ching the end of. i'm i'm wondering how is all change life were you well. well we will seen seen you know this amount of by in the same that people are stock up on the sand shoals. as each the city and the low grocery shops w we also see the sale of our- century gels those hand sanitizers are hard to find as well as those mas mas and particularly. t the particular n did the healthcare is an easy supply of those face moss- generally relied upon those coming in from china and so now they have to look for other resources it's very interesting to note that in fact this is happy having all the healthcare. professional dot there out what the frontline workers in dealing with these fires in the prime minister in his address to the nation insisted she talkedd about the risk of this virus overwhelming the healthcare sysystem as a
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whole in is tououch to. get the dis dot t the number of bids in place for p purposes intense oky also to boost the number of respiratory t to deal with these issues reaeally the government trtrying to adaddress thihis boh sidedes what d dates t the cooll reresponse with east. lift upnd this and all looking at the impact of all of this in the economy said the city there are fearshat the econonomy is effectivel going to turn back into recessision as a reresult f the cancellations was seeing in the tourism sector but alsls t e impact i it's had. on exports yu need sleep. good that runs you very d. is impose tough new travel restrictions on five european due to fears of current. that means and we buy two new resident unless they can prove they can self quarantine israel also ordered all citizens residents returning from the five countries they are france germany spain austria and switzerland. into a fourteen
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day home quarantine upon re entry israel thiss comomes on tp of some of the restrictions previously imposed on arrivals from mainland china hong kong thailand singapore mike out south korea japan a and italyly. israrael has ten thohousand d pe currently in quararantine and that is rising in a bid to stop the virus from spreading that's a from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. hello it's called which is when we instructed those returning from italy to self quarantine for fourteen days. we anticipated how things would t turn o out. today we are taking at least ten additional measures. those measures include requiuiring israelis to self quarantine for fourteen days after returning from the following countries france germany switzerland spain and austria the space shuttle bus a little. momentum yahoo on israel's- precautions against the spread of the akron the virus after the five european nations have been not restricted. access to o the country these include fronts.
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the billionaire michael bloomberg has quit the democratic presidential nomination basis not five hundred million dollars down having funded his campaign. out of his own pocket to super tuesday was an inbox he's not bouncing says he could back biden well the former vice president joe biden made up ground within ten states of the fourteen super tuesday primaries gallopers bernie sanders. now leads strongly what looks more and more like a two horse race. speaking of the common and- around the gave election political science at tufts university rhonda thank you for being with us. i just said it so put it to you is this not a two horse race do you thinink. absolutely i don'ti it's hard to think in. recent memory at times that the democratic party in any party but specifically the democratic party. highs so swiftly and so conclusively. i decided on on
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really you one person to coalesce around and that person is joe biden- in the last few days. we've gone from wondering whether that fight in camp he- really had what it took in terms of infrastructure and your campaign strategy. if they have anything left. to looking at south carolina where you really got- a huge boost adequate support from the african american community. and then with seeing the moderates are dropping out of f the race people energized. any clover char not only that i'm dropping out of the rarace. the backing hihi and then going in with to super tuesday with a tremendous amount of momentum- that propels him. have wildly beyond expectations- while they believe beyond polling averages- and such. he is now ahead of the delegates at that bernie sanders house. i it's hard to really if we don't
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really see a way forward. laffer senator warren. and now that i have the mike bloomberg has dropped out and endorsed by it and- i it's only going to make it easier for joe biden to be able to capture. moderate. is rather r than that i'm in the states that had. so hearing pretty loud and clear you think the joe biden is go a and win the want to get the nominee. do you feel. i need there a kind of feel within the demo party do you think that this is the right person to unite the party because that's one of the big issues is that the way the party is split. yes so you know there is. there is- i so there one there i have been really two categories. of orders that i'm- i'm really popped out and the exit polls that we- had those who identify themselves. as really focusing on electability. yeah people who
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can beat trump. and those who are voting based on shared my values. and in general they shares my values voters i have sorted more into the burning into warring camps. and electability ones i have. been more on the biden cancer. i and at the end of the day i think that- that joe biden's experience. as certainly- could have put him in a favorable light with respect to electability. i'm the fact that so many voters have. a you know associated with the obama years. the best thing that but the but what what's best for joe biden in terms of. of electability. is the strength that he is having with the african american community- this is a coalition without which the democratic party cannot hope to win. i will add so you know looking at south carolina the african american voters. backed by dunes laos forty one over sanders.. that's
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non trivial- yeah this is. this is a really core demographic group for the democrats. and so if we if we take that and he was really. happy i'm garnering a lot of support from from the- space. that is. and that he it alan of course that if the by camp was. for a long into of infrastructure in terms. and you know that doctor matter that biden why a lot of state and on tier and he didn't really go to. a home you know he didn't have the big rallies he didn't have the big fundraising and so what the big question in terms of how well he can do. i'm moving forward from this and really keeping up that momentum so to speak- and especially up against donald trump- is that is can he leverage these successes into
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bringing in big numbers. i and if i were if i were on a strategist for joe biden i would be wondering how quickly i can get access to mike bloomberg's digital team. i fund raising b. as those are two areas where i would really what suits you need to deploy additional reason. will take a look at that the yeah thank you much for sharing your analysis with. a sub around the from the- that's university but she's left ata political that you very much for us. greek authorities fired tear gas and stun g grenades to drive away a crowd of m migrants making a puh to cross the b border from turkey. as pressure on greece continuess after turkey declared its previously guarded gateways to europe now open. tickets are thirty said gunfire from the greek side killed one person and wounded five others decision the greek government has r rejected as quote fake news. cameras jensen reports in
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a house a cooling on the turkish side of the border with greece. where are the riverside a waste ground just a very short distance away from the turkisish border crossining. of pozna cruelly at and here at this spot a couple of hundred migrants mostly syrians are spending another night out in the cold at men women and children there in makeshift tents and shelters some. huddled around campfires but many of them saying they've been here for six days now and i still determined to cross this border. into greece into the eueuropean union even though i that immediate border area has now been sealeled off by turkish police. and that area is becoming increasingly dangerous on wednesday. a deadly clashes as migrants tried again to cross the border into greece turkish officials local government have put out a statement saying that what my
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group had been killed and five others injured. after a group of police fired live ammunition on migrants not greek officials quickly that died days budget. did not fire. well it's the my but i would his respect team. michael vaughan scenes thiago again being. some of them show us p phone of videos they say i of rubber bullets. being used green border officials and any cacase the tension. is mountingg here at the border- the standoff over what will become of these thousands of migrants continue. catherine nana restraints on the latest- aspect of the of migrant crisis a report that from the border between. turkey and greece. start up a business brangwyn jones is starting with a big decision one of francis top coats with big ramifications for the future of uber. in this country that's right mark ubers and business model in france called into question on
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wednesday by a decision from france's supreme court for civil and criminal cases. the court upheld a lower d decision recognizing the right of uber drivers to be considered as ememployees and not indndependet contntractors. the ruling could spell big c changes not just for uber butut for france's entire gig economy again reports. its bad news hat number in france the ride sharing app insists that its drivers aren't employees but independent contract is. allowing the company to skip many of the usual cosostly responsibilities of an employer. like taxes social charges and paid leave. but this wednesday francis hi quartet held the twenty eighteen decision to reclassify drive his relationship with uber as an employment contract when connecting to the ibr digital platform. a relationship of subordination is established between driver and the company hence the driver does not provide a service as a self employed person. but doesn't employee.
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the court said that has a- but drivers are not free to choose their own clients fix that tariffs will define their own working conditionss they don't qualify as self employed contractors. it't's far from the firsrst timime the company has faced a lawsuit of this kind in march twenty nineteen overpaid out twenty million dollars to try this. in california massachusetts. second the los reckckon them as employee. and n tribunal in london well thatntnt drivers should be classed as workers with access to the minimum wage and paid holidays. this latest ruling in france won't force you but to sign employment contracts with old french drive is. that it could still have wider ramifications of the. plays in the gig economy. with a yet anonother or on global from economic institutions over the corona virus wednesdays are the leaders of the international monetary fund and the world
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bank call for an all out offensive to fight a worldwide economic slowdown. world bank president david malpapass warned of the effects would hit poorer countries hardest calling for plenty of short term financing to get small businesses thrououh ththe crisis.. i am after actor chchris t the manager gemma says her organizizion is mamaking available fifty bilillion dollas in emergency funding including ten billion in interest free loans for the poorest countries here she is. what we are wrestltling with ease. uncertainty and that dedefines our p projections which at this point. leaders to stated that global grorowth in twenty twenty we'll deep deep below its last year's levels. i'm checking in on the markets wall street surged on wednesday following the surprise strong showing by centrist democrat joe biden yesterday's super tuesday
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primaries health care stocks leading the way as the sector frets over the single payer program of biden's main rival bernie sanders and now into the day up over four and a half percent s. and p. five hundred and the nasdaq not too far behind. european indexes also gained as expectations grow for action from the europopean central bank in the coming days over the coronavirus crisis london's footsie one hundred end of the day up nearly 8% and a half second here in paris up around a percent in third the frankfurt d dax up one point 2% at the close. finally or business as the world. the corona virus outbreak solidarity is taking some unexpected forms. south korea the hardest hit nation outside of china is announcing its top of booze makers and jump into the fray. based on the seller's it usually makes sosialis the country's national potent potable. companies pledging a thirty two tonss of ethanol usually used in the beverage to be used instead. for disinfecting buildings and- public places now appararently t does not work if taken
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internally to disinfect however it may allay. some anxiety that you may be feeling from the constant coverage of the coronavirus when used internrnally. just a little bit puzzled by. the tree constitutional limits constructs business isn't that the normal. in what's the other one i don't know maybe i should be the labels of it close up. there's two kinds of one you're really not supposed to drink but i think up and all the okay went okay we'll go to the customer in a safe brian thank you very much in the prime of the business and other questions too. thank you very much indeed. let's bring him on the other side of us to do the one and only how are you sir very much mark great to see you you'd be looking at super tuesday starting with. but so much joe biden's come back because you know that's something that you say frank sinatra. come back in but it looks like a resurrection was the because he was like. the medical studies is down and out he's finished well the sub being- there is top of the file it was it was a good a good even a super tuesday far no pueden and indeed. he's a life at the new york post push i mean as you said you know it's
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not like really. i'm for the comes but two weeks ago things weren't looking quite so good. and so everyone's talking about the famous two man race and npr in one of their tweets talk about spoke with two men representing the ideological poles of the party so that's how it kind of looks going forward. donald trump weighed in in a completely and partial manner many mike bloomberg just quit the race for president i could have told him m long ago thahat he didn't have what it takes and- he would have saved himself a billion dollars the real cost. it's center anyway and i'm talking with sleepy joe all very adult stuff and then- mikeke. bloomberg listed in repy which is if only one can be. you not representative of good versus at darth vader evil times donald later yeah i'm not doing. it i do think it's important to step up and just look at thanks kind. of track.
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between provincial police. chavez the whole. that's it. but i'm i'm in. the sun of money involveved well the me to. camp i. cross like five hundred million dollars. i of his own but- this. is spencer like come six. feet in the homeless so we- have. kids under provision. it's the need to read. as we do. close for personal glory- and- for example. anyway mike. bloomberg went on to say that he's going to throw his weight behind agile bite and in another tweet but then even speaking of how he could spend his money mark. robert wright k. here saying i said it before i'll say it again bloomberg should have used. the hundreds of millions of the heart. instead of spending it spending on campaign has to pay all the fines and fees no keepiping hundreds of thousands of readings from the polls in twenty twenty. lots of focus on. howow difficult it is for some people to vote and all sorts of different ways and in florida. which is austin very key stage- if you've been in jail. and if you haven't sort of paid off all the fines and fees and whatnot. we can install the nitty gritty. it's kinda hard to vote. that's going to. court system at the moment people try to ensure the top. weather isn't an attempt to try to ensure that. people can vote. regardless of their- media group recorder you know
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finds. what must. in any case i'm- at. any tax. at the with these new. my q. and it's- to. people from the- community's ability community more. cues that were so long that some people took six seven hours. and it was one headliner in vanity fair took about six hours. at it. people waiting for sixers devote. theirir attention wait on us and she said really it. the voting rights act. needs to be restored and- that republican elected officials. and should be sought from shutting down polling sites so there is a sense that. and you know a legislation on the goal of eliminating racial discrimination in voting is an important factor in ensuring. a successful result for democratic party at in t upcoming. vote this is an image that wasoing the rouounds was acactually sure but friendship. twitter user i'm sort of very- you know it if this is julius caesar face that bernie sanders a caesar caesar with their with their bruce's exile kind of going for him. and the it's not seen as as a you know that that
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that that that happened to receive vincenz open chancel publishing the there you go. but in any case and then lots of you to now what i have to do that we have to be to be taken to find out what that was. but in any case the point being in the roll against bernie that's the kind of the received wisdom not regard. and elizabeth warren and gets it gets it gets pumped that gets a lot of criticism for not pulling out so there's theoretically. her share of the vote will go more towards at bernie sanders warren this is an image that's meant to represent her you know this is. all the way it's going to warrantnt after taking the counselors who most shares her views and goals at so she can stay in the inner circle of the dnc for her views and goals will be accomplished was of course a lot of. accusations of the deep. i'm not as well. in any case i'll donald trump again. in part. when and- if it. warren in the- for. sanders would have easily won massachusetts. minnesota texas. now others didn't agree without this actual. for votes. voters will go to bite and she peels off to. the professional. class and what not indeed there were bars because w with this recent issue whichch is almost a populace for the professional
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class was actually not all that
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03/04/20 03/04/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! , we arehere to report very much alive! it,make no mistake about this campaign will send donald trump packing. this campaign is taking off. >> we are not only taking on the corporate establishment, we are taking on the political


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