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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 5, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PST

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anchor:: in the verery welclcomo 20. a and a very where - -- and very w warm welce toto france e. your are your headlines. tensions rise on the border of ankakara as auauthority strugglr a seventh day to keep out thousands of migrants using tear gas and grenades. we have a correspondent on the ground. coronavirus.
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at u.s. media outlets are reporting the spread of the disease is far worse than reported, citing 2828,000 cases. authorities meanwhile have 20t0th ofools until the march,h, the persian new y year. the internatatnal crimininal court'get the riright to investigate crimes byby the u.s. military and afghan security foforces among others s in afghghanistan. meanwhilile, peace between the o sides is shaky on thehe ground. also this hour, live from paris, the british airlines falling victim to coronavirus. the troubled carrier collapses as passenger numbers slump. we have the latest business numbmbers from stephen carroll.. and we will bring you a report on the largest ever mono graphic exhibition of rafael's works
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lead from 52 art institutions. stay tuned. ♪ anchor: thank you for watching france 24. we start with risingng tensionsn the e turkish border with greece where 25,000 refugees and migrants have gathered seeking to c cross into europe. a day earlier, officials claimed a man was fatally wounded when greek security forces opened fire. a claim denied by athens. they've been accused of using migratory pressure for political purposes. erdogan through open turkey borders with greece. is on thenoris
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border. thank you for being with us. tell us about the situation of the migrants and refugees stuck on the border where you are at the moment. i am at a bus station, a hub for migrants that are stuck in the border area at the moment, just outside the border city. we are at a border crossing on the edge of turkey and the border with greece. there are several hundred migrants from various countries. syrians, iranians, people from iraq and uzbekistan. people as well. they are being driven here in buses paid for by the turkish government. they are also being moved around at various times by the turkish police. we saw scenes were turkish police were telling people that
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they have to leave. they can't stay here. they will have to go back to the cities where they were living in turkey or they will have to go towards the river that separates turkey from greece where they can, i assume, attempt to cross the border illegally. people here are very uncertain about what will be happening to them. there are families here with very young childreren and a lotf people are very confused in getting frustrated. nearly a week that the turkish president said they were opening the border with greece. people are still hoping they can get through to european union territory. you just mentioned uncertainty. it seems to loom for these migrants. you have been there since the early hours. what have they been saying to the migrants that you have been having conversations with? people here are very
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resigned to the situation. they are just waiting to see what happens next. of course, there is a certain amount of frustration here. one man told us that they felt like they were being used as toys and a political game. .- in a political game they are aware of the dialogue around this. the various countries that have been talking to each other. but they really just want some kind of solution. the conditions here are really tough. people are out in the open. they are sleeping under the shelter of the bus station. but last night, it was cold and rainy. not great conditions for families. living conditions for people are very hard, indeed. kept around fires that they are lighting on the grass here. food andving out
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distribution. anchor: thank you, catherine, reporting from greece. in a bid to ease tensions bringing the two countries into conflict in syria. over the recent weeks, intense fighting has killed dozens of turkish soldiers in the country as ankara launched a direct offensive against president bashar al-assad's regime. turning our attention to the coronavirus outbreak and the challenges faced by authorities inside iran. the number continues to climb. the death toll stands at 107. the washington post has been
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repoporting ththat the currentnt outbreak in the country has reached up to 28,000 cases of those infnfected. isn has announced it limiting travel between major cities and urged citizens on thursday to reduce the use of paper money. schools and universities have also been shut down. note, videos have been circulating online of doctors and nurses dancing at work to keep their spirits up during the fight against covid-19. dancing in public can be considereded "indecent behavior" and his band. -- and is banned. these individuals seem to be protecting themselves given that their faces are covered. 50%he u.s., an estimated hahave reported that they or a
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family member has refused to seek health care in the past because they could not afford it. it comes with a heavy price tag of just over 3000 u.s. dollars without insurance. explain the s structure of the u.s. health care system could make the outbreak worse. reporter: aftfter california reported the first coven 19 -- the first covid-19 related death, the u.s. is entering a new phase of the outbreak. >> we want to advance a prococlamation of a state of emergency in the state of california. this is not something i say hyperbolic late -- hyperbolically. reports of the coronavirus have spanned from washington state all the way to new york.
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but problems with the countrtr's hehealth care system could make the outbreak worse. in an effort to slow the spread of the illness, vice president mike pence announced the federal government will spend -- send 1.5 million test kits across the u.s. >> a coronavirus test is an essential health benefit. by definition, it is covered in the private health insurance of every american as well as covered by medicare and medicaid. reporter: more than 27 million americans don't have health insurance at all. the cost of submitting to quarantine could be prohibitive. afterer afeeling ill trip to china received a bill for over $3000. they have reached a bipartisan deal to allocate $3 billion to a
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covid-19 response. the trump administration is also nationalning using a recovery program to treat uninsured coronavirus members. anchor: as the number of deaths is at least it until march t the 15th. all major sporting offense including football games be plplayed behind closed doors. it is set to be the most serious outbreak in europe. empty classrooms and andidor's as schools universities closed their doors until mid-march.
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decision.not a simple we waited for the opinion of the health authorities and we decided to be cautious. considering the speed at which the virus is spreading, we are suspending school activities outside the red zone until march 15. she hoped lessons would continue via online learning. >> i completelely agree and i hoped d for this decree bebecaui feared an ououtbreak in the school. even if we are dealing with an age group that doesn't seem to be at risk, they could have bee carriersrs. on anhink it t tragic educational level for the students and for the parents. children at h home and we arere aboutut to go into eastern holidays. reporterer: some schohools haven
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closed for 10 days in the north of the country where a dozen towns remain under lockdown. italy is now the third worst affected by coronavirus in the world. that's after china and south korea. thehe death toll surpasses 100 mark, the italian prime minister said the couountry's health service risks being overwhelmed by the outbreak. italians are advised to avoid kissing, hugging, and shaking hands. other natitiwide measures include closising cinas, theaeaters, and babanning blblic events. the government ordered sporting events to take place without fans up until april 3. news, the other world international criminal court has ruled a prosecutor can investigate atrocities committed by all sides in the afghanistan conflict including u.s. forces and secret detention centers. donaldonse to ththe case, trump's administration imposed travel restrictionss and other sanctionons against icc c emplos a year ago.
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stephanie vanderburg sent us this update from the hague. stephanie: there has been already april limit arerea examamination and the prosecutor has conclcluded therere is regil grounds to believe that war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed in the afghanistann conflicict. that onlnly by afghan government forces and thehe taliban, but i u.s. forces. -- but by u.s. forces. they a are taking a measure of whwhat is going onon now. they will look closely into these allegations and possibly also issue indictments and arrest warrants. it will tatake several years. --y h have some groundsds untnl to look into what is going on. anchor: haiti's prime minister said he would focus on
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infighting, security, and inequality. in thes a pledge made first public appearance after his appointment by presidential decree. he also called on haitians to stand by him in a time of economic crisis. the haitian prime minister appointed by the ambitious pledges as he took office. >> my government reiterates its commitment working to improve public finance is to increase gdp, improve the fiscal position, and to combat all forms of corruption. ambitious, especially for a leader appointed in the midst of a political and economic crisis. protests havelent
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rocked the country. it has been under lockdown. because of that chaos, legislative elections were scrapped and haiti hasas had no parliament for three months. since then, the president has governed the country by decree. critics have already accused him of corruption. now they also say he has turned authoritarian. organizations have urged authorities to restore political stability, hold .lections they have cut down financial aid. this has further hit haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere. two thirds of the population is unemployed. soared andce has haitians are on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. anchor: in france, a high-speed
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train derailed this thursday just before 8:00 a.m. local time , injuring 22 people including one seriously. it appears to have been the driver. there were 348 passengers on board and police and emergency services reportedly r rushed to the scene of the accident. to one of the most ambitious exhibitions from the artist raphael that died at the age of 37. to mark the 500 year anniversary of his death, a colorful array of paintings worth 4 billion euros have been put on display. alexander olcott brings us that story over a treasured d portrat that some feared was too fragile to move. alexander: the largest ever raphael exhibition marking his death. the prestigious renaissance
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painter is considered as part of the original trilogy of great artists alongside michelalangelo and d leonardo da vinci. show -- leonardo was celebrated in paris at the louvre. this monument will celebrate raphael. these paintings are worth over 4 billion euros. a row broke out last week over the shows centerpiece. the bitter dispute ended with all four members of the galleries scientific committee resigning. the director overrodede their vw that it is toooo fragile to be moved. this is a baseless scandal because it is an identity work. here, we have a pope.
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most.epresented the they spent years putting together a retrospective befitting the master. but ththe show intended to run until june is now being questitioned because of the coronavirus. anchor: a r rinder of the main headlinenes here from paris. tensions between athens and ankara rise on the border as greek authorities struggle for a seventh day to keep out thousands of migrants using tear gas and grenades. coronavirus. u.s. media outlets report the spread of the disease is far worse than reported inside of iran, citing 28,000 cases. authorities have closed schools until the 20th of march at the persian n new year.
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plus, the international criminal court wins the right to invevestigate alleged war crimis by the u.s. militaryry and afgfn security forces. meanwhile, peacece between the o sides is shaky on the grounund just days after a cease-fire deal was pledged. it''s time nowow for a a look ae busisiss news s with sphphen cacarroll. thank you for being with us. it we spoke about this briefly earlier. but a share lines the first to be pushed into bankrkruptcy as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. stephen: that's right, ththey collllapsed in the early hours f this morning, branding -- groundining a all of their fligs and puputting 2000 jobs atat ri. out had already been bailed by the government in recent months. but a drorop in bookiking as the coronavivirus spreread made it impossible for thehe airline to continue flying. they areotot the onlnly es i in trouble. air has grounded thousands
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of flights as well. asorter: flights canceled the british cararrier bececame e first airline to go under because of coronavirus. the announcement left passengers stranded. , but is a smaller airline for small places, we need it. the largest is airline servining small airports in europe, carrying 8 million passengers a year. even this morning, some of the 2000 employees were getting ready y to fly out. >> i thought that we would be safe. the company had already been in difficulty and was saved from the brink by the u.k. government only two monthss ago. at the time, london defended the controversial bailout saying the carrier played a vital role keeping regionons connnnected.
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the disruption caused by covid-19 proved the final straw. unfortunately, with the ng by the developi coronavirus, we are unable to survive. reporter: it could have a serious impact particularly in northern island. -- northern ireland. crisis couldus cost the airline industry 100 billion euros. the sector had already been facing toughgh timeses. india's jet airwrways are a mbmr -- among the number r of compans that have gone out of business in the past year. stephen: the german cacar parts mamaker contntinenl wawarned tha tougugh year ahehead for thehe r industryry partly y because of coronavirus. the fragile car market is being further weakened by the virus outbreak with the company expecting the passenger car
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market to shrink up to 5% this year. that is ththe bi story for investors today. it shares in the company are down 12% in germanany this lunchtime. earlier on today, we weree talkingg about the rally in the global markets. what a difference a few hours makes. eueuropean stock markets firmly back in the red this lunchtime falling 2% in london and in paris. morerate profit warnings, drastic measures being taken to contain the coronavirus and spooking investors. the u.s. housing representatives have approved more than $8 billion worth of funding to respond to the virus outbreak. it is more than three times the amount the white house had requested. the biggest portionon of thee my will go to pubublic health effos that will ininclude the development of vaccines and purchase of necessary supplies.
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to diseasewill go control and prevention. a special allocation for small businesses have e beenffffected. consisideri c cutti prproductionon in an effort totp the oioiprice slide over coronavirus. point 5s tput by one million barrels a day if russia signed onto the plan. announceexpected to the decision in anticipation of ththat movove. companinies arey susuffering,g, some have seen an upturn in n the bususiness due o the outbreak of the virus. delilivery serervices in south a with my people avoioiding cocontact with oththers. these firms have seen a big increase in their orders.
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>> there is so much to deliver. one of south korea's biggest e-commerce companies, they are struggling to cope with skyrocketing demand. out with the go truck half-full but there are so many items that we can't fit .verything reporter: they are ordering all of their essentials online. deliveries has seen decline. hygienene is a top prioritity. a thermal camera is monitoring every employee. lobbies are regularly
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disinfected. drivers don't get to see their customers. >> we deliver packages to the front door to avoid contatact wh customers. we take a picture of the delivered package and let customers know it was delivered. >> e-commerce was big bebefore e coronavirus outbreak. , onlineg to research shopping accounted for 25% of the overall retail market last year. the highest proportion in the world. it will momost likelely increasn ththe current climate. stephen:n: finally frorom meaa formerer star googlele engineert woed on n self-driviving car's s been ordereded to p pay the comy almost $180 million over a contract dispute. create google in 2016 to his own startup that was later bought by a goober. the search giant successfully sued him and another colleague for poaching google staff to
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work on their new venture. ordered $179 million in damages. he said he can't pay that and filed for bankruptcy protection. google have settled their differences for hundreds of millions of dollars over this issue. they are talking about how valuable and howow muchh competition there is. anchor: our business editor, thank you. and thank you for watching. ♪
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- hey, i'm valer j june. comiming up on reel south . - [ryan] everplanant s a ststy, ju l like ery y hun being has a story. the e story nes toto bto. - [valerie] amonthe uth's s undant gardens, one man n pland a mamastful cacaer. - [man] he's's arilliantan.. heheeally is. he'somomewhe betetween brillice a and insanity. - hey! - omoman on phono] thiss s for at - the documentary ony life. this ain't wawalt dney.y. - opople say welell is he your mento anand say, w wl, he was my torntnt. i nenevemet a peon thatatas so demanding. - ifou haven't got bigalls, yoyou mit asas wl get t st. 'csese he' cutut tm f. - [vererie] shararp tongueuea green thumb, and one fantabulous lifefe. - [rn]n] whe lieies thgenius oman


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