tv France 24 LINKTV March 17, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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♪ france on lockdown. the government takes the most drdrastic actition yet. to halt the spread of covid-19. the interior minister is expected to address the nation shorortly. the european union also shutting its borders. travel severely rerestricted for 30 days. caseses continue to o spike on e cotton it. officicials say the move is need to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed.
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a change in tone from donald trump. the u.s. president asking people to avoid social contact as he u.s. economy may be heading for recession. thank you for joining us. france is closed. its external borders are shut. ishin the country, movement severely restricted. as of midday today residents are only allowed out of their homes if they could prove it is absolutely necessary. that includes to buy food, medicine, or to go to work. all of this to try and thwart the spread of the covid-19 virus. police officers will be deployed today from midday to contain the lockdown. >> stay home or face punishment. the words of frenchh president
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emmanuel macron monday as the french government ramped up its lockdown restrictions across the country. as of tuesday at noon, our movement will have to be severely limited. these outdoor gatherings with family and friends will not be allowed. anyone who does not abide by these guidelines will be punished. shopping, going to work when working from home is impossible. providing assistance to at-risk family membersrs are a few exceptions to the rulules. there will be checks and verifications that will be carried out by law enforcement agencies. there will be fixed and mobile checkpoints. there will be 100,000 police officers who will be a part of that force. any violation of these rules which currently leads to a fine
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of 38 euros will be increased to a fine of 135 euros. >> top official say they were shshocked to seeee pictures ofof citizens flologging t to parks d marketplaces on sunday despite new lockdown measures that were announced the night before. authorities of the more severe rules like the ones in italy and spain will thwart the spread of coronavirus. eu leadeders ordereded the shutn countries,etween effectively putting europe on lockdown. >> we need to be able to protect ourselves and stem the spread of this virus. as of tuesday at noon, the european union borders will be closed. final decision which would've made headlines on any other night, the french government announced this sunday second round of local elections will be postponed until june.
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how do people in the french capitalal feel about the shutdown? we heard from some who spoke before the curfew came into effect. think the lockdown is a good measure for everyone. , will i french people respect it? i don't know. >> i will try to exercise at mind. books i need to finish. i have netflix, amazon prime, and youtube. i need to come up with more stuff to do. won't stop me going out. if i have to take the fine, i will. italy remains the center of the coronavirus outbreak here in europe. according to the latest figures nearly 28,000 pepeople have been
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infected and o over 2000 of them have lost their lives. health h system at italy isis nearlrly at its breag point. in milan, they're working on a new hospital to treat just patients with the virus. to see what is happening in milan, we could speak to a columnist from a newspaper there. .his is sergio romano he joins us by phone. thank you for speaking to us today. all, france has just gone into a lockdown, similar to what you have been seeing in milan from the past couple of days. tell us how it has gone and some tips for what france can learn from thehexperience where youu are. the reaction was rather positive from the people. there was no complaining. me t that was s good
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citizezehip.p. m man, i don't know how they behave in otother parts of the country. we all have to stick to the rules. was also a rather amusing phenomenon the other day. a number of people appeared in their windows and balconies of apartments in a particular section of milan and started playing musical instruments. done tod it was all thank the doctors and the nurses
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for what they do, and the policeman. sense a way to fight boredome m. we have the computers, but we -- staying into your house all day can be a little boring. nadine: it sounds like most curfew?re obeying this maybe the atmosphere in your home is not too bad and people are not too anxious? i must say that there is italy, lots of satisfaction. italy was criticized by a number
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of countries for the rules they were discussing. right.rned out to be nadine: we will have to leave it there, thank you very much h for yoyour time speaking to us from the lawn. -- milan. we also outlined a number of decrees. ministers to all cancel all measures effectitive for the second round of elections. the 22nd of march 2 no longer be held for the second round of
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elections. a number of local elections which will have to be carried out at a later date because a second round is required. the 30,000 local municipalities for which a mayor has been elected, they will be able to meet on friday or saturday to be able to designate for the regions. understand that we take the full understanding of that. the decisions that have been made are the result of scientific thought and consultation. we have met with a number of political parties and the prime minister has also met with the number of political parties to reach that conclusion. a draft of a bill is currently under study by the state council
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and that will be parliamentary. last led the french president announced a number of measures. as i mentioned yesterday, a number of strict curfew measures will be by what we have in europe. i would like to go through those details yet again. they have been known to abide by all. , theules are simple overall role is probably the simplest of all, stay at home. the only way that you could help us stop the spread of the virus. medicalw you could help staff who are trying to fight the virus. you need to stand alongside us as allies in this war against covid-19. after, a time which
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with the current health situation, i call it you -- i call on you to stay at home as much as possible. this is how you can help us save lives. that being said, a few exceptions will be tolerated. i detailed them last night and i call on all of you to know where you fit in but to do so with levelheaded thought. obviously, all of those people who can work from home are required to do so. only those people who cannot work from home will be required to go to work. you can travel if you have medical reasons. you are not to travel for shopping. i call on all french to hear me when i say all pharmacies will remain open and they will remain open for the entirety of the
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time frame i have outlined as the current mission stipulates. the pharmacies now because they will stay open. obviously there are a number of exceptions. if you need to provide medical assistance or family assistance to the most vulnerable people as . mentioned last night these are exceptional circumstances. these trips have to be very short and you can only travel from one residency to another. you may leave on circumstances to take your pet out for a short walk or brief sporting exercise. any other activity is for been. -- forbidden. if youther examples, want to have a family dinner or whichout and play a game
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may seem as perfectly normal is forbidden. of form of gathering numerous people is an opportunity for you to spread the virus. that you will worsen the current covid-19 crisis. every time you shake a hand, kissed someone on the cheek, gather with numerous people just means there will be more victims and more people who have died from the virus. it is a serious sacrifice. we all need to bear the brunt of our responsibilities. what is at stake here is life and death. i call on you to truly understand and take full measure that i am asking you to abide by. remember the rules are simple. stay-at-home. it is only staying at home that we could prove to the world that containment is a true way of
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combating the virus. put in place measures to ensure these rules are abided by. to have anve authorization explaining why you are leaving home and where you are leaving to. anyone with digital means of communication, please share this with your loved ones. anyone who cannot print this out , write it out on a blank piece of paper. every time you take a trip, you will have to have a new certificate. a number of online measures have been put in place by the ministerial websites. these are authorization letters you could print out should you have to go to work.
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these organizations have to be spread out and disseminated as widely as possible. i call on each and every one of you. 100,000 law enforcement officers will be spread across france to carry out checks. their role is to ensure that everyone has the authorization letter if they are found in the streets. they will carry out mobile and fixed checks. spot checks,ry out .hecks for vehicles the current fine should anyone not be abiding by the rules. we also have an interministerial crisis center which is being set up under the prime minister. it will be able to see all forms of containment measures and general public order.
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havell ensure that we safety and security for all of our citizens and also, they will be overseeing border security. this crisis center will be set up and it will be under the guidance of my ministry as well as the ministry for health. these measures of containment are drastic. it is in relation to internal and domestic travel, it is also in relation to cross-border travel. we have met with european counterparts in the leaders of europe in consultation and have made a number of decisions. , any foreigners will not be able to enter the european union. for any third nation citizens,
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the borders will be closed. anyone from a non-european permit with a residency will be permitted to enter europe. goods and merchandise will be able to transport throughout europe. however, people will not be allowed to travel. we have to limit any nonessential, any dissension in the debt -- discretionary travel. travel forying out nonessential reasons will have to turn back. i said it last night and i say it here again today, some of these measures do not apply to those people who have to travel across borders for work. they will have to have proof of residency in one country improve
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of the workplace in another country. they will be able to cross the borders. obviously to be able to transport merchandise across borders is essentially ensuring the supply chain. it is essential for food and medical supplies. ensure that what happens at our borders is .onsistent in our measures these are ways we could stop the -- again, i remind you once again that the order is a simple order. it saves lives. stay-at-home. thank you minister, i understand you have to go and set up the crisis center. nadine: hearing that from the french interior minister.
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stating these are drastic measures to try and halt the spread of covid-19. a little bit of fresh detail as to how these drastic measures will work when it comes to entering the frerench republic d traveling within the country as well. to break down some of what we heard, let me bring in our international affairs editor. on theore detail capacity to move around cities. there has been talks of mobile checks and phyhysical checks by lilice. whwhat is your understanding of what this wiwill look k like? > we wiwill have e to see ine next few hours what it looks like. 100,000 0 police s spread out as frenchch towns and cities. presumablyly rural areas as wel. i don't knowow how tt woworks ot aheaead of population. we w will have to see in paris r exame whwhathese checks s real look like.
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we heard some e soundbites fromm people saying i will stillll go ouout even n if i have to pay a fine. i will not stick indoorsrs the whole time. t tre is aaid was document you couldld download fm the interior minister website. if you cannot do that you could write out on a blank piece of i am doing shop ping. that is a way to avoid a fine if you can't download the document or the website is overwhelmed. there were a few details like that. as you said at some point about cross-border travel in the schengen area. people in theory could travel free but in practice not really anymore. closedengen zone is now as for travel between schengen
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you are a-- if permanent resident or french citizen you can still come back to france. if you have proof of work in one country then residency in another country you could also in theory move between the two. there will probably be a lot of chaos. we will have to see what this actually looks like on the ground. just 20 minutes into this lockdown. nadine: just 20 minutes into the unprecedented lockdown here in france and across europe. we will be bringing you u updats throughout the hour. it is time for a short break. stay with us, in 10 minutes i will have more headlines for you on this situation in france. thank you for watching.
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>> five centuries ago a special type of glassware was born in the northern valleys. of crystal used to employ 5000 people. the factory which stands near the border is one of the world's best. >> they have the right to be called crystal, it is essential to have at least 24% lead oxide. shine,what gives it t its thickness, and the sound we are recognized in crystal glasses. >> you need to be brave to face the raging heat. it also takes time to get to grips with the production of
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crystal. step of the process. this workshop, there are 270 employees. they are brother and sister. >> my father worked here 44 years, i have been here 34. >> and me 30. you have e to check your brotother's work? >> that is right. it doesn't cause any problems between us. the slightest crack or blemish means the piece has to be reworked or read loan. the factory is famous for the high levelof excellence and perfection it dememanded when he created e company 100 years ago. 650 exceptional pieces are on
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display in this museum. we designed items for some of the world's greats. british kining and queen's offificial visit in 193. west, another frenchtown symbolizes crystal excellence. it's 250-year-old factory. >> i'm working on the base. i its meticulously worked on by one of france's master glassmakers. one of the companies guildlders will spend nine hours decorating it. yet to get into each cavitity with the brush.
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fired it comes out yellow. >> out of the 600 members of staff, 16 have the title of best craftsman in france. a record in the luxury industry. >> this one needs another 2.5 days of work to get the final result. this one here is s finished. it is nice and smooth. this one is still a bit rough. >> a piece like this will set you back 9500 euros. >> the crystal is engraved on several levels to get a 3d effect. these are for the japanenese market. >> are they fond of this crystal? >> they love it. >> after the second world wawar the town church was rebuilt. of creatinghallenge
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stained-glass windows in 50 different colors. for have been a sexton here 25 years. i always see the windows differently. including g e wayay the sunlight plays the crystals. the crystal lets nearly all the light pastorate. it is the magic of crystals.. these reflections are completely natural. the church is life and light. these reflections allow the church to renew itself according to the exterior light. >> the architect inc. 20,000 pieces of crystal into this imposing concrete structure. a task that took 18 months to complete. once all the pieces of crystal were positioned, we poured the concrete into the panel and paid great attention to detail. touchisitors like to the crystal that is shaped like
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one of the d disciples. now to the town of 600 inhabitants that has one of the best glassware schools in france. you have to do your geometry homework, that is for sure. >> now we are going to weld a few together. pieces ofl be proroducing this quality, which is already quite something else. >> more and more students want to forge a career in glassware. almostber of places has doubled in two years. it is difficult and you need to be strong but i will not be discscouraged. these future glass workers are blowing winds of change into a sometimes neglected region.
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reporter: in ukraine, the baby business is booming. it's the new w go-to destinatation for commercial surrogagacy. woman: where's your smiles? not yet. too young. reporter: while it brings joy to some... [woman speaking nativive langua] [child crying] reporter: there's heartache for others. we uncover an ugly trade. woman: i think these are cockroaches. they're all over the side. reporter: and confront those responsible. how many children that you oversee the birth of, through your company, are boborn with brain damage?
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