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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 19, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> heres slice of news from the upper center of the global pandemic. china fromases in residents to recently arrived abroad. attention turns to the spiraling crisis in europe. italy report to tyler daily --
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highest tale he -- daily death toll so far. >> coming up, we will bring you a snapshot of how cities are dealing with the coronavirus. in this program we learn about how life h has changed in los angeles. welcome to our continuing coverage of the outbreak around the world. we start today in the chinese province of hubei where for the first time, no new cases of covid-19 have been reported. across china there were only 34 new cases, all of whom were from people who recently arrived from overseas. this is some really good news as the coronavirus contntinuess it rapid spreadad here in europe. is this a sign that the extreme lockdown implemented in china is working?g? if that lockdown is lifted, the
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new cases begin to emerge? from beijing, here is patrick. patrick: this nenew strategy, getttting down to zero new domestic infecections. isis a big step from china. numbersseen those reduce gradually. there were single cases yesterday and the day before. i suppose it is natural to get to this phase. for the past twtwo weeks all of those nenew domestic cases have been in n wuhan province. the ring has been closing in on the disease. cases,these imported there were 34 imported cases that the disease today. that is a significant jump from onlyrday when there were 12. that is s something a authoritis
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have to get to gripsps with. president xi held a special meeting yesterday. he said there was a risk of disease rebounding, particularly in regions outside of wuhan. regions like beijing and shanghai are at particular risk. a lot of these imported cases have been coming g into these mamajor cities. we are simply not out of the woods at this point. china is not quite at a point of celebrating it. the european central bank has promised to do everything necessary to hold the euro together. 750 billion euro package. it will buy government debt from across the euro zone. lagarde tweeted that there is no limit to the bank's commitments to the euro. within the next hourur we will talk to our business editor
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about whether that stimulus package is managing a stabilized market here. italy does remain the epicenter of europe's outbreak. one third of the coronavirus that's worldwide have been repoported in italy. 400 75 people succumbed yesterday, the highest total in one day of any country so far. italy has been on lockdown for nearly two weeks. we heard from the prime minister, announcing emergency measures will be extended into next month. >> this hospital is o on the frt line of the crisis hitting the country. 800 intensive care beds are occupied, with more patients every day. all with the same diagnosis. >>[speaking italian]
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>> hospitals a are having to mae hard choices. only 30% have been women, but increasing numbers of young patients are also ending up in intensive care. italianan]g >> hospitals are not the only ones overwhelmed. as the death toll rises, funeral parlors and churches are struggling to keep up. funerals do go ahead, loved ones are not allowed to attend. since march 10 italy has been on lockdown. on wednesday lumbar day's governor pleaded with citizens to respect it.
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[speaking italian] >> the italian h health chief sd it would take more days to see the benefits of containment measures. italy's number of debt could overtake china's death toll. in a sign of the viruses shifting hotspots, china said it was sending 2 million masks and 50,000 testing kits to the eu. the unitede in kingdom, schools are to close and metro stations as well as the government adopt some of the strict measures already implemented on the continent. boriris johnson administration d come under criticism for not acting faster to prevent the spread of covid-19. johnson said he believed these new measures would be effective and added that children of doctors and nurses would still
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be able to go to school. >> we therefore need schools to make provision for the children of these who would otherwise be forced to stay home. also need to look after the most vulnerable children. that will help us to slow the spread of this disease. these measures are crucial to make sure that the critical parts of the economy keep functioning in public services. it is dayin france three of the lockdown. people can only leave their homes if it is absolutely necessary. the police have now fined over 4000 people for flouting the rubber -- the regulations. what did -- is the french government planning next? let's bring in armen. been some talk of a
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lockdown in france being extended. what do we know for the moment? yes, indeed. the country's public health agency says the lockdown may need to be extended. currentltly it is due to run out at the end of mamarch. the e agency says it may take to to four weekss to change the dynamic of the spread o of the vivirus. what is that dynamic? at the moment it is on the up, in 249 d deaths reported hours. that is the work -- worst death toll in frfrance for any 24 hou. so far. 24 hour period so far. mid april. into >> we know the french parliament's meeting today despite those restrictions on large groups of people gathering. tell us a bit about how the parliamentary procedure will
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work. that is happening in a restricted format. present to 20 mps vote on these measures. it is worth reminding people the at least 20 members of lower and upper houses of parliament have been infected themselves. they are well aware of the risks. the party has put forward those who could actually reach the building, who were closest t ththe building and did not h hao take p public transport i in orr to represent the party and minimize risk. essentially they are voting on three main elements. when is the health emergency that the government is declaring. this means the government will have the right to stop public gatherings, commit the freedom of movement of people, requisition goods, and servicec. the secocond is pushining elects june.nto
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the third element is the theomic measures, approving economic measureres particularay help smsmalbusinesssses. those three elements have already been announced by the government, but thth do need a legal frframework.k. thank you very much. in other news, the german chancellor delivered a stark message to citizens there. itssays germany is facing biggest challenge since the second world war. she spoken what was her first address to the natioion in n 14 years in power. to takeaid germans need the risk seriously. take a listen. [s[speaking german]
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>> earlier today i spoke to victoria. director atearch the institute of people dimming allergy -- institute of epidemiology. is that our only choice in the absence of a vaccine? here is what she told me. victoria:: we need to reach that herd immunity. how we do o that depends on decisions. political decisions. the 1918 -- the second one was the largest one. what we arare aiming to do atate
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moment, wewe are risking the collapse of the health system. what we need to do is to delay and reduce the impact on the hehealth systemm now. at the same titime, find the bet strategy in order to find this compromise between building herd thenity and protectining population. sub-saharan africa has recorded its f first covid-1-19 death. the vice president u up beginnig 'sst so's -- burkina faso parliament. afririca has light behind the global curve foror coronavirus infections. in the lasast few days it has sn a rise in a number of countries. donald trump has signed a $100 billion emergency aid package to help americans become unwell. it will provide free coronavirus
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testing,g, sick pay, and paid family leave as well as bolstetering u unemployment ininsurance.e. clear the senate and wawas signed into law i trup in just hours. just for the next 24 hours here on france 24 we will be bringing snapshot ofshop -- what lifife is like in cities around the world. we will hear from correspondents in sydney and beijing. in our first snapshot my here is alisa reporting from los angeles. reporter: officials have not ordered a lockdown here in los angeles. many people going about their business, but traffic is far less than it normally is.
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gymsurantnts, bars, cinemas, closed for the foreseeable future. grocery stores and pharmacies are still open, with some .nacting seniors only hours but they have headlines out t te door as people continue to stock up on the essentials. another interesting one in california are gun stores. doorrave headlines out the as people cite that and looting has potential worries.. -- as potential worries. kevin newsom also saying that he does n not expect t schools to o back at all this academic year. 9898% of schchools in californie closed at this time. enacted asco has also shelter in place, which is more extreme. los angeles has been ordered to not allow for gatherings with h0
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and over. many people seemingly following this rule at this time. there are a lot of people ststil out anand about as they were encouraged to get exercise. they are still attempting to stay in place. whatmains to be seen additional protocols take place in los a angeles and californian the cocoming weeks. >> the stay, more world news coming soon. ♪
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>> thought i would like to see ifif removed that black shadow. and i was trying, i was trying on the shoes. i grabbed the nail polish and said, i want to try something. and then i painted with her nail polish. then it was exactly like my drawings.
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i kept the red. ♪ >> tell us about red. what does it symbolize to you? >> red is an interesting color. most colors have differentnt memeanings in different countri. reason, neversome has a negative m meaning. the most negative meaning you could see is that red is the color of light. of bloodod. -- bloo ission passiond, blood is life. it is the passion. when you go toto china it is god fortune.e. it has diffeferent meanings, but never a n negative one. ♪
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place.bition is taking it was one of your biggest inspirations as a child. , which is inting the east side of paris. as a child i was living nearby. within walking distance. i used to go to the park. he places on the way to those two places. my last school and college are behind this museum. i have been seeing that museum all my life. are a child, it is a bit imposing. it is very big. it is really quite magnificent. almost too magnificent for a child. i was too afraid to go inside.
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>> it is an aquarium as well? >> i started to go there when i was nine. and just never left the place after that. it used to be c called the musem of the french economy. then was called the museum off african art. i/o to this museum the fact that i started to see different objects, different fabrics, crowds, masks. a lot of really weird objects. they werere coming from differet countries. >> you left home at an early age. he dropped out of school. he went to egypt. and indidia. didiyou alwaysys have e in yourd thatat you wanted to be a shoe designer? >> i realized i wanted to be a shoe designer only when i was 16. i started drawing when i was 10, 1111.
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almost like a hobby. shoes iways sketching had seen in that specific museum. wass only after that when i 16 that i was already considered a little boy crazy about designing shoes. when i was 16, someone gave me a -- d which was a goal gold-mapped. when i opened that book i saw a of f art andces shoes. thought, i had been drawing without knowing it was actually beautiful. ♪
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>> there were five hundred shoes shown here at the exposition. -- exhibition. tell us your favorite, a shoe that has been important to y yo. >> many shoes. it is complicated to stick to one. the first one has been important because the first one was making part of the design i called the logbirds. if one dies the other one is not staying alive. it d dies immedidiately after. the shoes are two shoes that you put together and when they are joined, the design appears itself. if youou separated it t is not t same design.n. the first one is called love. when he joined the feed you have written love. it is flatat shoes that i desigd in 1991. it is the only pairs of shoes that i was selling the entire year. ♪
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>> we see your nudes collection. shoes that match the skin color of different people. where did the idea come from? nudes isea about the coming from a conversation i had with someone during fashion week. 12 years ago. i was showing part of the collection to buyers. one of my collaborators was coming back and forth. meeting i wenthe to see karen i i said, that is very rude. what is happening? she said, i've got some things i hear that i don't like. she said, you are showing a shoe whicich is beige and you are saying flesh.
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i'm sorry, but this is not flesh. this is beige. name, and she's black. when you show a shoe and you say that it is flesh-colored, it is not flesh colored. say, i that, , had to apologizize. you are perfectly right. this she was a base se. be among a lot of otother colors, because nude is nonot one color. >> everyone from m jan say t to beyonce to are -- miley cyrus are wearing your shoes. because i amarily a big fan of the queen of england, but the queen of england is a symbol. to me it is actuaually a little bit of a challenge. to think of a function o of thee person.
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what she is going to do. so, i am thinking of thehe queen of england. >> what do you think about the latest trainer trend?? trainers have taken over fashion haven't they? >> i starteded trainers 12 years ago and i started to do men's shoes. a lota year we realized wereall sizes work on -- gone. we reaealized most o of the shos were bought by women. have a huguge selection of high heels. to size 45 because we always had men buying high heel shoes. >> do you think feminist movements affect shoe fashions for women? >> i still don't understand the relationship. >> feminist can wear and issues
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they want. >> exactly. shoes and i never oblige anyone to wear them. i felt that when people are asking me, the fact that high heels are against woman, i'm thinking that it means anyone still thininks that a woman n it free of deciding for herself, i don't think that. >> if paris was a shoe, what she would do? >> sadly, it would be a black shoe.. it would be a pump. i designed two shoes. it w wld be around two, actually. >> thank you. >> thank you. ♪
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- hey, i'm valererie june. comingp onon reel s south . - [chris] ththere's something wrong with this system. these people, they needed a p place to o stt. - [valie] a booming nashvie grapeses witthe e hun cost of velopmt. - where you gonna go? wherere you gonna run to? under the bridge, toto the mission? but this is the point. we homeleless. we ain't't got nowhere to o go. - [valerie] and d a ststalwart tenent communiy unravels on the brink of eviction. - i'm not taking a thing off this hill. you want it?! it's yours! destroy my world! - [protestors] no housing! no peace! - [valerie] foll a alongonl


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